
Data table via SPARQL

Contextual Data Inventory (CDI) table of the Integrated Data Platform

Data table via SPARQL Published 13 Jul 2017 Last modified 25 Aug 2023
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sdiUuid shortName title topics webmapViewer webmapService staticMapViewer interactiveDataViewer abstract dataUrl dataLatestVersion isCoreFlag indicatorCodes indicatorTitle indicatorUrl indicatorFlag legislativeInstrument legislativeInstrumentUrl legislativeInstrumentFlag rod rodUrl rodFlag managementPlan thumbnailUrl crs publicationDate contactPerson inspireThemes gemetConcepts format distributionFormat fileSystemPath spatialResolution temporalCoverage lineage sdiUrl tbegin tend timeSeriesAvailability placesCovered sdiUseLimitation referenceFlag contactOrganisation isRestricted associatedResources sdiWlon sdiElon sdiSlat sdiNlat sdiCentroidLon sdiCentroidLat geoJsonPoly geoJsonPoint idpTopics restApi sdiDatasetId dataProductID status
"f12aad33-8ef0-4b05-8fc1-04ec34690714" "EIONET_Ground_Water_Body|EIONET_River_Basin_Districts|EIONET_Surface_Water_Body|EIONET_monitoring_sites|EIONET_sub_units" "WISE EIONET Spatial Datasets - PUBLIC VERSION - version 1.2, Sep. 2018" "" "" <> "" "" "The dataset contains information on European groundwater bodies, monitoring sites, river basin districts, river basin districts sub-units and surface bodies reported to the European Environment Agency between 2001-11-29 and 2018-08-15. \n\nThe information was reported to the European Environment Agency under the State of Environment reporting obligations.\nFor the EU28 countries and Norway, the EIONET spatial data was consolidated with the spatial data reported under the Water Framework Directive reporting obligations. For these countries, the reference spatial data set is the \"WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive\".\n\nRelevant concepts: \n\nGroundwater body: 'Body of groundwater' means a distinct volume of groundwater within an aquifer or aquifers. \nGroundwater: All water which is below the surface of the ground in the saturation zone and in direct contact with the ground or subsoil.\nAquifer: Subsurface layer or layers of rock or other geological strata of sufficient porosity and permeability to allow either a significant flow of groundwater or the abstraction of significant quantities of groundwater.\nSurface water body: Body of surface water means a discrete and significant element of surface water such as a lake, a reservoir, a stream, river or canal, part of a stream, river or canal, a transitional water or a stretch of coastal water.\nSurface water: Inland waters, except groundwater; transitional waters and coastal waters, except in respect of chemical status for which it shall also include territorial waters.\nInland water: All standing or flowing water on the surface of the land, and all groundwater on the landward side of the baseline from which the breadth of territorial waters is measured.\nRiver: Body of inland water flowing for the most part on the surface of the land but which may flow underground for part of its course.\nLake: Body of standing inland surface water.\nRiver basin district: The area of land and sea, made up of one or more neighbouring river basins together with their associated groundwaters and coastal waters, which is the main unit for management of river basins.\nRiver basin: The area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a sequence of streams, rivers and, possibly, lakes into the sea at a single river mouth, estuary or delta.\nSub-basin: The area of land from which all surface run-off flows through a series of streams, rivers and, possibly, lakes to a particular point in a water course (normally a lake or a river confluence).\nSub-unit [Operational definition. Not in the WFD]: Reporting unit. River basin districts larger than 50000 square kilometre should be divided into comparable sub-units with an area between 5000 and 50000 square kilometre. The sub-units should be created using river basins (if more than one river basin exists in the RBD), set of contiguous river basins, or sub-basins, for example. If the RBD area is less than 50000 square kilometre, the RBD itself should be used as a sub-unit." "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "EPSG:4326" "2019-06-04" "" "Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units|Environmental monitoring facilities|River Basin|Surface Water" "aquifer|groundwater|monitoring station|surface water|water (geographic)|water body|water resources management" "vector" "SHP|Spatialite" "" "1:250000" "" "1) Data model\n\nThe data set follows the WISE spatial data model described in the WISE GIS guidance, available at\n\nThe formal specification is available at\nThe shapefile templates are available at\n\nRefer to the WISE GIS guidance for the mapping between the GML elements in the XML schema and the corresponding fields in Shapefile format.\n\nSome additional fields are present in the shapefiles: cYear, country, lat, lon, statusCode, statusDate, remarks and qcCheck.\n\ncYear: Integer field containing the value 2013 for the objects that have never been reported in WISE-5\ncountry:Two-letter ISO code of the country (ISO 3166 alpha-2), except for Greece and the United Kingdom, for which the abbreviations EL and UK are used.\nlat: Latitude, in decimal degrees, of an arbitrary point located within the geometry of the object (if available)\nlon: Longitude, in decimal degrees, of an arbitrary point located within the geometry of the object (if available)\nstatusCode: Status code of the thematic identifier in the WISE register (refer to Status for further information).\nstatusDate: Date of reference for the status code (typically the date when the data was extracted for publication).\nremarks:Additional information about the status code of the superseding object, if any.\nqcCheck:Additional information about checks performed in the data.\n\n2) Data sources\n\nInformation reported until 2013 was compiled by the European Topic Centre on Inland, Coastal and Marine waters. The legacy records can be selected using the criteria cYear = 2013.\n\nAdditional information was reported under the \"WISE - Spatial Data (WISE-5)\" data flow. See for further information on the reporting.\n\nFor the EU28 countries and Norway, the EIONET data was consolidated with the full national datasets reported under the \"Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Spatial data\" (hereafter WFD2016). See for further information on the reporting. \n\n3) Data processing\n\nThe EIONET data were updated using data reported in WFD2016, whenever the spatial objects could be matched. \n\nFor EIONET objects, some information may be missing, if the objects have not been reported since 2013. Objects that no longer exist or were replaced have wiseEvolutionType = 'deletion'.\n\n4) Data quality\n\nTHIS DATASET DOES NOT FULLY COMPLY WITH THE WISE SPATIAL DATA MODEL SPECIFICATION.\n\nThe reason for non-compliance is that not all the information required by the WISE spatial data model is available for the legacy data reported before 2013.\n\nThe geometry of the objects was obtained from the spatial data files, where available. A conventional geometry was included for the objects for which only the location of the representative point was available.\n\nTraceability from a spatial object in the dataset to a specific data element and data file in a Central Data Repository delivery is not possible.\n\nNo geometric or topological error correction was performed.\nBasic automated editing of string values (upper-casing, trimming, removal of invalid characters or values) was performed.\n\nThe compliance of the identifiers of the spatial objects with the requirements of the WISE-5 model was verified.\nThematic identifiers must start with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, except for Greece ('EL') and the United Kingdom ('UK').\nThematic identifiers must comply with the following Regex pattern: ^[A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z]{1}([0-9A-Z_-]{0,38}[0-9A-Z]{1}){0,1}$\nA valid identifier was proposed for each invalid identifier. The changes can be traced via the WISE registers.\n\n5) WISE registers\n\nFor river basin districts and sub-units, the register of WISE thematic identifiers is kept in\n\nFor surface water bodies and groundwater bodies, the register of WISE thematic identifiers is kept in\n\nFor monitoring sites, the register of WISE thematic identifiers is kept in" "" "2001"^^<> "2018"^^<> "TRUE" "EEA39" "EEA standard re-use policy: unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the EEA website for commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided that the source is acknowledged ( Copyright holder: European Environment Agency (EEA)." "FALSE" "European Environment Agency" "FALSE" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Water" <> "eea_v_4326_250_k_wise-eionet_p_2001-2018_v01_r02" "" "superseded"
