_id Country Report_ID Report_ID_ES Name_of_policy_or_measure Single_policy_or_measure__or_group_of_measures ID_of_policy_or_measure Policies_or_measures_included_in_the_group Type_of_policy_instrument Status_of_implementation Policy_impacting_EU_ETS__ESD_or_LULUCF_emissions Sector_s__affected Objective_s__lookup_only4facets Objective_s_ Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2020__kt_CO2eq_y_ Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2030__kt_CO2eq_y_ Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy__type_ Entities_responsible_for_implementing_the_policy Implementation_period_start Is_the_policy_or_measure_related_to_a_Union_policy_ Related_Union_Policy GHG_s__affected Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included Link_to_national_report Description Quantified_objective Implementation_period_finish Indicator_used_to_monitor_and_evaluate_progress_over_time General_comment Main_reference GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2020__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2020__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2025__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2025__kt_CO2eq_y_ Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2025__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2030__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2030__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_EU_ETS_in_2035__kt_CO2eq_y_ GHG_emissions_reductions_ESD_in_2035__kt_CO2eq_y_ Total_GHG_emissions_reductions_in_2035__kt_CO2eq_y_ URL_to_main_reference Reference_for_ex_ante_assessment Web_link_for_ex_ante_assessment Year_for_which_reduction_applies__ex_post_ Average_ex_post_emission_reduction__kt_CO2eq_y_ Explanation_of_the_basis_for_the_mitigation_estimates Factors_affected_by_the_policy_or_measure Reference_for_ex_post_assessment Web_link_for_ex_post_assessment Projected_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Projected_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ Year_projected_cost_has_been_calculated_for Price_reference_year__projected_costs_ Projected_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Projected_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ Projected_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Projected_net_cost_per_year__EUR_ Description_of_projected_cost_estimates Reference_for_projected_costs_and_benefits Web_link_for_projected_costs_and_benefits Realised_costs___EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Realised_absolute_costs_per_year__EUR_ Year_realised_cost_has_been_calculated_for Price_reference_year__realised_costs_ Realised_benefits__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Realised_absolute_benefit_per_year__EUR_ Realised_net_costs__EUR_per_tonne_CO2eq_reduced__sequestered_ Realised_net_cost_per_year__EUR_ Description_of_realised_cost_estimates Reference_for_realised_costs_and_benefits Web_link_for_realised_costs_and_benefits Status_of_implementation_clean Implementation_period_start_clean Projection_scenario_in_which_the_policy_or_measure_is_included_clean Is_the_policy_or_measure_related_to_a_Union_policy__clean Union_policy_lookup_only4facets_clean
Austria_2 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Domestic Environmental Support Scheme Single 2 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy; Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy,Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 300 300 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management 1993 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml The Domestic Environmental Support Scheme provides financial support to projects which improve environmental performance beyond mandatory standards in the energy, manufacturing as well as service industry. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management puts the focus of its funding policy on climate change. Most projects are targeted at efficient energy use (about 60%) and renewable energy (about 39%). NA 300 300 Umweltinvestitionen des Bundes 2015 https://www.bmlfuw.gv.at/dam/jcr:2c80245f-3fc2-4efc-997c-2d372655db5e/Bericht_Umweltinvestitionen%20des%20Bundes%202015.pdf Implemented 1993 With existing measures No No information
Austria_3 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Austrian Climate and Energy Fund (KLI.EN) Single 3 Single PaM Economic, Research Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy; Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy,Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml In 2007, the Federal Government established a specific fund (Climate and Energy Fund – KLI.EN) in order to support the reduction of GHGs in Austria in the short, medium and long term (Federal Law Gazette I No. 40/2007). It focuses on research in and development of renewable energy systems, development and testing of new transport and mobility systems and market penetration of sustainable energy technologies - ranging from basic and applied research to subsidies for the implementation of climate friendly technology (KLIEN 2017). Support is provided to companies, research institutions or municipalities as well as to individuals, depending on the respective programme. NA Implemented 2007 With existing measures No No information
Austria_1 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 EU Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) Single 1 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy; Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy,Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml The objective is to limit the CO2 emission from the energy industries, manufacturing industries and from industrial processes, as well as N2O emissions from the chemical industry and CO2 emissions from aircraft operators through the EU-wide trading mechanism for emission allowances. Emission limits are given according to the annual allocated emission for the trading sector. 2030 Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Austria_4 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Increase the share of renewable energy in energy supply and district heating Single 4 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 4200 Government Government: Ministry of Science, Research and Economy 2002 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml Beyond the traditional use of large-scale hydro power for electricity generation, quantitative targets have been set for the increase of the share of wind power, photovoltaics, small hydro plants and biomass/biogas in electricity generation in the Green Electricity Act and shall be achieved by fixed feed-in tariffs. 2010-2020: Hydropower +1,000 MW; Wind power +2,000 MW; Photovoltaics +1,200 MW; Biomass and biogas + 200 MW. 2020 Installed capacity of renewable power plants MW Ökostromberichte http://www.e-control.at/de/publikationen/oeko-energie-und-energie-effizienz/berichte/oekostrombericht Yearly emission reductions were calculated based on expected "green" energy provided, and an emission factor of 0.4 kt CO2-eq./GWh (see details in report). Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package)
Austria_5 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Increase energy efficiency in energy and manufacturing industries Single 5 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government, Regional Government: Ministry of Science, Research and Economy,Regional: Federal provinces 2008 Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml Based on EU legislation, Austria has implemented the Energy efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) and prepared its National Energy Efficiency Action Plan in 2014 with quantitative targets for final and primary energy consumption in 2020. In addition, financial support for cogeneration of power and heat is granted in order to improve the efficient use of primary energy for electricity production. energy efficiency target of 1050 PJ (final energy consumption) in 2020 final energy consumption PJ Statistik Österreich https://www.statistik.at/web_de/statistiken/energie_umwelt_innovation_mobilitaet/energie_und_umwelt/energie/energiebilanzen/index.html Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package)
Austria_8 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Modal shift to environmentally friendly transport modes Single 8 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government Government: Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology,Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management 2005 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml Besides considerable investments in railway infrastructure in the last decade, the programme ‘klimaaktiv mobil’ for mobility management and awareness raising is an essential tool to promote environmentally friendly transport modes like public transport, cycling and walking. The cornerstones of ‘klimaaktiv mobil’ are the funding programme for businesses, communities and associations, target group-oriented counselling programmes, awareness-raising initiatives, partnerships, and training and certification initiatives. With respect to freight transport, investment support for corporate feeder lines aims at shifting transport activities from road to rail. NA 100 100 output of NEMO model (Network Emission Model), see details in accompanying report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/at/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwo5hfg/AT_GHG-Projections_and_PAMs_2017_final.pdf Implemented 2005 With existing measures No No information
Austria_6 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Increase the share of clean energy sources in road transport Single 6 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Finance,Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management,Government: Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology 2004 Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml The EU Directive on the promotion of renewable energy sources requires Member States to replace at least 10% of the fuels used in transport by renewables (biofuels and electricity from renewable energy sources) by 2020. The Austrian Fuel Ordinance stipulates minimum targets for the share of biofuels (fatty-acid methyl ester and ethanol) in diesel and gasoline sold in Austria. The national Implementation Plan for electric mobility, a joint initiative of three federal ministries, aims at a (moderate) electrification of road transport; funding instruments are used to increase the share of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles from less than 0.1% in 2013 to about 1 % of the fleet in 2020. share of electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles from less than 0.1% in 2013 to about 1 % of the fleet in 2020; to replace at least 10% of the fuels used in transport by renewables (biofuels and electricity from renewable energy sources) by 2020. 6800 6800 output of NEMO model (Network Emission Model), see details in accompanying report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/at/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwo5hfg/AT_GHG-Projections_and_PAMs_2017_final.pdf Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Austria_10 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Increased share of renewable energy for space heating Single 10 Single PaM Economic, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 593 1319 Government, Regional Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management,Government: Ministry of Science, Research and Economy,Regional: Federal provinces 2000 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml Awareness raising measures on federal (klimaaktiv programme) and on Länder level on the advantages of modern heating systems are expected to increase the boiler exchange rate. Financial support for biomass and solar heating systems is provided for households via funding of the Länder and of the Austrian Climate and Energy Fund, support for commercial and industrial applications by the Domestic Environment Support Scheme. The District Heating and Cooling Act aims at the construction of district cooling systems in order to reduce electricity demand, as well as at the expansion of district heating networks; subsidies are provided for that purpose. NA 593 945 945 1319 1222 1222 output of INVERT/EE-Lab model, see details in accompanying report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/at/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwo5hfg/AT_GHG-Projections_and_PAMs_2017_final.pdf Implemented 2000 With existing measures No No information
Austria_7 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Increase fuel efficiency in road transport Single 7 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government, Regional Government: Ministry of Finance,Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management,Government: Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology,Regional: Federal provinces 2004 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC Transport: Infrastructure charging for heavy goods (revised Eurovignette) 2006/38/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml Several instruments, including taxes and tolls along with awareness raising and training, have been implemented to improve the fuel efficiency of the fleet. The mineral oil tax and the fuel consumption based car registration tax are expected to promote the sales of cars with lower fuel consumption. Awareness raising and training programmes for fuel-efficient driving improve the performance of drivers. Other instruments like speed limits, established in response to other environmental concerns, contribute to reduced fuel consumption. NA 1330 1330 output of NEMO model (Network Emission Model), see details in accompanying report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/at/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwo5hfg/AT_GHG-Projections_and_PAMs_2017_final.pdf Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Austria_9 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Increased energy efficiency in buildings Single 9 Single PaM Economic, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 438 607 Government, Regional Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management,Government: Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology,Government: Ministry of Science, Research and Economy,Regional: Federal provinces 2006 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml Tightening of mandatory construction standards ensures that new buildings show improved energy performance and will come close to a ‘zero energy’ standard in the future. Housing support funding is granted for the construction of buildings with advanced energy efficiency only, and support for the thermal renovation of buildings is provided within several programmes. Improvements of the efficiency of new boilers result from mandatory requirements at national level and eco-design standards at Union level. Furthermore, energy performance certificates have to be provided by sellers and landlords in the course of real estate transactions or renting. NA 438 566 566 607 632 632 output of INVERT/EE-Lab model, see details in accompanying report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/at/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwo5hfg/AT_GHG-Projections_and_PAMs_2017_final.pdf Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Austria_11 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Increased energy efficiency in residential electricity demand Single 11 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government, Regional Government: Ministry of Science, Research and Economy,Regional: Federal provinces 2007 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml Especially the eco-design requirements (Directive 2006/32/EC) for energy using products and the mandatory labelling of household appliances according to energy consumption, supported by awareness raising measures at national level with respect to energy efficient products and by advice provided by regional energy agencies. Furthermore, the national implementation of the Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU) is considered. NA Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Austria_12 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Decrease emissions from F-gases and other product use Single 12 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management,Government: Ministry of Science, Research and Economy 2002 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;F-gas Regulation 517/2014;Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC;Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml This measure includes a.o.: - prohibition and restriction of the use of (partly) fluorinated hydrocarbons and SF6 through a national law (Industriegasverordnung) - quota system for the production and import of F-gases (Implementation of EU law) - Reducing HFC emissions from air conditioning in motor vehicles (Implementation of EU law) reduction of F-gases in stationary applications - Limitation of VOC emissions from the use of organic solvents in industrial installations (Implementation of EU law) Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; F-gas Regulation 517/2014; Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC; Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Austria_13 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Implementation of EU agricultural policies Single 13 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Government, Regional Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management,Regional: Federal provinces 2007 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml This measure summarises the implementation of the programme for rural development 2014-2020 and the implementation of the Common agricultural policy (CAP). Herein measures such as improved feeding of pigs and poultry, covering of manure storage, low-loss application of manure and biogas slurry, promotion of organic farming, reduced usage of mineral fertiliser and promotion of grazing are summarised. NA 2020 Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Austria_14 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Sustainable Forest Management Single 14 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government, Regional Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management,Regional: Federal provinces 1975 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml The overall principles of forest management in Austria are stipulated in the Forest Act and include a wide-range of forest related measures: Guiding Principles of Forest Management, General ban on forest clearance/Deforestation, General ban on Forest Destruction, Immediate Re/Afforestation after felling, Forest Litter removal, Forest Protection (from Fires and Pests), Provisions on Harvest haulage & Forest Roads, Sustainable Use of Forests, Austrian Forest Dialogue, Forest Cooperatives, Task Force Renewable Energy, Protection of Wetlands. NA Implemented 1975 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Austria_15 Austria 2928 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Reduce emissions from waste treatment Single 15 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government, Regional Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management,Regional: Federal provinces 1997 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwae4pa/AT_PaM_reporting_2017adjusted.xml To reduce emissions from waste treatment, deposition of untreated biodegradable waste has been banned completely (Austrian Landfill Ordinance). According to this Ordinance, no untreated biodegradable waste has been allowed on landfills since 2004, with no exemptions permitted since 2008. Methane emissions from mass landfills are reduced by the mandatory collection and use of landfill gas. The carbon content of waste is reduced by incineration or mechanical-biological treatment before deposition (pre-treatment options). Due to their size, more than half of existing mechanical-biological treatment plants fall under the scope of the EU Industrial Emissions Directive, under which emission have to be limited according to BAT provisions. In order to minimise the generation of waste, awareness raising campaigns and networks have been established to minimise especially food waste and to intensify the re-use of waste. NA 854.8 854.8 based on projections for sector 5A/5D, reduction compared to emissions in 2015 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/at/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwo5hfg/AT_GHG-Projections_and_PAMs_2017_final.pdf Implemented 1997 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Belgium_1 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 EP-A01 : Green and/or combines heat and power (CHP) certificates Single 1 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Regional Regional: Wallonia : CwAPE,Regional: Flanders : VEA, VREG,Regional: Brussels : IBGE, Brugel 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Regional level : Principle of a system of green certificates : 1. A green certificate is allocated to a producer of green electricity every time its production avoids the emission of a fixed amount of CO2, if it had to be produced in a reference fossil fuel plant (natural gas : combined cycle gas turbine - CCGT). 2. Each year, a predefined (and annually increasing) percentage of electricity supplied to end users has to be covered by green electricity. Suppliers must restitute the necessary number of green certificates to demonstrate that they respect that rule. In case of failure, a penalty fee is due. This situation creates a market for green certificates for the benefit of green electricity producers. In Flanders, a similar process is established for combines heat and power (CHP), while CHP is integrated in the green certificates system in Brussels and Wallonia. Green certificates and CHP certificates : share of electricity sales to be covered by renewable energy systems (RES) and/or high efficiency CHP. Guaranteed minimum income for suppliers of green energy. Shares are regularly updated by regional regulation authorities. Federal authority : (offshore windfarms; see also EP-A05) 1. A green certificate is an immaterial good certifying that a producer produced a given amount of green electricity (ie. produced from renewable energy sources) during a given period of time 2. There is a legal obligation for the transmission network operator (TSO) to buy all green certificates granted to the holders of a domain concession and originating from offshore wind energy production. The obligation to purchase green electricity certificates produced from offshore wind energy is the subject, on the proposal of the network operator, of a contract between the holder of the domain concession and the network manager. 3. The final cost of this system is borne by the final consumer through a tariff overload. 13% of final energy consumption covered by renewable energy systems (RES) by 2020 Statistics of green certificates issued (Number of certificates that have to be handed in (quota), number of certificates issued, number of certificates handed in, percentage to quota etc) in all three Regions (laws, decrees, ordinances and governmental decisions needed to transpose EC directives) combines heat and power (CHP) certificates in Flanders In Wallonia, the green certificates system was too generous for the installation of Photovoltaic (PV) panels in households, thus destabilizing the CV market. For such equipment, it was replaced by a system of subsidies, ensuring a reasonable benefit. Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package)
Belgium_2 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 EP-A02 : Support for electricity production from renewable energy systems (RES) Single 2 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy - DG Energy (E2), FPS Finance,Regional: Flanders: VEA, VREG,Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Energie & DG06 Economie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE, Sibelga 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Financial support for electricity generation from renewable energy source (RES) through subsidies from the regions. Federal fiscal measures (special excise tax on fossil fuel for electricity production in 2004 and additional 'Cotisation sur l'énergie/Bijdrage op energie' on coal + end of the system of excise duty exemptions for coal, coke, lignite and heavy fuel oil for electricity production) Flanders: The government of Flanders encourages companies to invest in RES, offering them a financial compensation by means of the ecology premium and strategic ecology support (investments that receive support under the green certificates or combined heat and power (CHP) certificates system are excluded). 13% of final energy consumption covered by renewable energy systems (RES) by 2020 Regional statistics concerning the amount and type of subsidies issued Federal statistics concerning tax deductions Regarding the description of the measure in the Belgian National Climate Plan (NCP) section, several points should be mentioned. The 15€/ton tax on heavy oil was actually made of a 13€/ton excise duty and a 2€/ton special excise duty. This special excise duty was increased to 3,2€/ton as of 1 August 2013. As of 1 January 2015, all special excise duties increased by 0,27 %, in the context of the “indexation” decided by the government, so that the rates corresponding to those mentioned in the description are now 13 + 3,2437 = 16,2437 €/ton for heavy oil and 8,6841 €/ton for coal Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package)
Belgium_3 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 EP-A03 : End of tax exemption on coal and heavy fuel Single 3 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Federal Finance public service 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Exemption from excise has been suppressed & an excise duty on energy for coal and heavy fuel oil products has been established As of 1 January 2015, all excise duties on energy products and electricity have slightly increased 13% of final energy consumption covered by renewable energy systems (RES) by 2020 Publication of official decisions (laws, degrees, ordinances and governmental decisions needed to transpose the relevant EC directives) Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Belgium_4 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 EP-A04 : Facilitators services for renewable energy systems (RES) and combines heat and power (CHP) promotion Single 4 Single PaM Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Other energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Other energy supply ('promotion of combined heat and power (CHP)') Regional Regional: Flanders: VEA,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Energie 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Facilitators perform promotional actions and provide guidance and technical support to projects holders. They also identify technical and non technical barriers and formulate proposals to lift them. Facilitators exist for each renewable energy systems (RES) technology (windmills, biomethanisation, wood energy, bio-fuels, mini hydro-electricity, Photovoltaic (PV) electricity, ... as well as for combines heat and power (CHP) 13% of final energy consumption covered by renewable energy systems (RES) by 2020 Installed power for each type of technology (MW) MW el Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Belgium_5 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 EP-A05 : Action plan for renewable energy systems (RES) and combines heat and power (CHP) (partim offshore windfarm) Single 5 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 2464 2724 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy - DG Energy (E2),Regional: Flanders : VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energy 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Action Plan for renewable energy and combines heat and power (CHP). This policy and measure gathers various plans to promote electricity from renewable energy systems (RES). The major plan is the development of a large offshore wind farm in the North Sea, aiming at a total capacity of 2 000 MW electricity from offshore wind in 2020. Based on the permits granted, the offshore wind potential is between 2.200 and 2.300 MW. Other plans concern notably on-shore windfarms, (micro) CHP, generation of green heat, use of residual heat and encouragement of heat networks. offshore windfarm of 2000 MW implemented by 2020 Installed power MW full load hours h Production of green electricity in the North Sea is stimulated with a system of green certificates. Green certificates are used to certify that a given amount of green electricity is produced by an electricity producer, and can be sold at a guaranteed fixed minimum price. In 2013, this minimum price guarantee was adjusted to a system with a flexible price for new offshore wind energy locations. On 21 March 2004, the federal government set a target of 2000 MW for electricity from offshore wind in 2020. Based on the permits granted, the offshore wind potential is between 2.200 and 2.300 MW. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 2464 2724 2724 2724 2724 2724 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climate.be/evaluation-PAMs 161 8300000000 2008-2020 2012 Costs concern only offshore Cost is calculated over the entire life time of the investment (20 years). The cost includes capital and operational expenditures. Costs are discounted with a discount rate of 10%. Cost estimation does not include taxes, electricity sales or green certificates. Evaluation of the impact of policy instruments and measures implemented in the context of the Federal climate policy - report 2014 - Vito-Econotec (new socio economic evaluation will be published in 2017) www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Belgium_6 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 EP-B02 : Energy planning by electricity producers Single 6 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Regional Regional: Flanders : VEA 2004 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml In the Flemish Region, the Energy Planning Decision imposes energy-efficiency requirements on establishments with a total annual primary energy consumption of at least 0.1 PJ. The electricity sector is included in this regulation. Flemish Region: energy savings included in schemes and studies (GWh) GWh Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_7 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 EC-A01 : Promotion of rational use of energy by electricity distribution companies as part of their public service obligation Single 7 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 490.83 753.97 Regional Regional: Flanders : VEA,Regional: Brussels : IBGE 2004 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml In Flanders, the electricity distribution network operators manage a compulsory programme promoting rational use of energy (RUE) among customers. The programme is featuring information, demonstrations, various energy services and financial supports for actions and improvements. Operators are required to pay special attention to disadvantaged social groups. Higher grants are provided for combined insulation projects. Flanders: Existing residential buildings: Number of grants for roof insulation Flanders: Existing residential buildings: Number of grants for replacing windows Flanders: Existing residential buildings: Number of grants for wall insulation Flanders: Existing residential buildings: Number of grants for floor insulation Flanders: Existing residential buildings: Number of grants for solar boilers Flanders: Existing residential buildings: Number of grants for heat pumps Flanders: Existing residential buildings: Number of "combipremies" Flanders: Existing residential buildings: Average EPC-value houses Flanders: Existing residential buildings: Average EPC-value appartments Flanders: Existing tertiary buildings: Number of grants for roof insulation Flanders: Existing tertiary buildings: Number of grants for replacing windows Flanders: Existing tertiary buildings: Number of grants for wall insulation Flanders: Existing tertiary buildings: Number of grants for floor insulation Flanders: Existing tertiary buildings: Number of grants for solar boilers Flanders: Existing tertiary buildings: Number of grants for heat pumps Ex-ante assessment figures for the Flemish Region only. The ex-ante assessment gives the assessment for all Flemish measures concerning the emissions from residential buildings combined. 490.83 621.86 621.86 753.97 867.02 867.02 Ex-ante assessment for all Flemish measures concerning the emissions from residential buildings; Flemish Energy Efficiency Action Plan and internal calculations https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/be_neeap_2017_flemish_nl.pdf Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_8 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 EC-A03 : Energy performance and certificate of buildings Single 8 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 14.86 38.23 Regional Regional: Flanders: VEA,Regional: Wallonia: DGO4 Energie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE 2004 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Energy performance and certification of buildings (legal and methodological aspects): actions taken in order to transpose the directive including development of the methodology needed to quantify regulations for new buildings and the performance of existing buildings for certification.(eg Brussels : obligation of an energy audit for tertiary buildings with more than 3500 m2, ...) Monitoring necessary actions to transpose legislation, e.g. programmes of work for the methodological development Flanders: ex-ante assessment is included in the assessment given under measure "EC-A01 : Promotion of rational use of energy by electricity distribution companies as part of their public service obligation. 14.86 28.09 28.09 38.23 38.23 38.23 Projections models, energy audits reports; Flanders: included in measure "EC-A01 : Promotion of rational use of energy by electricity distribution companies as part of their public service obligation Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_9 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 EC-A04 : Appointment of accredited energy experts Single 9 Single PaM Education, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Regional Regional: Flanders: VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4,Regional: Brussels: IBGE 2004 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Accreditation of energy experts based on specific criteria to guarantee their expertise Experts regular activity reports Number of accredited energy expert Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_10 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 EC-A05 : Promotion of energy efficient electrical appliances Single 10 Single PaM Economic, Information, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 6512 11282 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment; FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy - DG Energy (E2),Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: VEA 2004 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Energy Star Program CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promoting energy efficient appliances through performance standards and labelling. In addition, premium are offered with the purchase of efficient appliances. In Flanders the electricity distribution network operators provide a premium to disadvantaged social groups when they buy an energy efficient refrigerator or washing machine as part of their public service obligations (EC-A01) VHK, Ecodesign Impact Accounting, Status January 2016 Estimations of greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions of the policy and measure is based on a larger set of product categories (with impact on non ETS sector) in comparison with previous assessment. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 3816 2696 5452 4111 9563 6066 5216 6255 5507 11762 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs 2015-2035 see evaluation Benefit: from 645.5M€ and 373.4 M€ in 2020 to 1347.3 M€ and 806.4M€ in 2035 for households and other consumers respectively Net cost: 0.5M (implementation costs) + from 403.3M€ in 2020 to 829.5M€ in 2035 (decrease in tax revenue ) Operational socio-economic framework for policy impact assessment - report 20147- VICEDD - Aether - TML - TNO (under finalisation) www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Energy Star Program
Belgium_11 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 EC-B01 : Financial support to rational use of energy (RUE) and renewable energy systems (RES) in the residential sector Single 11 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 138.42 138.38 Government, Regional Government: FED: FPS finances,Regional: Flanders: VEA, Wonen Vlaanderen, VLABEL,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE 2004 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Financial incentives for the rational use of energy (RUE) and renewable energy systems (RES) : combination of regional subsidies and federal tax deduction for investments generating energy savings. Covers most of equipment such as wall insulation, high performance double glazing, condensing boilers, heating systems regulations, efficient hot water heaters and heat pumps. In Wallonia, application for subsidies can be submitted directly or through the ""Alliance for Employment and Environment"", proposing conventions between house owners and the authority : individuals commit to realize a package of investments (minimum one action on the building envelope and one on the heating/solar hot water - SHW system) and authorities provide subsidies and offer a 0% interest loan to cover the additional expense. Still in Wallonia, energy subsidies have merged with households rehabilitation/renovation mechanisms and their level of support varies with the income of owners. In Flanders important financial incentives are given through the public service obligations concerning rational use of energy for electricity distribution network operators (EC-A01). On top of the grants from the network operators a renovation grant is awarded for certain energy-related investments. in addition, the property tax for energy efficient newbuilds is automatically lowered if the newbuild autperforms the prevailing requirements. The government offers an ‘energy loan’ of maximum €10 000 to finance RUE investments. Disadvantaged social groups and owners who rent their house to these groups receive the loan at 0% interest. Other homeowners pay an interest of 2%. The Federal tax deduction was discontinued in January 2012, except for roof insulation (albeit at a lower rate). This last tax deduction mechanism is now transferred to the Regions (since 1 January 2015). Regions have not yet taken positions about which mechanism they want to implement : subsidies, tax deductions or both. Until now, no Region has cancelled the measure yet. In Brussels, a system of energy grants exists from 2004 to present. The system is for households and commercial sector. An annual budget is established each year to finance different type of actions or equipment: Windows replacement, insulation of roofs, walls, replacement of heating boilers, regulation systems, among others. Subsidies and/or tax deduction budgets numbers of application forms treated per type of investment unit energy savings per type of equipment or type of action For Flanders, see also EC-A01 The mechanism of tax deduction has been fully transfered to the Regions since 1 January 2015 Flanders: ex-ante assessment is included in the assessment given under measure "EC-A01 : Promotion of rational use of energy by electricity distribution companies as part of their public service obligation. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 138.42 138.42 138.42 138.38 138.38 138.38 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Energy grant system (Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO) www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs 2008-2020 2012 -54 -300000000 Cost is calculated over the entire life time of the investment (technology dependent) and includes capital and operational expenditures. A real discount rate of 10% is used. Evaluation of the impact of policy instruments and measures implemented in the context of the Federal climate policy - report 2014 - Vito-Econotec www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_12 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 EC-B02 : Efficiency and emission regulation for boilers and stoves in the residential sector Single 12 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 64.2 113.54 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment,Regional: Flanders: VEA, LNE 2005 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU 2001/81/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Specific constraints on solid fuel, gas and liquid fuel boilers and stoves: standards on CO, PM and NOx emissions and energy efficiency. Periodic maintenance of central heating boilers (every one or two years depending on the system) and a periodic audit of the central heating system by a certified technician is obliged for home owners/users. Sales of relevant appliances Flanders: ex-ante assessment is included in the assessment given under measure "EC-A01 : Promotion of rational use of energy by electricity distribution companies as part of their public service obligation. 64.2 89.31 89.31 113.54 113.54 113.54 Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_14 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 EC-B05 : Energy performance of buildings (residential sector) Single 14 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 12.9 53.26 Regional Regional: Flanders: VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Energie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE 2004 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Imposition of energy requirements (Energy Performance Decree standard) to homes and apartments Flanders: the requirements for new buildings and full renovations are tightend step by step so as to reach nearly energy neutral new buildings in 2021. The information on the energy certificates of buildings is gradually expanded so as to better inform (potential) owners and users of buildings. In addition, the Flemish Housing Code (which every home - new and existing - in Flanders is required to satisfy) will impose minimal energy performance requirements (such as an obligation to have roof insulation and minimum double glazed windows). Wallonia : same procedure, however only recent stages have been officially decided. Brussels Capital Region: The Government's decree of 21 December 2007 on energy performance of buildings (EPB) stipulates that new buildings have to be passive and heavily renovated ones very low energy starting in 2015. Flanders: Average E-value new houses Flanders: Average E-value new appartments Flanders: Average K-value new houses Flanders: Average K-value new appartments Flanders: Maximum allowed E-peil new dwellings Flanders: ex-ante assessment is included in the assessment given under measure "EC-A01 : Promotion of rational use of energy by electricity distribution companies as part of their public service obligation. 12.9 31.54 31.54 53.26 53.26 53.26 Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Belgium_16 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 EC-B06 Adaptation of urbanistic regulations to facilitate the promotion of rational use of energy (RUE) and renewable energy systems (RES) in the residential sector Single 16 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Regional Regional: Flanders : Rural planning, VEA, LNE,Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Aménagement du territoire 2004 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Optimizing spatial planning requirements in the context of energy efficient building and renovation. For instance, currently, external insulation of buildings in cities can be prohibited if the thickness of the insulation reduces the area of the sidewalk. Monitoring whether necessary legislative and administrative actions have been taken to modify the territorial planning code Flanders: ex-ante assessment is included in the assessment given under measure "EC-A01 : Promotion of rational use of energy by electricity distribution companies as part of their public service obligation. Flanders: included in measure "EC-A01 : Promotion of rational use of energy by electricity distribution companies as part of their public service obligation Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_17 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 EC-C01 : Third party financing in the public sector Single 17 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: Federal building agency, taking over the measure 2005 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Establish a third party investor fund to support rational use of energy investments in public sector buildings. investments in energy savings by Fedesco / Buildingsagency Since 1 January 2015, all FEDESCO activities are recovered by the federal Building Agency. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_18 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 EC-C02 : Energy and environmental performance and indoor climatic requirements in buildings of the services and community sectors Single 18 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 17.19 259.31 Regional Regional: Flanders: VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Transposing the energy performance of buildings (EPB) directive for the tertiary sector. Imposing energy requirements (including indoor) to tertiary buildings (Energy Performance Decree standard) Brussels Capital Region: The Government's decree of 21 December 2007 regarding EPB stipulates that new buildings has to be passive and heavy renovated ones very low energy starting in 2015 Flanders: the requirements for new buildings and full renovations are tightened step by step so as to reach nearly energy neutral new buildings in 2021. The information on the energy certificates of buildings is gradually expanded so as to better inform (potential) owners and users of buildings. Flanders: Average E-value new schools Flanders: Average K-value new schools Flanders: Average E-value new office buildings Flanders: Average K-value new office buildings Flanders: Average K-value new other specific allocation Flanders: Maximum allowed E-value new office buildings and schools 17.19 102.81 102.81 259.31 259.31 259.31 Projection model Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Belgium_20 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 EC-C03 : Specific energy efficiency measures in the medical, social and education sectors Single 20 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 282.424 257.872 Regional Regional: Flanders: VIPA, VMSW, AGIOn, GO!, VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energie 2004 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Wallonia: Subsidies (up to 30% of total investment) to promote rational use of energy in hospitals, retirement homes, social infrastructures and schools + test cases and demonstration projects Flanders: - Imposition of specific EPB (energy performance of buildings) requirements for positive recommendation by the government for new social housing construction an for full renovation - Imposition of specific EPB requirements as a condition for project funding in the policy areas of welfare, public health and family + new measures for this sector under development - An energy correction will be incorporated in social housing rents. - Demonstration projects in social housing construction and school construction - 2020 energy renovation programme in social housing - Grants for meeting the EPB requirements in new and fully renovated school buildings - Grants for rational use of energy in existing school buildings RBC : the Region has developed Local Action Plans for Energy Management (PLAGE). PLAGE projects develop a coherent and coordinated set of measures, which aims at identify the potential for energy savings and priorities for action. PLAGE project were done in hospitals, socials housing but also in some municipalities. Programme UREBA in public and similar buildings in Wallonia. Evaluations realised by the University of Mons-Hainaut Flanders: Average E-value new schools Flanders: Average K-value new schools Flanders: Maximum allowed E-value for new schools Flanders and Wallonia Wallonia : Statistics of subsidies from the regional authorities to public bodies for rational use of energy (RUE) investments. Flanders : yearly energy performance of buildings (EPB) figures and statistics report of the Flemish Energy Agency (VEA); see URL hereafter 282.424 274.086 274.086 257.872 246.283 246.238 www.energiesparen.be/vlaamsenieuwbouw Unpublished statistics of subsidies from the regional authorities to public bodies for rational use of energy (RUE) investments Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_21 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 EC-C04 : Energy and environmental performance and indoor climatic requirements in industrial buildings Single 21 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 1.08 1.02 Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energie,Regional: Flanders: VEA 2004 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Transposition of the Directive on the energy performance of buildings to the industrial sector. The requirements for new buildings and full renovations are tightened step by step so as to reach nearly energy neutral new buildings in 2021. The information on the energy certificates of buildings is gradually expanded so as to better inform (potential) owners and users of buildings. Brussels-Capital Region has approved the 8th December 2016 the Government's Decree regarding energy audit of big establishments and energy audit related to the environment permit. This decree establishes the obligation of an energy audit for the biggest industrial establishments in the process area. Official publication of decisions Average energy performance of new industrial buildings 1.08 1.04 1.04 1.02 1.02 1.02 Energy audit decree of December 2016 (Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO) www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_25 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 IP-A03 : Energy planning in industries Single 25 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Regional Regional: Flanders : VEA 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml In the Flemish Region the Energy Planning Decision imposes energy-efficiency requirements on establishments with a total annual primary energy consumption of at least 0.1 PJ. Flemish Region: energy savings included in schemes and studies GWh Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_26 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 IP-A04 : Reference Centres and industrial "clusters" Single 26 Single PaM Other Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Regional Regional: Wallonia : DGO6 Economy,Regional: Brussels: IBGE, CSTC/WTCB 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Creating clustered structures to induce synergies among enterprises involved in energy technologies. A cluster may be defined as a grouping of companies, training centres and public or private research units in a given geographical area (Wallonia), committed to a partnership-based approach intended to generate synergies in relation to common projects of an innovative nature. see http://clusters.wallonie.be/federateur-en/ for more detail Monitoring whether necessary actions are taken in order to establish the relevant structures or institutions Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Belgium_27 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 IP-A05 : Promoting sustainable industrial estates Single 27 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Regional Regional: Wallonia : DGO6 Economy,Regional: Flanders: AO 2008 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Wallonia: Promoting sustainable industrial sites which encourage transport modal shifts, promote energy integration networks (connecting energy demand and energy production processes) and produce heat and electricity as by-products, which are then distributed within industries. Flanders: the development of sustainable industrial sites is promoted. Newly developed industrial sites only receive subsidies when the electricity used by the companies is 100% (bought or self produced) renewable energy or when any non-renewable energy used is compensated via emission credits. Extra subsidies are available for the development of multi modal industrial sites. Number of zones Number of industries settled in the zones Type of industries settled in the zones Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package)
Belgium_28 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 IP-A06 : Specific financial measures and ecology premiums for industry Single 28 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances,Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government, Regional Government: FED: FPS Finance,Regional: Flanders: AO, PMV,Regional: Wallonia : DGO6 Economy 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Specific financial measures and ecology premiums: tax deduction and subsidies for energy saving investments in industry. Flanders: The government of Flanders encourages companies to invest in green high technology, offering them a financial compensation by means of the ecology premium and strategic ecology support. The government of Flanders also used to provide a green guarantee that businesses could use for energy saving investments - a system offering better conditions than the generic guarantee scheme - but the green guarantee was ended as businesses didn't use the guarantee even after an evaluation, subsequent revision and extra publicity. Wallonia : economic expansion subsidies available for rational use of energy (RUE), renewable energy systems (RES) promotion and low carbon processes Federal: For 2004, the tax deduction for energy saving investments by companies, while standard investments no longer benefit from a tax deduction. Number of subsidies distributed per type. Investments / energy prices Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_74 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam74 SE-B01 : Supporting sustainable cooling systems in dwellings Single 74 Single PaM Education Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Regional Regional: Flanders : relevant administrations LNE, VEA 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Flanders :Support to (natural and) renewable cooling through demonstration projects and awareness raising campaigns, as alternative methods to conventional heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) 2008 NA (measure expired) Expired 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_32 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 IP-C02 : Reducing N2O-emissions from caprolactam production Single 32 Single PaM Regulatory, Research Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Regional Regional: Flanders : LNE 2007 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU N2O Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml The N2O emissions are generated by a caprolactam production site located in the Flemish Region. The Flemish Government conducted a study in cooperation with this company to identify additional cost efficient measures on the site. On the basis of the results of this study the Flemish government choose (in collaboration with the company concerned) to impose emission limits in the environmental permit of the company as of 01/01/2020 for both N2O and NOx emissions. This was the only policy option that insured that both types of emissions would be reduced. To achieve these emission limits, the company has to implement the identified measures that will reduce both emission types by the end of 2019. The company will also conduct further studies into the technical feasibility of other measures by January 2018. This additional study will be one of the sources by which the government will decide if the emissions limits will be strengthened further as of 01/01/2022. As of 01/01/2020 the company has to respect an emission limit of 7 kg N2O/ton caprolactam. A further strengthening of this limit as of 01/01/2022 is under investigation. N2O-emissions from caprolactam production kt eq CO2 The PAM will have a significant effect in 2020, however a lot of dialogue and studies preceded the agreement that was reached with the company in 2015 (and that will take effect in 2020). Dialogue with the company started at the end of 2007. Implemented 2007 Not included in a projection scenario Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Belgium_33 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 TR-A01 : Mobility plans at local level Single 33 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour 0.19 0.34 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Mobility and Transport,Regional: Brussels: IBGE, AED, communes,Regional: Wallonia : DG02 Mobilité 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Federal state: Survey "Journey to work" for companies with 100 people or more (legal obligation). The publication of the results encourages companies to realize an Action Plan for the transport of their employees. A study is planned to return the survey results more efficiently back to firms. Brussels-Capital In 1998, the Brussels-Capital government approved an ordinance concerning the assessment and improvement of air quality. The ordinance contains the following measures in the field of transport and mobility: each private or public body with more than 200 employees per site has to introduce transport planning;for events assembling over 3 000 participants an action plan to promote the use of public transport and of energy efficient and environmentally friendly means of transport must be instigated; regional public bodies and institutes with a car fleet of over 50 vehicles: within five years after the entry into force of the ordinance 20% of these vehicles have to use environmentally friendly technologies. Evaluation of mobility policies at all levels, incl public transport companies annual reports Flemish Region: number of local governments that entered the cooperation agreement with the Flemish Government 0.19 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 Results of mobility plan of companies ((Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO) www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Belgium_34 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 TR-A02 : Improve and promote public transport Single 34 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Mobility and Transport,Regional: Brussels: IBGE, AED, STIB,Regional: Flanders : De Lijn, MOW,Regional: Wallonia : TEC 2004 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Improve and promote public transport by: - continued development of public transport - setting quantified targets with the authorities and including them into their management conventions to increase the use of public transport. - improving infrastructures and services - creating new parking places for cars and bicycles close to train stations - reducing fares for certain categories of travelers - promoting the combined use of bicycle and public transport and therefore including the promotion of bicycles as an objective of public transport companies Federal state: investments in infrastructure, the strengthening of the transport capacity and the quality of service (enhancing timeliness, safety, accessibility and information to travelers), the further development of an attractive pricing policy, the promotion of combinations between railway and other soft transport modes through specific investments (parking spaces for cars and bicycles with safety cameras, lighting…) and awareness raising campaigns Statistics on the use of public transports people and pers.km Number of kilometers driven on the road by passenger cars km New management contracts will be adopted . The content of those contracts will be discussed by the Federal Public Service for Mobility and Transport, Infrabel, SNCB and the strategic cell of the Minister for Mobility. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO. Statistics of public transport companies : Flanders : de Lijn Wallonia : TEC Brussels : STIB/MIVB www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs http://www.mobilit.belgium.be/fr/mobilite/chiffres/recensement/ Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Belgium_35 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 TR-A03 : Promote the use of bicycles Single 35 Single PaM Economic, Information, Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 1.55 1.26 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Finance, FPS Mobility and Transport,Regional: Brussels : AED, IBGE,Regional: Flanders: MOW 2004 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Tax incentive aiming at stimulating bicycle use for home-work commuting - Promote the use of bicycles by creating or improving safe and comfortable infrastructures such as bicyclelanes, parking facilities, ... - Promotion of cycling through public transport - speedpedelec gets fiscal deductibility of 120% for buying and 22 cent/km for using itcompanies - Improve intermodality rail-bikes : - Installation of bike points and secure parking for bikes at railway stations - Improve intermodality bus/car share/... - bikes by creating parking facilities - fiscal measures (bicycle free tax allowance: € 0.23 / km from fiscal year 2016... Survey home-work trips from the federal Mobility administration (bicycle use) Ratio of bicycle over car pkm for home work journeys (diagnostic federal) total of carkm travelled in Belgium (statbel) share of carkm travelled for home work journeys occupancy rate of cars for home-work journeys Length of dedicated lanes Flemish Region: share of bicycles use in the modal split The impact of extra bicycle parkings is part of the TR-A02 policy. ; The previous objectives of parking space for two-wheelers have been exceeded (87600 places vs. 78000). End 2015, the capacity has been extended to 93. 432 parking place. The bicycle compensation reached € 0.23 / km from fiscal year 2016. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 1.55 1.41 1.41 1.26 1.26 1.26 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Belgium_36 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 TR-A04 : Promote multimodal freight transport Single 36 Single PaM Economic, Information, Planning, Voluntary Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Other transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Other transport ('Modal shift for goods') 117.26 164.21 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Mobility and Transport,Regional: Wallonia : DGO2 Voies navigables et intermodalité,Regional: Brussels: Bruxelles Mobilité,Regional: Flanders: MOW 2004 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Federal state: Rail : - Standardisation of containers 467-a, ITS containers 467-b - Construction of new infrastructures and improvement of existing infrastructures - Offering subsidies for domestic freight transport by train. Waterways: - financial support to the profession - financial support for the purchase of energy efficient barges. Flanders: - implementation of actions in 3E inland Navigation covenant and 3E Inland Navigation Action Plan - Increase of the share of inland waterways in freight transport through implementation of the Infrastructure Master Plan for the Flemish waterways - investments in optimal use of shorepower on inland waterways - logistics consultants to help companies make modal shift - development of support tools (such as roadmap for green logistics, simulation model to optimise the time of good flows, best practices in relation to green logistics, ...) Statistics of transport by inland waterways (recording of freight characteristics at lockgates) Statistics of railways tonnes and tonnes.km Grants released for combined transport and single wagon load since 2014. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 117.26 137.339 137.339 164.21 200.169 200.169 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Belgium_37 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 TR-A05 : Improve road transport efficiency Single 37 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Regional Regional: Brussels: AED,Regional: Flanders: MOW, AWV 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Improvement of transport efficiency through congestion/traffic jam management and traffic regulation, including enforcing speed limits, taking circulation measures, and deploying and inforcing optimum traffic circulation speeds. Follow-up of actions and investments in the infrastructures Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_38 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 TR-A06 : Parking regulations Single 38 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour Local, Regional Regional: Brussels: AED , IBGE, AATL,Local: municipalities 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Urban planning: promoting available public parking and discouraging surface parking and endless search for parking places. In the Brussels Region, Chapter 3 of the Brussels Code on Air Climate end Energy Control (COBRACE) regulates off-street parking. It provides that the parking standards applicable to new constructions are also applied to existing office buildings when their environmental permit is renewed. Considering that parking availability at destination is the most decisive factor in the decision to travel by car, this incentive has been implemented, expecting to reduce the ruch hour congestion by as much as 10%. Follow-up of actions ( Brussels Capital region) Implemented 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_39 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 TR-A07 : Taxation of road transport Single 39 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction Regional Regional: Brussels: AFB, AED, IBGE,Regional: Flanders: PMO 'sustainable transport' 2016 Yes Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml working towards an effective pricing of vehicle km by road: - Differentiated kilometre taxes for goods vehicles as of 01/04/2016 - Trial project on differentiated kilometre taxes for passenger cars - Development of pricing mechanism for passenger cars (dependent on evaluation trial project) Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU
Belgium_40 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 TR-A08 : Free public transport for commuters Single 40 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: FED : FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue 2004 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Free public transport for commuters. Under social regulations, 80% of the travel costs of workers (by train) paid by their employer. This policy ensures that the remaining 20% are paid by the public authorities. System of free commuting by train for employees of the Federal government. generalized costs with and without the measure Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Belgium_41 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 TR-B01 : Promotion of car-pooling Single 41 Single PaM Economic, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour 16.81 28.14 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Finance; FPS Mobility and Transport,Regional: Flanders: MOW 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Changing the rules of the road, allowing road managers to open a road lane reserved for buses, cars occupied by several people, vehicles used for the transportation company (journey to work). - Extension of Liability (Compulsory Insurance) coverage for carpools. - Insurance on work accidents (mandatory for companies) indemnify the incapacity of the driver and passengers. The journey to work required may include a visit to the collection of carpoolers. - The compensation paid by the employer for the journey to work is not taxable. - The driver can deduct EUR 0.15 / km from taxes without having to declare the compensation paid by carpoolers. - Carpooling is being supported fiscally. Home-work travel expenses for using carpooling are deductible at the lump sum rate of 0,15 €/km, up to a maximum distance of 25 km (later increased to 50 and 100 km one-way). Flanders: - Stimulation of carpooling - Constructing carpool parkings". Brussels-Capital Region: Projections of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction are based on statistics and analysis by carsharing companies. the Air, climate, energy plan establishes un objective of 800 available vehicles in different type of car sharing or car pooling. Statistics of car-poolers from the mobility federal administrations Flemish Region: average seat occupancy cars Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 16.81 28.29 28.29 28.14 28.17 28.17 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Estimations based on regional objectives and statistics of car sharing companies and on federal assessment (study 'Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet)') www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_42 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 TR-B02 : Promotion of car sharing Single 42 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour 0.782 0.782 Regional Regional: Flanders : MOW,Regional: Brussels : IBGE 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promotion of car-sharing - The railroad company participates in the organization of shared cars (type Cambio) by reserving parkingplaces for car shared close to railway stations." Brussels-Capital Region: Projections of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction are based on statistics and analysis by carsharing companies. the Air, climate, energy plan establishes un objective of 800 available vehicles in different type of car sharing or car pooling. Statistics from designated and subsidized operators have to report on their activities and provide statistics of car-sharing. In the Flemish Region - average seat occupancy cars 0.782 0.782 0.782 0.782 0.782 0.782 Cambio (personnal communication 2015) www.cambio.be Implemented 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_43 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 TR-B03 : Promotion of teleworking Single 43 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Personnel and Organisation,Regional: Employment and social departments fo regional administrations 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promote teleworking (pilot project, example function of public administrations) Results of pilot projects in public administrations Implemented 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_44 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 TR-B04 : Improve freight transport efficiency Single 44 Single PaM Information, Voluntary Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour Regional Regional: Brussels : Brussels harbour,Regional: Flanders : MOW 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Optimizing timetables, loading and unloading procedures and the logistics of freight transport by road, logistics consultants to help companies make modal shift, development of support tools (such as roadmap for green logistics, simulation model to optimise the time of good flows, best practices in realtion to green logistics, ...), improvement of manufacture to consumer distribution (including last mile distribution), stimulation of initiatives for green logistics/return logistics, ... Flanders: increase of truck km compared to 1998 % Implemented 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_45 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 TR-B05 : Ecodriving Single 45 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour 53.44 53.44 Government, Regional Regional: Flanders : De Lijn, MOW, LNE,Regional: Wallonia : TEC,Regional: Brussels : STIB,Government: FED: FPS Mobility and Transport 2004 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2003/59/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Flanders: - Extending Flemish government training courses to include economical driving - Ecodriving training for all public transport bus drivers and instructors - Equipping public transport busses with driving style meters - Awareness raising campaigns about the vehicle parameters that affect emissions (load, tire, ...) and ecodriving Fed: deliverance of Driver Certificate of Professional Gasoil consumption and emissions reductions due to the training sessions Measure now partially regionalized Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 53.44 53.44 53.44 53.44 53.44 53.44 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Belgium_46 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 TR-C01 : Tax deductions for the purchase of new clean vehicles Single 46 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: FED : FPS Finance 2004 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Fed: From 1 January 2005 till 30 June 2007, the purchase of environmentally friendly cars was promoted via a tax advantage. From July 2007 to 31-12-2011, this tax reduction has been replaced by an immediate discount on the invoice, of the same amount Additionally, a tax reduction of 150 € is given since 2007 for new diesel cars equipped with a particulate filter, a CO2 emission of less than 130 g/km and particulate emission of less than 0,005 g/km. The Income Tax Code 92 (Art. 145/28) allows a 30% tax reduction for the purchase of electric vehicles and battery recharge installation, from 2010 to 2012. Since 2010: 15% tax reduction for the purchase of an electrical 4- or 2-cycles. Fiscal statistics on the number of new clean vehicles purchased which benefited tax deductions. The tax reduction for cars, estate cars and electric minibus, as well as the installation of a charging point was suppressed from the year 2014 (income 2013). The tax reduction remains valid for motorcycles, tricycles and quadricycles. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Belgium_47 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 TR-C02 : Promoting the purchase of clean vehicles Single 47 Single PaM Fiscal, Information Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment,Regional: Wallonia DGO2 Budget 2004 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promoting the purchase of clean vehicles by advertising CO2 emissions and annual publication containing information on CO2 emissions of all new vehicles on the Belgian market and identifying clean vehicles eligible for fiscal deduction. Bonuses and penalties existed in the Walloon system for buying a private vehicle according to CO2 emissions for both new and used cars. The mechanism is now reduced to penalties. In Flanders there is a system of ecoboni and ecomali taken into consideration when setting the tariff for road taxations. Pure electric vehicles and vehicles propelled by hydrogen are exempt from road taxations (both the road fund tax and the tax on entry into service). Plug-in hybrids are exempt until 2020 if they emit les than 50 g CO2/km. Sales of new cars, statistics of eco-bonus/malus Flanders: Share alternative vehicles (= (plug in) electric vehicles, vehicles powered by LPG or CNG) new vehicles % Flanders: Share alternative vehicles (= (plug in) electric vehicles, vehicles powered by LPG or CNG) fleet % Flanders: g CO2/km Flanders: Average CO2-emissions new vehicle g CO2/km Flanders: Average CO2-emissions fleet g CO2/km Flanders: Average ecoscore new vehicle Flanders: Average ecoscore fleet There is no more paper version of the CO2 guide. It is now replaced by an electronic version. Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Belgium_48 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 TR-C03 : Vehicles environmental impacts appraisal (ECOSCORE) Single 48 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Regional Regional: Wallonia: AwAC,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: LNE 2004 Yes Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Environmental Impact Assessment of vehicles, reformation of the road fund tax and the tax on entry into service (ECOSCORE) Monitoring that necessary actions are taken by the relevant authorities Flanders: Average ecoscore new vehicle Higher score is better Flanders: Average ecoscore fleet Higher score is better Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Belgium_50 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 TR-C05 : Best Available Technology for public transport Single 50 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Regional Regional: Wallonia : TEC,Regional: Brussels: STIB, IBGE,Regional: Flanders : De Lijn 2004 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Purchase of clean vehicles for public transport Annual reports of public transportation companies Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Belgium_51 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 TR-D01 : Promoting bio-fuels Single 51 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 1945 2717 Government Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment + FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy - DG Energy (E2) 2004 Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Fuel quality directive 98/70/EC amending Directive 93/12/EEC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Minimal required volumes of sustainable biofuels in transport fuel, sustainability criteria Share biofuels % fuel consumption PJ As of July 2013 fuel must incorporate a minimum percentage of sustainable biofuel in fossil fuels.The exoneration of biofuels from excise duties has been discontinued as of July 1st 2014, because it was not covered any more by a European authorization (“state aid”). Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 1945 2300 2300 2717 2720 2720 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs 2006-2012 2012 303 600000000 Benefit only includes financial benefit from reduced energy bill over the entire life time of the equipment. It does not cover the additional cost of more efficient equipment. A real discount rate of 10% is used. Evaluation of the impact of policy instruments and measures implemented in the context of the Federal climate policy - report 2014 - Vito-Econotec (new evaluation will be published in 2017) www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Belgium_52 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 AG-A01 : Reducing emissions from cultivation that uses greenhouses (glasshouses) Single 52 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('efficiency improvement in agriculture'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Regional Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Energie,Regional: Flanders: LV, VEA, LNE 2004 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Subsidies, information, promotion of combines heat and power (CHP) and HP, investigation of available residual energy/CO2 from industry to be recycled in greenhouses. In the Walloon region, a subsidy is available to support the design of high efficiency greenhouses. In Flanders various policy instruments will continue to stimulate energy saving and sustainable and renewable energy production and consumption. These include financial support for energy saving techniques and investments in renewable energy, advice on the rational use of energy in permits, awareness raising, technological service, etc. Additionally, the energy consultant project was strengthened and a pilot project is supported in which low value residual heat from waste incinerators is used to heat (and possibly CO2-fertilise) clustered greenhouses. Flanders: Installed capacity combines heat and power (CHP) in agriculture Mwe Flanders: Installed capacity biogas in agriculture kWe Flanders: GJ Flanders: Green heat production by combines heat and power (CHP) in agriculture GJ Flanders: Green heat production by biomass installations in agriculture (heat only) GJ Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Belgium_53 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 AG-A02 : Financial incentives for rational use of energy in agriculture Single 53 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('efficiency improvement in agriculture'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Regional Regional: Energy administrations,Regional: Flanders: also LV & LNE 2004 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Financial instruments available for rational use of energy (RUE) and renewable energy systems (RES) in the private sectors are also made available for agriculture. Moreover, specific financial instruments exist in Flanders for the agriculture sector (see also AG-A01) Statistics of premiums and /or fiscal deductions See also AG-A01 Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Belgium_54 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 AG-B01 : Reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fertilizers and manure usage Single 54 Single PaM Economic, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Regional Regional: administrations of agriculture,Regional: Flanders: also environment administration 2004 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Rural development plans are supplemented by specific measures on the rational use of organic and nitrogen based fertilizers. Such policies initially aimed at reducing the stress of pollution on surface and underground waters contribute to the reduction of N2O and CH4 emissions. Moreover, cross compliance regulations aim to protect pastures : prohibiting pastures reductions, regulating carbon and acidity contents and using measures to combat erosion. Additionally Flanders takes a number of other actions to further reduce CH4 and N2O emissions. Flanders will focus on further research and implementation of nutritional strategies, the composition of feed, good manure management practices, awareness-raising and (the provision of) information. Flanders will also work towards the small-scale anaerobic fermentation of pure manure by giving financial support for small scaled fermenters. Flanders: Soil: usage artificial manure ton N/jaar Flanders: Soil: processing and export of Flemish animal manure ton N/jaar Flanders: Enteric fermentation: milk production / dairy cow kg/day Flanders: Enteric fermentation / manure management / soil: size livestock : Dairy cattle number of animals Flanders: Enteric fermentation / manure management / soil: size livestock : Non dairy cattle number of animals Flanders: Enteric fermentation / manure management / soil: size livestock : pigs number of animals Flanders: Enteric fermentation / manure management / soil: size livestock : poultry number of animals Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Belgium_55 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 AG-CO1 : Limiting deforestation and promoting reforestation Single 55 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: relevant administrations in collaboration with AwAC(Wallonia),Regional: relevant administrations in collaboration with LNE (Flanders) 2004 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Limiting deforestation and encouraging reforestation Number of acres of subsidized (re)forestation number of acres of (re)forestation on grounds bought by the government number of acres covered by forests Information on LULUCF actions in Belgium: Report under Article 10 of decision 529/2013/EU http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvk5kbg/ Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Belgium_56 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 AG-CO2 : Preserve the ecological stability of forests (certification) Single 56 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: relevant administrations in collaboration with AwAC(Wallonia),Regional: relevant administrations in collaboration with LNE (Flanders) 2004 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promotion of sustainably produced timber through sectoral agreement with the timber sector (since 2011) in order to increase the share of sustainably produced timber on the Belgian market. + Promotion of certified wood products through public procurement. Certification FSC & PEFC of forests FSC : Forest Stewardship Council PEFC : Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification Schemes (ex- Pan European Forest Certification). Land surfaces covered by forests ha survey of wood market by the Interdepartmental Commission of sustainable development Information on LULUCF actions in Belgium: Report under Article 10 of decision 529/2013/EU http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvk5kbg/ Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Belgium_58 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 AG-D02 : Promote dedicated energy crops Single 58 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Regional Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Energy, & walloon rural foundation 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promotion of (dedicated) energy crops. This measure resulted from the application of the European subsidies for energy crops (common agricultural policy). Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Belgium_59 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 AG-D03 : Specific support to promote biomethanisation Single 59 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Regional Regional: Wallonia : DO4 Energie & DGO3 Agriculture 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promotion of biomethanisation in agricultural establishments. Wallonia : a thorough analysis showed that potentialities existed but were not implemented due to low profitability and too complex constraints. Special support has thus been elaborated: simplified regulations, longer period during which green certificates are allocated, dedicated financial supports... Timeline of the adoption of legal texts Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Belgium_60 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 AG-D04 : Quality standards for biofuels (wood pellets) Single 60 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml The federal State has established quality standards for solid biofuels to enhance the market and promotes a purchasing policy preferential to certified wood (FSC, PEFC or equivalent). Market indicator Royal decree of 5/4/2011 (published on 15/5/2011 - Belgian Official Gazette) Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Belgium_61 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam61 WA-A01 : Minimise quantities of wastes dumped into landfills Single 61 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Finance,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Wallonia : DGO3 Waste management,Regional: Flanders: OVAM 2007 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml The Belgian waste policy takes into account the European waste hierarchy, with prevention (including recycling, repair, etc.) as the most favoured option and disposal (landfilling) as the least favoured option (cfr. Ladder of Lansinck). The prohibition of landfilling organic waste is in force. All the existing landfills still controlled are equipped with systems for biogas recovery, usually for the purpose of electricity generation. The old landfills are under surveillance which may lead, if necessary, to the installation of safety flares. Statistics from landfills management The tax has been discontinued as of 1 January 2015 (Programme law of 19 December 2014) Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Belgium_62 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam62 WA-B01 : Optimize incineration of wastes Single 62 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Regional Regional: Brussels: ABP,Regional: Flanders: OVAM 2004 Yes Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Optimization of (new) waste incineration (incinerators) by improving the energy efficiency of new and existing waste incinerators, financial support for processing technologies that deliver a high quality end product and a net energy yield, stimulating maximum energy recuperation (for example via the system of green certificates and combined heat and power certificates, installing heating networks to households or companies in the vicinity of the waste incinerator, ... Flanders: Amount of waste burned - in cooperation with the energy sector TJ/yr Flanders: Amount of waste burned - private production TJ/yr Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Belgium_63 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam63 WA-C01 : Landfill gas flaring and recuperation Single 63 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Regional Regional: Flanders : OVAM,Regional: Wallonia : DGO3 : waste mangement 2004 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml All landfills in operation are equipped with biogas recovery and valorising biogas to produce electricity by generating green certificates to help support the costs. Former landfills, which are out of operation are equipped with flaring devices. In accordance with EC Directive 1999/31/EC, organic waste is no longer accepted in landfills. Quantities of biogas collected quantities of electricity and heat produced Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Belgium_64 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam64 WA-D01 : Biomass flows management Single 64 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE, ABP 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Manage and quality control of biomass available for material recuperation or for energy usage. The policy corresponds to the transposition of the Directive 2009/28/EC concerning the sustainability criteria for bioliquids and biofuels. Brussels Capital Region transposed the directive in the "Arrêté du Gouvernement pour la promotion d'électricité verte du 17 décembre 2015" and applies only for bioliquids. Biofuels are the responsibility of the Federal entity. Quality controls statistics of sales Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Belgium_65 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam65 WA-E01 : Waste refrigerating fluids recuperation and management Single 65 Single PaM Education, Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: LNE 2004 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Reducing F-gas emissions by means of certification requirements for refrigeration companies and their personnel and inspection campaigns. F-gas emissions. See also IP-B01 Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Belgium_66 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam66 SE-A01 : Climate Change Awareness Single 66 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD, LULUCF, EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Wallonia : AwAC, DGO4 Energy,Regional: Flanders : LNE, VEA 2004 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Communication via brochures and guides, campaigns in media and a website (www.klimaat.be / www.climat.be) on climate change, situation in Belgium, decisions and concrete actions that may interest general public. Monitoring the calendar of events Monitoring the production of promotional material statistics of visits on websites answers to polls Implemented 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_67 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam67 SE-A02 : Tools to promote rational energy use and renewable energy Single 67 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 0.69 1.43 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Wallonia : AwAC, DGO4 Energy,Regional: Flanders : LNE, VEA 2006 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Development of communication tools concerning climate change, rational use of energy (RUE) and renewable energy Examples : cars CO2 emissions guide on line for those who want to select a low emission car ; CO2 calculator to estimate energy consumption from home appliances and different products (cars, lighting, windows, roof insulation) to make a better choice,… carbon calculator for households and small and medium-sized enterprises (SME's). Brussels-Capital Region offers a free service for citizens with energy specialist in order to find the opportunities of reducing their energy consumption and to implement 3 small interventions per household (Insulation of pipelines in the Domestic Hot Water system, improvement of heating regulation, among others). Budget used The energy-guzzlers website has now 11 calculation modules. 0.69 1.21 1.21 1.43 1.43 1.43 http://www.energivores.be/HouseClosed.aspx?lang=FR Reporting on projections – BELGIUM - March 2017 - National Climate Commission,Trois petites interventions gratuites et sur mesure (Brussels capital region),Bilan carbone (Walloon region) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwlwmrg/Report_projections_Belgium_2017.pdf,http://www.maisonenergiehuis.be/fr/trois-petites-interventions-gratuites-et-sur-mesure,http://www.awac.be/index.php/outils/calculateur-co2 Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_68 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam68 SE-A03 : Environmental awareness in schools Single 68 Single PaM Education Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Wallonia : AwAC, DGO4 Energy,Regional: Flanders : LNE 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Develop and use tools to increase awareness on climate change among students and teachers (notably educational files for primary and secundary schools (in Wallonia)) Fed: educational project on a low carbon society by 2050(FED). Flanders : the MOS project (Respect for the environment at school): MOS (www.milieuzorgopschool.be) is a project of the Flemish authorities on care for the environment from nursery to secondary school. The MOS project helps the school to develop its own environmental care scheme in a pedagogically responsible manner. An environmental care scheme at school is a set of measures and actions on which everyone works to make the school more environmentally friendly. Children and teenagers develop this environmental care scheme, tailor-made to their school, together with their teachers, management and school staff. MOS offers educational and practical support for this. The concrete content of MOS is determined by the school itself. MOS works around the topics of climate, .... Number of participating schools Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_69 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam69 SE-A04 : Ecocampus Single 69 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Regional Regional: Flanders: LNE,Regional: Wallonia : AwAC 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Flanders : Ecocampus programme for Universities Wallonia : Management and climate change (interuniversity master degree) Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Belgium_70 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam70 SE-A05 : Financial support for energy counsellors in interprofessional organisations Single 70 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Agriculture; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: VEA, LNE 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Provision of project grants for energy consultants to inter-professional organizations. These energy consultants help there member organizations to reduce energy consumption, increase energy efficiency, increase energy supply form renewable energy sources, improve animal waste management systems, ... Budget issued to interprofessional organisations Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_71 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam71 SE-A06 : Training of energy managers Single 71 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Wallonia: DGO4 Energy 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Training of energy / Vocational-Technical : establishing energy/CO2 skills among managers of large buildings in the tertiary sector. For instance : Wallonia : Formation of energy managers in tertiary buildings : 13 days per year, certifying exam and end of study project. http://energie.wallonie.be/fr/la-formation-certifiante-de-responsable-energie.html?IDD=11822&IDC=6136 Brussels : Brussels has developed a network of facilitators and advisors for professionals. These experts introduce professionals to technical innovations in the areas of energy and eco-design. These specialists are selected through calls for tenders. Two kinds of facilitator exist : the sustainable building facilitators and the sustainable neighbourhood facilitators. Their mission consists of providing free advice and free guidance to project sponsors in technical matters relating to the areas of energy, including renewable energy, cogeneration and eco-design, on the level of both buildings and their facilities and neighbourhoods. They also organise seminars, visits or trips, etc. Facilitators are accessible by calling a free phone number. To accelerate the thorough renovation of the buildings, sustainable building facilitator service will be improved and made more dynamic. www.bruxellesenvironnement.be/facilitateur Number of trained people Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_75 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam75 SE-B02 : Guidance on rational use of energy to low income communities Single 75 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders : VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energy & CPAS 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Supporting residents of disadvantaged groups in rational use of energy to meet rational deal with energy Actions, budgets and projects reports Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_76 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam76 SE-B03 : Pilot projects in social housing and school construction to evaluate sustainable energy measures Single 76 Single PaM Education, Research Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: VMSW, Agion, GO! 