
Share of energy consumption from renewable sources in Europe - 8th EAP

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Affordable and clean energy, Climate action
Policy-effectiveness indicator (Type D)
Supporting information
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"type": "strong", "children": [{"text": "Eurostat data"}]}, {"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The renewable energy share data used for 2005-2021 were taken directly from the Eurostat SHARES tool. The SHARES tool focuses on the harmonised calculation of the share of energy consumption from renewable sources among the 27 EU Member States. This is done in accordance with the RED guidelines and is based on national energy data reported to Eurostat. The Shares tool detailed results and manual are available online ("}, {"url": "https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/energy/database/additional-data", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/energy/database/additional-data", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/energy/database/additional-data"}]}, {"text": ")."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Electricity generation from hydropower and wind power must be normalised to smooth the effect of weather-related variations. In the case of hydropower, the normalisation is based on the ratio of electricity generation to the installed capacity averaged over 15 years; in the case of wind power, a similar normalisation formula is applied over 5 years. The Shares tool takes into account all biofuels consumed in transport between 2005 and 2010, and only biofuels certified as being in compliance with the RED sustainability criteria for the years starting from 2011."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "With regard to the calculation of the gross final energy consumption for Cyprus and Malta, the derogation in RED was used. This derogation allows these countries to consider the amount of energy consumed in aviation, as a proportion of their gross final energy consumption, to be no more than 4.12%."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The discussion on individual renewable energy sources was based on Eurostat energy balances, since the SHARES tool focus on sectors, rather than individual sources. The comparison is made based on their primary energy supply."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"type": "strong", "children": [{"text": "Proxy data"}]}, {"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "This indicator will be updated with early estimates (proxies) for the year 2022. More information can be found on the\u00a0"}, {"url": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/approximated-estimates-for-the-share-3", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"target": "_blank", "external_link": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/approximated-estimates-for-the-share-3"}}, "title": "Proxies"}, "children": [{"text": "EEA proxies web page"}]}, {"text": "."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"type": "b", "children": [{"text": "Targets"}]}, {"text": ""}, {"type": "b", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Official 2020 targets were set for the EU-27 plus the United Kingdom (before Brexit), and for individual Member States. The same 20\u00a0% target has been used for the EU-27. "}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The 2030 target used in this indicator was "}, {"url": "https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2023/03/30/council-and-parliament-reach-provisional-deal-on-renewable-energy-directive/", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://www.consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2023/03/30/council-and-parliament-reach-provisional-deal-on-renewable-energy-directive/", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "recently agreed"}]}, {"text": " by the Council of the EU and the European Parliament and consists on a share of renewable energy in the EU\u2019s gross final energy consumption of 42.5% by 2030 with an additional \u201caspirational\u201d 2.5% indicative top up that would allow to reach 45%."}]}]
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"url": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/external/share-of-energy-from-renewable/", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/external/share-of-energy-from-renewable/", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "Share of energy from renewable sources [NRG_IND_REN]"}]}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"url": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/external/share-of-energy-from-renewable", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/external/share-of-energy-from-renewable", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "Share of energy from renewable sources [NRG_IND_REN]"}]}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"url": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/external/national-overall-targets-for-the", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/external/national-overall-targets-for-the", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "National overall targets for the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy in 2020"}]}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"url": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/external/norway-and-iceland-target-for", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/external/norway-and-iceland-target-for", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "Norway and Iceland target for share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy, 2020"}]}]}]