"e9457773-8200-4a6e-a08c-e21ad6618537" "WFD_2010" "WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive 2010 - PUBLIC VERSION - version 1.2, Sep. 2018" "" "" <> "" "" "The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 1st River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the abovementioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. \n\nThe information was reported to the European Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) reporting obligations.\n\nThe dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 1st RBMPs which were due in 2010 (hereafter WFD2010). See for further information on the WFD2010 reporting.\n\nIt was prepared to support the reporting of the 2nd RBMPs due in 2016 (hereafter WFD2016). \nSee for further information on the WFD2016 reporting.\n\nThe data reported in WFD2010 were updated using data reported in WFD2016, whenever the spatial objects are identical in 2010 and 2016. For WFD2010 objects, some information may be missing, if the objects no longer exist in the 2nd River Basin Management Plans, and were not reported in WFD2016.\n\nFor the relevant concepts please consult the metadata of the relevant child datasets." "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "EPSG:4326" "2019-06-04" "" "Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units|Environmental monitoring facilities|River Basin|Surface Water|WFD Coastal Water|WFD Ground Water Body|WFD Lake|WFD River|WFD Surface Water Body|WFD Transitional Water" "aquifer|groundwater|monitoring station|river basin|river basin management|surface water|water (geographic)|water body|water resources management" "vector" "SHP|Spatialite" "" "1:250000" "" "1) Data model\n\nThe data set follows the WISE spatial data model described in the WISE GIS guidance, available at\n\nThe formal specification is available at\nThe shapefile templates are available at\n\nRefer to the WISE GIS guidance for the mapping between the GML elements in the XML schema and the corresponding fields in Shapefile format.\n\nRefer to the Technical Report which accompanies the data set for information on the additional fields present in the shapefiles: cYear, country, lat, lon, statusCode, statusDate, remarks and qcCheck.\n\n2) Data sources\n\nInformation on river basin districts and sub-units was submitted under the \"Water Framework Directive - River Basin Districts and Competent Authorities\" [Article 3] reporting obligation ( Data originally delivered in 2004 and 2005 was moved to the Central Data Repository (, which contains information from the EU-28 Member States plus Norway, reported between 2007-03-11 and 2012-06-22 (including resubmissions and updates).\n\nInformation on surface water bodies (rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal water bodies - including artificial and heavily modified water bodies), groundwater bodies and protected areas was reported under the \"Water Framework Directive - Characterisation of River Basin Districts\" [Article 5] reporting obligation ( Data originally delivery in 2004 and 2005 was moved to the Central Data Repository (, which contains information from the EU-28 Member States (except Croatia, Greece, Malta and Romania), plus Norway, reported between 2005-01-26 and 2011-09-26 (including resubmissions and updates).\n\nInformation on monitoring sites was reported under the \"Water Framework Directive - Monitoring Programmes\" [Article 8] reporting obligation ( The Central Data Repository ( contains information from the EU-28 Member States (except Croatia and Malta) reported between 2007-03-16 and 2012-03-21 (including resubmissions and updates).\n\nFor some countries or river basin districts, updates to the spatial data were submitted under \"Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2010 Reporting\" [Article 13] reporting obligation ( The reporting of the 1st River Basin Management Plans was first due in 2010-03-23. The Central Data Repository ( contains information from the EU-28 Member States plus Norway, reported between 2009-09-14 and 2016-03-17 (including resubmissions and updates).\n\nThe data sources above will hereafter be referred to as WFD2010.\n\nFor the 2nd River Basin Management Plans, spatial data was reported under the \"Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Spatial data\" (hereafter WFD2016). See for further information on the reporting.\n\nRefer to the Technical Report which accompanies the data set the full list of CDR data sets.\n\n3) Data processing\n\nThe data reported in WFD2010 were updated using data reported in WFD2016, whenever the spatial objects are identical in 2010 and 2016. \nIdentical objects have wiseEvolutionType in ('noChange','changeCode','change').\n\nFor WFD2010 objects, some information may be missing, if the objects no longer exist in the 2nd River Basin Management Plans, and were not reported in WFD2016. Objects that no longer exist in 2016 have wiseEvolutionType = 'deletion'.\n\nRefer to the Technical Report which accompanies the data set for further information.\n\n4) Data quality\n\nTHIS DATASET DOES NOT FULLY COMPLY WITH THE WISE SPATIAL DATA MODEL SPECIFICATION.\n\nThe reason for non-compliance is that not all the information required by the WISE spatial data model was requested in the WFD2010 reporting. Where available, the missing information was compiled from the WFD2010 non-spatial reporting or from the WFD2016 reporting. \n\nAll objects reported in the WFD2010 non-spatial data files are included in the current dataset. The geometry of the objects was obtained from the spatial data files, where available. A conventional geometry was included for the objects for which only the location of the representative point was available.\n\nNote that:\n\n- The WFD2010 reporting requested only the location of a representative point (for example, a centroid) for some objects, e.g. for water bodies. For example, the WFD2010 spatial data files include the geometry of large water bodies, but normally do not include smaller water bodies.\n\n- The WFD2010 spatial data files sometimes include the geometry of objects that were not later reported as water bodies (i.e. as units of management for the 1st RBMP). Spatial objects without equivalence in the non-spatial reporting were excluded from the current dataset.\n\n- The WFD2010 spatial data files were reported as shapefiles and were not subject to automated quality control upon delivery, automated harvest, or version-control management. Partial updates (per dataset and per river basin district) where submitted until 2016-03-17.\n\nTraceability from a spatial object in the dataset to a specific data element and data file in a Central Data Repository delivery is not possible. Specific issues or inconsistencies were clarified with the support of the WFD2016 national reporting contacts. \n\nNo geometric or topological error correction was performed.\nBasic automated editing of string values (upper-casing, trimming, removal of invalid characters or values) was performed.\n\nThe compliance of the identifiers of the spatial objects with the requirements of the WFD2016 was verified.\nThematic identifiers must start with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, except for Greece ('EL') and the United Kingdom ('UK').\nThematic identifiers must comply with the following Regex pattern: ^[A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z]{1}([0-9A-Z_-]{0,38}[0-9A-Z]{1}){0,1}$\nA valid identifier was proposed for each invalid identifier. The changes can be traced via the WISE registers." "" "2010"^^<> "2018"^^<> "TRUE" "Austria|Belgium|Bulgaria|Croatia|Cyprus|Czechia|Denmark|Estonia|Finland|France|Germany|Greece|Hungary|Ireland|Italy|Latvia|Luxembourg|Malta|Netherlands|Norway|Poland|Portugal|Romania|Slovakia|Slovenia|Spain|Sweden" "For further information and specification regarding the use limitations and constraints please consult the file WISE_WFD_ReferenceSpatialDataSets_2018-09-15.pdf which is provided together with the data." "FALSE" "European Environment Agency" "FALSE" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Water" <> "eea_v_4326_250_k_wise-wfd2010_p_2010-2018_v01_r02" "" "superseded"
"03a69768-78ef-4d6b-afac-a5e323365101" "CDDA" "Nationally designated areas (CDDA) polygons for public access - version 16, Nov. 2018" "" "" <> "" "" "The European inventory of Nationally designated areas (CDDA) holds information about designated areas and their designation types, which directly or indirectly create protected areas. The inventory is delivered by the Eionet partnership countries as spatial and tabular information.\n\nThe inventory began in 1995 under the CORINE programme of the European Commission. The CDDA is now an agreed annual Eionet core data flow maintained by the European Environment Agency (EEA) with support from the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (ETC/BD). The dataset is used by the EEA and e.g. the UNEP-WCMC for their main European and global assessments, products and services.\n\nThe CDDA is the official source of protected area information from the 39 European countries to the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA).\n\nThe CDDA data can be queried online in the European Nature Information System (EUNIS).\n\nGeographical coverage of GIS vector boundary data: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.\n\nEEA does not have permission to distribute some or all sites reported by Estonia, Finland, Ireland and Turkey.\n\nTwo versions of the dataset are provided. The \"CDDA_2018_v01_public_EuropeEPSG3035\" version includes only continental Europe, i.e. excludes the overseas entities. The full dataset (\"CDDA_2018_v01_public\") includes the entire geographical coverage including nationally designated areas in overseas entities. Both versions are provided in GDB and GPKG formats." "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "EPSG:3035" "2019-06-14" "" "Protected sites" "natural area|natural areas protection|protected area" "vector" "Geopackage|PGeo" "" "1:100000" "" "Production process is explained in the document CDDA_v16_2018.pdf available together with the data set." "" "2017"^^<> "2018"^^<> "TRUE" "Albania|Bosnia and Herzegovina|EFTA4|EU28|Kosovo|Montenegro|North Macedonia|Serbia" "EEA standard re-use policy: unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the EEA website for commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided that the source is acknowledged ( Copyright holder: European Environment Agency (EEA)." "FALSE" "European Environment Agency" "FALSE" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Biodiversity" <> "eea_v_3035_100_k_cdda-poly_p_2017-2018_v16_r00" "" "superseded"