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Evaluating sustainable energy measures through pilot and demonstration projects in social housing and school construction Register of supported projects budgets devoted to the projects Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_77 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam77 SE-B05 : Youth, space and environment project Single 77 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Regional Regional: Flanders : LNE 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml JeROM project (Youth, Space, Surroundings and Environment): Flanders encourages young people to adopt critical involvement and a sense of responsibility regarding environmentally compatible behaviour. Youth groups are supported to integrate care of the environment in their work. For this purpose, they are provided with knowledge, insight and educational instruments and are encouraged to reduce their impact on the environment. Number of actions financial support provided by Regional authorities activity and financial reports Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_78 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam78 SE-B06 : Guidance on rational energy use in adults associations Single 78 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Regional Regional: Flanders : LNE 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml As part of its nature and environmental education (NME = Natuur en Milieueducatie), Flanders has set up the operation "Niet voor groentjes" (approximate translation ‘Not for novices’, wordplay is lost in translation). This operation primarily targets socio-cultural work for adults. The operation encourages and supports adult organisations in devising and carrying out nature and environmental activities by providing information and methodologies, looking for partners, etc. Number of counsellors reports on their actions number of advices given Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_79 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam79 SE-B07 : Promotion and financial support for energy audits in individual dwellings Single 79 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Regional Regional: Brussels: ABEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energy,Regional: Flanders: VEA 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promotion and financial support for energy audits in dwellings. - http://homegrade.brussels/ provides information concerning soundproofing, energy management, renovation, and urbanisme. Visites to your house are proposed aiming to reduce energy consumption, there is also councelling for building renovation - http://energie.wallonie.be/fr/audit-energetique-des-logements-pae2.html?IDC=6048 Number of requests, number of financial supports allocated Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_80 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam80 SE-B08 : Energy counsellors Single 80 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Regional Regional: Brussels: ABEA 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Brussels has developed a network of facilitators and advisors for professionals. These experts introduce professionals to technical innovations in the areas of energy and eco-design. These specialists are selected through calls for tenders. Two kinds of facilitator exist : the sustainable building facilitators and the sustainable neighbourhood facilitators. Their mission consists of providing free advice and free guidance to project sponsors in technical matters relating to the areas of energy, including renewable energy, cogeneration and eco-design, on the level of both buildings and their facilities and neighbourhoods. They also organise seminars, visits or trips, etc. Facilitators are accessible by calling a free phone number. To accelerate the thorough renovation of the buildings, sustainable building facilitator service will be improved and made more dynamic. Number of counsellors activity reports by counsellors Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_81 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam81 SE-B09 : Eco-construction Single 81 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Regional Regional: Brussels : IBGE 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Project Ecobuild : promoting rational use of energy in buildings through municipalities. Several projects aim to promote eco-construction such as Brussels greenbizz is a particular European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project (2007-2013, € 16 million) aiming to set up an environmental business incubator in the areas of eco-construction, renewable energy and green products. Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_82 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam82 SE-C01 : Training of energy and building professionals Single 82 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Regional Regional: Brussels : IBGE 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml A variety of seminars and courses are organized by the Brussels region (http://www.environnement.brussels/guichet/seminaires-et-formations?view_pro=1 ). For more details see policies and measures SE A06: Training of energy managers. Number of training sessions number of trainees Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_83 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam83 SE-C02 : Eco-efficiency scans Single 83 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Regional Regional: Regional energy efficiency departments 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Investments in eco-efficiency of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs): improve energy efficiency by designing environmentally friendlier products, adapting production processes and better valorising wastes; examining markets to try to adapt to customers demands and demonstrating benefits of changes (e.g. profitability and better respect of environment) Number of scans performed Implemented 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_84 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam84 SE-C03 : Raise awareness about the reduction of F-gases in the refrigeration sector Single 84 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Regional Regional: Flemish Region : LNE,Regional: Brussels Region : IBGE/BIM,Regional: Walloon Region : AwAC 2004 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Increase specific awareness about cooling needs and solutions through providing information about the relevant legislation and ways to reduce emissions F-gas emissions Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Belgium_85 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam85 SE-C04 : Social responsibility of businesses Single 85 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Companies Companies: Businesses 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Managing enterprises in coherence with their social and environmental neighbourhood. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is an improvement process in which businesses, on a voluntary basis, systematically and consistently include social, environmental and economic considerations in their business management, in consultation with their stakeholders (customers, staff, suppliers). Flanders has set up the Corporate Social Responsibility Knowledge Centre (http://www.mvovlaanderen.be/) to inform and inspire businesses. Brussels Environment is organising a large number of information and training sessions on environmental themes (energy, eco-construction, mobility, etc.). The seminars, colloquiums and guided visits are intended to inform professionals about the current legislation and the latest technological developments, to pass on technical advice from specialists and feedback from other bodies and to allow them to become familiar with exemplary installations. The training is organised in cycles which take place over several months and usually end with an evaluation leading to a certificate. The training is intended for a specialised public wishing to acquire specific knowledge in the technical field. Monitoring the programs established Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_86 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam86 SE-C05 : Eco-dynamic label for businesses Single 86 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Brussels : The "Eco-dynamic Enterprise" label : Recognising clean enterprises to promote good practice. The « Eco Dynamic » Label is awarded to businesses that develop sustainable management measures and pursue a green policy and can demonstrate that they are making progress notably in areas such as waste management, the rational use of energy or workers mobility management. From an administrative point of view, this label is less cumbersome than the EMAS or ISO 14001 labels and is therefore is more suited for small and medium-sized enterprises (SME’s) or other small structures. Bodies applying for the label are offered tailored coaching by an expert. A simplified procedure has been put in place for EMAS and ISO 14001certified bodies applying for the Brussels label. With 173 sites having been awarded the “Entreprise Ecodynamique” label, of which 52 are in the public sector (36 from these 52 are regional Brussels public administrations, municipal or intermunicipal bodies), the label has been proven a great success. The 173 successful candidates who have been awarded the label employ more than 45,000 FTEs (Full-time equivalents). 450 hours are spent on coaching applicants. Number of labels allocated to enterprises grades obtained by enterprises (showing the degree of improvement) Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_87 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam87 SE-D01 : Clean vehicles promotion campaign Single 87 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: LNE, MOW 2004 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promoting the purchase of clean vehicles via awareness campaigns, which take various forms. Number of new clean cars bought (fiscal statistics relating to measure TR-C01) Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Belgium_88 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam88 SE-D02 : Eco-driving promotion campaign Single 88 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: LNE, MOW 2004 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Sensibilisation campaign on eco-driving via awareness campaigns, which take various forms. Number of trainees Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Belgium_89 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam89 SE-D03 : Meeting on sustainable mobility needs campaign Single 89 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: LNE, MOW 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Raise awareness of citizens to satisfy their mobility needs in a sustainable way Statistics modal split Implemented 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_90 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam90 SE-E01 : Knowledge Centre on energy for agriculture and horticulture Single 90 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Energy efficiency') Regional Regional: Flanders : LV 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Flanders has established a permanent structure for energy consumption in agriculture and horticulture. An adviser provides information on rational use of energy and the new energy technologies in the broad sense (technical and administrative information). A second activity is the ‘technology watch’ and monitoring the market for available technology. Monitoring of the programme established Implemented 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_91 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam91 SE-E02 : Environmental accounting/reporting Single 91 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Environmental management (cross-cutting)') Regional Regional: Flanders: LV 2004 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Reducing emissions from the agricultural sector by raising awareness of farmers through environmental accounting/reporting. In Flanders, the farmers’ staff services emphasise the usefulness of advice on and monitoring of environmental accounting (energy, water, fertilisers, pesticides). Information sessions and demonstration projects on energy crops and biofuels are organised for this target group. Number of agriculturalists that received advise concerning environmental accounting/reporting Implemented 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_92 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam92 SE-E03: Consumer behaviour and improved sustainability of the entire chain Single 92 Single PaM Information, Voluntary Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Regional Regional: Flanders: LV, LNE, Interdepartemental workinggroup on foodlos 2008 No No information CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Various plans and strategies focus on consumer behaviour - which can have a major, indirect impact on the climate by making particular choices for food - and on improving the sustainability of the entire food chain. These include the Short Supply Chain Strategic Plan, the Organic Agriculture Strategic Plan, awareness-raising for a more sustainable diet and various projects designed to counter food loss and waste, and to maximise the use of biowaste and organic byproducts. Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_93 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam93 OB-A01 : Sustainable public procurement Single 93 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government, Regional Government: FED : pilot : Federal Institute for Sustainable Development and the Interdepartmental Commission for Sustainable Development --> all the federal services should implement this action,Regional: Brussels: Public bodies,Regional: Flanders: Public bodies 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2, N2O, CH4, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml The federal and regional governments lead by example by integrating sustainability criteria in public procurement. The Federal Institute for Sustainable Development and the Interdepartmental Commission on Sustainable Development surveys the reporting and monitoring of the implementation of Circular of 16 May 2014 by the public authorities. An analysis of the global policy will be executed in 2017 by the federal Minister responsible for sustainable Development. No monitoring results or indicators are available yet. Specific indicators on CO2 reduction in procurement will not be developed. The measure aims to promote the purchase of products which are environmentally friendly and produced in socially accepted circumstances, so impact is not limited to CO2 emissions. http://guidedesachatsdurables.be/fr Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Belgium_95 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam95 OB-A03 : Environmental management system Single 95 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy 2.73 2.73 Government, Regional Government: FED : coordinator : Federal Institute for Sustainable Development --> all federal services should implement the system,Regional: Brussels: Public bodies 2005 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) EC 1221/2009 (EMAS) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Environmental management system to be established in every federal administration service. Flemish government: environmental management systems are not obliged, but many administrations have or are striving to attain environmental management systems. Number of departments registered with EMAS scrutiny of EMAS actions individual published environmental declaration consumption per employee Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 0.91 1.82 0.91 1.82 2.73 0.91 1.82 0.91 1.82 2.73 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Belgium_96 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam96 OB-B01 : Rational Use of energy in public buildings Single 96 Single PaM Planning Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 9 17 Government, Regional Government: FED : Buildingsagency; SNCB-Holding (public enterprise) for railway station buildings,Regional: Brussels: Public bodies 2004 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Good practice shown by public administrations: installation of photovoltaic panels on roofs of government buildings Monitoring of actions number of requests for financial support budgetary controls Before 2015 : FEDESCO activity reports (3d party investor) Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 9 0 17 0 17 17 0 17 0 17 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_97 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam97 OB-B02 : Third Party Financing in public buildings Single 97 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: FED: Federal building agency, taking over the measure 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Establishment of a third party investor to improve the energy efficiency of public buildings (FEDESCO) investments in energy savings by Fedesco / Buildingsagency Since 1 January 2015, all FEDESCO activities are recovered by the federal Building Agency. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Belgium_98 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam98 OB-B03 : Promoting rational energy use in local communities Single 98 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Local, Regional Regional: Brussels: Public bodies, communes, hospitals, schools,Local: Municipalities and public bodies,Regional: Flanders: LNE 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promotion of RUE (rational use of energy) within municipalities and local communities. Support to local initiatives that promote rational energy use. Support to municipalities that sign the Convenant of Mayors. Number of local governments participating Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_99 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam99 OB-C01 : Mobility plan for civil servants of different administrative organisations sharing a common office building Single 99 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction Companies, Regional Regional: Brussels: Public bodies,Companies: companies (>200 employees) 2004 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Increasing the use of mobility plans for civil servants of different administrative organisations sharing a common office building to show good practice by public administrations Number of participants Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Belgium_100 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam100 OB-C02 Promotion of alternative transport in public services Single 100 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented ESD, EU ETS Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 0.24 0.09 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Personnel & Organisation,Regional: Public bodies in each Region 2004 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Stimulate alternative use in transport/ free ride on public transport for members of administrations : free public transport is provided for journey to work in the Federal Public Service and in the Walloon and Flemish Region. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 0.06 0.18 0.04 0.12 0.16 0.02 0.07 0.02 0.06 0.08 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Belgium_101 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam101 OB-C03 : Promoting bicycle use in public services Single 101 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Finance, FPS Mobility and Transport,Regional: Public bodies, 2004 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Rewarding the use of bicycles in administrations : financial incentives, purchase of bicycles for service (in Federal and Flemish public Service) + installation of showers for bicycle users. Number of participants receiving financial advantage for travelling on bicycles Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_102 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam102 OB-C04 : Promoting telework in public services Single 102 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Transport: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Transport: Demand management/reduction 2.58 2.06 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Personnel and Organisation,Regional: Personnel and Organisation Departments in each regional administration 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Increasing teleworking for civil servants to show good practice by public administrations Number of teleworkers Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 1.12 1.46 1.07 1.27 2.34 1 1.06 0.91 0.96 1.87 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Belgium_103 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam103 OB-C05 : Eco-driving training in public services Single 103 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour Regional Regional: Public transport companies in each region 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Eco-driving training in public services Number of trainees Implemented 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_104 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam104 OB-C06 : Offsetting air travel greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in public administrations Single 104 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - SE B&CG LOG via Federal Institute for Sustainable Development 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Offsetting CO2 emissions for air transport. Applied at federal level. Civil servants are sensitized via an internal circular to favor the train rather than the airplane for distances less than 300 km. The same circular informs of the offsetting mechanism and encourages also people to use it for personal trip. Statistics of distances travelled and amount of CO2 offset Since 2013, CO2 offsetting is also in place for foreign missions by train and cars. Implemented 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_105 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam105 OB-C07 : Purchase of clean vehicles by public administrations Single 105 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Personnel and Organisation --> use by all FPSs,Regional: Public bodies and public transport companies in each region 2004 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Purchase of clean vehicles by public administrations Survey by the CIDD of purchases register of vehicles distances travelled fuel purchases Vehicles fleets of public transport companies Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_106 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam106 Ecocheques Single 106 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy 176.54 307.48 Government Government: National Labour Council 2009 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Extra-legal advantage that the employer can provide to workers, intended to finance the acquisition of ecological goods and services. These cheques are exempt from taxes and social contributions. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 18.24 158.3 17.2 224.61 241.81 17.2 290.28 17.2 356.25 373.45 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2009 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_108 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam108 Environmentally friendly energy production Group 108 1,4 Economic, Information See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Other energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Other energy supply ('promotion of combined heat and power (CHP)') 5311.63 6664.24 Regional Regional: Wallonia : CwAPE,Regional: Flanders : VEA, VREG,Regional: Brussels : IBGE, Brugel,Regional: Flanders: VEA,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Energie See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package) CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promotion of renewable energy systems (RES) Energy efficiency in the field of energy supply See individual PaMs see accompanying document 6275.78 7787.76 Data : renewable energy systems (RES) projections in WEM scenario; Method : assume RES replace natural gas fired (combined cycle gas turbine - CCGT) with an overall efficiency of 50%; Coverage : Flemish region http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwlwmrg/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package)
Belgium_109 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam109 Create economic conditions favourable to renewable energy systems (RES) development and use of low Carbon fuels Group 109 2,3 Economic, Fiscal See individual PaMs EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 1319 1319 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy - DG Energy (E2), FPS Finance,Regional: Flanders: VEA, VREG,Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Energie & DG06 Economie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE, Sibelga,Government: Federal Finance public service See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package);Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Support renewable energy systems (RES) financially and tax fossil fuels See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 1319 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package); Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Belgium_110 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam110 Energy performance of buildings Group 110 8,14 Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 278.428 542.44 Regional Regional: Flanders: VEA,Regional: Wallonia: DGO4 Energie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Energie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE See individual PaMs Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Implementation of the Directive on Energy Performance of buildings See individual PaMs 278.428 413.194 413.194 542.44 649.831 649.831 Report for the assessment of projected progress – BELGIUM - April 2015 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvprztq/2015-04-24_Report_assessment_projected_progress_Belgium_2015.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_111 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam111 Improve energy efficiency in buildings Group 111 11,12,16,67,68,75,76,77,78,79,81,80,82,7 Economic, Education, Fiscal, Information, Planning, Regulatory, Research See individual PaMs ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 3587 2871 Government, Regional Government: FED: FPS finances,Regional: Flanders: VEA, Wonen Vlaanderen, VLABEL,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment,Regional: Flanders: VEA, LNE,Regional: Flanders : Rural planning, VEA, LNE,Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Aménagement du territoire,Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Wallonia : AwAC, DGO4 Energy,Regional: Flanders : LNE, VEA,Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Wallonia : AwAC, DGO4 Energy,Regional: Flanders : LNE,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders : VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energy & CPAS,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: VMSW, Agion, GO!,Regional: Flanders : LNE,Regional: Flanders : LNE,Regional: Brussels: ABEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energy,Regional: Flanders: VEA,Regional: Brussels : IBGE,Regional: Brussels: ABEA,Regional: Brussels : IBGE,Regional: Flanders : VEA,Regional: Brussels : IBGE See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);RES directive 2009/28/EC 2001/81/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Improve energy efficiency in existing buildings See individual PaMs 67 3520 72 3496 3568 73 2798 0 1450 1450 Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); RES directive 2009/28/EC
Belgium_112 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam112 3d party financing Group 112 17,97 Economic, Planning See individual PaMs ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 88.7 154.07 Government Government: Federal building agency, taking over the measure,Government: FED: Federal building agency, taking over the measure See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Establish a third party investor fund to support rational use of energy investments in public sector buildings. See individual PaMs Since 1 January 2015, all FEDESCO activities are recovered by the fédéral Building Agency Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 13.8 74.9 18.9 102.5 121.4 23.9 130.17 29 158 187 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_113 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam113 Energy efficiency in industry Group 113 22,23,24,25,28,83 Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory, Voluntary See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances,Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 2627.03 2627.03 Government, Regional Regional: Flanders: LNE,Regional: Wallonia : AwAC,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders : VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE Industrial associations,Regional: Flanders : VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energie & AwAC,Regional: Flanders : VEA,Government: FED: FPS Finance,Regional: Flanders: AO, PMV,Regional: Wallonia : DGO6 Economy,Regional: Regional energy efficiency departments See individual PaMs Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, HFC See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promote energy savings in industry, EU-ETS (Emission trading system) policy implementation, voluntary agreements See individual PaMs 2101.62 525.406 2101.62 525.406 2627.03 2101.62 525.406 2101.62 525.406 2627.03 Report for the assessment of projected progress – BELGIUM - April 2015 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvprztq/2015-04-24_Report_assessment_projected_progress_Belgium_2015.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Belgium_114 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam114 Mobility plans Group 114 33,99,101 Economic, Planning See individual PaMs ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Companies, Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Mobility and Transport,Regional: Brussels: IBGE, AED, communes,Regional: Wallonia : DG02 Mobilité,Regional: Brussels: Public bodies,Companies: companies (>200 employees),Government: FED : FPS Finance, FPS Mobility and Transport,Regional: Public bodies, See individual PaMs Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Promote mobility plans in public services and large companies See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Belgium_115 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam115 Promote public transports Group 115 34,38,40 Economic, Planning, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour 495.145 665.01 Government, Local, Regional Government: FED : FPS Mobility and Transport,Regional: Brussels: IBGE, AED, STIB,Regional: Flanders : De Lijn, MOW,Regional: Wallonia : TEC,Regional: Brussels: AED , IBGE, AATL,Local: municipalities,Government: FED : FPS Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Improve the service of public transports, limit parking places in urban areas and create parking lots close to public transport connections See individual PaMs 495.145 596.815 596.815 665.01 744.62 744.62 Reporting on policies and measures - BELGIUM, March 2017. National Climate Commission,Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (2017 - under finalization) ICEDD -Aether - TML - TNO http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwfjvmw/Report_PAMs_Belgium_2017.pdf,www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Belgium_116 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam116 Eco-driving Group 116 45,88,103 Education, Information See individual PaMs ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour 106.871 106.871 Government, Regional Regional: Flanders : De Lijn, MOW, LNE,Regional: Wallonia : TEC,Regional: Brussels : STIB,Government: FED: FPS Mobility and Transport,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: LNE, MOW,Regional: Public transport companies in each region See individual PaMs Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2003/59/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Eco-driving See individual PaMs 106.871 106.871 106.871 106.871 106.871 106.871 Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Belgium_117 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam117 Clean vehicles Group 117 46,47,48,87,105 Economic, Fiscal, Information See individual PaMs ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 11.565 11.565 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Finance,Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment,Regional: Wallonia DGO2 Budget,Regional: Wallonia: AwAC,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: LNE,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: LNE, MOW,Government: FED : FPS Personnel and Organisation --> use by all FPSs,Regional: Public bodies and public transport companies in each region See individual PaMs Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Clean vehicles See individual PaMs 11.565 11.565 11.565 11.565 11.565 11.565 Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_118 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam118 reduction of the emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases Single 118 Single PaM Education, Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Other industrial processes; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('control the consumption of F-gases'),Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('incentivise the use of alternatives with less impact on climate change') 1647 3334 Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment, FPS Economy, FPS Finance (customs),Regional: Flanders: LNE,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Wallonia : AwAC 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Reducing the emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases by means of limiting the total amount of gases that can be sold , banning the use of F-gases in certain applications and preventing the emissions from existent equipment by enhanced maintenance, quality control checks and recovery of gases. Activity data Emission factor Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 1647 2442 2442 3334 3873 3873 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Belgium_119 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam119 Positive Mobility allocation Single 119 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Planned ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 23 Government Government: FED: FPS mobility, FPS finance 2017 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml A permanent system where workers whose wage package contains a company car can choose between a company car, a mobility budget, or a net salary increase (subjected to similar fiscal rules as the actual company car). number of company cars decrease in km riden Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 23 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy - technical support: Evaluation of emission reductions of new climate federal PAMs related to transport -January 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Belgium_120 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam120 Incentives for pedelecs Single 120 Single PaM Fiscal Planned ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 4.1 Government Government: FED: FPS mobility, FPS finance 2017 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml speedpedelec gets fiscal deductibilty of 120% for buying and 22 cent/km for using it home work travel distance share of pedelec <25 and < 45 the pedelec (<25) gets already today a 120% fiscal deductibility and a 22 cent/km for using it. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 4.1 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy - technical support: Evaluation of emission reductions of new climate federal PAMs related to transport -January 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Belgium_121 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam121 Reduction energy use of railways (traction & non traction) Single 121 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD, EU ETS Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 12.8 Government Government: FED: FPS mobility, SNCB 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Reduction by Belgian rail company of primary energy traction energy consumption by : Increase train occupancy, Reduce energy losses while at stop, Use more efficient rolling stock; and reduction of energy consumption for non-traction activities. energy consumption Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 6.6 6.2 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy - technical support: Evaluation of emission reductions of new climate federal PAMs related to transport -January 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2015 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Belgium_122 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam122 modification of fiscal regime for company cars Single 122 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government Government: FED: FPS mobility, FPS finance 2012 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Benefit in kind for company car linked to CO2 emissions instead of home-work distance evaluation of the impact of this PAM will be available mid 2017 Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Belgium_123 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam123 Low emission zone Single 123 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Adopted ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour 0.18 0.18 Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE 2018 No No information CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml The Low Emission Zone (LEZ) implies that the vehicles that do not respect the established thresholds (based on EURO standards) are banned. This measure has a significant influence on some pollutants affecting local air quality, but a rather limited impact on greenhouse gas (GHGs) emissions and climate change. http://www.lez.brussels/fr/content/la-lez 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 Projection model Adopted 2018 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_72 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam72 SE-A07 : Support to local initiatives (sustainable neighborhood) Single 72 Single PaM Economic, Information Expired ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government, Regional Government: FED : FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment,Regional: Brussels: IBGE,Regional: Flanders: LNE 2004 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Supporting initiatives by citizens to increase awareness of saving energy and climate change issues. This measure encompasses a wide range of initiatives undertaken by all levels of government. 2012 Number of requests, supported projects budgets devoted to the actions results presented in project reports Federal grants ended in 2012. Expired 2004 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_107 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam107 Green loans Single 107 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy 161.63 139.63 Government Government: FED : FPS Finance 2009 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Subsidy of the federal government reducing by 1.5% the interest rate of bank loans for energy saving investments of households that are mentioned in a list including thermal insulation, double glazing condensing boilers, heat pumps and solar panels. It is part of the economic law of 27 March 2009. It is a temporary measure, only applicable to loans awarded between 1st January 2009 and 31st December 2011. 2012 Statistics of operations Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 23.71 137.92 23.71 136.83 160.53 23.71 115.92 0 66.02 66.02 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Expired 2009 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_124 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam124 Exemplary building project (BatEx project) Single 124 Single PaM Economic, Planning Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 2.81 1.64 Regional Regional: Brussels: IBGE 2007 No No information CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Since 2007, the Brussels-Capital region has launched an annual contest for the design and construction or renovation of buildings meeting strong environmental criteria, including energy use. Known as "exemplary buildings", winning applications receive EUR 100/m2 of built area (EUR 90 for the contracting authority and EUR 10 for the design team), to a maximum of EUR 1 million. They also benefit from technical support provided by the region to meet their stringent energy and environmental targets. In 2007 and 2008, 76 projects won the competition, totalling over 200 000 m2 of built area. The buildings consume up to 10 times less energy than conventional ones, and are built with ecological materials. In 2009, EUR 5 million is available to distribute amongst winning applicants. 2013 2.81 2.81 2.81 1.64 1.64 1.64 Results of BatEx project http://www.environnement.brussels/thematiques/batiment/sinspirer-des-batiments-exemplaires Expired 2007 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_23 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 IP-A02 : Long Term Energy/CO2 efficiency Agreements in the industrial sector. Stage 1 Single 23 Single PaM Voluntary Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 640 640 Regional Regional: Flanders : VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE Industrial associations 2004 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Flanders : Benchmarking and voluntary agreements through contracts signed with public authorities. Enterprises (directly or through their professional association) make a voluntary commitment to improve their energy efficiency within a certain time horizon. Targets are quantified by benchmarking (within 10% of the best performer) or by energy audit, considering all rational use of energy (RUE) investments which have an Internal rate of return (IRR) of 12,5%. The audit- and benchmarking agreements expired on 31/12/2014 and were superseded by the energy policy agreement (IP-A02 bis). Wallonia : All voluntary agreements are established on the basis of energy audit conventions, with objectives for 2012. Most industrial sectors are involved. Objectives are fixed on the basis of the audit results, considering all energy saving or CO2 reduction measures considered feasable and presenting a payback time up to 4 years. 2014 Wallonia : Energy efficiency and CO2 efficiency improvements annually published. They measure per company, per sector and for the whole industry the energy consumed (CO2 emitted) compared to a baseline situation "without measures".See values at the end of Stage 1: 1/ Energy efficiency improvement % Wallonia : Energy efficiency and CO2 efficiency improvements annually published. They measure per company, per sector and for the whole industry the energy consumed (CO2 emitted) compared to a baseline situation "without measures".See values at the end of Stage 1: 2/ CO2 efficiency improvement % Flanders : Energy savings non-ETS companies participating in the agreement TJ Wallonia only Wallonia : BRANCH AGREEMENTS IN WALLONIA at the crossroad between economic reality and energy climate policy (pdf file) 640 640 http://energie.wallonie.be/fr/accords-de-branche.html?IDC=6152 Website for Branch agreements 2003-2013 http://energie.wallonie.be/fr/les-accords-2003-2013.html?IDC=6154 Expired 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_29 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 IP-B01 : HFC and PFC emissions reduction Single 29 Single PaM Education, Regulatory Expired ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Government, Regional Regional: Flanders: LNE,Regional: Brussels: Brussels Environment,Regional: Wallonia : AwAC,Government: FED: FPS Finance (customs); FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment 2007 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC HFC, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Reducing the emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases (HFCs and PFCs) by means of leak protection requirements, certification requirements for refrigeration companies and their personnel, and inspection campaigns. 2014 Delivery of F-gasses as cooling agent to the Belgian market tons Technicians and entreprises Certification Labelling leak checks This measure is considered as expired due to entry in force of new F gas regulation (see PAM n° 124) Expired 2007 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC
Belgium_30 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 IP-B02 : SF6 emissions reductions Single 30 Single PaM Education, Regulatory Expired ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government, Regional Government: FPS finance (customs) ; FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment,Regional: Flanders : LNE,Regional: Wallonia : AWAC,Regional: Brussels : Brussels Environment 2007 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Reducing SF6-emissions through compulsory certification of personnel involved in the recovery, collection, recycling, regeneration and destruction of SF6 from high-voltage switches + ban of use 2014 Number of certified personnel This measure is considered as expired due to entry in force of new F gas regulation (see PAM n° 124) Expired 2007 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC
Belgium_73 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam73 SE-A08 : Urban policy Single 73 Single PaM Economic, Information Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: FED : PPS Social Integration, Fight against Poverty and Social Economy - Federal Service for Urban policy 2000 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Recognising and supporting the importance of large cities management. Supporting the Covenant of Mayors. Specific policy for large cities to develop a harmonised development that contribute to the economic growth. 2014 Number of contracts with municipalities financial support provided by Regional authorities activity and financial reports Note : the Brussels metropolitan Region covers the inner city of Brussels. This Region's policy is essentially an urban policy. In which case, the proposed indicator is not meaningful. This measure was regionalized since the 1/1/2015. Expired 2000 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Belgium_13 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 EC-B03 : Specific support for rational use of energy (RUE) initiatives for people with low incomes Single 13 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 26.09 25.6 Government, Regional Regional: Flanders: VEA, Wonen Vlaanderen,Regional: Brussels: IBGE, AATL,Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Energie,Government: Federal: FPS Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment - DG Environment; FPS Economy - DG Energy ; IFDD 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Specific rational use of energy (RUE) aid for unprivileged people, who do not pay tax and thus may not benefit from tax exemptions. The Fund for the Reduction of the Global cost of Energy (FRGE) was used to improve the energy efficiency of housings for disadvantaged people via cheap loans (Vito/Econotec, 2015). The FRGE is transferred to the regions on 1 January 2015 Since tax exemptions for RUE investments were suppressed, such mechanisms are no more in application. In Flanders special support was integrated into other existing systems (higher subsidies unther the public service obligation of electricity distribution companies, social insulation projects for rental houses, renovation grant, energy performance programme for social housing, energy loan at 0% interest, ...). 2015 Number of application per type of investment. Only statistics related to non-tax payers is considered to avoid double counting with EC-B01 The federal government has established a Fund (FRCE/FRGE) that provides cheap loans for rational use of energy (RUE) investments. From 2015, the FRGE is transferred to the Regions. Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO 1.4 24.69 1.4 24.62 26.02 1.4 24.2 0.59 16.42 17.01 www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs 2008-2014 2012 -22 -1300000000 Cost is calculated over the entire life time of the investment (technology dependent) and includes capital and operational expenditures. A real discount rate of 10% is used. Evaluation of the impact of policy instruments and measures implemented in the context of the Federal climate policy - report 2014 - Vito-Econotec www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Expired 2004 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_31 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 IP-C01 : Specific emission reduction agreement with nitric acid producers Single 31 Single PaM Voluntary Expired EU ETS Industrial processes Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes 3362.21 3362.21 Regional Regional: Flanders : LNE,Regional: Wallonia : AwAC 2004 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Covenants to reduce N20 emissions from nitric acid production. Required actions are concluded (development and implementation of catalytic devices). Emission reductions are effective. On 18 November 2005 one of the major company entered into an agreement with the Flemish Government to reduce N2O emissions per tonne of nitric acid produced to as low a level as possible by applying the best available techniques. This is possible because the company has developed a "catalyst process" that reduces nitrous oxide emissions from nitric acid production considerably compared to the current situation. 2015 Emissions by nitric acid producers (t eq CO2) t eq CO2 3362.21 3362.21 3362.21 3362.21 3362.21 3362.21 Report for the assessment of projected progress – BELGIUM - April 2015 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvprztq/2015-04-24_Report_assessment_projected_progress_Belgium_2015.pdf Expired 2004 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Belgium_49 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 TR-C04 : Specific support for the construction of clean vehicles Single 49 Single PaM Education, Research Expired ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Regional Regional: Wallonia : DGO6 Economy 2004 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Wallonia: this measure corresponds to the establishment of special training sessions and R&D laboratories for the development of high performance/green automobiles. http://www.formation-campus-automobile.be/ Flanders : the measure refers to a financial support to the retrofit of engines on barges for inland waterways. 2015 In the Walloon region, the measure refers to the creation of an "incubator" for R&D enterprises developing prototypes of new clean vehicles. Indicator: monitoring the number of successful projects by the incubator. In the Flemish region: the measure refers to a financial support to the retrofit of engines on barges for inland waterways. The relevant indicator is here the number of subsidies allocated. Expired 2004 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Belgium_57 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 AG-D01 : Wood-energy plan Single 57 Single PaM Economic, Information Expired ESD Agriculture; Energy supply Agriculture: Other agriculture; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Regulation of energy crops'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Regional Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Energy and walloon rural foundation 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Wallonia : Promotion of wood energy installations (wood heat generators, gasification of wood chips, other valorisation techniques). The main target of the plan are collectivites and municipalities. 2015 Number and size of installations statistics of premiums (M) Rural Foundation of Wallonia http://www.frw.be/index.php?id=78 Expired 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Belgium_94 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam94 OB-A02 : Sustainable criteria for community catering Single 94 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: FED: Federal Institute for Sustainable Development 2008 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Pilot project to promote sustainable food in federal canteens focusing on different aspects of sustainable agriculture, importance of food-miles, etc. 2015 Survey of food purchases The pilot is completed. The results are available on http://fido.belgium.be/fr/content/alimentation-durable-dans-les-restaurants-du-personnel-des-autorites-federales. Expired 2008 With existing measures No No information
Belgium_15 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 EC-B05 bis : Energy performance and certification of buildings (residential) Single 15 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 52 156 Regional Regional: Flanders: VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DG04 Energie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE 2016 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Improving the energy efficiency of buildings (by transposition of the EC directive on energy performance of buildings and establishment of the methodology to be used to evaluate the performance of buildings) ; stage 2 : Additional steps in the energy performance of buildings (partim residential sector): Wallonia : completing application schedule up to 2020 2020 Statistics on certificates and on the construction of new buildings and average energy performance of new buildings in the residential sector 52 104 104 156 208 208 Energy Efficency Action Plan N°3 and internal calculations (Report for the assessment of projected progress – BELGIUM - April 2015) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvprztq/2015-04-24_Report_assessment_projected_progress_Belgium_2015.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Belgium_22 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 IP-A01 : Implementation of the Emission trading system (ETS) in the industrial sector Single 22 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies 0.19 0.34 Regional Regional: Flanders: LNE,Regional: Wallonia : AwAC,Regional: Brussels: IBGE 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Reducing emissions from the industry sector involved in Emission trading system (ETS) : Belgian National Allocation Plans 2005-2007 & 2008-2012 (elaboration, implementation and follow-up) European system on scope 2013-2020 : the implementation of the measure is now limited to the management of the system on the territory (at industry level) 2020 Annual declaration of companies on their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions t eq CO2 0.19 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 0.34 Results of mobility plan of companies (Development of impact assessment methods for policies and measures carried out within the framework of the federal climate policy (not finalised yet) - 2017 - ICEDD - Aether - TMl - TNO) www.climat.be/evaluation-PAMs Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Belgium_24 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 IP-A02 bis : Long Term energy/CO2 efficiency Agreements (LTA) in the industrial sector - Stage 2 Single 24 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Regional Regional: Flanders : VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energie & AwAC 2015 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Flanders : energy intensive companies with a total annual primary energy consumption of at least 0.1 PJ are encouraged to further reduce their energy consumption by signing the energy policy agreement with the Government of Flanders. Enterprises (directly or through their professional association) make a voluntary commitment to draft an energy plan, implement all economically viable rational use of energy (RUE) investments, and conduct a study on the potential for combines heat and power (CHP), and heat and cold networks. For non-ETS companies economically viable investments are defined as investments that haven an IRR of 12.5%. The Internal rate of return (IRR) of investments with an IRR between 10% and 12.5% needs to be recalculated every year. For Emission trading system (ETS) companies economically viable investments are defined as investments that haven an IRR of 14%. The IRR of investments with an IRR between 10% and 14% needs to be recalculated every year. In Wallonia, agreement are prolongated until 2020, based now on investments presenting a payback time up to 5 years. Additional commitments for industries are the establishment of a CO2 mapping of their activities (carbon balance of the site or greenhouse gas (GHG) life cycle analysis of main products) and feasibility study of potential renewable energy systems (RES) implementation on the industrial site. Each federation shall establish an energy/GHG roadmap to 2050. 2020 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Belgium_19 Belgium 2923 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 EC-C02bis : Energy performance and certification of buildings (services and communities sectors) Single 19 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 91 91 Regional Regional: Flanders: VEA,Regional: Wallonia : DGO4 Energie,Regional: Brussels: IBGE 2015 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/be/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwbkk9a/BE-adjusted.xml Transposing the energy performance of buildings directive in the tertiary sectors (additional steps): Wallonia : completing application schedule up to 2020 2020 91 91 91 91 91 91 Internal calculations Adopted 2015 With additional measuses Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Bulgaria_14 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Waste: INTRODUCTION OF ANAEROBIC STABILIZATION OF SLUDGE WITH CAPTURE AND BURNING OF BIOGAS IN NEW PLANTS AND PLANTS UNDER RECONSTRUCTION IN SETTLEMENTS WITH OVER 20000POPULATION EQUIVALENT Single 14 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Expired ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Water 2013 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml A cost-benefit analysis for each project should justify or discourage the recovery of methane. Practice has shown that it is technologically feasible and economically viable to produce electricity from the biogas emitted from the methane tanks of large wastewater treatment plants (more than 50 000 PE) in order to cover the main share of the energy needs of the plants. An additional effect of the stabilization of sludge at urban wastewater treatment plant will be achieved as a result of the possibility to use the stabilized sludge in agriculture so as to recycle the nutritional substances, to preserve the fertile soils and to limit the use of agricultural chemicals and synthetic fertilizers. 1 025 589 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2015 Number of plants with anaerobic stabilization of sludge Number In 2014 was developed and adopted a package of documents on technical assistance project supported by the Federal Environment Agency - Germany, which included: • a “National plan for the management of sewage sludge from municipal waste water treatment plants in Bulgaria“, including an appendix with case studies for the application of this plan in selected model regions, • a summary of this National Plan for the introduction of the concept to the public, • a “Technical guide on the treatment and recycling techniques for sewage sludge from municipal waste water treatment plants with references to best available techniques (BAT)”, as well as • a guidance in the “Preparation for decision-making in the field of sewage sludge disposal” for waste water treatment plant operators. 2014 109.884 Expired 2013 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Bulgaria_1 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Energy: Improvement of production efficiency in existing coal-fired power plants Single 1 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting; Energy supply Cross-cutting: Framework policy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Cross-cutting: Framework policy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Ministry of environment and water 2013 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Improvement of production efficiency in existing coal - fired power plants. In 2007-2009 the average carbon intensity of electricity generation from coal-fired power plants is 1.2 t CO2 equivalent per MWh. Measures to increase the efficiency of production in a cost effective way can lead to reduction of this factor by approximately 5% -7% which is equal to 1.3 Mg tonnes annual reduction of carbon dioxide emissions from existing coal-fired power plants by 2020 or cumulatively 4.68 Mg tonnes of CO2 eq. for the entire period . The expected reductions in greenhouse gases is calculated on the basis of estimates as follows: 20% of the potential to be realized by 2014; additional 30% to be realized by 2016, 30% – by 2018, and 100% of the potential for reducing emissions as a result of the modernization of coal-fired plants within the period by 2020. These targets are cumulative respectively for the period until 2014 - the first two-year period, until 2016 – for a four-year period, until 2018 – for a six-year period and until 2020 - for the entire period by 2020. 4 680 000 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt For implementation of measure have been received reports from coal plants. Emission savings are realized by projects for: - modernization of generating capacities - clean technologies - reconstruction and modernization of infrastructure - diversification of energy mix - diversifying sources of energy supply. Third National Action Plan on Climat Change for the period 2013-2020 http://www5.moew.government.bg/?page_id=55394 2014 23 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Bulgaria_2 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Energy: FUEL SUBSTITION – FROM COAL TO NATURAL GAS Single 2 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government Government: Ministry of energy 2013 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The European Emission Trading Scheme and the competition on the electricity market encourage the transition to low-carbon technologies and fuels such as natural gas. Every 100 MW coal-based generating capacity substituted with natural gas will be reflected as a reduction of 450 thousand tonnes of CO2 per year. The target values are calculated by years and the commissioning of 100 MW is envisaged for the period by 2014; additional 100 MW are envisaged by 2016, another 200 MW - for the period until 2018 and additional 200 MW until 2020, or a total of 600 MW new, substituting gas capacity for the period 2012-2020. 11 700 000 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 MWh energy, produced with substituted fuel MWh Emission savings will be realized by projects for: - modernization of generating capacities - clean technologies - reconstruction and modernization of infrastructure - diversification of energy mix - diversifying sources of energy supply. Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Bulgaria_3 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Energy: INCREASE OF HIGHLY EFFICIENT CO-GENERATION Single 3 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of energy 2013 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The Energy Strategy of the Republic of Bulgaria envisages that the co-generation of electric energy will account for 15% in the electric energy mix by 2020. The co-generation of heat and electric energy improves the overall efficiency of fuel use and saves the primary energy needed to produce the two types of energy separately. The increased share of electricity produced by co-generation and the saved primary energy will be reflected as a reduction in the carbon intensity of the electricity generation mix. 1 600 000 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 MWh generated energy MWh In terms of the district heating companies generating heat and electricity power on co-generation (and / or trigeneration) principle, the Commission for Energy and Water regulation has three aspects – certification, integration of the quantities of carbon dioxide in the price of heat and electricity power and determination of preferential prices for sale of electricity produced by high-efficiency cogeneration. In 2013 38 certificates of origin were issued to 36 companies - producers of electricity in a combined way, and in 2014 were issued 34 certificates to 31 companies. In accordance with guidance of the State Energy and Water Regulatory Commission adopted with protocol decision № 30/24.2.2014 for the price-formation of heat and electricity power from co-generation are reported verified emissions of greenhouse gases and the allocation of free allowances to companies pursuant to art. 10c and 10a of Directive 2003/87/EC With the adopted Amendment of the Energy Act (in force from 05.07.2013) for the second half of 2013 and for 2014 there is proportional allocation of the burden of compulsory purchase of electricity from renewable sources between customers of regulated and free market. 2014 82.119, Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Bulgaria_4 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Energy: INCREASING THE SHARE OF HEATING AND COOLING BASED ON RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES Single 4 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Sustainable Energy Development Agency 2012 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The measure is intended to create conditions for sustainable development of the district heating sector in Bulgaria and for substitution of conventional fuel for production of thermal energy with renewable sources. The introduction of renewable thermal energy will be gradual and will start with generation of 2% thermal energy from renewable sources in 2014 reaching 10% of the generated thermal energy, mainly from biomass. The cumulative effect of the measure will lead to reduction of greenhouse gases emitted by the district heating systems by 488 000 t until 2020. The contribution of the measure towards the national target in the field of renewable energy sources is relatively small - about 1%. 488 000 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 MWh produced annually from renewable energy sources for heating / cooling MWh For implementation of measure in 2013 18.9% have been share of electricity from renewable sources in the gross energy end-use consumption. 2013,2014 4113.74,3914.985 Progress reports https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/renewable-energy/progress-reports Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Bulgaria_5 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Household and Services: IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MEASURES IN THE PROGRAMME FOR ACCELERATED GASIFICATION TO REDUCE ENERGY CONSUMPTION Single 5 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Ministry of environment and water,Government: Energy and water regulatory commission 2013 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Introduction of institutional and fiscal incentives. Creating a competitive environment for the used energy resources. Introduction and promotion of flexible financial schemes - contracts for sale of energy. Incentives in case of combined and integrated solutions to reduce energy consumption. The Energy Strategy of Bulgaria envisages creation of conditions for access to the gas distribution system to 30% of households in 2020 and substitution of electricity used for heating purposes which would save households more than 1 bln. BGN of energy costs. The use of natural gas instead of electricity for heating and domestic purposes can save about 100 kWh/year at least, and up to 1800 kWh/year per household. The evaluation of the potential decrease of emissions was made with the following assumptions: a household with 3 members, an apartment with 70 m2 of heated area, without energy saving measures, using electricity for heating and household needs. The average annual consumption of energy for heating is about 11 188 kWh. In view of the delayed implementation of policies in this area a conservative scenario with 15% gasified domestic needs was considered when assessing this measure. An emission factor was adopted with regard to electric energy as in the National Programme for Renovation of Residential Buildings in the Republic of Bulgaria. In the absence of reliable data and projections a scenario of even development was used for a period of 7 years until the total percentage rate of gasified households is reached in 2020. The analysis assumes that 430 050 households will be gasified by 2020. The effect of fuel substitution and the use of natural gas can be divided into direct effect – related to the efficiency of transformation, and additional effect – related to an environmentally cleaner fuel. The direct impact is related to immediate reduction of fuel and energy consumption, with the assumption that the energy consumption is reduced by 15% (pessimistic scenario) over the entire assessed period. It is assumed in this case that the old inefficient equipment (with higher coefficient of energy transformation) will be replaced by new one, while the different calorific value of fuels is not taken into account. In this case the substitution of the fuel base will lead to direct fuel and energy savings of 721.7GWh or 492.9ktCO2. The indirect effect is estimated at about 1983.4ktCO2. 65 The total amount of reduced emissions will be 2476.4 ktCO2. With the achievement of the 30% target set in the Strategy, the minimum savings of households will be 1443.5 GWh – direct savings resulting from the improvement of transformation efficiency, or 985.9ktCO2. In addition, the effect on the reduction of GHG emission will be a result of the use of an environmentally cleaner fuel and the total cumulative effect will be 4952.8 ktCO2. Main instrument for implementation of the measure is the introduction of institutional and fiscal incentives aimed at increasing the share of households using natural gas: creation of a competitive environment with respect to the used energy resources; introduction and promotion of flexible financial plans – contracts for sale of energy; incentives for combined and integrated solutions to reduce the energy consumption. In case of 30% gasification in 2020 , the investments of households for switching to natural gas are estimated at approximately 5000 BGN (between 1800 and 7000 BGN depending on the technological solutions) - according to a study carried out by the Strategic Consultant of the Ministry of Economy, Energy and Tourism, selected at the end of 2011 under International Fund Kozloduy. The analysis is based on information provided by gas distribution companies and covers the households on the territory of Bulgaria that use natural gas for heating purposes. The required investments are estimated at 774 mln. BGN as a minimum, depending on the technological solutions. The implementation of this measure will have long-term effect on the amount of GHG emissions also after 2020. It is expected that at least 2476.4 kt CO2 will be reduced cumulatively by 2020. 2 476 427 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Reduced final consumption /minimum/ of households as a result of gasification GWh Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Bulgaria_6 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Household and Services: RENOVATION OF COMMUNAL, PUBLIC AND STATE BUILDINGS AT THE PERCENTAGE RATE REQUIRED BY THE DIRECTIVE 2012/27/EU (built up area over 250m2 ) Single 6 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of energy 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Measure implemented in connection with requirements of Directive 27/2012 / EU - 3 % of the total floor area of heated and/or cooled buildings on central government is renovated each year to meet at least the minimum energy performance. State-owned and municipal dwellings account for 3,1% of the total number of buildings in the country according to data from the National Statistical Institute. 64% of them are two-room and three-room dwellings, while another 22,9% have four or more rooms (we assume that they fall into this group). 3% annual sanitation are 4562 buildings are to be retrofitted by 2020. The thematic objective 4 "Support for the transition to a low carbon economy" of the financial regulations for the period 2014 - 2020 of OP Regional Development is to support energy efficiency measures in buildings. Measures are implemented in both public and residential buildings and their cost is estimated at about 950 mln.BGN. In the operational program are pledged more measures to be applied horizontally to the public health, social, cultural, educational and sports infrastructures, along with the envisaged construction and repair activities. 204 135 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Number of retrofitted state - owned and municipal buildings Number 2014 448.105, Implemented 2015 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Bulgaria_8 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Household and Services: REPLACEMENT OF THE OBSOLETE AND INEFFICIENT EQUIPMENT FOR PRODUCTION OF ENERGY WITH NEW EQUIPMENT Single 8 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Sustainable Energy Development Agency,Government: State Agency for Metrological and Technical Surveillance 2013 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures Directive 2009/125/EC COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 666/2013 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The process should be linked to the activities for control and inspection of heating and air conditioning installations. The financial incentives should combine existing schemes with mandatory co-financing by the beneficiary. The measure is linked also to the activities provided in Second National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in accordance with the Regulation adopted pursuant to Art. 15 of Directive 2009/125/EC establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products . The measure applies to the end-use consumption of fuels, their conversion into energy for heating, cooling and domestic hot water and to energy consumption. The assessment of the impact is made on the basis of the projected consumption of fuels in the Households and Services sector taking into account also other related measures. 72 383 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Reduced consumption as a result of improvement of the efficiency in fuel and energy conversion GWh 2013 6.41 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Bulgaria_9 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Household and Services: DEVELOPMENT AND PHASED IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL PROGRAMME “1000 SUNNY ROOFS” FOR PROMOTING THE PRODUCTION OF HEAT FROM RES Single 9 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government, Local Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Sustainable Energy Development Agency,Local: Municipal administration 2015 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Commissioning of a bivalent system for preparation of hot water for domestic needs - evacuated tube solar collectors and heat pump units (air) for 1000 multi-family buildings (46 apartments, households with 3 members). The effect was evaluated on the basis of electricity, taking into account the consumption of the heat pump units. This program is not laid down in a national strategic document, however it is in line with the national RES policy and encourages the production of heat from RES. 164.9 GWh of electricity can be saved per year (by 2020) as a result of the development and implementation of this programme. 107 200 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Commissioned installations per year Number Implemented 2015 With additional measuses Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Bulgaria_10 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Industry: AUDITS FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PRESCRIBED MEASURES Single 10 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Industrial processes: Other industrial processes; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Other industrial processes; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('New co-generation plants for thermal and electric energy;'),Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Switching from electricity heating to heating based on direct burning of fuels;'),Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Building of new or reconstruction of existing plants for heat recovery from processes – so called “utilizators”;'),Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Reconstruction of steam distribution systems, installation of steam traps, increasing the efficiency of the condensate recovery process, etc.;'),Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('Improvement of technological processes, including improved control and management;'),Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('Installation of absorption chillers;'),Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Ministry of economy,Government: Ministry of Regional development and Public Works,Government: Sustainable Energy Development Agency 2008 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, HFC, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Industrial systems with annual energy consumption over 3 000 MWh are required to have their energy efficiency audited every three years. The prescribed measures are mandatory. Energy Efficiency for Competitive Industry is a new programme that provides low-interest loans to small and medium-sized enterprises. The total amount of funds under the programme is €300 mln.. €150 million of this amount will be provided by Operational Program Competitiveness and the remaining amount -from European Bank for Reconstruction and Development credit lines through the Bulgarian commercial banks. Eligible projects for funding are, for example: • New co-generation plants for thermal and electric energy; • Rehabilitation of boiler aggregates/boilers, improved thermal insulation, etc.; • Replacement of old boiler aggregates with condensing boilers; • Switching from electricity heating to heating based on direct burning of fuels; • Improvement of technological processes, including improved control and management; • Reconstruction of steam distribution systems, installation of steam traps, increasing the efficiency of the condensate recovery process, etc.; • Building of new or reconstruction of existing plants for heat recovery from processes – so called “utilizators”; • Installation of absorption chillers; • Installation of variable speed drive motors; • Reconstruction of compressed air systems - so called compressor installations; • Reconstruction of power distribution systems; • Introduction of systems for energy management of production or of offices and other buildings, etc. Large industrial enterprises will be financed under the green industry procedure of Operational Program Competitiveness. 1 778 000 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Total reduction in tonnes CO2 eq. Tonnes Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Bulgaria_11 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Industry: USE OF BIOMASS IN THE COMBUSTION UNITS OF INSTALLATIONS Single 11 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply; Waste management/waste Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Ministry of economy,Government: Ministry of Environment and Water 2015 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CO2, N2O, CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The aim is to increase the use of waste as an alternative fuel such as: separately collected household waste (RDF); sludge from domestic sewage water; agricultural waste and waste from the food industry; industrial waste mixed with biomass. It is related to the ban on landfilling of biodegradable waste. The procedure for a green industry is intended to attain more efficient use of waste products. It is proposed to finance in the next programming period facilities that enable the utilization of sludge from urban wastewater treatment plants in industrial installations. 3 880 000total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Tonne reduced СО2 per year kt Third National Action Plan on Climat Change for the period 2013-2020 http://www5.moew.government.bg/?page_id=55394 2014 1084.322 Implemented 2015 With additional measuses Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Bulgaria_12 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Waste: CONSTRUCTION OF INSTALLATIONS FOR MECHANICAL AND BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT (MBT) AND INSTALLATIONS FOR TREATMENT AND RECOVERY OF COMPOST AND BIOGAS Single 12 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Government, Local Government: Ministry of Environment and Water,Local: Municipalities 2013 Yes Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The measure is incorporated into the National strategic plan for gradual reduction of biodegradable waste intended for landfilling 2010-2020. As a result of its implementation for the period 2013-2020 5 289 000 tonnes of biodegradable waste will be diverted from landfills. 5 823 763 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Number of installations built Number Currently facilities for treatment of biodegradable household waste are operating in the country in the Regional Waste Management System (RWMS) in Varna, Plovdiv and since the beginning of 2014 a recovery system for green and food waste was commissioned on the territory of Sofia Municipality. The facility of mechanical and biological treatment (MBT) servicing the Regional Waste Management System (RWMS) in Varna is built under a public-private partnership contract and has been operating since 2012. The design capacity of a 12-hour reception of household waste is 390 tonnes a day or 140,000 tonnes a year. The facility performs pre-treatment of waste by way of separation. In separation, first eligible composting waste is removed from the rest. Then the process of separation continues to achieve separation of other waste types, namely ferrous and nonferrous metals, plastics, wood waste, glass, paper and cardboard. The separation is done by weighting principle, by size and by composition of waste. Separated fractions for composting are treated in a controlled environment, while aerobic treatment is carried out in closed tunnels. Another big facility for MBT treatment of household waste runs in the village of Shishmantsi, in the region of Plovdiv, which is in operation since 2009. This MBT plant has an annual capacity of 125,000 tonnes per year and serves the municipalities of the Regional Waste Management System (RWMS) Plovdiv. The technological process is identical to the facility in Varna. In early 2014, a bio-waste facility was commissioned on the territory of Sofia Municipality for food and green waste to produce electricity. Its capacity is 44,000 tonnes a year. In the process of finalizing the preparation or construction, with funding provided by the OPE 2007-2023, there are facilities for biodegradable waste recovery in another 16 Regional Waste Management Systems (RWMS), one of which is in Metropolitan (Sofia) Municipality, which contracted the construction of a large MBT facility. The total capacity of these plants is 322,884 tonnes a year and their commissioning is expected stepwise in 2014 and 2015 in several of these regions; in addition home composting facilities are provided for development. 2014 415.983 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Bulgaria_13 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Waste: CAPTURE AND FLARING OF BIOGAS IN ALL NEW AND EXISTING REGINOAL LANDFILLS, CAPTURE AND FLARING OF BIOGAS IN OLD MUNICIPAL LANDFILLS TO BE CLOSED Single 13 Single PaM Education, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Water 2013 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The requirement for design and operation of landfills is provided for in Ordinance №8/2004. It is necessary to improve the control over its implementation. 360 mln. Nm3 methane will be burned by 2020 with the introduction of systems for capture and flaring of biogas in all regional landfills. The combined effect of the two measures is expected to be 5 070 122 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020. 5 070 122 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 By 2020 all regional landfills for municipal waste will be equipped with installations for biogas capture and flaring Number 2014 171.287 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Bulgaria_15 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Agriculture: ENCOURAGING THE USE OF SUITABLE CROP ROTATION, ESPECIALLY WITH NITROGEN FIXING CROPS Single 15 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Government Government: Ministry of agriculture and food 2013 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Rotation means science-based successive rotation of crops in time and place on a farmland. The period required for all crops to pass through all fields following the order of the crop rotation scheme is called rotation period or rotation. The introduction of sustainable crop rotations that include plant cover in winter and legumes (beans, soybeans, alfalfa, clover) will prevent soil erosion and will retain organic carbon (carbon sequestration), which is a potential tool for reducing greenhouse gases. The proposed budget for the measure is based on: 350 BGN/ha is the current payment for biological field crops under Measure 214 of Rural Development policy 2007-2013; 150 BGN/ha is the current payment for the introduction of rotation under Measure 214 of Rural Development policy 2007-2013. This measure covers: 20 000 ha, of which 60% in organic production. Organic production: 12 000 ha Х 350 BGN/ha = 4 200 000 BGN Crop rotation: 8000 ha х 150 BGN/ha = 1 200 000 BGN 6 356 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 ha with improved crop rotation ha 2014 512.926 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Bulgaria_16 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Agriculture: MANAGEMENT OF DEGRADED AGRICULTURAL LAND THROUGH: 1. BIOLOGICAL RECLAMATION WITH TYPICAL FOR THE REGION GRASS SPECIES 2.IMPLEMENTATION OF EROSION CONTROL MEASURES AND SOIL TREATMENT METHODS Single 16 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Government Government: Ministry of agriculture and food,Government: Ministry of environment and water 2013 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Soil erosion is a process of mechanical destruction and weathering of soil by the action of water and wind. It gradually reduces the amount of nutrients and the humus in soil. Erosion aggravates the structure, as well as the water and air regime of soil. The combination of the specific natural and economic conditions in Bulgaria is a reason for the high risk of degradation processes in agricultural soils. The most common processes of soil degradation include water and wind erosion, pollution, reduction of organic matter stocks (humus), compaction, acidification, salinisation, loss of biodiversity. More than 60% of the country is affected by varying degrees of erosion. 11.8 % of the country’s territory is severely eroded. 65% of agricultural land is threatened by water erosion and 24% is threatened by wind erosion. The average annual intensity of soil erosion varies according to land use, but soil loss in agricultural lands is estimated at 12.256 tonnes/ha a year on average. The water erosion of soil controls the stocks of organic carbon and their distribution on the landscape which affects the circulation of carbon, the content of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and the global warming. The proposed budget for the measure is based on reclamation of 2500 ha: • 2500 ha х 380 BGN/ha = 950 000 BGN Erosion control practices for 2500 ha • 2500 ha х 145 BGN/ha = 362 500 BGN The amounts used are under the current Measure 214 Agri-environmental payments under RDP 2007-2013 20 000 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 ha with implemented control erosion practices; ha In RDP 2014-2020 to measure 04 "Investments in tangible assets" includes sub-measure 4.4 "Non-production investments." In the sub-measure will be encouraged investments in non-productive activities, which are linked to the achievement of agro environmental objectives and targets in the area of climate change including those aimed at curbing soil degradation processes. 2014 12.432 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Bulgaria_17 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Agriculture: IMPROVEMENT OF THE MANAGEMENT AND USE OF MANURE Single 17 Single PaM Economic, Education, Research Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government Government: Ministry of agriculture and food 2013 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Production, processing and management of manure is one of the most significant sources of the greenhouse gas CH4 in agriculture. All activities aimed at storage and handling of manure should take into account both the type of manure - solid or liquid - and the technologies for gathering and processing. The investment support is crucial to motivate the farmers to build such expensive facilities. The proposed budget for the measure is based on: The average cost of building facilities for storage of manure for one farm with 50 cows is 130 000 BGN. 1000 х 130 000 BGN = 130 000 000 BGN For training: 300 livestock holdings х 690 BGN = 207 000 BGN 1 171 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Number of livestock holdings with improved storage ; Number Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Bulgaria_18 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Agriculture: INTRODUCTION OF LOW-CARBON PRACTICES FOR PROCESSING MANURE Single 18 Single PaM Economic, Education, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government Government: Ministry of agriculture and food 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The introduction of low carbon practices for the processing of manure can reduce the emissions from its storage. This requires considerable accumulation of knowledge and experience at regional level, since the efficiency of the implementation of the measure depends on the conditions under which it is implemented. It is therefore advisable to establish model farms in different production areas of the country in order to accumulate practical experience that can be presented to the farmers. Given the resources required by such investments and the need for changes in the production process it is advisable to provide also investment support. The reduction of emissions depends on the type of animals: - holdings that breed pigs: 811 kg CO2 eq. per head - holdings that breed cattle: 78 kg CO2 eq. per head - holdings that breed sheep: 4 kg CO2 eq. per head - holdings that breed birds: 18.4 kg CO2 eq. per head The proposed budget for the measure is based on: For training: 200 livestock holdings х 690 BGN = 138 000 BGN For model farms – 1 000 000 BGN 753 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Number of trained livestock holdings Number In the Operational Programme for Rural Development 2014-2020, has not laid down a specific measure regarding particular rice production. With regard to activities related to the achievement of agri-environmental objectives, rice producers will be able to benefit from financial assistance under measure 04 "Investments in productive assets", sub-measure 4.4 "Non-production investments." Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Bulgaria_19 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Agriculture: FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR FARMERS FOR TILLING SOIL/ STUBBLE Single 19 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Research Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government Government: Ministry of agriculture and food 2015 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Other EU: agriculture - farmers and foresters progress on climate-smart production methods CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The use of plant residues in agriculture requires both a change or adjustment of the production processes as well as investment in new equipment and machinery. This requires substantial financial resources and supporting them is appropriate. The efficient recovery of waste will reduce the need for burning stubble. The reduction of emissions is estimated at 3.62 kg CO2 eq. per tonne production. The proposed budget for the measure is based on: 5000 holdings х 45 000 BGN = 225 000 000 BGN 655 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Number of technically prepared holdings Number Implemented 2015 With additional measuses Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Bulgaria_20 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Agriculture: Development of measures for targeted support of investments in rice fields Single 20 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Development of measures for targeted support of investments in rice fields') Government Government: Ministry of agriculture and food 2015 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Other EU: agriculture - farmers and foresters progress on climate-smart production methods CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml In recent years, rice production in the country has been gradually recovering its potential. The introduction of low carbon technologies and methods is necessary, feasible and appropriate in this specific period. 10 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Number of supported rice producers Number In Operational Programme for Rural Development 2014-2020 was not set a special measure concerning the rice production particularly. As for activities connected with achieving agro ecological aims the producers of rice will be able to benefit from the financial help under measure 04 “Investments in production assets”, sub-measure 4.4 “Non-productive measures”. Implemented 2015 With additional measuses Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Bulgaria_21 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 LULUCF: UTILIZATION OF „NON-WOODED AREAS INTENDED FOR AFFORESTATION “ IN FOREST AREAS Single 21 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government Government: Ministry of agriculture and food 2013 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The measure is consistent with the requirements set out in the Forestry Act (2011). The needed financial resources are estimated on the basis of the accepted mean values of investments. The implementation of the measure is important for achieving the goals of National Action Plan on Climate Change, because forests are a major carbon sink and a reservoir of 90-95% of the total amount of sequestered carbon in the LULUCF sector. Increasing forest area has an important role in offsetting the greenhouse gas emissions from other sectors. The afforestation of non-wooded areas in the long term will increase the capacity of the forests as sinks of greenhouse gases. 13 378 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 ha utilized areas ha The target value for 2014 of indicator of implementation is 120 ha utilized areas. At the end of 2014 are 847, 1 ha of utilized areas and has been achieved over-fulfillment of the target value. 2014 23.127 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Bulgaria_22 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 LULUCF: AFFORESTATION OF ABANDONED AGRICULTURAL LAND, BARREN AND DEFORESTED AREAS, ERODED AND THREATENED BY EROSION LAND OUTSIDE FOREST AREAS Single 22 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government, Local Government: Ministry of agriculture and food,Government: Ministry of Regional development and Public Works,Local: Municipalities 2013 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The proposed measure corresponds to those with codes 223 and 226 under the Rural Development Programme. It is possible to apply under this programme with projects and to obtain appropriate funding. The needed financial resources are estimated on the basis of accepted mean values of investments. There is a potential for creating new forests outside the forested areas especially over the last two decades, when large territories of the agricultural land is not cultivated. The implementation of the measure will increase the absorption of greenhouse gases and thus contribute to climate change mitigation, to the protection of biodiversity and of the soil against erosion. To achieve the objective of the measure it is necessary, before undertaking afforestation activities, to make an inventory of the areas that are suitable for afforestation and to conduct applied scientific studies to evaluate their suitability and possibility for afforestation; appropriate recommendations for suitable species should be provided on the basis of the conditions of the places where they grow. 35 112 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 ha afforested areas ha The target value for 2014 of indicator of implementation is 300 ha afforested areas. At the end of 2014 are 447.3 hectares of afforested areas and has been achieved over-fulfillment of the target value with 49 %. 