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Austria |
9 March 2015, Vienna National SOER 2015 launch A one-day event for stakeholders (Austrian parliamentarians, NGO representatives). Presentation of SOER 2015 followed by a discussion on the challenges facing European and Austrian Environmental policy. Organised by The Austrian Federal Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management (BMLFUW), Environment Agency Austria. |
Belgium |
4 June 2015, Brussels SOER 2015 launch Stakeholder Dialogue of the CCIM (Coordinating Committee for International Environmental Policy) in collaboration with the Belgian Eionet. The event was organised by the Belgian NFP, its network (EIONET) and CCIM. Key speaker was EEA Executive Director, Hans Bruyninckx, and his presentation was accompanied by regional (from Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels Capital Region and federal level) presentations. These regional presentations were all given in the context of the SOER-report. Following the regional and European presentation was a panel discussion where members of the panel (stakeholders) gave their vision on the European environment reporting, in particular in Belgium, as well as their thoughts on which key actions need to be taken. |
Bulgaria |
11 – 12 June 2015, Sofia Official launch of SOER 2015 and National SOER 2013 SOER 2015 launch on the first day followed by a visit to the Bulgarian Environmental Executive Agency on the second day. The topics were focused on the interlinks and interdependence of ecological factors and environmental policies and society and human wellbeing. The priority theme identified of the first day event was air pollution and clean air, while the second day focused on presenting the National System for Environmental Monitoring, GHG Inventories, activities linked to Copernicus programme and bilateral TAIEX/Twinning support provided by the BG EEA. EEA Executive Director, Hans Bruyninckx presented the SOER 2015 – The European Environment State and Outlook 2015 and the Executive Director of the Executive Environment Agency, Vanya Grigorova, presented The National State of the Environment report- 2015. The event included several panels of presentations and discussions grouped by themes as follows:
Attendees included expert communities, parliamentary commissions, local authorities, NGOs, universities, public opinion leaders and media. Exhibition of photos ‘Environment and Me’ (from EEA competition) with messages from the "European environment - state and outlook 2015" (SOER 2015) of the EEA and the National report on the state of the environment in 2015 of the Executive Environment Agency was ongoing in the period 22 May - 14 June 2015 in the park in front of the National Theatre |
Croatia |
12 May 2015, Zagreb SOER 2015 press conference |
Cyprus |
23 March 2016, Cyprus National SOER 2015 launch |
Czech Republic |
9 - 10 June 2015, Prague National SOER 2015 launch 9 June Workshop for Members of the Senate and the Parliament: State and Outlook of the Environment in the Czech Republic and the EU. The event was organized under the auspices of the Committee on Public Administration, Regional Development and the Environment of the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic in co-operation with the Ministry of Environment. The opening speeches were held by the chair of the committee and by the Minister of the Environment. The seminar was divided into two blocks with press conference was held in between these. Block no. 1 focused on SOER 2015; speakers: Hans Bruyninckx (Executive Director EEA) – State of the Environment in the EU, Richard Brabec (Minister of the Environment) – State of the Environment in the Czech Republic, priority investment areas, Vladimir Mana (Deputy Minister, Minstry of Environment) – developments in environmental legislation in the Czech Republic. During the press conference the topics discussed included: The future of the Commission’s circular economy package; Water quality, the possibilities of the further use of sewage waters (besides disposal); Senator Milos Vystrcil talked about ecological policies and about agricultural land resources protection; Minister Richard Brabec talked about the main problems of the Czech environment, particularly about the air quality. Block no. 2 dealt with air quality in the CZ and in regions; speakers: Kurt Dedic (Director, Department of Air Protection, Ministry of Environment), Marek Brustik (representative of the Moravian- Silesian region), Monika Zeman (representative of the Ústí region) The debate focused among others on the following topics: Replacement of obsolete boilers; Erosion of agricultural land; The position of environmental issues in Europe (compared to economic, social topics); The impacts of air pollution of public health. 10 June Seminar at the European House in Prague. |
Denmark |
26 March 2015, Copenhagen SOER 2015 presentation Presentation of key messages from SOER 2015 to 3 committees of the Danish Parliament: Environment, Climate and EU affairs. |
Estonia |
5 May 2015, Narva SOER 2015 presentation Environmental Forum 'Pure Nature: image of Estonia or prerequisite for development' held at the University of Tartu, Narva College. Member of the EEA Senior Management Team, Jock Martin, spoke about the SOER 2015 and Green Economy. Andrus Meiner from the European Environment Agency presented the Estonian environment in the light of SOER2015. The event was opened by Estonian Minister of Environment, Marco Pomerants, Jalmar Mandel, Executive Director of Estonian Environment Agency (ESTEA) and Katri Raik, Director of Narva College of University of Tartu. Several presentations were made by experts followed by panel discussions. Attendees included researchers, policy makers and civil servants at national, European and international levels, NGOs, business persons and journalists. |