"c6d98fda-796e-40c0-b953-d716a8db1df5" "CDDA" "CDDA polygons for public access - version 15, Sept. 2017" "" "" <> "" "" "The Common Database on Designated Areas (CDDA) is more commonly known as Nationally designated areas. It is the official source of protected area information from European countries to the World Database of Protected Areas (WDPA).\n\nThe inventory began in 1995 under the CORINE programme of the European Commission. It is now one of the agreed Eionet priority data flows maintained by EEA with support from the European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity.\n\nThe CDDA data can be queried online in the European Nature Information System (EUNIS).\n\nGeographical coverage of GIS vector boundary data: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo under UNSC Resolution 1244/99, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.\n\nEEA does not have permission to distribute some or all sites reported by Estonia, Ireland, Romania and Turkey.\n\nWhen re-using the data, copyright is to be mentioned specifically for Estonia and for Finland: \"Estonian Environmental Register 01.01.2017; \"\u00a9Finnish Environment Institute, 2017\"." "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "EPSG:3035" "2019-06-04" "" "Protected sites" "natural area|natural areas protection|protected area" "vector" "SHP|SQLite" "" "1:100000" "" "Production process is explained in the document CDDA_version_15.pdf available together with the data set." "" "2016"^^<> "2017"^^<> "TRUE" "Albania|Bosnia and Herzegovina|EFTA4|EU28|Kosovo|Montenegro|North Macedonia|Serbia" "Unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the EEA website for commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided that the source is acknowledged. The EEA re-use policy follows Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the re-use of public sector information throughout the European Union and Commission Decision 2006/291/EC, Euratom on the re-use of Commission information. The EEA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the re-use of content accessible on its website. Any inquiries about re-use of content on the EEA website should be addressed to Ove Caspersen, EEA, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K, Tel +45 33 36 71 00, Fax +45 33 36 71 99, e-mail copyrights at\n\nWhen re-using the data, copyright is to be mentioned specifically for Estonia and for Finland: \"Estonian Environmental Register 01.01.2017; \"\u00a9Finnish Environment Institute, 2017\"." "FALSE" "European Environment Agency" "FALSE" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Biodiversity" <> "eea_v_3035_100_k_cdda-poly-public_2017_rev15-0" "" "superseded"
"c6faa0c9-c6e2-4a01-8676-c516dcb8f209" "Marine_subregions" "MSFD (Article 4) marine subregions - version 1, February 2017" "" "" <> "" "" "In the Marine Strategy Framework Directive - MSFD (Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy), four marine regions are listed (art. 4): Baltic Sea, North-east Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea, among which the following two are further divided into four subregions each:\n\nNorth-east Atlantic Ocean:\no\tThe Greater North Sea, including the Kattegat and the English Channel\no\tThe Celtic Seas\no\tThe Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast\no\tMacaronesia\n\nMediterranean Sea:\no\tThe Western Mediterranean Sea\no\tThe Adriatic Sea\no\tThe Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean Sea\no\tThe Aegean-Levantine Sea\n\nThe present layer provides the spatial extent of these subregions, as agreed by the MSFD Committee in November 2016." <> "" "FALSE" "" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "" "2019-06-04" "" "Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units|Sea regions" "marine environment|sea" "vector" "SHP" "" "1:100000" "" "The delineation of the marine regions and subregions under the MSFD has been developed since 2010 based on multiple inputs from Member State representatives participating in groups defined under the MSFD Common Implementation Strategy, reporting under the MSFD Initial Assessment, ICES advice and Marine Regions. The process has especially been developed under the MSFD CIS Working Group on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange (WGDIKE) through documents DIKE 3/2011/06 from 5-6th September 2011, DIKE 4/2011/05 from 7-8th November 2011, DIKE 5/2012/08 from 12-13th March 2012, DIKE TG1/2012/04 from 4th July 2012 and, lastly, DIKE 6/2012/11 from 30-31th October 2012. Since then, it has been developed through cooperation between DG ENV, EEA and the ETC-ICM (via ICES as an ETC-ICM partner) and a consultation with Member States in 2015. A map with the layers of marine regions and subregions has also been through a Commission inter-service consultation with all DG\u2019s led by DG ENV, and adopted by EU Member States in the MSFD Committee in November 2016. The boundaries between the marine regions and subregions have, to the extent possible, been harmonised with existing boundaries established under the Regional Sea Conventions, the biogeographic boundaries established under the Habitats Directive and the boundaries of marine waters reported by EU Member States under the MSFD. The ICES ecoregions are being aligned with the MSFD region and subregion boundaries.\nThe inner boundary of all regions and subregions has used the \u201cEEA coastline for analysis\u201d available at (; this is a practical solution because the MSFD inner boundary formally follows that defined for coastal waters under the Water Framework Directive, for which a consistent boundary is not yet available.\n\nThe layer should be used on the following basis:\na. It is intended for the sole purpose of supporting the implementation of the MSFD by Member States, stakeholders and the European Commission and its agencies.\nb. It provides the boundaries of the marine subregions, as listed in MSFD Article 4. In accordance with MSFD Article 4(1), Member States shall, when implementing the MSFD, take due account of the fact that their marine waters form an integral part of these marine subregions. The marine subregions layer is meant to depict the marine subregions that Member States shall take due account of, including in relation to transboundary effects on the quality of the marine environment of third States in the same marine subregion, in accordance with MSFD Article 2(1).\nc. It is not intended to provide boundaries of the marine waters of Member States as defined under MSFD Article 3(1). This means that the layer does not represent the geographic scope of application of the MSFD as the MSFD only applies to Member States' marine waters, which are understood to lie within the marine regions and subregions. Further, in those areas of Member States' marine waters, the layer makes no distinction between the jurisdiction over both the water column and the seabed or only the seabed.\nd. As such the layer should not be understood as representing international marine borders. To this end, the following disclaimer will accompany the layer: \"This layer serves as a working tool only and shall not be considered as an official or legally-binding layer representing marine borders in accordance with international law. This layer shall be used without prejudice to the agreements that will be concluded between Member States or between Member States and non-EU states in respect of their marine borders.\".\ne. As they are not intended to provide boundaries of Member States' marine waters, the landward boundaries used do not constitute the formal boundary of these marine waters, but instead uses a harmonised coastline boundary for cartographic consistency.\nf. In the North East Atlantic Ocean region, the outer boundary of the Celtic Seas, Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast and Macaronesia subregions is intended to fully encompass the marine waters of the relevant Member States. This includes the Continental Shelf areas where these extend beyond Exclusive Economic Zones. For the North East Atlantic Ocean region, the boundaries shown in the present layer include those Continental Shelf areas which have so far been reported by the Member States concerned. As and when Member States report modifications to the boundaries of their marine waters, such as further Continental Shelf areas following conclusions under UNCLOS processes, this MSFD layer should be updated.\ng. Notwithstanding the need to update the layer on the basis of point (f), the boundaries of the marine subregions should be periodically reviewed to ensure they serve the purposes of the MSFD, and in particular an ecosystem-based approach to management of the marine environment. Such review should be undertaken in advance of the periodic updates of Article 8 and take into account the latest scientific evidence on the characteristics of the marine ecosystems, as reflected in MSFD Art. 3(2).\n\nFinally, the following notes are relevant for the understanding of the layer:\n- The area with inspireId \"EU.EUROPA.ENVIRONMENT.MSFD.SUBREGIONS_ACSo_1\" indicates an area to which both the United Kingdom and the Government of the Kingdom of Denmark together with the Government of the Faroes have transmitted overlapping submissions to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) in fulfilment of their respective rights and obligations under Article 76 and Annex II to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in order to determine entitlement of outer continental shelf areas. Therefore, the present layer should not be used in any way to prejudice the determination of that question by the CLCS in due course.