2014 11.218 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Bulgaria_23 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 LULUCF: INCREASE OF AREAS FOR URBAN AND SUBURBAN PARKS AND GREEN ZONES Single 23 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government, Local Government: Ministry of Regional development and Public Works,Local: Municipalities 2013 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The proposed measure corresponds in part to measure with code 322 form the Rural Development Programme that provides funding opportunities. The measure is also related to Ordinance № 5 on Spatial Planning Rules and Standards, setting standards for the surface area of public green areas in cities. The needed financial resources are estimated on the basis of the accepted mean values of investments. The expansion of urban areas and the intensive building in recent years is a prerequisite for significant emissions of greenhouse gases. Increasing the areas of urban and suburban parks and green zones and keeping them in good condition will contribute to increased absorption of greenhouse gases and to better quality of the living environment. The measure will contribute also to the gradual achievement of the standards for green areas laid down in the General Development Plans. 2 508 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Improved park environment, green areas and playgrounds m2 The reported value for 2014 is 971 153 m2 improved park environment, green areas and playgrounds. 2014 0.5 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Bulgaria_24 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 LULUCF: RESTORATION AND SUSTAINABLE MANAGEMENT OF WETLANDS. PROTECTION AND PRESERVATION OF WETLANDS IN FOREST AREAS, PEATLANDS, MARSHLANDS Single 24 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Water 2013 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CH4, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The main instrument for the protection of wetlands is the Convention on Wetlands which is transposed in the Biological Diversity Act. The wetlands are designated as protected areas with priority or are included in Natura 2000. They will be subject to management plans that are currently being developed and that will be supplemented by special programmes for management in view of climate change. The needed financial resources are estimated on the basis of the accepted mean values of investments. Wetlands are characterized by great biological diversity and play an important role in carbon retention because they are among the most productive ecosystems. The restoration and the conservation of wetlands and woodlands and their proper management will enhance their efficiency as carbon stores. 4 681 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 restored / preserved wetlands ha For implementation of measure is completed three projects financed by the Operational Programme Environment 2007-2013: Project: ""Restoration, conservation and sustainable management of biodiversity in protected area"" Zlato pole””. Project: ""Restoration and conservation of the protected area ""Lozen Road ""- wetland - habitat of snowflake and sustainable use of biological resources."" Project: ""Reducing the negative impact of invasive species and restore natural habitat by planting native species kept in Srebarna Nature Reserve”. Project ""Preservation and restoration of 11 habitat types rivers and wetlands in the 10 Natura 2000 sites in the Bulgarian forests"", funded by the LIFE + Programme of the European Union". 2014 1.872 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Bulgaria_25 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 LULUCF: RESTORATION AND MAINTENANCE OF PROTECTIVE FOREST BELTS AND NEW ANTI-EROSION AFFORESTATION Single 25 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Updating the programme for restoration of shelter belts and provision of funding for related investments') Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Food,Government: Executive Forests Agency 2013 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The first step is to update the programme for restoration of shelter belts and the specific activities will commence after its approval. Besides the direct effect for absorption of carbon by the new forests in these zones, there are also significant indirect effects associated with preventing wind erosion after the restoration of belts. The information on the areas and the funds necessary for the restoration is provided by Executive Forests Agency. 8 360 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 restored forest belts ha Afforestation has beneficial effects on soil, water, air and biodiversity. Therefore provides for the planting of local tree species on abandoned agricultural land, forest areas, eroded and threatened by erosion areas outside forest areas, creation / restoration of forest belts. 2014 22.875 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Bulgaria_26 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 LULUCF: INCREASING THE DENSITY IN NATURAL AND ARTIFICIAL PLANTATIONS Single 26 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory, Research Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Food,Government: Executive Forests Agency 2013 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml A first step can be the assignment of scientific studies followed by amendments to the regulations. Activities will commence on this basis with the view of increasing the density in the listed plantations by supporting their natural regeneration or using other methods. The information on the areas and the necessary funding is provided by Executive Forests Agency. 16 720 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 plantations with density increased by at least 20 % ha 2014 0.65 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Bulgaria_27 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Transport: REHABILITATION AND MODERNIZATION OF THE EXISTING ROAD INFRASTRUCTURE TO ENSURE OPTIMUM SPEED AND OPTIMUM DRIVING MODES OF AUTOMOBILE ENGINES Single 27 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Finance,Government: Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications,Government: Ministry of Regional development and Public Works,Government: Road Infrastructure Agency 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Other EU: transport - Strategy for low-emission mobility CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Assessment of the emission saving potential of projects for rehabilitation and modernization – within the European Investment Bank. Existing methodology of the European Investment Bank. (http://www.eib.org/attachments/strategies/footprint_summary_of_the_methodologies_en.pdf) 542 496 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Emission savings from km. rehabilitated infrastructure For implementation of the measure have been realized: Projects funded under the Operational Programme Transport - building lots of highways Trakia, Hemus, Maritsa - 15 sites with total length 318 km. Projects funded under the Operational Programme Regional Development - 22 sites: newly constructed or rehabilitated road infrastructure (roads II and type III) with a total length of 349.5 km. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Bulgaria_28 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Transport: INTRODUCTION OF INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT SYSTEMS ALONG THE NATIONAL AND THE URBAN ROAD NETWORK Single 28 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Other transport Transport: Other transport ('integrated management of public transport charges, enhanced management of customer relationships, traffic forecasts, improved traffic management, traveler information and toll collection') Government, Local Government: MInistry of Finance,Government: Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications,Government: Ministry of Regional development and Public Works,Government: Road Infrastructure Agency,Local: Municipal governments 2014 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Other EU: transport - modal shift CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) encompass a wide range of technical solutions designed to improve transport by improving mobility and increasing the safety of road traffic. Telematics (a combination of telecommunications and informatics) uses advanced technologies to meet transport needs. Intelligent transport systems and telematic solutions help improve road safety, promote the efficiency of the used existing infrastructure and contribute to the reduction of environmental pollution through control over traffic flows and management of traffic volume. The intelligent transport systems in urban settings can include integrated management of public transport charges, enhanced management of customer relationships, traffic forecasts, improved traffic management, traveler information and toll collection. These systems apply advanced technologies to collect more and better data, to make a precise analysis of these data and to link them through more effective networks. The result: more effective, more efficient and better oriented towards citizens on the move services. 1 017 180 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Number of introduced intelligent transport systems Number Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Bulgaria_29 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Transport: INCREASING THE SHARE OF BIOFUELS Single 29 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Ministry of Environment and Water,Government: Sustainable Energy Development Agency 2012 Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Biofuels are fuels produced from biomass and used in transport. They diversify the energy mix and reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. The main types of biofuels are bioethanol, biodiesel, biogas, synthetic biofuels, bio-hydrogen, pure vegetable oils. The most promising projects in Bulgaria are the projects for production of ethanol and biodiesel. The consumption of biodiesel in Bulgaria in 2010 amounted to 38 911.13 tonnes. In the previous two years these amounts were respectively 4260 t and 6566 t. The Renewable Energy Sources Act (Art. 47(1)) introduces stages for the introduction of certain percentages of biodiesel and bioethanol content in the relevant fuel, as well as requirements to the types of biofuels and sustainability criteria which they must meet. 406872 total reduction in tonnes СО2 equivalents by 2020 2020 % content of biofuel % 2013,2014 149.243,162.155 Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Bulgaria_30 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Transport: REDUCTION OF THE RELATIVE SHARE OF TRIPS WITH PRIVATE MOTOR VEHICLES THROUGH IMPROVEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF URBAN PUBLIC TRANSPORT AND DEVELOPMENT OF NON-MOTORIZED TRANSPORT Single 30 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government, Local Government: Ministry of Finance,Government: Ministry of Regional development and Public Works,Local: Municipal authorities 2012 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Other EU: transport - modal shift CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Improving the urban public transport and non-motorized transport development. With the implementation of projects the following measures will be achieved: - Renovation and development of transport infrastructure and the ability to maintain a sustainable transport system; - Priority development of urban mass transport with fundamental development of the transport function of the subway; - Redirecting of the transit the automobile flows outside the city through construction of bypass routes; - Improving accessibility and connectivity between structural zones; development of bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure; - Improvement of traffic conditions and parking. 678 120 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Change in the share of private and public transport Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Bulgaria_31 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Transport: DEVELOPING AND PROMOTING THE USE OF BICYCLES FOR TRANSPORT Single 31 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government, Local, Other Government: Ministry of Finance,Other: Ministry of Regional development and Public Works,Government: Ministry of Environment and Water,Local: Municipal authorities;,Other: Non-governmental organizations 2013 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Other EU: transport - modal shift CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Project-oriented approach – specific implementation 1. Design and construction of new cycling infrastructure 2. Developing systems for use of municipal bicycles Trainings and campaigns 1017180 total reduction in tonnes СО2 equivalents by 2020 2020 Km of bicycle alleys km Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Bulgaria_32 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Transport: INCREASING THE SHARE OF PUBLIC ELECTRIC TRANSPORT – RAILWAY, METRO, TROLLEY, TRAM AND METRO Single 32 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Voluntary Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government, Local Government: Ministry of Finance,Government: Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications,Government: Ministry of Regional development and Public Works,Government: National Railway Infrastructure Company,Local: Municipal governments 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Other EU: transport - modal shift CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml OP “Transport” 2007-2013, Priority axis 1 “Development of railway infrastructure along the major national and Pan-European transport axes” provides for: modernization of the railway line Sofia – Plovdiv; reconstruction and electrification of railway line Svilengrad - Turkish border; renewal of sections of railway infrastructure on the railway line Plovdiv - Burgas (along Trans-European Transport Network); modernization of railway line Sofia - Dragoman (along TEN-T); design of the construction of railway line Vidin - Sofia. Given the crucial importance of the central section of Line 2, it is currently a separate Sofia Metro Expansion Project which is included in Operational Programme Transport, with financing by the European Regional Development Fund, with national and local co-financing. This stretch covers the section: “Road junction Nadezhda - Central Railway Station – Sv. Nedelya Square - Cherny Vrah Blvd.” International tender procedures were conducted in 2007-2008 for selection of contractors of this project and the contracts entered into force in December 2008 with a time limit for completion - autumn 2012. The expected effect of the implementation of such measures is reduction of hazardous and greenhouse gases – 90 500 tonnes СО2 per year. 1017180 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Share of public electric transport Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Bulgaria_33 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Transport: DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION OF INTERMODAL TERMINALS FOR COMBINED TRANSPORT Single 33 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Finance,Government: Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications,Government: National Railway Infrastructure Company 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Other EU: transport - Strategy for low-emission mobility CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The measure aims to achieve a two-sided effect, consisting, on one side, in increase of the degree of utilization of more environmentally friendly modes of transport and, on the other side, in the creation of favorable conditions for increasing the added value of transport activity with overall reduction of transport costs per unit of GDP. The expected results of its implementation are: • more efficient use of rail and water transport; • development of transport schemes and technologies meeting contemporary requirements with regard to environment and climate; • increased coordination and integration of different transport modes; • lower cost for passenger and cargo transport; • integration of the Bulgarian transport system with that of the EU and increasing its competitiveness. 406 872 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Construction of intermodal terminals by 2020 Number Projects financed under OP Transport 2007-2013: Construction of intermodal terminal in South Central Planning Region in Bulgaria – Plovdiv -The project includes design (completed in 2014) and construction (currently is in a process of implementation and is expected to be finalized by the end of 2015). Construction of intermodal terminal in Central-North Planning Development Region in Bulgaria-Ruse - Currently is in a process of implementation the project "Preparation of Feasibility Studies, Conceptual Design, Detailed Plan and Preparation of Land Acquisition Procedures for the Project." Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Bulgaria_34 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Energy: Improvement of the operation of nuclear power plant Kozloduy Single 34 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Ministry of energy 2007 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Improved operation of Units 5 and 6 at Kozloduy NPP through the following measures:• conducted rehabilitation, reduction of losses from transmission of thermal energy and replacement of the subscriber stations;• introduction of the thermal energy accounting system that allows for regulation and reporting of the actually consumed thermal energy. 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Bulgaria_35 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Energy: Construction of small and micro Hydro power plants in different country regions Single 35 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory, Voluntary Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Other energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Electricity production from renewable energy sources') Government Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Ministry of environment and water 2007 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Hydro-power stations with capacity up to 10 MW are classified as small or micro hydro power plants. The potential for electricity production from micro hydro power plants is thoroughly studied and is assessed at 0.7 TWh per year. High investments costs and the low annual utilization of the installed capacity (app. 2,400 hours per year) impede the installation of new capacities. 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Bulgaria_36 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Energy: Upgrading of cogeneration plants and district heating boilers Single 36 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Ministry of environment and water,Government: Ministry of energy 2007 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The introduction of new natural-gas combined cycle for replacing capacities at some of the existing thermal power plants and district heating plants forms part of the Implementation Programme for the Directive on Large combustion plants for the period after 2007. 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Bulgaria_37 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Energy: Decreasing of losses in the distribution and transmission networks Single 37 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses Energy supply: Reduction of losses Government Government: Ministry of energy 2005 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Parliament concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml A reduction of the electricity losses will lead to fewer GHG emissions as a result of lower electricity production in coal-fired plants. According to experts assessment these are about20-30 % of the losses in transmission networks and 30-40 % of the losses in distribution networks. 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Bulgaria_38 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Energy: Heat transmission and distribution losses Single 38 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Ministry of energy 2007 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Losses of heat can be reduced through rehabilitation, modernization and improving the exploitation of the transmission and distribution networks. A reduction of the heat losses will lead to fewer GHG emissions as a result of lower heat production in heat boilers. 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Bulgaria_39 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Energy: Biomass for electricity and heat production Single 39 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Other energy supply; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Electricity production from renewable energy sources'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Ministry of environment and water 2009 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Support for introduction of biomass for heat and electricity production and diversification of energy supply 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Bulgaria_40 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 Industry: Reduction of thermal losses in industry Single 40 Single PaM Economic, Voluntary Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Ministry of economic 2009 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Conducted rehabilitation, reduction of losses from transmission of thermal energy and replacement of the subscriber stations; introduction of the thermal energy accounting system with possibility for regulation and reporting of the actually consumed thermal energy; 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Bulgaria_41 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 Industry: Natural gas supply to the industry by development of gas infrastructure Single 41 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Ministry of economic 2007 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Reducing the consumption of electricity by substituting it with natural gas will lead to more efficient use of resources, lower costs and better and healthier environment. 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Bulgaria_42 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Industry: Introduction of monitoring systems for energy consumption Single 42 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses Energy supply: Reduction of losses Government Government: Ministry of energy 2007 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2009/72/EC of the European Parliament concerning common rules for the internal market in electricity and repealing Directive 2003/54/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml These measures are aimed at improving the energy efficiency and at optimal utilization of resources and thus creating preconditions for increase in production competitiveness by reducing the energy intensity and the final energy consumption. 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Bulgaria_43 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Agriculture: Adoption of the best management practices for handling and using manure on the whole cycle including proceces of capture, storage, treatment and utilisation of animal manures. Single 43 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Food 2007 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Manure is one of the most considerable methane sources in agriculture. Therefore all the activities related to manure storage and treatment should take into account the manure type –liquid or solid as well as the technologies for collection and treatment.The modern manure management practices, not applied in Bulgaria, include: engineering of standardized construction elements for manure disposal facilities, introduction of bulldozer cleaning and transportation of the dry manure in containers and others.In liquid manure management are used transportation tanks, underground disposal at cattle breeding farms and poultry-farming sites, separation of manure into liquid and solid fractional pig-breeding farms, etc. 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Bulgaria_44 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Agriculture: Improving fertilization practices Elaboration of irrigation technologies aiming at water use reduction Single 44 Single PaM Economic, Education, Regulatory, Research Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Food 2007 Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml During the last years fertilization was conducted in an uncontrolled manner. The amounts of nitrous fertilizers applied to soils often exceeded the recommended ones. The requirements for quality of production and lower prime costs grew strict due to expanded import of agricultural goods from the neighboring countries. These products compete successfully with some local productions both for their quality and price. The appropriate fertilization and irrigation are preconditions for competitiveness of local agricultural production and reduction of N2O emissions. 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Bulgaria_45 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Waste: Utilization of the captured methane for production of electricity Single 45 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy supply; Waste management/waste Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Government Government: Ministry of environment and water 2007 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml "The electricity generation from landfill methane is subject to special treatment by the National Electricity Grid. According the Energy Law the Grid operator should purchase all the renewable electricity at preferential prices. As far as methane from the landfills is considered as renewable energy source the selling of electricity is ensured.The captured methane can be utilized in piston gas motors where electricity is generated. The received electrical energy from the burning of one ton captured methane is expected to be about 4.2 MWh under the assumption that the diesel-generators operate 6 000 hours per year.This utilization of equipment for electricity production means an installed capacity of19.517 kW." 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Bulgaria_46 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 Energy: Accelerated development of hydro energy (Construction of hydro cascade Gorna Arda and Sredna Vucha) Single 46 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of energy 2007 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml The main instrument for the protection of wetlands is the Convention on Wetlands which is transposed in the Biological Diversity Act. The wetlands are designated as protected areas with priority or are included in Natura 2000. They will be subject to management plans that are currently being developed and that will be supplemented by special programmes for management in view of climate change.The needed financial resources are estimated on the basis of the accepted mean values of investments. Wetlands are characterized by great biological diversity and play an important role in carbon retention because they are among the most productive ecosystems. The restoration and the conservation of wetlands and woodlands and their proper management will enhance their efficiency as carbon stores." 2020 Reduced CO2 emissions (for a year, not cumulative) kt Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Bulgaria_7 Bulgaria 2921 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Household and Services: INTRODUCTION OF MANDATORY ENERGY EFFICIENCY SCHEME (REDUCTION OF FUEL AND ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN THE FINAL ENERGY CONSUMPTION) Single 7 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of energy,Government: Sustainable Energy Development Agency 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/bg/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa07fa/BG-adjusted.xml Precondition for achieving the estimated effect are the regulatory changes with the view of introducing a requirement for specific (proportional) annual reduction of the amount of energy provided on the market by distribution companies and traders in energy (end-use consumption). Market mechanisms and incentives to reduce fuel and energy consumption need to be established along with mandatory schemes and market of energy services (market of “white” certificates/ certificates of energy savings). The measure is consistent with the policy proposed by the EC to improve the energy efficiency in end-use consumption by saving annually fuel and energy equivalent to 1.5% of the energy provided by distribution companies and traders in energy on the market for the previous year (excluding energy in transport). The annual energy savings, respectively obligations, will be constant value (expressed in percentage) until 2020. To introduce such a scheme it is necessary to undertake appropriate legislative changes and to prepare its structure and operation. The responsible persons will be determined in the course of development of the scheme. These can be both traders in fuel and energy or end consumers. The actual reduction of fuel and energy consumption occurs in end-use consumption and should be a result of implemented measures. The anticipated effect is determined on the basis of projected fuel and energy consumption in the Industry and Household sectors where the consumption is expected to decrease by 1,5% on an annual basis. The decrease in final fuel and energy consumption according to the objectives will lead to reduction of emissions as follows: 40.5ktCO2eq. (by 2016); 41.4 ktCO2eq. (by 2020). 105 173 total reduction in tonnes СО2 eq. by 2020 2020 Reduction of fuel and energy consumption on an annual basis compared to the consumption over the previous year in the Household and Services Sector GWh With following measures: • Windows replacement; • Walls insulations; • Floor insulations; • Ceiling insulations; • Heating systems and gasification; • Effective lightening; • Energy consumption management and control tools; • Renewable energy sources – solar panels; will be achieved goals of the PAM. Adopted 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_1 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 MEN-1: National Plan for the Increase of the Number of Nearly-Zero Energy Buildings Single 1 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Adopted ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning 2014 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml According to the Directive 2010/31/EU on Energy Performance of Buildings (EPBD), MS have to ensure that after 31st December 2020 all new buildings are build according to nearly zero energy (nZEB) standard for buildings, and all new buildings in which stay or are owned by the public bodies should be built according to the nZEB standard after 31st December 2018. The calculations of the cost-optimal levels of minimum criteria for the energy performances of all types of buildings were done in 2013 and 2014. In Technical Regulation OG 128/15 the definitions of nZEB buildings were adopted to ensure to fulfilment of the requirements of the EPBD. National Plan for the Increase of nZEB buildings was adopted in December 2014. The Program for the stimulation of the building new buildings and renovation of existing buildings according to the nZEB standard is in the development. 2020 National Plan for the Increase of the Number of Nearly-Zero Energy Buildings http://www.mgipu.hr/doc/Propisi/PLAN_PBZ_0_energije_do_2020.pdf Adopted 2014 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Croatia_2 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 MEN-2: Program for energy renovation of the apartment buildings Single 2 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 763 Government, Other Government: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;ESD_ANNUAL_EMISSION_ALLOCATION;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml This measure foresees the continuation for the implementation of The Program of Energy Renovation of Apartment Buildings for the Period from 2014 to 2020 (OG 78/14), with the focus on the buildings built before the 1987 and with the goal for their renovation to the B, A or A+ energy class. The main source of the funding is based on the EU structural and investment funds (EU SIF), precisely from the European Fund for the Regional Development. The goal is to increase the yearly renovation share from 1% to 2% of the surface of the apartment buildings. The plan is to reallocate the funds available from the ESIF to enable the renovation to happen in the planned scope. Important source of funding of the renovations of apartment buildings in the Republic of Croatia were the revenues from the sales of the greenhouse gas emission allowances by the auctions. Renovation of 2% of apartment buildings annually 2023 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the Period 2017-2019 303 460 Technical basis for the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf -9 Estimated potential for GHG savings and cost and benefits of the measure include the renovation of all buildings, not just apartment buildings. The estimated potential for GHG savings and costs of the measure for 2030 are part of the WAM scenario. With inclusion of estimated environmental and social co-benefits, net costs amount to -116 EUR/tCO2eq. Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; ESD_ANNUAL_EMISSION_ALLOCATION; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_3 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 MEN-3: Program for the increase of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources in commercial non-residential buildings Single 3 Single PaM Economic Adopted ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2017 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;ESD_ANNUAL_EMISSION_ALLOCATION;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The measure builds up on The Program of Energy Renovation of Commercial Non-residential Buildings for the Period from 2014 to 2020 (OG 98/14) with the plan allocate the funds available from the EU SIF for the implementation of the measures, with the focus to tourism and trade sectors. The funds will be allocated in grants and through the advanced financial instruments and in accordance with the EU regulations 651/2014 and 1407/2013 on state aid in EU. Important source of funding of the use of renewable energy sources in commercial non-residential buildings in the Republic of Croatia were the revenues from the sales of the greenhouse gas emission allowances by the auctions. 2023 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the Period 2017-2019 Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; ESD_ANNUAL_EMISSION_ALLOCATION; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_4 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 MEN-4: Program for the Energy Renovation of the Family Houses Single 4 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government, Other Government: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning,Government: Ministry for Regional Development and EU Funds,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;ESD_ANNUAL_EMISSION_ALLOCATION;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The measure is based on The Program of Energy Renovation of Family Houses for the Period from 2014 to 2020 (OG 43/14), but with the plan to allocate also the funds from the EU SIF and to advance the financial models to activate the private capital. The goal is to support the renovation of 4000 houses in Croatia annually. Important source of funding of the renovations of family dwellings in the Republic of Croatia were the revenues from the sales of the greenhouse gas emission allowances by the auctions. Support the renovation of 4000 houses annually 2020 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the Period 2017-2019 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; ESD_ANNUAL_EMISSION_ALLOCATION; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Croatia_5 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 MEN-5: Program for the energy renovation of public buildings Single 5 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government, Other Government: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, Environmental Protection,Other: Energy Efficiency Fund,Other: Agency for Legal Affairs and Real Estate 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;ESD_ANNUAL_EMISSION_ALLOCATION;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The measure is based on the Programme for the Energy Renovation of Public Buildings 2014 - 2015 (Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, 2014) and the Programme for the Energy Renovation of Public Buildings 2016 - 2020 (Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning, 2017). The main source of finances in period 2016-2020 will be on the EU SIF, Operational Programme Competitiveness and cohesion for the period from 2014 to 2020, under Priority Axis 4 - Promotion of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. The funds will be allocated with the goal to activate the private capital and ESCO market. The plan is to renovate the 9,46% of the total surface of the public buildings until 2020. Important source of funding of the renovations of public buildings in the Republic of Croatia were the revenues from the sales of the greenhouse gas emission allowances by the auctions. Renovation of the 9,46% of the total surface of the public buildings until 2020 2020 Program for the energy renovation of public buildings for the period 2016-2020 http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2017_03_22_508.html Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; ESD_ANNUAL_EMISSION_ALLOCATION; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_6 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 MEN-6: Energy management in the public sector Single 6 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Other Other: Agency for Legal Affairs and Real Estate,Other: National Energy Efficiency Authority 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Energy management in the public sector include implementation of continuous and systematic measurement, planning and improvements of the energy use in public sector. It includes the use of national information system on energy management ISGE . Energy Management Information System (ISGE), which was supported and established by the UNDP, GEF, the Fund and the Croatian Government, is used as a national tool for systematic energy and water management in public buildings. ISGE is under the competence of the Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning and Agency for Transactions and Mediation in Immovable Properties (APN). The measure is regulated by the Energy Efficiency Act (OG 127/14), Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency, Ordinance on Energy Management (OG 18/15) and Methodology on Energy Management (OG 18/15). In the period 2017-2019 the focus will be on the automation of the data collection of the consumption of energy and water, reporting and verification of energy savings and education of associates. 2019 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_7 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 MEN-7: Measurement and informative calculation of energy consumption Single 7 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Companies: Energy distributors 2014 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Law on Energy Efficiency (OG 127/14) stipulates that energy distributors ensure that, to the extent that is technically possible, financially reasonable and proportionate in view of the potential energy savings, final customers of energy and hot water in homes acquire individual meters at competitive prices that accurately reflect the actual energy consumption of end customers. Energy supplier shall free of charge on request of the end customer at least once a year provide information on the calculation of electricity, heat or gas and previous consumption of the end customer. Legible and understandable energy bills (electricity, heat and natural gas) and individual consumption metering are obligation of distribution system operators and suppliers. This will increase consumer awareness of the way in which they consume the energy. The bills should include comparisons of consumption for the current year and for the corresponding period of the previous year, as well as information on available energy efficiency measures. 2019 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_8 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 MEN-8: Labelling the energy efficiency of household appliances Single 8 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2014 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Scheme of labelling the energy efficiency of household appliances is legally prescribed in the Regulations on Energy Labelling of Household Appliances (OG 130/2007, 101/2011, 48/13, 127/14). It is prescribed that energy efficiency label have to be marked on all household appliances that use electricity and are placed on the Croatian market, whether they are manufactured in the Republic of Croatia or imported. By energy labelling, customers are informed about the energy consumption of devices and selection is directed towards more efficient appliances. For the implementation of these measures, a lot has been done to raise public awareness and educate in order to increase the market share of household appliances with A, A+, A++ energy efficiency class and reduce the market share of household appliances under class C. 2017 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan http://www.mingo.hr/public/3%20Nacionalni_akcijski_plan.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Croatia_9 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 MEN-9: Eco-design of energy-using products Single 9 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 202 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2013 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Ordinance on establishing Eco-design requirements for energy related products (OG 80/2013, 127/14, 50/15), transposed the 2009/125/EZ Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 the October 2009 about establishing a framework for determining the Eco-design requirements for energy related products to the Croatian legislation. This Ordinance established a framework for the setting of EU Eco-design of energy-related products with the aim of ensuring the free movement of these products on the internal market. The Ordinance provides for the determination of requirements to be met by energy-related products covered by implementing measures, to be placed on the market and / or in use. It contributes to sustainable development by increasing the energy efficiency and level of environmental protection, while at the same time increasing the security of energy supply. This Ordinance also allows the implementation of provisions related to the Directive 2009/125/EZ (air conditioners and fans, fan motor-driven, self-circulation pumps without seals, household washing machines, electric motors, non-directional household lamps, lamps directed to the corresponding equipment LED - lamps, fluorescent lamps, external power supplies, cooling devices, simple control boxes, electric and electronic equipment in homes and offices - mode, hold and mute, televisions, household dryers, washing household dishes and pumps water). The Ordinance came into force on the date of the Republic of Croatia accession to EU. 2020 202 0 Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf -27 The estimation of GHG savings potential include also measure MEN-8: Labelling the energy efficiency of household appliances. The estimated potential for GHG savings and costs of the measure for 2030 are part of the WAM scenario. Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Croatia_10 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 MEN-10: Promotion of energy efficiency and implementation of measures through energy services model Single 10 Single PaM Information, Voluntary Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Companies, Other Other: National Energy Efficiency Authority,Companies: ESCO companies 2007 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The goal of the promotion of energy efficiency is to raise the awareness of the persons and companies on possibilities and benefits of improving the energy efficiency. The leading body is the National Energy Efficiency Authority (NKT), which moderates and promotes the national web portal for energy efficiency www.enu.hr. Energy efficiency projects with implementation through energy services include modernization, reconstruction and renovation of existing plants and facilities with the aim of rational use of energy in a way to achieve the return on investment through savings in energy costs and maintenance. These projects include the development, implementation and financing to improve energy efficiency and reduce operation and maintenance. Areas of business are public and private sectors, i.e. buildings (schools and kindergartens, offices, hotels, universities, hospitals), public lighting, industry and power supply systems (cogeneration, district heating). 2025 Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_11 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 MEN-11: Program for the reduction of energy poverty Single 11 Single PaM Economic, Education Planned ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The reduction of the energy poverty in Croatia will be accomplished through three activities: development of the Program for the Reduction of the Energy Poverty; capacity building of the institutions for the reduction of the energy poverty; and implementation of measures for the energy sand water savings in the households which meet energy poverty criteria. The financing of the measures will be based on the revenues from the auctions of the emission allowances from the EU ETS, and the goal is to implement the measures in around 330 households annually. Implement measures in 330 households annually 2026 4th Naional Energy Efficiency Action Plan Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_12 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 MEN-12: Education in the area of energy efficiency Single 12 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Other Other: Croatian Employment Service,Other: Agency for Vocational Education and Adult Education 2012 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The goal of this measure is to set the education and certification system for the workers in the area of energy efficiency. The Ordinance on education and certification system will be developed and education of coaches and program for the education done in accordance with the CROSKILLS project . The important source of the funding will be through the EU SIF, Operational Program Efficient Human Resources. 2020 CROSKILLS projekt http://www.croskills.hr/ Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_13 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 MEN-13: National Program for the Energy Efficiency in Public Lighting Single 13 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 112 Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Other: National Energy Efficiency Authority,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Public lighting consumes around 3% of final electricity consumption in Croatia. By this measure, National Program for the Energy Efficiency in Public Lighting will be developed. The focus of the program will be on establishing the advanced implementation models to together with the efficient allocation of the funds available from the EU SIF based on the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion 2014-2020. The goal is to provide savings of at least 30 GWh annually. Savings of 30 GWh of electricity annually 2025 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 112 0 Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf -43 The estimated potential for GHG savings and costs of the measure for 2030 are part of the WAM scenario. Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Croatia_14 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 MEN-14: Green public procurement Single 14 Single PaM Regulatory, Voluntary Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of the Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts,Other: Public office for public procurement,Other: National Energy Efficiency Authority 2014 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The goal of this measure is to incorporate the criteria of environmental protection in public procurement. Based on the National Action Plan for Green Public Procurement for the Period 2015-2017 with a view to 2020 (Ministry for environmental protection and Energy, 2015), the parties obligated for the public procurement should include environmental protection criteria. The goal is that by 2020 at least 50% of public procurement has incorporated the criteria of environmental protection. New Public Procurement Act (OG 120/16) prescribed the obligation for the economic evaluation of the offers, including evaluation of social and environmental criteria, which will be the strong stimulus for the green public procurement. By 2020 at least 50% of public procurement should have incorporated criteria of environmental protection 2019 National Action Plan for Green Public Procurement http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/nacionalni_akcijski_plan_za_zelenu_javnu_nabavu.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_15 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 MEN-15: Energy audits in industry Single 15 Single PaM Regulatory, Voluntary Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of the Economy, Entrepreneurship and Crafts,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml With this measure, support to assess the potential energy savings in industrial plants through co-financing the implementation of energy audits should be provided. Scheme for Energy audits in industry includes: − mandatory energy audits for large companies (companies that meet at least two of the following criteria: total assets of at least HRK 130,000,000.00, annual income of at least HRK 260,000,000.00, an average of at least 250 employees during the financial year). The obligation is regulated by the Law on Energy Efficiency (OG 127/14), − voluntary scheme of energy audits for small and medium companies. Energy audits on a voluntary basis are supported by the financial assistance provided by the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. 2016 Ordinance on Energy Audits for Large Enterprises http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2015_11_123_2340.html Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Croatia_16 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 MEN-16: Industrial Energy Efficiency Network (MIEE) Single 16 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Other Other: Croatian Chamber of Commerce,Other: National Energy Efficiency Authority,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2008 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml This is the voluntary cooperation instrument with the goal to promote the energy efficiency in industry sector, support the synergies of the processes where possible and facilitate the access to funds available through various options. 2025 3rd and 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_17 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 MEN-17: Increase of the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in industry sector Single 17 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 293 Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Other: National Energy Efficiency Authority,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The plan of this measure is to reallocate the funds available from the EU SIF, based on the Operational Program Competitiveness and Cohesion as well as funds available from the auctions of the emission allowances in EU ETS and direct them for the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency in industry sector. The allocation of the funds has to be in line with the Regulations of the EU 651/2014 and 1407/2013 on the state aid. 2023 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the Period 2017-2019 102 191 Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf -29 The estimated potential for GHG savings and costs of the measure for 2030 are part of the WAM scenario. Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2017 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_18 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 MEN-18: Feed-in tariffs and premium system for the support of the use of renewable energy sources in electricity generation and for the efficient cogeneration Single 18 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 1573 Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Other: Croatian Energy Operator (HROTE) 2007 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The main mechanism creditable for the past development of renewable energy sources are incentive prices (feed-in tariffs). The tariffs depend on the type of source, power plant size and amount of generated electricity. In addition to the system of incentives for electricity, generation from cogeneration plants provides adoption of appropriate regulations to promote the heat generation from cogeneration (defining the status of eligible heat producer). Act on Renewable Energy Sources and Efficient Cogeneration (OG 100/15) was adopted in 2015 and modified the existing system from the feed-in tariffs to premium. The bylaws still have to be adopted and no tender has been done in line with the new model. 2030 Act on Renewable Energy Sources 1424 149 http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2015_09_100_1937.html Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf 5 The estimated potential for GHG savings and costs of the measure for 2030 are part of the WAM scenario. The estimated potential for GHG savings and costs of the measure include development of all RES projects (except large HPP). However, it is expected that some port of them, namely solar PV system will be developed on market conditions. Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Croatia_19 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 MEN-19: Program for the Energy Efficiency in Heating and Cooling Single 19 Single PaM Economic, Information, Regulatory Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Reduction of losses Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Reduction of losses Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning 2016 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The Program (Ministry of Economy, 2016) analysed the potential for the development of the district heating systems, mapped the energy consumption and production of heat, explored the potential for additional highly efficient cogeneration and evaluated the possible support mechanisms for the efficient cogeneration. The Program set out the guidelines for development of the heating and cooling sector and primary energy savings. 2030 Program for the Energy Efficiency in Heating and Cooling https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/DOC_88244.pdf Adopted 2016 With additional measuses Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Croatia_20 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 MEN-20: Promotion of the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency by HBOR-a (Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development) Single 20 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Other Other: Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development (HBOR) 2009 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml For the purpose of financing the environmental protection projects, HBOR extends loans through the Loan programme for the Preparation of Renewable Energy Resources and Loan Programme for the Financing of Projects of Environmental protection, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Sources. The goal of the loan program of environmental projects, energy efficiency and renewable energy sources is the realization of investment projects focused on environmental protection, improving energy efficiency and promoting renewable energy. Loans are intended for investment in land, buildings, equipment and devices. Final user may be local and territorial (regional) governments, utility companies, companies, dealers and other legal entities. Croatian Bank for Reconstruction and Development https://www.hbor.hr/en/ Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Croatia_21 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 MEN-21: Promotion of the use of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency by FZOEU (The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund) resources Single 21 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Transport; Waste management/waste Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2004 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund provides funding for the preparation, implementation and development of programs and projects in the field of environmental protection, energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources and climate change mitigation. Funds for financing are provided from the revenues raised by environmental polluters, which includes fees for nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide emissions, fees for burdening the environment with waste, environmental user fees and special fees for the environment for motor vehicles. Resources of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund are allocated to projects, which improve energy efficiency, including cogeneration, district heating systems, energy audits and demonstration activities, public lighting projects, fuel replacement and waste heat use and projects in the field of building construction and sustainable construction. Renewable energy projects for which the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund grants resources include solar energy, wind energy, biomass, energy from small hydro and geothermal energy. The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund provides grants to local and regional governments, companies, craftsmen, non-profit organizations and individuals, through loans, interest rate subsidies, financial aids and donations. For some tenders of the Fund, operators in the EU ETS are eligible, thus this measure has effects in the EU ETS and non-EU ETS sector. The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund http://www.fzoeu.hr/ Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC
Croatia_22 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 MEN-22: CO2 emission tax on the non-ETS stationary sources Single 22 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Finances,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2013 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The Regulation on Unit Charges, Corrective Coefficients and Detailed Criteria and Benchmarks for Determination of the Charge for Emissions into Environment of Carbon Dioxide (OG 73/07, 48/09) stipulates the obligation to pay charges on CO2 emission for all stationary sources emitting more than 30 tonnes of CO2 per year. Fee payers who invest in energy efficiency, renewable energy and other measures to reduce emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions are charged by lower fee. The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund is authorized for accounting and collecting charges. The Law on Amendments to the Law on Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund (OG 142/12) stipulates that from 1 January 2013, legal or natural persons who own or use a single source of CO2 emissions, for which permits for greenhouse gas emissions have been obtained, do not have to pay fee. This means that from 2013 onwards measures apply only to sources that are not covered by the ETS. The amount of compensation paid by the operators of installations excluded from the EU ETS in accordance with the Article 27 of Directive 2003/87/EC on establishing a scheme for greenhouse emission allowance trading within the Community is defined by the Decision on the amount of the unit charge on greenhouse gas emissions for operators of installations excluded from emissions trading system. The unit fee for 2013 was HRK 32.78 for emitting one tonne of CO2 in 2013 (OG 105/14), HRK 45.40 in 2014 (OG 96/15), HRK 58.29 in 2015 and HRK 39.53 in 2016. The price for a present year is determined based on the average EUA price in the EU ETS in the previous year. Regulation on Unit Charges, Corrective Coefficients and Detailed Criteria and Benchmarks for Determination of the Charge for Emissions into Environment of Carbon Dioxide (OG 73/07, 48/09) http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2007_07_73_2280.html Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Croatia_23 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 MEN-23: Revitalization and energy efficiency in existing thermal and hydro power plants Single 23 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Companies Companies: HEP-Proizvodnja Ltd. 2014 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The activities of this measure are related to the Croatian utility company HEP. As listed in the 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan, in the coming years the plans for revitalization and implementation of energy efficiency measures in existing thermal and hydro power plants include: reconstruction of water management system, new steam boiler, optimization and automation of hydro stations, revitalization of hydro power plants, reduction of own use of heat, new measurement systems etc. 2020 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Croatia_24 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 MEN-24: Reconstruction and renovation of the heating and steam network Single 24 Single PaM Economic, Voluntary Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Companies: HEP-Toplinarstvo d.o.o. 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Due to the ageing and damages of the heating and steam network, high losses of energy are occurring. The expected investments in the coming period will be provided from the utility companies and from the use of EU SIF, under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion for the period 2014-2020. 2020 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Croatia_25 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 MEN-25: Operation of power system and development of the transmission and distribution network Single 25 Single PaM Economic, Voluntary Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses Energy supply: Reduction of losses Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Companies: Croatian Transmission System Operator,Companies: HEP-Distribution System Operator 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Croatian Transmission System Operator (HOPS) is responsible for the reduction of losses in transmission network, development of the transmission network and management of the power system. As listed in the 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan, HOPS will focus on optimization of network topology and reduction of losses and development of the network capacity. HEP-Distribution System Operator (HEP-ODS) is responsible for the reduction of losses in distribution network and implementation of smart meters for the final consumers in Croatia. The funds for the pilot project for the introduction of “smart grids” are available under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion for the period 2014-2020. 2020 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Croatia_26 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 MTR-1: Providing information to consumers on fuel economy and CO2 emission of new passenger cars Single 26 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2007 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Pursuant to the Ordinance on Availability of Information on Fuel Economy and CO2 Emissions from Passenger Cars (OG 7/2015) each supplier of new passenger cars intended for sale shall provide consumers with information on the fuel consumption rate and specific CO2 emission of passenger cars. The Ministry of Interior which is responsible for the road traffic safety, on the basis of the Ordinance once a year, not later than 31 March of the current year, makes a Guidelines on cost-effectiveness of fuel consumption and CO2 emission from new passenger cars available for purchase on the market in the Republic of Croatia. The Guidelines contains required information for each model of new passenger cars available in the domestic market. Ordinance on Availability of Information on Fuel Economy and CO2 Emissions from Passenger Cars (OG 7/2015) Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Croatia_27 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 MTR-2: Training for drivers of road vehicles for eco-driving Single 27 Single PaM Economic, Education Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour Government, Other Government: Ministry of Interior Affairs,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund,Other: National Energy Efficiency Authority 2011 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The pilot projects were conducted and systematic training for drivers of road vehicles for eco-driving is implemented. This saves energy and increases the level of awareness of all citizens and drivers in the Republic of Croatia on advantages of this modern, intelligent and environmentally friendly driving style. Special elements are dedicated to education on eco driving for drivers of passenger cars, buses and trucks. 2020 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_28 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 MTR-3: Obligation for the use of biofuels in transport Single 28 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 118 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The basic regulation that regulates and promotes the usage of biofuel is Law on Biofuels for Transport (OG 65/09, 145/10, 26/11, 144/12, 14/14). Based on this law, in 2010, the National Action Plan that promotes the production and use of biofuels in transport for the period 2011 - 2020 was prepared. The Plan establishes a policy to promote increased production and use of biofuels in transport in Croatia. The Plan contains a review and assessment of the situation on the fuel market for transport and air protection, comparative analysis, long-term goals, including the target-market of biofuels and measures to promote increased production and use of biofuels in transport. Measures prescribed by action plan included measures that promote the production of raw materials for the production of biofuels, measures that promote the production of biofuels with reference to the fee for promotion of production, measures that promote consumption of biofuels with reference to liquid petroleum distributors to place the biofuels on market, administrative measures and research and development activities. The National Action Plan for Renewable Energy Sources (Ministry of Economy, 2013) determined the goals and policies related to increasing the share of RES in final energy consumption by 2020 and in particular the estimated contribution of energy of biofuels in transport. In 2014 the national system was modified to support only the use of biofuels in transport, not the production. Croatia has to modified the system again in 2017 to include the provisions of Directive 2015/1513 (ILUC Directive) for the biofuels in transport. Share of renewable energy in transport at least 10% until 2020 Law on Biofuels for Transport (OG 65/09, 145/10, 26/11, 144/12, 14/14) 4 114 Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf -7 The estimated potential for GHG savings and costs of the measure for 2030 are part of the WAM scenario. Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Croatia_29 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 MTR-4: Special fee for environment on the motor vehicles Single 29 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Finances,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The current system of paying a special fee for the environment in motor vehicles is regulated by Law on Fund for Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency (OG 107/03, 144/12), Regulation on unit charges, corrective coefficients and detailed criteria and standards to determine the special environmental fee for motor vehicles (OG 114/14, 147/14). Special fee is charged taking into consideration the type of engine and fuel, engine operating volume, type of vehicle, CO2 emissions and vehicle’s age. Regulation on unit charges, corrective coefficients and detailed criteria and standards to determine the special environmental fee for motor vehicles (OG 114/14, 147/14) Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Croatia_30 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 MTR-5: Special tax on motor vehicles Single 30 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Finances 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml This tax is prescribed by the Law on Special Tax on Motor Vehicles (OG 15/13, 108/16, 115/16). The tax is related to the vehicles intended for use on the roads in Croatia in the moment of their first registration in Croatia. The tax depends on the price of the vehicles, fuel type and CO2 emissions. The hybrid and electric vehicles are not subject to this tax. Law on Special Tax on Motor Vehicles (OG 15/13, 108/16, 115/16) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Croatia_31 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 MTR-6: Financial incentives for the purchase of plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles Single 31 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 662 Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Electric and hybrid vehicles are due to the cost of technological development currently still more expensive than conventional vehicles using internal combustion engines. Electric vehicles are significantly more efficient than conventional from the standpoint of primary energy consumption and are almost neutral from the standpoint of carbon dioxide emissions provided that are powered by electricity generated by using renewable sources. In order to increase the share of electric and hybrid vehicles, subsidies for the purchase of electric and hybrid vehicles through a grant have been introduced. These payments are made from the income of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund achieved, inter alia, by collecting special environmental charge for motor vehicles. 3rd and 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 0 100 Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf 89 The estimated potential for GHG savings and costs of the measure for 2030 are part of the WAM scenario. The estimated potential for GHG savings and costs include the effects of electric vehicles and infrastructure. The estimated potential for GHG savings and costs are estimated based on the assumption of production of electricity from RES. It is expected that important part of the penetration of electric vehicles after 2025 will be without subventions. Technical Basis for the Draft of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of Croatia until 2030 with a view to 2050 http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/bijela_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Croatia_32 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 MTR-7: Development of infrastructure for alternative fuels Single 32 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government, Local, Other Government: Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,,Government: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning,Government: Ministry of Finances,Government: Ministry of Interior,Local: Units of regional and local self-government,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2014 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Based on the Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure, Croatia has adopted The National Policy Framework on Development of the Infrastructure and Market for Alternative Fuels in Transport (OG 34/17) and the Act on Development of the Infrastructure for Alternative Fuels (OG 120/16) with the goal to promote and ensure development of the infrastructure. The measure includes development of the infrastructure for the use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in maritime transport. The measures will be financed based on various models: from utility companies, by the funds available from the auctions of allowances in EU ETS, from the EU SIF, based on the Operational Programme Competitiveness and cohesion for the period from 2014 to 2020, under Priority Axis 7 – Connectivity, with the coordination with the local governance etc. National Policy Framework on Alternative Fuels Infrastructure http://www.mppi.hr/default.aspx?id=21836 Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Croatia_33 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 MTR-8: Promotion of integrated and intelligent transport systems and alternatives fuels in urban areas Single 33 Single PaM Economic, Voluntary Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government, Local, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Local: Units of regional and local self-government,Other: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Traffic and need for mobility is one of the biggest pressures on the environment in urban areas. Increase in the number of passenger cars, the way they are used, intensity of traffic and unstructured expansion of urban areas largely reversed technological progress in relation to the energy efficiency of vehicles and emission intensity, including noise. This measure include promotion of optimization of transport of goods, integrated transport of citizens, intelligent transport management, promotion of car-sharing schemes, promotion of public bicycles and measures to support the development of infrastructure for alternative fuels in urban areas. With this measure, a gradual development of sustainable transport systems in urban areas of Croatia is provided where Plans for sustainable transport development should be drawn up as basic documents. These plans would include the analysis of the current situation, defining the vision and objectives, impact analysis and the adoption of measures for all types of transportation, distribution of responsibilities, method of implementation and monitoring mechanism. These plans would be brought on the level of major cities, they should be prepared in accordance with the European Commission guidelines and funded through EU programs and funds. In addition, incentives are expected and under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and cohesion for the period from 2014 to 2020 where under Priority Axis 7 - Connectivity and mobility, the development of public transport system with low levels of CO2 is planned. 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_34 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 MTR-9: Monitoring, reporting and verification of greenhouse gas emissions in the lifetime of liquid fuels Single 34 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Other: Croatian Agency for the Environment and Nature 2012 Yes Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml In accordance with the Air Protection Act (OG 130/11, 47/14, 61/17), supplier that places the fuel on domestic market shall monitor greenhouse gas emissions per energy unit in the life of the fuel. Suppliers have to draw up a report that has to be verified and submitted to the Croatian Agency for the Environment and Nature. Pursuant to the Act, the Croatian Government's Regulation on the quality of liquid petroleum fuels and the method of monitoring and reporting and methodology of calculation of greenhouse gas emissions in the lifetime of delivered fuels and energy (OG 57/17) lays down the limit values of components and/or quality characteristics of liquid petroleum fuels, method of determining and monitoring the quality of liquid petroleum fuels, conditions for the operation of sampling laboratories and laboratory analysis of the quality of liquid petroleum fuels, the way of demonstrating conformity of the product, the name and marking of the product, way and deadlines for the submission of reports on the quality of liquid petroleum fuels and emissions reports of greenhouse gases in the lifetime of fuels and energy to the Croatian Agency for Environment and Nature, method of monitoring and reporting, methodology for calculation of greenhouse gas emissions in lifetime of fuels and energy, methodology for determining the level of greenhouse gas emissions in lifetime of fuels per energy unit for the base 2010, methodology for calculating the contribution of electric road vehicles to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, the format of the report and the length of the storage and the manner of transmission of data to the competent bodies European Union. Decree on the quality of liquid petroleum fuels (OG 113/13, 76/14, 56/15) Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Croatia_35 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 MIP-1: Reducing emissions of volatile organic compounds in solvent use sector Single 35 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies 23 25 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Regulation on limit values for contents of volatile organic compounds in certain paints and varnishes used in construction and vehicles finishing products (OG 69/13) prescribes limit values for contents of these volatile organic compounds which may be placed on the market. Development and implementation of solvent management plan reduces emissions of volatile organic compounds and thereby carbon dioxide emissions. 23 24 24 25 27 27 Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Technical basis for the preparation of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2030 with an outlook to 2050) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Croatia_36 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 MIP-2: Handling of substances that deplete the ozone layer and fluorinated greenhouse gases Single 36 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 242 268 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2014 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014;F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC HFC, PFC, SF6 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Releasing controlled substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases into air while performing activities of collecting, leakage testing, maintenance or servicing of appliances and equipment is forbidden. GHG emissions reductions for years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 (kt CO2-equivalent per year) for the group consist of PaMs 36, 37, 38, 39 and 62 are included under PaM 36. (Measure 62 was added later and is therefore separated from other measures). Regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer and fluorinated greenhouse gases (OG 90/14) 242 255 255 268 290 290 http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2014_07_90_1812.html Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Technical basis for the preparation of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2030 with an outlook to 2050) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014; F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Croatia_37 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 MIP-3 Technical and organizational measures for collection, reuse, recovery and destruction of controlled substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases Single 37 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2014 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014;F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC HFC, PFC, SF6 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml This set of measures defines how the used controlled substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases contained in products and equipment must be collected, reused, recovered or destroyed. GHG emissions reductions for years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 (kt CO2-equivalent per year) are included under PaM 36. Regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer and fluorinated greenhouse gases (OG 90/14) http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2014_07_90_1812.html Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Technical basis for the preparation of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2030 with an outlook to 2050) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014; F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Croatia_38 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 MIP-4: Capacity building and strengthening the knowledge of authorized repairers Single 38 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2014 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014;F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC HFC, PFC, SF6 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Education of authorized repairers (servicers) on collection and handling of controlled substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases during equipment servicing. GHG emissions reductions for years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 (kt CO2-equivalent per year) are included under PaM 36. Regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer and fluorinated greenhouse gases (OG 90/14) http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2014_07_90_1812.html Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Technical basis for the preparation of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2030 with an outlook to 2050) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014; F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Croatia_39 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 MIP-5: Leakage detection of controlled substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases Single 39 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2014 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014;F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC HFC, PFC, SF6 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Technical measures to prevent or eliminate leakage of controlled substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. GHG emissions reductions for years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 (kt CO2-equivalent per year) are included under PaM 36. Regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer and fluorinated greenhouse gases (OG 90/14) http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2014_07_90_1812.html Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Technical basis for the preparation of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2030 with an outlook to 2050) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014; F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Croatia_40 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 MWM-1: Preventing the generation and reducing the amount of municipal waste Single 40 Single PaM Economic, Education, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling 405 1283 Government, Local, Regional Regional: Regional self-government units,Local: Local self-government units,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2013 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml It is the first in the order of priority in the municipal waste management, pursuant to the Sustainable Waste Management Act (OG 94/13). This measure is achieved by cleaner production, education, economic instruments and enforcement of regulations, and by investing in modern technologies. According to the Act, quantitative targets and deadlines for reducing the total amount of waste disposed to non-compliant landfills are defined. By the end of 2017, the maximum waste disposed to non-compliant landfills amounts 800,000 tons. Disposal of waste to non-compliant landfills in Croatia is prohibited after 31 December 2017. CH4 emissions reductions for years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 (kt CO2-equivalent per year) for the group consist of PaMs 40, 41, 42, 43 and 44 are included under PaM 40. Sustainable Waste Management Act (OG 94/13) 405 888 888 1283 1599 1599 http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2013_07_94_2123.html Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Technical basis for the preparation of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2030 with an outlook to 2050) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2013 With additional measuses Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Croatia_41 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 MWM-2: Increasing the amount of separately collected and recycled municipal waste Single 41 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Government, Local, Regional Regional: Regional self-government units,Local: Local self-government units,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2013 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Beside the Sustainable Waste Management Act, the Waste Management Plan of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2017 – 2022 (OG 3/17) also defines the quantitative targets and deadlines for increasing the amount of separately collected and recycled waste. By 2020, it is necessary to secure the preparation for reuse and recycling of the following waste materials: paper, metal, plastic and glass from households and possibly from other sources if these waste streams are similar to the waste from households, with the minimum share of 50% by waste weight. CH4 emissions reductions for years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 (kt CO2-equivalent per year) are included under PaM 40. Sustainable Waste Management Act (OG 94/13) http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2013_07_94_2123.html Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Technical basis for the preparation of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2030 with an outlook to 2050) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2013 With additional measuses Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Croatia_42 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 MWM-3: Methane flaring Single 42 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Government, Local, Regional Regional: Regional self-government units,Local: Local self-government units,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2013 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The Ordinance on the Methods and Conditions for the Landfill of Waste, Categories and Operational Requirements for Landfills (OG 114/15) and Ordinance on the Waste Management (OG 23/14, 51/14, 121/15, 132/15) regulate technical requirements for landfill operation, which reduces possible adverse effects of landfills on the environment. On landfills where landfill gas occurs it is necessary to secure a gas collection system, and that gas must be treated and used. If collected landfill gases cannot be used for energy production, they should be burned in the area of the landfill and the emission of methane into the atmosphere should be prevented. CH4 emissions reductions for years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 (kt CO2-equivalent per year) are included under PaM 40. The Ordinance on the Methods and Conditions for the Landfill of Waste, Categories and Operational Requirements for Landfills (OG 114/15) http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2015_10_114_2184.html Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Technical basis for the preparation of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2030 with an outlook to 2050) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2013 With additional measuses Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Croatia_43 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 MWM-4: Reducing the amount of disposed biodegradable municipal waste Single 43 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government, Local, Regional Regional: Regional self-government units,Local: Local self-government units,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2013 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The aim of this measure is to reduce the amount of biodegradable fraction of waste disposed at landfills, thus reducing methane emissions resulting from anaerobic decomposition of waste. Pursuant to the Sustainable Waste Management Act, quantitative targets related to the reduction of biodegradable municipal waste disposed to landfills are established. By the end of 2020, the share of biodegradable municipal waste disposed of in landfills must be reduced to 35% weight of biodegradable municipal waste produced in 1997. CH4 emissions reductions for years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 (kt CO2-equivalent per year) are included under PaM 40. Sustainable Waste Management Act (OG 94/13) http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2013_07_94_2123.html Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Technical basis for the preparation of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2030 with an outlook to 2050) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2013 With additional measuses Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Croatia_44 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 MWM-5: Use of biogas for electricity and heat generation Single 44 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government, Local, Regional Regional: Regional self-government units,Local: Local self-government units,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2013 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CH4, CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The measure is associated with measure MEN-18: Feed-in tariffs and premium system for the support of the use of renewable energy sources in electricity generation and for the efficient cogeneration in the Energy sector. The main mechanism for encouraging the application of biogas for electricity generation and the construction of biogas cogeneration plants are incentive prices (feed-in tariffs) that depend on the type of source, power plant size and amount of generated electricity. Looking at the waste management sector, the potential reduction in greenhouse gas emissions of these measures is the potential to reduce methane emissions (resulting from the anaerobic decomposition of the biodegradable fraction of waste), which is used for electricity and heat generation. In Croatia, so far, 28 biogas plants (total installed power of 33.435 MW) and two power plants on landfill gas and gas from wastewater treatment plants (total installed power of 5.500 MW) are connected to the power grid, within the system of eligible power producers. Additionally, 23 biogas plants (total installed power of 23.084 MW) have signed power purchase agreements with the Croatian Energy Market Operator, but plants have not yet been put into operation (http://www.hrote.hr/contracting, at 15/05/2017). CH4 emissions reductions for years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 (kt CO2-equivalent per year) are included under PaM 40. CO2 emissions reductions for years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 (kt CO2-equivalent per year) are included in the Energy sector. Act on Renewable Energy Sources http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2015_09_100_1937.html Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Technical basis for the preparation of the Low-Carbon Development Strategy of the Republic of Croatia for the period until 2030 with an outlook to 2050) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Implemented 2013 With additional measuses Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Croatia_45 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 MAG-1: Change in diet of cattle and pigs and animal feed quality Single 45 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved livestock management Agriculture: Improved livestock management 17.8 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2018 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Specific sub-measures within this group of measures which relate to the further improvement of cattle keeping, animal waste management systems, level of production as well as their diet (digestibility): the change of ratios of certain types of forage in the diet and the use of fat supplements as an energy source for animals and improving the quality of voluminous forage and improving grazing systems. These measures refer to the potential reduction of methane (CH4) and nitrogen compounds emissions from enteric fermentation and animal waste management. Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Expert base study for Low-Carbon development strategy of the Republic of Croatia up to 2030 with 2050 outlook) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf -164.5 Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Expert base study for Low-Carbon development strategy of the Republic of Croatia up to 2030 with 2050 outlook) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Planned 2018 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Croatia_46 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 MAG-2: Anaerobic decomposition of manure and biogas production Single 46 Single PaM Economic Planned No information Agriculture; Energy supply Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Advisory services 2018 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml With the introduction of biogas plants emission reductions is achieved through elimination of methane emissions due to the disposal of used litter and receiving electricity from renewable sources. The measure is linked to the measures in Renewable sources in the production of electricity and heat and Construction of cogeneration plants from the Energy sector. Anaerobic breakdown help biogas plants to reduce the source of easily degradable carbon in the manure that is applied to agricultural land, but it also potentially reduces the process of nitrification and N2O emissions. Planned 2018 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Croatia_47 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 MAG-3: Improving cattle facilities and systems of animal waste management Single 47 Single PaM Economic Planned No information Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems 6.5 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Advisory services 2018 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Covering manure storage places - creating a natural layer (cortex) with a natural (straw) or artificial material (porous). This measure reduces direct methane and ammonia emissions, although to a lesser degree they enhance the process of nitrification (porous material) and emissions of nitrous oxide. Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Expert base study for Low-Carbon development strategy of the Republic of Croatia up to 2030 with 2050 outlook) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf -536 Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Expert base study for Low-Carbon development strategy of the Republic of Croatia up to 2030 with 2050 outlook) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Planned 2018 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Croatia_48 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 MAG-4: Improvement of mineral fertilizer application methods Single 48 Single PaM Economic, Information, Research Planned No information Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland 68.7 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Advisory services 2020 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Application of new slow-release fertilizers suitable for growing corn and wheat (fertilizers coated with polymers especially). Research suggests the possibility of reduced need of fertilizer application per hectare with unchanged or increased revenues, including reduced emissions of nitrogen due to soil losses. Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Expert base study for Low-Carbon development strategy of the Republic of Croatia up to 2030 with 2050 outlook) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf -33.1 Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Expert base study for Low-Carbon development strategy of the Republic of Croatia up to 2030 with 2050 outlook) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Planned 2020 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Croatia_49 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 MAG-5: Hydromeliorative interventions and systems of protection against natural disasters Single 49 Single PaM Economic Planned No information Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management 25.2 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Advisory services 2018 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The reduction of nutrients leaching from arable horizon can be affected with the construction of drainage and irrigation systems; consequently, there is less need for nitrogen application. Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Expert base study for Low-Carbon development strategy of the Republic of Croatia up to 2030 with 2050 outlook) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf 1085.3 Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Expert base study for Low-Carbon development strategy of the Republic of Croatia up to 2030 with 2050 outlook) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Planned 2018 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Croatia_50 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 MAG-6: Introduction of new cultivars, varieties and cultures Single 50 Single PaM Information, Research Planned No information Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland 12.6 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2020 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Encouraging development, education and implementation of technologies at a national and regional level, encouraging the transition and adaptation of the entire production chain to produce new crops or enabling and encouraging the implementation of cultivars and varieties that are more resistant to drought and disease and have a lower overall carbon footprint. This, among other benefits, is aimed at reducing the need for the introduction of nitrogen into the soil through fertilizers. Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Expert base study for Low-Carbon development strategy of the Republic of Croatia up to 2030 with 2050 outlook) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf 173.2 Stručne podloge za izradu Strategije niskougljičnog razvoja Republike Hrvatske za razdoblje do 2030. s pogledom na 2050. godinu (eng: Expert base study for Low-Carbon development strategy of the Republic of Croatia up to 2030 with 2050 outlook) http://www.mzoip.hr/doc/zelena_knjiga.pdf Planned 2020 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Croatia_51 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 MAG-7: Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Croatia for the Period 2014-2020 Single 51 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Adopted No information Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Government, Other Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Other: Agency for paying in Agriculture 2018 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml One of the principal areas of institutional work of the European Union is the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). Rural development, as the second CAP tier, is financed through the Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). Development of the Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Croatia is a prerequisite for the EAFRD eligibility in the next period. Goals set by the Europe 2020 Strategy are also evident within three CAP goals: agriculture competitiveness, sustainable resource management and balanced development of rural areas. The Rural Development Programme should achieve the goals set by CAP through measures given in six priorities: − Promotion of knowledge and innovation transfers in agriculture, forestry and rural areas − Improvements in sustainability and competitiveness in agriculture, forestry and rural areas − Promotion of food provision chain, including processing and market placement of agricultural products, animal welfare and risk management − Revitalization, protection and improvement of agriculture and forestry related ecosystems − Promotion of resource efficiency and encouraging the shift to low-carbon farming, resilient to climate changes in the agriculture, food and forestry sectors − Promotion of social involvement, combating poverty through economic development of rural areas. 2020 Adopted 2018 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Croatia_52 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 MLF-1: Improving the reporting in LULUCF sector Single 52 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Government Government: Ministry of environment and energy 2015 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml The Annex I countries of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, including Croatia as well, are obligated in accordance with Annex I to Decision 15/CP.17 continuously review the quality of the relevant technical elements of GHG inventory. Because of this commitment and the stipulation of Decision 529/2013/EU which obliges countries to prepare also reports on emissions/removals from the activities Grassland management and Cropland management and submits their final annual estimates for accounting no later than 15 March 2022, the implementation of this measures is still considered relevant. For the implementation of this measure, the Ministry of Environment and Energy published the list of projects recognized as needed in LULUCF sector securing the financial resources for the corresponding public procurement in 2017. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Croatia_53 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 MLF-2: Preparation of cost-benefit analysis of afforestation on new areas and natural regeneration of forests as a measure of increasing the sinks in LULUCF sector Single 53 Single PaM Research Planned LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2017 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Changes in the sinks of greenhouse gases as a result of direct land use change caused by human activity and forestry activities are allowed to be calculated in the national balance of emissions and sinks of greenhouse gases and used to fulfil obligations under the Kyoto Protocol. The aforementioned is stipulated by Article 3 paragraph 3 of Kyoto Protocol for parties included by Annex I to the Kyoto Protocol. By analysing the costs and benefits of afforestation on the new areas, possibility of increasing greenhouse gas sinks using reforestation activities on the barren productive forest floor will be investigated. Thus would justify introduction of possible incentive measures, such as the afforestation of fast-growing species and natural regeneration of forests, equivalent to measures for greenhouse gas emissions reduction. The implementation of this activity was determined in the Plan for Air Protection, Ozone Layer Protection and Climate Change Mitigation for the period 2013-2017 (OG 139/13), and its implementation originally planned for 2015 has been postponed and has been envisaged for 2017. Planned 2017 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Croatia_54 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 MLF-3: Implementation of Action plan for LULUCF sector Single 54 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2015 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml According to the Decision 529/2013/EU , as a member of the European Union, Croatia was obliged to prepare and submit information from the forestry sector to the Commission in accordance with Article 10 of Decision 529/2013/EU. The plan was drafted and submitted to the EC on 9 January 2015, and will form an integral part of the national strategy for low carbon development. When developing this plan, the measures in the LULUCF sector of the Republic of Croatia were recognized and taken from appropriate strategies, programmes and legal acts such as: Plan for the air protection, protection the ozone layer and climate change mitigation in the Republic of Croatia for the period 2013-2017 (OG 139/13), Rural Development Programme of the Republic of Croatia for the Period 2014-2020, the Ordinance on multiple compliance (OG 32/15) and the Forest Management basis for areas of the Republic of Croatia for the period 2006-2015. The first report on the implementation of measures was sent to the Commission in line with the Article 10, paragraph 4. 2020 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Croatia_55 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 MCC-1: Committee for cross-sectoral coordination of policies and measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change Single 55 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD, LULUCF Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Competent Ministries 2014 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml In accordance with the Air Protection Act (OG 130/11, 47/14, 61/17), for monitoring and evaluation of the implementation and planning of policies and measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change in the Republic of Croatia, the Commission for inter-sectoral coordination of policies and measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change (OG 114/14) was established. The Committee members include representatives of relevant government bodies and other relevant organizations, agencies and non-governmental organizations. The Committee members, activities and functioning of the Commission are determined by the Croatian Government on the proposal of the ministry responsible for environmental protection. Commission for inter-sectoral coordination of policies and measures for mitigation and adaptation to climate change (OG 114/14) Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Croatia_56 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 MCC-2: System for the Measurement and Verification of Energy Savings Single 56 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour Other Other: National Energy Efficiency Authority 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml System for the Measurement and Verification of Energy Savings (SMIV) was established by the Ordinance on the System for the Measurement and Verification of Energy Savings (OG 71/15). It will monitor the energy savings and resultant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. SMIV is moderated by the National Energy Efficiency Authority (NKT). It is the important component of the future energy efficiency obligation schemes in Croatia. Ordinance on the System for the Measurement and Verification of Energy Savings (OG 71/15) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Croatia_57 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 MCC-3: Promotion of the use of innovative information and communication technologies (ICT) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions Single 57 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS, ESD, LULUCF Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Economy, Enterpreneurship and Crafts,Government: Ministry of Construction and Physical Planning,Other: Croatian Agency for the Environment and Nature 2014 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;ESD_ANNUAL_EMISSION_ALLOCATION CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Innovative information and communication technologies have an increasingly important role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and increasing energy efficiency. Intensifying their use in public administration, services and manufacturing processes, will boost productivity and work efficiency and at the same time will reduce energy consumption and consequent greenhouse gas emissions. The measure is expected to intensify the use of innovative ICT and monitoring of actual energy savings and reductions of greenhouse gas emissions. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; ESD_ANNUAL_EMISSION_ALLOCATION