Finland |
25 June, Helsinki National SOER 2015 launch The State of the European Environment – How does Finland compare? Challenges and opportunities for Finland Seminar organized by the Ministry of the Environment, the Finnish Environment Institute, the Forum for Environmental Information and the Future Earth Finland. The lead author of the SOER 2015 -report and a member of the EEA Senior Management Team, Jock Martin, presented the European Environment State and Outlook 2015 -report and the Research Director of the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) Per Mickwitz reflected on the findings of the report from a Finnish perspective. The presentations were followed by a discussion with attendees, which included ministries, decision-makers, and civil society organisations. Programme/Invitation |
France |
17 March 2015, Paris SOER 2015 presentation SOER 2015 presentation by Sybille van den Hove at a seminar jointly organised by IDDRI (Sciences Po), the Chaire Developpement Durable of the Ecole Polytechnique and Columbia University Global Center Paris. 21 May 2015, Paris SOER 2015 event Lunch debate at the Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy (MEDDE) Attendees included Laurence Monnoyer-Smith, French Commissioner General for Sustainable Development, as well as civil officers and scientific experts of MEDDE. 17 September 2015, Paris SOER 2015 presentation Presentation at the SOER 2015 outreach conference in La Defense, Paris. |
Germany |
30 June 2015, Berlin National SOER 2015 launch National SOER 2015 launch with the presence of Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Dr Barbara Hendricks, and EU Commission representatives. Public event with presentations by Dr Barbara Hendricks, German Minister for the Environment, Dr Hans Bruyninckx, Executive Director of the EEA, Dr Werner Hoyer, President of the European Investment Bank + Round Table (Q&A with the audience) / 2 short-listed events: discussion between Dr Bruyninckx and NGOs, discussion between Dr Bruyninckx and representatives of German industries and enterprises. |
Greece |
30 January 2016, Athens National SOER 2015 launch |
Hungary |
1 June 2015, Budapest National SOER 2015 launch Press conference followed by a half-day presentation of SOER 2015 with the focus on best practices in the Hungarian implementation of European environmental policies. |
Iceland |
23 September 2015, Reykjavik National SOER 2015 launch
Ireland |
23 April 2015, Dublin SOER 2015 presentation University College Cork at the annual Law and Environment Conference 24 April 2015, Dublin SOER 2015 presentation Presentation to the NESC - the National Economic and Social Council 16 September 2015, Dublin SOER 2015 presentation Took place at the 'Environment Ireland' conference. |
Italy |
27 November 2015, Rome National SOER 2015 launch The event was opened by Minister of Environment, Gian Luca Galletti, and the Executive Director of the European Environment Agency (EEA), Hans Bruyninckx, who presented the main results of the report. In Italy the work was coordinated by ISPRA, in collaboration with the Ministry for the Environment. Following the presentation of the report there was a round table on the topic "From data to (Green) action." |
Latvia |
22 April 2015, Riga National SOER 2015 launch Organised by Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre. Taking place at the EC Representation in Riga.
Lithuania |
10 June 2015, Vilnius National SOER 2015 launch Presentation of SOER2015, organized by the Seimas Committee on the Environmental Protection in cooperation with the Ministry of Environment and the Environmental Protection Agency. Insights on the current state of the environment, its assessment, the importance of its governance and the future political perspectives shared by the EEA Executive Director. Moreover, the results of the environmental governance, challenges and measures in Lithuania were discussed by the representatives of the Ministry of Environment of Lithuania and other environmental and scientific institutions. Representatives of environmental policy making and its implementing institutions, environmental science and research institutions, NGOs, as well as representatives of the media were invited to attend the event. |
Malta |
6 October 2015, St. Julians National SOER 2015 launch |
Montenegro |
17 April 2015, Budva SOER 2015 presentation Presentation of the SOER 2015 at the 21st Ecology Fair at the Adriatic Fair in Budva. |
Norway |
5 November, Trondheim National SOER 2015 launch |
Poland |
2 June 2015, Warsaw National SOER 2015 launch The event was held at the Ministry of Environment & Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection. The SOER 2015 national launch was combined with a seminar on the successes and challenges in environmental policy, presenting European and country perspective with a focus on air quality, health and resource efficiency / circular economy issues. |
Portugal |
19 June 2015, Lisbon National SOER 2015 launch Presentation of the SOER 2015 followed by presentations by Portuguese Minister of Environment, Jorge Moreira da Silva; From assessment to action - the Portuguese Green Growth Commitment, and EEA Executive Director, Hans Bruyninckx; The Transition to Low Carbon Economy. |
Romania |
13-14 June 2015, Bucharest National SOER 2015 launch A two-day event hosted by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests. Included the National Conference for the SOER 2015 launch in Romania, press-conference, discussions with local authorities and a visit in the Danube Delta. |