\n-The area with inspireId \"EU.EUROPA.ENVIRONMENT.MSFD.SUBREGIONS_na_1\" shows the delineation of the outer limits of the continental shelf beyond 200 M from the territorial sea baselines of France, Ireland, Spain and the United Kingdom in respect of the area of the Celtic Sea and the Bay of Biscay, as provided by the four countries to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf (CLCS) and included in its recommendations issued on 24 March 2009. Therefore, the layer shall be used without prejudice to the agreements that will be concluded in due course between these Member States on their marine borders in this area.\n\nThe link to the web map, as well as the document describing the geometric delineation of the marine regions and subregions and the process that led to an agreement on the boundaries are available at the following link:" "" "2010"^^<> "2017"^^<> "TRUE" "Mediterranean Sea|Northeast Atlantic Ocean (40W)" "Unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the EEA website for commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided that the source is acknowledged. The EEA re-use policy follows Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the re-use of public sector information throughout the European Union and Commission Decision 2006/291/EC, Euratom on the re-use of Commission information. The EEA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the re-use of content accessible on its website. Any inquiries about re-use of content on the EEA website should be addressed to Ove Caspersen, EEA, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K, Tel +45 33 36 71 00, Fax +45 33 36 71 99, e-mail copyrights at" "FALSE" "European Environment Agency" "FALSE" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Marine" <> "eea_v_4258_100_k_msfd-marine-subregions_2010-2017" "" "superseded"
"92540373-d8ea-4d70-aa7d-0f58ecd4f67f" "Marine_regions" "MSFD (Article 4) marine regions - version 2, June 2017" "" "" <> "" "" "In the Marine Strategy Framework Directive - MSFD (Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 June 2008 establishing a framework for community action in the field of marine environmental policy), the following four marine regions are listed (art. 4): Baltic Sea, North-east Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and the Black Sea. The present layer provides the spatial extent of these regions, as agreed by the MSFD Committee in November 2016." "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "EPSG:4326" "2019-06-04" "" "Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units|Sea regions" "marine environment|sea" "vector" "SHP" "" "1:100000" "" "The delineation of the marine regions under the MSFD has been developed since 2010 based on multiple inputs from Member State representatives participating in groups defined under the MSFD Common Implementation Strategy, reporting under the MSFD Initial Assessment, ICES advice and Marine Regions. The process has especially been developed under the MSFD CIS Working Group on Data, Information and Knowledge Exchange (WGDIKE) through documents DIKE 3/2011/06 from 5-6th September 2011, DIKE 4/2011/05 from 7-8th November 2011, DIKE 5/2012/08 from 12-13th March 2012, DIKE TG1/2012/04 from 4th July 2012 and, lastly, DIKE 6/2012/11 from 30-31th October 2012. Since then, it has been developed through cooperation between DG ENV, EEA and the ETC-ICM (via ICES as an ETC-ICM partner) and a consultation with Member States in 2015. A map with the layers of marine regions and subregions has also been through a Commission inter-service consultation with all DG\u2019s led by DG ENV, and adopted by EU Member States in the MSFD Committee in November 2016. The boundaries between marine regions have, to the extent possible, been harmonised with existing boundaries established under the Regional Sea Conventions, the biogeographic boundaries established under the Habitats Directive and the boundaries of marine waters reported by EU Member States under the MSFD. The ICES ecoregions are being aligned with the MSFD region and subregion boundaries.\nThe inner boundary of all regions and subregions has used the \u201cEEA coastline for analysis\u201d available at (; this is a practical solution because the MSFD inner boundary formally follows that defined for coastal waters under the Water Framework Directive, for which a consistent boundary is not yet available.\n\nThe layer should be used on the following basis:\na. It is intended for the sole purpose of supporting the implementation of the MSFD by Member States, stakeholders and the European Commission and its agencies.\nb. It provides the boundaries of the marine regions, as listed in MSFD Article 4. In accordance with MSFD Article 4(1), Member States shall, when implementing the MSFD, take due account of the fact that their marine waters form an integral part of these marine regions. The marine regions layer is meant to depict the marine regions that Member States shall take due account of, including in relation to transboundary effects on the quality of the marine environment of third States in the same marine region, in accordance with MSFD Article 2(1).\nc. It is not intended to provide boundaries of the marine waters of Member States as defined under MSFD Article 3(1). This means that the layer does not represent the geographic scope of application of the MSFD as the MSFD only applies to Member States' marine waters, which are understood to lie within the marine regions. Further, in those areas of Member States' marine waters, the layer makes no distinction between the jurisdiction over both the water column and the seabed or only the seabed.\nd. As such the layer should not be understood as representing international marine borders. To this end, the following disclaimer will accompany the layer: \"This layer serves as a working tool only and shall not be considered as an official or legally-binding layer representing marine borders in accordance with international law. This layer shall be used without prejudice to the agreements that will be concluded between Member States or between Member States and non-EU states in respect of their marine borders.\".\ne. As they are not intended to provide boundaries of Member States' marine waters, the landward boundaries used do not constitute the formal boundary of these marine waters, but instead uses a harmonised coastline boundary for cartographic consistency.\nf. Notwithstanding the need to update the layer, the boundaries of the marine regions should be periodically reviewed to ensure they serve the purposes of the MSFD, and in particular an ecosystem-based approach to management of the marine environment. Such review should be undertaken in advance of the periodic updates of Article 8 and take into account the latest scientific evidence on the characteristics of the marine ecosystems, as reflected in MSFD Art. 3(2).\n\nFinally, the following note is relevant for the understanding of the layer:\n-The seas of Azov and Marmara do not fall within the geographic scope of application of the Bucharest Convention. Therefore, even if they have the same themId as the Black Sea region (BLK), they have been assigned different localId (BLKa and BLKm respectively), in order to differentiate them.\n\nThe link to the web map, as well as the document describing the geometric delineation of the marine regions and subregions and the process that led to an agreement on the boundaries are available at the following link:" "" "2010"^^<> "2017"^^<> "TRUE" "Baltic Sea|Black Sea|Mediterranean Sea|Northeast Atlantic Ocean (40W)" "Unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the EEA website for commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided that the source is acknowledged. The EEA re-use policy follows Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the re-use of public sector information throughout the European Union and Commission Decision 2006/291/EC, Euratom on the re-use of Commission information. The EEA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the re-use of content accessible on its website. Any inquiries about re-use of content on the EEA website should be addressed to Ove Caspersen, EEA, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K, Tel +45 33 36 71 00, Fax +45 33 36 71 99, e-mail copyrights at" "FALSE" "" "FALSE" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Marine" <> "eea_v_4258_100_k_msfd-marine-regions_2010-2017_rev02" "" "superseded"