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "This indicator measures the EU\u2019s progress towards achieving its 2020 and 2030 renewable energy targets. Gross final renewable energy consumption is the amount of renewable energy consumed for electricity, heating and cooling, and transport in the 27 EU Member States, and is expressed as a share of gross final energy consumption."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) defines gross final energy consumption as the energy commodities delivered for energy purposes to final consumers (industry, transport, households, services, agriculture, forestry and fisheries), including the consumption of electricity and heat by the energy branch for electricity and heat production, and including losses of electricity and heat in transmission and distribution."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Figure 1 shows consumption of energy from renewable sources (including only certified biofuels complying with the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) sustainability criteria) as a proportion of gross final energy consumption, the indicative 2020 target and the recently agreed 2030 target. It should be noted that the official 2020 targets refer to the EU-27 plus the United Kingdom and to individual Member States. The same target 20% target has been used for the EU-27 in this indicator."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Figure 2 shows the consumption of energy from renewable sources as a proportion of gross final energy consumption by country in 2020 and 2021. It illustrates the progress made by the EU, its Member States and other EEA member countries in the last year, and with respect to their binding renewable energy targets for 2020."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "For more information, please refer to the EEA's\u00a0annual T"}, {"url": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/climate/trends-and-projections-in-europe", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/climate/trends-and-projections-in-europe", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "rends and projections in Europe\u00a0"}]}, {"text": "and\u00a0"}, {"url": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/energy/renewable-energy", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/energy/renewable-energy", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "Renewable energy in Europe"}]}, {"text": "\u00a0reports."}]}]
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption (%);"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Share of energy from renewable sources (%)"}]}]
[{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The RED (2009/28/EC) and its recast directive (2018/2001/EU) establish an overall policy for the production of energy from renewable sources and the promotion of its use in the EU."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Achieving the targets depended on the further fine tuning of existing policy frameworks, improved market conditions for grid access to renewable sources and the full implementation of a guarantee-of-origin system to allow further development of the renewable consumer market. In addition, better and more integrated planning will be required to ensure not only a high efficiency of investment and an accelerated pace of development, but also that the market penetration of these renewable sources takes place in a manner that minimises the environmental impact within and outside the EU-27."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The share of renewable energy consumption in final energy consumption is a broad indicator of progress towards reducing the impact of energy consumption on the environment (i.e., through decreased greenhouse gas emissions and air pollutant emissions). However, significant impacts of increasing renewable energy consumption are felt on landscapes, habitats and ecosystems, namely from construction, the use of water, the use of fertilisers and pesticides for biomass and biofuel crops, and the extraction of heavy metals for photovoltaic cells; these impacts must also be considered."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Replacing fossil fuels with renewables results in lower carbon emissions. However, total carbon emissions are not necessarily determined by the share of renewable energy in final energy consumption, but by the total amount of energy consumed from fossil sources. Therefore, from an environmental point of view, attaining the renewable energy targets does not necessarily mean that CO"}, {"type": "sub", "children": [{"text": "2"}]}, {"text": "\u00a0emissions from energy consumption will fall (e.g., if the growth in energy consumption is supported by renewables but fossil fuel use remains stable, the renewable energy share will grow but carbon emissions will not decrease)."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "This indicator is a headline indicator for monitoring progress towards achieving the aims of the Eighth Environment Action Programme (8"}, {"type": "sup", "children": [{"text": "th"}]}, {"text": " EAP). It contributes mainly to monitoring progress towards sustainable energy aspects of Article 2.f of the 8"}, {"type": "sup", "children": [{"text": "th"}]}, {"text": " EAP which requires: \u2018promoting environmental aspects of sustainability and significantly reducing key environmental and climate pressures related to the Union\u2019s production and consumption, in particular in the areas of energy, industry, buildings and infrastructure, mobility, tourism, international trade and the food system\u2019 (EU, 2022). The European Commission Communication on the 8"}, {"type": "sup", "children": [{"text": "th"}]}, {"text": "\u00a0EAP monitoring framework specifies that this indicator should monitor the achievement by 2030 of the recently adopted EU target of 42.5 % renewable energy share in gross final energy consumption (EC, 2022)."}]}]