Croatia_58 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 MCC-4: Emissions Trading System Single 58 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply; Industrial processes; Transport Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Carbon capture and storage; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies; Transport: Other transport Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Carbon capture and storage,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies,Transport: Other transport ('Emission reduction in air transport') Government, Other Other: European Comission,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Other: Croatian Agency for the Environment and Nature 2013 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml ETS (Emissions Trading System) sector includes all activities listed in Annex I of the Regulation on trading with greenhouse gas emission allowances (OG 69/12, 154/14) and for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from these activities alone are responsible plant operators involved in the trading system. Reduction commitments through emission allowances allocated evenly have been distributed to all Member States with the goal to contribute to the reduction of the emissions by 21% until 2020 compared with the 2005 level. Thus it can be concluded that reduction of emissions of certain activities of the ETS is in fact regulated at EU level. From 1 January 2013, the Republic of Croatia is fully integrated in the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS). Operators in Croatia - the pursuant in the EU ETS have obtained Permits for greenhouse gas emissions and have established a regime for emissions monitoring and reporting to the competent authority. Greenhouse gases covered by EU ETS are: carbon dioxide (CO2) for all activities and additionally for certain activities, nitrous oxide (N2O) and perfluorocarbon (PFC). Additional activity included in EU ETS is aviation. Aircraft operators in Croatia are included in the EU ETS from 2012 for flights to EU and from 2014 for flights within Croatia, and Croatia undertook to administer aviation operators included in the EU ETS from 2014. All operators, except electricity producers for the third parties sales, have submitted their applications for issuance of free allowances. Free allowances can be distribute free of charge for the installations that are exposed to the risk of carbon leakage to third countries, on the bases of benchmark established in accordance with values of 10% of the most efficient installations in the same sector. Operators, which will not have a sufficient number of allowances to cover their greenhouse gases emissions, have the option to purchase emission units through auctions. EU ETS https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets_en Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Croatia_59 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 MCC-5: Use of funds obtained from the sales of EU ETS emission allowances through auctions for the GHG emission reduction measures Single 59 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Goverment of the Republic of Croatia 2013 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Of the total number of allowances designated for the allocation to operators and aircraft operators, in each year of the trading period, a part is distributed free of charge according to the above prescribed method. The remaining part is distributed to the Member States of the European Union and is subject to public auctions. Revenues from the sales of emission allowances through auctions belong to the member states and must be earmarked for activities that are directly associated with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The Air Protection Act (OG 130/11, 47/14, 61/17) stipulates that Republic of Croatia for climate related purposes use all funds received decreased by 5%, which will be paid to the state budget of the Republic of Croatia to cover the costs of administering the emissions trading system, for administrative affairs, functioning of the Union Registry, auctioneers, National System for monitoring greenhouse gas emissions and other matters related to climate change. Plan for the use of funds obtained from the sales of emission allowances through auctions in the Republic of Croatia for the period from 2014 to 2016 was adopted by the Croatian Government (OG 140/14), while the funds are paid to a special account of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. The new plan is under preparation and will cover the period 2017-2020. Plan for the use of funds obtained from the sales of emission allowances through auctions in the Republic of Croatia for the period from 2014 to 2016 (OG 140/14) Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Croatia_60 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 MCC-6: Preparation of National Feasibility Study with the action plan for the preparatory activities for CCS projects in Croatia Single 60 Single PaM Research Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Carbon capture and storage Energy supply: Carbon capture and storage Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2018 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Directive on the geological storage of CO2 2009/31/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Technology for carbon capture and storage for large emission sources is not yet commercially available. The possibility of commercial application is expected in the period after 2020. According to Directive 2009/31/EC on the geological storage of carbon dioxide, respectively Article 36 of Directive on industrial emissions 2010/75/EU, for power plants with capacity exceeding 300 MW which have obtained the construction permit after the entry into force of the Directive 2009/31/EK, it is necessary to assess whether the following requirements are satisfied: − suitable storage locations are available, − transport facilities are technically and economically feasible and − upgrade of the plant for CO2 capture is technically and economically feasible. If these conditions are satisfied, the competent authority should provide adequate reserve area on the plant's location for equipment for capturing and compressing extracted CO2. Due to described commitments for new thermal power plants, with this measure the preparation of National Feasibility Study with the action plan of the preparatory activities for CCS projects is planned. This Study will include stages of capturing on the sources of emissions, transport, injection and storage. The Plan for Air and Ozone Layer Protection, and Climate Change Mitigation in the Republic of Croatia for the period 2013 - 2017 (OG 139/13) Planned 2018 With additional measuses Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Directive on the geological storage of CO2 2009/31/EC
Croatia_61 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam61 MCC-7: Energy efficiency obligation scheme Single 61 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved behaviour Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved behaviour Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Other: National Energy Efficiency Authority 2018 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml Based on the provisions of the Directive 2012/27/EU, Act on Energy Efficiency (OG 127/14), 3rd and 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan, Croatia plan to establish the energy efficiency obligation scheme for the fuel suppliers. The obligated parties will have contribute to the energy savings in final energy consumption. Save 30.908 PJ until 2020 4th National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Planned 2018 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Croatia_62 Croatia 2905 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam62 MIP-6: A fee to cover the costs of collection, reuse, recovery and destruction of controlled substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases Single 62 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented No information Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund 2014 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014;F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC HFC, PFC, SF6 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwozg/HR-adjusted.xml An entrepreneur, who imports/introduces controlled substances and/or fluorinated greenhouse gases for placing on the Croatian market or for their own needs, is required to pay a fee in the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. The fee is three HRK per kilogram imported/entered unused controlled substances and/or fluorinated greenhouse gases. GHG emissions reductions for years 2020, 2025, 2030, 2035 (kt CO2-equivalent per year) are included under PaM 36. (Measure 62 was added later and is therefore separated from other MIP measures). Regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layer and fluorinated greenhouse gases (OG 90/14) http://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2014_07_90_1812.html Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014; F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Cyprus_9 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Compact Fluorescent Lamps Campaign Single 9 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Expired EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Energy Service - Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism 2006 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml The measure related to the free distribution of 6 compact fluorescent lamps to each residential electricity consumer in the period 2006-2010 by virtue of a decision taken by the Council of Ministers. Beneficiaries were all residential consumers of EAC falling within price categories 05, 06, 07 and 08, as well as all Non-profit Organisations, Churches, Schools, Welfare Associations and Charity Institutions. Families with many children and Non-profit Organisations, Churches, etc. were entitled to 10 compact fluorescent lamps. As it was impossible to distribute all lamps by the end of 2010, it was decided to extend the period of distribution to 2011 and 2012. 10491 toe in 2020 2012 energy savings Expired 2006 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Cyprus_1 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Introduction and use of Natural gas in the internal market Single 1 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels 1071 470 Companies, Other Other: Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority,Companies: Electricity Authority of Cyprus,Other: Public Natural Gas Company (DEFA) 2018 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2009/73/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 concerning common rules for the internal market in natural gas and repealing Directive 2003/55/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml The Government of Cyprus, recognizing the positive contribution that the introduction and use of natural gas will have on the economy and the environment of Cyprus, is considering the introduction of natural gas initially for use for electricity generation. It is however expected that after its arrival, natural gas will also be used in other sectors of the economy (commercial, industrial and transport). In the view of the fact that the interim solution tender process was terminated by DEFA without conclusion with a gas supply agreement, the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism, in collaboration with the Cyprus Energy Regulatory Authority (CERA), are examining all available options for the introduction of LNG in Cyprus as soon as possible and complementary to the supply of natural gas from indigenous reserves. The development of natural gas market in Cyprus will be based on the provisions of the relevant EU Directives including the making use of relevant derogations provided in the Directive 2009/73/EC concerning isolated and emergent markets By importing natural gas, apart from the reduction of emissions from the actual use of the natural gas, there would also be a positive contribution to emission reductions through the increased efficiency of the newer technologies used. Share of NG in electricity production Emissions per Electricity production t CO2 / KWh 1071 351 351 470 Not Applicable Not Applicable Adopted 2018 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Cyprus_2 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Promotion of the utilization of Renewable energy sources in electricity generation Single 2 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government Government: Energy Service, Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism 2013 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml In order to promote RES in Electricity Generation, the RoC implemented Financial Support Schemes utilizing grants and subsidies from 2005 until 2013. This lead to significant growth of the share of renewables in Electricity Generation. In 2013, 50 MW of PV systems were awarded through a procurement process, several of which are in the construction phase. The competitiveness of Renewable Energy Technologies has increased significantly over the last few years due to the reduction of the technologies’ cost. As a result, the grants and subsidies for new projects were gradually reduced and phased out while new Support Schemes were put in place. The new schemes aim toward the electricity consumers and provide for PV installations, utilizing net-metering and self-generation. Moreover, in April 2015, as a result of the increased competitiveness, in addition to the net metering and self-generation schemes, the Council of Ministers decided that all commercial PV plants will enter the competitive market and will directly compete against conventional power. Currently the Trading and Settlement Rules are already under amendment and a new market model is expected to operate in 2018, which will enable renewable energy technologies to gain market share through effective competition. The Ministry of Energy, has recently formulated a new support scheme in order for new investments to take place in the context of the competitive market. The scheme provides that RES projects which have already obtained licences and permits required by law, may proceed with construction and implementation of the project. These projects shall receive avoidance cost for energy exported until the competitive market model is implemented. The deadline for applications for this scheme is the 10 August 2016. Renewable Energy Share 16% in 2020 RES share in electricity production Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Cyprus_3 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Promotion of Renewable energy sources for heating and cooling Single 3 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Energy Service, Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism 2013 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml Heating and cooling for industrial, housing and tertiary sectors, contributed 9% to the emissions of the energy sector in 2013, and 6.1% to the total emissions of the country (excluding LULUCF). The RES technologies promoted through the scheme are solar thermal, biomass, and geothermal. Policies and Measures taken to promote the use of renewable energy sources include the obligations for all new or renovated buildings to install a Solar Thermal System for Domestic Hot Water (DHW). Moreover, renewable energy is further promoted through the Energy Performance of Buildings Certificates. The Utilization of RES in order for a building to cover its energy requirements for heating and Cooling as well as electricity, increases its Energy Performance and thus a higher rank on the Energy Certificate. In addition to the above, EU directive 2010/31/EU which has already been transposed to National Legislation, provides for increased energy performance and the utilization of RES. More specifically, the provision of the directive for the definition of Nearly Zero Energy Building according to the Member State’s needs and requirements, has already been implemented. A financial support scheme is underway which aims toward the promotion of the above measures towards the existing building stock which does not fall under the obligations imposed by the directive and national legislation/regulation. 23.5% in 2020 RES share in energy consumption for heating and cooling Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Cyprus_4 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Promotion of renewable energy sources in transport Single 4 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Energy Service - Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism 2013 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml According to the Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC, 2003/30/EC and 2009/30/EC and the action plan submitted by Cyprus for the achievement of the target set, RES for transport in gross final consumption should be 2.2% in 2010, 3.1% in 2015 and 4.9% in 2020. As of the end of 2014 the share of RES in transport was 2.62%. RES share in final consumption for transport calculated according to the methodology set by the directive 2009/28/EC. Following the challenging task of increasing the share of RES in transport, the Ministry of Energy, in cooperation with other competent authorities, has established ad-hoc working groups which will investigate the possible solutions and identify the measures to enhance the target achievement. In the Context of Technical Assistance received from the European Commission – Structural Reforms Support Service, following an IRENA study in preparing a long term Roadmap for Renewables in electricity, a model simulating and optimizing the energy system of Cyprus and includes the transport sector. The results will provide the optimal pathways towards target achievements. The results will provide a good insight towards which technologies and when to implement investments in order to achieve targets with minimal cost. 10% in 2020 RES share in transport Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Cyprus_5 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Minimum requirements for the energy performance of new buildings (Law 142/2006) in the residential sector Single 5 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Energy Service, Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism 2008 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml All new dwellings for residential use, except those described in the Annex to the Regulation of the Energy Efficiency of Buildings Law (Law 142(I)/2006) must satisfy the minimum energy efficiency requirements as established by the relevant decree adopted by the Minister for Commerce, Industry and Tourism. The measure arises from Cyprus’ obligation to implement the Buildings Directive concerning the energy efficiency of new buildings. The purpose of the measure is described in the wider purpose of applying the Directive in question. These codes, which have been in effect since 2008, were revised in 2010 and 2013, whereas another revision thereof is expected before 2020 87101 toe in 2020 energy savings Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Cyprus_6 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Minimum requirements for the energy performance of new buildings (Law 142/2006) in the tertiary sector Single 6 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Energy Service - Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml All new dwellings for commercial use, except those described in the Annex to the Regulation of the Energy Efficiency of Buildings Law (Law 142(I)/2006) must satisfy the minimum energy efficiency requirements as established by the relevant decree adopted by the Minister for Commerce, Industry and Tourism. The measure arises from Cyprus’ obligation to implement the Buildings Directive concerning the energy efficiency of new buildings. The purpose of the measure is described in the wider purpose of applying the Directive in question. These codes, which have been in effect since 2008, were revised in 2010 and 2013, whereas another revision thereof is expected before 2020 8891 toe in 2020 energy savings Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Cyprus_7 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Grants Scheme for energy savings in the residential sector (existing dwellings). Single 7 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Energy Service - Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism 2004 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml The Scheme is aimed at providing economic incentives in the form of government grants for realising Energy Savings (ES) investments. The Scheme covers only investments realised where there are no national or Community standards. The Scheme covers investments relating to purchasing and installing new materials. The investments must pertain to established technologies/materials, not those that are still at a research and development stage. Following installation of the new thermal insulation materials, the respective thermal transmittance coefficients shall be achieved as laid down in the Minimum Energy Efficiency Requirements Decree. The purpose of this measure is, on the one hand, to ensure that thermal insulation is installed in as many existing or new dwellings constructed prior to application of the laws on compulsory thermal insulation in new dwellings as possible and, on the other hand, to increase energy-saving awareness in the population. The measure concerns the thermal insulation of walls, roofs and windows. 11089 toe in 2020 energy savings Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Cyprus_8 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Grants scheme for energy efficiency (end use) in the tertiary and industrial sectors (existing enterprises) Single 8 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Energy Service - Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism 2004 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml The Scheme is aimed at providing economic incentives in the form of government grants, or specific grants, for realising Energy Savings (ES) investments. The Scheme covers only investments realised where there are no national or Community standards. The Scheme covers only investments realised where there are no national or Community standards. The Scheme covers investments relating to purchasing and installing new equipment and/or materials. It also covers the cost of studies, where these are deemed necessary. The investments must concern mature technologies and not technologies which are at a research and development stage. Energy-saving investment means an investment in systems, equipment and materials whose installation achieves at least 10% energy savings in a specific application. The maximum grant amount, in accordance with the type of investment and the form of the eligible grant (regional, de minimis/specific grant) amounted to EUR 250 000 per unit. The purpose of this measure is, on the one hand, to increase energy-saving awareness among businessmen and, on the other hand, to ensure that this sector also contributes towards the achievement of savings targets. Some of the categories of the eligible measures are: - Purchase/installation of new equipment for the recovery of waste energy, either directly or indirectly by recovery/recycling of discarded materials, product or employed medium. - Purchase/integration of new materials and equipment to reduce unproductive energy consumption and energy losses. - Purchase of new equipment for the production, transmission, distribution and use of energy. - Purchase/installation of a new energy management IT system and/or integration of automated direct energy regulation/switch-off devices. 12424 toe in 2020 energy savings Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Cyprus_10 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Improvement of electricity distribution system Single 10 Single PaM Planning Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses Energy supply: Reduction of losses Other Other: Electricity Authority of Cyprus 2013 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml The electricity Distribution System is under the management of the Distribution System Operator of Cyprus. No specific target is available for the reduction of losses; the target was set as annual reduction of emissions from losses by 0.1% (reduction from electricity emissions). Competent authority is the National Transition System Operator of Cyprus, whereas other involved authorities are the Electricity Authority of Cyprus and the Department of Environment. Some of the actions taken in order to improve the electricity distribution system include the following: (a) In order to maintain voltage levels within permissible limits, the Electricity Authority of Cyprus installed 4 x 16MVAr (64 MVAr) inductor VAR Compensators at medium voltage (distribution system); (b) Currently, Technical Assistance is on-going for assessing the current state of the transmission and distribution electricity systems and proposing optimum solutions for increasing the amount of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) generation that can be fed on the electricity system; (c) Better grid and load management via smart meters/grids; the Electricity Authority of Cyprus is currently deploying a pilot system which will indicate best technical solutions as well as the costs and benefits of a potential full roll-out Energy savings Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
Cyprus_11 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Promotion of public transport Single 11 Single PaM Fiscal, Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 35.4 33.9 Government Government: Ministry of Transport, Communications and Public Works 2013 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml From 2008 the Road transport department presented the newly planned public road passenger transportation system to all the interested parties and stakeholders. The new system was drawn according to Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council. The relevant national law (Access to the Occupation of Road Transport Operator Law of 2001) was harmonised with the aforementioned European Union Regulation. Two public consultations and a large number of meetings were held in order to inform the existing Public Road transport operators (holders of public passenger transport licenses) and all the stakeholders of the changes the amendment of the national law would bring to the existing state of affairs. From 2008 the road transport department began holding meetings with all the stakeholders in order to present the newly planned public road passenger transportation system. The new system was drawn according to the Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007. The procedures that were followed up to the application of the new legislation were completely transparent. Specifically, on 24.7.2009, the amended Law ‘Access to the Occupation of Road Transport Operator’ (Amendment) (No.2) Law of 2009 (Law 101 (I) / 2009) was published. This Law came into force on 11.9.2009. As noted above the national law was harmonised with Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007. However the 6 contracts were directly awarded after negotiating with the 6 newly formed companies that were formed by the existing Public Road transport operators (holders of public passenger transport licenses). According to paragraph 3(d) of Article 8 of Regulation (EC) No 1370/2007 On 2/12/2009 six contracts were concluded for a period of ten years (the government has the right to extend the contracts for another five years) between the Director of the Road Transport Department and the new operating companies that were formed by various existing operators, in accordance with the relevant national legislation. In 2014 the current public transportation system was evaluated by the government, and was found to be unsatisfactory and unable to meet the initial targets set by the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Works. Firstly, there was no comprehensive approach to form a sound and complete public transportation system (lack of legal and organizational framework, lack of procedures and infrastructure). The competent authority was essentially responsible only for managing the contracts and overseeing compliance to them. Secondly, it was evident that contractors did not have the necessary experience in the provision of public passenger transportation services based on citizen – customer service. Thirdly, the current system did not provide any incentives to the contractors to improve the services provided to the citizen and/ or to reduce the cost of service. The Ministry of Transport, Communication and Works, in an effort to upgrade public passenger transportation, has set short-term goals such as to optimize routes, by reducing unprofitable lines and increasing the frequency of those lines that have denser ridership, to estimate the actual cost per kilometer for the years that the operators have audited accounts and to set a number of incentives for the contractors to reflect their effectiveness. The medium-term targets that have been set relate to fleet renewal, to improve infrastructure (bus stops, stations, use of telematic technology), to improve the image of the service to the general public, to increase passenger ridership and to reduce subsidies. Finally, the long-term target of the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Works is the complete restructuring of the passenger transportation system and the establishment of a well performing system responsive to the needs of society. In 2015 the relevant national law (Access to the Occupation of Road Transport Operator Law of 2001) was amended and the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Works has been designated as the contracting authority replacing the Road Transport Department. A Contract Management Unit -operating under the supervision of the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Works - was created and has as a primary responsibility the supervision and management of the public passenger transportation contracts, the coordination of the various Departments of the wider public sector dealing with public passenger transportation matters and the achievement of the short, medium and long- term goals of the Ministry of Transport, Communication and Works in terms of public passenger transportation. 4.4% in 2020 reduction in fuel consumption for transport from the promotion of public transport Reduction in fuel consumption for transport 35.39 34.67 34.7 33.9 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Cyprus_12 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Promotion of low CO2 emitting vehicles Single 12 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 86.8 84 Government Government: Ministry of Transport, Communications and Public Works 2013 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml The Motor Vehicle and Road Traffic Law of 2013 has brought changes to the registration and licence of a motor vehicle. The new road tax charge for vehicles registered from 1/1/2014 will depend on their CO2 emissions. Vehicles registered by 31/12/2013 do not have to pay road tax based on their CO2 emissions, but their owners will be charged an additional fee depending on engine size. Electric cars and vehicles with CO2 emissions of less than or equal to 120g/km (combined cycle) are exempted from the additional registration fee. The registration fee for vehicles with CO2 emissions over 120g/km and up to 150g/km will be €25 per gram over 120g. A €750 fee will be charged for vehicles emitting between 150g/km and 180g/km and a €2,250 fee for emissions above that, plus €400 for every gram over 180. The new road tax will be charged as follows: vehicles emitting 120g/km, €0.5 per gram, 120g/km – 150g/km, €3, 150g/km – 180g/km, €3, and over 180g/km, €8. For already registered vehicles (cars and motorcycles), the law provides for a special fee – above and beyond the current road tax – of €10 for low emissions, €20 for vehicles with engine displacements up to 2050 cc, and €30 for vehicles with engine displacements higher than 2050 cc. 5% in 2020 reduction in CO2 emissions from road transport Reduction in CO2 emissions from road transport 86.8 85.7 85.69 84 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Cyprus_13 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Development of an F-gases recovery system Single 13 Single PaM Fiscal, Regulatory Planned ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances 0 33.7 Government Government: Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment 2021 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC, SF6 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml Under the provisions of Art. 9 of Regulation 517/2014/EC, on fluorinated greenhouse gases, without prejudice to existing Union legislation, Member States shall encourage the development of producer responsibility schemes for the recovery of fluorinated greenhouse gases and their recycling, reclamation or destruction. Cyprus has recently adopted and harmonized the above Regulation. The next step is to forward a national Law regarding a producer’s responsibility scheme. The main provision of this Law will follow the “polluter pays” principle and each producer will have to participate in an appropriate scheme for management of F-gases that have been recovered for any reason. The plan is the following: Each producer will oblige to participate in a certain “fgases management scheme”. These schemes will be first approved by the competent authority. In each importation, producer will have to pay a fee to the scheme that he is participating. This fee will be depending on his imports (amounts and different types of gases). The fee that will be collected by the appropriate scheme, will be afterwards use for collecting and management of the recovered fgases from the technicians. At the same time, under the provisions of the same scheme, certified technicians will be encouraged to return to the scheme any fluorinated gases that have been recovered, for a pre-decided profit. So far, no details are available, but the main target is to annually increase recovery from 0% in 2020 to target 10% in 2030. 5% in 2025 Gases recovered 0 16.6 16.6 33.7 Planned 2021 With additional measuses Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Cyprus_14 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Promotion of anaerobic digestion - livestock breeding waste treatment Single 14 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems 15.3 15.3 Government Government: Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment 2013 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml Even though anaerobic digestion is not clearly stated in the European or national legislation, the technology is preferred by large livestock breeding plants to comply with the terms stated on the wastewater and air disposal permits. The technology is strongly promoted by the Department of Environment, especially for the large installations that fall under the IPPC directive. Relevant national legislation that encourages the promotion of anaerobic digestion is (a) the Control of Water Pollution (Waste Water Disposal) Regulations 2003, Κ.Δ.Π. 772/2003; (b) the Control of Water Pollution (Sensitive Areas for urban waste water discharges) Κ.Δ.Π. 111/2004. It is a voluntary measure. The amount of animal waste treated by anaerobic digestion is expected to increase by 1% annually, starting from additional 1% in 2012, until 2015; after 2015, the increase in the reduction will reduce to 0.5% annually. 8.5% in 2020 reduction of emissions from manure management amount of waste treated by AD 15.3 15.3 15.3 15.3 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Cyprus_15 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Forestry Single 15 Single PaM Planning Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Government Government: Department of Forests, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment 2013 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml One of the goals set out in the Policy Statement of the Department of Forests is the Adaptation in climate change and enhancing the contribution of forests to combat climate change. This goal aims to the qualitative improvement of the structure and resilience of forest stands to biotic and abiotic factors due to climate change. Even though the measures taken by the Department of Forests are expected to contribute to the increase of CO2 absorbance, sufficient information is not available to estimate this contribution. Specific actions are taken through the CAP 2014-2020, of which the first call is expected in September 2016. Implemented 2013 Not included in a projection scenario Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Cyprus_16 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Improvement of municipal solid waste management Single 16 Single PaM Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling 231.9 373.8 Government Government: Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment 2013 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml With the Landfill Directive being the main guiding force, in combination to the improvement of the infrastructure of the country, Cyprus has been developing during the recent years the revised strategy for solid waste management. The management of the municipal solid waste is under the competence of the Department of Environment. The adopted policies and measures are guided by EU Directives into national legislation and set future targets with a goal in reducing emissions. The Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC introduces recycling and recovery targets to be achieved by 2020 for 50% of the household waste, and national Law on Waste No. 185(I)/2011 harmonizes the targets. Biodegradable municipal waste to landfills is also targeted for reduction to 35% by weight of the total municipal waste produced in 1995, following the Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC, and is adopted by the national Regulatory Administrative Act (Κ.Δ.Π.) 562/2003 on Solid and Hazardous Waste for the year 2020. Additionally, Article 1 of the Landfill Directive encourages the separate collection of biodegradable waste, which is ratified in Κ.Δ.Π.562/2003. The necessary instruments and actions to fulfill these targets are currently developed. Recycling and recovery of household waste; biodegradable municipal waste to landfills 231.88 318.2 318.2 373.8 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Cyprus_17 Cyprus 2915 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Reduction of emissions from the promotion of anaerobic digestion for urban wastewater treatment Single 17 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems 11.63 8.36 Government Government: Department of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment 2005 Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cy/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwafucw/CY_adjusted.xml Even though anaerobic digestion is not clearly stated in the European or national legislation, the technology is preferred by large wastewater treatment plants to comply with the terms stated on the wastewater and air disposal permits. The technology is strongly promoted by the Department of Environment. Relevant national legislation that encourages the promotion of anaerobic digestion is (a) the Control of Water Pollution (Waste Water Disposal) Regulations 2003, Κ.Δ.Π. 772/2003; (b) the Control of Water Pollution (Sensitive Areas for urban waste water discharges) Κ.Δ.Π. 111/2004. It is a voluntary measure which is expected to increase by 1% annually, starting from additional 1% in 2012, until 2015; after 2015, the increase in the reduction will reduce to 0.5% annually. 8.5% in 2020 reduction of emissions from manure management amount of waste treated by AD 11.63 11.52 11.52 8.36 Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
Czech Republic_12 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Operational Programme Industry and Enterprise (OPIE) Single 12 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 92 81 Government Government: Ministry of industry and trade 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The programme which was offering subsidies for enterprises and industries. It comprised projects for the promotion of energy efficiency and use of RES in small and medium enterprises. Most projects concern manufacturing industry (1.A.2). It is superseded by the Operational programme Enterprise and innovation. 2006 Energy savings, energy produced from RES 37.9 54.1 37.1 52.9 90 33.4 47.6 33.4 47.6 81 Ministry of industry document http://www.mpo.cz/dokument22085.html 103000000 103000000 Calculated from budget allocated to the measure - Decreasing the energy intensity and higher utilisation of RES. Both subsidies and own capital included. National Energy Efficiency Energy Action Plan II, Final Report on Project 001/05 Evaluation of the mid-term implementation progress of Operational Programme Industry and Enterprise http://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/2011_neeap_translated_0.zip, http://www.mpo.cz/dokument22085.html Expired 2004 With existing measures No No information
Czech Republic_46 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 Horizontal Rural Development Single 46 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved livestock management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved livestock management Government Government: Ministry of agriculture 2004 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The main goals: i) preservation and support of the agricultural system with low inputs, ii) protection and support of sustainable agriculture meeting environmental demands and iii) preservation and strengthening of a viable social structure in rural areas 2008 Amount of realized regional projects and programme Expired 2004 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Czech Republic_10 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Directive on energy performance of buildings Single 10 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 325 272 Regional Regional: Regional Authority 2007 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The measure stipulates minimum requirements as regards the energy performance of new and existing buildings, requires the certification of their energy performance and the regular inspection of boilers and air conditioning systems in buildings. 2011 Numbers of newly built and refurbished houses. 325 289 289 272 272 272 NAPEE II (National energy efficiency action plan) http://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/2011_neeap_translated_0.zip 6783 6783 Extra costs spent in order to comply with higher building standards. Expired 2007 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Czech Republic_13 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation Single 13 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 1238 1089 Government Government: Ministry of industry and trade 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The programme which is offering subsidies for enterprises and industries. It comprises projects for the promotion of energy efficiency and use of RES in small and medium enterprises. Most projects concern manufacturing industry (1.A.2). It replaces the Operational programme Industry and enterprise. 2013 Energy savings, energy produced from RES 509.8 728.2 470.6 672.4 1143 448.4 640.6 448.4 640.6 1089 Annual report of the OPEI Programme http://www.mpo.cz/dokument65558.html 265000000 265000000 Calculated from budget allocated to the priority axe 3 - Effective energy. Both subsidies and own capital included. Annual report of the Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation http://www.mpo.cz/en/business-support/opei/#category389 Expired 2007 With existing measures No No information
Czech Republic_14 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Operational Programme Environment 2007-2013 Single 14 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 265 222 Government Government: State environmental fund 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Promotion of energy savings and use of RES. The main programme offers subsidies for environment protection. It comprises promotion of energy efficiency and use of RES mainly in the Commercial/Institutional sector (1A4a). 2013 Energy savings, energy produced from RES 265 235 235 222 222 222 NAPEE III (National Energy Efficiency Energy Action Plan III), Annual reports of State Environmental Fund, Annual reports of the programme. Emissions were calculated from energy savings and energy replaced by RES using average emission coefficients of the final consumption. https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_2014_CZ-en_v2.pdf Annual report of the Operational Programme Environment http://www.opzp2007-2013.cz/sekce/11/aktualni-nabidka-podpory/ 98000000 98000000 Calculated from the budget of the programme for the priority axis 3. Both subsidies and own capital included. Annual report of the Operational Programme Environment http://www.opzp2007-2013.cz/sekce/11/aktualni-nabidka-podpory/ Expired 2007 With existing measures No No information
Czech Republic_37 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 New Green savings programme 2010-2013 Single 37 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 665 557 Government Government: State environmental fund 2010 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The programme supports, through investment subsidies, construction of low-energy family houses in passive standard, full or partial insulation of existing houses and introduction of RES for water heating. 2013 Energy savings, energy produced from RES, CO2 emissions reduction 665 593 593 557 557 557 NAPEE III. Emissions were calculated from energy savings and energy replaced by RES using average emission coefficients of the final consumption in households. https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_2014_CZ-en_v2.pdf, http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr 112000000 2457 112000000 Calculated from the allocated budget and planned CO2 reduction. Both subsidies and own capital included. NAPEE III https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_2014_CZ-en_v2.pdf, http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr Expired 2010 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Czech Republic_45 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Rural Development Program (2007-2013) Single 45 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils; Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils,Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of agriculture 2007 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O, CH4, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural, food and forestry sectors falls within the first group of measures;Increasing biodiversity, water and soil protection and mitigating climate change is a joint objective of the second group of measures; Improving the quality of life in rural areas and to encourage the diversification of economic activities there; Helping the residents of rural micro-regions (applying the “from bottom to top” principle) to work out their local development strategy and to support the projects concerning development of the region they live in, the so called LEADER method. 2013 Amount of realized regional projects and programme http://eagri.cz/public/web/en/mze/subsidies/rural-development-programme-2007-2013/ Expired 2007 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Czech Republic_50 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 Operational Programme Rural Development and Multifunctional Agriculture Single 50 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2007 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml To support agricultural primary production and the processing of agricultural products, to support forest and water management and to ensure the continually sustainable development of the countryside 2013 Amount of realized regional projects and programme http://eagri.cz/public/web/en/mze/subsidies/op-rural-development-and-multifunctional/ Expired 2007 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Czech Republic_25 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Waste management plan 2003 and 2011 Single 25 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Planning, Regulatory Expired ESD Waste management/waste Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling 136 974 Government Government: Ministry of environment 2003 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Integrated framework document for waste management in the country. This is the main programme document of the Czech Republic regarding the waste sector. Since it is already outdated, a new version of the programme is under preparation now. The main targets are increasing the recovery of wastes with preference given to recycling, with a statutory target of 55% of all waste produced by year 2012, increasing the recovery of municipal waste to 50 % by 2010, decreasing of the maximum amount of biologically degradable municipal wastes (BDMW) deposited on landfills according to the Landfill Directive 99/31/EC, the preference for composting and anaerobic decomposition of biodegradable wastes with the use of the final product particularly in agriculture, in land reclamation and landscaping. Only wastes that cannot be used in this manner should be processed to produce substitute fuel or used anyway for energy production. Increasing the recovery of wastes with preference given to recycling, with a statutory target of 55% of all waste produced by year 2012; Increasing the recovery of municipal waste to 50% by 2010 2014 Production of waste; Coposition of waste; Waste disposed by partiucular disposal categories; Amount of biodegradable waste; 524 974 974 974 974 974 Ex -ante assesment was based on estimates in the WMP 2003 and 2011. WMPs contain analytical part where authors do estimate development of the waste management in the country with underlying assumption that WMPs are guiding documents behind those changes. This is of course simplification, but we used those estimates and combined them with IPCC methods for particular source category to estimate the effect of measures in the document. http://www.mzp.cz/C125750E003B698B/en/waste/$FILE/waste_management_plan.pdf 301000000 301000000 Total investment costs spent on waste management Operational Programme Environment, priority axis 4 Waste Management and the Rehabilitation of Existing Ecological Burdens Expired 2003 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Czech Republic_47 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 Action Plan for Development of Organic farming Single 47 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved livestock management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved livestock management 250 Government Government: Ministry of agriculture 2011 Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Organic farming is an integral part of the agricultural policy of the Czech Republic. Its importance lies not only in the production of good-quality bio-foodstuffs but also in the farming methods that, through their environmentally friendly influence on nature, contribute substantially to the preservation of the rural character of the countryside An important benefit lies in reduction of nitrate leaching, retention of N in biomass before the onset of winter, increased biodiversity, creating a suitable environment for beneficial organisms and effects on plant health. The state administers support for organic farmers through subsidies. 2015 Percentage of farms that implemented the ecological principles of management. 250 First Biennal Report of the Czech Republic, Action plan for organic farming www.eagri.cz, http://eagri.cz/public/web/en/mze/agriculture/organic-farming/ Expired 2011 With existing measures Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Czech Republic_54 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 The National Forestry Programme II Single 54 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF, ESD Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Government Government: Ministry of agriculture 2008 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Basic national strategic material for the development of the forestry sector in the medium term, reflecting the current international agreements, conventions and EU Directives. The main objective is to form concrete practical steps in all areas of state forest policy in the near term. The National Forest Program II (NLP II) is the basic national strategic document for forestry and forestry-related sectors. Implemented within the environmental pillar, specifically Key Action 6 lists the measures being or to be implemented to alleviate the impact of expected global climate change and extreme meteorological conditions. These measures generally focus on creating more resilient forest ecosystems by promoting diversified forest stand utilizing to the greatest possible extent natural processes, varied species composition and variability of silvicultural approaches, reflecting the current international treaties, agreements, conventions and EU directives. 2018 Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Czech Republic_6 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Program PANEL/NEW PANEL/PANEL 2013 + Single 6 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 189 158 Government Government: State housing fund 2001 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The programme offers credit guarantees and subsidy to credit interest for credits for retrofits of panel houses. 2020 Number of refurbished flats 189 168 168 158 158 158 NAPEE III (National energy efficiency action plan), Annual reports of the State Fund for Housing Development http://www.sfrb.cz/vyrocni-zpravy 13300000 Total annual budget is 600 mill. CZK, the subsidy is about 25 % from the loan and the loan covers 80 % of the total investment costs. 600/0,25//0,8/27,5[CZK/€] = 109,09 mill. € Annual reports of the PANEL Programme http://www.sfrb.cz/vyrocni-zpravy/ Implemented 2001 With existing measures No No information
Czech Republic_15 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 National Strategy of Cycling Transport Development Single 15 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 34 34 Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2014 Yes PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The measure supports the construction of cycling infrastructure. It is financed mainly from the State Transport Infrastructure Fund. Cycling can partly replace vehicular traffic in urban and suburban areas and thus lead to energy and emission savings. 2020 Length of newly built cycling ways [km] National bicykle development strategy 34 34 34 34 33 33 www.cyklostrategie.cz National bicykle development strategy www.cyklostrategie.cz 2314 2314 Annual budget: 5,5 mill. €, average share of subsidy 50% Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes PAM not related to Union policies
Czech Republic_16 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Operational Programme Transport Single 16 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 177 173 Government Government: Ministry of transport, State fund of transport infrastructure 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The objective of this measure is to reduce energy consumption of transport by improved transport infrastructure. The Operation Program Transport supports mainly investments into transport infrastructure. Side effect of better transport infrastructure is decreased energy consumption and thus lower GHG emissions. 2020 Energy savings, CO2 emissions decrease Operational program transport 177 173 173 173 169 169 http://www.opd.cz/cz/OP_doprava_2014-2020 NAPEE III. Emissions were calculated from energy savings using average emission coefficients of motor fuels in road transport. https://www.mpo.cz//en/energy/energy-efficiency/strategic-documents/national-energy-efficiency-action-plan-of-the-czech-republic--173843/ 48694 48694 Program budget: 5800 mill. €, average share of subsidy 70%. The cost of CO2 reduced can be misleading, because, we attributed total program costs to CO2 emission reduction. However, it is not the main goal of the programme. NAPEE III https://www.mpo.cz//en/energy/energy-efficiency/strategic-documents/national-energy-efficiency-action-plan-of-the-czech-republic--173843/ Implemented 2007 With existing measures No No information
Czech Republic_27 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Single 27 Single PaM Economic, Education, Fiscal, Information, Planning, Regulatory, Voluntary Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Industrial processes; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of industry and trade 2008 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Plan of measures to be implemented in order to fulfill the required energy savings in the period 2008 - 2020. This policy includes measures from both versions of NAPEE elaborated so far. Since it is a complex measure, its impacts are reported under many other measures. Framework measure, effects and costs of NAPEE measures are presented individually. 2020 Each measure from the NEEAP has its own indicator. Framework measure, NAPEE measures are presented individually. https://www.mpo.cz//dokument150542.html Framework measure, costs of NAPEE measures are presented individually. Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Czech Republic_34 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 National Renewable Energy Resources Plan Single 34 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD, LULUCF Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of industry and trade 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Ensure the share of RES in accordance with the RES directive 2009/28/EC. Framework measure, individual actions are included in other measures. 2020 Share of electricity produced from RES, share of RES in total primary energy consumption, share of RES in heat generation, share of RES in final energy consumption Framework measure, individual actions are included in other measures. https://www.mpo.cz/assets/dokumenty/54909/62718/649151/priloha001.pdf Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Czech Republic_35 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Operational Programme Environment 2014 - 2020 Single 35 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 528 443 Government Government: Ministry of environment 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Promotion of energy savings and use of RES. The main programme offers subsidies for environment protection. It comprises promotion of energy efficiency and use of RES mainly in the Commercial/Institutional sector (1A4a).The measure supports energy efficiency improvement and use of RES in public sector. In priority axis 2 Improvement of air quality in human settlements, the following activities are supported: • The replacement of boilers running on solid fuel with new boilers running on solid fuel • The replacement of boilers running on solid fuel with new stationary combustion sources running on gaseous or liquid fuel • The replacement of boilers running on solid fuel with heat pumps • The above replacements combined with supplementary non-combustion sources of thermal energy In priority axis 5 Energy savings, the following activities are supported: • Insulation of the envelope of a building; • Replacement and renovation of windows and doors; • Implementation of structural measures having a demonstrated influence on the energy performance of buildings or improvements in the quality of the indoor climate; • Implementation of mechanical ventilation systems with waste heat recuperation; • Implementation of systems reusing waste heat; • Replacement of heat sources for spatial heating or for the production of hot water using solid or liquid fossil fuels with efficient sources using biomass, heat pumps, gas condensing boilers, or facilities for cogeneration (micro-cogeneration) using renewable sources or natural gas; • Installation of solar thermic collectors for auxiliary heating or only for the production of hot water. • Implementation of structural measures having a demonstrated influence on the energy performance of buildings or improvements in the quality of the indoor climate; • Implementation of mechanical ventilation systems with waste heat recuperation; • Implementation of systems reusing waste heat; • Replacement of heat sources for spatial heating or for the production of hot water using solid or liquid fossil fuels with efficient sources using biomass, heat pumps, gas condensing boilers, or facilities for cogeneration (micro-cogeneration) using renewable sources or natural gas; • Installation of solar thermic collectors for auxiliary heating or only for the production of hot water. 2020 Energy savings, energy produced from RES 528 471 471 443 443 443 NAPEE III, Program document, list of supported projects, Annual reports of State Environmental Fund. Emissions were calculated from energy savings and energy replaced by RES using average emission coefficients of the final consumption in tertiary sector http://www.opzp.cz/sekce/768/novy-program-2014-2020/, http://www.opzp.cz/sekce/526/uplny-prehled-podporenych-projektu/, https://www.sfzp.cz/sekce/152/vyrocni-zpravy/ 129000000 129000000 Program budget: 487 mill. €, average share of subsidy 50% Operational Programme Environment 2014 - 2020 documents http://www.dotacni.info/operacni-program-zivotni-prostredi-2014-2020/?gclid=CjwKEAjwtYSsBRCDx6rM1v_uqmsSJAAZgf2q0Un4mBu5RnZzVCCLELJYR6avdYLjKGnYlMxIx5jqJxoCeWfw_wcB Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
Czech Republic_36 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitiveness Single 36 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 2320 2040 Government Government: Ministry of industry and trade 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The measure supports energy efficiency improvement and use of RES in industry and services. With the framework of the Operational Program Enterprise and Innovation for the period 2007–2013, the Ministry of Industry and Trade is introducing a total of 15 aid programs, one of them is oriented on Eco-energy. Eco-energy is oriented on energy savings by means of replacing old technologies and on generation of electricity or heat from renewable resources. Funding derives in part from EU structural funds (85%) and in part from the state budget (15%). Funding is paid out in the form of non-returnable subsidies, preferential loans and guarantees. The program covers the following measures: • the modernisation or replacement of existing energy production facilities for internal purposes, which will increase their efficiency; • the introduction and upgrading of measurement and control systems; • modernisation, reconstruction and loss reduction in electricity and heat distribution systems in buildings and production plants; • the implementation of measures to improve the energy performance of buildings in the business sector (building envelope insulation, the replacement and renovation of windows and doors, other structural measures having a demonstrable influence on the energy performance of buildings, the installation of ventilation technology with waste heat recuperation); • re-use of waste energy in production processes; • improvements in energy performance and energy efficiency in production and technological processes; • the installation of renewable energy sources for an undertaking’s own consumption; • the installation of a cogeneration unit with maximum use of electricity and thermal energy for the undertaking’s internal consumption, the support of extra costs in achieving the standard of a nearly zero-energy building and a passive energy standard in the reconstruction or construction of new business buildings. Extra costs will be derived from model examples and, for the purposes of support, will be set as a fixed amount for a clearly measurable quantity (e.g. per square metre of energy-related area). The target audience includes business entities (small, medium-sized and, where appropriate, large enterprises); for intervention in the field of energy savings (the insulation of production and business structures), also agricultural holdings, food businesses, undertakings providing accommodation and catering services, and retail organisations. 2020 Energy savings, energy produced from RES 955.3 1364.7 881.2 1258.8 2140 840 1200 840 1200 2040 NAPEE III, Program document, list of supported projects in the previous sprogramme. Emissions were calculated from energy savings and energy replaced by RES using average emission coefficients of the final consumption in industry. http://www.mpo-oppi.cz/media/273-vyrocni-zpravy-oppi-za-roky-07-08-09-10-1112-13.html, http://www.oppik.cz/ke-stazeni, http://eaccount.czechinvest.org/Statistiky/StatistikaCerpaniDotaci.aspx 98000000 98000000 Program budget: 727 mill. €, average share of subsidy 50% NAPEE III http://www.mpo-oppi.cz/media/273-vyrocni-zpravy-oppi-za-roky-07-08-09-10-1112-13.html, http://www.oppik.cz/ke-stazeni, http://eaccount.czechinvest.org/Statistiky/StatistikaCerpaniDotaci.aspx Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
Czech Republic_38 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 New Green savings programme 2014 - 2020 Single 38 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 1069 896 Government Government: Ministry of environment 2014 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The programme is financed from sold emission allowances. It supports, through investment subsidies, construction of low-energy family houses in passive standard, full or partial insulation of existing houses and introduction of RES for water heating. 2020 Energy savings, energy produced from RES, CO2 emissions reduction 1069 953 953 896 896 896 NAPEE III. Emissions were calculated from energy savings and energy replaced by RES using average emission coefficients of the final consumption in households. https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_2014_CZ-en_v2.pdf, http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr 166000000 166000000 Program budget: 982 mill. €, average share of subsidy 50% NAPEE III https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_2014_CZ-en_v2.pdf, http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Czech Republic_39 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Integrated Regional Operating Programme Single 39 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 672 563 Government Government: Ministry of regional development 2014 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The program supports modernizations and refurbishments of living houses. Owners of living houses (any physical or legal body) can obtain advantageous long-term loan with fixed interest covering up to 80 % of the total investment. In terms of energy savings is significant priority axis 2 of the program and its investment priority 4c “Promoting energy efficiency, intelligent systems energy management and use of energy from renewable sources for public infrastructures, including in public buildings and in housing”. Supported measures affecting the energy performance include e.g.:  insulation of residential building,  replacement and refurbishment of windows and doors,  passive heating and cooling, shielding,  installation of systems controlled ventilation with heat recovery The expected annual energy savings from 2020 are 9000 TJ 2020 Number of refurbished flats 672 599 599 563 563 563 NAPEE III. program document. Emissions were calculated from energy savings and energy replaced by RES using average emission coefficients of the final consumption in households. http://www.strukturalni-fondy.cz/cs/Microsites/IROP/Dokumenty 89000000 89000000 Program budget: 614 mill. €, average share of subsidy 50% NAPEE III https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_2014_CZ-en_v2.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Czech Republic_40 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 Electricity Savings in Households Lighting Single 40 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 532 446 Government Government: Ministry of industry and trade 2009 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The measure aims at reduction of electic energy consumption for lighting in households. The measure gradually bans introduction of inefficient lightbulbs to the market. 2020 Electricity savings in households % 532 474 474 446 446 446 NAPEE III. Emissions were calculated from energy savings using average emission coefficients of the electricity production. https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_2014_CZ-en_v2.pdf, http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr 0 0 The measure does not increase expenditures of households. NAPEE 3 http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Czech Republic_42 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Electricity Savings in Lighting in Tertiary Sector and Public Lighting Single 42 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 95 78 Government Government: Ministry of industry and trade 2009 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The measure gradually bans introduction of inefficient lightbulbs to the market. It leads to necessity of modernization of lighting systems. The energy savings resulting from the program have to be above 950 TJ/year since 2016 2020 Electricity savings in terciary sector % 95 85 85 78 78 78 NAPEE III. Emissions were calculated from energy savings using average emission coefficients of the electricity production. http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Czech Republic_43 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Efficiency Improvement of District Heating Systems Single 43 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 621 495 Government Government: Ministry of industry and trade 2014 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Heat producing companies can receive subsidy to integration of CHP, heat distribution system reconstruction or building a new district heating system. 2020 Energy savings 603 18 528 16 543 481 14 426 13 438 NAPEE III. Emissions were calculated from energy savings using average emission coefficients of district heat production. http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr Implemented 2014 With additional measuses No No information
Czech Republic_51 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 Strategy for Growth Single 51 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems 250 300 Government Government: Ministry of agriculture 2013 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Conceptual material of Agriculture - plan of measures to be implemented in order to fulfill the required emission savings in the period 2013 - 2030 2020 Czech Agriculture and Food under the Common Agricultural Policy after 2013 250 250 250 300 300 300 IFER, expert estimation http://eagri.cz/public/web/mze/ Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Czech Republic_52 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 Biomass Action Plan in the Czech Republic for 2012-2020 Single 52 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented ESD Agriculture; Energy supply; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other agriculture; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Support of an efficient use of the energy potential of biomass'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation 125 255 Government Government: Ministry of agriculture 2012 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Biomass Action Plan COM(2005) 628 final CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml To define appropriate measures and principles to help the effective and efficient use of the energy potential of biomass 2020 Biomass use 125 125 125 255 255 255 IFER, expert estimation https://greengain.eu/platform/literature/593/, http://eagri.cz/public/web/file/179051/APB_final_web.pdf, Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Czech Republic_53 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Single 53 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented ESD Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation 200 357 Government Government: Ministry of agriculture 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml A basic strategic and program documents specifying in detail the measures for meeting the objectives of the development of rural areas of the Czech Republic To support agricultural primary production and the processing of agricultural products, to support forest and water management and to ensure the continually sustainable development of the countryside 2020 Amount of realized regional projects and programme 200 200 200 357 357 357 IFER, expert estimation https://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020_en Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Czech Republic_56 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 Action Plan for Development of Organic Farming 2016-2020 Single 56 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2016 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The main goal is to promote the growth of organic farming in the Czech Republic until 2020, particularly to harness the potential of organic farming in the nature protection, for research and innovation in organic farming, counseling or education. AP is closely linked to RDP 2014-2020. 2020 less nitrogen applied to soils comparing to previous years and classical agriculture % Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Czech Republic_26 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Waste management plan 2015-2024 Single 26 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems 330 330 Government Government: Ministry of environment 2015 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml This is a document governs whole waste management in the country. Sets preferences for management practice. Offers prognosis for waste development. This plan focuses on waste prevention, aims at a higher share of recycling (50% for paper, plastic, glass and metal wastes), compulsory separation of biologically degradable communal waste to reach the limit of maximal 35% going to landfill from the total biologically degradable communal waste. a higher share of recycling (50% for paper, plastic, glass and metal wastes); maximal 35% of the total biologically degradable communal waste going to landfill . 2024 Production of waste; Coposition of waste; Waste disposed by partiucular disposal categories; Amount of biodegradable waste; 330 330 330 330 330 330 Ex -ante assesment was based on estimates in the WMP 2015-2024. WMP contains an analytical part where authors do estimate development of the waste management in the country with underlying assumption that WMPs are guiding documents behind those changes. This is of course simplification, but we used those estimates and combined them with IPCC methods for particular source category to estimate the effect of measures in the document. http://www.mzp.cz/cz/plan_odpadoveho_hospodarstvi_aj Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Czech Republic_1 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 The Climate Protection Policy of the Czech Republic Single 1 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2017 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Mitigation climate change strategy CO2, N2O, CH4, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The Policy defines greenhouse gas reduction targets for 2020 and 2030. It also includes indicative trajectories and objectives for 2040 and 2050. Further the Policy defines policies and measures for specific sectors on national level. Greenhouse gas reduction of 32 Mt CO2eq. compared to 2005 until 2020 and Greenhouse gas reduction of 44 Mt CO2eq. compared to 2005 until 2030 2030 GHG indicative level Mt CO2eq. Mitigation effect is included elsewhere. Mitigation effect is included elsewhere. Implemented 2017 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Czech Republic_17 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Support of biofuels Single 17 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 176 152 Government Government: Ministry of industry, Ministry of transport 2000 Yes Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The objective is to decrease GHG emissions from transport and to use the renewable sources of energy due to the blending of the biodiesel to diesel oil and bioethanol to gasoline.The measure is in compliance with Directive 2009/30/EC. The directive requires that the emission intensity of transport fuels fell to 10% by 31 December 2020, at least 6% compared to the average emission levels. Directive 2009/28/EC was transposed by the Act on Air Protection 201/2012 Coll., which sets the minimal shares of biofuels in gasoline and diesel in accordance with EU directive. Emission intensity of transport fuels fell to 10% by 31 December 2020, at least 6% compared to the average emission levels 2030 The share of biofuels 176 173 173 152 121 121 The Czech Transport Policy www.mdcr.cz 219796 219796 The Centre of Transport Research estimate The Czech Transport Policy, Handbook on the estimation of external costs in transport sector www.mdcr.cz Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Czech Republic_18 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Economic and tax tools in transport sector Single 18 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Planned ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 39 Government Government: Ministry of finance 2020 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Infrastructure charging for heavy goods (revised Eurovignette) 2006/38/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The cars with lower GHG emissions will be released from road tax. The excise tax for vehicles with CNG propulsions will be decreased. 2030 The share of cars with lower cylinder volume, the use of alternative fuels 8 8 39 83 83 The Centre of Transport Research estimate (model COPPERT): This scenario supposed more CNG vehicles in the future and less gasoiline and diesel vahicles than the reference scenatio. It supposes no excise tax for CNG fuel with the consequence to fuel price decrease and CNG vehicles demand increase. Planned 2020 With additional measuses Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Czech Republic_57 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 Ministry of Agriculture Strategy with view until 2030 (since 2016) Single 57 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2016 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Conceptual material including stategic PAM and predicted activity data (animal population) trends until 2030. Priorities, objectives and actions of the Strategy will be implemented in the relevant programs. The material was approved by the Government of the Czech Republic on 3rd May 2016. 2030 Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Czech Republic_2 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Air protection act Single 2 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2002 Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The law introduces National programme for abatement of climate change of Earth. The law sets among other things emission limits and reduction targets and deadlines for substances influencing the climate system. There is also an obligation of operators of large plants above 5 MW to keep emission limits and to submit data on substances influencing climate system. The act is accompanied by a row of further legal documents setting emission and imissions limits, periodical inspections of boilers, fees for pollutions and various other aspects of air protection in all sectors. Since this act leads among others to fuel switches and energy efficiency improvements, it significantly influences emissions of GHGs. 2035 Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Czech Republic_3 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Energy act Single 3 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government Government: Ministry of Industry and Trade 2000 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Internal electricity market 2009/72/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml This act establishes the rules for operating energy enterprises and energy markets. It is accompanied by a row of decreases dealing with specific issues. The law establishes the obligation of electricity distributors to buy electricity from combined heat and power plants and from renewable energy sources. It also opens the market with electricity. 2035 Energy savings comparing to 2005 % Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Czech Republic_4 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Energy management act Single 4 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of Industry and Trade 2000 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml This act sets the basic rules for efficient use of energy. It is accompanied by a row of decreases dealing with specific issues. Framework measure, effects and costs in other PAMs. This law covers more topics: 1. Sets the obligation for regional authorities to elaborate Regional energy concept which should define rules for efficient use of energY and for introduction of RES (Renewable Energy Sources). 2. Establishes the National programme for effective use of energy and utilisation of renewable and secondary energy sources. 3. Defines minimal efficiencies for electricity and heat production, maximum losses for energy transmission and distribution and sets minimal technical requirements for buildings and appliances. 4. Defines measures for support of RES. 5. Introduces labeling of appliances. 6. Sets obligation to perform energy audits of defined categories of buildings. 2035 Framework measure, effects and costs in other PAMs. Framework measure, effects and costs in other PAMs. Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Czech Republic_5 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 State Programme for the Support of Energy Savings and the Usage of Renewable Energy Sources Single 5 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 94 77 Government Government: Ministry of Industry and Trade 2000 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The programme financially supports energy savings, the increase of energy effectiveness and the use of renewable energy sources. It is a cross-cutting plan at a national level with sectorial structure; the target areas are the state administration and local governments, private sector, households and NGO’s This programme also provides information on energy efficiency issues (guidebooks, seminars, energy efficiency consulting centres etc. In detail the program supports the following activities: • Measures to reduce the energy intensity of public street lighting; • the reconstruction of a heating system and the heat generation in a building; • energy consulting provided by energy consulting and information centres; • courses and seminars about the energy sector; • publications, guides and informative materials about the energy sector; • the introduction of an energy management system; • the preparation of energy-saving projects financed using the EPC method (Energy Performance Contracting -own energy saving targets instead of regulation). 2035 Energy savings, energy produced from RES 94 87 87 77 77 77 Annual reports of the programme, NAPEE http://www.mpo.cz/dokument144914.html 300000 Total budget of the program and energy savings incl. the substitution of fossil fuels by RES. Expected share of subsidies is 35 % for investment projects and 90 % for non-investment projects. Evaluation of the State Programme, 15 years lifetime http://www.mpo.cz/dokument144914.html Evaluation of the State Programme, 15 years lifetime Implemented 2000 With existing measures No No information