"52e9abc3-1085-46c2-b700-cd3bfc2c9146" "Natura2000_2016" "Natura 2000 (vector) - version 2016, Mar. 2017" "" "" <> "" "" "Natura 2000 is an ecological network composed of sites designated under the Birds Directive (Special Protection Areas, SPAs) and the Habitats Directive (Sites of Community Importance, SCIs, and Special Areas of Conservation, SACs).\n\nThe European database on Natura 2000 sites consists of a compilation of the data submitted by Member States to the European Commission. This European database is generally updated once per year, so as to take into account any updating of the content of the national databases by Member States. However, the release of a new EU-wide database does not necessarily entail that a particular national dataset has recently been updated.\n\nThe descriptive data in the European database are based on the information that national authorities have submitted, for each of the Natura 2000 sites, through a site-specific standard data form (SDF). Amongst other site-specific information, the standard data form provides the list of all species and habitat types for which a site is officially designated.\n\nThe spatial data (borders of sites) submitted by each Member State are validated by the European Environment Agency (EEA), including as regard their consistency with the descriptive data.\n\nAny problems identified through the above validation procedures in the national datasets are brought to the attention of the Member States concerned. However, it remains up to the Member States to decide whether or not to submit a revised dataset before the European database is updated. As a consequence, the EEA cannot guarantee that all inconsistences detected in national datasets are removed in the European dataset.\n\nPlease note that some Member States have submitted sensitive information that has been filtered out of this database. The following Member States have submitted sensitive information: Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, Spain and Sweden. This concerns mainly species associated to specific sites. All reference to these species has been removed from the related sites. If this sensitive information is necessary to your field of research, please contact the Member States' administrations individually. You can find a compiled list of national or regional Natura 2000 websites at the following address:\n\n\n\nThere are specific terms and conditions relating to the use of downloaded boundary data within the United Kingdom. If you intend to use the UK data you must first agree to the end user licence" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "EPSG:3035" "2019-06-04" "" "" "natural area|natural areas protection|protected area|species|natural area|natural areas protection|protected area|species" "vector" "SHP|SQLite" "" "1:100000" "" "Member States update Natura 2000 spatial data continuously. The EEA integrates and validates the data, producing one release a year." "" "2016"^^<> "2016"^^<> "FALSE" "Protected sites|EU28" "There are specific terms and conditions relating to the use of downloaded boundary data within the United Kingdom. If you intend to use the UK data you must first agree to the end user licence\n\nThis data is provided for general information purposes only. Only the data possessed by the competent authorities of the Member States is authentic. Therefore, no rights or legal claims can be derived from the data displayed on this site.\n\nEEA standard re-use policy: unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the EEA website for commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided that the source is acknowledged ( Copyright holder: Directorate-General for Environment." "FALSE" "European Commission" "FALSE" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Biodiversity" <> "eea_v_3035_100_k_natura2000_2016" "" "superseded"
"a8e1d56f-10af-4279-a0fc-d39ec1ca94a5" "WFD_2016" "WISE WFD Reference Spatial Datasets reported under Water Framework Directive 2016 - PUBLIC VERSION - version 1.2, Sep. 2018" "" "" <> "" "" "The dataset contains information on the European river basin districts, the river basin district sub-units, the surface water bodies and the groundwater bodies delineated for the 2nd River Basin Management Plans (RBMP) under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) as well as the European monitoring sites used for the assessment of the status of the abovementioned surface water bodies and groundwater bodies. \n\nThe information was reported to the European Commission under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) reporting obligations.\nThe dataset compiles the available spatial data related to the 2nd RBMPs due in 2016 (hereafter WFD2016). See for further information on the WFD2016 reporting.\n\nFor the relevant concepts please consult the metadata of the relevant child datasets." "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "EPSG:4326" "2019-06-04" "" "Area management/restriction/regulation zones and reporting units|Environmental monitoring facilities|River Basin|Surface Water|WFD Coastal Water|WFD Ground Water Body|WFD Lake|WFD River|WFD Surface Water Body|WFD Transitional Water" "" "vector" "SHP|Spatialite" "" "1:250000" "" "1) Data model\n\nThe data set follows the WISE spatial data model described in the WISE GIS guidance, available at\n\nThe formal specification is available at\nThe shapefile templates are available at\n\nRefer to the WISE GIS guidance for the mapping between the GML elements in the XML schema and the corresponding fields in Shapefile format.\n\nRefer to the Technical Report which accompanies the data set for information on the additional fields present in the shapefiles: cYear, country, lat, lon, statusCode, statusDate, remarks and qcCheck.\n\n2) Data sources\n\nInformation on river basin districts and sub-units was submitted under the \"Water Framework Directive - River Basin Districts and Competent Authorities\" [Article 3] reporting obligation ( Data originally delivered in 2004 and 2005 was moved to the Central Data Repository (, which contains information from the EU-28 Member States plus Norway, reported between 2007-03-11 and 2012-06-22 (including resubmissions and updates).\n\nInformation on surface water bodies (rivers, lakes, transitional and coastal water bodies - including artificial and heavily modified water bodies), groundwater bodies and protected areas was reported under the \"Water Framework Directive - Characterisation of River Basin Districts\" [Article 5] reporting obligation ( Data originally delivery in 2004 and 2005 was moved to the Central Data Repository (, which contains information from the EU-28 Member States (except Croatia, Greece, Malta and Romania), plus Norway, reported between 2005-01-26 and 2011-09-26 (including resubmissions and updates).\n\nInformation on monitoring sites was reported under the \"Water Framework Directive - Monitoring Programmes\" [Article 8] reporting obligation ( The Central Data Repository ( contains information from the EU-28 Member States (except Croatia and Malta) reported between 2007-03-16 and 2012-03-21 (including resubmissions and updates).\n\nFor some countries or river basin districts, updates to the spatial data were submitted under \"Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2010 Reporting\" [Article 13] reporting obligation ( The reporting of the 1st River Basin Management Plans was first due in 2010-03-23. The Central Data Repository ( contains information from the EU-28 Member States plus Norway, reported between 2009-09-14 and 2016-03-17 (including resubmissions and updates).\n\nThe data sources above will hereafter be referred to as WFD2010.\n\nFor the 2nd River Basin Management Plans, spatial data was reported under the \"Water Framework Directive - River Basin Management Plans - 2016 Spatial data\" (hereafter WFD2016). See for further information on the reporting.\n\nRefer to the Technical Report which accompanies the data set the full list of CDR data sets.\n\n3) Data processing\n\nThe data reported in WFD2010 were updated using data reported in WFD2016, whenever the spatial objects are identical in 2010 and 2016. \nIdentical objects have wiseEvolutionType in ('noChange','changeCode','change').\n\nFor WFD2010 objects, some information may be missing, if the objects no longer exist in the 2nd River Basin Management Plans, and were not reported in WFD2016. Objects that no longer exist in 2016 have wiseEvolutionType = 'deletion'.\n\nRefer to the Technical Report which accompanies the data set for further information.\n\n4) Data quality\n\nTHIS DATASET DOES NOT FULLY COMPLY WITH THE WISE SPATIAL DATA MODEL SPECIFICATION.\n\nThe reason for non-compliance is that not all the information required by the WISE spatial data model was requested in the WFD2010 reporting. Where available, the missing information was compiled from the WFD2010 non-spatial reporting or from the WFD2016 reporting. \n\nAll objects reported in the WFD2010 non-spatial data files are included in the current dataset. The geometry of the objects was obtained from the spatial data files, where available. A conventional geometry was included for the objects for which only the location of the representative point was available.\n\nNote that:\n\n- The WFD2010 reporting requested only the location of a representative point (for example, a centroid) for some objects, e.g. for water bodies. For example, the WFD2010 spatial data files include the geometry of large water bodies, but normally do not include smaller water bodies.\n\n- The WFD2010 spatial data files sometimes include the geometry of objects that were not later reported as water bodies (i.e. as units of management for the 1st RBMP). Spatial objects without equivalence in the non-spatial reporting were excluded from the current dataset.\n\n- The WFD2010 spatial data files were reported as shapefiles and were not subject to automated quality control upon delivery, automated harvest, or version-control management. Partial updates (per dataset and per river basin district) where submitted until 2016-03-17.\n\nTraceability from a spatial object in the dataset to a specific data element and data file in a Central Data Repository delivery is not possible. Specific issues or inconsistencies were clarified with the support of the WFD2016 national reporting contacts. \n\nNo geometric or topological error correction was performed.\nBasic automated editing of string values (upper-casing, trimming, removal of invalid characters or values) was performed.\n\nThe compliance of the identifiers of the spatial objects with the requirements of the WFD2016 was verified.\nThematic identifiers must start with the ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code, except for Greece ('EL') and the United Kingdom ('UK').\nThematic identifiers must comply with the following Regex pattern: ^[A-Z]{2}[0-9A-Z]{1}([0-9A-Z_-]{0,38}[0-9A-Z]{1}){0,1}$\nA valid identifier was proposed for each invalid identifier. The changes can be traced via the WISE registers." "" "2016"^^<> "2018"^^<> "TRUE" "Austria|Belgium|Bulgaria|Croatia|Cyprus|Czechia|Denmark|Estonia|Finland|France|Germany|Greece|Hungary|Ireland|Italy|Latvia|Luxembourg|Malta|Netherlands|Norway|Poland|Portugal|Romania|Slovakia|Slovenia|Spain|Sweden" "For further information and specification regarding the use limitations and constraints please consult the file WISE_WFD_ReferenceSpatialDataSets_2018-09-15.pdf which is provided together with the data." "FALSE" "European Environment Agency" "FALSE" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Water" <> "eea_v_4326_250_k_wise-wfd2016_p_2016-2018_v01_r02" "" "superseded"