Slovakia |
5 May 2015, Bratislava National SOER 2015 launch The national launch was organised by the Slovak Environment Agency. Presentations and discussions on a state of biodiversity and ecosystems based on the findings of SOER 2015 - activities and reflections from the Slovak perspective. Climate change policy, adaptation and mitigation measurements from European and national view. Management of contaminated sites as a way to lowering contamination of the environment, population health protection and natural resources protection. Discussions were followed by a press conference with the participation of EEA Executive Director, Hans Bruyninckx and representatives of the Ministry of Environment. Workshop “Global Megatrends”: Side Event to the European Environment – State and Outlook 2015 16 June 2015 Online SOER 2015 presentation A short presentation of the conclusions of SOER 2015 with the focus on a web solution during the 'Enviro i forum' conference. |
Slovenia |
5 June 2015, Ljubljana National SOER 2015 launch Organised by the Slovenian Ministry of Environment. Representatives from Ministries, Institutes, NGOs and media were invited. SOER 2015 presentation followed by a discussion on environmental indicators and green growth. The opening speech was held by Jože Knez, Director General – Slovenian Environment Agency and EEA MB representative for Slovenia. Presentations:
Roundtable: Two presentations on the concept of GE in EEA and activities in GE in Slovenia:
Spain |
26 June 2015, Madrid National SOER 2015 launch Presentation of SOER 2015 and the environmental profile of Spain 2014. Roundtable on Circular Economy and Natural Capital and Habitat Banking. 14 July 2015, Barcelona SOER 2015 presentation Presentation of the SOER 2015, followed by a presentation of the last State-of-the-Environment Report in Catalonia and a debate on the main challenges facing the EU concerning sustainable development. |
Sweden |
4 May 2015, Stockholm SOER 2015 Seminar for staff from Swedish Government and Environment Agency Meetings between the EEA Executive Director, the Department Director and Director General of the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and representatives of the Swedish Ministry of Environment and Energy. EEA presentation on SOER 2015 for the Swedish EPA staff and invited agencies (including the Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management). 5 May 2015, Örebro National Environmental Quality Objectives Days SOER 2015 presentation was part of the agenda of the annual meeting forum for national agencies and NGOs working with Sweden’s National Environmental Quality Objectives. |
Turkey |
7 May 2015, Ankara National SOER 2015 launch Attendees included policy makers, civil servants, NGOs and journalists. A speech was given by the Minister of Environment and Urbanisation, Mr. Idris Gulluce, and a presentation by EEA Executive Director, Hans Bruyninckx. |
United Kingdom |
10 March 2015, York 10.30 High-level meeting in York with senior Defra staff 13.30 Tenth UK National Reference Centre. Presentation on the SOER 2015 project and the Synthesis. Attendees from: Defra, Natural England, Environment Agency, Natural Resources Wales (NRW), Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (SEPA), Northern Ireland Environment Agency, Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC), the Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC), Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland, Ricardo-AEA and Chemicals Regulation Directorate (Health and Safety Executive). Jock Martin, Head of programme IEA - Integrated environmental assessments, European Environment Agency gave a presentation of the SOER 2015. Tony Dolan (Irish NFP) gave a short presentation on air quality issues in Ireland. Short presentations on the approach taken to state of the environment reporting in each of the four UK countries were given by NRC representatives from the countries (NRC SOE in the case of Eng and Sco and NRC water in the case of Wales and NI). The presentations aimed to show the diversity of approaches taken with a view to finding a better approach for meeting our obligations in 2020. 11 March 2015, York 10.00 SOER 2015 presentation at York University 12 March 2015, Lancaster Event at the Lancaster Environment Centre and the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Martin Fowell, Defra NFP team member, gave a presentation explaining the role of EEA-Eionet and its component parts as well as brief introduction to SOER. Christine Holleran (Defra) provided an overview of the biodiversity indicator set focusing on how the indicators contribute to assessment of progress against the Aichi Targets within the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020. Cathy Maguire (EEA - SOER lead author) provided an overview of the SOER 2015 with a focus on the key messages and the summary assessment in the Synthesis report and the options for response in terms of policy, innovation, investment and knowledge. 13 March 2015, Edinburgh SOER 2015 presentation to representatives of the Scottish Government 30 June 2015, Leicester UK launch event for Corine Land Cover, incl. SOER 2015 presentation 31 August 2015, Oxford Oxford Summer School in Ecological Economics 2015, held at Balliol College, Oxford. Subject: Policies and Innovation for a Green Economy |
The EEA's report SOER 2015 gives a comprehensive assessment of the European environment's state, trends and prospects, in a global context. The EEA's task is to provide timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information on Europe's environment.
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