[{"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Methodology uncertainty"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Data for 2015-2021 were compiled by Eurostat using annual joint questionnaires, which are shared by Eurostat and the International Energy Agency, following a well-established and harmonised methodology. Methodological information on the annual joint questionnaires and data compilation can be found on "}, {"url": "http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Energy", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php/Energy", "target": "_self"}}, "title": ""}, "type": "a", "children": [{"text": "Eurostat's web page on metadata on energy statistics"}]}, {"text": "."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}, {"type": "strong", "children": [{"text": "Notes on uncertainties in the underlying statistics and methodology:"}]}, {"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Biomass and bio-waste, as defined by Eurostat, cover organic, non-fossil material of biological origin, which may be used for heat production or electricity generation. They comprise wood and wood waste, biogas, municipal solid waste (MSW) and biofuels. MSW comprises biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes produced by different sectors. Non-biodegradable municipal and solid wastes are not considered renewable, but current data availability does not allow the non-biodegradable content of wastes to be identified separately, except in industry."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The electricity produced from hydropower storage systems is not classified as a renewable source of energy in terms of electricity production, but is considered part of the gross electricity consumption of a country. Hydropower and wind power generation are calculated as actual generation and normalised generation. Normalised generation is calculated using the weighted average load factor over the last 15 years for hydropower and the last 5 years for wind power."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The indicator measures the consumption of energy from renewable sources relative to total energy consumption for a particular country. The share of renewable energy could increase even if actual energy consumption from renewable sources falls. Similarly, the share could fall despite an increase in energy consumption from renewable sources."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Electricity consumption within a national territory includes imports of electricity from neighbouring countries. It excludes electricity produced nationally but exported abroad. In some countries, the contribution of electricity trade to total electricity consumption and the changes observed from year to year need to be looked at carefully when analysing trends in electricity from RESs. Impacts on the (national) environment are also affected, since emissions are taken into account for the country in which the electricity is produced, whereas consumption is taken into account for the country in which the electricity is consumed."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Data sets uncertainty"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "No uncertainty has been specified."}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"type": "h4", "children": [{"text": "Rationale uncertainty"}]}, {"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "No uncertainty has been specified."}]}]
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"as": "section", "placeholder": "Aggregate level assessment e.g. progress at global, EU level..", "disableInnerButtons": true, "readOnlySettings": true, "instructions": {"data": "<p><strong>Assessment text remains at</strong> <strong>the relevant</strong> <strong>aggregate level</strong> <strong>(i.e.</strong> <strong>global, EU, sectoral)</strong> <strong>and addresses the following: </strong></p><ol keys=\"dkvn8,e367c,f4lpb,9j981,7ai6k,3g3pd\" depth=\"0\"><li>Explains in one or two sentences on the environmental rationale of the indicator, i.e. why it matters to the environment that we see an increase/decrease in the value measured.</li><li>Explains in one or two sentences the associated policy objective, which can be either quantitative or directional. More information on the policy objective and related references will be included in the supporting information section. Where there is no policy objective associated with the indicator, i.e. where the indicator addresses an issue that is important for future policy formulation, this text should explain instead why this issue is important.</li><li>IF NECESSARY \u2014 Explains any mismatch between what the indicator tracks and what the policy objective/issue is.