"bacb0dcd-dcb2-44a5-8b2c-4a569c5deafa" "Ecosystem_types" "Ecosystem types of Europe based on EUNIS level 2 (raster 100m) - version 2.1, Dec. 2015" "" "" <> "" "" "The data set combines the Corine based MAES (Mapping and Assessment of Ecosystems and their Services) ecosystem classes with the non-spatial EUNIS habitat classification (LEVEL 2) for a better biological characterization of ecosystems across Europe (EEA-39). As such it represents probabilities of EUNIS habitat presence for each MAES ecosystem type.\n\nThe data set aims to combine spatially explicit land cover information with non-spatially referenced habitat information to improve our knowledge about ecosystems and their distribution across Europe. The work supports the MAES process, Target 2 Action 5 of the implementation of the EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020, established to achieve the Aichi targets of the Convention of Biological Diversity (CBD).\n\nThe objective of the ecosystem data set produced by EEA and its Topic Centre ETC/SIA was to improve the biological description of land cover based ecosystem types. It represents probabilities of EUNIS habitat presence in ecosystem types at European level. Since it is not based on spatial explicit mapping the spatial and thematic accuracy is not of same quality as delineated maps.\n\nThe MAES ecosystem typology differentiates three levels: whereas the level 2 of the MAES proposal follows closely the EUNIS level 1, the third level of the MAES typology corresponds to the EUNIS level 2. This level will be the base for the mapping approach." <> "" "FALSE" "" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "EPSG:3035" "2019-06-04" "" "Habitats and biotopes|Land cover" "ecosystem|ecosystem type|environmental assessment|habitat|land cover" "grid" "GTiff" "" "100m" "" "The data set production implied 2 steps. First re-classification of CORINE Land Cover 2006 and bathymetry data using the 7 terrestrial (urban, cropland, grassland, woodland and forest, heathland and shrub, sparsely vegetated land, wetland), 1 freshwater (river and lakes), and 4 marine (marine inlets and transitional waters, coastal, shelf, open ocean) classes of the MAES ecosystem typology (Maes et al., 2013). The classes also provide links to major policy lines such as agriculture, forestry, territorial cohesion, water and marine related policies. The second step comprised refinement of the ecosystem types by attributing EUNIS habitat information to each ecosystem type (see The refinement process used reference data such as potential natural vegetation, elevation, slope, aspect, soil, geology, environmental regions and other spatial referenced information which allowed attribution of the EUNIS habitat characteristics to the spatial mapping units of the MAES ecosystem types. The geometric and thematic accuracy of EUNIS class presence was also estimated and mapped. The method is described in the EEA Technical Report 06/2015: European Ecosystem Assessment \u2013 Concept, Data, and Implementation.\nThe basis for the update was CORINE land cover 2006 (CLC 2006). It includes Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo (under UNSCR 1244/99), Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the North Macedonia, Malta, Montenegro, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. For Greece that has not participated in the CLC 2006 activity the CLC 2000 data was used instead." "" "2006"^^<> "2006"^^<> "FALSE" "" "Unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the EEA website for commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided that the source is acknowledged. The EEA re-use policy follows Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and the Council on the re-use of public sector information throughout the European Union and Commission Decision 2006/291/EC, Euratom on the re-use of Commission information. The EEA accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the re-use of content accessible on its website. Any inquiries about re-use of content on the EEA website should be addressed to Ove Caspersen, EEA, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K, Tel +45 33 36 71 00, Fax +45 33 36 71 99, e-mail copyrights at" "FALSE" "European Environment Agency" "FALSE" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Biodiversity" <> "eea_r_3035_100_m_ecosystem-types-l2_2006_rev2-1" "" "superseded"
"1930b66c-18a1-4de8-834d-55bccf533646" "Natura2000_2017" "Natura 2000 (vector) - version 2017, Mar. 2018" "" "" "" "" "" "Natura 2000 is an ecological network composed of sites designated under the Birds Directive (Special Protection Areas, SPAs) and the Habitats Directive (Sites of Community Importance, SCIs, and Special Areas of Conservation, SACs).\n\nThe European database on Natura 2000 sites consists of a compilation of the data submitted by Member States to the European Commission. This European database is generally updated once per year, so as to take into account any updating of the content of the national databases by Member States. However, the release of a new EU-wide database does not necessarily entail that a particular national dataset has recently been updated.\n\nThe descriptive data in the European database are based on the information that national authorities have submitted, for each of the Natura 2000 sites, through a site-specific standard data form (SDF). Amongst other site-specific information, the standard data form provides the list of all species and habitat types for which a site is officially designated.\n\nThe spatial data (borders of sites) submitted by each Member State are validated by the European Environment Agency (EEA), including as regard their consistency with the descriptive data.\n\nAny problems identified through the above validation procedures in the national datasets are brought to the attention of the Member States concerned. However, it remains up to the Member States to decide whether or not to submit a revised dataset before the European database is updated. As a consequence, the EEA cannot guarantee that all inconsistences detected in national datasets are removed in the European dataset.\n\nPlease note that some Member States have submitted sensitive information that has been filtered out of this database. The following Member States have submitted sensitive information: Austria, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Luxembourg, Poland, Spain and Sweden. This concerns mainly species associated to specific sites. All reference to these species has been removed from the related sites. If this sensitive information is necessary to your field of research, please contact the Member States' administrations individually. You can find a compiled list of national or regional Natura 2000 websites at the following address:\n\n\n\nThere are specific terms and conditions relating to the use of downloaded boundary data within the United Kingdom. If you intend to use the UK data you must first agree to the end user licence" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "FALSE" "" "" "EPSG:3035" "2019-06-04" "" "Protected sites" "natural area|natural areas protection|protected area|species|natural area|natural areas protection|protected area|species" "vector" "SHP|SQLite" "" "1:100000" "" "Member States update Natura 2000 spatial data continuously. The EEA integrates and validates the data, producing one release a year.\nMore information about the production of the European Natura 2000 database can be found in the document \"Natura 2000 dataflow doc 2017.docx\" available on" "" "2017"^^<> "2017"^^<> "FALSE" "EU28" "There are specific terms and conditions relating to the use of downloaded boundary data within the United Kingdom. If you intend to use the UK data you must first agree to the end user licence\n\nThis data is provided for general information purposes only. Only the data possessed by the competent authorities of the Member States is authentic. Therefore, no rights or legal claims can be derived from the data displayed on this site.\n\nEEA standard re-use policy: unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the EEA website for commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided that the source is acknowledged ( Copyright holder: Directorate-General for Environment." "FALSE" "European Commission" "FALSE" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "Biodiversity" <> "eea_v_3035_100_k_natura2000_2017" "" "superseded"