Czech Republic_7 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 IED Single 7 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies 2600 2746 Government Government: Minitry of industry and Trade 2003 Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The IED directive sets among others emission limits of pollutants and requires use of the best avaliable technologies (BAT). 2035 2106 494 2224 522 2746 2224 522 2224 522 2746 ENVIROS company - calculation using EFOM/ENV model (model calculating emission projection and effects of PaMs) 864545455 864545455 Total costs of large combustion sources spent in order to comply with strengthed emission limits Study for the Ministry of Environment "PODKLADOVÁ ANALÝZA PRO TRANSPOZICI KAPITOLY III A PŘÍLOHY V SMĚRNICE 2010/75/EU, O PRŮMYSLOVÝCH EMISÍCH, DO NOVÉHO ZÁKONA O OCHRANĚ OVZDUŠÍ", ENVIROS - calculation using EFOM/ENV model https://taskman.eionet.europa.eu/attachments/9798/pam_diff.txt Implemented 2003 With existing measures Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Czech Republic_8 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Preferential feed-in tariffs for electricity produced from renewable energy sources Single 8 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels 2541 2402.5 Government Government: Energy Regulatory Authority 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Electricity production from renewable energy sources (Directive 2001/77/EC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml This is the principal measure for support of RES (renewable energy sources) use in power generation. The law defines minimal feed-in tariffs for electricity produced from RES and garantees its long-term validity and obligation of distributors to connect sources using RES and purchase the electricity from RES. 2035 Electricity produced from RES 1956.6 584.4 1917.2 572.7 2489.8 1850 552.6 1426.2 426 1852.3 Calculated by the company ENVIROS with the EFOM/ENV model. We attributed 50 % of new installation of biomass and biogas CHPs and 100 % of new installations in solar, wind and small hydro power plants to this measure. The emission reduction was calculated from expected electricity production and average system emission coefficient for electricity production. 451 451 Extra payments of power distributors to electricity suppliers for electricity from RES Price decisions of Energy Regulatory Office http://www.eru.cz/cs/poze Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Czech Republic_11 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Implementation of directive on co-generation Single 11 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Reduction of losses Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Reduction of losses 1875.8 1367.3 Government Government: Energy regulatory authority 2005 Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Distibution companies are oblidged to connect CHPs to the grid and to purchase the produced electricity. Moreover, there is a preferential feed-in tariff for electricity from CHPs. 2035 Share of electricity produced by CHP 1645 230.7 1611.9 226.1 1838 1367.3 ENVIROS company - calculation using EFOM/ENV model (model calculating em. projection and effects of PaMs) 524 524 Extra payments of power distributors to electricity suppliers for electricity from CHP. Energy regulation office - Supported energy sources http://www.eru.cz/cs/poze Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Czech Republic_19 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Regulation on CO2 from cars Single 19 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 237 803 Government Government: Ministry of transport, State Fund of Transport Infrastructure 2000 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The European Commission adopted the Directive No. 443 / 2009 about the emission limits of CO2 for new passenger cars. Car manufacturers are obliged to ensure that new vehicles their average production does not contaminate more than 130 grams of CO2 / km by 2015 and 95 grams in 2021. Regarding fuel consumption, these targets for 2015 roughly correspond to 5.6 liters of gasoline per 100 kilometers, or 4.9 liters of diesel per 100 km. Aim for the year 2021, then 4.1 l / 100 km (for petrol) and 3.6 l / 100 km (for diesel). 2035 CO2 emissions from car fleet 237 610 610 803 828 828 The Centre of Transport Research estimate (model COPPERT): The GHG emissions reduction was calculated as a difference between the baseline scenario and the scenario with the application of this EU regulation. The specific CO2 emission factor for new cars, which is equal to emission limits given by this regulation, was used for the calculation. 1165051 1165051 The Transport Research Centre methodology Handbook on the estimation of external costs in transport sector Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Czech Republic_20 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 EU regulation on CO2 from light-commercial vehicles (vans) Single 20 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 486 787 Government Government: Ministry of transport 2000 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) Allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and charging for the use of infrastructure, Directive 2007/58/EC amending Directive 91/440/EEC and Directive 2001/14/EC. CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Regulation No 253/2014/EU defines the modalities for reaching the 2020 target to reduce CO2 emissions from new light commercial vehicles. The Regulation builds on a well-established process of measuring and monitoring the CO2 emissions of vehicles in accordance with Decision No 1753/2000/EC. The main objective of the vans Regulation is to cut CO2 emissions from vans to 175 g CO2/km by 2017 and to reach 147g CO2/km by 2020. These cuts represent reductions of 14% and 28% respectively compared with the 2007 average of 203 g/km. 2035 CO2 emissions from vans 486 788 788 787 786 786 The Centre of Transport Research estimate (model COPPERT): The GHG emissions reduction was calculated as a difference between base case scenario and the scenario with the application of this EU regulation. The specific CO2 emission factor for new vans, which is equal to emission limits given by this regulation, was used for the calculation. 146914 146914 The Centre of Transport Research estimate Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Czech Republic_21 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Support of public transport and modal shift from road transport Single 21 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 134 109 Government Government: The Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Education, Municipalities, Transport companies 2000 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and charging for the use of infrastructure, Directive 2007/58/EC amending Directive 91/440/EEC and Directive 2001/14/EC. CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Modal shift can be realized through increasing the attractiveness of public transport ( Introduction of the integrated transport system, Increasing of passengers’ comfort, Preference of public transport vehicles and Introduction of “Park and Ride” system) and through systems of combined freight transport. The support of railway transport shall be realized through investment programs for improvement of infrastructure, increasing of speed, promotion of intermodal (container) transport, construction of transship points and of logistic centers. The aim of the measure is to shift 30% of long distanced freight transport from roads to railways (in trips over 300 km). The objective of the measure is to shift 30% of long distanced freight transport from roads to railways (in trips over 300 km) 2035 The share of public transport in passenger transport and the share of railways in freight transport 134 124 124 109 90 90 The Centre of Transport Research estimate (model COPPERT): This is a scenario with the assumption of the task for EU White Paper: to transfer 30% of the goods carried by road trucks to the distance 300 km and more from road to railway. 518519 518519 The Centre of Transport Research estimate The Centre of Transport Research estimate Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Czech Republic_22 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 ICAO agreement Single 22 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 6 17 Government Government: Ministry of transport 2000 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The measure ‘ICAO agreement’ is related to the resolution A37-19 from 2010 about consolidation and continuation of policies regarding climate change. MS agreed not to increase GHG emissions in aviation in 2020 in comparison to 2005. MS also approved to increase fuel use efficiency by 2% in 2020 comparing to 2010. An increase of fuel use efficiency by 2% in 2020 comparing to 2010 2035 GHG emissions from aviation 6 11 11 17 22 22 The Centre of Transport Research estimate with the model COPPERT according to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Resolution adopted at the 37th International Assembly of this Organization held in Montreal in 2010. Resolution A37-19, adopted at this Assembly, concerns the consolidation and continuation of ICAO Climate change. The ICAO Member States undertake to maintain CO2 emissions from aviation by 2020 at the level of 2005 and these emissions will not increase further. In the field of fuel efficiency, which has a direct impact on CO2 emissions, Member States have committed to improving fuel efficiency by 2% in 2020 (relative to the 2010 year). 58840 58840 The Centre of Transport Research estimate The Centre of Transport Research estimate Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Czech Republic_23 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Road toll Single 23 Single PaM Fiscal Planned ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction 126 103 Government Government: Ministry of transport 2020 Yes Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml This measure imposes currently a toll also for trucks with the weight more than 3.5 t. The range and price of road charging for freight vehicles will change. Only motorways are charged now in the Czech Republic. The road charging will involve selected first and second class roads as well. 2035 GHG emissions from freight transport 126 117 117 103 85 85 The Centre of Transport Research estimate; The Czech Transport Policy www.mdcr.cz 299227 299227 The Centre of Transport Research estimate. For the calculations of costs and effect also information from The Czech Transport Policy, issued by the Ministry of Transport, was used. Web address: www.mdcr.cz The Czech Transport Policy www.mdcr.cz Planned 2020 With additional measuses Yes Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU
Czech Republic_24 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Territorial planned measures Single 24 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 387 676 Regional Regional: Regional authorities, Municipalities 2000 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Improving the quality of territorial plans it is possible to achieve the reduction of travelling needs and length of journeys by the automobile transport (by building residential locations with job opportunities), changes transported labour division in favour of ecologically more friendly types of transport (for example quick line construction of public transport) and last but not least, traffic diversion from places where the population is directly exposed to emissions and noise from automobiles (planning of new roads, city and community bypasses, etc.). 2035 Demand on transport services 387 607 607 676 707 707 The Centre of Transport Research estimate with the model COPPERT according to the expected territorial development. 202007 202007 The Centre of Transport Research estimate The Centre of Transport Research estimate Implemented 2000 With existing measures No No information
Czech Republic_28 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 EU ETS Single 28 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply; Industrial processes Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 3230 5249 Government Government: Ministry of environment 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The decisive instrument to decrease emissions of greenhouse gases from big sources. 2035 Verified emissions from EU-ETS companies. 3230 4199 4199 5249 6036 6036 Study for the Ministry of Environment: [5] Pur L., Čížek R., Spitz J., Filipovský J.: Studie dopadů revize evropského systému emisního obchodování v kontextu klimaticko-energetického balíčku na Českou republiku, zpracováno pro MŽP, Praha, září 2008, Calculations using the EFOM/ENV model https://www.google.cz/#q=Pur+L.%2C+%C4%8C%C3%AD%C5%BEek+R.%2C+Spitz+J.%2C+Filipovsk%C3%BD+J.:+Studie+dopad%C5%AF+revize+evropsk%C3%A9ho+syst%C3%A9mu+emisn%C3%ADho+obchodov%C3%A1n%C3%AD+v+kontextu+klimaticko-energetick%C3%A9ho+bal%C3%AD%C4%8Dku+na+%C4%8Ceskou+republiku%2C+zpracov%C3%A1no+pro+M%C5%BDP%2C+Praha%2C+z%C3%A1%C5%99%C3%AD+2008 35 35 The costs of emission reduction corresponds with the expected emission allowance price in 2030. Calculations using the EFOM/ENV model Study for the Ministry of Environment: [5] Pur L., Čížek R., Spitz J., Filipovský J.: Studie dopadů revize evropského systému emisního obchodování v kontextu klimaticko-energetického balíčku na Českou republiku, zpracováno pro MŽP, Praha, září 2008 https://www.google.cz/#q=Pur+L.%2C+%C4%8C%C3%AD%C5%BEek+R.%2C+Spitz+J.%2C+Filipovsk%C3%BD+J.:+Studie+dopad%C5%AF+revize+evropsk%C3%A9ho+syst%C3%A9mu+emisn%C3%ADho+obchodov%C3%A1n%C3%AD+v+kontextu+klimaticko-energetick%C3%A9ho+bal%C3%AD%C4%8Dku+na+%C4%8Ceskou+republiku%2C+zpracov%C3%A1no+pro+M%C5%BDP%2C+Praha%2C+z%C3%A1%C5%99%C3%AD+2008 Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Czech Republic_29 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Support of voluntary commitments to energy savings Single 29 Single PaM Fiscal, Voluntary Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 57 81 Government Government: Ministry of industry 2018 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Tax allowances, where applicable, possibility to draw the grants for energy end-users, who commit themselves to meet a certain reduction in energy efficiency (or absolute reduction in energy consumption or CO2 emissions). 2035 Enery saved 51 6 73 9 82 72 9 8 68 76 NAPEE III (National energy efficiency action plan) http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr 770 770 Rough estimate of price of emission reduction based on own energy audits performed in industrial plants. NAPEE III http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr Planned 2018 With additional measuses No No information
Czech Republic_30 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Energy labelling of household electrical appliances Single 30 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 296 312 Government Government: Ministry of industry and trade 2001 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml A thorough inspection of energy labelling of appliances in shops, checking the information content of labels by testing the electrical appliances; Financial support for information campaigns promoting energy-saving electrical appliances 2035 Sales structure by individual label categories. 296 323 323 312 240 240 NAPEE III (National energy efficiency action plan) http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr 0 0 Costs linked to labelling are considered negligible. Implemented 2001 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Czech Republic_31 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Application of the Energy Star Agreement on office equipment Single 31 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 38 40 Government Government: Minitry of industry and trade 2006 Yes Energy Star Program CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Promoting the selection of office appliances in bulk purchases; information support for all categories of consumers 2035 Sales structure by individual label categories. 38 42 42 40 35 35 NAPEE III (National energy efficiency action plan) http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr 0 0 Costs linked to labelling are considered negligible. NAPEE III http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes Energy Star Program
Czech Republic_32 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Application of the Ecodesign Directive Single 32 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 104 114 Government Government: Ministry of industry and trade 2007 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The directive imposes among others energy efficiency requirements to products from the early stage on the design phase in order to decrease energy consumption and impacts on the climate and environment. The whole product life cycle should be regarded in an integrated perspective. Among others, energy consumption of the whole product's life cycle should be taken into consideration. 2035 Appliances sales structure 104 119 119 114 88 88 NAPEE III (National energy efficiency action plan) http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr We were not able to estimate costs related to this measure. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Czech Republic_33 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Recast of the Directive on energy performance of buildings Single 33 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 532 446 Government Government: Ministry of industry and trade 2012 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The measure stipulates minimum requirements as regards the energy performance of new and existing buildings, requires the certification of their energy performance and the regular inspection of boilers and air conditioning systems in buildings. 2035 Numbers of newly built and refurbished houses. 532 474 474 446 446 446 NAPEE II http://www.mpo-efekt.cz/upload/7799f3fd595eeee1fa66875530f33e8a/ef13_3111_enviros_novelizace_napee-ii-final.pdf 5921 5921 Extra costs spent in order to comply with near zero energy consumption building standards. NAPEE II http://www.mpo-efekt.cz/upload/7799f3fd595eeee1fa66875530f33e8a/ef13_3111_enviros_novelizace_napee-ii-final.pdf Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Czech Republic_41 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 Extension of Public Sector Role in Demonstration of New Technologies Single 41 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 285 232 Government Government: Ministry of environment 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The public sector is obliged to follow certains rules leading to purchases of energy efficient appliances. Energy savings from 2020 account to 2 880 TJ/year 2035 Energy savings in public sector % 285 253 253 232 232 232 NAPEE III. Emissions were calculated from energy savings using average emission coefficients of the electricity production. http://databaze-strategie.cz/cz/mpo/strategie/narodni-akcni-plan-energeticke-ucinnosti-cr Implemented 2010 With existing measures No No information
Czech Republic_44 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of 16 April 2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 Single 44 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances 552 2029 Government Government: Ministry of environment 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Ban on introduction of fluorinated gases with a high GWP for given purposes of use. Percentage to calculate the maximum quantity of hydrofluorocarbons to be placed on the market: 2018-2020: 63%, 2030: 21% 2035 Consumption of fluorinated gase with a high GWP [tons] 552 1022 1022 2029 2558 2558 ENVIROS, spreadsheet calculation according the EU legislation, especially Regulation 517/2014/EU http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32014R0517&from=EN Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Czech Republic_48 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Cross Compliance - fulfilment of Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions Single 48 Single PaM Education, Information Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved livestock management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved livestock management Government Government: Ministry of agriculture 2009 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The subsidies can be granted only on the condition that a beneficiary meets the statutory management requirements addressing environment, public health, the health of animals and plants, and animal welfare, the standards of good agricultural and environmental conditions (GAEC); and minimum requirements for fertilizer and plant protection product use as part of agro-environmental measures. 2035 Percentage of agricultural subjects that have passed the control audit. The direct payments and other selected subsidies can be granted only on the condition that a beneficiary meets the statutory management requirements addressing environment, public health, the health of animals and plants, and animal welfare; the standards of good agricultural and environmental conditions (GAEC); and minimum requirements for fertilizer and plant protection product use as part of agri-environmental measures. http://eagri.cz/public/web/mze/dotace/kontroly-podminenosti-cross-compliance/ Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Czech Republic_49 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 Nitrate Directive (1991/676/EEC) - 3rd Action Plan Single 49 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: Ministry of agriculture 2016 Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml Water protection against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. Remarcation of vulnerable areas and setting of rules for management 2035 Amount of mineral fertilizers and manure applicated to soil in vulnerable areas http://www.agriland.ie/farming-news/changes-nitrate-action-programme-explained/ Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Czech Republic_55 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 Updated recommendations for implementing the proposed measures of NLP II Single 55 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management 458 395 Government Government: Ministry of agriculture 2017 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml To cultivate diversified forest stands with the greatest possible use of natural processes, varied species composition, natural regeneration and variability of silvicultural practices. Summary of recommendations on the implementation of the proposed measures NLP II after discussing forestry experts. Emission inventory of LULUCF sector are particularly important recommendations in Key Action 6 of NLP II, which are aimed to reduce of global climate change and extreme weather events. 2035 Area of cultivated forests 458 584 584 395 395 395 IFER, expert estimation http://www.mzp.cz/C1257458002F0DC7/cz/opatreni_v_ramci_lulucf/$FILE/OEOK_LULUCF2015_29032017.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Czech Republic_9 Czech Republic 2918 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Ecological Tax Reform Single 9 Single PaM Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 127.5 116.6 Government Government: Ministry of Finance 2007 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/cz/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwavk2q/CZ-adjusted.xml The measure stipulates consumers’ tax on energy carriers more or less exactly equal to minimal levels required by the EU directive. 2035 State's income from excise tax on fuels. 78.7 46.2 73.9 45.9 119.8 71.9 44.7 66.4 41.2 107.6 NAPEE III (National energy efficiency action plan) 23 23 Amount of excise tax paid for fuels and energy. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Denmark_1 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 G2(former TD-1a): Energy taxes Group 1 2,3,4,5 Economic, Fiscal See individual PaMs No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation See individual PaMs Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2, CH4, N2O See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Tax on energy use in Denmark. Denmark has had taxes on energy for many years . Since the first oil crisis in the early 1970s, the rates of the taxes have been aimed at reducing consumption and promoting the instigation of more energy-saving measures. Lower energy consumption will reduce emissions of CO2, methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) associated with combustion of fossil fuels. See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Denmark_61 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam61 WA-8(expired): Subsidy programme for cleaner products Single 61 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Government Government: Ministry for the Environment 1999 No No information CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Under the subsidy programme for cleaner products 1999-2003 it was possible to get grants for projects targetted at reducing the environmental impact from management of waste generated throughout the life cycle of products as well as for projects with the objective to limit environmental problems in connection with waste management. In 2005 this programme was replaced by the Danish government’s “Enterprise Scheme” (see WA-4). 2003 Expired 1999 With existing measures No No information
Denmark_2 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 TD-1b: Mineral-oil Tax Act Single 2 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Taxation 1993 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Tax on mineral oil products in Denmark. The Mineral-oil Tax Act entered into force on 1 January 1993. Before this, the tax on petrol was regulated via the Petrol Tax Act, which entered into force on 1 January 1983, and the Act on Taxation of Gas Oil and Diesel Oil, Heating Oil, Heating Tar, and Crude Oil was regulated via the Act on Taxation of certain Oil Products, which entered into force on 3 October 1977. Tax rates from recent years are shown in Table 4.6. From 1 June 1999 a tax differentiation between light diesel and diesel low in sulphur was introduced, to encourage the use of diesel low in sulphur, which is less polluting than light diesel. This was accomplished and a change took place soon after to the effect that almost all diesel sold was low in sulphur. The purpose of further differentiation from 1 January 2005 favouring sulphur-free diesel was likewise to encourage the use of this type of diesel in favour of diesel low in sulphur, and this has been successful. In addition, tax differentiation has been introduced in order to achieve environmental goals other than direct reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. Thus tax differentiation has been introduced with a view to phasing out lead in petrol. The rate of tax to achieve this environmental goal is shown in Table 4.7. Implemented 1993 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Denmark_3 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 TD-2: Gas Tax Act Single 3 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Taxation 1996 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Tax on consumption of natural gas and town gas in Denmark. Implemented 1996 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Denmark_4 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 TD-3: Coal Tax Act Single 4 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Taxation 1982 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Tax rated after the calorific value of coal, coke, furnace coke, coke gravel, crude coke, lignite briquettes and lignite, tall oil, wood tar, vegetable pitch etc. Implemented 1982 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Denmark_5 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 TD-4: Electricity Tax Single 5 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Taxation 1977 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Tax on consumption of electricity. The electricity tax was introduced on 1 April 1977. With effect from 1 January 2013, the tax on electricity used for heating was reduced considerably, to take into account, that an increasing amount of renewable energy was being used in electricity production. It has been estimated that this will lead to an emission reduction outside the emissions trading scheme of 0.15 million tonnes CO2 in 2015 and 0.29 million tonnes in 2018. Table 4.10 shows the development in electricity tax rates since 2002. Implemented 1977 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Denmark_11 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 EN-1: EU-CO2-emission trading scheme for electricity and district heat production and certain industrial processes (incl. Business) and aviation from 2012 Single 11 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production Government Government: Danish Energy Agency and entities uner the EU ETS 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml A key instrument for reaching the goals for emission reductions is the EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), which is a CO2 allowance scheme for energy production and energy-intensive industries as described in section 4.3.1. The EU Member States have devised this trading scheme for greenhouse gas emissions in order to fulfil the international climate commitments set out in the Kyoto Protocol, in particular with the aim of reducing CO2 emissions from energy production and energy-intensive industries. The allowances scheme entered into force on 1 January 2005. The 2005-2007 period was used as a testing phase. The EU ETS Directive has been revised a number of times. The allowance allocation for 2008-2012 was determined on the basis of the national allocation plan from July 2006, submitted the European Commission. The EU ETS 2008-2012 has been an important measure in Denmark's fulfilment of its climate obligations under the first commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol. The scheme aligns well with government policy for the energy area on liberalisation of the energy markets and management of environment efforts by the market. The installations subject to the allowance regulations account for a little less than half of Danish emissions of greenhouse gases. Almost all major Danish installations with considerable emissions are covered by the ETS. Most of these are generators of power and heat, the rest are industrial enterprises plus a few production units within the offshore sector. Both the statutory and the administrative basis for the scheme have been established. The necessary legal basis was adopted by the Danish Folketing in June 2004 and the 2008-2012 national allocation plan was approved by the European Commission on 31 August 2007. According to the national allocation plan for the period 2008-2012 an average annual allowance of 24.5 million tonnes CO2 has been allocated. According to the allocation plan this should correspond to a drop in annual emissions of about 5 million tonnes per year in 2008-2012, or a reduction of about 17% compared with emissions expected in the national allocation plan for the period. This level was set by balancing environmental considerations against competitiveness and jobs: • Electricity and heat producers were allocated about 15.8 million EAUs. The allowance for electricity generation is allocated as ”per kWh”, while for heat production allowances are allocated according to emissions in the base years 1998-2004. • The other 133 installations (industry and offshore) have been allocated allowances corresponding to emissions in the base years 1998-2004. A total of 8.2 million tonnes CO2 per year have been allocated to industry and offshore. • A special reserve of 0.5 million tonnes CO2 per year has been allocated with free allowances for new installations and significant extensions to existing units. Allowances not allocated by the end of the commitment period or returned due to closures have been auctioned. The period 2008 – 2012 was finalized in 2013 with the final surrendering of allowances and credits by companies participating in the EU ETS as shown in section 4.3.1. The new EU Climate and Energy Agreement from December 2008 extended the ETS system to 2013-2020 in order for the EU to reduce CO2 emissions by 20% in 2020. At the same time allocation was centralised and auctioning is to be used more extensively from 2013. The allowances have been calculated for this period in accordance with the EU benchmarking decision 2011/278/EU. Annex 1f contains an overview of the installations and aviation operators covered and their allowance allocation for 2013-2020. However, the current low allowances price has made it more difficult to initiate the necessary transition and green investments after 2012. Developments in allowances prices have particular significance for Danish emissions and they affect the need to initiate other, new mitigation initiatives. The low allowances price makes the situation relatively more expensive for countries like Denmark, who want to take the lead. Therefore, efforts to increase the level of ambition in EU climate policy are key in the Danish government’s climate change policy to achieve the national target. Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Denmark_13 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 EN-3: Price supplement and subsidies for renewable energy production Single 13 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Danish Energy Agency and entities responsible for energy production 2008 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The increasing use of renewable energy sources is reducing emissions of CO2 from fossil fuels. The long term goal for the Danish government is to be independent of fossil fuels by 2050. The initiatives in the political energy agreement concluded by the government and a broad majority in the Parliament in March 2012 cover these crucial energy policy areas for the period until 2020. The parties to the current energy agreement have agreed by 2018 to commence discussions on additional initiatives for the period after 2020. The expected headline results for 2020 are the following: more than 40% renewable energy in final energy consumption; approximately 50% of electricity consumption to be supplied by wind power; approximately 8% reduction in gross energy consumption in relation 2010; and 34% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in relation to 1990. Renewable energy sources are promoted with economic measures, including use of energy and CO2 taxes on fossil fuels and through the Public Service Obligation Schemes (PSO), which have been a supplement to the price of electricity paid by all consumers until 2017. The Danish PSO levy will be phased out during a period of 5 years (2017-2022), and the financing of support to renewables will gradually shift to the State Budget. Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Denmark_14 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 EN-4: Tenders for offshore wind turbines Single 14 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Danish Energy Agency and entities responsible for energy production 2013 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml In accordance with the energy policy agreement from February 2008, the expansion of wind power since the Fifth National Communication in December 2009 has included a tender for and construction of a 400 MW offshore wind farm at the island of Anholt. This wind farm started to operate in September 2013. The current Energy Agreement set in place in 2012 includes a target of applying another 1900 MW of new capacity from onshore and offshore wind by the end of 2021. Most of the new capacity will come from offshore wind power. In this respect the Danish Energy Agency was responsible for tendering 1350 MW new offshore capacity: The Horns Rev 3 tender of 400 MW in the North Sea with expected commissioning in 2018, the Kriegers Flak tender of 600 MW in the Baltic Sea with expected commissioning in the period 2019-21 and the so-called near shore tender of 350 MW – Vesterhav Nord and Syd - with expected commissioning in 2020. Also part of the 2012 Energy Agreement, Denmark was responsible for tendering 50 MW offshore test projects – Nissum Bredning test project (28MW) was signed with expected commissioning in 2017. As a result, wind energy is expected to cover 50 % of Danish electricity consumption in 2020. Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Denmark_15 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 EN-5(expired): Scrapping scheme for old wind turbines Single 15 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Danish Energy Agency 2008 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The scrapping scheme has supported the taking down of old and unfavourable placed wind turbines and has supported the expansion of wind power. 2015 Expired 2008 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Denmark_17 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 BU-1: Agreements on energy efficiency with business Single 17 Single PaM Economic, Voluntary Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Danish Energy Agency 1993 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml In connection with the implementation of the CO2 tax also a subsidy for CO2 tax discount for energy intensive industries was introduced. However, a condition for getting the CO2 tax discount is an agreement on improvements in energy efficiency between the company and the Danish Energy Agency. The first implementation period was 1993-2013. After one year expiration the voluntary agreement scheme was reintroduced in 2015. The electricity intensive companies get a subsidy for their PSO tax on electricity. 2020 Implemented 1993 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Denmark_18 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 BU-2: Savings activities by elec. grid, gas, oil and district heating companies (consump. of final energy excl. Transp.) Single 18 Single PaM Information Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Danish Energy Agency 2006 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The energy companies carry out campaigns and energy saving activities aimed at energy consumers. And the energy companies are obliged to realise savings in final consumption. In their efforts there are no geographical or sector limitations. The target for the savings is 10.1 PJ for the period 2016-2020. The effort is financed by the consumers via the consumers' energy bills. The target for the energy savings is 10.1 PJ for the period 2016-2020. Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Denmark_19 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 BU-6: Circular on energy-efficiency in state institutions Single 19 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: The Danish Energy Agency is responsible for the circular. The individual ministries and state institutions are responsible for the implementation of the circular. 2005 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Energy Star Program;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml "The circular require state institutions to:  Focus on energy efficiency in their behaviour  Buy energy efficient products  Operate state buildings in an energy efficient manner  Report on, and make public, figures on consumption of energy and water and energy labelling of buildings" Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Energy Star Program; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Denmark_20 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 BU-7(expired): Campaigns and promotion of efficient appliances ( including elec. heating, conversion and efficient appliances in households) Single 20 Single PaM Information Expired No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: The Minister for Climate and Energy / The Danish Energy Authority 1997 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Energy Star Program;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The task of the Electricity Saving Trust included the promotion of efficient electric appliances etc. and electric heating conversion in households and the public sector. The Trust were making use of measures such as national campaigns, efforts to influence the market, voluntary agreements and efforts to raise awareness on the consumption. The budget was approx. DKK 90-100 mill. annually. 2012 Expired 1997 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Energy Star Program; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Denmark_21 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 BU-8(expired): Renewables for the industry Single 21 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 1000 1000 Government Government: Danish Energy Agency, other state authorities, enterprises 2013 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Businesses will be able to get support from a DKK 3.75 billion fund to convert to renewable energy sources or district heating in accordance with the following objectives: • Support businesses to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy – such as wind, solar, biogas or biomass – to power manufacturing, • Support businesses to replace fossil fuels by district heating. E.g. horticulture will be able to change from coal-fired boilers to district heating, • Support businesses to invest in energy-efficiency measures. The estimated effect of this “Renewables for industry” initiative is a reduction of 1 million tonnes of CO2 per year from 2020 and onwards. 2016 The estimated effects of the March 2012 Energy Agreement, by which the PAM was adopted, was published in 2012. 1000 1000 https://ens.dk/sites/ens.dk/files/EnergiKlimapolitik/samlede_effekter_energiaftalen_030412.pdf Expired 2013 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_22 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 BU-9: Mandatory Energy Audit for large Enterprises Single 22 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Danish Energy Agency 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Large enterprises in Denmark are by law required to have a mandatory energy audit every fourth year . The law transposes the energy efficiency directive article 8 . Enterprises with ISO 50,001 or ISO 14,001 are exempt. The Energy Audit must be carried out before the 5th of December 2015 and afterwards every fourth year. The scope of the energy audit is buildings, processes and transport. There are no requirement of the use and implementation of the results from the energy audit. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_23 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 BU-10: The center for energy savings in enterprises Single 23 Single PaM Information Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Danish Eneergy Agency 2014 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The Center for Energy savings in enterprises As part of a new political agreement from June 2014 on growth 40 million DKK (5.4 million EURO) was allocated to run a new centre for energy savings in enterprises. The money was given for the period 2014-2017. The aim of the centre is to identify and exploit the energy efficiency potential already existing within primarily small and medium sized companies. 2017 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_24 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 TR-1a: EU demands on vehicle manufactures to deliver fuel efficient cars and vans Single 24 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Other Other: European Commission 2000 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The EU’s requirements on average CO2 emissions for passenger cars and vans, i.e. the mechanism imposing fines on manufacturers if they fail to comply with the CO2 targets. Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_25 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 TR-1b(expired): Information campaign on fuel consumption of new cars Single 25 Single PaM Information Expired No information Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: Denmark`s Road Safety and Transport Agency 2000 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC;Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml DKK 14 million was allocated for a campaign aimed at raising public awareness about energy labelling of new cars and vans. 2015 Expired 2000 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC; Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU
Denmark_26 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 TR-2(expired): Energy-correct driving technique Single 26 Single PaM Information Expired No information Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: Ministry of Justice 2000 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC;Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml DKK 28 million was allocated to campaigns to promote energy-efficient driving. Experience shows that most people are able to save between 5% and 15% fuel by adopting a more energy-efficient driving style. 2015 Expired 2000 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC; Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU
Denmark_27 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 TR-3(expired): Initiative on enforcing speed limits Single 27 Single PaM Economic, Information Expired No information Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: Ministry of Justice 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC;Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC;Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml As of February 1, 2015 the number of mobile speed enforcement devices (mobile cameras) was increased from 25 to 100 nationwide. The effect on GHG emissions is uncertain, but it has previously been estimated that increased enforcement of speed limits could result in a reduction of approximately 55.000 tonnes CO2 annually. 2015 Expired 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC; Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC; Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Denmark_28 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 TR-4(expired): Establishment of intermodal installations Single 28 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Energy, municipalities, Danish State Railways (DSB) 2014 Yes Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Promotion of the establishment of intermodal installations has been a general transport policy for many years. In 2009, as a result of a broad political agreement regarding transport policy in Denmark, funds were allocated to several activities in the transport sector. This includes: • DKK 200 million for projects on energy-efficient transport, where the following project has focus on the promotion of the establishment of intermodal installations: o Rail-truck container transfer systems to promote multi-modal transport 2015 Expired 2014 With existing measures Yes Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC
Denmark_29 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 TR-5(expired): Promotion of environmentally friendly goods transport Single 29 Single PaM Economic, Information Expired No information Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Haulage contractors 2014 Yes Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Promotion of environmentally friendly goods transport has been a general transport policy for many years. In 2009, as a result of a broad political agreement regarding transport policy in Denmark, funds were allocated to several activities in the transport sector. This includes: • DKK 200 million for projects on energy-efficient transport, where the following projects have focus on promotion of environmentally friendly goods transport - solely or partly: o Off-peak delivery scheme for goods using low-noise equipment o City logistics for goods transport o Lightweight materials for pressurized equipment, containers etc. o Mobility Management o Intelligent Transport Systems 2015 Expired 2014 With existing measures Yes Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC
Denmark_30 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 TR-6(expired): Reduced travel times for public transport Single 30 Single PaM Regulatory Expired No information Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Energy and Danish State Railways (DSB) 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml In 2013, the Danish government decided to allocate DKK 27.5 billion to improve the rail infrastructure in Denmark substantially. The upgrade is expected to be finalized by 2025 and will reduce travel times substantially. A CO2 reduction of around 100,000 tonnes per year is expected. 2015 Expired 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_6 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 TD-5: CO2 tax on energy products Single 6 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Taxation 1992 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Tax on energy products depending on their contribution to CO2 emissions. The CO2 tax on energy products was introduced on 1 March 1992 and was imposed on different types of energy products relative to their CO2 emissions. From 1 January 2010 a structural change in the CO2 tax was implemented as an adaption to the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. The tax rate was increased to DKK 150 /tonne of CO2 indexed as mentioned below, cf. table 4.11. Table 4.12 shows examples of the different types of CO2 taxes converted into consumer units. In addition to this, there are CO2 taxes on heating tar, crude oil, coke, crude oil coke, lignite briquettes and lignite, LPG, and other gases. As of 1 January 2008 the CO2 taxes follow a yearly regulation of 1.8% in the period 2008-2015, similar to the energy taxes. From 2016 the tax is regulated with the consumer price index two years prior. Implemented 1992 With existing measures No No information
Denmark_7 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 TD-6: Green Owner Tax - a fuel-efficiency-dependent annual tax on motor vehicles Single 7 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented No information Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Taxation 1997 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Car owners have to pay half-yearly taxes which are differentiated in accordance with the fuel efficiency of the cars, expressed in kilometres per litre. The energy consumption of electric cars is converted to a petrol fuel efficiency on the basis of the energy content of petrol. Implemented 1997 With existing measures No No information
Denmark_8 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 TD-7: Registration Tax - a fuel-efficiency-dependant registration tax on passenger cars and vans Single 8 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented No information Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Taxation 2000 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The registration tax on motorised vehicles is calculated on basis of the value of the vehicle. It is furthermore integrated in the design of the registration tax that cars are granted deductions in the registration tax with reference to their specific energy efficiency and safety equipment. Cars with high energy efficiencies, such as electric vehicles, are granted large reductions in the registration tax. Electric vehicles are furthermore granted deductions in the registration tax until 2020. The deductions are given as percentage rebates on the total registration tax of the vehicle, after all other deductions. The deductions are respectively 80%, 60%, 35% and 10% in the years 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019. Additionally, there is a fixed deduction in 2016 and 2017. Implemented 2000 With existing measures No No information
Denmark_9 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 TD-8: Tax on HFCs, PFCs and SF6 - equivalent to the CO2 tax Single 9 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented No information Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: Ministry of Taxation 2001 No No information HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Tax on HFCs, SF6 and PFCs. The tax is differentiated in accordance with the global warming potential of the substance with DKK 0.17 per kilogramme of CO2 equivalents as the general principle and with DKK 600 per kilogramme of CO2 equivalents as a general upper limit. Implemented 2001 With existing measures No No information
Denmark_10 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 TD-9: Tax on methane from natural gas fired power plants - equivalent to the CO2 tax Single 10 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production; Energy supply: Other energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production,Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Methane reduction') Government Government: Ministry of Taxation 2011 No No information CH4, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Tax on methane emissions from natural gas fired power plants - equal in terms of CO2 equivalents to the CO2 tax. As of 1 January 2011 a tax on methane emissions - equal in terms of CO2 equivalents to the CO2 tax - from natural gas fired power plants was introduced. This is expected to reduce methane emissions from gas engines through behavioural changes such as changing from motor operation to boiler operation and establishing mitigation measures. Consumption is also expected to fall as the price of heat will increase. These behavioural changes will result in falls in the emissions of unburned methane from power stations. In addition, CO2 emissions will fall and consumption of natural gas will fall. In total, a decline of 0.06 million tonnes CO2 equivalent emissions in 2 out of 5 years is expected, corresponding to an average annual reduction effect of approximately 0.02 million tonnes CO2 equivalent per year in 2008-12. In total, a decline of 0.06 million tonnes CO2 equivalent emissions in 2 out of 5 years is expected, corresponding to an average annual reduction effect of approximately 0.02 million tonnes CO2 equivalent per year in 2008-12. Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
Denmark_31 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 TR-7: Spatial planning Single 31 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Local Local: Municipalities 2000 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Spatial planning on state, regional and local level is also taking into account the objective to limit the growth in demand for passenger and freight transport and thereby reduce the number of vehicle kilometres driven and GHGs emitted. For example, spatial planning, in terms of urbanization and increased focus on minimising distances between residential areas/city centres and stations, help to reduce the need for transport. Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_12 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 EN-2: Biomass Agreement (Agreement on the use of biomass in electricity production) Single 12 Single PaM Economic, Voluntary Implemented No information Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: The electricity producers 1993 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml In 2015, biomass accounted for approximately 62% of renewable-energy production, mostly in the form of straw, wood pellets, wood chip and biodegradable waste for incineration. Approximately half of the biomass was imported, mainly in the form of wood pellets (32 PJ), biofuels (7 PJ), wood chips (6 PJ) and fire wood (3 PJ). The energy production from biomass has more than doubled since 1990 - primarily due to the policy agreement from 1993 (the Biomass Agreement: requires power plants to use 1.4 million tonnes of straw and wood, equivalent to almost 20 PJ per year) and the policy agreement from February 2008 on the increased use of straw and chips at the large co-generation plants (up to 700,000 tonnes in 2011). At the same time, the consumption of biomass continues to rise as a source of energy for the supply of heat in district-heating plants and in smaller installations for households, enterprises and institutions. Although it was demonstrated in Denmark in the mid-1990s that biogas plants can be established with reliable operation and with an acceptable economy biogas still only accounted for 3.3% of renewable-energy production in 2013. Liquid biofuels, such as animal and vegetable oils, biodiesel and bioethanol, is used only on a small scale. Liquid biofuels from bio-waste by the so-called second generation technologies are now at a low level. 1900 MW of new capacity from onshore and offshore wind by the end of 2021 Implemented 1993 With existing measures No No information
Denmark_32 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 TR-8: EU requirements regarding biofuels Single 32 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Danish Energy Agency 2012 Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml From 2012 all petrol and diesel for transport sold in Denmark must contain an average of 5.75% of biofuels, which must live up to the EU sustainability criteria. According to the Energy Agreement of March 2012 a 10 per cent target is foreseen by 2020, however this will depend on further analysis of alternative instruments carried out by 2017. This will probably lead to a lower blending mandate. 5.75% of biofuels in petrol and diesel by 2012. Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Denmark_16 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 EN-6: Energy development and demonstration Single 16 Single PaM Information Implemented No information Energy consumption; Energy supply; Transport Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy supply: Other energy supply; Transport: Other transport Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Research and development'),Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Research and development'),Transport: Other transport ('Research and development') Government Government: EUDP Secretariat c/o Danish Energy Agency 2008 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Danish support for new energy technologies has been comprehensive and relatively stable. A long list of direct and indirect support schemes and policies have, in combination, created a domestic market which has given Danish companies a boost. This boost has enabled many companies to become international market leaders. Danish companies continue to enjoy commercial success within the energy-related marketplace. R&D activities include energy savings, more efficient energy conversion and renewable energy technologies. Research and development activities in the field of energy are not motivated solely by climate issues, but are relevant to climate issues, since they contribute to determining the overall framework for the CO2 intensity of energy production and consumption in the future. There is a broad political commitment to support R&D activities through public funding and the Danish Government has in its manifesto by November 2016 stated that Denmark is committed to an ambitious green transition for the national energy supply. This calls for comprehensive R&D efforts for the development of improved and new sustainable energy technologies. Denmark is one of the partners in Mission Innovation comprising 22 countries and the European Commission. The aim of Mission Innovation is to strengthen the multilateral R&D efforts within clean energy technologies to promote a continuous cost effective green transition of the energy systems. Thus Denmark has chosen to strengthen the dedicated public investments in clean energy research, development and demonstration focusing on reduction of technology costs and CO2 emissions and with an emphasis on innovative projects that can be replicated and scaled up with the involvement of private investors. Denmark will seek to double these efforts departing from a baseline of the average funding to the Danish Energy Technology Development and Demonstration Programme (EUDP) of the years 2015-2016 and until 2020 where DKK 580 million will be allocated. The EUDP programme was established in 2008 and since then the programme has supported more than 600 projects with a total of DDK 3 billion. On average, 45-50% of the activities under the Programme are financed by the EUDP and hence the private investments in the supported projects are of the same size as the public support leading to approximately to DKK 6 billion in total investments. A minor programme is administrated on behalf of the power distribution companies by the Danish power association Dansk Energi. The objective is to support research and development within energy-efficient use of electricity through development of energy-efficient products and processes in buildings, industry etc. The annual funds for this programme are DKK 25 million. Activities relating to strategic research and innovation in general are since 2014 administrated by Danish Innovation Fond. The Fund’s budget for 2017 is 1.25 billion. The Fund covers all sorts of research and innovation projects and is not limited to energy matters. Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Denmark_33 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 TR-9(expired): Transport infrastructure projects in the fields of electric vehicles, gas and hydrogen Single 33 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml In the agreement DKK 70 million has been allocated to transport infrastructure projects in the fields of electric vehicles, gas and hydrogen. An ongoing pilot scheme for electric vehicles has been prolonged until 2015 with an additional funding of DKK 15 million on top of the DKK 35 million from the former Energy Agreement. 2016 Expired 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_34 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 TR-10: Electrification of parts of the rail infrastructure Single 34 Single PaM Economic Adopted No information Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml In 2013, the former government decided to allocate the future proceeds from a change in the oil industry taxation to improve the rail infrastructure in Denmark. The upgrade is expected to reduce travel times substantially. In 2017 changed to been seen as also including the measure formerly reported as TR-6. Adopted 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_35 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 TR-11(expired): Investments in a new metro line and bicycle transport facilities. Single 35 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government, Local Government: Ministry of Transport,Local: Municipality of Copenhagen 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml DKK 328 million to the establishment of a metro line to the new Nordhavn area in Copenhagen – and DKK 1 billion to improve and promote Danish cycle transport facilities. 2016 Expired 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_36 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 TR-12: Investment in a tunnel under the Femern Belt Single 36 Single PaM Economic Adopted No information Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 200 Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2028 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The tunnel under the Femern Belt will reduce CO2-emissions by potentially 200.000 tonnes per year. This is mainly because of the following effects: 1.Goods will shift from road to rail. 2. The travel distance from Copenhagen to Hamburg will be shortened. 3.The ferries between Denmark and Germany will cease to operate. 200 Adopted 2028 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_37 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 HO-1: Energy labelling of small and large buildings (incl. public sector and business) Single 37 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Danish Energy Agency 1997 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Energy labelling of buildings: Denmark has long experience with energy efficiency and energy savings in buildings. From 1990 and until 2015 the energy consumption for heating has been reduced by 17,5% per m2. The goal is to reduce energy consumption in new buildings by 75% by 2020 relative to 2006. The benefits of reducing energy consumption are tangible: less fossil fuel is consumed and the environment has improved substantially. Strict and progressively tightened building regulations since 1977 have ensured a stable demand for energy-efficient building technologies. Energy labelling of buildings when built, sold or rented: Energy labelling of buildings must be implemented after finishing the construction of a building and on the sale or rental of the building - primarily heating consumption. This applies in principle for all buildings, irrespective of size, apart from production facilities, factories etc. Regular energy labelling of large buildings and public buildings: Energy labels and an energy plan must be prepared regularly every seven to ten years for all large buildings over 1,000 m2 and for all public buildings over 250 m2. Reduction of energy consumption in new buildings by 75% by 2020 relative to 2006. Implemented 1997 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_38 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 HO-2: Energy labelling of electric appliances Single 38 Single PaM Information Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Danish Energy Agency 1992 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Minimum energy requirements and energy labelling of appliances: Energy labelling (A-G) of white goods, lighting, air con etc. is compulsory within the EU. The European Community also has mandatory energy requirements for some 20 energy-consuming products, such as electric motors, circulators, white goods etc. There are also voluntary labelling schemes (Energy Star, Energy Arrow, windows, boilers) for a number of products. Danish authorities play an active role both in negotiation of the requirements and in securing compliance with the compulsory requirements - e.g. through market surveillance. The Danish Energy Agency offers advice on its website to end-users in order to promote energy-efficient appliances and products. Information initiative towards private households: In March 2012 the Centre for Energy Savings was replaced by an information initiative placed at the Energy Agency. The main target of this initiative is to promote energy-efficient products and solutions. The measures of the initiative will be information campaigns, web-based information for private households etc. Implemented 1992 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_39 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 HO-3: Substitution of individual oil-based furnaces Single 39 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented No information Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government Government: Danish Energy Agency 2010 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml In 2010-2012 DKK 400 mill. have been allocated to support the substitution of individual oil based furnaces for modern, low emitting heating solutions, including systems based on renewable energy such as heat pumps and solar heating. As of September 2013 the measure has been continued as an information effort without subsidies. Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_40 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 HO-4: Better Houses Single 40 Single PaM Information Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Danish Energy Agency 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml “BetterHouses” is a scheme (voluntary and market-driven system) from the Danish Energy Agency focusing on energy renovation of buildings. The aim is to make it easier for owners of buildings, mostly homeowners, to energy renovate by creating a “one stop shop” for energy renovation, where the owner only has to contact one certified building contractor and to get an overall counselling on energy renovation of the entire building. Skilled workmen are educated under the BetterHouses program to be advisors on energy renovation. The Danish Energy agency approves the BetterHouses firms and professionals like architects, engineers, craftsmen, energy consultants and building designers can take training courses to become BetterHouses advisors. The training is carried out at academies of higher education. A Better Houses advisor can manage the process and can follow the project all the way from plan to completed renovation. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_41 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 HO-5: Strategy for Energy renovation of buildings Single 41 Single PaM Education, Information, Research Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Danish Energy Agency 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Strategy for energy renovation of buildings: The former Government adopted in May 2014 a strategy for energy renovation of buildings. The strategy contains initiatives which will promote the renovation of the Danish building stocks and insures that energy efficiency measures are implemented on the buildings. It is expected, that the effect of the strategy on energy consumption will be a reduction of net energy consumption for heating and hot water with 35 pct. in 2050 compared with 2014. The strategy includes following initiatives: • Revision and upgrade of building regulations and energy requirements that applies to renovation and retrofitting of existing buildings • Information to building owners, construction companies, financial institutions etc. on energy how to improve energy efficiency • Revision of the energy certificates scheme to improve the efficiency of the scheme • Promotion of the ESCO-concept (ESCO: Energy Service Companies) • Promotion of energy efficiency in public buildings • Measures to improve professional training to craftsmen and engineers in the building sector • Development and demonstration of new technologies. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_42 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 IP-1: Regulation of use of HFCs, PFCs and SF6 (phasing out most of the uses) Single 42 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency 2006 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Import, sale and use of the substances or new products containing the substances is forbidden from 1 January 2006 with some exceptions. Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC
Denmark_43 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 AG-1(expired): Action Plan for the Aquatic Environment I+II and Action Plan for Sustainable Agriculture Single 43 Single PaM Regulatory Expired No information Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government, Local Government: State,Local: Municipalities 1987 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The action plans contain several measures e.g. with the objective to increase the area with winter green fields and better utilisation of manure. 2004 Expired 1987 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Denmark_44 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 AG-2(expired): Action Plan for the Aquatic Environment III Single 44 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Expired No information Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government, Local Government: State,Local: Municipalities 2004 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The plan contain several measures, where the most import in relation to greenhouse gas emissions are:  Establishment of 4000 ha wetlands in 2004 and 2005.  Making the rules on catch crops more rigorous.  Making the rules on exploitation of N in animal manure more rigorous.  Additional environmentally friendly measures in crop farming. 2015 Expired 2004 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Denmark_45 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 AG-4a/4b/4c/4d/4e: Reduced emissions of ammonia Single 45 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government, Local Government: State,Local: Municipalities 2001 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml 1) Optimisation of manure handling in sheds for cattle, pigs, poultry and fur animals. 2) Rules on covering storage facilities for solid manure and slurry tanks. 3) Ban on overall surface spreading and reduction of the time from field application of manure to incorporation. 4) Ban on ammonia treatment of straw. Implemented 2001 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Denmark_46 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 AG-4f: Environmental Approval Act for Livestock Holdings Single 46 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government, Local Government: State,Local: Municipalities 2007 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The measures covered by the Environmental Approval Act for Livestock Holdings are: • 300 m buffer zones around ammonia sensistive areas where no extension of livestock farms can take place if such an extension would lead to increased ammonia deposition in natural areas vulnerable to ammonia. • Demand for reduction of ammonia emissions relative to production facility with lowest ammonia emission norm: 2007: 15%, 2008: 20%, 2009: 25% • Demands for injection of animal slurry on black soil and grass within buffer zones (1 km from vulnerable natural areas). • Demand for fixed cover on most new containers for solid manure and slurry tanks (depending on distance to neighbours and vulnerable natural areas). • Reduced number of Livestock Unit per hectare (LU/ha) when in nitrate vulnerable areas with low denitrification capacity • Regulation of phosphorous surplus on manure spreading areas Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Denmark_47 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 AG-6: Biogas plants Single 47 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Agriculture; Energy supply Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels 240 Government Government: State 1987 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The Energy Policy Agreement continued funding biogas for CHP and introduced subsidy equality so that biogas sold to the natural gas grid receives the same subsidy as biogas used at CHP plants. In addition the agreement also introduced a new subsidy when biogas is used in industrial processes or as a fuel for transport. Implementation of the latter awaits approval by the European Commission under the EU state aid legislation. ”Biogasproduktions konsekvenser for drivhusgasudledning i landbruget” Rapport nr. 197 DCE, 2016. http://dce.au.dk/udgivelser/vr/nr-151-200/abstracts/nr-197-biogasproduktions-konsekvenser-for-drivhusgasudledning-i-landbruget/ Implemented 1987 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_48 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 AG-9(expired): Agreement on Green Growth Single 48 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Expired ESD, EU ETS Agriculture; Energy supply Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels 500 Government Government: State 2009 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009 N2O, CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The Green Growth Agreement contains targets with respect to discharges of nitrogen and phosphorus to the aquatic environment, protection of nature and biodiversity, development of renewable energy in the agricultural sector including biogas plant, reduction of harmful pesticides, development of the organic sector and strengthened initiatives within R&D within the agricultural and food sectors. 2015 Grøn Vækst, April 2009, Økonomi- og Erhvervsministeriet http://mfvm.dk/fileadmin/user_upload/FVM.dk/Dokumenter/Servicemenu/Publikationer/Groen_vaekst.pdf Expired 2009 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009
Denmark_49 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 LU-1: Ban on burning straw on fields Single 49 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Conservation of carbon in agricultural soils and reduction of air pollution.') Government, Local Government: State,Local: Municipalities 1989 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml One of the measures with an effect on return of carbon to the soil has been the ban on burning of straw residues on fields. The ban has resulted in greater return of carbon to the soil, and therefore increased carbon storage in the soil, as well as increased use of straw as a fuel. Both uses will result in a net reduction in CO2 emissions. Not burning straw prevents the methane and nitrous oxide emissions associated with the burning. On the other hand, there are some emissions of nitrous oxide in connection with the return of nitrogen to the soil when the straw is mulched. The measure works by regulating behaviour, and the ban was introduced from 1990. The measure was implemented in the form of a statutory order under the Environmental Protection Act, and compliance is monitored by the local authorities. The objectives are conservation of carbon in agricultural soils and reduction of air pollution. Implemented 1989 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Denmark_50 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 LU-2: Planting of windbreaks Single 50 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Enhancing carbon sequestration through planting of windbreaks') Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Food 1960 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Planting of windbreaks is another measure which will increase sequestration in woody biomass. The objective of planting windbreaks has been primarily to reduce wind erosion and ensure greater biodiversity. Planting of windbreaks has been supported under conditions described in the Statutory Order on Subsidies for Planting Windbreaks and Biotope-improving Measures (Statutory Order no. 1101 of 12/12/2002). Support has been granted under the EU Rural Districts Programme. For the period 2017-2019 windbreaks will be supported under the political agreement “Naturpakken” and will focus primarily on ensuring greater biodiversity. Since the end of the 1960s about 1,000 km of tree-lined windbreaks have been planted with government subsidies. It is also estimated that about 30% more has been planted without subsidies. Estimates indicate that planting of windbreaks leads to CO2 sequestration in woody biomass of about 130,000 tonnes CO2/year. Implemented 1960 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Denmark_51 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 LU-3: Subsidies scheme for private afforestation on agricultural land (increase the forest area in Denmark) Single 51 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Government Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency 1991 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Private owners of agricultural land can get grants for establishment of broadleaves or conifer forests, nursing of these in the first 3 years, establishment of fences, mapping and or accounting of the area - if the forest will be established in an area planned for afforestation. Subsidiced private afforestation 1990-2013: 22.000 ha Implemented 1991 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Denmark_52 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 LU-4: Public afforestation (state and municipalities) Single 52 Single PaM Regulatory, Voluntary Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Government, Local Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency,Local: Municipalities 1989 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml State forests are established with resilient tree-species as a collaboration between state, municipalities and (often) waterworks. On-going implementation through annual budgets. Implemented 1989 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Denmark_53 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 LU-5: Subsidy for conversion of arable land on organic soils to nature Single 53 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Food 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Payment of farmers to revert soils with high organic contents. From 2014 to 2017 is planned to give economic subsides to convert 2500 hectares of organic lowland areas into rewetted natural habitats and reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. The organic soils will be registered with no tillage, no fertilisation and no pesticide application. On-going implementation. The initiative is extended to 2020. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Denmark_54 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 WA-1: A ban of landfill of combustible waste. Single 54 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Local Local: Municipalities 1997 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml In 1996 the Statutory Order on Waste was amended to introduce an obligation for municipalities to assign combustible waste to incineration (corresponding to a stop for disposal of combustible waste at landfills) from 1 January 1997. As a result of this, large quantities of combustible waste that used to be disposed of at landfills are now either recycled or used as fuel in Danish incineration plants. Implemented 1997 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC
Denmark_55 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 WA-2: The waste tax Single 55 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Taxation 1987 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml A tax is imposed on waste for incineration or landfilling. The taxes are DKK 475 per tonne for landfilling and DKK 60,9/GJ for incineration Implemented 1987 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_56 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 WA-3: Weight-and-volume-based packaging taxes Single 56 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Government Government: Ministry of Taxation 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Weight-and-volume-based taxes (e.g. on various packaging, carrier bags and PVC film) encourage a reduction in packaging consumption and thus the quantities of waste. The weight-based tax is based on an index that reflects the environmental burden of the materials used. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_57 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 WA-4: Subsidy programme – Enterprise Scheme (special scheme for businesses) Single 57 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Government Government: Ministry for the Environment 2004 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml In 2005 the Programme for Cleaner Products etc. was replaced by the Danish government’s “Enterprise Scheme” which refunds CO2 taxes to business. The waste part of this programme was aimed exclusively at enterprises. A total of DKK 33 million for the five-year period 2004 to 2008 was earmarked for the waste part of the scheme. The subsidies were to be used to reduce the environmental impact of waste. Two projects with reduction of methane emissions were supported: a. To address the obstacles and to improve the method, another biocover-project was initiated in 2007 as part of the Enterprise Scheme. The project was performed on another landfill (i.e. not the landfill in the biocover-pilotproject 2005-2006 carried out with support from Danish EPA and the EU LIFE programme), and was taking the identified difficulties into account. A reduction of the methane emission of 79-93 % was reported in the project. b. In 2007 subsidies from the enterprise scheme were also given for establishing methane recovery and test pumping at 11 landfill sites. The results were reported in 2011 and showed a reduction of the emission of methane over a five year period equalling 84,435 tonnes of CO2 equivalents. In 2015 no money is assigned to the Entreprise Scheme, and it is expected, that this will also be the case in 2016. Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC
Denmark_58 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 WA-5: Increased recycling of waste plastic packaging Single 58 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency 1994 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The goal in the EU Packaging Directive of increasing the collection of plastic packaging waste for recycling to 22.5% was met in 2008 through an amendment to the Statutory Order on Waste requiring municipalities to improve the possibilities of people and enterprises to separate and deliver plastic packaging waste for recycling. This meant an increase in recycling of about 12,000 tonnes in 2012 compared to 2008. Implemented 1994 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Denmark_59 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 WA-6: Implementation of the EU landfill directive Single 59 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Government, Local Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency,Local: Municipalities 1999 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml On the basis of the EU Landfill Directive, demands on the establishment and operation of landfills in Denmark have been tightened with Statutory Orders No. 650 of 29 June 2001, No. 252 of 31 March 2009, No. 719 of 24 June 2011 and No. 1049 of 28th of August 2013 on landfills. According to the Statutory Orders on landfills, methane in landfills for mixed waste must be monitored. From landfills where significant amounts of biodegradable waste are disposed of, methane gas must be managed in an environmentally-sound way. Implemented 1999 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_60 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 WA-7(expired): Support for (construction of facilities for) gas recovery at landfill sites Single 60 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Government Government: Danish Energy Authority 1984 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Methane is recovered at landfills. The methane collected acts as fuel in CHP production. Waste, measures no longer in place, but replaced with the general price supplement (EN-3). 2001 Expired 1984 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Denmark_62 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam62 WA-9: Subsidy programme for biocovers on landfills Single 62 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management 300 Government Government: Danish Environmetal Protection Agency 2016 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Biocovers is a technique that uses compost as a cover on landfills. The microorganisms in the compost increases the oxidation of methane in the top layer. 2019 In order to evaluate the efficiency of an installed biocover system, the CH4 emission after installation is compared with the baseline emission. The total CH4 emission from the landfill is determined by performance of a series of campaigns using the tracer dilution method. The monitoring will take place 2,5 years after installation. Kilo CH4 per hour and Tons CH4 per year. ”Reduction of methane emission from landfills using bio-mitigation systems – from lab tests to full scale implementation” 300 http://orbit.dtu.dk/files/92419523/EurAsia_Waste_Management_Symposium_Kjeldsen_revised.pdf Virkemiddelkatalog, Tværministeriel arbejdsgruppe, August 2013, Klima-, Energi- og Bygningsministeriet https://ens.dk/sites/ens.dk/files/Analyser/virkemiddelkatalog_-_potentialer_og_omkostninger_for_klimatiltag.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Denmark_63 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam63 G-1: Group of all policies and measures Group 63 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62 Economic, Education, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory, Research, Voluntary See individual PaMs ESD, EU ETS Agriculture; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes; Land use, land use change and forestry; Transport; Waste management/waste Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production; Energy supply: Other energy supply; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production; Energy supply: Other energy supply; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other; Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other; Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Other transport; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Research and development'),Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production,Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Methane reduction'),Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production,Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Research and development'),Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Conservation of carbon in agricultural soils and reduction of air pollution.'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Enhancing carbon sequestration through planting of windbreaks'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Other transport ('Research and development'),Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government, Local, Other Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Danish Energy Agency and entities uner the EU ETS,Government: The electricity producers,Government: Danish Energy Agency and entities responsible for energy production,Government: Danish Energy Agency and entities responsible for energy production,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: EUDP Secretariat c/o Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: The Danish Energy Agency is responsible for the circular. The individual ministries and state institutions are responsible for the implementation of the circular.,Government: The Minister for Climate and Energy / The Danish Energy Authority,Government: Danish Energy Agency, other state authorities, enterprises,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Eneergy Agency,Other: European Commission,Government: Denmark`s Road Safety and Transport Agency,Government: Ministry of Justice,Government: Ministry of Justice,Government: Ministry of Transport and Energy, municipalities, Danish State Railways (DSB),Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Haulage contractors,Government: Ministry of Transport and Energy and Danish State Railways (DSB),Local: Municipalities,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Transport,Local: Municipality of Copenhagen,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency,Government: State,Local: Municipalities,Government: State,Local: Municipalities,Government: State,Local: Municipalities,Government: State,Local: Municipalities,Government: State,Government: State,Government: State,Local: Municipalities,Government: Ministry of Environment and Food,Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency,Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency,Local: Municipalities,Government: Ministry of Environment and Food,Local: Municipalities,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry for the Environment,Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency,Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency,Local: Municipalities,Government: Danish Energy Authority,Government: Ministry for the Environment,Government: Danish Environmetal Protection Agency See individual PaMs Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Energy Star Program;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC;Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC;F-gas Regulation 517/2014;F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC;CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009;LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Combined See individual PaMs “Remaining requirements to adopted measures (Kyoto units from the national JI and CDM programme) for the achievement of Denmark’s 21% reduction target 2008-2012 under the EU Burden Sharing Agreement of the joint EU15 8% reduction target under the Kyoto Protocol” Mill. tonnes See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Energy Star Program; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC; Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC; F-gas Regulation 517/2014; F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC; CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009; LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC
Denmark_64 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam64 HO-6 (new): Heat pumps as an energy service Single 64 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Danish Energy Agency 2016 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The purpose of the initiative is to facilitate a market for energy services based on heat pumps where energy companies install, finance, run and maintain heat pumps installed in mainly single family houses. In return the customer pays for the heat delivered by the heat pump. Thereby heat pumps as an energy service imitates the way that district heating has been deployed and driven in urban areas. The initiative is targeting mainly rural areas where demographic and economic conditions means that people are reluctant to invest in the transition of their fossil based heating to heating based on renewable energy. 2019 Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_65 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam65 AG-11(new+expired): Agreement on Green Growth 2.0 Single 65 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Expired ESD, LULUCF Agriculture; Energy supply Agriculture: Other agriculture; Agriculture: Other agriculture; Agriculture: Other agriculture; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Reduction of pesticides use'),Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Reduction of tax on productive farmland'),Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Conversion to organic farming'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 0 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Food 2010 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The agreement contains a series of initiatives to improve agriculture and food sector growth conditions and thus help to secure employment on farms, in the food industry and downstream industries. The initiatives also contribute to support Denmark's target of 30 per cent renewable energy by 2020 and fulfilment of Denmark's climate goals through further development of bioenergy. 2015 -400 Notat nr. 2, Vedrørende effekter af forskellige tiltag i forbindelse med Grøn Vækst, Aarhus Universitet http://pure.au.dk/portal/files/38211855/010511_DJF_DMU_notat_2_inkl_Baselinegruppens_kommentarer_og_sp_rgsm_l.pdf Expired 2010 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