</li><li>Qualifies the historical trend (e.g. steady increase) and explains the key reasons (e.g. policies) behind it. If there is a quantitative target it explains if we are on track to meet it.</li><li>IF NECESSARY \u2014 Explains any recent changes to the trend and why.</li><li>IF NECESSARY \u2014 Describes what needs to happen to see adequate progress in future, for instance in order to remain on track to meet targets.</li></ol><p><strong>Please cite your work if</strong> <strong>necessary</strong> <strong>using the EEA citation style (i.e.</strong> <strong>EEA, 2020). A full reference list appears in the supporting information section.</strong></p>", "content-type": "text/html", "encoding": "utf8"}, "fixed": true, "data": {"blocks": {"2e11c42e-56e3-41c6-ab87-f1514cd320a8": {"plaintext": "An increase in the use of renewable energy sources (RES) has diverse benefits for society such as mitigating climate change, reducing the emission of air pollutants and improving energy security. The EU met its goal of 20% of its gross final energy consumption coming from renewable sources by 2020. Looking forwards, a political agreement was recently reached to increase the binding 2030 target from the existing 32% to 42.5%. Each Member State will contribute to this common target.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "An increase in the use of renewable energy sources (RES) has diverse benefits for society such as mitigating climate change, reducing the emission of air pollutants and improving energy security. The EU "}, {"url": "https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20220119-1", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/-/ddn-20220119-1", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "met its goal of 20%"}]}, {"text": " of its gross final energy consumption coming from renewable sources by 2020. 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It was followed by wind (13%), hydropower (12%), liquid biofuels (8%) and biogas (6%). Heat pumps and solar photovoltaics each represented less than 6% of all renewables. However, they are the fastest growing sources, having increased by more than 13% between 2020 and 2021.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Among renewable energy sources, the largest by far is solid biomass, which is widely used in heating and industry, and represented 41% of all the renewable energy supply in Europe in 2021. It was followed by wind (13%), hydropower (12%), liquid biofuels (8%) and biogas (6%). Heat pumps and solar photovoltaics each represented less than 6% of all renewables. However, they are the fastest growing sources, having increased by more than 13% between 2020 and 2021."}]}]}, "4aca790f-b0aa-4af2-bd0d-196b7abe6b8d": {"plaintext": "Looking at the longer-term trends, the RES share more than doubled between 2005 and 2021. This was driven by dedicated policies and support schemes, as well as the increased economic competitiveness of renewable energy sources. The increase represents an average annual increase of 0.75 percentage points over the 16-year period.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Looking at the longer-term trends, the RES share more than doubled between 2005 and 2021. This was driven by dedicated policies and support schemes, as well as the increased economic competitiveness of renewable energy sources. The increase represents an average annual increase of 0.75 percentage points over the 16-year period. 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", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "In March 2023, the EU agreed on a renewable energy target of 42.5% RES share by 2030. Modelling from the "}, {"url": "https://www.iea.org/reports/is-the-european-union-on-track-to-meet-its-repowereu-goals", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://www.iea.org/reports/is-the-european-union-on-track-to-meet-its-repowereu-goals", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "IEA"}]}, {"text": " and "}, {"url": "https://ember-climate.org/insights/research/fit-for-the-future-not-fit-for-55/", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://ember-climate.org/insights/research/fit-for-the-future-not-fit-for-55/", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "Ember"}]}, {"text": " indicate that reaching the target might be feasible if fast and decisive action is taken. However, reaching the target will require a challenging annual increase of 2.4 percentage points every year until 2030, which is triple the historical rate. It is, therefore, unlikely that the EU will meet its target unless a deep transformation of the European energy system takes place within this decade, encompassing all sectors."}, {"type": "b", "children": [{"text": ""}]}, {"text": ""}]}]}, "217ed639-0c86-4ee7-826d-78ecbe11bd46": {"plaintext": "The greatest penetration of renewables occurred in the power sector, where they represented 37.6% of all electricity generated in the EU in 2021. This is followed by the heating and cooling sector with a RES share of 22.9%. The RES share in transport was 9.1%.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "The greatest penetration of renewables occurred in the power sector, where they represented 37.6% of all electricity generated in the EU in 2021. 