
Data File

Final Carbon classification list EUNIS terrestrial

Data File
1 min read
This file is drafted in the context of the Framework service contract EEA/NSS/17/002/Lot 1 - services EEA10 -Task III: Provide a list of measures applicable for carbon storage in the context of biodiversity restoration' This file contains a list of EUNIS habitat types which are classified based on their total carbon stock and carbon sequestration rate as derived from a quick scan of literature. This list is included as annex 1 in the report that documents the project. Further information on EUNIS habitattypes: Schaminee et al. 2018. Updated crosswalk of the revised EUNIS Habitat Classification with the European vegetation classification and indicator species for the EUNIS grassland, shrubland and forest types. Schaminee et al. 2019. Updated crosswalks of the revised EUNIS Habitat Classification with the European Vegetation Classification and the European Red List Habitats for EUNIS coastal habitats and mires
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