Denmark_66 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam66 AG-12(new): Political Agreement on a Food and Agricultural Package Single 66 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD, LULUCF Agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Improve the ability of the food and agricultural industry to increase primary production and exports, as well as to contribute to creating growth and jobs, in due interaction with protection of nature and the environment.') -122 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Food 2016 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora; Council Directive concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (91/676/EEC); N2O, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The agreement includes a diverse package of measures to make a shift in the way environmental regulation of the agricultural sector is carried out, from a general regulation to a targeted approach, and within five focus areas: Sustainable basis (The activity includes RDP measures for new environmental technology in farming, organic farming, nature protection and efforts to reduce nitrates leaching to the water environment, including set aside of low-lying farmland with climate focus or subsidy for conversion of arable land on organic soils to nature)/ Increased commodity basis/ Strengthened competitiveness/Development of future food production/ Visionary export efforts. Net neutral effect on total greenhouse gas emissions is expected when including the effect in the LULUCF sector. -371 Svar på spørgsmål nr. 391 (alm. del) stillet af Folketingets Miljø- og Fødevareudvalg den 15. januar 2016 . http://www.ft.dk/samling/20151/almdel/mof/spm/391/svar/1299227/1598927/index.htm Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Denmark_67 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam67 AG-13(new): Agreement on Nature (the Nature Package) Single 67 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Protection of biodiversity through increased involvement of farmers in land use planning, simplification of related legislation etc.'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Protection of biodiversity through increased involvement of farmers in land use planning, simplification of related legislation etc.') Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Food 2016 Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora;Council Directive 91/676/EEC of 12 December 1991 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml Political agreement aiming, amongst other goals, towards an increased protection of biodiversity. The agreement states initiatives within the following areas: Converting forests for biodiversity purpose, continued agreements for nature, nature and biodiversity, urban nature and outdoors recreation, open land management and the farmer’s role as resource manager, modern nature conservation, and simplification of legislation. Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Denmark_68 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam68 G3: All RE mitigation actions (Renewable Energy) since 1990 Group 68 12,13,14,15,21 Economic, Regulatory, Voluntary See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 22300 Government Government: The electricity producers,Government: Danish Energy Agency and entities responsible for energy production,Government: Danish Energy Agency and entities responsible for energy production,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Energy Agency, other state authorities, enterprises See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The calculation of the annual total CO2 reducing effect of renewable energy mitigation actions follows the EU methodology for calculating this effect under the EU Renewable Energy Directive. For the period 1990-2014 the calculations are based on energy statistics. For the years 2020 and 2030 (= 2025 in practice) the calculations are based on the latest energy projection from December 2015. The Danish Government will pursue a target of at least 50 per cent of Denmark’s energy needs to come from renewable sources by 2030. See individual PaMs 24700 BR2/CTF http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/application/pdf/dnk_2016_v4.0_resubmission.pdf 2014 14800 For this group of RE-PAMs the same methodology has been applied for Ex-post estimates and Ex-ante estimates: The total CO2 emission reduction effects of renewable energy policies and measures (RE) have been estimated using the methodology to be used under EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED). In December 2015 Denmark reported estimates for 2013 and 2014 to the EU in accordance with the RED (http://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/renewable-energy/progress-reports ). The methodology used with energy statistics for 2013 and 2014 has been applied both to annual energy statistics back to 1990 and to annual energy projections for 2015-2025. The results are shown in the diagram below – both as annual effect (the light green curve) and annual effect from 1990 (the dark green curve). The results from the latter for 2020 and 2025 (as a proxy for 2030) have been reported in table 3 of the CTF. The estimation reflects the total CO2 reduction effects of the increase in renewable energy in Denmark’s energy mix. In accordance with the RED the annual estimates of total effect of renewable energy are based on the sum of the estimates for “CO2 savings from RE in electricity production” (2020: 15.5 MtCO2 / 2025(2030): 17.7 MtCO2), “CO2 savings from RE in heating and cooling” (2020: 8.8 MtCO2 / 2025(2030): 9.0 MtCO2) and “CO2 savings from RE in transport” (2020: 0.9 MtCO2 / 2025(2030): 0.9 MtCO2). From this it can be seen that the measures regarding RE in electricity production are contributing the most to the total reductions from RE measures. For this group of RE-PAMs the same methodology has been applied for Ex-post estimates and Ex-ante estimates: The total CO2 emission reduction effects of renewable energy policies and measures (RE) have been estimated using the methodology to be used under EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED). In December 2015 Denmark reported estimates for 2013 and 2014 to the EU in accordance with the RED (http://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/renewable-energy/progress-reports ). The methodology used with energy statistics for 2013 and 2014 has been applied both to annual energy statistics back to 1990 and to annual energy projections for 2015-2025. The results are shown in the diagram below – both as annual effect (the light green curve) and annual effect from 1990 (the dark green curve). The results from the latter for 2020 and 2025 (as a proxy for 2030) have been reported in table 3 of the CTF. The estimation reflects the total CO2 reduction effects of the increase in renewable energy in Denmark’s energy mix. In accordance with the RED the annual estimates of total effect of renewable energy are based on the sum of the estimates for “CO2 savings from RE in electricity production” (2020: 15.5 MtCO2 / 2025(2030): 17.7 MtCO2), “CO2 savings from RE in heating and cooling” (2020: 8.8 MtCO2 / 2025(2030): 9.0 MtCO2) and “CO2 savings from RE in transport” (2020: 0.9 MtCO2 / 2025(2030): 0.9 MtCO2). From this it can be seen that the measures regarding RE in electricity production are contributing the most to the total reductions from RE measures. BR2/CTF http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/application/pdf/dnk_2016_v4.0_resubmission.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Denmark_69 Denmark 2907 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam69 G4: All EE mitigation actions (Energy Efficiency) since 1990 Group 69 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,11,17,18,19,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,34,35,37,38,39,40,41 Economic, Education, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory, Research, Voluntary See individual PaMs ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply; Transport Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 16400 Government, Local, Other Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Ministry of Taxation,Government: Danish Energy Agency and entities uner the EU ETS,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: The Danish Energy Agency is responsible for the circular. The individual ministries and state institutions are responsible for the implementation of the circular.,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Eneergy Agency,Other: European Commission,Government: Denmark`s Road Safety and Transport Agency,Government: Ministry of Justice,Government: Ministry of Justice,Government: Ministry of Transport and Energy, municipalities, Danish State Railways (DSB),Government: Danish Environmental Protection Agency, Haulage contractors,Government: Ministry of Transport and Energy and Danish State Railways (DSB),Local: Municipalities,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Transport,Local: Municipality of Copenhagen,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Energy Agency,Government: Danish Energy Agency See individual PaMs Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Energy Star Program;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC;Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU CO2, CH4, N2O See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/dk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaqrjw/DK_adjusted.xml The calculation of the annual total CO2 reducing effect of energy effciency mitigation actions follows the the empirically deduced assumption that the increase in Gross Energy Consumption - on average over several years - will follow the economic growth less 0.5 percentage point as 0.5 percentage point is assumed to be the avoided increase in energy consumption due to energy effciency actions in businesses and households not related to any mitigation action (i.e. due to economic optimisation or other incentives). For the period 1990-2014 the calculations are based on energy statistics. For the years 2020 and 2030 (= 2025 in practice) the calculations are based on the latest energy projection from December 2015. The calculations of CO2 reductions effects are based on annual CO2 intensity and therefore takes into account the increasing amount of renewable energy in energy supply in Denmark (e.g. if Denmark will have no use of fossil fuels in 2050, the effects of energy efficiency mitigation actions on CO2 emissions will be zero). See individual PaMs 17700 BR2/CTF http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/application/pdf/dnk_2016_v4.0_resubmission.pdf 2014 14400 For this group of EE-PAMs the same methodology has been applied for Ex-post estimates and Ex-ante estimates: The total effects of energy efficiency policies and measures (EE) have been estimated using annual energy statistics back to 1990 and annual energy projections for 2015-2025. For the estimation it has been assumed that energy consumption will follow the economic growth minus 0.5 percentage point – where the latter is due to experience with the energy saving measures implemented with no incentives other than economic savings or other non-PAMs related incentives. The results are shown in the diagram below – both as annual effect if the energy mix would have stayed as it was in 1990 (the red curve) and annual effect with the actual or projected energy mix (the blue curve) – i.e. the CO2 effect of EE-measures decreases when the energy consumption becomes less CO2-intensive (tCO2/PJ) due to the increase in RE. The results from the latter for 2020 and 2025 (as a proxy for 2030) have been reported in table 3 of the CTF. For this group of EE-PAMs the same methodology has been applied for Ex-post estimates and Ex-ante estimates: The total effects of energy efficiency policies and measures (EE) have been estimated using annual energy statistics back to 1990 and annual energy projections for 2015-2025. For the estimation it has been assumed that energy consumption will follow the economic growth minus 0.5 percentage point – where the latter is due to experience with the energy saving measures implemented with no incentives other than economic savings or other non-PAMs related incentives. The results are shown in the diagram below – both as annual effect if the energy mix would have stayed as it was in 1990 (the red curve) and annual effect with the actual or projected energy mix (the blue curve) – i.e. the CO2 effect of EE-measures decreases when the energy consumption becomes less CO2-intensive (tCO2/PJ) due to the increase in RE. The results from the latter for 2020 and 2025 (as a proxy for 2030) have been reported in table 3 of the CTF. BR2/CTF http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/application/pdf/dnk_2016_v4.0_resubmission.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Energy Star Program; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC; Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU
Estonia_1 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Improvement of the efficiency of the use of oil shale (2x215MW) Single 1 Single PaM Regulatory Expired EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 632.7 9.8 Companies Companies: Eesti Energia AS 2004 Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml Reconstruction of two units in Narva Elektrijaamad AS (Narva Power Plants). Replacing of oil shale boilers of conventional pulverized combustion technology with the ones utilizing the circulating fluidized bed combustion. Capacity of 2x215 MW 2005 632.7 0 552.4 0 552.4 9.8 0 9.6 0 9.6 The effects in the WEM scenario are calculated against the scenario, where the same amount of electricity would have been produced from the old oil shale pulverised combustion blocks. 245000000 2004 245000000 The absolute cost of the investment was 245 000 000 EUR Expired 2004 With existing measures Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Estonia_9 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Investments through the European Regional Develompent Fund for reconstruction of boilerhouses and heat networks Single 9 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 60 60 Companies Companies: Environmental Investment Centre 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml Investments through the European Regional Development Fund for reconstruction of boilerhouses and heat networks. A total of 21 project were financed. 2012 60 0 60 0 60 60 0 60 0 60 Calculated by the Environmental Investment Centre 2900000 2010-2012 2010 2900000 The total investment was 8 700 000 EUR between 2010 and 2012 The cost of the investment was calculated by the Environmental Investment Centre Expired 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_31 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Energy efficiency improvement in residential buildings Single 31 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 28 28 Government Government: KredEx 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes investments through Green Investment Scheme to the improvement of energy efficiency in residential buildings. Grants of 15% to 35% of the total cost of renovation was supported through this measure. 2012 0 28 0 28 28 0 28 0 28 28 Calculated by KredEx. 9333000 2010-2012 2010 9333000 The total investment was 28 000 000 €. Investment was bade 2010-2012. Expired 2010 With existing measures No No information
Estonia_30 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Energy efficiency improvement in public buildings Single 30 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 27.8 27.8 Government Government: State Real Estate Ltd. 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes investments through Green Investment Scheme to the improvement of energy efficiency in public buildings. Between 2010 and 2013, total of 540 public buildings were renovated. 2013 0 27.8 0 27.8 27.8 0 27.8 0 27.8 27.8 Calculated by State Real Estate Ltd. 41400000 2010-2013 2010 41400000 The total investment was 165 600 000 €. The investment was made between 2010 and 2013. Expired 2010 With existing measures No No information
Estonia_2 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Improvement of the efficiency of the use of oil shale (300 MW) Single 2 Single PaM Regulatory Expired EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 631.2 565.6 Companies Companies: Eesti Energia AS 2012 Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml Reconstruction of one unit in Narva Elektrijaamad AS (Narva Power Plants). Replacing of oil shale boiler of conventional pulverized combustion tehcnology with the one utilizing circulating fluidized bed combustion. Capacity of 300 MW 2015 631.2 0 733.6 0 733.6 565.6 0 439.3 0 439.3 The effects in the WEM scenario are calculated against the scenario, where the same amount of electricity would have been produced from the old oil shale pulverised combustion blocks. As the construction of the new unit is still underway, then no ex-post assessment is available. As the construction of the new unit is still underway, then no ex-post assessment is available. 640000000 2011 540000000 The total cost of the investment is planned to be 640 000 000 EUR. Information according to the owner of the plant. https://www.energia.ee/uudised/-/news/2014/09/10/valmisid-auvere-elektrijaama-elutahtsad-susteemid Expired 2012 With existing measures Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Estonia_3 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Support for renewable and efficient CHP based electricity production Single 3 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 1010.1 1154.1 Companies Companies: Elering AS 2007 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml Support for renewable electricity production is regulated by the Electricity Market Act. 53.7 €/MWh is paid for electricity produced from renewable energy sources, except biomass; 53.7 €/MWh for electricity produced from biomass in combined heat and power (CHP) mode; 32 €/MWh for electrcitiy produced in efficient CHP mode from waste, peat or oil shale retort gas; 32 €/MWH for electricity produced in efficient CHP mode using generating equipment with a capacity of not more than 10 MW. 1010.1 0 1124.9 0 1124.9 1154.1 0 1023.4 0 1023.4 Calculated using energy savins as an input (projected energy savings were converted into GHG savings) The support rate is calculated yearly. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Estonia_4 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Investment support for wind parks Single 4 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 66 66 Companies Companies: Environmental Investment Centre 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml Investment support is provided under different schemes (including JI projects and GIS) 66 0 66 0 66 66 0 66 0 66 Estimations publicly not available The investment was made in 2010 and therefore no projected cost is available. 23000000 2010 2010 23000000 The investment was made in 2010 and the total cost was 23 000 000 EUR. Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Estonia_5 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Renovation of boilerhouses Single 5 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 71.2 143.5 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The measure includes fuel switch from oil fuels to renewable and/or local energy sources like biomass, peat, etc. 71.2 0 82.7 0 82.7 143.5 0 228.2 0 228.2 Calculated using energy savins as an input (projected energy savings were converted into GHG savings) 37500000 2015-2030 2010 37500000 The costs are calculated in the report "Analysis of heat sector in context of Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian). E.g. investment supports for renovation of boilerhouses. Analysis of heat sector in context of Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_6 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Renovation of heat networks Single 6 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses Energy supply: Reduction of losses 52.6 106.3 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The aim of the measure is to reduce the losses in district heating networks. Investments will be made to renovate heat networks and reduce losses. 52.6 0 61.6 0 61.3 106.3 0 208.9 0 208.9 Calculated using energy savins as an input (projected energy savings were converted into GHG savings) 3750000 2015-2030 2010 3750000 The costs are calculated in the "Analysis of heat sector in context of Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian) Analysis of heat sector in context of Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_7 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Transition of consumers to local and place heating Single 7 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 21.6 43.8 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml District heating networks that operate inefficiently (the amount of MWh sold per meter of heat pipes is less then 1.2) will be restructured to local and place heating. 21.6 0 25.2 0 25.2 43.8 0 55.6 0 55.6 Calculated using energy savins as an input (projected energy savings were converted into GHG savings) 1000000 2015-2030 2010 1000000 The costs are calculated in the "Analysis of heat sector in context of Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian) Analysis of heat sector in context of Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_8 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Investments through Green Investment Scheme for reconstructin of boilerhouses and heat networks Single 8 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 96.5 96.5 Companies Companies: Enironmental Investment Centre 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml Investment support through Green Investment Scheme for reconstruction of boilerhouses and heat networks. 96.5 0 96.5 0 96.5 96.5 0 96.5 0 96.5 Confidential Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_10 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Additional renovation of boilerhouses Single 10 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 67.7 136.8 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes additional implementation of the measure "Renovation of boilerhouses". This means that additional investments are planned to achieve additional energy efficiency and additional GHG savings. 67.7 0 79 0 79 136.8 0 216.6 0 216.6 Calculated using energy savins as an input (projected energy savings were converted into GHG savings) 48425000 2015-2030 2010 48425000 The costs are calculated in the "Analysis of heat sector in context of Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian) Analysis of heat sector in context of Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian) Planned 2015 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_11 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Additional renovation of heat networks Single 11 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses Energy supply: Reduction of losses 184.4 372.4 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes additional implementation of the measure "renovation of heat networks". This means that additional investments are planned to achieve additional energy efficiency and additional GHG savings. 184.4 0 214.5 0 214.5 372.4 0 448.1 0 448.1 Calculated using energy savins as an input (projected energy savings were converted into GHG savings) 9375000 2015-2020 2010 9375000 The costs are calculated in the "Analysis of heat sector in context of Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian) Analysis of heat sector in context of Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian) Planned 2015 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_12 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Increasing the share of biofuels in transport Single 12 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 244 501.6 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2010 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The main target of this measure is to achieve the 10% share of biofuels in transport sector by 2020. 0 244 0 372.8 372.8 0 501.6 0 518.4 518.4 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Estonia_13 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Increase of fuel economy in transport Single 13 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 40.8 99 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml Includes developing support system for energy efficient cars and also support the use of hybrid buses, hybrid trolleys, electrical buses etc. 0 40.8 0 69.9 69.9 0 99 0 99 99 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input 6000000 2015-2030 2010 6000000 Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_14 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Promotion of economical driving Single 14 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour 36.3 88.3 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes promitn the eco-driving and also developing light traffic. E.g. Development of patwhays and bycicle paths. 0 36.3 0 62.5 62.5 0 88.3 0 88.3 88.3 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input 14000000 2015-2030 2010 14000000 The costs are calculated in the report "Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian) Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Estonia_15 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Reduction of forced movements with personal vehicles in transport Single 15 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction 15.4 37.4 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes developing telecommunication and also developing short-term rental cars systems. The measure aims to mitigate the transport load in rush hours. 0 15.4 0 26.4 26.4 0 37.4 0 37.4 37.4 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input 500000 2015-2030 2010 500000 The costs are calculated in the report "Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian). E.g. Investments into telecommunication for develompent of working from homes system. Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Estonia_16 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Improvement of the traffic system Single 16 Single PaM Economic, Information, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 39.5 95.9 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes updating the parking policies in cities, planning the land use to reduce the use of private cars, restructuring the streets in cities, etc. 0 39.5 0 67.6 67.6 0 95.9 0 95.9 95.9 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input 16700000 2015-2030 2010 16700000 The costs are calculated in the report "Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian). E.g. investments into land to influence land use. Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Estonia_17 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Development of convinient and modern public transport Single 17 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 22.2 53.8 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes improvement of the availability of public transport, development of ticket systems and new servises. 0 22.2 0 38 38 0 53.8 0 53.8 53.8 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input 17000000 2015-2030 2010 17000000 The costs are calculated in the report "Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian). E.g. investments into vehicle fleet for more frequent timetables. Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Estonia_18 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Additional increase of fuel economy in transport Single 18 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 21.9 62.2 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes additional implementation of the measure "Increase of fuel economy in transport". This means that additional investments are planned to achieve additional energy efficiency and additional GHG savings. 0 21.9 0 42.1 42.1 0 62.2 0 69.7 69.7 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input Planned 2015 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Estonia_19 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Additional promotion of economical driving Single 19 Single PaM Economic, Information Planned ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour 31.3 88.9 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes additional implementation of the measure "Promotion of economical driving". This means that additional investments are planned to achieve additional energy efficiency and additional GHG savings. 0 31.3 0 60.2 60.2 0 88.9 0 99.7 99.7 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input Planned 2015 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Estonia_20 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Additional reduction of forced movements with private vehicles in transport Single 20 Single PaM Economic, Planning Planned ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction 18.5 52.7 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes additional implementation of the measure "Reduction of forced movements with private vehicles in transport". This means that additional investments are planned to achieve additional energy efficiency and additional GHG savings. 0 18.5 0 35.7 35.7 0 52.7 0 59.1 59.1 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input Planned 2015 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Estonia_21 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Additional improvement of the traffic system Single 21 Single PaM Economic, Information, Planning, Regulatory Planned ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 92.5 262.8 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes additional implementation of the measure "Improvement of the traffic system". This means that additional investments are planned to achieve additional energy efficiency and additional GHG savings. 0 92.5 0 178 178 0 262.8 0 294.8 294.8 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input Planned 2015 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Estonia_22 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Additional development of convinient and modern public transport Single 22 Single PaM Economic, Information Planned ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 37.4 106.2 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes additional implementation of the measure "Development of convinient and modern public transport". This means that additional investments are planned to achieve additional energy efficiency and additional GHG savings. 0 37.4 0 71.9 71.9 0 106.2 0 119.1 119.1 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input Planned 2015 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Estonia_23 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Road usage fees for cars and heavy duty vehicles Single 23 Single PaM Fiscal Planned ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour 94.6 268.3 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2020 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes a system of road usage fees for cars and heavy duty vehicles. The system should be based on the mileage, location, environmental aspects, etc. 0 94.6 0 181.7 181.7 0 268.3 0 301 301 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input 62000000 2020-2035 2008 62000000 The costs are calculated in the report "Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian). Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian). Planned 2020 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_24 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Congestion charge Single 24 Single PaM Fiscal Planned ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Improved behaviour 23.1 65.8 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2020 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes development and implementation of congestion charge system in Tallinn (the capital of Estonia) 0 21.1 0 44.6 44.6 0 65.8 0 73.8 73.8 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input 13000000 2020-2035 2010 13000000 The costs are calculated in the report "Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian). E.g. investments into the infrastructure of the system. Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian) Planned 2020 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_25 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Development of the railroad infrastructure Single 25 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Demand management/reduction 11 31.4 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2020 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes building Rail Baltic and also raising the speed limit to 160 km/h in Tallinn-Narva and Tapa-Tartu directions. 0 11 0 21.2 21.2 0 31.4 0 35.2 35.2 Calculated using the projected fuel savings as an input 30000000 2020-2035 2010 30000000 The costs are calculated in the report "Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian). E.g. investments into the railroad infrastructure. Transport and movement scenarios in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian). Planned 2020 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Estonia_26 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Reconstruction of public and commercial buildings Single 26 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 0.9 1.8 Companies Companies: KredEx 2015 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes reconstruction of 10% of the existing buildings in the 20 year period (energy efficiency class D) 0 0.9 0 1.4 1.4 0 1.8 0 2.1 2.1 Calculated using energy savins as an input Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_27 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Reconstruction of private houses and apartment buildings Single 27 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 1.7 3.3 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes reconstruction of 10% of existing private houses (energy efficiency class E) and 15% of existing apartment buildings in the 20 year period (energy efficiency class E). 0 1.7 0 2.5 2.5 0 3.3 0 4.1 4.1 Calculated using energy savins as an input 3470000 2015-2030 2010 3470000 The costs are calculated in the report "Analysis of the housing sector in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (in estonian) Analysis of the housing sector in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (in estonian) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_28 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Implementation of the minimum requirements for nearly zero buildings Single 28 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 5.3 10.5 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The requirements will be implemented as required by the Energy Efficiency Directive and in the Government regulation "Minimum energy efficiency requirements". 0 5.3 0 7.9 7.9 0 10.5 0 12.9 12.9 Calculated using energy savings as an input Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_29 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Promotion of the use of energy efficient electrical appliances in residential sector Single 29 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 44.9 30.8 Government Government: Government 2010 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The increased use of energy efficient electrical appliances in households is expected to lead to an annual saving of 0.5PJ of electricity. 0 44.9 0 38.7 38.7 0 30.8 0 30.3 30.3 Calculated using energy savings as an input Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Estonia_32 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Street lighting reconstruction programme Single 32 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 1.5 1 Government Government: Environmental Investment Centre 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes investments through Green Investment Scheme to the reconstruction of street lighting. According to the programme 7 Estonian cities (with population between 8000 and 15000 inhabitants) will get energy efficient street lighting. 0 1.5 0 1.3 1.3 0 1 0 1 1 Calculated using energy savings as an input 2000000 2015-2019 2010 2000000 The investment is expected to be at least 10 000 000 €. It is calculated by the Environmental Investment Centre. The cost is calculated by the Environmental Investment Centre. Implemented 2012 With existing measures No No information
Estonia_33 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Additional reconstruction of public and commercial buildings Single 33 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 2.8 5.7 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes additional implementation of the measure "Reconstruction of public and commercial buildings". This means that additional investments are planned to achieve additional energy efficiency and additional GHG savings. 0 2.8 0 4.3 4.3 0 5.7 0 6.6 6.6 Calculated using energy savings as an input Planned 2015 With additional measuses Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_34 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Additional reconstruction of private houses and apartment buildings Single 34 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 36.9 73.7 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes additional implementation of the measure "Reconstruction of private houses and apartment buildings". This means that additional investments are planned to achieve additional energy efficiency and additional GHG savings. 0 36.9 0 55.3 55.3 0 73.7 0 90.5 90.5 Calculated using energy savings as an input 94330000 2015-2030 2010 94330000 The costs are calculated in the report "Analysis of the housing sector in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (in estonian) Analysis of the housing sector in the context of the Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (in estonian) Planned 2015 With additional measuses Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_35 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Accelerated implementation of the minimum requirements for nearly zero buildings Single 35 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 7.9 15.8 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The requirements will be implemented faster than required by the Energy Efficiency Directive. Since this is a planned measure then it is not clear yet when the requirements will be implemented. 0 7.9 0 11.9 11.9 0 15.8 0 19.4 19.4 Calculated using energy savings as an input Planned 2015 With additional measuses Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_36 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Additional transition of consumers to local and place heating Single 36 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 49.6 100.1 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communication 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This measure includes additional implementation of the measure "Transition of consumers to local and place heating". This means that additional investments are planned to achieve additional energy efficiency and additional GHG savings. 49.6 0 57.5 0 57.5 100.1 0 139.9 0 139.9 Calculated using energy savins as an input 2000000 2015-2030 2010 2000000 The costs are calculated in the report "Analysis of heat sector in context of Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+" (report in estonian). E.g. investment supports for installing new local and place heating boilers. Analysis of heat sector in context of Energy Sector Development Plan 2030+ (report in estonian) Planned 2015 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Estonia_37 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Bans and duties from the Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases Single 37 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances 1.63 77.22 Government Government: Ministry of the environment 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml Bans and duties (that have effect on projected emissions) include: • bans of bringing certain new equipment on the market; • the service ban for F-gases with GWP 2500 and more; • duty of collecting the gases from decommissioned equipment; • certification duties for enterpreneurs who are handling the F-gases. GHG reduction from the subsector 2.F in comparison with the base year (2013) kt CO2 eq There were no assessments nor technical reports found in the internet regarding the GHG reduction effects of the Regulation No 517/2014. 1.63 44.52 44.52 77.22 100.93 100.93 No external publication was used. The estimates were calculated on the basis of the data that was used to compile Estonian greenhouse gas inventory. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Estonia_38 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Duty of implementing best available techniques Single 38 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('Minimising CO2 emissions from industrial processes by implementing best available techniques') Government Government: Ministry of the environment 2001 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The purpose of the duty is to enforce certain manufacturing companies to use best available techniques in order to minimise emissions into air (including GHG emissions), water and soil. Implemented 2001 With existing measures No No information
Estonia_49 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 Projected effect of measures applied in Solid waste Disposal on Land Group 49 43,47 Planning, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling 3.2 14.9 Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Environment See individual PaMs Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4, N2O See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml As both quantified measures are an integral part of the emission projection, then the effects are presented by subsectors, not measures. See individual PaMs Reduction of biodegradable waste in landfills % Recycling percentafe of biodegradable waste % See both references under general comments. 3.2 1.8 1.8 14.9 22.3 23.3 No external publication was used. The estimates were calculated on the basis of the data that was used to compile Estonian greenhouse gas inventory. See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Estonia_50 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 Projected effects of measures applied in Biodegradable Treatment of Solid Waste Group 50 43,44 Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management 2.5 1.1 Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Environment See individual PaMs Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml As both quantified measures are an integral part of the emission projection, then the effects are presented by subsectors, not measures. See individual PaMs Recycling of municipal waste in the total amount by weight of municipal waste % Recycling percentafe of biodegradable waste % 2.5 2.8 2.8 1.1 0 0 No external publication was used. The estimates were calculated on the basis of the data that was used to compile Estonian greenhouse gas inventory. See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Estonia_39 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Facilitating the supply and use of renewable sources of energy, by-products, wastes, residues and other non-food raw material for purposes of the bio-economy Single 39 Single PaM Economic, Information, Research Implemented ESD Agriculture; Energy supply Agriculture: Other agriculture; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Increase supply of biomass for electricity, heat, liquid fuels or gas'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 4.5 11.3 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 No No information CH4, N2O, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The main requirement underlined within this measure is to support the production of heat and electricity from biogas. The objectives are furthered by activities of article 17 in the development plan which include activity type “Investments to improve the productivity of agricultural enterprises” within the framework of which investments are endorsed to produce electricity, heat, liquid fuels or gas out of biomass. 2020 Estonian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 4.5 7.7 7.7 11.3 14.9 14.9 http://www.agri.ee/et/eesmargid-tegevused/eesti-maaelu-arengukava-mak-2014-2020 Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
Estonia_40 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 Organic farming Single 40 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The objectives of the support for organic farming are: to support and improve the competitiveness of organic farming; to increase biological and landscape diversity and to maintain and improve soil fertility and water quality. 2020 Organically farmed land area ha Estonian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 http://www.agri.ee/et/eesmargid-tegevused/eesti-maaelu-arengukava-mak-2014-2020 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Estonia_41 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 Support for environmentally friendly management Single 41 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Promote the introduction and continual use of environmentally friendly management methods in agriculture.') Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009 CH4, CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The objectives are to promote the introduction and continual use of environmentally friendly management methods in agriculture in order to protect and increase biological and landscape diversity and to protect the status of water and soil; to expand environmentally friendly planning in agriculture and to increase the awareness of agricultural producers of the environment. 2020 Estonian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 http://www.agri.ee/et/eesmargid-tegevused/eesti-maaelu-arengukava-mak-2014-2020 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009
Estonia_42 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 EU CAP Greening measure Single 42 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('carbon sequestration on croplands') Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml Under the EU CAP the Greening measure aims to limit and reduce GHG emissions and to enhance carbon sequestration on croplands. The objective of the measure is to make farms with monocultures more environmentally friendly and sustainable. 2020 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Estonia_43 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Prohibition concerning percentage of biodegradable waste deposited Single 43 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2004 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The percentage of biodegradable waste in the total amount by weight of municipal waste deposited in landfills in Estonia shall not exceed: 45% by 16 July 2010; 30% by 16 July 2013 and 20% by July 2020. 2020 Reduction of biodegradable waste % Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Estonia_44 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Increasing reusing and recycling of waste materials Single 44 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2014 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml Re-use and the recycling of waste materials such as paper, metal, plastic and glass from households and possibly from other origins as far as these waste streams are similar to waste from households, shall be increased at least to the extent of 50% of the total weight of such waste per calendar year. 2020 Recycling of municipal waste in the total amount by weight of municipal waste % Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Estonia_46 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 Promoting the prevention and reduction of waste generated, including reducing the hazard of waste Single 46 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2014 No No information CH4, N2O Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The overall objective of the measure is to improve the resource efficiency of Estonia’s economy and promoting waste prevention to reduce the negative impact on environment and human health. 2020 621667 2014-2020 2014 621667 The cost of implementing this measure includes following activities: -Supporting corporations and local governments that wish to promote re-use of waste ( e.g. building new reuse centers). -Energy and resource management related trainings and raising awareness. Conducting energy and resource audits. - Analysis of economic measures and development of regulatory measures for waste prevention and re-use stimulation. -Investments in the best possible resource-efficient technology including resource management systems and IT support. -Consistent waste prevention and raising awareness. National Waste Management Plan 2014-2020 http://www.envir.ee/sites/default/files/riigi_jaatmekava_2014-2020.pdf Implemented 2014 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Estonia_47 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 Recycling or reusing waste at the maximum level Single 47 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2014 No No information CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml This strategic objective is set to increase recycling of municipal waste and biodegradable waste in the total amount of municipal solid waste and developing a nationwide waste collection network with intensified waste reporting system. 2020 Recycling percentage of biodegradable waste in the total amount by weight of municipal waste % 5400000 2014-2020 2014 5400000 The cost of implementing this measure includes following activities: -Optimization of biodegradable waste collection and treatment networks. -Optimization of hazardous waste collection and treatment networks. -Optimization of separately collected waste collection and treatment networks. -Conducting waste management studies. -Developing criteria for end of waste. -Increasing awareness about waste reuse and recycling. National Waste Management Plan 2014-2020 http://www.envir.ee/sites/default/files/riigi_jaatmekava_2014-2020.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
Estonia_48 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Reducing environmental risks arising from waste, improvement of monitoring and supervision Single 48 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Other waste; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Other waste ('improvement of monitoring and supervision'),Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2014 No No information CH4 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The overall objective of the measure is to improve hazardous waste treatment options and reducing environmental risks arising from waste disposal. 2020 44333333.33 2014-2020 2014 44333333.33 The cost of implementing this measure includes following activities: -Improving production technologies in order to reduce waste harmfulness. -Research on hazardous waste background and results application. -Landfill care and monitoring, analysis of data. -Strengthening the supervision of waste management in general (e.g. compliance with environmental requirements). -Supporting the collection of abandoned hazardous waste. National Waste Management Plan 2014-2020 http://www.envir.ee/sites/default/files/riigi_jaatmekava_2014-2020.pdf Implemented 2014 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Estonia_51 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 Increasing forest increment and ability to sequestrate carbon through timely regeneration of forests for climate change mitigation Single 51 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2011 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) The EU Forest Strategy (1998) Communication on a new EU Forest Stragegy (COM(2013)659) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The overall objective of the measure is to support activities related to timely regeneration of forests in order to mitigate climate change. The measure helps to increase GHG removals and decrease emissions by/from forest land. 2020 377200 2014-2020 2010 377200 The cost of the measure is provided in the Estonian Forestry Development Plan until 2020. Estonian Forestry Development Plan until 2020 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Estonia_52 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 Promotion of regeneration of forests in managed private forests with the tree species suitable for the habitat type Single 52 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2011 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) the EU Forest Strategy (1998) Communication on a new EU Forest Strategy (COM(2013) 659) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The measure grants the supply of tree species suitable for the habitat type to promote efficient and fast regeneration of private forests. The measure has a positive effect on the growth of a new forest which helps to reduce GHG emissions and increase carbon uptake from felling areas. 2020 914000 2014-2020 2010 914000 The cost of the measure is provided in the Estonian Forestry Development Plan until 2020. Estonia Forestry Development Plan until 2020 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Estonia_53 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 Improving forest health condition and preventing the spreading of dangerous forest detractors Single 53 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2011 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) The EU Forest Strategy (1998) Communication on a new EU Forest Strategy (COM(2013)659) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The measure is aimed to increase removals of GHGs by Estonian forests due to their better health condition. The measure provides support for monitoring and restoration of forests in order to improve forest health condition and prevent damage caused by fire, pests and storms. 2020 629000 2014 2010 629000 The cost of the measure is provided in the Estonian Forestry Development Plan until 2020. Estonian Forestry Development Plan until 2020 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Estonia_54 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 Reducing the environmental impact related to the use of fossil fuels and non-renewable natural resources by increasing timber production and use in Estonia Single 54 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool; Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool,Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2011 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) The EU Forest Strategy (1998) Communication on a new EU Forest Strategy (COM(2013)659) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The objective of the measure is to encourage timber production and use in Estonia through supported activities. The measure helps to reduce GHG emissions of fossil fuels and deposit carbon in harvested wood products. 2020 65000 2014-2020 2010 65000 The cost of the measure is provided in the Estonian Forestry Development Plan until 2020. Estonian Forestry Development Plan until 2020 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Estonia_55 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 Natura 2000 support for private forest land Single 55 Single PaM Economic Adopted LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The measure aims to maintain biological and landscape diversity in Natura 2000 areas covered with forests. Protected areas, special conservation areas and species protection sites on forest land will help to preserve forest carbon stock from those areas. 2020 4000000 2014-2020 2010 4000000 The cost of the measure is provided in the Estonian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Adopted 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Estonia_56 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 Improvement of forest economic and ecological viality Single 56 Single PaM Economic Adopted LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The overall objective of supporting forestry as integral part of rural life, is sustainable and effective forest management which promotes raising vitality of forests by improving its species composition or implementing other silvicultural techniques, maintaining and renewing forest biological diversity, integral ecosystem and protection function by helping to preserve forest multifunctional role and its spiritual and cultural heritage. 2020 1425000 2014-2020 2010 1425000 The cost of the measure is provided in the Estonian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Adopted 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Estonia_57 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 Support for growing plants of local varieties Single 57 Single PaM Economic Adopted LULUCF Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Preservation of the local crop varieties and domestic animal breeds'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Carbon sequestration'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('GHG emissions reduction') Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The objective of this measure is to ensure the preservation of the local crop varieties and domestic animal breeds valuable for cultural heritage and genetic diversity. The measure helps to preserve crop varieties more suitable for local conditions (more resistant to locally spread diseases and climate conditions) and therefore gives a good basis for developing new breeds and supports organic farming. 2020 83286 2014-2020 2010 83286 The cost of the measure is provided in the Estonian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Adopted 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Estonia_58 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 Natura 2000 support for agricultural land Single 58 Single PaM Economic Adopted LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('GHG emissions reduction on agricultural land') Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The overall objective of Natura 2000 support for agricultural land is to ensure conformity with nature protection requirements in Natura 2000 network areas, to maintain agricultural activity in those areas and to contribute to coping with handicaps, resulting from the implementation of Council Directive 79/409/EEC on the conservation of wild birds and Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora, in order to ensure the efficient management of Natura 2000 areas. The support prevents land use change from nature and habitat conservation to intensive farming 2020 666000 2014-2020 2010 666000 The cost of the measure is provided in the Estonian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Adopted 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Estonia_59 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 Regional support for soil protection Single 59 Single PaM Economic Adopted LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('GHG emissions reduction'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Carbon consservation on agricultural land') Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The aims of the measure are: limitation of GHG emissions; limitation of soil erosion; reducing nutrient leaching; maintaining and raising the content of soil organic matter. 2020 857000 2014-2020 2020 857000 The cost of the measure is provided in the Estonian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Adopted 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Estonia_62 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam62 Ensuring the favourable conservation status of habitats Single 62 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('GHG emissions reduction'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Carbon sequestration') Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2012 Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The objective of the measure is to improve the conservation status of at least 14 habitat types in Estonia due to the applied protection measures. The immediate outcome of the activity of the measure is 10 000 ha of fen and transition mire habitats and raised bog margins (lag-zones, mixotrophic and ombrotrophic firests, degraded raised bogs still capable of natural regeneration) in protected areas. The expected effect of the measure is to reduce GHG emissions from degraded raised bogs in protected areas. 2020 1825000 2014-2017 2010 1825000 The cost of the measure is provided in the Nature Conservation Development Plan until 2020 Nature Conservation Development Plan until 2020 Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
Estonia_61 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam61 Support for the maintenance of semi-natural habitats Single 61 Single PaM Economic Adopted LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('GHG emissions reduction'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Carbon conservation on grassland') Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The overall objectives of this measure are: to improve the quality of maintenance of semi-natural habitats whereas increasing the share of semi-natural habitats maintained by farm animals; to preserve and increase biological and landscape diversity; to increase the area of land under maintenance; to improve the condition of species related to semi-natural habitats. 2020 5743000 2014-2020 2010 5743000 The cost of the measure is provided in the Estonian Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Adopted 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Estonia_60 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 Crop diversification measure Single 60 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted LULUCF Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('GHG emissions reduction'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Carbon conservation on cropland') Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml The Crop diversification measure is one of the Greening measures under CAP. The objective of the measure is to make farms with monocultures more environmentally friendly and sustainable. A farmer must cultivate at least two crops when his arable land exceeds 10 hectares and at least three crops when his arable land exceeds 30 hectares. The main crop may cover at most 75% of arable land, and the two main crops at most 95% of the arable area 2020 150000000 2015-2020 2010 150000000 The cost of the measure according to the CAP Not available Adopted 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Estonia_45 Estonia 2916 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Reducing landfilling waste Single 45 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2014 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ee/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaac7a/EE_adjusted.xml By 2030, landfilling waste is reduced by 30% and the hazard of waste is reduced significantly. 2030 Reducing landfilling of waste % Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Finland_23 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Revision of the Land Use and Building Act (EV 123/2012 vp - HE 81/2012 vp) Single 23 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government, Local Government: Ministry of the Environment,Local: Municipalities 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Specific provisions demanding energy and resource efficiency in the renovation of buildings, possibility of detailed specification by decree and building regulations This specific PAM is likely to have a very modest impact on GHG-emissions, but contributes to an overall development towards energy efficient buildings Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Finland_17 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Building regulations (2003, 2008, 2010) Single 17 Single PaM Regulatory Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 3573 6115 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2003 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Provides minimum standards for new buildings 2012 Replaced by Renewed Building regulations (2012) Ministry of the Environment 3499 74 4744 100 4844 5989 126 7235 152 7386 http://www.ym.fi/fi-fi/maankaytto_ja_rakentaminen/lainsaadanto_ja_ohjeet/Rakentamismaarayskokoelma/Kumotut_rakentamismaaraykset Estimated by Finnish Environment Institute, Tampere University of Technology Expired 2003 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Finland_31 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 PAMs related to F-gases in With Existing Measures (WEM) scenario (HFCs, PFC's and SF6) Group 31 Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 1821 2763 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment See individual PaMs Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC HFC, PFC, SF6 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml PAMs related to F-gases in With Existing Measures (WEM) scenario (HFCs, PFC's and SF6). Please see the single PAMs for more information See individual PaMs 1821 2259 2259 2763 3275 3275 Estimated by Finnish Environment Institute (not available online) See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC
Finland_32 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 PAMs related to F-gases in With Additional Measures (WAM) scenario (HFCs, PFC's and SF6) Group 32 28,29,30 Information, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances 2 324 Government, Other, Research Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of the Environment,Research: Finnish Environment Institute,Other: Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency,Government: Ministry of the Environment See individual PaMs Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) F-gas regulation (Regulation 517/2014) F-gas regulation (Regulation 517/2014) F-gas regulation (Regulation 517/2014) HFC, PFC, SF6 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml PAMs related to F-gases in With Additional Measures (WAM) scenario (HFCs, PFC's and SF6). Please see the single PAMs for more details. See individual PaMs 2 241 241 324 176 176 Additional reduction relative to WEM scenario; estimated by Finnish Environment Institute (not available online). See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Finland_1 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Kyoto mechanisms Single 1 33,34,35,36 Other Implemented No information Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry for the Foreign Affairs 2005 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Kyoto Protocol project mechanisms 2004/101/EC CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Act on the use of the Kyoto mechanisms (109/2007), Decree on Joint Implementation (913/2007), Decree on the Clean Development Mechanism (915/2007). The object is reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, achievement of the emission reduction target of the KP2 and Effort sharing Decision WEM projection includes JI projects located in Finland. Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Finland_2 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Flexibility Measures of the Effort Sharing Decision Single 2 Single PaM Other Planned No information Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 2019 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Kyoto Protocol project mechanisms 2004/101/EC CO2, N2O, CH4, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Using flexibility measures to achieve the emission reduction target of the Effort Sharing Decision. Will require amendment of existing acts. The Finnish Act on the use of the Kyoto mechanisms (109/2007) from 2007 should need amendment to fit better to the new conditions of effort sharing flexities. Planned 2019 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Finland_3 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Implementation of the emission trade system in Finland Single 3 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Other energy supply; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Industrial processes: Other industrial processes; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('reduction of GHG emissions'),Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Other energy supply ('reduction of GHG emissions'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('reduction of GHG emissions'),Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml This PaM is the implementation of the ETS in Finland and the object is reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. National implementation in FInlanf is carried out with national act of emission trade (311/2011) and degrees which are given under that act. Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Finland_4 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Promoting wind power Single 4 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Planning, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 3000 3600 Government, Local, Regional Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of the Environment,Regional: Regional councils,Local: Municipalities 1996 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Measures implemented since 1996 include investment subsidies for wind power plants, electricity tax subsidies, feedin tariff (since 2011), information measures, support for land-use planning and adjustment of land use and building act. 5 TWh wind power by 2020 Windpower produced TWh 3000 3180 3180 3600 4200 4200 Estimated by Benviroc Ltd (Not available online) 2015 1385 Produced wind electricity reduces production of electricity in condensing power plants using fossil fuels and peat. Produced wind electricity reduces production of electricity in condensing power plants using fossil fuels and peat. Estimated by Benviroc Ltd Implemented 1996 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Finland_5 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Promoting wood chips Single 5 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 7629 9934 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 1992 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Measures implemented since 1992 include investment subsidies for heat and power production plants using forest chips, subsidies for harvesting of forest chips, electricity tax subsidies, feed-in tariff and information measures. Use of woodchips for electricity and heat production TWh 7191 438 8097.14 511.46 8609 9355.63 578.63 9235 586 9821 Estimated by Benviroc Ltd 2015 5304 Use of wood chips replaces the use of other fuels (mainly peat) in heat and power production and heating oil in farms. Use of wood chips replaces the use of other fuels (mainly peat) in heat and power production and heating oil in farms. Estimated by Benviroc Ltd (Not available online) Implemented 1992 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Finland_6 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Promoting biogas in electricity and heat production Single 6 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply; Waste management/waste Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies 388 352 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of the Environment 1997 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Measures implemented since 1997 include investment subsidies, electricity tax subsidies and feed-in tariff. Capacity of the generators in the biogas power plants in the feed-in tariff system MVA 347 41 334 32 367 325 27 292 23 315 Estimated by Benviroc Ltd 2015 202 Produced electricity replaces production in condensing power plants, and produced heat replaces average heat. Produced electricity replaces production in condensing power plants, and produced heat replaces average heat. Estimated by Benviroc Ltd (Not available online) Implemented 1997 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Finland_7 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Promoting biogas in road transportation Single 7 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 8 25 Government Government: Ministry of Finance 2011 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Biogas in road transportation is excise duty free. 8 14 14 25 38 38 Estimated by Benviroc Ltd 2015 5 Biogas replaces use of diesel and natural gas. Biogas replaces use of diesel and natural gas. Estimated by Benviroc Ltd (Not available online) Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Finland_8 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Act on Ecodesign and Energy Labelling (1005/2008, amendment 1009/2010) Single 8 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 2555 2555 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 2009 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Improvement of energy efficiency of energy-using products by minimum efficiency requirements Energy savings GWh/a The evaluation concerns eco-desing only. Energy labelling not evaluated. 2015 interpolated between 2010 and 2016 (ESD reporting year, savings 1278 GWh). No grounds for post 2020 estimates exist although additional savings are expected. Therefore, 2025-2035 estimates are the same as for 2020. Estimated by Motiva Oy for Finland's NEEAP-3 (2014) for the Energy Efficiency Directive. 2555 2555 2555 2555 2555 2555 https://www.tem.fi/files/40778/Suomen_NEEAP-3_29_04_2014.pdf Energy savings (GWh/a) estimated by Motiva Oy for Finland's NEEAP-3 (2014) for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Emissions calculated for PAM based on energy savings. NEEAP-3 https://www.tem.fi/files/40778/Suomen_NEEAP-3_29_04_2014.pdf Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Finland_9 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Energy Audit Programme Single 9 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 326 322 Government Government: Ministry of Employment and the Economy 1992 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Subsidies for energy audits in industry and in public and private services. Harmonised audit models. Qualification system for auditors. Quality control and monitoring of audits. Energy Audit Programme is described in the National Energy Efficiency Actionplans for Energy Efficiency Directive and previous Eneregy Services Directive. Information also found at http://www.motiva.fi/en/areas_of_operation/energy_auditing/mee-supported_energy_auditing Energy savings GWh/a "Estimation based on continuing impact and previous trends. Energy audits are in Finland one of the measures to fulfill EED article 7 binding national energy savings target. In ex ante analyses savings for the subsidised Energy Audits are remarkably reduced do to the mandatory energy audit obligation for non-SMEs in the EED." Estimated by Motiva based on energy efficiency improvement measures reported in energy audits and follow up data on implementation of these measures via Energy Efficiency Agreements. Ex-ante estimations are based on the ex-post data. Description of the method can be found in National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2014 for Finland for Energy Efficiency Directive. 303 22 254 22 277 302 20 318 20 338 https://www.tem.fi/files/40778/Suomen_NEEAP-3_29_04_2014.pdf Principal of calculation method is described in the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for EED Annex 3 http://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/2014_neeap_fi_finland.pdf. In this document audits are divided by branch and the ex post year of data is 2010. (Note! All abreviations "ESD" in National Energy Efficinecy Action Plans (NEEAPs) refers to "Energy Services Directive") http://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/2014_neeap_fi_finland.pdf 2015 560 Based on energy savings (GWh/a) for electricity and heat and fuels by 2014 related to the implemeted measures proposed in the auditis. Implemetation data is gathred via Energy Efficiency Agreements's annual reporting. Based on energy savings (GWh/a) for electricity and heat and fuels by 2014 related to the implemeted measures proposed in the auditis. Implemetation data is gathred via Energy Efficiency Agreements's annual reporting. Principal of calculation method is described in the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for EED Annex 3 http://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/2014_neeap_fi_finland.pdf. In this document audits are divided by branch and the ex post year of data is 2010. (Note! All abreviations "ESD" in National Energy Efficinecy Action Plans (NEEAPs) refers to "Energy Services Directive") http://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/2014_neeap_fi_finland.pdf Implemented 1992 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Finland_11 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Consumer energy advice Single 11 Single PaM Information Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Efficiency improvements in transport') Government Government: Ministry of Employment and the Economy 2010 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml An energy advice infrastructure for consumers has been under construction since 2010. Regional projects are financed to provide advice through local events, personal advice and a national website. Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Finland_12 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Promoting the use of biofuels in the transport sector Single 12 Single PaM Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 1520 1436 Government Government: Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Ministry of Finance 2008 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The annual minimum share of biofuels, measured from the total energy content of petrol, diesel and biofuels delivered for consumption shall be 6% in 2011-2014 and then gradually raised to 20% in 2020. This includes so-called double-counted biofuels so that there is 7,5 % of them in 2020. Biofuels are also promoted through tax subsidies. The annual share of biofuels in 2020 raises to 20 %. The annual minimum share of biofuels % Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT / LIPASTO 1520 1467 1467 1436 1422 1422 http://lipasto.vtt.fi/ Estimated by Benviroc Ltd (Not available online) 2015 1554 Biofuels replace the use of fossil diesel and gasoline. Biofuels replace the use of fossil diesel and gasoline. Estimated by Benviroc Ltd 40 2012 2012 40 The cost represents direct government cost occurring due to lower excise duty revenue from biofuels compared to corresponding fossil fuels. IMPAKTI calculation tool. Presentation in Finnish http://www.motiva.fi/files/8921/Uusiutuvan_energian_vaikuttavuusarviointi_2013_Arviot_vuosilta_2010-2012.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Finland_13 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Improving the energy-efficiency of vehicles Single 13 Single PaM Fiscal, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 545 907 Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Finance 2008 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The target is, that specific emissions of new cars sold in Finland would be near the EU objective (95 g/km) in 2020; the rate of vehicle fleet renewal would be around 7% (150 000 new cars) a year, 50% of new cars sold will be able to use alternative fuels. There are three main measures to get into these targets: 1) EU-legislation, 2) the Finnish taxation (Car tax, annual vehicle tax and fuel tax) and 3) information steering. The target group is the buyers of a new car. Approximataly 95 g/km Specific emissions of new cars g/km Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT / LIPASTO 545 837 837 907 853 853 http://lipasto.vtt.fi/ Estimated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (Not available online) Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Finland_14 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Improving the energy-efficiency of transport system Single 14 Single PaM Economic, Information, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Demand management/reduction 300 Government, Local Government: Ministry of Transport and Communications,Local: Municipalities 2009 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) POS regulation 1370 / 2007 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The objective is that in 2020 there will be 100 million more journeys made by public transport and 300 million more on foot or by bicycle than at present, which means an increase of about 20% in the numbers of these journeys. 20 % increase in journeys made by public transport, on foot or by bicycle in 2020 The numbers of public transport journeys, cycling journeys and walking journeys million The numbers of public transport journeys, cycling journeys and walking journeys million Technical Research Centre of Finland VTT 300 Estimated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. (not available online) Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Finland_15 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Act on energy certificates for buildings Single 15 Single PaM Information Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Information dissemination'),Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2008 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Houseowners are obliged to provide information on energy efficiency Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Finland_16 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Act on inspection of energy efficiency of cooling equipment for building, act (489/2007) Single 16 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2007 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Energy efficiency requirements for household electric refrigerators, freezers and combinations Directive (Directive 1996/57/EC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Obligation to inspect cooling equipments to keep them energy efficient Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Finland_18 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Renewed Building regulations (2012) Single 18 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 254 595 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2012 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Provides minimum standards for new buildings, switch to full energy based calculation Ministry of the Environment 248 6 414 10 424 581 14 784 18 766 http://www.ym.fi/fi-fi/maankaytto_ja_rakentaminen/lainsaadanto_ja_ohjeet/rakentamismaarayskokoelma Estimated by Finnish Environment Institute, Tampere University of Technology Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Finland_19 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Information dissemination and campaigns targeted to residents and other users of buildings Single 19 Single PaM Information Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Companies, Government Government: Ministry of the Environment,Companies: The dedicated state owned company Motiva 2001 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The new energy regulations and other energy use related matters, retrofitting, renovating and maintaining buildings have been disseminated to both professionals and consumers through versatile means like seminars, building fair events, presentations and articles. Eg. training has been provided for municipal building inspection authorities, who are responsible for inspecting the compliance of building permit applications. Consumers and home owners have been informed through many channels: news, articles and press releases, as well as annually held popular events (eg. in the large events, the National Housing fair and Own Home Fair as well as via web portals for renovating and retrofitting residential buildings (www.korjaustieto.fi) and Energy efficient home (www.energiatehokaskoti.fi). In addition consumer energy advice, including local energy advise, covering all kind of consumer energy use started 2011 and an extensive web portal http://www.eneuvonta.fi/ connected to the project opened 2013. Furthermore, started in 2011, the countrywide Advice network on the renovation of buildings gives advice to home owners, tenants, housing associations and real estate managers. A search engine for finding professional service providers locates in korjaustieto –portal (http://www.korjaustieto.fi/neuvonta.html). Information dissemination has been seen playing an important role to ensure the quality of the construction (planning, building) and affect to energy efficiency among the consumers. " The selection under "Union policy which resulted in the implementation of the PAM" is "Non related". In more detailed is should read "Non CCPM National Policy" Implemented 2001 With existing measures No No information
Finland_20 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Act (132/1999) and Decree (895/1999) on Land use and Building applied to reduce emissions due to land use and urban form Single 20 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 1999 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml General guidance for land use planning is based on law (Land Use and Building Act). Regional and municipal planning are directed by national land use guidelines. The principle of the land use planning system is moving down the hierarchy towards more specific plans. Land use planning creates the preconditions for a sound and vital residential and living environment and support the regional availability of services and traffic. Finland’s land use planning system, as defined in the law, gives municipalities a high degree of autonomy in local land use planning. Community structure development is controlled with land use planning and building permission schemes. A local detailed plan lays out the organization of land use and building within the municipality and directs land use and building according to the requirements set by local conditions, the townscape and the landscape, good building practices and other agreed objectives. Municipal land use plans and land policy include actual land use planning processes and other land use planning, as well as industrial, social and housing policy and planning instruments, such as building ordinance. The building ordinance is municipalities' primary tool for controlling construction, laying down regulations and instructions corresponding to local conditions. By developing alternatives of urban and regional form and building in the land use planning have an impact also on greenhouse gas emissions. The Land Use and Building Act (132/1999) specifies the general conditions concerning building, substantive technical requirements, building permit procedure and building supervision by the authorities. The substantive technical requirements concern the strength and stability of structures, fire safety, health, user safety, accessibility, noise abatement and noise conditions, and energy efficiency. Besides the substantive technical requirements, section 117 of the act lays down the authority to issue decrees concerning the use and maintenance guidelines for buildings. Further provisions and guidelines concerning building are issued in the National Building Code of Finland. The selection under "Union policy which resulted in the implementation of the PAM" is "Non related". In more detailed is should read "Non CCPM National Policy" Implemented 1999 With existing measures No No information
Finland_21 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Subsidies for energy efficiency in buildings (single houses, residential apartment houses and row houses) Single 21 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 328 329 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Finance 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Dedicate subsidies for improving energy efficiency and promoting the use of renewable energy The selection under "Union policy which resulted in the implementation of the PAM" is "Non related". In more detailed is should read "Non CCPM National Policy" The support is not granted during the years 2013 - 2016 due to the minimised state budget allocation. 104 224 107 222 329 109 220 109 217 326 Estimated by Finnish Environment Institute, Tampere University of Technology Implemented 2007 With existing measures No No information
Finland_22 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Towards zero-energy buildings Single 22 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Adopted No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Companies, Government Government: Ministry of the Environment,Companies: A number of companies/businesses/industrial associations 2018 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The preparation for the regulation and information programme for moving towards nearly zero energy buildings The preparation for the regulation for moving towards nearly zero energy buildings has been started Adopted 2018 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Finland_24 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Ministry of the Environment Decree (4/13) on improving the energy performance of buildings undergoing renovation or alteration. Single 24 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 396 1049 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Provides minimum standards for improving energy performance of buildings in renovations and alterations Ministry of the Environment 339 57 620 91 711 929 120 1265 140 1405 http://www.ym.fi/download/noname/%7BE42DB58C-DA95-432F-88AF-5C135EC5F864%7D/107217 and http://www.ym.fi/fi-fi/maankaytto_ja_rakentaminen/lainsaadanto_ja_ohjeet/rakentamismaarayskokoelma Estimated by Finnish Environment Institute, Tampere University of Technology Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Finland_25 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Land-use planning Single 25 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government, Local, Regional Government: Ministry of the Environment,Regional: Regional councils,Local: Municipalities 2009 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml General guidance for land use planning is based on law (Land Use and Building Act). Regional and municipal planning are directed by national land use guidelines. The principle of the land use planning system is moving down the hierarchy towards more specific plans. Land use planning creates the preconditions for a sound and vital residential and living environment and support the regional availability of services and traffic. Finland’s land use planning system, as defined in the law, gives municipalities a high degree of autonomy in local land use planning. Community structure development is controlled with land use planning and building permission schemes. A local detailed plan lays out the organization of land use and building within the municipality and directs land use and building according to the requirements set by local conditions, the townscape and the landscape, good building practices and other agreed objectives. Municipal land use plans and land policy include actual land use planning processes and other land use planning, as well as industrial, social and housing policy and planning instruments, such as building ordinance. The building ordinance is municipalities' primary tool for controlling construction, laying down regulations and instructions corresponding to local conditions. By developing alternatives of urban and regional form and building in the land use planning have an impact also on greenhouse gas emissions. The selection under "Union policy which resulted in the implementation of the PAM" is "Non related". In more detailed is should read "Non CCPM National Policy" Emission reductions mostly through transportation Implemented 2009 With existing measures No No information
Finland_26 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Improved regulation of the development of major retail centres Single 26 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented No information Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction Government, Local, Regional Government: Ministry of the Environment,Regional: Regional councils,Local: Municipalities 2000 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Strenghtening of available policy instruments in land use and building act to avoid disruptive land use development and increased transportation needs due to construction of retail centres based on private car transportation The selection under "Union policy which resulted in the implementation of the PAM" is "Non related". In more detailed is should read "Non CCPM National Policy" A part of the actions aiming at the general objective to ensure sustainable land use development. This PAM means occasional adjustments to the policy instruments in land use and building act. Implemented 2000 With existing measures No No information
Finland_27 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Government Decree (452/2009) on servicing equipment containing F-gases Single 27 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2006 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Specific competencies are stipulated and regular monitoring of equipment containing F-gases are ensured Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC
Finland_28 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Revised Environmental Protection Act (423/2015) and related Government Decree (766/2016) Single 28 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 F-gas regulation (Regulation 517/2014) HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Implementation of those elements of the EU F-gas regulation 517/2014 where national implementation is necessary Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Finland_29 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Improved enforcement of F-gas regulations Single 29 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented No information Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Government, Other, Research Government: Ministry of the Environment,Research: Finnish Environment Institute,Other: Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency 2015 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) F-gas regulation (Regulation 517/2014) HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Enhance cost effective compliance monitoring: further support and information for inspectors, targeted information dissemination on new regulation to different groups of stakeholders Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Finland_30 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 The EU-wide measures of Regulation 517/2014/EU Single 30 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 F-gas regulation (Regulation 517/2014) HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The EU-wide measures of regulation 517/2014 where no national implementation takes place (e.g. phase-down schedule on placing on the market of HFCs, enhanced leackage prevention and bans on certain equipment) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Finland_37 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Agregated all PAMs/WASTE Group 37 33,34,35,36 Economic, Information, Planning, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management 2870 3361 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of the Environment See individual PaMs Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC Packaging and packaging waste (94/62/EC, 2004/12/EC, 2005/20/EC) CO2, CH4 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml General bundle of measures directed to improve waste management. Stabilisation of amount of waste at 2.3-2-5 Mt. In 2016 50 % of mucipal solid waste is to be used as material, 30 % as energy and no more than 20 % is land filled. See individual PaMs Finnish Environment Institute 2870 3166 3166 3361 3497 3497 http://www.ymparisto.fi/default.asp?contentid=410745&lan=en Description of methods for waste estimation. (Calculations of greenhouse gas emissions of waste sector and F-gases for policy scenarios in Finland) http://hdl.handle.net/10138/38772 2012 92.7 (Emissions 1990/1990 waste* waste in year n)- emissions year n [waste adjusted for change in amount of actual waste, reduction estimate based on assumed constancy of emissions from waste without measures] (Emissions 1990/1990 waste* waste in year n)- emissions year n [waste adjusted for change in amount of actual waste, reduction estimate based on assumed constancy of emissions from waste without measures] Description of methods for waste estimation. (Calculations of greenhouse gas emissions of waste sector and F-gases for policy scenarios in Finland) http://hdl.handle.net/10138/38772 See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Finland_33 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Government decision on packaging and packaging waste 962/1997, 1025/2000, 987/2004, 817/2005, 2014/518 Single 33 33,34,35,36 Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 1997 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Packaging and packaging waste (94/62/EC, 2004/12/EC, 2005/20/EC) CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The Decision is regulatory by specifying the criteria and markings on packaging waste. It is basically regulatory, but also economic in nature by specifying the system for the economic handling of waste obligations in terms the conditions for handling packaging waste. The key actor is the Environmental Register of Packaging PYR Ltd, which is a non-profit firm, operating in conjunction with producer organisations in the packaging sector. It helps firms registered with PYR and the authorities to fulfil packaging recovery obligations economically and easily. http://www.ymparisto.fi/fi-FI/Kartat_ja_tilastot/Jatetilastot/Tuottajavastuun_tilastot/Pakkausjatetilastot and http://www.pyr.fi/tilastot.html Implemented 1997 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Finland_34 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Government decree on landfills (861/1997, revised 2006), Biowaste strategy (2004) Single 34 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 1997 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Regulation on biodegradable waste Amount of biodegradable waste brought to landfills Mt Statistics Finland, waste statistics and Jouko Petäjä, Finnish Environment Institute, using modelling approach described in Mattinen et al. 2012 http://www.stat.fi/til/jate/tau_en.html and http://www.ymparisto.fi/default.asp?contentid=410745&lan=en Implemented 1997 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Finland_35 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 General reform of waste legislation; Act on Waste (646/2011); Decree on Waste (179/2012); Waste Tax Act (1126/2010) Single 35 Single PaM Economic, Information, Planning, Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2012 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The general reform of the waste tax has entered into force. The reform provides the basis for more effective waste management with respect to recycling, reduced land filling of organic waste, enhanced collection of CH4 and better regulated incineration, all contributing to reduced greenhouse gas emissions. The reform combines all different types of policy instruments from planning (mandatory waste plans) to regulation (basis for restrictions on land fills) and economic instruments (waste tax). It applies to all forms of waste production and waste management. Stabilisation of amount of waste at 2.3-2.5 Mt. (Waste statistics and calculations on emissions for waste sector). Amount of waste Mt (Waste statistics and calculations on emissions for waste sector.) Share of landfill % Statistics Finland, waste statistics http://www.stat.fi/til/jate/tau_en.html Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Finland_36 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 New Decree on Landfills (331/2013) Single 36 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2016 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Regulation on landfills to be adopted setting quantitative limits on amount and proportion of organic waste in land fill waste. Implementing and going beyond landfill directive. Biodegradable and other organic waste to less than 10 percent TOC or LOI in landfill waste after 2016 Finnish Environment Institute, http://www.ymparisto.fi/default.asp?contentid=410745&lan=en Adopted 2016 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Finland_38 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Implementation of the Nitrates Directive (1991/676/EEC) Single 38 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2014 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) related regulations N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Decreases greenhouse gas emissions and the use of mineral fertilisers. More information available at https://helda.helsinki.fi/handle/10138/174559 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Finland_39 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Implementation of Common Agricultural Policy: EU direct payments Single 39 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2014 Yes Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) related regulations CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml "As from 2015 new environmental requirements has been incorporated into the single payments under the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU. 30 per cent of the direct payments are tied to the so-called greening. There are three greening measures that the farmers must implement in their eligible area. 1) Crop diversification: at least two cultivated crops on farms with an area of 10-30 hectares of arable land and three crops on farms with over 30 hectares of arable land. By derogation, only two crops are required on farms with over 10 ha on farms located in support area C. The rule does not concern farms with over 75 per cent of grass and/or fallow if the arable are in use is not more than 30 hectares. 2) Preserving permanent grassland; in the whole country the area of permanent grassland may not decrease by more than 5%; also preservation requirement for grasslands in the Natura areas. 3) Requirement concerning ecological focus area: the minimum of 5% of the area of the farm must be so-called ecological focus area (e.g. fallow, nitrogen-fixing plants and short-rotation energy wood). The required share may increase to 7% in 2018. Possible derogations for areas and farms that meet certain requirements (e.g. areas dominated by forest and farms with mostly grassland and/or fallow)." More information available at http://mmm.fi/en/food-and-agriculture/support-and-aid/agricultural-support Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Finland_40 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 Implementation of Common Agricultural Policy: The Rural Development Programmes for Mainland 2014–2020 (Regulation (EU) no 1303/2013 and 1305/2013) Single 40 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2014 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) related regulations CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml "The Rural Development Programme for Mainland Finland 2014-2020 is an essential tool for promoting sustainable development in agriculture. Environmental compensation payments are part of the programme. Agri-environmental payment programme covers about 86 % of farms in Finland and it promotes decreasing nutrient load, preserving plant and animal biodiversity and the rural landscape; improving the productive capacity of agricultural land; and reducing GHG emissions. Measures: - environment management grasslands: riparian zones, perennial environment grasslands, nature management field grasslands - controlled subsurface drainage investments and management measures for them" Maaseutuverkosto https://www.maaseutu.fi/fi/maaseutuohjelma/arvionti-ja-seuranta/vuosikertomukset/Sivut/default.aspx Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Finland_41 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 Climate Programme for Finnish Agriculture - Steps Towards Climate Friendly Food Single 41 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented No information Agriculture; Cross-cutting; Energy supply; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils; Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils,Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2014 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) related regulations Other national policy CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The Climate Programme for Finnish Agriculture presents a total of 76 measures to facilitate the adaptation of food production and consumption to climate change and/ or to mitigate the change. The selection of the measures was based on the most recent scientific research results and views of various experts involved in the food system. By implementing the measures put forward in the programme we will achieve more climate friendly food production and consumption. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry http://mmm.fi/documents/1410837/1867349/Climate_programme_agriculture_WEB_03072015.pdf/1a6f135c-068c-48aa-ad00-787562628314 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Finland_42 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Fresh grain silos (no energy used for drying) Single 42 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Energy efficiency in agricultural sector') 8 19 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2008 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Support to gresh grain silos (drying of grain avoided) Energy savings (GWh/a), number of applications, unit size GWh/a The selection under "Union policy which resulted in the implementation of the PAM" is "Non related". In more detailed is should read "Non CCPM National Policy" 2015 and 2020 estimated by Motiva Oy for Finland's NEEAP-3 (2014) for the Energy Efficiency Directive. 2025-2035 estimated specifically for PAMs. 8 13 13 19 19 19 Energy savings estimated by Motiva Oy for Finland's NEEAP-3 (2014) for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Emissions calculated for PAM based on energy savings. https://www.tem.fi/files/40778/Suomen_NEEAP-3_29_04_2014.pdf 2014 0.69 Energy savings (GWh/a) Notwithstanding the selection in "Year for which reduction applies", the average emission reduction is calculated for the period 2008-2014 Energy savings (GWh/a) Notwithstanding the selection in "Year for which reduction applies", the average emission reduction is calculated for the period 2008-2014 Energy savings estimated by Motiva Oy for Finland's NEEAP-3 (2014) for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Emissions calculated for PAM based on energy savings. https://www.tem.fi/files/40778/Suomen_NEEAP-3_29_04_2014.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Finland_43 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Energy efficiency of unheated cattle buildings and heat recovery in pig farms Single 43 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Energy efficiency in agricultural sector') 4 9 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2008 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Support to investments to unheated cattle buildings and heat recovery from pig slurr Energy savings (GWh/a), number of applications, unit size GWh/a The selection under "Union policy which resulted in the implementation of the PAM" is "Non related". In more detailed is should read "Non CCPM National Policy" 2015 and 2020 estimated by Motiva Oy for Finland's NEEAP-3 (2014) for the Energy Efficiency Directive. 2025-2035 estimated specifically for PAMs. 4 6 6 9 9 9 Energy savings estimated by Motiva Oy for Finland's NEEAP-3 (2014) for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Emissions calculated for PAM based on energy savings. https://www.tem.fi/files/40778/Suomen_NEEAP-3_29_04_2014.pdf 2014 0.34 Energy savings (GWh/a) Notwithstanding the selection in "Year for which reduction applies", the average emission reduction is calculated for the period 2010-2014 Energy savings (GWh/a) Notwithstanding the selection in "Year for which reduction applies", the average emission reduction is calculated for the period 2010-2014 Energy savings estimated by Motiva Oy for Finland's NEEAP-3 (2014) for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Emissions calculated for PAM based on energy savings. https://www.tem.fi/files/40778/Suomen_NEEAP-3_29_04_2014.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Finland_44 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Farm reparcelling to cut down energy use Single 44 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Energy efficiency in agricultural sector') 82 108 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 1995 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Support to farm reparcelling leading to reduced farm traffic Energy savings (GWh/a), number of applications, hectares reparcelled GWh/a The selection under "Union policy which resulted in the implementation of the PAM" is "Non related". In more detailed is should read "Non CCPM National Policy" The measure started much earlier than 1995 but this is the beginning of the reporting period. 2015 and 2020 estimated by Motiva Oy for Finland's NEEAP-3 (2014) for the Energy Efficiency Directive. 2025-2035 estimated specifically for PAMs. 82 95 95 108 121 121 Energy savings estimated by Motiva Oy for Finland's NEEAP-3 (2014) for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Emissions calculated for PAM based on energy savings. https://www.tem.fi/files/40778/Suomen_NEEAP-3_29_04_2014.pdf 2014 3.5 Energy savings (GWh/a) Notwithstanding the selection in "Year for which reduction applies", the average emission reduction is calculated for the period 1995-2014 Energy savings (GWh/a) Notwithstanding the selection in "Year for which reduction applies", the average emission reduction is calculated for the period 1995-2014 Energy savings estimated by Motiva Oy for Finland's NEEAP-3 (2014) for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Emissions calculated for PAM based on energy savings. https://www.tem.fi/files/40778/Suomen_NEEAP-3_29_04_2014.pdf Implemented 1995 With existing measures No No information