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Consumption of renewables increased in absolute terms in 2021, driven by their expanded use in the heating sector, as well as increased electricity generation from solar and wind power. However, these gains were eclipsed by a rapid rebound of non-renewables after the COVID-19 pandemic. The share of renewables is expected to keep growing. However, meeting the recently agreed new target of 42.5% for 2030 will mean tripling the rate of deployment of renewables seen in the past decade, and requires a deep transformation of the European energy system.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "In 2021, 22% of the energy consumed in the EU was generated from renewable sources, roughly the same level as in 2020. Consumption of renewables increased in absolute terms in 2021, driven by their expanded use in the heating sector, as well as increased electricity generation from solar and wind power. However, these gains were eclipsed by a rapid rebound of non-renewables after the COVID-19 pandemic. The share of renewables is expected to keep growing. However, meeting the recently agreed new target of 42.5% for 2030 will mean tripling the rate of deployment of renewables seen in the past decade, and requires a deep transformation of the European energy system."}]}]}}, "blocks_layout": {"items": ["20128f6c-9d22-4af6-baaf-a8ff434f7a4a"]}}, "@type": "group", "allowedBlocks": ["slate"]}}, "blocks_layout": {"items": ["ddde07aa-4e48-4475-94bd-e1a517d26eab", "ca212ba0-859e-4e67-b610-debe0d498b74", "9f452ca7-172a-42e0-a699-8df0714c89f8", "12d8c532-f7ad-43fe-ada7-330b2d7a7a39"]}}, "@type": "group", "block": "63f8fd3c-a95d-438b-a986-70e8b4b0fe9b", "allowedBlocks": []}, "613196af-a88d-4ad1-b0b8-4de3e00c87ae": {"ignoreSpaces": true, "@layout": "d060487d-88fc-4f7b-8ea4-003f14e0fb0c", "title": "Disaggregate level assessment", "maxChars": "1000", "required": true, "disableNewBlocks": false, "readOnly": false, "as": "section", "placeholder": "Disaggregate level assessment e.g. country, sectoral, regional level assessment", "disableInnerButtons": true, "readOnlySettings": true, "instructions": {"data": "<ol keys=\"9bbul,b1sa2,171og,1c1t5\" depth=\"0\"><li>Depending on the indicator context, this text can provide information at country level or, if this is not relevant, at some other level, e.g. sectoral, regional level.</li><li>This text interprets the data represented in the chart, rather than describing results, i.e. it provides explanations for some of the results.</li><li>The text related to progress at this level does not have to be comprehensive.</li><li>If there is no information that adds value to what is already visible there is no need to have any text.</li></ol>", "content-type": "text/html", "encoding": "utf8"}, "fixed": true, "data": {"blocks": {"d3d49723-14e5-4663-b346-37ee3572f28d": {"plaintext": "", "required": true, "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": ""}]}], "readOnlySettings": true, "fixed": true, "@type": "slate", "instructions": {"data": "<p><br/></p>", "content-type": "text/html", "encoding": "utf8"}}, "79bd2da0-d66e-41a3-9ad6-05859850d0f5": {"plaintext": "Figure 2 shows that Sweden, Finland and Latvia were the Member States with the highest RES share in 2021. The three countries have a strong hydropower industry and wide use of solid biofuels. Luxembourg and Malta reported the lowest penetration of renewables, representing less than 12% of their total energy consumption.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Figure 2 shows that Sweden, Finland and Latvia were the Member States with the highest RES share in 2021. The three countries have a strong hydropower industry and wide use of solid biofuels. Luxembourg and Malta reported the lowest penetration of renewables, representing less than 12% of their total energy consumption."}]}]}, "33a99993-7247-4d40-93a8-98df89a27131": {"plaintext": "Over the long term, Denmark, Estonia and Sweden have experienced the highest growth in RES shares, at more than 18 percentage points since 2005. Romania and Slovenia, on the contrary, have seen an increase of less than 6 percentage points between 2005 and 2021.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Over the long term, Denmark, Estonia and Sweden have experienced the highest growth in RES shares, at more than 18 percentage points since 2005. 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"renewable_energy_share_2020": 31.68, "label": 6}, {"country": "Portugal", "2020_target": 31, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 33.98, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 33.98, "label": 7}, {"country": "Croatia", "2020_target": 20, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 31.33, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 31.02, "label": 8}, {"country": "Lithuania", "2020_target": 23, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 28.23, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 26.77, "label": 9}, {"country": "Slovenia", "2020_target": 25, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 25, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 25, "label": 10}, {"country": "Romania", "2020_target": 24, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 23.6, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 24.48, "label": 11}, {"country": "Greece", "2020_target": 18, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 21.93, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 21.75, "label": 12}, {"country": "Spain", "2020_target": 20, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 20.73, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 21.22, "label": 