Received 1364 rows in 0.179 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX dcterms: <> PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf-syntax: <>
PREFIX Specification: <>
PREFIX Data: <>
PREFIX DataFileLink: <>
PREFIX portal_types: <>
PREFIX Obligations: <>
PREFIX rod: <>
PREFIX schema: <>
PREFIX sdi-internal: <>
PREFIX EEAFigure: <>
PREFIX GISApplication: <>
PREFIX DavizVisualization: <>
PREFIX Dashboard: <>

?shortname as ?shortName 
?sdiTitle as ?title
?topicLabel as ?topics
?sdiWms as ?webmapService
?sdiAbstracts as ?abstract
?data as ?dataUrl
bif:either(bif:isnull(?isEEACore), 'FALSE', 'TRUE') as ?isCoreFlag ?specificationCodes as ?indicatorCodes 
?specificationTitle as ?indicatorTitle 
?specificationProductID as ?indicatorUrl 
bif:either(bif:isnull(?specificationProductID), 'FALSE', 'TRUE') as ?indicatorFlag 
?instrumentLabel as ?legislativeInstrument 
?instrumentUrl as ?legislativeInstrumentUrl 
bif:either(bif:isnull(?instrumentLabel), 'FALSE', 'TRUE') as ?legislativeInstrumentFlag 
?obligationsTitle as ?rod 
?Obligations as ?rodUrl 
bif:either(bif:isnull(?obligationsTitle), 'FALSE', 'TRUE') as ?rodFlag
bif:substring( ?eeaManagementPlan, 1, 8) as ?managementPlan
bif:replace(?sdiBrowseGraphic,"http:","https:") as ?thumbnailUrl
bif:REPLACE(?sdiCrs, 'urn:ogc:def:crs:', '') as ?crs 
substr(?sdiDatestamp, 1, 10) as ?publicationDate
?contact as ?contactPerson
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?sdiStype as ?format
?sdiDistributionFormat as ?distributionFormat
?sdiLinks as ?fileSystemPath
?sdiScaleres as ?spatialResolution
?sdiLineage as ?lineage
?sdiUuid) as ?sdiUrl
xsd:integer(substr(?sdiTbegin, 1,4)) as ?tbegin
xsd:integer(substr(?sdiTend, 1,4)) as ?tend
bif:either((xsd:integer(substr(?sdiTend, 1,4)) - xsd:integer(substr(?sdiTbegin, 1,4)) +1 ) > 1, 'TRUE', 'FALSE') as ?timeSeriesAvailability
?sdiPlace as ?placesCovered
?sdiCustodian as ?contactOrganisation
bif:either(?sdiPublished = 'TRUE', 'FALSE', ?sdiPublished) as ?isRestricted
xsd:double(?sdiWlon) as ?sdiWlon
xsd:double(?sdiElon) as ?sdiElon
xsd:double(?sdiSlat) as ?sdiSlat
xsd:double(?sdiNlat) as ?sdiNlat
(xsd:double(?sdiWlon)+xsd:double(?sdiElon))/2.0 as ?sdiCentroidLon
(xsd:double(?sdiNlat)+xsd:double(?sdiSlat))/2.0 as ?sdiCentroidLat
bif:either(BOUND(?sdiWlon),  (bif:concat('[[', ?sdiWlon, ',', ?sdiNlat, '],[', ?sdiElon, ',', ?sdiNlat, '],[', ?sdiElon, ',', ?sdiSlat, '],[', ?sdiWlon, ',', ?sdiSlat, '],[', ?sdiWlon, ',', ?sdiNlat, ']]')), '') as ?geoJsonPoly
bif:either(BOUND(?sdiWlon),  (bif:concat('[[', ((xsd:double(?sdiWlon)+xsd:double(?sdiElon))/2.0), ',', ((xsd:double(?sdiNlat)+xsd:double(?sdiSlat))/2.0), ']]')), '') as ?geoJsonPoint
?productID as ?dataProductID