Finland_45 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Farm Energy Programme and energy advice to the farms Single 45 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Energy efficiency in agricultural sector') 6 10 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2010 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Subsidies for the preparation of Farm Energy Plans and for other energy advice. Number of Farm Energy Plans and other advice visits. Energy savings (GWh/a), details of Farm Energy Plans. GWh/a Farm energy advice was supported in 2010-2014 under the Farm Energy Programme and in 2015-2020 under the Rural Development Programme. Estimated by Motiva Oy for the PAMs based on monitoring results of the Farm Energy Programme in 2010-2014. 6 9 9 10 10 10 Energy savings estimated by Motiva Oy for Finland's NEEAP-3 (2014) for the Energy Efficiency Directive. Emissions calculated for PAM based on energy savings. https://www.tem.fi/files/40778/Suomen_NEEAP-3_29_04_2014.pdf 2014 0.5 Energy savings (GWh/a) Notwithstanding the selection in "Year for which reduction applies", the average emission reduction is calculated for the period 2010-2014 Energy savings (GWh/a) Notwithstanding the selection in "Year for which reduction applies", the average emission reduction is calculated for the period 2010-2014 Evaluation report of the programme from year 2015 and the Annual reports 2010-2014 http://www.mdi.fi/content/uploads/2015/10/Maatilojen-energiaohjelman-arviointi-loppuraportti.pdf and https://www.motiva.fi/ajankohtaista/julkaisut/energiatehokkuussopimukset_2008-2016/maatalous Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Finland_46 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 National Forest Strategy 2025 Single 46 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy supply; Land use, land use change and forestry Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances; Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances,Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry 2015 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The National Forest Strategy's vision is that Sustainable forest management is a source of growing welfare. It has the following strategic objectives: 1. Finland is a competitive operating environment for forest-based business. 2. Forest-based business and activities and their structures are renewed and diversified. 3. Forests are in active, economically, ecologically and socially sustainable and diverse use. The National Forest Strategy contains 28 objectives that have been organized into seven groups. Implementation of the Bioeconomy Strategy, the Energy and Climate Strategy have substantial links with achieving the objectives of the National Forest Strategy. The selection under "Union policy which resulted in the implementation of the PAM" is "Non related". In more detailed is should read "Non CCPM National Policy" Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry http://mmm.fi/en/nfs Implemented 2015 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Finland_47 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 Promoting the use of bioliquids in machinery Single 47 Single PaM Fiscal, Regulatory Planned ESD Energy supply; Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 200 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 2019 No No information CO2, CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml An obligation to blend light fuel oil used in machinery with 10 per cent of bioliquids The annual share of biofuels in 2030 raises to 10 %. 100 100 200 200 200 Basic information TYKO-model. Estimate included in intermediate term climate plan based on estimates in VTT using the model for emissions and energy use in machinery (TYKO). Details are presented in the sector plan of the Ministry of the Environment. All links are presented in the next box. http://lipasto.vtt.fi/en/tyko/index.htm; http://www.ym.fi/download/noname/%7BE77511DD-FBCA-4FAA-8FDE-A883ED8728EC%7D/127545; http://www.ym.fi/download/noname/%7BACD31597-FD1E-4425-BC3D-6A0191F291A9%7D/127554 TYKO-model http://lipasto.vtt.fi/en/tyko/index.htm Planned 2019 With additional measuses No No information
Finland_48 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Phasing out coal in energy production Single 48 Single PaM Regulatory Planned No information Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 2019 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml A bill will be prepared for phasing out the use of coal for energy use. The bill shall take into account aspects related to the security of energy supply and emergencies. Planned 2019 With additional measuses No No information
Finland_49 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 Criteria for public procurement containing F-gases Single 49 Single PaM Information, Other Planned No information Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Government, Research Government: Ministry of Environment,Research: Finnish Environment Institute 2017 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC, PFC, SF6 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Criteria for public procurement containing F-gases to promote the transition from HFC technologies to alternative low GWP technologies Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Finland_50 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 Information and education campaign to promote alternative non-HFC technologies and recovery of F-gases Single 50 Single PaM Information Planned No information Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Government, Research Government: Ministry of the Environment,Research: Finnish Environment Institute 2017 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC, PFC With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Information and education campaign to promote alternative non-HFC technologies and recovery of F-gases Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Finland_51 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 Promoting the use of biofuels in the transport sector (additional measure) Single 51 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 1476 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 2019 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The target is that the physical share of biofuel energy content in all fuels sold for road transport will be increased to 30 % by 2030 Physical share of biofuel energy content in all fuels sold for road, 30% in 2030 The annual minimum share of biofuels % 637 637 1476 1400 1400 Estimated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Planned 2019 With additional measuses No No information
Finland_52 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 Improving the energy-efficiency of vehicles (additional measures) Single 52 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 716 Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Communications 2019 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The target is to influence the drafting of EU legislation applicable to car manufactures in order to achieve very stringent CO2 standards for cars and light commercial vehicles, so that the specific consumption and emissions of new cars and vans will be reduced by approximately 30 % from their 2020 levels by 2030 (Commission Staff working document SWD(2016) 244 final accompanying the European Strategy for Low-Emission Mobility). Reaching 64 g CO2/km for cars and 106 g CO2/km for light commercial vehicles in 2030 Specific CO2 emissions of new cars (g/km) CO2 g/km 303 303 716 1131 1131 Estimated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Planned 2019 With additional measuses No No information
Finland_53 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 Improving the energy-efficiency of transport system (additional measure) Single 53 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Demand management/reduction 301 Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Communications 2019 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The aim is to reduce the number of solo car journeys and to halt the increase in the transport performance of cars in urban areas regardless of a growing population by promoting the conditions for walking, cycling, public transport and new travel services, especially in urban areas. The target is at a 30 % increase in the number of journeys taken by walking and cycling by 2030. The target is at a 30 % increase in the number of journeys taken by walking and cycling by 2030. The numbers of public transport journeys, cycling journeys and walking journeys 214 214 301 361 361 Estimated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland. Planned 2019 With additional measuses No No information
Finland_54 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 Promoting the use of bioliquids in heating of buildings Single 54 Single PaM Fiscal, Regulatory Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 110 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment 2019 No No information CO2, CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml An obligation to blend 10 % of bioliquids into light fuel oil used for heating of buildings. A decision of the types of policy instruments which are going to be applied to fulfill this PAM have not been made yet. The annual share of biofuels in 2030 raises to 10 %. 70 70 110 90 90 Impact assessments of the Energy and Climate strategy: The summary. Publications of the Government´s analysis, assessment and research. http://tietokayttoon.fi/documents/10616/3866814/21_Energia-+ja+ilmastostrategian+vaikutusarviot+Yhteenvetoraportti/40df1f5f-c99c-47d1-a929-a4c825f71547?version=1.0 Planned 2019 With additional measuses No No information
Finland_55 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 Promoting solar power Single 55 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Information Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 86 386 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment, Ministry of Finance 2015 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Solar electricity self-consumers exempted from grid fees and electricity taxes up to 100 kVA system size or 800 MWh yearly production, investment subsidies for municipalities and companies, household tax deduction from solar system installation work and information mesasures. 86 227 227 386 758 758 Estimated by Benviroc Ltd 2015 6 Produced solar electricity reduces the need to produce electricity in condensing power plants using fossil fuels and peat. Produced solar electricity reduces the need to produce electricity in condensing power plants using fossil fuels and peat. Estimated by Benviroc Ltd Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Finland_10 Finland 1884 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Energy Efficiency Agreements 2008-2016 and 2017-2025 (Voluntary energy efficiency agreements) Single 10 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Other enrgy consumption (processes)'),Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 7912 8415 Government Government: Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Ministry of the Environment 1997 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fi/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmaa2q/FI_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml The agreements cover industry, energy sector, municipalities, private services, property and building sector and oil heated buildings. Energy Efficiency Agreements are described in the National Energy Efficiency Actionplan for Energy Efficiency Directive. Information also found at http://www.energiatehokkuussopimukset.fi/en/ 9% energy savings target from 2005 levels during the 2016 lasted period, 7.5% energy savings target for the next period 2017-2025. 2025 Energy savings GWh/a Estimation based on continuing impact and extended agreement period after 2025. Energy Efficiency Agreements have years played a central role to fulfil the targets in the national energy and climate strategies. In addition Energy Efficiency Sgreements are in Finland one of the measures to fulfil EED article 7 binding national energy savings target and their role is remarkable to reach the target. Estimated by Motiva based on annualy reported detailed data on implemented energy efficiency measures and their savings from participated organisatons. Ex-ante estimationsare based on the ex-post data. Description of the methods e.g. in National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2014 for Finland for Energy Efficiency Directive. Energy savings figures include both EU ETS and ESD electricity and heat and fuel savings. 7417 495 7438 403 7841 8136 279 9271 201 9472 https://www.tem.fi/files/40778/Suomen_NEEAP-3_29_04_2014.pdf Principal of calculation method is described in the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for EED Annex 3. In this document agreement sectors are presented separately and the ex post year of data is 2010. (Note! All abreviations "ESD" in National Energy Efficinecy Action Plans (NEEAPs) refers to "Energy Services Directive") http://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/2014_neeap_fi_finland.pdf 2014 6320 Based on annual energy savings (GWh/a) for electricity and heat and fuels in 2015 (includes both EU ETS and ESD savings). See also the corresponding slot in the sheet 'Sectors and gases for PAMs' Based on annual energy savings (GWh/a) for electricity and heat and fuels in 2015 (includes both EU ETS and ESD savings). See also the corresponding slot in the sheet 'Sectors and gases for PAMs' Principal of calculation method is described in the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for EED Annex 3 http://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/2014_neeap_fi_finland.pdf . In this document agreement sectors are presented separately and the ex post year of data is 2010. (Note! All abreviations "ESD" in National Energy Efficinecy Action Plans (NEEAPs) refers to "Energy Services Directive") http://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/2014_neeap_fi_finland.pdf Implemented 1997 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
France_71 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam71 Les plans climat-énergie territoriaux Single 71 Single PaM Planning Expired ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Local Local: Collectivités 2011 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les plans climat-énergie territoriaux (PCET) sont des projets territoriaux de développement durable dont la finalité est la lutte contre le changement climatique et l’adaptation du territoire. Les PCET sont élaborés par les collectivités territoriales de plus de 50 000 habitants et portent principalement sur le champ de compétences de cette collectivité. Depuis 2016, les PCET ont été remplacés par les plans climat-air-énergie territoriaux (cf. mesure #72). 2016 Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/actions-des-entreprises-et-des-collectivites-climat#e8 Expired 2011 With existing measures No No information
France_43 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Développement des poids lourds fonctionnant au gaz naturel véhicule (GNV/bioGNV) Single 43 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministère de l'Economie 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La loi de finances pour 2016 prévoit un dispositif de soutien à l'investissement dans les camions fonctionnant au gaz naturel véhicule (GNV/bioGNV). Les entreprises soumises à l’impôt sur les sociétés ou à l’impôt sur le revenu selon un régime réel d’imposition peuvent déduire de leur résultat imposable une somme égale à 40 % de la valeur d’origine des biens, hors frais financiers, affectés à leur activité et qu’elles acquièrent à compter du 1er janvier 2016 et jusqu’au 31 décembre 2017, lorsqu’ils relèvent de la catégorie des véhicules de plus de 3,5 tonnes qui utilisent exclusivement comme énergie le gaz naturel et le biométhane carburant. Ce dispositif, ouvert du 1er janvier 2016 au 31 décembre 2017, permettra aux entreprises, qui souhaitent rouler plus propre, d'économiser jusqu'à la moitié du surcoût des véhicules GNV/bioGNV. Il s'agit d'un signal positif des pouvoirs publics en faveur du GNV et du bioGNV comme carburant pour réussir la transition énergétique dans le transport routier de marchandises. 2017 Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
France_46 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 Aide au transport combiné Single 46 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le programme de soutien "aide au transport combiné" est destiné à favoriser la mise en place et le développement de services de transport combiné pour contribuer aux objectifs de transition écologique. Les bénéficiaires sont les opérateurs de services de transport combiné, ou les commissionnaires de transport, leur activité étant un des maillons de la chaîne logistique. Il s’agit de verser une aide forfaitaire par unité de transport intermodal - UTI (conteneurs, caisses mobiles, semi-remorques, remorques) transbordée dans un terminal terrestre ou portuaire situé sur le territoire français métropolitain et intégré dans une chaîne de transport incluant un pré et post acheminement routier aux extrémités du maillon principal. L’objectif est de permettre aux opérateurs de transport combiné d’établir une offre de prix compétitive afin de favoriser le développement de ce système de transport. 2017 Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
France_55 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 Obligation de réalisation d'un audit énergétique dans les copropriétés Single 55 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml D’ici le 1er janvier 2017, un audit énergétique doit être réalisé dans les copropriétés construites avant 2000 comprenant 50 lots ou plus et équipées d’une installation collective de chauffage ou de refroidissement. Cet audit comprend, pour chaque bâtiment de la copropriété, l’estimation de la consommation annuelle d’énergie du bâtiment liée au chauffage, au refroidissement, à la production d’eau chaude sanitaire, à l’éclairage et à la ventilation. L'audit doit comporter des propositions de travaux destinés à améliorer la performance énergétique du bâtiment. Il doit être réalisé par une personne qualifiée et indépendante. 2017 Nombre d'audits énergétiques réalisés Décret n° 2012-111 du 27 janvier 2012 relatif à l'obligation de réalisation d'un audit énergétique pour les bâtiments à usage principal d'habitation en copropriété de cinquante lots ou plus et à la réglementation thermique des bâtiments neufs https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/eli/decret/2012/1/27/DEVL1117240D/jo Expired 2012 With existing measures No No information
France_75 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam75 Plan Ambition Bio 2017 Single 75 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information, Planning, Research Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Plan de soutien à l'agriculture biologique, avec un objectif général de doublement de la part des surfaces en bio d'ici fin 2017 associé à un objectif ambitieux de développement continu et durable de la consommation. Doublement de la part des surfaces en bio d'ici fin 2017 2017 Site internet du Ministère en charge de l'Agriculture http://agriculture.gouv.fr/programme-ambition-bio-2017 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
France_84 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam84 Aides de l’Agence nationale de l’habitat (ANAH) pour lutter contre la précarité énergétique Single 84 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: ANAH (Agence nationale de l'habitat) 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml L'Agence nationale de l’habitat (ANAH) aide les propriétaires occupants sous plafond de ressources et les propriétaires bailleurs pour la réalisation de travaux d'amélioration de l'habitat. Le programme "Habiter mieux", géré par l'ANAH, alloue une aide complémentaire aux propriétaires occupants modestes réalisant des travaux permettant un gain énergétique d'au moins 25 %. Il prévoit également un accompagnement spécifique pour l'assistance à maîtrise d'ouvrage des propriétaires. Le programme ≪ Habiter mieux ≫ devrait permettre 300 000 rénovations entre 2010 et 2017. Un observatoire de la précarité énergétique a été créé afin de mieux mesurer les phénomènes de précarité énergétique et d’assurer le suivi des aides publiques et privées aux ménages précaires, ainsi que le suivi des actions, des initiatives locales ou nationales, pour en mesurer les impacts et en partager les expériences. 300 000 rénovations entre 2010 et 2017 2017 Implemented 2010 With existing measures No No information
France_11 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Dispositif des "Prêts verts" pour le secteur industriel Single 11 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Other Other: Bpifrance 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le dispositif des "Prêts verts" a vocation à financer des investissements qui mettent en place des processus de fabrication industrielle et des équipements plus économes, moins polluants, ou conduisant à des produits éco-efficients. Il est destiné aux petites et moyennes entreprises (PME) et aux entreprises de taille intermédiaire (ETI) dans toutes les filières industrielles. Depuis le renouvellement du programme début 2015, 164 M€ de prêts verts ont été attribués à des PME et ETI industrielles pour les accompagner dans leurs projets de transition écologique et énergétique. Afin d’accélérer la distribution du prêt vert, son plafond sera porté de 3 à 5 M€ en 2017, et l’éligibilité est étendue aux activités de services à l'industrie, de data centers, et de logistique frigorifique. Enfin, le dispositif a été prolongé jusqu'au 31 mars 2018. 2018 Montant de prêts distribués depuis début 2015 millions d'euros Site internet de la Bpifrance http://www.bpifrance.fr/Toutes-nos-solutions/Prets/Prets-thematiques/Pret-Vert Implemented 2010 With existing measures No No information
France_83 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam83 Eco-prêt à taux zéro pour financer des travaux de performance énergétique dans les logements Single 83 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministère en charge du logement,Government: Ministère de l'économie 2009 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml L'éco-prêt à taux zéro (éco-PTZ) permet de bénéficier d’un prêt à taux zéro de 30 000 euros maximum pour financer des travaux d’éco-rénovation. Il s’adresse aux propriétaires, qu’ils habitent le logement, ou qu’ils le mettent en location. Les travaux doivent être réalisés par des entreprises Reconnues Garantes de l’Environnement (RGE). Il concerne les logements construits avant 1990, occupé comme résidence principal. L'éco-PTZ permet de financer les travaux d'économie d'énergie et les éventuels frais induits par ces travaux. Le dispositif a été pérennisé jusqu’au 31/12/2018 et a fait l’objet de plusieurs évolutions permettant de l'améliorer au 1er janvier 2015, en cohérence avec les évolutions du crédit d'impôt pour la transition énergétique (CITE) (mesure #82), avec un alignement des critères techniques de l’éco-PTZ sur ceux du CITE en métropole. 2018 Site internet du ministère de l'environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/eco-pret-taux-zero-eco-ptz Implemented 2009 With existing measures No No information
France_109 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam109 Plan "enseigner à produire autrement" Single 109 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD, LULUCF Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government Government: Ministère en charge de l’agriculture 2014 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le plan "Enseigner à produire autrement" vise à mobiliser l'enseignement agricole pour accompagner la transition vers de nouveaux systèmes de productions plus durable. Les référentiels de l'enseignement agricole proposés aux futurs agriculteurs sont révisés, afin d'intégrer les avancées du projet agro-écologique (cf. mesure #116), et notamment la question climatique. 2018 Site internet du Ministère de l'Agriculture http://agriculture.gouv.fr/enseigner-produire-autrement-le-defi-de-la-recherche-et-de-lenseignement-agricole Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
France_1 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 La programmation pluriannuelle de l'énergie et les appels d'offres Single 1 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy 29000 64000 Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'énergie 2016 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La programmation pluriannuelle de l'énergie (PPE) est un outil de programmation qui fixe les priorités d'actions des pouvoirs publics dans le domaine de l'énergie afin d'atteindre les objectifs de la loi relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte d'août 2015. Pour la première fois, l'ensemble des piliers de la politique énergétique (maîtrise de la demande d’énergie, énergies renouvelables, sécurité d'approvisionnement, réseaux, etc.) et l'ensemble des énergies sont traités dans une même stratégie, afin de tenir compte du lien fort entre les différentes dimensions de la politique énergétique et de développer une vision transversale de l'énergie plus efficace pour atteindre les objectifs. Au-delà d'orientations stratégiques, la PPE a aussi pour rôle de fixer les objectifs quantitatifs pour le développement de chaque filière d'énergie renouvelable, sur une période de 10 ans à l’exception de la première période prévue pour couvrir la période 2016-2023. La PPE sera revue tous les 5 ans, à l’exception de la première révision qui interviendra en 2018. Des appels d'offres peuvent être lancés pour développer les capacités renouvelables (électricité et biogaz), de manière à atteindre les objectifs fixés par la PPE. Augmenter la production d'électricité renouvelable à hauteur de 150 à 167 TWh en 2023 ; Production de 8 TWh de biométhane injecté dans le réseau de gaz en 2023 ; Baisse de 12,3 % de la consommation finale d'énergie en 2023 par rapport à 2012; Baisse de 22% de la consommation primaire des énergies fossiles par rapport à 2012 Production électrique renouvelable TWh Production de biométhane injecté dans le réseau de gaz GWh Consommation finale d'énergie Mtep Consommation primaire des énergies fossiles Mtep En plus de la PPE élaborée pour la France métropolitaine continentale, chaque zone non interconnectée dispose de sa propre PPE Programmation pluriannuelle de l'énergie 49000 http://test.developpement-durable.gouv.fr.vpn.e2.rie.gouv.fr/programmations-pluriannuelles-lenergie-ppe Evaluation environnementale stratégique de la Programmation Pluriannuelle de l'Energie et son volet annexé la Stratégie de Développement de la Mobilité Propre http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/Evaluation%20environnementale.pdf Une évaluation macro-économiques de la PPE a été réalisée. Cette évaluation a estimé l'impact de la PPE sur l'emploi, le PIB, le revenu disponible brut des ménages, la valeur ajoutée de l'industrie et le solde des finances publiques. PPE - Volet relatif aux impacts économiques et sociaux http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/sites/default/files/PPE%20int%C3%A9gralit%C3%A9.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
France_2 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Les tarifs d'achat pour l'électricité renouvelable et la cogénération haut rendement, en guichet ouvert Single 2 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'énergie 2001 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le dispositif de l’obligation d’achat, tout comme celui de complément de rémunération mis en place en 2016, avec guichet ouvert, sont adaptés aux filières matures, pour lesquelles les coûts de production sont relativement connus et stables et pour lesquelles les sites potentiels de développement sont nombreux, avec des conflits d’usages limités. Tout kilowattheure injecté sur le réseau public est acheté par un acheteur obligé à un tarif d’achat, supérieur au niveau moyen du prix de marché, fixé à l’avance et permettant de couvrir les coûts de son installation tout en assurant une rentabilité normale de son projet. Depuis 2016, l’obligation d’achat ne s’applique que pour les installations de petite taille, le complément de rémunération se substituant à l’obligation d’achat pour les installations de grande puissance. Objectifs définis dans la programmation pluriannuelle de l'énergie Part des énergies renouvelables dans la production d'électricité % Implemented 2001 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
France_3 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Les compléments de rémunération pour l'électricité renouvelable et la cogénération haut rendement, en guichet ouvert Single 3 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'énergie 2016 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le dispositif du complément de rémunération, mis en place en 2016, vient se substituer au dispositif d’obligation d’achat pour les installations de grande puissance (puissance installée supérieure à 500 kW). Le complément de rémunération en guichet ouvert est une prime versée à un producteur d'énergie renouvelable en complément de la vente sur le marché de l’électricité qu’il a produite. Cette prime est proportionnelle à l’énergie produite et calculée comme la différence entre un tarif de référence et un prix de marché de référence. Elle doit permettre de donner au producteur un niveau de rémunération permettant de couvrir les coûts de son installation tout en assurant une rentabilité normale de son projet. Objectifs définis dans la programmation pluriannuelle de l'énergie Part des énergies renouvelables dans la production d'électricité % Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
France_4 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Les tarifs d'achat pour le biométhane injecté dans les réseaux de gaz, en guichet ouvert Single 4 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture; Energy supply; Waste management/waste Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'énergie 2011 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CH4, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Tout producteur de biométhane souhaitant injecter sa production dans les réseaux de transport et de distribution de gaz naturel est éligible à une obligation d’achat en guichet ouvert, sous réserve de la préservation du bon fonctionnement des réseaux. Dans ce système, le biométhane injecté est acheté par un fournisseur de gaz naturel à un tarif d’achat fixé à l’avance et permettant de couvrir les coûts d’investissement et d’exploitation de l’installation de production de biométhane tout en assurant une rentabilité normale du projet. L’obligation d’achat est contractée pour une durée de 15 ans. Objectifs définis dans la programmation pluriannuelle de l'énergie Production de biométhane injecté dans le réseau de gaz GWh Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
France_5 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Les garanties d'origine pour la production d'électricité renouvelable Single 5 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'énergie 2006 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les producteurs qui en font la demande peuvent bénéficier de garanties d'origine pour la production d'électricité renouvelable, issue de cogénération haut rendement, ou pour le biogaz injecté. Ces garanties d'origine peuvent être valorisées sur les marchés et constituer une source de revenu complémentaire pour les producteurs. Objectifs définis dans la programmation pluriannuelle de l'énergie Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
France_7 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Obligation de réalisation d'audits énergétiques pour certaines entreprises Single 7 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Dans le cadre de la transposition de l'article 8 de la directive 2012/27/UE relative à l'efficacité énergétique, les entreprises employant plus de 250 salariés ou ayant un chiffre d'affaire annuel de plus de 50 M€ et un total de bilan de plus de 43 M€ doivent réaliser tous les 4 ans un audit énergétique. L’audit énergétique, réalisé par un auditeur interne ou externe, consiste en une analyse méthodique des flux et des consommations énergétiques d’un site et doit permettre aux entreprises d’identifier des actions d'économies d'énergie. Nombre d'audits énergétiques réalisés audits énergétiques Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/audit-energetique-des-grandes-entreprises Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
France_9 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Mise en œuvre du système d'échange de quotas d'émission (EU ETS) Single 9 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Carbon capture and storage; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear); Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies; Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Carbon capture and storage,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear),Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies,Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, N2O, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La directive européenne 2003/87/CE a introduit, depuis le 1er janvier 2005, un système de plafonnement et d’échange de quotas d’émission de gaz à effet de serre couvrant progressivement les principales activités industrielles et énergétiques de l’UE. Pendant la période test (2005/2007), puis la seconde période (2008/2012), la France a établi des plans nationaux d’affectation de quotas, prolongés par l’allocation de ces quotas aux installations assujetties. Ces installations doivent se mettre en conformité en restituant tous les ans un montant de quotas équivalent à leurs émissions vérifiées. Pour cela, elles peuvent échanger ces quotas sur le marché des permis d’émission. A partir de 2013, les changements suivants ont été apportés : un passage à un mode dominant d’allocation des quotas à travers la mise aux enchères et non plus l’allocation gratuite ; la conservation du principe d’allocation gratuite de quotas pour certains secteurs industriels exposés à un risque de fuite de carbone, cette allocation se faisant au niveau communautaire de manière harmonisée sur la base de référentiels correspondant aux 10 % d’installations les moins émettrices dans l’Union. Réduction des émissions des secteurs inclus dans l'ETS de 21% en 2020 par rapport à leur niveau de 2005 Emissions des installations couvertes par l'ETS millions de tonnes de CO2 équivalent Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/marches-du-carbone En France, les revenus d’enchères de quotas d’émissions ont représenté 221 millions d’euros en 2013, 215 millions d’euros en 2014 et 312 millions d’euros en 2015. Ces revenus sont reversés en intégralité au programme « Habiter mieux » de l’Anah (Agence nationale de l'habitat). Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/marches-du-carbone Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
France_10 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Tarification préférentielle d'approvisionnement en électricité pour les sites électro-intensifs mettant en œuvre une politique de performance énergétique Single 10 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Depuis 2016, les entreprises fortement consommatrices d'électricité peuvent bénéficier d'une réduction sur le tarif d'utilisation des réseaux publics d'électricité (TURPE). En contrepartie, elles doivent mettre en œuvre une politique de performance énergétique (mettre en œuvre un système de management de l'énergie selon la norme ISO 50001, atteindre dans un délai de 5 ans un objectif de performance suivi au moyen d'indicateurs faisant l'objet d'une certification, et élaborer un plan de performance énergétique pour atteindre cet objectif). Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
France_12 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Obligation de réalisation d'analyse coûts-avantages de la valorisation de la chaleur fatale pour les nouveaux projets d’installations de combustion Single 12 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Depuis le 1er janvier 2015, en application de l’article 14 de la directive 2012/27/UE relative à l’efficacité énergétique, les installations industrielles générant de la chaleur fatale non valorisée et les installations de production d'énergie dans des réseaux de chaleur ou de froid, d'une puissance thermique totale supérieure à 20 MW, doivent réaliser une analyse coûts-avantages lorsqu'il s'agit d'installations nouvelles et en cas de rénovation substantielle. Cette analyse permet d'évaluer pour un industriel la rentabilité de la valorisation de la chaleur fatale par un raccordement à un réseau de chaleur ou de froid et s'accompagne de la mise en œuvre des solutions jugées rentables. Pour une installation de production d'énergie faisant partie d'un réseau de chaleur ou de froid, il s'agit d'identifier les fournisseurs potentiels de chaleur fatale situés à proximité du réseau et de mettre en œuvre la solution jugée rentable. Les principaux secteurs concernés par la mesure sont notamment : l'énergie, le traitement thermique de déchets, la chimie, le verre, la transformation des métaux, le ciment, chaux, plâtre, le papier-carton, et l'agroalimentaire. Nombre d'analyses coûts-avantages réalisées Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
France_13 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Les "Aides à la décision" subventionnant la réalisation d'études sur l'efficacité énergétique dans l'industrie Single 13 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Other Other: ADEME 1995 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le dispositif des « Aides à la décision » de l’ADEME subventionne la réalisation d’études sur l’efficacité énergétique dans l’industrie, dont des diagnostics énergétiques tant qu’ils ne sont pas rendus obligatoires par la réglementation, ainsi que la mise en place de systèmes de management de l’énergie. Nombre d'études réalisées Implemented 1995 With existing measures No No information
France_15 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Programme de formation "Devenir Référent Energie en Industrie" ("DEREFEI") Single 15 Single PaM Education Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Other Other: ADEME 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le Programme « DEREFEI » (« Devenir Référent Énergie en Industrie ») mis en place par l'ADEME en collaboration avec différents acteurs professionnels (branche professionnelle, bureaux d'étude, etc.) a établi un parcours de formation intitulé « Devenir Référent Énergie en Industrie ». Il permet de doter le référent énergie d’outils et de méthodes visant à améliorer la performance énergétique de son entreprise, en mettant en place des solutions techniques et organisationnelles simples et rapidement rentables. Nombre de stagiaires formés depuis le lancement du programme en juin 2015 Site internet de l'ADEME http://formations.ademe.fr/solutions/stage.php?stageid=4680&folid=26 Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
France_16 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Filières à responsabilité élargie du producteur Single 16 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government Government: Ministère de l’environnement 1992 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La France a mis en place de manière progressive 15 filières à responsabilité élargie du producteur (REP) entre 1992 et 2016 ; les filières REP doivent assurer la reprise des produits usagés et leur valorisation. Quantité de matériaux recyclables fournis par les filières à responsabilité élargie du producteur Mt Site internet du Ministère de l’environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/politiques/dechets-economie-circulaire Implemented 1992 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
France_17 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Obligation de tri des déchets des activités économiques des entreprises (pour les matériaux papier, carton, plastique, métaux, bois, verre) Single 17 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling 1800 4000 Government Government: Ministère de l’environnement 2016 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Depuis le 01/07/2016, une obligation de tri (papier, carton, plastique, métaux, bois, verre) en vue d’une valorisation matière ou d’une valorisation énergétique s’impose pour les déchets des activités économiques. Réduction des tonnes de déchets des activités économiques ne faisant pas l’objet d’une valorisation matière ou d’une valorisation énergétique ton Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre 3600 4200 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
France_18 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Collecte séparée des déchets ménagers Single 18 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Local Local: Communes, communautés de communes 1990 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les collectivités locales organisent la collecte sélective des déchets selon des modalités qui varient d’une collectivité à l’autre ; les déchets de carton, papier, métal, verre sont collectés de manière séparée. Part des déchets faisant l’objet d’une valorisation tonnes Site internet du Ministère de l’environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/politiques/dechets-economie-circulaire Implemented 1990 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
France_19 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Tri des biodéchets Single 19 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government Government: Ministère de l’environnement 2010 No No information CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml L’obligation de tri des biodéchets est d'ores et déjà applicable aux gros producteurs de biodéchets depuis 2010 ; l’obligation de tri des biodéchets doit être généralisé aux ménages à horizon 2025. Evolution des tonnes de biodéchets non valorisés tonnes Site internet du Ministère de l’environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/politiques/dechets-economie-circulaire Implemented 2010 With existing measures No No information
France_20 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Le fonds déchets Single 20 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government Government: Ministère de l’environnement 2014 No No information CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le fonds déchets vise à soutenir l’ensemble des opérations qui concourent à mettre en œuvre la politique déchets et l’économie circulaire. Le fonds déchet a été alimenté à hauteur de 193 M€ en 2016. En 2016, les actions prioritaires ont porté sur : le tri à la source des biodéchets par les ménages et les entreprises, la prévention de la production des déchets des activités économiques et leur tri, la tarification incitative du service public de gestion des déchets. Site internet du Ministère de l’environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/politiques/dechets-economie-circulaire Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
France_21 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Appels à projets « Territoires zéro déchet, zéro gaspillage » Single 21 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government Government: Ministère de l’environnement 2016 No No information CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les appels à projets « Territoires zéro déchet, zéro gaspillage » lancés par le Ministère de l’environnement visent à repérer et à accompagner les collectivités territoriales qui s’engagent dans une démarche de prévention, de réutilisation et de recyclage de leurs déchets. Les collectivités sont invitées à mettre en place un programme local de prévention des déchets ménagers et assimilés intégrant des mesures de réduction des quantités de déchets produits (par exemple lutte contre le gaspillage alimentaire dans les services de restauration collective, campagnes de sensibilisation des citoyens, expérimentation de la consigne pour réemploi de certains emballages ou produits, ateliers de réparation), d’amélioration de la collecte et du tri des déchets (par exemple meilleur tri à la source des biodéchets et mise en place d’une collecte séparée des biodéchets et/ou compostage de proximité, déploiement d’une tarification incitative pour l’enlèvement des déchets ménagers), accompagnement des entreprises dans la mise en place du tri des déchets professionnels, politique d’achats publics au service de l’économie circulaire. Site internet du Ministère de l’environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/politiques/dechets-economie-circulaire Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
France_22 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Mise en place de plans régionaux de gestion des déchets Single 22 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Regional Regional: Conseils régionaux en lien avec les autres acteurs déchets dont les communes 2016 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les plans régionaux de gestion des déchets ont pour objet de coordonner à l'échelle régionale les actions entreprises par l'ensemble des parties prenantes concernées par la prévention et la gestion des déchets. Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
France_23 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 La composante carbone dans la fiscalité des énergies fossiles Single 23 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 6140 9100 Government Government: Ministère de l'Economie (Government) 2014 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml En 2014, une part proportionnelle aux émissions de CO2 des produits énergétiques a été introduite au sein des taxes intérieures de consommation sur les produits énergétiques. La "composante carbone" évolue selon la trajectoire suivante: 7€/tCO2 en 2014, 14,5€/tCO2 en 2015, 22€/tCO2 en 2016, et 56€/tCO2 en 2020. Dans le cadre de la loi relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte, un objectif de 100€/tCO2 a été fixé pour 2030. Niveau de la composante carbone euros par tonne de CO2 équivalent Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre 7750 8650 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 2015 1130 Voir méthodologie détaillée dans le Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) Voir méthodologie détaillée dans le Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf La composante carbone représente des recettes pour l’État. Ces recettes représentaient de l’ordre de 3,8 Mds d’euros en 2016. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
France_26 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Développement des véhicules électriques et hybrides Group 26 44,45,99 Economic, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD, EU ETS Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 780 3400 Government, Local Government: Ministère de l'Environnement,Government: Ministère de l'Environnement,Government: Ministère de l'Environnement,Local: Collectivités territoriales See individual PaMs Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC Directive 2014/94/UE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 22 octobre 2014 sur le déploiement d'une infrastructure pour carburants alternatifs Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE Directive 2014/94/UE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 22 octobre 2014 sur le déploiement d'une infrastructure pour carburants alternatifs Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La loi relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte du 18 août 2015 a renforcé les objectifs d’équipement en véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables dans les parcs automobiles gérés par l’Etat, ses établissements publics et les collectivités. Elle prévoit également l'implantation de points de charge dans les bâtiments publics et privés (avec un objectif de 7 millions de bornes de recharge en 2030). L’achat de véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables est par ailleurs encouragé par des bonus à l’achat (jusqu’à 10 000 € lorsque l’achat d’un véhicule électrique s’accompagne de la mise au rebut d’un véhicule diesel de plus de 11 ans). See individual PaMs Part des véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables dans les immatriculations % Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre -82 862 -196 2036 1840 -382 3782 -643 6293 5650 Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 2015 85 Voir méthodologie détaillée dans le Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) Voir méthodologie détaillée dans le Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Le coût du bonus à l’achat pour les véhicules électriques a représenté un coût de 226 M€ en 2015 et de 235M€ en 2016. Toutefois ce coût a été intégralement couvert par le malus sur les véhicules les plus polluants, dans une logique d’équilibre budgétaire du compte d’affectation spécial d’aide à l’acquisition de véhicules propres. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
France_29 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Les plans de déplacements urbains Single 29 2,4,73,74 Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Local Local: Collectivités locales dans les périmètres de transport 1982 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les plans de déplacements urbains (PDU), introduits par la loi d’orientation des transports intérieurs du 30 décembre 1982, définissent les principes de l’organisation des transports de personnes et de marchandises, de la circulation et du stationnement dans les périmètres de transports urbains. Depuis la loi du 30 décembre 1996 sur l’air et l’utilisation rationnelle de l’énergie, l’élaboration d’un PDU est obligatoire dans les périmètres de transports urbains inclus en tout ou partie dans les agglomérations de plus de 100 000 habitants. Dans le cadre des PDU, le soutien de l’Etat aux plans de déplacement d’entreprises, d’administrations, d’écoles ou de zones d’activité a été réaffirmé dans le cadre de l’article 13 de la loi n° 2009-967 du 3 août 2009. La loi n° 2010-788 du 12 juillet 2010 portant engagement national pour l'environnement (article 63) prévoit par ailleurs que les PDU, lors de leur élaboration ou de leur révision, doivent comporter une évaluation des émissions évitées de CO2 attendues par la mise en œuvre du plan. L’obligation est étendue à tous les gaz à effet de serre à compter de 2015. Nombre de PDU approuvés en distinguant selon obligatoire et volontaires Base des PDU du Cerema http://www.territoires-ville.cerema.fr/base-des-pdu-et-autres-plans-de-deplacements-au-a2057.html Implemented 1982 With existing measures No No information
France_30 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Plans de déplacements d'entreprise (PDE) Single 30 112,111,44,114 Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Companies, Government Companies: entreprises,Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2000 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La loi solidarité et renouvellement urbain du 13 décembre 2000 a prévu que les collectivités en charge d’un plan de déplacements urbains (cf. mesure #29) doivent inciter les entreprises à l'élaboration de plans de déplacements. La loi sur la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte du 18 août 2015 a rendu obligatoire l'élaboration de plans de déplacements pour les entreprises regroupant plus de 100 salariés sur un même site, dès lors qu’elles sont situées dans le périmètre d'un plan de déplacements urbains (PDU). Les plans de déplacements doivent viser à améliorer la mobilité du personnel et encourager l'utilisation des transports en commun et le recours au covoiturage. Nombre d’entreprises disposant d’un PDE Nombre de salariés concernés par un PDE Implemented 2000 With existing measures No No information
France_31 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Label "autopartage" Single 31 Single PaM Information, Other Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Local Local: autorités organisatrices de la mobilité (AOM) 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le label "autopartage" a été créé par le Décret n° 2012-280 du 28 février 2012. L'activité d'autopartage consiste en la mise en commun, au profit d'utilisateurs abonnés, d'une flotte de véhicules. Chaque abonné peut accéder à un véhicule sans conducteur pour le trajet de son choix et pour une durée limitée. Les personnes exerçant cette activité peuvent demander l'attribution d'un label. Le décret en précise les conditions. Les véhicules doivent respecter un seuil d'émission de dioxyde de carbone, être conformes à la dernière norme Euro en vigueur, être utilisés dans le cadre d'un contrat d'abonnement et leur mise à disposition s'effectuer à partir de stations situées à proximité d'un moyen de transport collectif. Le label est délivré, pour une durée comprise entre dix-huit et quarante-huit mois, par l'autorité territorialement compétente en matière de transports urbains et, en Ile-de-France, par le Syndicat des transports d'Ile-de-France (STIF). Une vignette est apposée sur chaque véhicule labellisé. La loi de modernisation de l’action publique territoriale et d’affirmation des métropoles (MAPAM) du 27 janvier 2014 permet aux autorités organisatrices de la mobilité (AOM) de délivrer un label “autopartage” aux véhicules affectés à cette activité. A cet effet, elles fixent les caractéristiques techniques des véhicules au regard, notamment, des objectifs de réduction de la pollution et des gaz à effet de serre qu’elles déterminent et les conditions d’usage de ces véhicules auxquelles est subordonnée la délivrance du label. Elles permettent de réserver des places de stationnement aux véhicules détenteurs du label. En cas d’inexistence, d’insuffisance ou d’inadaptation de l’offre privée, elles peuvent aussi créer un service public d’autopartage. Implemented 2012 With existing measures No No information
France_32 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Définition d'un cadre juridique pour le covoiturage Single 32 Single PaM Other Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction Local Local: Collectivités locales dans les périmètres urbains 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le covoiturage est encouragé, notamment dans le cadre des plans de déplacement urbains (cf. mesure #29), et l’Etat apporte la sécurité juridique nécessaire à ce mode de déplacement. A ce titre, la loi de modernisation de l’action publique territoriale et d’affirmation des métropoles (MAPAM) du 27 janvier 2014 a adopté une définition du covoiturage, qui permet, pour la première fois, de donner un cadre juridique adapté à cette pratique, afin de permettre son développement, tout en la différenciant clairement de l'activité des transports publics réguliers, des taxis et des véhicules de tourisme avec chauffeur. Cette même loi permet aux autorités organisatrices de la mobilité (AOM), en cas d’inexistence, d’insuffisance ou d’inadaptation de l’offre privée, de mettre à disposition du public des plates-formes dématérialisées favorisant la rencontre des offres et demandes de covoiturage. Ces autorités peuvent également créer un signe distinctif des véhicules en situation de covoiturage, après avoir défini au préalable ses conditions d’attribution. La loi de transition énergétique pour la croissance verte de 2015 prévoit aussi que les entreprises et les collectivités territoriales facilitent, autant qu’il est possible, les solutions de covoiturage pour les déplacements entre le domicile et le travail de leurs salariés et de leurs agents. Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
France_33 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Axes Express multimodaux sur autoroute Single 33 Single PaM Planning Planned ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Regional Regional: Région Ile-de-France 2020 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml L’Etat lance en Île-de-France de premiers aménagements de voies dédiées au bus sur autoroute. Onze Axes Express multimodaux ont été identifiés et devront permettre de faciliter la circulation des lignes Express de bus à horizon 2020. Planned 2020 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
France_34 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Plan d'actions pour les mobilités actives Single 34 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Local Local: collectivités locales 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Lancé en mars 2014, le plan d'actions pour les mobilités actives vise à encourager les modes de déplacement "actifs" et inciter notamment à l’usage du vélo dans les déplacements domicile-travail. Ce plan de 25 mesures a été développé autour de six axes : - développer l'intermodalité transports collectifs/modes actifs, - partager l’espace public et sécuriser les modes actifs, - valoriser les enjeux économiques liés à la pratique du vélo - prendre en compte les politiques de mobilité active dans l'urbanisme, le logement et notamment le logement social, - développer les itinéraires de loisir et le tourisme à vélo, - faire redécouvrir les bienfaits de la marche et du vélo. Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/plan-daction-mobilites-actives-pama Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
France_35 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Développement des espaces de stationnement sécurisés pour les vélos dans les constructions neuves Single 35 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les bâtiments neufs à usage principal d’habitation et ceux à usage principal de bureaux, qui comportent un parc de stationnement, doivent posséder un espace réservé au stationnement sécurisé des vélos. Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/developpement-des-nouveaux-equipements-et-reseaux-recharges-des-vehicules-electriques-stationnement Implemented 2012 With existing measures No No information
France_36 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Indemnité kilométrique vélo Single 36 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Companies Companies: entreprises/employeurs 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml L'employeur peut prendre en charge tout ou partie des frais engagés par ses salariés pour leurs déplacements à vélo ou à vélo à assistance électrique entre leur résidence habituelle et leur lieu de travail, sous la forme d'une indemnité kilométrique vélo. Le montant de l'indemnité est fixé à 25 centimes d'euros par km. L’instauration de l’indemnité kilométrique vélo au sein des entreprises est à la discrétion de l’entreprise. La décision de mise en œuvre appartient à l’employeur. Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
France_37 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Développement des véloroutes (pistes cyclables longue distance) et voies vertes Single 37 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Regional Regional: Régions 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les contrats de plan Etat-Région (CPER) pour la période 2014-2020 ont été signés par les cocontractants en 2015 : sur les 27 CPER, 7 comprennent des opérations se rapportant au développement des véloroutes (itinéraire cyclable de longue distance). Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
France_38 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Prise en charge de la moitié du coût de l'abonnement de transport en commun par les employeurs Single 38 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Companies Companies: Employeurs 2009 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Depuis le 1er janvier 2009, tous les employeurs ont l'obligation de prendre en charge une partie (50% minimum) des frais d'abonnement aux transports collectifs de leurs salariés pour se rendre de leur domicile à leur lieu de travail. Implemented 2009 With existing measures No No information
France_39 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Obligation d'information CO2 des prestations de transport Single 39 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Companies, Government Companies: Entreprises de transport (fret et voyageurs),Government: Ministère de l'environnement 2013 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Afin de valoriser les transports les moins émetteurs de gaz à effet de serre, les opérateurs (entreprises de transports de personnes ou de marchandises, de déménagement, taxis, commissionnaires, agents de voyages) sont tenus d’informer leurs clients lors de chaque déplacement, des émissions de CO2 de leur prestation depuis octobre 2013. Le décret n° 2011-1336 du 24 octobre 2011 fixe les principes de calcul communs à tous les modes de transport (ferroviaire ou guidé, routier, fluvial, maritime, aérien). Il précise les modalités d'information du bénéficiaire ainsi que le calendrier de mise en œuvre des dispositions. La méthodologie de calcul est basée sur la norme européenne relative au calcul et à la déclaration de la consommation d’énergie et des émissions de gaz à effet de serre des prestations de transport (projet EN 16 258). Le décret propose une méthodologie générale permettant à l’entreprise de transport de calculer la quantité des différentes sources d’énergie consommées en fonction des moyens de transport employés pour chacune des sections de l'itinéraire. Cette quantité d'énergie est ensuite multipliée par un facteur d’émission spécifique à chaque type d'énergie. Ce facteur établit la correspondance entre la quantité d'énergie consommée et la quantité de CO2 émise. Les facteurs d'émission des sources d'énergie et les valeurs à utiliser lorsque l'entreprise ne calcule pas elle-même sa consommation d'énergie, sont fixés dans l'arrêté du 10 avril 2012. Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
France_40 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 Programme « Objectif CO2 » (ex CO2 les transporteurs s'engagent) Single 40 Single PaM Information, Voluntary Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Demand management/reduction Companies, Other Companies: Entreprises de transport,Other: ADEME 2008 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La charte « Objectif CO2, les transporteurs s’engagent », mise en place par le ministère chargé des transports et l’agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie (ADEME), est un engagement volontaire des entreprises de transport routier à réduire les émissions de CO2 de leurs véhicules. Pour ce faire, les entreprises mettent en place un plan d’actions concrètes et personnalisées sur une durée de trois ans. Elles doivent notamment mettre en œuvre au moins une action dans chacun des quatre axes définis dans la démarche, à savoir : le véhicule, le carburant, le conducteur, l’organisation des flux. Depuis 2016, la charte a été intégrée dans un programme « Objectif CO2 » financé dans le cadre des certificats d’économies d’énergie (CEE), qui couvre à la fois l’engagement volontaire des entreprises et un label permettant de mettre en valeur les entreprises de transport ayant fait des efforts importants dans le renouvellement de leurs flottes. Nombre d'entreprises s'étant engagées dans la démarche depuis 2008 Nombre de chartes signées Nombre d'entreprises ayant obtenu le label Nombre de labels Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
France_41 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 Taxe sur les véhicules de société assise sur les émissions de CO2 Single 41 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministère de l'Economie 2006 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La taxe sur les véhicules de société est une taxe annuelle portant sur les voitures (destinées au transport de passagers) d'entreprises. Cette taxe comprend une composante fonction du niveau d’émissions de CO2 du véhicule et une autre composante fonction des émissions de polluants atmosphériques. https://www.service-public.fr/professionnels-entreprises/vosdroits/F22203 Implemented 2006 With existing measures No No information
France_42 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Réduction de la Taxe Intérieure de Consommation sur les Produits Energétiques (TICPE) pour le gaz naturel pour véhicules (GNV) Single 42 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministère de l'Economie 2006 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le gaz naturel pour véhicules (GNV) utilisé comme carburant est très faiblement taxé comparé aux autres carburants. Il était exonéré de Taxe Intérieure de Consommation sur les Produits Énergétiques (TICPE) jusqu’en 2014. Depuis l’introduction de la composante carbone dans la TICPE au 01/04/2014, le GNV est soumis à un taux de TICPE très faible. Au 01/01/2017, ce taux est de 5,80c€/m³ Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
France_44 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Superbonus et prime à la conversion des véhicules Single 44 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2008 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le système de bonus vise à récompenser, via une aide financière à l’achat ou à la location de longue durée (2 ans et plus), les acquéreurs de voitures neuves émettant le moins de CO2. Plus les émissions de CO2 du véhicule sont faibles, plus le bonus écologique est important. Le système est en place depuis 2008. Depuis 2015, le bonus a été recentré sur les véhicules émettant moins de 60 gCO2/km, ce qui correspond en l’état actuel de l’offre aux véhicules électriques et aux véhicules hybrides rechargeables. Le bonus écologique est actuellement de 6 000 euros pour les véhicules émettant moins de 20 gCO2/km (soit en pratique les véhicules électriques) et de 1 000 euros pour les véhicules hybrides rechargeables à essence (émettant entre 21 gCO2/km et 60gCO2/km). La prime à la conversion permet d’atteindre une aide de respectivement 10 000 euros (pour les véhicules électriques) et 3 500 euros (pour les hybrides rechargeables à essence), lorsque l’achat est couplé avec la mise au rebut d’une voiture diesel immatriculée avant le 1er janvier 2006, date d’entrée en vigueur de la norme Euro 4. Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
France_45 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Aides au développement des infrastructures de charge pour véhicule électrique : obligation de pré-équipements dans certains types de bâtiments neufs et soutien financier à l'installation des bornes de recharge publiques et privées Single 45 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2012 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2014/94/UE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 22 octobre 2014 sur le déploiement d'une infrastructure pour carburants alternatifs Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La loi sur la transition énergétique d’août 2015 a fixé un objectif d’au moins 7 millions de points de charge installés sur les places de stationnement des ensembles d’habitations, d’autres types de bâtiments, ou sur des places de stationnement accessibles au public ou des emplacements réservés aux professionnels. Elle impose des mesures très concrètes pour atteindre ces objectifs. Toute construction de certains types de bâtiments équipés d’un parc de stationnement (habitation, tertiaire, industriel, accueillant un service public, constituant un ensemble commercial, cinéma), doit doter une partie de ces places de stationnement de « gaines techniques, câblages et dispositifs de sécurité nécessaires à l’alimentation d’une prise de recharge pour véhicule électrique ou hybride rechargeable ». Il en va de même lorsque sont réalisés des « travaux sur un parc de stationnement annexe » à ces mêmes types de bâtiments. Par ailleurs l’installation de bornes de recharges bénéficie de soutiens financiers. - Pour les particuliers l’installation de bornes de recharge pour les voitures est éligible au crédit d’impôt pour la transition énergétique à hauteur de 30% des dépenses engagées (mesure reconduite pour 2017). - Les projets d’installation de bornes de recharges publiques par les collectivités locales ont bénéficié de subventions, grâce au fonds du Programme d’Investissements d’Avenir. 77 projets ont été subventionnés pour 61 M€ d'aide et 22 300 points de charge. - Le programme ADVENIR (Aide au Développement des Véhicules Électriques vis de Nouvelles Infrastructures de Recharge) a été lancé en février 2016. Le programme ADVENIR est porté par l'Avere France, association nationale regroupant les acteurs de la mobilité électrique, et EcoCO2, entreprise spécialisée dans la maîtrise de l'énergie et la sensibilisation des consommateurs. Il a été officialisé le 10 février 2016 lors de la signature de la convention par les différentes parties prenantes : l'État, l'Avere France, Eco CO2, l'ADEME et EDF. Le programme a pour objectif de permettre l'installation de 12 000 points de recharge privés pour véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables d’ici fin 2018. Ce programme subventionne les points de recharge installés dans des parkings d'entreprise ou de personnes publiques accessibles aux salariés et aux flottes d’entreprises, les points de recharge accessibles au public installés sur des espaces privés (parkings de bâtiments commerciaux, services publics, parking en ouvrage…) ainsi que les points de recharge installés en habitat collectif, individuels ou collectifs, via les particuliers, les bailleurs sociaux, les syndics ou les propriétaires privés. - Le décret IRVE relatif aux infrastructures de recharge (12 janvier 2017) vise par ailleurs à uniformiser dans un texte unique l'ensemble des dispositions relatives aux infrastructures de recharge pour véhicules électrique et intègre diverses mesures réglementaires issues de la directive 2014/94/UE. Il fixe plusieurs points : exigences minimales requises pour la configuration des points de recharge normale et rapide ; dispositions relatives à la gestion de l'énergie ; dispositions relatives à l'exploitation des infrastructures de recharge (généralisation des identifiants, supervision, interopérabilité) ; communication des données relatives aux caractéristiques et à la disponibilité des infrastructures de recharge ; dispositions relatives à l'accès aux infrastructures et au paiement de la recharge ; dispositions relatives à la qualification des installateurs et à la maintenance des infrastructures de recharge. 7 millions de bornes de recharge installées à horizon 2030 Nombre de bornes de recharges installées (publiques + privées) Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
France_47 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 Interdiction de certains gaz fluorés dans les systèmes de climatisation des véhicules à moteur Single 47 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances 937 2828 Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2011 Yes MACs_Directive HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La directive 2006/40/CE du 17 mai 2006 et les mesures prises en France pour sa transposition (arrêté du 21 décembre 2007 relatif à la réception des véhicules automobiles en ce qui concerne les systèmes de climatisation) interdisent l’usage de gaz fluorés dont le PRG est supérieur à 150 dans les systèmes de climatisation des véhicules à moteur. Depuis le 1er janvier 2011, la climatisation de tous les nouveaux types de véhicules doit fonctionner avec un fluide frigorigène dont le PRG est inférieur à 150. Depuis le 1er janvier 2017, cette interdiction touche tous les véhicules neufs. Cela implique pour les constructeurs automobiles de remplacer le gaz réfrigérant R-134a (PRG = 430) par le gaz R-1234yf (PRG = 4). Emissions de gaz à effet de serre du secteur de la climatisation embarquée ktCO2eq 0 937 0 2322 2322 0 2828 0 2177 2177 Rapport 2015 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvprjyg/ 2014 62 La modélisation, réalisée à l’aide du logiciel RIEP (Refrigerant Inventory and Emission Previsions), permet de reconstituer la banque de fluides frigorigènes à partir de la description du parc d’équipements. Les émissions sont évaluées au cours de la vie des équipements (émissions à la charge, émissions fugitives, émissions liées à la maintenance, et émissions en fin de vie) en fonction des facteurs d’émissions fixés par secteur d’application et par type de technologie. Dans un scénario contrefactuel sans mesure, il est supposé que le R-134a est maintenu à 100 % dans le secteur de la climatisation automobile. Dans le scénario avec la mesure, le R-1234yf est progressivement introduit sur le marché neuf automobile entre 2011 et 2017, avant de concerner tous les véhicules neufs à partir de 2017. La modélisation, réalisée à l’aide du logiciel RIEP (Refrigerant Inventory and Emission Previsions), permet de reconstituer la banque de fluides frigorigènes à partir de la description du parc d’équipements. Les émissions sont évaluées au cours de la vie des équipements (émissions à la charge, émissions fugitives, émissions liées à la maintenance, et émissions en fin de vie) en fonction des facteurs d’émissions fixés par secteur d’application et par type de technologie. Dans un scénario contrefactuel sans mesure, il est supposé que le R-134a est maintenu à 100 % dans le secteur de la climatisation automobile. Dans le scénario avec la mesure, le R-1234yf est progressivement introduit sur le marché neuf automobile entre 2011 et 2017, avant de concerner tous les véhicules neufs à partir de 2017. Rapport 2015 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvprjyg/ Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes MACs_Directive
France_48 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Taxe Générale sur les Activités Polluantes (TGAP) pour favoriser l'introduction des biocarburants Single 48 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministère de l'Economie 2005 Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC;Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La taxe générale sur les activités polluantes (TGAP) permet d'encourager l'incorporation et la distribution de biocarburants en pénalisant les opérateurs qui mettent à la consommation une proportion de biocarburants inférieure au seuil fixé. Le taux de la TGAP, a été fixé à 7 % en énergie pour les filières gazole et essence à partir de 2010. Depuis 2014, ce taux a été relevé à 7,7 % pour la filière gazole et maintenu à 7 % pour la filière essence. Pour le calcul de la TGAP, ce taux est diminué à proportion des volumes de biocarburants incorporés dans les carburants mis sur le marché. Les biocarburants doivent respecter des obligations relatives aux critères de durabilité. Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC; Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC
France_49 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 Réglementation thermique 2012 (RT 2012) dans les bâtiments neufs Single 49 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 3624 9001 Government Government: Ministère en charge du logement 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La RT 2012 a renforcé les exigences concernant la performance thermique des bâtiments neufs. Tous les nouveaux bâtiments dont le permis de construire a été déposé après le 1er janvier 2013 y sont soumis. Ces bâtiments doivent avoir une consommation d’énergie primaire inférieure à 50 kWhep/m²/an en moyenne. Cette obligation a été appliquée par anticipation depuis le 28 octobre 2011 pour les bâtiments de bureaux, d’enseignement primaire et secondaire et pour les établissements d’accueil de la petite enfance, tandis que les logements construits en zone ANRU y sont soumis s’ils ont fait l'objet d'une demande de permis de construire ou d'une déclaration préalable postérieure au 1er mars 2012. L’exigence de 50 kWhep/m²/an en moyenne porte sur les consommations de chauffage, de refroidissement, d’éclairage, de production d’eau chaude sanitaire et d’auxiliaires (pompes et ventilateurs). Ce seuil est par ailleurs modulé selon la localisation géographique, l’altitude, le type d’usage du bâtiment, la surface moyenne des logements et les émissions de gaz à effet de serre des énergies utilisées. 1450 2174 2525 3765 6290 3614 5387 4702 7011 11713 Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 2015 1075 Voir méthodologie détaillée dans le Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission). Voir méthodologie détaillée dans le Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission). Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
France_51 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 Réglementation thermique Guadeloupe Single 51 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Regional Regional: Conseil régional de la Guadeloupe 2011 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les Antilles disposent d’une réglementation régionale spécifique sur le volet thermique et énergétique pour les constructions neuves, complétant au niveau local la RTAA DOM (cf. mesure #53). La réglementation thermique Guadeloupe (RTG) se fonde sur les principes suivants : limiter la consommation énergétique des bâtiments, améliorer le confort hygrothermique des occupants et limiter le recours à la climatisation. Nombre de logements respectant la RTG http://www.guadeloupe-energie.gp/batiment/rtg-construction Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
France_52 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 Réglementation thermique Martinique Single 52 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Regional Regional: Conseil régional de la Martinique 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les Antilles disposent d’une réglementation régionale spécifique sur le volet thermique et énergétique pour les constructions neuves, complétant au niveau local la RTAA DOM (cf. mesure #53). La réglementation thermique Martinique (RTM) se fonde sur les principes suivants : limiter la consommation énergétique des bâtiments, améliorer le confort hygrothermique des occupants, et limiter le recours à la climatisation. Nombre de logements respectant la RTM Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
France_53 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 Réglementation Thermique, Acoustique et Aération dans les départements d'outre-mer Single 53 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2010 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les textes réglementaires relatifs aux caractéristiques thermiques, énergétiques, acoustiques et d’aération des bâtiments d’habitation neufs et parties nouvelles de bâtiments d’habitation sont adaptés au contexte climatique des départements d’outre-mer dans la Réglementation Thermique, Acoustique et Aération des départements d'outre-mer (RTAA DOM). La RTAA DOM se fonde sur les principes suivants : disposer d’eau chaude sanitaire dans tous les logements neufs, et, pour toutes les installations, la produire par énergie solaire pour une part au moins égale à 50% des besoins ; limiter la consommation énergétique des bâtiments et améliorer le confort hygrothermique des occupants ; limiter le recours à la climatisation ; garantir la qualité de l’air intérieur du logement ; améliorer le confort acoustique des logements, tout en maîtrisant les coûts. Nombre de logements respectant la RTAA DOM Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/reglementation-technique-construction-outre-mer Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
France_54 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 Réglementation thermique dans les bâtiments existants Single 54 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministère en charge du logement 2007 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La réglementation thermique dans les bâtiments existants s’applique lorsqu’un maître d’ouvrage entreprend des travaux susceptibles d’apporter une amélioration énergétique du bâtiment. Pour les rénovations lourdes sur des bâtiments de plus de 1000m², un objectif de performance énergétique global doit être atteint. Pour les rénovations moins importantes, des exigences minimales sont fixées sur les performances énergétiques des éléments installés ou remplacés. Pour ces dernières exigences, les critères ont été rehaussés en 2017. Nombre de logements renovés (haute performance) Site internet du ministère du logement http://www.logement.gouv.fr/presentation-des-exigences-reglementaires-pour-la-renovation-energetique Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
France_56 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 Annexe environnementale au bail des locaux commerciaux et de bureaux Single 56 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Depuis 2012, pour les locaux professionnels à usage de bureaux ou de commerces d’une surface supérieure à 2 000 m², une annexe environnementale (dite annexe verte) doit accompagner le contrat pour les baux nouvellement conclus ou renouvelés. À partir du 14 juillet 2013, elle devient obligatoire pour tous les baux en cours. L’annexe environnementale doit comporter un descriptif des caractéristiques énergétiques des équipements et des systèmes, leur consommation réelle d’eau et d’énergie et la quantité de déchets générée par le bâtiment. https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000025059834&categorieLien=id Implemented 2012 With existing measures No No information
France_57 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 Label Haute Performance Energétique (HPE) rénovation Single 57 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministère en charge du logement 2009 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le label « haute performance énergétique rénovation » permet de valoriser la démarche volontaire de maîtres d’ouvrage désireux de réaliser une opération de rénovation performante, voire très performante, du point de vue énergétique. Il s’applique uniquement aux bâtiments achevés après le 1er janvier 1948. Il atteste que le bâtiment respecte un niveau de performance énergétique élevé ainsi qu’un niveau minimal de confort en été. Nombre de labels attribués Site internet du Ministère du logement http://www.logement.gouv.fr/le-label-hpe-renovation Implemented 2009 With existing measures No No information
France_58 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 Obligation de réalisation de travaux d’isolation thermique en cas de travaux importants de façade, de réfection de toiture ou d’aménagement de pièces Single 58 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 663 2287 Government Government: Ministère en charge du logement 2017 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Une obligation de mettre en œuvre une isolation thermique est prévue lorsque de gros travaux de rénovation de bâtiments sont réalisés : ravalement de façade, réfection de toiture, et transformation de garages, combles, ou pièces non aménagées en pièces habitables. Cette mesure permet de saisir les opportunités de travaux importants de réhabilitation choisis par un maître d’ouvrage pour y associer à moindre coût des travaux de rénovation énergétique et ainsi diminuer les besoins en énergie du bâtiment. Cette obligation s’applique pour les devis d’engagement de prestation de maîtrise d’œuvre signés depuis le 1er janvier 2017 pour les bâtiments à usage d’habitation, de bureaux, de commerce, d’enseignement et les hôtels. 1480 3087 Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Les charges nouvelles se composent des surcoûts induits par l'ajout d'une isolation, déduction faite des aides financières publiques, pour les différents acteurs concernés par la mesure (particuliers, entreprises, collectivités et Etat), tandis que les gains sont relatifs aux économies d’énergie réalisées. Il est important de noter que l’investissement est constant chaque année, alors que les économies sur les factures se cumulent au fil des ans. Les charges nouvelles sont estimées à 658 M€ par an (montant acquitté lors de l'année de l'investissement) et les gains sont estimés à 71,5 M€ par an et se cumulent sur la durée de vie de l'isolation. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Implemented 2017 With existing measures No No information
France_59 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 Déploiement des plateformes de la rénovation énergétique : guichet unique et réseau de points rénovation info service Single 59 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government, Other, Regional Other: ADEME,Regional: Régions,Government: Ministère en charge du logement 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le plan de rénovation énergétique de l’habitat s’appuie sur la mise en place d’un guichet unique composé d’un numéro de téléphone unique et d’un site internet ainsi que d’un réseau de 450 points rénovation info service répartis sur tout le territoire. Les particuliers peuvent appeler le numéro de téléphone ou se connecter sur le site internet qui les orienteront vers le point rénovation info service le plus proche de chez eux. Ils seront alors mis en relation avec un conseiller énergie présent sur le territoire capable de les conseiller, en fonction de leur situation, de façon neutre et indépendante sur les travaux de rénovation à réaliser dans leur logement. Cette mesure s'inscrit dans l'objectif de 500 000 rénovations par an d'ici à 2017 Nombre de ménages conseillés Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
France_60 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 Tiers financement des travaux de rénovation énergétique Single 60 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Local Local: collectivités locales 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le déploiement des dispositifs de tiers financement des travaux de la rénovation énergétique, notamment par les collectivités locales, permet de proposer un accompagnement complet du particulier comprenant une solution adaptée de financement et un suivi de la réalisation des travaux. La loi pour l’accès au logement et un urbanisme rénové a défini la notion de tiers financement et la loi sur la transition énergétique pour une croissance verte vise la levée des freins au déploiement des services de tiers financement par les collectivités locales. Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
France_61 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam61 Le règlement n° 517/2014 (F-Gas II) pour la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre fluorés Single 61 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances; Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances,Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes 653 5404 Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Entré en vigueur le 1er janvier 2015, le règlement européen n° 517/2014 (dit F-Gas II) abroge et remplace le règlement n° 842/2006 (« F-Gas »). Il repose sur les dispositions suivantes : - le renforcement des obligations liées au confinement des équipements (contrôles d’étanchéité, obligations de réparation), à la certification du personnel manipulant les HFC, et à l'obligation de récupération lors de la maintenance et du démantèlement des équipements ; - la mise en place d’un mécanisme de réduction progressive des quantités de HFC mises sur le marché de 2015 à 2030 via un système de quotas. En 2030, la quantité totale de HFC mise sur le marché, en CO2 équivalent, devra correspondre à 21 % du niveau moyen entre 2009 et 2012 ; - des interdictions sectorielles de mise sur le marché de produits et d’équipements contenant des gaz à effet de serre fluorés dépassant un certain PRG ; - l’interdiction de maintenance des installations de réfrigération avec des fluides de PRG supérieur à 2 500 à partir du 1er janvier 2020. Emissions de gaz à effet de serre des secteurs du froid et de la climatisation MtCO2eq L'évaluation des réductions de gaz à effet de serre est faite par rapport à un scénario contrefactuel n'incluant que le règlement n° 842/2006 (dit « F-Gas »). Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre 0 653 0 3455 3455 0 5404 0 6885 6885 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 2016 182 A partir de la situation de la France en 2015 établie par les études d’inventaires, le logiciel RIEP (Refrigerant Inventory and Emission Previsions), qui fonctionne selon une approche bottom-up en reconstituant la banque de fluides frigorigènes à partir de la description du parc d'équipement et de climatisation, permet d’estimer l’évolution des émissions de gaz à effet de serre fluorés jusqu’en 2035 dans différents scénarios. Les émissions du secteur du froid et de la climatisation, calculées dans un scénario intégrant le règlement F-Gas II, comparées aux émissions obtenues dans le scénario contrefactuel (règlement F-Gas seul), permettent d’évaluer l’effet du règlement F-Gas II sur les émissions de gaz fluorés en France. A partir de la situation de la France en 2015 établie par les études d’inventaires, le logiciel RIEP (Refrigerant Inventory and Emission Previsions), qui fonctionne selon une approche bottom-up en reconstituant la banque de fluides frigorigènes à partir de la description du parc d'équipement et de climatisation, permet d’estimer l’évolution des émissions de gaz à effet de serre fluorés jusqu’en 2035 dans différents scénarios. Les émissions du secteur du froid et de la climatisation, calculées dans un scénario intégrant le règlement F-Gas II, comparées aux émissions obtenues dans le scénario contrefactuel (règlement F-Gas seul), permettent d’évaluer l’effet du règlement F-Gas II sur les émissions de gaz fluorés en France. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
France_62 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam62 Le renforcement de la réglementation relative au contrôle d’étanchéité des équipements frigorifiques, climatiques et thermodynamiques Single 62 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes 192 40 Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2016 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml L’arrêté du 29 février 2016 relatif à certains fluides frigorigènes et aux gaz à effet de serre fluorés renforce la réglementation française en matière de contrôle d’étanchéité des équipements frigorifiques, climatiques et thermodynamiques, complétant les dispositions du règlement européen F-Gas II. Il requiert notamment une fréquence renforcée des contrôles d’étanchéité, spécifie des mesures techniques pour la réalisation des contrôles et oblige les grands équipements à être équipés d’un système automatisé de détection des fuites. Cette mesure contribue à limiter les émissions fugitives de ces équipements. Cette mesure complète au niveau national les dispositions du règlement F-Gas II. Les gains de cette mesure et ceux du règlement F-Gas II peuvent être additionnés. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre 0 192 0 70 70 0 40 0 27 27 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 2016 297 A partir de la situation de la France en 2015 établie par les études d’inventaires, le logiciel RIEP (Refrigerant Inventory and Emission Previsions), qui fonctionne selon une approche bottom-up en reconstituant la banque de fluides frigorigènes à partir de la description du parc d'équipement et de climatisation, permet d’estimer l’évolution des émissions de gaz à effet de serre fluorés jusqu’en 2035 dans différents scénarios. Les émissions du secteur du froid et de la climatisation, calculées dans un scénario intégrant l'arrêté du 29 février 2016, comparées aux émissions obtenues dans le scénario contrefactuel (règlement F-Gas II seul), permettent d’évaluer l’effet de l'arrêté sur les émissions de gaz fluorés en France. A partir de la situation de la France en 2015 établie par les études d’inventaires, le logiciel RIEP (Refrigerant Inventory and Emission Previsions), qui fonctionne selon une approche bottom-up en reconstituant la banque de fluides frigorigènes à partir de la description du parc d'équipement et de climatisation, permet d’estimer l’évolution des émissions de gaz à effet de serre fluorés jusqu’en 2035 dans différents scénarios. Les émissions du secteur du froid et de la climatisation, calculées dans un scénario intégrant l'arrêté du 29 février 2016, comparées aux émissions obtenues dans le scénario contrefactuel (règlement F-Gas II seul), permettent d’évaluer l’effet de l'arrêté sur les émissions de gaz fluorés en France. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