13}, {"country": "France", "2020_target": 23, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 19.34, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 19.11, "label": 14}, {"country": "Germany", "2020_target": 18, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 19.17, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 19.09, "label": 15}, {"country": "Italy", "2020_target": 17, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 19.03, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 20.36, "label": 16}, {"country": "Cyprus", "2020_target": 13, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 18.42, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 16.88, "label": 17}, {"country": "Czechia", "2020_target": 13, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 17.67, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 17.3, "label": 18}, {"country": "Slovakia", "2020_target": 14, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 17.41, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 17.34, "label": 19}, {"country": "Bulgaria", "2020_target": 16, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 17.02, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 23.32, "label": 20}, {"country": "Poland", "2020_target": 15, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 15.62, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 16.1, "label": 21}, {"country": "Hungary", "2020_target": 13, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 14.11, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 13.85, "label": 22}, {"country": "Belgium", "2020_target": 13, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 13.01, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 13, "label": 23}, {"country": "Netherlands", "2020_target": 14, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 13, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 14, "label": 24}, {"country": "Ireland", "2020_target": 16, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 12.55, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 16.16, "label": 25}, {"country": "Malta", "2020_target": 10, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 12.15, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 10.71, "label": 26}, {"country": "Luxembourg", "2020_target": 11, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 11.74, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 11.7, "label": 27}, {"country": "", "label": 28}, {"country": "EU-27", "2020_target": 20, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 21.81, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 22.04, "label": 29}, {"country": "", "label": 30}, {"country": "Iceland", "2020_target": 64, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 85.78, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 83.72, "label": 31}, {"country": "Norway", "2020_target": 68, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": 74.09, "renewable_energy_share_2020": 77.36, "label": 32}], "@id": "https://www.eea.europa.eu/api/SITE/data-and-maps/daviz/countries-breakdown-actual-res-progress-13/@table", "properties": {"country": {"valueType": "text", "columnType": "text", "order": 0, "label": "Country"}, "2020_target": {"valueType": "number", "columnType": "number", "order": 3, "label": "2020 Target"}, "renewable_energy_share_2021_proxy": {"valueType": "number", "columnType": "number", "order": 2, "label": "Renewable energy share 2021 (proxy)"}, "renewable_energy_share_2020": {"valueType": "number", "columnType": "number", "order": 1, "label": "Renewable 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Estonia and Denmark topped the list, having increased their RES share by more than 3 percentage points in 2021. In contrast, the RES shares of Bulgaria and Ireland decreased by more than 3 percentage points compared to 2020. It should be noted, however, that the changes for these four countries is largely due to methodological and accounting procedures (e.g. statistical transfer of renewable energy between countries), rather than actual changes in the consumption of renewables.", "@type": "slate", "value": [{"type": "p", "children": [{"text": "Fifteen of the 27 EU Member States saw an increase in their renewable energy shares between 2020 and 2021. Estonia and Denmark topped the list, having increased their RES share by more than 3 percentage points in 2021. In contrast, the RES shares of Bulgaria and Ireland decreased by more than 3 percentage points compared to 2020. It should be noted, however, that the changes for these four countries is largely due to methodological and accounting procedures (e.g. "}, {"url": "https://energy.ec.europa.eu/topics/renewable-energy/renewable-energy-directive-targets-and-rules/cooperation-mechanisms_en", "type": "a", "data": {"link": {"external": {"external_link": "https://energy.ec.europa.eu/topics/renewable-energy/renewable-energy-directive-targets-and-rules/cooperation-mechanisms_en", "target": "_self"}}}, "children": [{"text": "statistical transfer"}]}, {"text": " of renewable energy between countries), rather than actual changes in the consumption of renewables."}]}]}}, "blocks_layout": {"items": ["02ba4a04-fcfe-4968-806f-1dac3119cfef", "79bd2da0-d66e-41a3-9ad6-05859850d0f5", "33a99993-7247-4d40-93a8-98df89a27131", "ab46885d-443d-410a-9e58-cdda8c700242"]}}, "@type": "group", "block": "f3c3d418-f355-4cb7-bc43-bf474117673f", "allowedBlocks": ["slate"]}}
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