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    ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:abstracts ?sdiAbstracts .
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    OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:RESTAPI ?restApi } .
    OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:status ?status } .

    graph ?graph { ?data rdf-syntax:type Data:Data }  .
    FILTER (str(?graph) = concat(str(?data), '/@@rdf') )
    ?data dcterms:title ?dataTitle .
    OPTIONAL { ?data Data:contact ?contact } .

        bif:either(bound(?dataIsReplacedBy),'FALSE', 'TRUE') as ?dataLatestVersion
      WHERE {
        graph ?graph { ?data rdf-syntax:type Data:Data }  .
        OPTIONAL { ?data dcterms:isReplacedBy ?dataIsReplacedBy } .

        sql:GROUP_CONCAT(?topicLabel, '|') as ?topicLabel
      WHERE {{ 
        WHERE {
          graph ?graph { ?data rdf-syntax:type Data:Data }  .
          ?data portal_types:topic ?topic .
          ?topic rdfs:label ?topicLabel .
      }} GROUP BY ?data

    OPTIONAL { ?data schema:productID ?productID } .
    OPTIONAL { ?data Data:eeaManagementPlan ?eeaManagementPlan } .
        sql:GROUP_CONCAT(?temporalCoverage, '|') as ?temporalCoverage
      WHERE {{ 
        SELECT DISTINCT ?data ?temporalCoverage 
        WHERE { 
          graph ?graph { ?data rdf-syntax:type Data:Data } .
          ?data Data:temporalCoverage ?temporalCoverage .
        ORDER BY ?temporalCoverage 
      }} GROUP BY ?data

        sql:GROUP_CONCAT_DISTINCT(?relatedItems, '|') as ?associatedResources
      WHERE {{
        WHERE {
          graph ?graph { ?data rdf-syntax:type Data:Data } .
          FILTER (str(?graph) = concat(str(?data), '/@@rdf') )
          ?data Data:relatedItems ?relatedItems .
          ?relatedItems rdf-syntax:type ?relatedItemsType .

        sql:GROUP_CONCAT_DISTINCT(?relatedItems, '|') AS ?webmapViewer
      WHERE {{
        WHERE {
          graph ?graph { ?data rdf-syntax:type Data:Data } .
          FILTER (str(?graph) = concat(str(?data), '/@@rdf') )
          ?data Data:relatedItems ?relatedItems .
          ?relatedItems rdf-syntax:type GISApplication:GISApplication .

        sql:GROUP_CONCAT_DISTINCT(?relatedItems, '|') AS ?staticMapViewer
      WHERE {{
        WHERE {
          graph ?graph { ?data rdf-syntax:type Data:Data } .
          FILTER (str(?graph) = concat(str(?data), '/@@rdf') )
          ?data Data:relatedItems ?relatedItems .
          ?relatedItems EEAFigure:figureType ?figureType .
          FILTER (xsd:string(?figureType) = 'map') .

        sql:GROUP_CONCAT_DISTINCT(?relatedItems, '|') AS ?interactiveDataViewer
      WHERE {{
        WHERE {
          graph ?graph { ?data rdf-syntax:type Data:Data } .
          FILTER (str(?graph) = concat(str(?data), '/@@rdf') )
          ?data Data:relatedItems ?relatedItems .
          ?relatedItems rdf-syntax:type ?relatedItemsType .
          FILTER (?relatedItemsType in (Dashboard:Dashboard, DavizVisualization:DavizVisualization))

        sql:GROUP_CONCAT(?Obligations, '|') as ?Obligations
        sql:GROUP_CONCAT(?obligationsTitle, '|') as ?obligationsTitle
        sql:GROUP_CONCAT(?instrument, '|') as ?instrument
        sql:GROUP_CONCAT(?instrumentLabel, '|') as ?instrumentLabel
        sql:GROUP_CONCAT(?instrumentUrl, '|') as ?instrumentUrl
        contains(sql:GROUP_CONCAT(?isEEACore , '|'), '1') as ?isEEACore 
      WHERE {{ 
          ?data ?Obligations ?obligationsTitle ?instrument 
          ?instrumentLabel ?instrumentUrl ?isEEACore
        WHERE {
          graph ?graph { ?data rdf-syntax:type Data:Data } .
          ?data Obligations:Obligations ?Obligations .
          ?Obligations rdfs:label ?obligationsTitle .
          FILTER (!contains(?obligationsTitle, '['))
          ?Obligations rod:instrument ?instrument .
          ?instrument rdfs:label ?instrumentLabel .
          ?instrument rod:instrumentURL ?instrumentUrl .
          ?Obligations rod:isEEACore ?isEEACore .
      }} GROUP BY ?data

        sql:GROUP_CONCAT_DISTINCT(?specificationProductID, '|') as ?specificationProductID
        sql:GROUP_CONCAT_DISTINCT(?specificationTitle, '|') as ?specificationTitle
        sql:GROUP_CONCAT_DISTINCT(?specificationCodes, '|') as ?specificationCodes
      WHERE {{ 
          bif:concat('', ?specificationProductID) as ?specificationProductID
        WHERE {
          graph ?graph { ?data rdf-syntax:type Data:Data } .
          FILTER (str(?graph) = concat(str(?data), '/@@rdf') )
          ?specification Specification:relatedItems ?data .
          ?specification rdf-syntax:type Specification:Specification .
          ?specification schema:productID ?specificationProductID .
          OPTIONAL { ?specification dcterms:isReplacedBy ?specificationIsReplacedBy } .
          FILTER (!BOUND( ?specificationIsReplacedBy))
          ?specification dcterms:title ?specificationTitle .
          ?specification Specification:relatedItems ?specificationRelatedItems .
          ?specification Specification:codes ?specificationCodes . 
          #?specificationRelatedItems rdf-syntax:type Data:Data .
          #?specificationRelatedItems schema:productID ?dataProductID .
          FILTER (contains(?specificationCodes, 'CSI') = 0)
      }} GROUP BY ?data

  } UNION {

    WHERE {
      ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:UUID ?sdiUuid .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:SDIURL ?data } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:dataset_id ?sdiDatasetId } . 
      ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:datestamp ?sdiDatestamp .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:crs ?sdiCrs }  .
      ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:title ?sdiTitle .
      ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:abstracts ?sdiAbstracts .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:stype ?sdiStype } .  
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:scaleres ?sdiScaleres } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:tbegin ?sdiTbegin } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:tend ?sdiTend } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:edition ?sdiEdition } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:custodian ?sdiCustodian } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:inspire_themes ?sdiInspireThemes } . 
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:gemet_concepts ?sdiGemetConcepts } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:protocols ?sdiProtocols } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:links ?sdiLinks } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:lineage ?sdiLineage } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:data_src ?sdiDataSrc } .      
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:published ?sdiPublished } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:distributionFormat ?sdiDistributionFormat } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:place ?sdiPlace } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:useLimitation ?sdiUseLimitation } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:browseGraphic ?sdiBrowseGraphic } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:shortname ?shortname } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:referenceFlag ?referenceFlag } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:WMS ?sdiWms } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:idpTopics ?idpTopics } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:RESTAPI ?restApi } .
      OPTIONAL { ?sdiinternal sdi-internal:status ?status } .
      FILTER NOT EXISTS { ?data rdf-syntax:type Data:Data } 

Error when running query:

Error. Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ZSPARQLMethod-2.3-py2.7.egg/Products/ZSPARQLMethod/", line 287, in run_with_timeout
    ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/Products.ZSPARQLMethod-2.3-py2.7.egg/Products/ZSPARQLMethod/", line 215, in query_and_get_result
    result = sparql.query(*args, timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", 0) or 0)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 747, in query
    return s.query(query, timeout, raw=raw)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 416, in query
    return q.query(query, timeout, raw=raw)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 571, in query
    response = self._request(statement, timeout)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 558, in _request
    response = self._build_response(query, opener, buf, timeout)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 543, in _build_response
    timeout if timeout > 0 else None)
  File "/plone/buildout-cache/eggs/sparql_client-3.8-py2.7.egg/", line 514, in _get_response
    response =, timeout=timeout)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 435, in open
    response = meth(req, response)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 548, in http_response
    'http', request, response, code, msg, hdrs)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 473, in error
    return self._call_chain(*args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 407, in _call_chain
    result = func(*args)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/", line 556, in http_error_default
    raise HTTPError(req.get_full_url(), code, msg, hdrs, fp)
HTTPError: HTTP Error 308: Permanent Redirect


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage



Filed under:
Filed under: gis, knowledge base, idp
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