France_63 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam63 Le renforcement de la réglementation relative à la récupération des déchets de fluides fluorés et à l'encadrement des équipements préchargés en HFC Single 63 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le décret n° 2015-1790 relatif à certains fluides frigorigènes et aux gaz à effet de serre fluorés renforce la réglementation française en matière de récupération des déchets de fluides ainsi que l'encadrement des ventes au public des équipements préchargés en HFC, complétant les dispositions du règlement européen F-Gas II. Cette mesure complète au niveau national les dispositions du règlement F-Gas II. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
France_64 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam64 Appel à projets "Climatisation et froid du futur" pour soutenir la production de systèmes de climatisation et réfrigération respectueux de l’environnement Single 64 Single PaM Research Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Other Other: ADEME 2015 No No information HFC, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml En août 2015, l'appel à projets "Climatisation et froid du futur" a été lancé par l'ADEME pour permettre aux entreprises françaises d'obtenir des aides pour leurs projets de recherche et développement afin de faire émerger des solutions performantes et alternatives à l’utilisation de fluides à fort PRG. En mars 2016, une deuxième phase de cet appel à projets a été lancée, dédiée aux investissements industriels, pour permettre aux entreprises de renoncer à la production d’équipements utilisant des gaz à fort effet de serre et d’avoir un temps d’avance sur le plan réglementaire. Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
France_65 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam65 Obligation de réalisation d'un bilan d'émissions de gaz à effet de serre pour les entreprises, les collectivités, les services de l'Etat et les établissements publics Single 65 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2012 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Un bilan d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre est un diagnostic des émissions de gaz à effet de serre à l'échelle d'une organisation (privée ou publique), réalisé en vue d’identifier et de mobiliser les gisements de réduction des émissions. La réalisation d'un bilan des émissions de gaz à effet de serre est obligatoire depuis 2012 pour les entreprises de plus de 500 salariés, les collectivités de plus de 50 000 habitants, les services de l'Etat et les établissements publics employant plus de 250 personnes. Le bilan d’émissions doit être accompagné d’un plan d’actions précisant les mesures envisagées pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre de l’organisation. Le bilan et le plan d'actions doivent être réalisés tous les trois ans dans le cas des collectivités et des établissements publics et tous les quatre ans dans le cas des entreprises. Nombre de bilans d'émissions de gaz à effet de serre réalisés Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement; Centre de ressources de l'ADEME http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/actions-des-entreprises-et-des-collectivites-climat; http://www.bilans-ges.ademe.fr/ Implemented 2012 With existing measures No No information
France_66 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam66 Obligation de reporting climatique pour les grandes entreprises Single 66 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministère de l'Economie 2016 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La loi relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte d'août 2015 a renforcé les obligations de reporting concernant l’impact des entreprises sur le changement climatique. Les grandes entreprises doivent intégrer à leur reporting extra-financier des informations sur les conséquences sur le changement climatique de leur activité et de l’usage des biens et services qu’elles produisent. Le rapport sur la responsabilité sociétale et environnementale (RSE) annexé au rapport de gestion annuel doit ainsi rendre compte des postes significatifs d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre générés du fait de l’activité de la société, notamment par l’usage des biens et services qu’elle produit. Cette obligation s’applique à compter des rapports de gestion publiés en 2017 pour l’année 2016. Implemented 2016 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
France_67 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam67 Obligation de reporting climatique pour les investisseurs Single 67 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministère de l'Economie 2016 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La loi relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte d'août 2015 a complété le dispositif réglementaire relatif à l’information par les sociétés de gestion de portefeuille des critères environnementaux, sociaux, et de gouvernance (dits « ESG ») pris en compte dans leur politique d’investissement. Les investisseurs institutionnels doivent ainsi publier des informations relatives à leur contribution aux objectifs climatiques et aux risques financiers associés à la transition énergétique et écologique. Ces obligations sont applicables à compter des rapports de gestion publiés en 2017 pour l’année 2016. Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
France_68 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam68 Appel à projets "Territoires à Energie Positive pour la Croissance Verte" Single 68 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply; Transport; Waste management/waste Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml En septembre 2014, le ministère de l'environnement a lancé l’appel à projets "Territoires à énergie positive pour la croissance verte" (TEPCV) à destination des collectivités souhaitant s’engager par des actions concrètes dans la transition énergétique. Les collectivités lauréates se voient attribuer une aide financière de 500 000 € sous forme de subventions pour soutenir leurs actions en faveur de la transition énergétique (réduction de la consommation d'énergie, développement des transports propres, développement des énergies renouvelables, etc.). De plus, ces territoires pionniers ont l’opportunité de voir leur aide TEPCV renforcée jusqu’à 2 millions d’euros en fonction de la qualité des projets. Nombre de territoires bénéficiant du programme Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/territoires-energie-positive-croissance-verte Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
France_69 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam69 Les schémas régionaux du climat, de l’air et de l’énergie Single 69 Single PaM Planning Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government, Regional Government: Ministère de l'Environnement,Regional: Régions 2011 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le schéma régional du climat, de l’air et de l’énergie (SRCAE) est un outil de planification territorial permettent la mise en place d’une approche globale et intégrée pour le territoire régional qui définit les objectifs et priorités en matière de réduction des consommations d’énergie et des émissions de gaz à effet de serre, d’amélioration de la qualité de l’air, de développement des énergies renouvelables et d’adaptation aux effets du changement climatique. Le SRCAE résulte d’un travail collégial piloté par le Préfet de région et le président du Conseil régional, qui associent toutes les forces territoriales en présence. Le SRCAE est le un document essentiel de référence pour l’élaboration des Plans climat-air-énergie territoriaux, établis à l’échelle des intercommunalités. Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/actions-des-entreprises-et-des-collectivites-climat#e8 Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
France_70 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam70 Les schémas régionaux d’aménagement, de développement durable et d’égalité des territoires Single 70 Single PaM Planning Adopted EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Regional Regional: Régions 2019 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le dispositif de planification régionale a été refondé en profondeur en 2016. Cette réforme concerne la métropole, à l’exclusion de l’Île-de-France et de la Corse. Le schéma régional du climat, de l'air et de l'énergie (SRCAE) (cf. mesure #69) sera absorbé d’ici mi-2019 dans un schéma intégrant les différentes politiques de développement durable : le schéma régional d’aménagement, de développement durable et d’égalité des territoires (SRADDET). Le SRADDET définit, entre autres, des objectifs à moyen terme de lutte contre le changement climatique et de maîtrise et de valorisation de l’énergie. Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/actions-des-entreprises-et-des-collectivites-climat#e8 Adopted 2019 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
France_72 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam72 Les plans climat-air-énergie territoriaux Single 72 Single PaM Planning Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Local Local: Collectivités 2016 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les plans climat air-énergie territoriaux (PCAET) sont des outils d’animation du territoire qui définissent les objectifs stratégiques et opérationnels afin d’atténuer le changement climatique, de s’y adapter, de développer les énergies renouvelables et de maîtriser la consommation d’énergie, en cohérence avec les engagements internationaux de la France. Les PCAET ont replacé l'ancien dispositif des Plans Climat Energie Territoriaux (PCET) en intégrant les enjeux de qualité de l’air. Le plan climat-air-énergie territorial est porté par les intercommunalités de plus de 20 000 habitants et concerne tout le territoire de la collectivité (auparavant, les PCET étaient élaborés par les collectivités territoriales de plus de 50 000 habitants et portaient principalement sur le champ de compétences de cette collectivité). Le PCAET comprend un diagnostic, une stratégie territoriale, un plan d’actions et un dispositif de suivi et d’évaluation. Les objectifs et priorités doivent s’articuler explicitement avec le schéma régional existant. Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/actions-des-entreprises-et-des-collectivites-climat#e8 Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
France_74 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam74 Plan Energie Méthanisation Autonomie Azote Single 74 Single PaM Economic, Other, Planning Implemented ESD, EU ETS Agriculture; Energy supply Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministère de l'Agriculture 2013 No No information CH4, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Plan visant le développement de la méthanisation agricole en soutenant financièrement l’innovation dans l’objectif d’une meilleure gestion de l'azote. Brochure du plan EMAA http://agriculture.gouv.fr/IMG/pdf/plan_EMAA_VF_cle0ded2a.pdf Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
France_78 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam78 Mise en place des Groupements d’Intérêt Economique et EnvironnementaI forestiers Single 78 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands; Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances; Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands,Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances,Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'agriculture 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Cadre réglementaire et financier pour inciter les propriétaires forestiers à se regrouper pour une gestion commune de leurs exploitations / de leurs parcelles. Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
France_79 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam79 5ème programme d'action nitrates Single 79 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'Agriculture 2011 Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le 5ème programme d'action nitrates est pris en application de la directive nitrates en France. Il vise le renforcement de la maîtrise de la fertilisation (bilan azoté). Le cinquième programme d’actions « nitrates » est constitué : - d’un programme d’actions national, obligatoire sur l’ensemble des zones vulnérables françaises (et donc directement opposable aux exploitants agricoles situés en zones vulnérables) avec huit mesures : périodes d’interdiction, stockage, épandage, plan de fumure, quantité maximale, conditions d’épandage, couverture végétale et bandes végétalisées ; - et de programmes d’actions régionaux qui viennent compléter et renforcer le socle national de manière proportionnée et adaptée à chaque territoire. 0 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
France_80 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam80 Reconnaissance de l'intérêt général du stockage de carbone dans la biomasse et dans les produits bois Single 80 Single PaM Other, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Government Government: Ministère de l’agriculture, de l’agroalimentaire et de la forêt (Government) 2014 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml L’importance du stockage de carbone dans la biomasse et dans les produits bois est inscrit dans la loi d’avenir pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et la forêt de 2014. Cela permet sa prise en compte dans des réglementations nationales, locales et dans des mesures comme par exemple la création d’un fonds de mécénat par la coopérative forestière Alliance Forêt Bois. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
France_81 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam81 Fonds de garantie pour la rénovation énergétique des logements Single 81 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2016 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le fonds de garantie pour la rénovation énergétique a pour objet de faciliter le financement des travaux d'amélioration de la performance énergétique des logements en garantissant les prêts individuels, octroyés à des personnes situées sous un plafond de ressources, et collectifs destinés à financer les travaux de rénovation des bâtiments résidentiels ainsi que les garanties des entreprises d’assurance ou de sociétés de caution. Ce fonds est destiné : aux ménages aux ressources modestes réalisant des travaux d'amélioration de la performance énergétique dans leur logement ; aux syndicats de copropriétaires et copropriétaires réalisant des travaux d'amélioration de la performance énergétique des logements ; aux banques distribuant les éco-prêts à taux zéro à ces publics et les prêts collectifs pour la rénovation énergétique des copropriétés ; aux organismes accordant des cautionnements garantissant ces prêts collectifs aux ménages aux revenus modestes. Implemented 2016 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
France_82 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam82 Crédit d'impôt pour la transition énergétique pour financer des travaux de performance énergétique des logements Single 82 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'environnement,Government: Ministère de l'économie,Government: Ministère en charge du logement 2005 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le crédit d’impôt pour la transition énergétique (CITE) porte sur les dépenses d'amélioration de la performance énergétique des bâtiments existants. Son barème a été simplifié et réorienté au 1er janvier 2014 pour favoriser les rénovations lourdes. A partir de septembre 2014, il a été porté à 30% du montant de certaines dépenses jusqu’au 31 décembre 2017. Peuvent notamment bénéficier de ce dispositif les dépenses d’équipements de production d'énergie utilisant une source d'énergie renouvelable (à l'exception des équipements de production d'électricité utilisant l'énergie radiative du soleil), les pompes à chaleur autres que air/ air dont la finalité essentielle est la production de chaleur ou d'eau chaude sanitaire, ainsi que le coût de la pose de l'échangeur de chaleur souterrain des pompes à chaleur géothermiques dans la limite d’un plafond par mètre carré. Implemented 2005 With existing measures No No information
France_85 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam85 Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée à taux réduit dans le bâtiment Single 85 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministère de l'Economie 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le taux réduit de 5,5 % de la TVA (taxe sur la valeur ajoutée) s'applique aux travaux d’amélioration de la qualité énergétique des locaux à usage d'habitation achevés depuis plus de deux ans ainsi que sur les travaux induits qui leur sont indissociablement liés pour lesquels la TVA est exigible à compter du 1er janvier 2014. En général, ces travaux portent sur la pose, l’installation et l’entretien des matériaux et équipements subventionnés par le crédit d'impôt pour la transition énergétique (CITE) (mesure #82). Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
France_86 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam86 Charte pour l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments tertiaires Single 86 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Companies, Government Companies: Propriétaires des bâtiments tertiaires,Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2013 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml En 2013, une charte pour l’efficacité énergétique des bâtiments tertiaires publics et privés a été signée par l’Etat et des grandes entreprises françaises. Elle constitue un engagement volontaire de l’ensemble des acteurs signataires pour susciter un mouvement d’ensemble en faveur de l’amélioration de l’efficacité énergétique. Elle est soutenue par l’ensemble des professionnels de l’efficacité énergétique et est ouverte à la signature de tous les acteurs publics ou privés du secteur. Nombre d'organismes ayant signé la charte Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
France_88 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam88 Exemplarité des bâtiments neufs de l'Etat et des collectivités Single 88 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government, Local Government: Services de l'Etat et ses établissements publics,Local: Collectivités territoriales 2017 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La loi sur la transition énergétique d'août 2015 (art. 8) prévoit que "toutes les nouvelles constructions sous maîtrise d’ouvrage de l’État, de ses établissements publics ou des collectivités territoriales font preuve d’exemplarité énergétique et environnementale et sont, chaque fois que possible, à énergie positive et à haute performance environnementale". Le décret n° 2016-1821 du 21 décembre 2016 précise les caractéristiques d'un bâtiment à énergie positive et à haute performance environnementale. Son entrée en vigueur est suspendue à la publication ultérieure d'un arrêté (actuellement en phase de consultation publique, janvier 2017). Adopted 2017 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
France_89 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam89 Participation du locataire aux travaux d’économies d’énergie Single 89 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministère en charge du logement 2009 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Afin d’inciter à réaliser des travaux d’économies d’énergie dans le parc locatif, une contribution financière en sus du loyer et des charges peut être demandée au locataire lorsque le bailleur a réalisé dans le logement loué, ou dans les parties communes de l’immeuble, des travaux d’économies d’énergie. Site internet du ministère en charge du logement http://www.logement.gouv.fr/participation-du-locataire-aux-travaux-d-economie-d-energies Implemented 2009 With existing measures No No information
France_90 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam90 Eco-prêt logement social Single 90 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government, Other Government: Ministère en charge du logement,Other: Caisse des dépôts et consignations 2009 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml L’éco-prêt logement social (éco-PLS), distribué depuis 2009, finance la rénovation énergétique des logements sociaux les plus énergivores. Il s’agit d’un prêt d’un montant de 9 000 à 16 000 € par logement, accessible aux bailleurs sociaux. Rythme de 120 000 logements sociaux rénovés/an d’ici à 2017 Site internet du ministère du logement http://www.logement.gouv.fr/l-eco-pret-logement-social Implemented 2009 With existing measures No No information
France_91 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam91 Formation aux économies d'énergie dans le batiment (FEEBat) - formation des professionnels Single 91 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2008 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le dispositif de formation "FEEBat" (Formation aux Economies d’Energie des entreprises et artisans du BATiment) bénéficie du financement des certificats d'économies d'énergie (mesure #8) et est opérationnel depuis début 2008. Ce dispositif permet aux professionnels de bénéficier de formations aux économies d’énergie dispensées par des organismes habilités à des conditions financières avantageuses sur l’ensemble du territoire. Le dispositif FEEBat se voit renforcer dans le cadre de la prochaine période des certificats d'économies d'énergie et en cohérence avec la mise en place de l’éco-conditionnalité des dispositifs incitatifs (cf. mesure #92) : les objectifs de formation revus à la hausse visent 25 000 stagiaires par an, de nouveaux organismes de formation rejoignant le dispositif pour accroître sa capacité. 25 000 stagiaires par an sur la période 2014-2017 Nombre de stagiaires formés depuis le début du dispositif Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
France_92 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam92 Eco-conditionnalité des dispositifs incitatifs (rénovation énergétique des logements) Single 92 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Un aspect essentiel de la qualité de la construction réside dans la compétence de l’entreprise qui intervient dans les différentes missions liées aux travaux dans le bâtiment. La qualification est un moyen pour l’entreprise de mettre en valeur son niveau de compétence. Les aides publiques – à partir du 1er janvier 2015 pour le CITE et du 1er septembre 2014 pour l’éco-PTZ – sont conditionnées à la réalisation des travaux par un professionnel qualifié RGE (Reconnu Garant de l'Environnement). Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
France_93 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam93 Contrôle des chaudières et des systèmes de climatisation Single 93 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2005 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2002/91/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Une obligation d’entretien annuel des chaudières a été mise en place en application de la directive 2002/91/CE. Elle concerne toutes les chaudières (gaz, fioul, biomasse, multi-combustibles) dont la puissance est comprise entre 4 et 400 kW. L’entretien doit être réalisé chaque année et une attestation d'entretien doit être réalisée et conservée. Cette attestation permet d’informer le commanditaire de l’entretien sur l’état de sa chaudière et de son système de chauffage. L’entretien doit être réalisé par un professionnel qualifié. Une inspection périodique des systèmes de climatisation d'une puissance nominale supérieure à 12kW est également rendue obligatoire. L’inspection doit comporter plusieurs étapes obligatoires : inspection documentaire, évaluation du rendement du système, évaluation du dimensionnement du système par rapport aux exigences en matière de refroidissement du bâtiment, fourniture des recommandations nécessaires portant sur le bon usage du système en place, les améliorations possibles de l’installation, l’intérêt éventuel de son remplacement et les autres solutions envisageables. L’inspection doit avoir lieu tous les 5 ans et concerne 10 % du parc installé. Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
France_94 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam94 Renforcement de l'obligation d'individualisation des frais de chauffage Single 94 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministère en charge du logement 2016 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La loi relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte d'août 2015 a supprimé la condition de rentabilité économique qui s'appliquait pour l'obligation d'individualisation des frais de chauffage. Celle-ci a donc été étendue à l’ensemble des immeubles collectifs à chauffage commun. Les immeubles dont la consommation en chauffage est supérieure à 150kWh/m².an doivent s’équiper de systèmes d'individualisation des frais de chauffage avant le 31/03/2017, ceux entre 150 et 120kWh/m².an avant le 31/12/17, et au 31/12/2019 pour les autres. Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
France_95 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam95 Bonus de constructibilité pour les constructions faisant preuve d'exemplarité énergétique ou environnementale Single 95 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministère en charge du logement 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La loi sur la transition énergétique d'août 2015 (art. 8) a instauré la possibilité d’accorder un bonus de constructibilité allant jusqu'à 30% aux constructions qui font preuve d'exemplarité énergétique, ou environnementale, ou qui sont à énergie positive. Le décret n°2016-856 du 28.06.2016 et l’arrêté du 12 octobre 2016 définissent les exigences auxquelles doivent répondre les constructions pour bénéficier de ce dépassement. Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
France_96 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam96 Diagnostic de performance énergétique Single 96 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2007 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le diagnostic de performance énergétique (DPE) renseigne sur la performance énergétique d’un logement ou d’un bâtiment, en évaluant sa consommation d’énergie et son impact en terme d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Le diagnostic comprend également des recommandations qui permettent à l’acquéreur, au propriétaire, au bailleur ou au locataire, de connaître les mesures les plus efficaces pour économiser de l’énergie : il s’agit de conseils de bon usage et de bonne gestion du bâtiment et de ses équipements, ainsi que des recommandations de travaux. Ces travaux conseillés ne sont pas obligatoires : le DPE a pour objectif d’inciter à améliorer la performance énergétique du bâtiment, pas d’obliger à la réalisation de travaux. Site internet du ministère de l'environnement http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/diagnostic-performance-energetique-dpe Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
France_97 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam97 Label « bâtiments biosourcés » Single 97 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD, LULUCF, EU ETS Energy consumption; Land use, land use change and forestry Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Remplacement de matériaux dont la fabrication est intensive en gaz à effet de serre par des produits biosourcés'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Government Government: Ministère en charge du logement 2013 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le label "bâtiments biosourcés" offre la possibilité aux maîtres d’ouvrage de valoriser leurs constructions neuves qui intègrent des matériaux d'origine animale ou végétale (bois, chanvre, paille, laine, plumes, etc.). Nombre de labels accordés Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
France_98 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam98 Fonds stratégique de la forêt et du bois Single 98 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Government Government: Ministères en charge de l’agriculture et des forêts 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Fonds créé pour soutenir des projets d'investissement, prioritairement en forêt, et des actions de recherche, de développement et d'innovation. Il est doté des moyens d’intervention du ministère en charge des forêts. Montant annuel du fonds M€ Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
France_99 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam99 Obligation d'achat de véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables par l'Etat et les collectivités locales Single 99 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government, Local Government: Ministère de l'Environnement,Local: Collectivités territoriales 2012 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC Directive 2014/94/UE du Parlement européen et du Conseil du 22 octobre 2014 sur le déploiement d'une infrastructure pour carburants alternatifs Texte présentant de l'intérêt pour l'EEE CO2 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La loi relative à la transition énergétique pour la croissance verte adoptée en août 2015 prévoit de renforcer les objectifs d’équipement en véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables dans les parcs automobiles gérés par l’Etat, ses établissements publics et les collectivités. Pour l'Etat et ses établissements publics le renouvellement du parc de véhicules doit comprendre au moins 50% de véhicules à faibles émissions (c'est-à-dire en pratique les véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables). Pour les collectivités territoriales et leurs groupements, le taux doit être d'au moins 20%. Part des véhicules électriques ou hybrides rechargeables au sein du parc de l'Etat % Implemented 2012 No information Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
France_100 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam100 Programme national de la forêt et du bois et programmes régionaux de la forêt et du bois Single 100 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: Ministère en charge de l’agriculture 2017 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le programme national de la forêt et du bois fixe les orientations de la politique forestière pour la décennie 2016-2026. Il fixe notamment un objectif de mobilisation supplémentaire de bois de 12 Mm³ d'ici 2026 par rapport à 2015. L'élaboration de programmes régionaux de la forêt et du bois est également prévue pour permettre une adaptation régionale des orientations et objectifs du programme national forêt bois. Objectif de mobilisation supplémentaire de bois de 12 Mm³ d'ici 2026 par rapport à 2015 Site internet du Ministère de l'agriculture http://agriculture.gouv.fr/le-programme-national-de-la-foret-et-du-bois-2016-2020 Implemented 2017 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
France_101 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam101 Contrat stratégique de la filière bois Single 101 Single PaM Economic, Information, Other, Planning, Voluntary Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Companies, Government, Regional Government: Ministère en charge de l’agriculture,Government: Ministère en charge de l’environnement,Government: Ministère en charge du logement,Government: Ministère de l'économie,Regional: Régions,Companies: Comité Stratégique de la Filière-Bois 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Mise en place d'un contrat de filière pour la filière bois. Signé en décembre 2014 par les représentants de la filière, des régions et par quatre ministres, ce contrat prévoit la mise en œuvre d'un certain nombre de mesures (appels à projets, accompagnement des acteurs, mutualisation de l'information, etc.), visant notamment à développer l'utilisation du bois dans l'économie. Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
France_102 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam102 Stratégie nationale de mobilisation de la biomasse et schémas régionaux biomasse Single 102 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Government, Regional Government: Ministère de l'environnement,Regional: Régions 2017 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La stratégie nationale de mobilisation de la biomasse (SNMB) et les schémas régionaux de mobilisation de la biomasse sont issus de la loi de transition énergétique pour la croissance verte d'août 2015 (articles 175 et 197). La SNMB définit des orientations, recommandations et actions concernant les filières de production et de valorisation de la biomasse susceptible d'avoir un usage énergétique, en vue de développer la production de biomasse, et d'augmenter sa mobilisation tout en veillant à une bonne articulation de ses usages et à l'atténuation du changement climatique. Les schémas régionaux de mobilisation de la biomasse adaptent la SNMB aux spécificités régionales. Implemented 2017 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
France_103 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam103 Dispositif d’encouragement fiscal à l’investissement en forêt Single 103 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: Ministère en charge de l’agriculture,Government: Ministère de l'économie 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Dispositif fiscal incitant les propriétaires forestiers à se regrouper dans des organisations de producteurs du fait d’un crédit d’impôt supérieur issu de la Loi de Finance Rectificative 2013. Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
France_104 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam104 Compte d’investissement forestier et d’assurance Single 104 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: Ministère de l'agriculture,Government: Ministère de l'économie 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Dispositif incitant les propriétaires forestiers à exploiter leurs forêts, en leur permettant de placer l'argent obtenu sur un compte bénéficiant d'avantages fiscaux et destiné principalement à leur permettre d'investir et de reconstituer les peuplements abîmés par un sinistre d’origine naturelle. Nombre de contrats souscrits Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
France_105 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam105 Plans pluriannuels régionaux de développement forestier Single 105 Single PaM Planning Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests Regional Regional: Régions 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les plans pluriannuels régionaux de développement forestier (PPRDF) sont des programmes d'actions élaborés par les régions pour une durée de 5 ans. Ils visent à décliner de manière opérationnelle un objectif général de mobilisation accrue de bois dans le cadre d'une gestion durable et multifonctionnelle des forêts. Le PPRDF doit : - identifier les massifs forestiers insuffisamment exploités pouvant contribuer à la mobilisation de volumes supplémentaires de bois ; - analyser pour chacun de ces massifs les causes du manque d’exploitation ; - définir un programme d’actions prioritaires. Implemented 2012 With existing measures No No information
France_106 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam106 Observatoire national des ressources en biomasse Single 106 Single PaM Information Implemented LULUCF, EU ETS, ESD Agriculture; Energy supply; Land use, land use change and forestry; Waste management/waste Agriculture: Other agriculture; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products; Waste management/waste: Other waste Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with bioenergy and bioproducts from agriculture'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products,Waste management/waste: Other waste ('Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with biowaste from waste management') Government Government: Ministère en charge de l’agriculture 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La directive européenne 2009/28/CE relative à la promotion de l'utilisation des énergies renouvelables incite les États membres à développer la part de ce type d'énergie dans leur bouquet énergétique. La France s'était fixé un objectif à l'horizon 2020 de 23% d'EnR dans sa consommation finale d'énergie, dont la moitié issue de la biomasse. Cet objectif est conforté par la loi relative à la transition énergétique, promulguée en août 2015, qui porte la part des énergies renouvelables à 32 % de son bouquet énergétique en 2030 et à 40 % de la production d’électricité. Dans ce cadre, l'Observatoire National des Ressources en Biomasse (ONRB) a été mis en place avec pour objectif d'assurer le recensement et l'estimation des ressources en biomasse afin, notamment, d'anticiper d'éventuels conflits d'usage. Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
France_108 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam108 Plan semences et agriculture durable Single 108 Single PaM Economic, Information, Research Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: Ministère en charge de l’agriculture 2011 No No information N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Ce plan contribue à la limitation des émissions de N2O en appuyant la sélection de plantes économes en azote ainsi qu’en améliorant les ressources en semences de légumineuses. Il vise à organiser la conservation des ressources phytogénétiques, encourager l’innovation au service de l’agro-écologie en génétique végétale, soutenir la recherche dans le secteur des semences et plants, et conforter le dispositif de contrôle des semences et des plants. Site internet du ministère de l'agriculture http://agriculture.gouv.fr/plan-semences-et-plants-pour-une-agriculture-durable Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
France_110 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam110 Les mesures de soutien à la méthanisation agricole Group 110 2,4,73,74 Economic, Information, Other, Planning See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Agriculture; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Waste management/waste Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use 1384 3084 Government, Regional Government: Ministère en charge de l'énergie,Government: Ministère en charge de l'énergie,Regional: Conseils régionaux,Government: Ministère de l'Agriculture See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4, N2O See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La méthanisation agricole est une technique de dégradation de la matière agricole (effluents d’élevage, résidus de cultures, cultures énergétiques auxquels peuvent s’ajouter des déchets externes à l’exploitation agricole : déchets d’industries agro-alimentaires et déchets ménagers), qui permet la production de biogaz pouvant être valorisé en tant qu’énergie renouvelable. Le plan performance énergétique (PPE) des exploitations agricoles a été lancé en février 2009 par le ministère en charge de l’agriculture, avec l'objectif d’améliorer l’efficacité énergétique globale des exploitations et d’accompagner la production d’énergie renouvelable, en finançant des équipements comme les méthaniseurs. Ce plan a été remplacé en 2014 par le plan pour la compétitivité et l’adaptation des exploitations agricoles. Outre les aides à l’investissement initial, le dispositif de soutien au développement de la méthanisation agricole passe également par des tarifs d’achat garantis de l’électricité produite à partir de biogaz, et du biométhane injecté dans le réseau de gaz naturel. Le plan « énergie méthanisation autonomie azote » (EMAA) a été lancé en mars 2013 pour compléter ces dispositifs. Il prévoit notamment l’optimisation du tarif d’achat de l’électricité produite à partir de biogaz, la simplification des procédures administratives pour le développement des projets de méthanisation, un meilleur accompagnement des porteurs de projets et des efforts de structuration de la filière. See individual PaMs Nombre de méthaniseurs agricoles 2234 3934 Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 2015,2013 534,276, A partir du nombre de méthaniseurs mis en place et du calcul des émissions moyennes évitées par méthaniseur, on calcule les émissions évitées. Voir la méthode détaillée dans le Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. A partir du nombre de méthaniseurs mis en place et du calcul des émissions moyennes évitées par méthaniseur, on calcule les émissions évitées. Voir la méthode détaillée dans le Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Les coûts de la méthanisation pour l’agriculteur se composent des coûts d’investissement (hors aides publiques éventuellement reçues à l’investissement) et des coûts de fonctionnement. Les bénéfices proviennent de la vente d’électricité et de biométhane, de la valorisation de la chaleur et de l’épandage du digestat. La méthanisation se caractérise par une très grande disparité des coûts d’investissement et des coûts de fonctionnement d’une installation à l’autre, selon la taille du méthaniseur, les déchets utilisés, les contraintes territoriales et le mode de valorisation choisi. A partir de fourchettes de coûts d'investissement, il est estimé que le coût par tonne de CO2eq évitées est compris entre 30 et 86€/tonne. Cette estimation intègre uniquement les coûts d'investissement dans le méthaniseur. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Les coûts de la méthanisation pour l’agriculteur se composent des coûts d’investissement (hors aides publiques éventuellement reçues à l’investissement) et des coûts de fonctionnement. Les bénéfices proviennent de la vente d’électricité et de biométhane, de la valorisation de la chaleur et de l’épandage du digestat. La méthanisation se caractérise par une très grande disparité des coûts d’investissement et des coûts de fonctionnement d’une installation à l’autre, selon la taille du méthaniseur, les déchets utilisés, les contraintes territoriales et le mode de valorisation choisi. A partir de fourchettes de coûts d'investissement, il est estimé que le coût par tonne de CO2eq évitées est compris entre 30 et 86€/tonne. Cette estimation intègre uniquement les coûts d'investissement dans le méthaniseur. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
France_112 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam112 Le malus écologique sur les véhicules neufs les plus émetteurs Single 112 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2008 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le dispositif du malus a pour but d’orienter les achats de véhicules neufs vers les véhicules les moins émetteurs de dioxyde de carbone. Ce dispositif est en place depuis 2008 et est révisé régulièrement afin notamment de conserver son effet incitatif. Depuis le 1er janvier 2017, le malus s ’applique aux véhicules émettant plus de 126 gCO2/km et correspond à une majoration du prix d'achat allant de 50 à 10 000€. Plus le modèle est émetteur de CO2, plus le malus augmente. Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
France_113 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam113 Les mesures d'amélioration de la performance des véhicules thermiques particuliers neufs Group 113 112,111,44,114 Economic, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD, EU ETS Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 2412 5409 Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement,Government: Ministère de l'Environnement,Government: Ministère de l'Environnement,Government: Ministère de l'Environnement See individual PaMs Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 1999/94/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les règlements européens n° 443/2009 et n° 333/2014 agissent sur l’offre de véhicules en fixant aux constructeurs des objectifs graduels de performance. L’étiquette CO2 des véhicules particuliers et le bonus-malus influencent la demande de véhicules en dirigeant le choix des consommateurs vers les modèles les moins polluants. See individual PaMs Emissions de CO2 par km des véhicules particuliers neufs gCO2/km L'évaluation de ce groupe de mesures intègre uniquement leurs effets sur l'amélioration de la performance des véhicules thermiques neufs. Les effets sur la diffusion des véhicules électriques et hybrides rechargeables sont pris en compte dans l’évaluation sur le développement des véhicules électriques et hybrides (groupe de mesures #26). Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) 0 2412 0 4353 4353 0 5409 0 6130 6130 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 2015 1111 Voir méthodologie détaillée dans le Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission). Voir méthodologie détaillée dans le Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission). Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
France_114 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam114 Etiquette CO2 des véhicules Single 114 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2003 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 1999/94/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml L’affichage de la consommation de carburant et des émissions de CO2 des véhicules neufs est obligatoire dans les lieux de vente. Cette étiquette sensibilise les acheteurs sur les émissions de CO2 et les consommations énergétiques des différents modèles de véhicules. Implemented 2003 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
France_115 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam115 Groupements d’Intérêt Economique et EnvironnementaI (pour les exploitations agricoles) Single 115 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, LULUCF Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'Agriculture 2015 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les Groupements d’Intérêt Economique et EnvironnementaI (GIEE) sont des collectifs d'agriculteurs reconnus par l'État qui s'engagent dans un projet pluriannuel de modification ou de consolidation de leurs pratiques en visant à la fois des objectifs économiques, environnementaux et sociaux. Ils constituent l’un des outils structurants du Projet Agro-écologique pour la France (cf. mesure #116). Les GIEE bénéficient de majoration dans l’attribution des aides ou d’une attribution préférentielle des aides. Nombre de projets GIEE reconnus Site internet du ministère de l'agriculture http://agriculture.gouv.fr/les-groupements-dinteret-economique-et-environnemental-giee Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
France_116 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam116 Le Projet Agro-écologique Single 116 Single PaM Education, Information, Research Implemented ESD, LULUCF Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'agriculture 2013 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le Projet Agro-écologique incite à innover et à engager la transition vers de nouveaux systèmes de production performants dans toutes leurs dimensions (économique, environnementale, et sociale) en favorisant la recherche, la formation et la communication sur l'agro-écologie. Site internet du ministère de l'agriculture http://agriculture.gouv.fr/le-projet-agro-ecologique-en-12-cles Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
France_117 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam117 L'écoconception des produits consommateurs d'énergie Single 117 Single PaM Regulatory, Voluntary Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2009 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La directive-cadre 2009/125/CE établit un cadre pour la fixation d'exigences en matière d'écoconception applicables aux produits liés à l'énergie. Elles peuvent être fixées par règlement ou par accord volontaire. 20 mesures d’exécution de la directive-cadre ont été adoptées entre 2008 et 2016 (modes veille et arrêt, éclairage des rues et des bâtiments tertiaires, décodeurs numériques simples, alimentations et chargeurs électriques, éclairage domestique, moteurs électriques, circulateurs, appareils de froid, téléviseurs, lave-linge, lave-vaisselle, ventilateurs, aspirateurs, chaudières...). D’autres sont en préparation au niveau de la Commission européenne. Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
France_118 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam118 L'étiquetage énergétique des produits consommateurs d'énergie Single 118 Single PaM Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement,Government: Ministère de l'Economie 1992 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml La directive européenne 92/75/CEE du 22 septembre 1992, remplacée par la directive 2010/30/CE (en cours de révision) fixe un cadre réglementaire qui permet d’imposer par voie d’actes délégués l’indication, au travers de l’étiquetage, d’informations concernant la consommation d’énergie et autres ressources, sur les produits liés à l’énergie. Le but de l’étiquetage est d’orienter le consommateur vers les produits les plus performants sur le plan énergétique et autres aspects environnementaux (eau, bruit…) ; sont également visés les professionnels (fabricants, importateurs et distributeurs). Une nouvelle étiquette énergie a été mise en place progressivement depuis 2010. Sur le nouveau modèle d’étiquette figure l’efficacité énergétique de l’appareil ainsi que la consommation d’énergie en kWh par an. Cette nouvelle étiquette introduit trois classes supplémentaires dans l’échelle d’efficacité énergétique : A+, A++, A+++, qui seront supprimées prochainement pour revenir à l'échelle A à G. Implemented 1992 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
France_6 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Le fonds chaleur : dispositif de soutien financier de projets de production de chaleur à partir d’énergies renouvelables Single 6 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 6361 7634 Other Other: ADEME 2009 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le fonds chaleur soutient financièrement des projets de production de chaleur à partir d’énergies renouvelables : biomasse (sylvicole, agricole, biogaz…), géothermie (en utilisation directe ou par le biais de pompes à chaleur), solaire thermique, énergies de récupération, ainsi que le développement des réseaux de chaleur utilisant ces énergies. Les secteurs concernés sont l’habitat collectif, le tertiaire, l’agriculture et l’industrie. Le fonds chaleur permet à la chaleur renouvelable d’être compétitive par rapport à la chaleur produite à partir d’énergies conventionnelles, en garantissant un prix de la chaleur d'origine renouvelable inférieur d'environ 5 % à celui obtenu avec des énergies conventionnelles. Le fonds chaleur a été doté d’une enveloppe de 1,5 milliard d’euros pour la période 2009-2015. Production de chaleur renouvelable de 5,5 millions de tonnes équivalent pétrole (tep) à l’horizon 2020 2020 Production de chaleur renouvelable financée par le fonds chaleur tonne équivalent pétrole (tep) Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement ; Site internet de l'ADEME 7634 4275 http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/dispositifs-soutien-aux-energies-renouvelables; http://www.ademe.fr/expertises/energies-renouvelables-enr-production-reseaux-stockage/passer-a-laction/produire-chaleur/fonds-chaleur-bref Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 2015,2013,2011 3359,2023,482 La production d'énergie renouvelable financée par le fonds chaleur est connue pour les années 2009 à 2015. A partir des facteurs d'émissions des énergies fossiles substituées et des énergies renouvelables, on en déduit les émissions évitées grâce au fonds chaleur. La production d'énergie renouvelable financée par le fonds chaleur est connue pour les années 2009 à 2015. A partir des facteurs d'émissions des énergies fossiles substituées et des énergies renouvelables, on en déduit les émissions évitées grâce au fonds chaleur. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 16.8 214000000 2016-2020 Le fonds chaleur engendre des coûts publics directs pour la puissance publique correspondant aux montants alloués aux projets. Il est supposé que le montant du fonds chaleur est prolongé au niveau actuel jusqu’en 2020, soit 214 M€ par an. Sur la durée de vie des projets (hypothèse d’une durée de vie de 20 ans), cela revient à un coût à la tonne de CO2 évitée s'élevant en moyenne à 16,8€. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 16.8 214000000 2009-2015 Le fonds chaleur engendre des coûts publics directs pour la puissance publique correspondant aux montants alloués aux projets. Les coûts publics directs du fonds chaleur s’élèvent en moyenne à 214 M€ par an et à 1,5 Md€ sur la période 2009-2015. Sur la durée de vie des projets (hypothèse d’une durée de vie de 20 ans), cela revient à un coût à la tonne de CO2 évitée s'élevant en moyenne à 16,8€. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
France_8 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Les certificats d'économies d'énergie Single 8 Single PaM Economic, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 16303 18290 Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2006 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le dispositif des certificats d’économies d’énergie repose sur une obligation de réalisation d’économies d’énergie imposée par les pouvoirs publics aux vendeurs d’énergie (électricité, gaz, GPL, chaleur et froid, fioul domestique et carburants pour automobiles). Un objectif pluriannuel est défini et réparti entre les obligés en fonction de leurs volumes de ventes. En fin de période, les obligés doivent justifier de l'accomplissement de leurs obligations par la détention d'un montant de certificats d'économies d'énergie équivalent à ces obligations. Pour obtenir des certificats, les obligés ont le choix des actions à mettre en œuvre (réaliser des actions d'économies d'énergie eux-mêmes, faire réaliser des actions d'énergie par les consommateurs, acheter des certificats à d'autres acteurs sur le marché, etc.), des secteurs d’activité (résidentiel, tertiaire, industriel, agricole, transport) et des types de clients (ménages, entreprises, collectivités publiques, etc.). Objectif de 700 TWh d'économies d'énergie cumulées actualisées pour la 3ème période (2015-2017) 2020 Nombre de certificats d'économies d'énergie délivrés depuis le début du dispositif térawattheure cumac (cumulé actualisé) Site internet du Ministère de l'Environnement; Lettre d'information des certificats d'économies d'énergie qui recense régulièrement le nombre de certificats délivrés 18830 16066 http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/dispositif-des-certificats-deconomies-denergie ; http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/suivi-et-pilotage-des-cee Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 2015,2013,2011,2009 6190,2764,1437,964 Une analyse de 94 opérations standardisées parmi les plus courantes, qui représentent 96 % des certificats correspondant à des opérations standardisées distribués au 31 décembre 2014, permet d’estimer un facteur d’émission moyen : en moyenne 1 kWh d’énergie économisée grâce aux CEE permet d’éviter 0,211 kgCO2e. Ce facteur d’émission tient compte des émissions en amont et en combustion des produits énergétiques. Il est supposé que ce facteur d’émission s’applique également pour les certificats distribués depuis 2015. Les économies d’énergies attribuables aux certificats d'économies d'énergie calculées sur la base d'hypothèses d'additionalité sont converties en économies d’énergie annuelles, en tenant compte de la durée de vie moyenne des opérations et du taux d’actualisation de 4%. Les émissions évitées sont ensuite obtenues en multipliant ces économies d’énergies annuelles par le facteur d’émission moyen. Une analyse de 94 opérations standardisées parmi les plus courantes, qui représentent 96 % des certificats correspondant à des opérations standardisées distribués au 31 décembre 2014, permet d’estimer un facteur d’émission moyen : en moyenne 1 kWh d’énergie économisée grâce aux CEE permet d’éviter 0,211 kgCO2e. Ce facteur d’émission tient compte des émissions en amont et en combustion des produits énergétiques. Il est supposé que ce facteur d’émission s’applique également pour les certificats distribués depuis 2015. Les économies d’énergies attribuables aux certificats d'économies d'énergie calculées sur la base d'hypothèses d'additionalité sont converties en économies d’énergie annuelles, en tenant compte de la durée de vie moyenne des opérations et du taux d’actualisation de 4%. Les émissions évitées sont ensuite obtenues en multipliant ces économies d’énergies annuelles par le facteur d’émission moyen. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 26 2006-2015 Le coût moyen unitaire pour les obligés s’élève en moyenne à 0,4 c€/kWh cumac, ce qui représente une dépense totale d’environ 3,8 Md€ pour financer les certificats d'économies d'énergie de la première et deuxième période (2006-2015). A partir des hypothèses faites dans l’évaluation (durée de vie moyenne des opérations de 22 ans, facteur d’émission de 0,211kgCO2e par kWh d’énergie économisée grâce aux certificats, taux d’additionalité), on obtient un coût à la tonne de CO2 évitée d’environ 26€/tCO2e. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
France_14 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Les prêts "éco-énergie" pour les entreprises Single 14 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Other Other: Bpifrance 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les prêts "éco-énergie" ont été mis en place par la Banque Publique d'Investissements (BPI-France) à partir de mars 2012. Le Prêt Eco Énergie a vocation à financer les équipements éligibles aux Certificats d’Économies d’Énergie (CEE) pour les secteurs de l'Industrie et du Bâtiment tertiaire, ainsi que les dépenses liées à leur installation (isolation, éclairage, pompe à chaleur...) et ce sans nécessité de garantie et à taux préférentiel. Au 31 décembre 2016, plus de 267 prêts éco-énergie ont été consentis aux TPE et PME pour un montant total de 10,7 M€ afin de les accompagner dans leurs projets d’optimisation énergétique. Afin d’améliorer cette solution de financement, les caractéristiques du prêt éco-énergie ont été élargies, son plafond est porté de 50 à 100k€, et l’éligibilité est étendue à l’ensemble des opérations standardisées des secteurs du bâtiment tertiaire et de l’industrie. Le prêt éco-énergie, cumulable avec les primes CEE, constitue ainsi un véritable levier financier pour inciter à investir dans des solutions plus efficaces énergétiquement. Le dispositif est prolongé jusqu'en 2020. 2020 Nombre de prêts distribués depuis la création du dispositif Site internet de la Bpifrance https://pee.bpifrance.fr/ Implemented 2012 With existing measures No No information
France_24 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Développement de lignes de train à grande vitesse Single 24 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD, EU ETS Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 452 434 Government Government: Ministère en charge des Transports 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Quatre lignes ferroviaires à grande vitesse vont être mises en service entre 2015 et 2020, soit 757 km de lignes nouvelles à grande vitesse supplémentaires (en plus des lignes déjà en service en 2015). 757 km de lignes nouvelles à grande vitesse supplémentaires 2020 km de lignes à grande vitesse en France km Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre 441 425 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf La construction des quatre lignes ferroviaires à grande vitesse représente un investissement de 15 Mds €. Toutefois le bénéfice socio-économique de la mesure est positif. Les bénéfices monétarisés (notamment les bénéfices pour les usagers des systèmes de transport) représentent la majorité des avantages des projets dans les évaluations socio-économiques. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
France_25 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Développement des transports collectifs en site propre Single 25 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD, EU ETS Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 242 252 Local Local: Collectivités locales et autorités organisatrices de transport 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml 3 appels à projet s’adressant aux autorités organisatrices de transports ayant un projet de métro, tramway ou bus à haut niveau de service ont été lancés en 2008, 2011 et 2013. Les projets retenus ont fait l’objet d’une subvention. 1900 km de transports collectifs en site propre supplémentaires dans les agglomérations de province dont 43 km de métro, 455 km de tramways et 1400 km de bus à haut niveau de service ont été ou seront mis en service entre 2010 et 2020. 2020 lignes de transports collectifs en site propre supplémentaires km Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre 246 258 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf 2015 186 Voir méthodologie détaillée dans le Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) Voir méthodologie détaillée dans le Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Le développement des transports collectifs en site propre représente des coûts d’investissements élevés (minimum 100 M€/km de métro, 20 à 30 M€/km de tramway, de 2 à 10 M€/km par kilomètre de bus à haut niveau de service en fonction de la consistance du projet). Le coût de l’ensemble des trois appels à projet est de 17,8 Mds d’euros. Les projets s’accompagnent de nombreux cobénéfices (amélioration des temps de parcours, de la régularité de service, de la fréquence, du confort, réduction de la congestion automobile, réduction de la pollution locale de l’air, gains de sécurité, réduction du bruit). Lors de la sélection des projets, les collectivités doivent justifier de la pertinence des projets du point de vue socio-économique. L’ensemble des cobénéfices couvrent les coûts. Rapport 2017 de la France en application de l'article 13.1 du règlement 525/2013 relatif à un mécanisme pour la surveillance et la déclaration des émissions de gaz à effet de serre (joint à la soumission) http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/Rapport_2017_France_MMR_article_13.pdf Implemented 2010 With existing measures No No information
France_27 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 L’amélioration de la performance des véhicules utilitaires légers Single 27 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2011 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le règlement n° 510/2011 du 11 mai 2011 prévoit que les émissions moyennes des véhicules utilitaires légers (VUL) neufs devront être ramenées progressivement à 175gCO2/km entre 2014 et 2017. Un niveau d’émissions moyen de 147 gCO2/km a été fixé pour 2020. 2020 Emissions de CO2 par km des VUL neufs en France gCO2/km Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
France_50 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 Expérimentation du label « Bâtiments à énergie positive et réduction Carbone » (bâtiments neufs) Single 50 Single PaM Other Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministère en charge du logement 2017 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Lancement fin 2016 de l’expérimentation du label « Bâtiments à énergie positive et réduction Carbone » pour la construction de bâtiments exemplaires qui préfigure la future réglementation environnementale. Ce label met en place un standard environnemental innovant pour les bâtiments neufs, qui réunit des exigences à la fois en matière d’énergie et d’émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans le bâtiment. Grâce à ce double critère « énergie » et « carbone », il permet aux maîtres d’ouvrage de choisir la combinaison adéquate en fonction des spécificités du territoire, de la typologie de bâtiments et des coûts induits. 2020 Nombre de labels delivrés http://www.batiment-energiecarbone.fr/ Implemented 2017 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
France_73 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam73 Plan de compétitivité et d'adaptation des exploitations agricoles Single 73 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented ESD Agriculture; Energy consumption; Energy supply Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Regional Regional: Conseils régionaux 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Il s'agit d'aides aux investissements visant à favoriser, notamment : - pour l'élevage : couverture de fosses, gestion des effluents ; - pour le secteur végétal : réduction de la fertilisation minérale ; - pour les enjeux énergétiques : soutiens à l’acquisition des matériels permettant des économies d'énergie ou de production d'énergie renouvelable (comme les méthaniseurs) ; - pour l'agroécologie : investissements pour le développement de la culture de légumineuses et l'autonomie fourragère [cf. la mesure "Plan protéines végétales" (#76), intégrée au projet agro-écologique (mesure #116)] 2020 Brochure du plan de compétitivité et d'adaptation des exploitations agricoles http://agriculture.gouv.fr/sites/minagri/files/plan_pour_la_competitivite_et_ladaptation.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
France_76 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam76 Plan Protéines Végétales pour la France Single 76 Single PaM Economic, Information, Planning, Regulatory, Research Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'Agriculture 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Ce plan vise à engager durablement l'agriculture française dans le développement de cultures de légumineuses pour améliorer la performance environnementale et économique de l’agriculture française. Il s’inscrit pleinement dans le projet agro-écologique pour la France porté par le ministère en charge de l'agriculture. Il s'articule autour de 3 axes principaux: - le développement de la production de protéines végétales et le renforcement de l'autonomie de l'élevage français, en mobilisant les outils réglementaires et incitatifs de la Politique Agricole Commune ; - la poursuite d'efforts de recherche et d'appui technique coordonnés aux producteurs ; - le renforcement de la gouvernance. Parmi les dispositifs prévus, on trouve : - aide couplée pour la production de protéagineux (pois, féverole, lupin...), - soutien à la production de légumineuses fourragères destinées à la déshydratation (luzerne déshydratée), - soutien à la production de légumineuses fourragères dans les exploitations d'élevage (ayant au moins 5 Unité Gros Bétail (herbivores et monogastriques), - soutien à la production de semences de légumineuses et de graminées fourragères. 2020 Site inernet du ministère en charge de l'agriculture http://agriculture.gouv.fr/plan-proteines-vegetales-2014-2020 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
France_77 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam77 Mesures Agro Environnementales et Climatiques Single 77 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, LULUCF Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'Agriculture 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Les Mesures agroenvironnementales et Climatiques (MAEC) permettent d’accompagner financièrement les exploitations agricoles qui s’engagent dans le développement de pratiques combinant performance économique et performance environnementale ou dans le maintien de telles pratiques lorsqu’elles sont menacées de disparition. Mesures agroenvironnementales et climatiques pour la période 2014-2020 : - systèmes ; - maintien de pratiques pour les systèmes herbagers extensifs/limitation intensification et retour de la matière organique au sol ; - maintien et de changement de pratique pour les systèmes de polyculture-élevage/limitation des intrants ; - changement de pratique pour les grandes cultures/limitation des intrants ; - réduction voire suppression des engrais ; - introduction de légumineuses dans les systèmes irrigués (en particulier dans les systèmes en monoculture de maïs) ; - entretien des éléments topographiques tels que les haies, les bosquets, les alignements d'arbres,... (qui contribuent donc au stockage de carbone). 2020 Site internet du ministère de l'agriculture http://agriculture.gouv.fr/maec-les-nouvelles-mesures-agro-environnementales-et-climatiques-de-la-pac-2015 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
France_87 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam87 Rôle exemplaire des bâtiments appartenant à des organismes publics Single 87 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: Services de l’Etat (administrations centrales et services déconcentrés) 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Conformément à l’article 5 de la directive 2012/27/UE relative à l’efficacité énergétique, la France a choisi d’avoir recours à l’approche alternative afin de diminuer la consommation d’énergie des bâtiments publics. Les bâtiments ciblés sont les bâtiments domaniaux occupés par les services de l’Etat (administrations centrales et services déconcentrés) : bureaux, bâtiments d’enseignement ou de sport, bâtiments sanitaires ou sociaux, bâtiments culturels, commerces, logements. Plusieurs types d'action permettant de réduire les consommations d'énergie des bâtiments de l'Etat sont mises en œuvre : - Travaux sur l’enveloppe et les équipements des bâtiments - Actions liées à la gestion des équipements et aux occupants - Réduction des surfaces occupées par les services de l’Etat Réduction de 40 % d’ici 2020 des consommations énergétiques des bâtiments de l’Etat et de ses établissements publics par rapport à 2012, soit 10 131 GWh d’énergie primaire sur la période 2014-2020 (contre 2 477 GWh avec l’approche par défaut) 2020 Economies d'énergie finale dans les bâtiments publics GWh Economies d’énergie primaire dans les bâtiments publics GWh Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
France_107 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam107 Plan de développement de l'agroforesterie Single 107 Single PaM Economic, Information, Planning Implemented ESD, LULUCF Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government Government: Ministère en charge de l'agricuture 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Ce plan, inscrit dans le projet agro-écologique pour la France (cf. mesure #116), vise à développer l'agroforesterie sous toutes ses formes : intra-parcellaire, bocage, sylvo-pastoralisme, etc. Il est constitué de 5 axes d'actions : - renforcer la connaissance, le suivi, et les actions de recherche sur l'agroforesterie ; - améliorer le cadre réglementaire et juridique et renforcer les appuis financiers ; - développer le conseil et la formation, promouvoir l'agroforesterie et valoriser ses productions ; - valoriser économiquement les productions de l'agroforesterie, et les développer sur les terroirs et les territoires ; - promouvoir les approches européennes et internationales. Expérimentation INRA : réduction de 300 kg CO2/ha/an, sur 20 ans, en intra-parcellaire 2020 Surfaces en agroforesterie Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
France_111 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam111 Normes de performance en matière d'émissions de CO2 par km des voitures particulières neuves (réglements européens n° 443/2009 et n° 333/2014) Single 111 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministère de l'Environnement 2009 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le règlement n° 443/2009 impose aux constructeurs automobiles de ramener les émissions moyennes de CO2 des véhicules particuliers neufs à 130 gCO2/km d’ici 2015 de manière progressive. Il définit également un objectif de 95 gCO2/km en 2020. Le règlement n° 443/2009 a été modifié en mars 2014 par le règlement n° 333/2014. Celui-ci a confirmé l’objectif de 95 gCO2/km en 2020 et fixe ses modalités d’atteinte par les constructeurs. En particulier, en 2020, seuls les 95 % meilleurs véhicules immatriculés de la gamme par constructeur seront pris en compte pour l’exercice de comptage. Objectif de 95gCO2/km pour les véhicules particuliers neufs en 2020 (selon les modalités d'atteinte définies dans le réglement n° 333/2014) 2023 Emissions moyennes des véhicules particuliers neufs en France gCO2/km Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
France_28 France 1883 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Infrastructures de transport en commun en Île-de-France : projet de nouveau métro automatique appelé Grand Paris Express et volet transport du contrat de plan Etat région Single 28 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Regional Regional: Région Ile-de-France 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/fr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwm_t7a/FR_MMR_PAM_2017.xml Le Grand Paris Express est un projet de prolongement et de construction de 200 km de lignes de métro pour relier les territoires de la région Ile-de-France à horizon 2030. Ce nouveau réseau, qui améliorera considérablement les déplacements de périphérie à périphérie déchargera également le réseau existant. Les contrats de plan Etat région Île-de-France (à court terme celui pour la période 2015-2020) viennent compléter ce projet par la mise en œuvre du plan de mobilisation pour les transports en Île-de-France, constitué d’opérations diverses (métro, RER ,Tramway ,Tram-Train, Pôles multimodaux et Bus à haut niveau de service) visant à moderniser et développer le réseau existant. 200 km de lignes de métro 2030 km de métro construits Km construits Le coût global de la réalisation du Grand Paris Express est estimé à 24,9 milliards d'euros à l'horizon 2030. Site internet de la Société du Grand Paris https://www.societedugrandparis.fr/projet#les-couts-financements Implemented 2010 With existing measures No No information
Germany_59 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 SF6-bans under the EU F-Gas Regulation Single 59 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 600 3700 Government Government: Federal Government 2006 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml There are several bans of SF6 under the EU F-Gas Regulation 517/2014, the latest one entering into force 2018. 2018 not specified; results materialise in emissions inventory reporting German 2017 projections report 600 2100 2100 3700 3900 3900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Germany_68 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam68 funding of landfill aeration Single 68 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management 26 26 Government Government: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety 2013 No No information CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Reduction of CH4 emissions from landfills through aeration (financial grants through NKI) 2018 German 2017 projections report 26 26 26 26 26 26 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
Germany_1 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Extension of Highway toll for heavy duty vehicles Single 1 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Other transport; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Other transport ('Extend Road pricing to finance infrastructure cost and setting incentives for environmental improvements on more highways and include weight class 7,5 t - 12t'),Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 100 100 Government Government: Federal Government 2016 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Infrastructure charging for heavy goods (revised Eurovignette) 2006/38/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Extend Road pricing to finance infrastructure cost and setting incentives for environmental improvements on more highways and include weight class 7,5 t - 12t (Other transport) German 2017 projections report 100 100 100 100 100 100 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Germany_2 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Subsidies for electric mobility Single 2 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 500 200 Government Government: Federal Government 2016 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Facilitate market penetration of hybrid and battery electric vehicles with subsidies of 3000 € for hybrid and 4000 € for electric vehicles. German 2017 projections report 500 400 400 200 100 100 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Germany_3 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Strengthening public transport Single 3 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 100 200 Local Local: municipalities, local authorities 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Facilitate a modal shift to public transport by allocating more public funds. German 2017 projections report 100 200 200 200 200 200 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Germany_4 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Strengthening rail transport: hinterland traffic Single 4 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 100 100 Government Government: Federal Government 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Immediate action programme to eliminate choke points of infrastructure in rail hinterland traffic - First Tranche (WEM). This programme is separated in two tranches with separate funds and projects (PaM 4 and 7). German 2017 projections report 100 100 100 100 100 100 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Germany_5 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Wider Extension of Highway toll for heavy duty vehicles Single 5 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 200 600 Government Government: Federal Government 2019 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Infrastructure charging for heavy goods (revised Eurovignette) 2006/38/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Extend Road pricing to finance infrastructure cost and setting incentives for environmental improvements on all highways and include weight class > 3,5 t (Other transport) German 2017 projections report 200 600 600 600 700 700 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2019 With additional measuses Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Germany_6 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Energy efficient commercial vehicles Single 6 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 600 100 Government Government: Federal Government 2017 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Facilitate market penetration of low-CO2 commercial vehicles by road-pricing mechanisms and subsidies. German 2017 projections report 600 600 600 100 1000 1000 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Germany_7 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Strengthening rail transport: hinterland traffic II Single 7 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 0 100 Government Government: Federal Government 2017 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Allocation of railway infrastructure capacity and charging for the use of infrastructure, Directive 2007/58/EC amending Directive 91/440/EEC and Directive 2001/14/EC. CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Immediate action programme to eliminate choke points of infrastructure in rail hinterland traffic - Second Tranche (WAM). This programme is separated in two tranches with separate funds and projects (PaM 4 and 7). German 2017 projections report 0 100 100 100 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Germany_8 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Prolong subsidies for natural gas and LNG Single 8 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Federal Government 2019 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Prolong subsidies for natural gas and LNG German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2019 With additional measuses No No information
Germany_9 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Continuing the CO2 regulations for newly registered cars to 60g/vkm in 2030 and include trucks Single 9 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 11400 Government Government: Federal Government 2022 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Update of the CO2 regulations on newly registered cars from 95g/vkm in 2021 to 60g/vkm in 2030 and include trucks. German 2017 projections report 2800 2800 11400 22000 22000 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2022 With additional measuses Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Germany_10 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Adaptation of GHG-quota and advanced biofuels Single 10 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars -200 -1200 Government Government: Federal Government 2020 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Transport: Council Directive (EU) 2015/652 of 20 April 2015 laying down calculation methods and reporting requirements pursuant to Directive 98/70/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Reduction of biofuel-share to 4% for petrol and 5% for diesel in relation to the energy content. Implementation of a lower limit for advanced biofuels of 0.5% in 2025. Also electric driving can be counted towards reaching the GHG-quotas. German 2017 projections report -200 -700 -700 -1200 -2700 -2700 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Adopted 2020 With additional measuses Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Germany_13 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Measures to increase efficiency in heating systems (inluding the incentive programme for energy efficiency, the national labelling scheme for existing heating systems and the support scheme for optimisation of heating systems by hydraulic balancing) Group 13 14,15,67 Economic, Information See individual PaMs ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('change from an inefficient heating system to an efficient one') 600 1500 Government Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy,Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy,Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy See individual PaMs No No information CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml The measures to increase efficiency in heating systems inlcude 1. the incentive programme for energy efficiency: Financial support for efficient fossil fuel and RES heating technologies in combination with optimisation / exchange of the whole heating systems including distribution 2.the national labelling scheme for existing heating systems: Obligation of chimney sweepers/ energy advisers to label existing heating system 3. the support scheme for optimisation of heating systems by hydraulic balancing See individual PaMs German 2017 projections report 600 1300 1300 1500 1600 1600 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs No No information
Germany_14 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 National labelling scheme for existing heating systems Single 14 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Obligation of chimney sweepers/ energy advisers to label existing heating system German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Germany_15 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Support scheme for optimisation of heating systems by hydraulic balancing Single 15 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Support for hydraulic balancing of heating systems German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Germany_22 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Implementation of several lots of the ecodesign directive as they get relevant: Minimum energy performance standards (MEPS, only residential electricity savings excl. heating) Single 22 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Federal Government 2009 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Several lots of the ecodesign directive are implemented as minimum energy performance standards (MEPS), e.g. for water biolers, freezers and room heaters. This PaM only includes electricity savings through the standards in the residential sector, heating is excluded. German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Germany_23 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Implementation of the energy labelling law to label products according to their energy use Single 23 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Federal Government 2010 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Mandatory energy labelling according to the EU directive on labelling German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Germany_24 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Ecological tax on electricity Single 24 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Federal Government 2008 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Incentive to consume less energy due to the tax on electricity German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Germany_25 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Step up! Tendering model (only residential electricity savings) Single 25 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy 2017 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Tendering model to support the diffusion of energy efficiency technologies, this PaM is only about residential electricity savings German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2017 With existing measures No No information
Germany_26 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 National Top Runner Initiative for energy efficient products (NTRI) Single 26 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Initiative to accelerate the diffusion of high-efficient appliances targeting consumers, dealers and manufacturers German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Germany_27 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Electricity savings check for low-income households Single 27 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety 2009 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Energy audits and financial incentives for for low-income households German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2009 With existing measures No No information
Germany_28 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Implementation of more lots of the ecodesign directive as they get relevant: Minimum energy performance standards (MEPS, only residential electricity savings excl. heating) Single 28 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Federal Government 2017 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml More lots of the ecodesign directive than in the WEM scenario are implemented as minimum energy performance standards (MEPS), e.g. for central heating systems. This PaM only includes electricity savings through the standards in the residential sector, heating is excluded. German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Germany_29 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Rescaling of the energy label and supporting measures Single 29 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Federal Government 2017 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Rescaling of the energy label and supporting measures in accordance with the discussions on EU level German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Germany_30 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Energy efficiency obligation scheme (only residential electricity excluding heating) Single 30 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Federal Government 2021 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Introduction of energy efficiency saving obligation addressing residential electricity German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2021 With additional measuses No No information
Germany_31 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Emissions trading, effect in the industry sector Single 31 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 1703 3965 Government Government: Federal Government 2008 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Effects through higher ETS-prices within the Emissions Trading Scheme in the industry sector. German 2017 projections report 1703 3032 3032 3965 4460 4460 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Germany_32 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Ecological tax reform, effect in the industry sector Single 32 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 46 83 Government Government: Federal Government 2010 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Incentive to consume less fossil fuels due to the tax on fuels. This PaM only covers the effects in the industry sector. German 2017 projections report 46 68 68 83 94 94 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Germany_33 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Energy management and tax discount for industry (energy tax) Single 33 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 693 1002 Government Government: Federal Government 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml discounts on energy tax are bound to the implementation of energy management and a commitment on energy saving German 2017 projections report 693 872 872 1002 1130 1130 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2010 With existing measures No No information
Germany_34 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Energy management and discount for industry (Renewable Energy Levy) Single 34 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 21 27 Government Government: Federal Government 2008 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml A discount on the Renewable Energy Levy is granted for industry when they introduce an energy management system. German 2017 projections report 21 30 30 27 17 17 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Germany_35 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Energy audits for SMEs Single 35 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 1538 1679 Government Government: Federal Government 2008 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml opportunity for SMEs to get cheaper energy audits and grants for investments in energy saving measures German 2017 projections report 1538 1733 1733 1679 1638 1638 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Germany_36 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Implementation of more lots of the ecodesign directive as they get relevant: Minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) in the industry and service sector Single 36 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 48 63 Government Government: Federal Government 2005 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml More lots of the ecodesign directive than in the WEM scenario are implemented as minimum energy performance standards (MEPS). This PaM only covers the sectors industry and services. German 2017 projections report 48 64 64 63 33 33 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Germany_37 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Support for cross-cutting technologies Single 37 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 112 226 Government Government: Federal Government 2014 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Financial support for investment in energy-efficient cross-cutting technologies (electric motors, waste heat utilization, pumps) German 2017 projections report 112 210 210 226 220 220 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Germany_38 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Support for process technologies Single 38 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 167 319 Government Government: Federal Government 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Financial support for investment in energy-efficient production processes German 2017 projections report 167 299 299 319 311 311 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
Germany_39 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Support for energy efficient refrigeration and cooling Single 39 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 0 0 Government Government: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Support scheme for energy efficient refrigeration and cooling, sector commercial / services German 2017 projections report 0 0 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
Germany_40 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 500 energy efficiency networks, savings of fuels Single 40 Single PaM Economic, Information, Voluntary Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 694 2239 Government Government: Federal Government 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Establishment and support of (in total) 500 energy efficiency networks that increase energy efficiency within their network and exchange intensively on the measures, savings of fuels. German 2017 projections report 694 1618 1618 2239 2222 2222 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Germany_41 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 Step up! Tendering model (industry and services) Single 41 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 0 0 Government Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy 2017 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Tendering model to support the diffusion of energy efficiency technologies, this PaM is covering the industry and services sector German 2017 projections report 0 0 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2017 With existing measures No No information
Germany_42 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Energy audit for non-SMEs Single 42 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 586 1100 Government Government: Federal Government 2014 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml obligatory energy audits for non-SMEs German 2017 projections report 1041 1073 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Germany_43 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Directive for efficient use of excess heat Single 43 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 524 1476 Government Government: Federal Government 2017 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml financial support of investments in waste heat avoidance and usage German 2017 projections report 1142 1439 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2017 With existing measures No No information
Germany_44 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Extension of the soft loans program of the German development bank KfW to support investments in energy efficiency measures Single 44 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 158 385 Government Government: Federal Government 2017 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Extension of the soft loan program of the KfW to support investments in energy efficiency measures: Increase of the funding volumes German 2017 projections report 306 376 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses No No information
Germany_45 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Minimum energy performance standards (MEPS): new lots (Industry and services) Single 45 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 157 205 Government Government: Federal Government 2020 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml New lots in the industry and service sector for minimum energy performance standards like for central heating systems, firing systems, boilers and servers . German 2017 projections report 193 209 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2020 With additional measuses Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Germany_46 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 Market introduction of low-carbon production processes Single 46 Single PaM Economic, Research Planned EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 11 354 Government Government: Federal Government 2017 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Market introduction of low-carbon production processes through an innovation fond as part of the EU-ETS German 2017 projections report 11 74 74 354 1264 1264 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Germany_47 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 Extension of the energy efficient refrigeration and cooling program Single 47 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 0 0 Government Government: Federal Government 2017 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Extension of the support scheme for energy efficient refrigeration and cooling, sector commercial / services German 2017 projections report 0 0 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses No No information
Germany_48 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Energy efficiency tendering (STEP up!) extended to RES (heating in Industry and services) Single 48 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 300 731 Government Government: Federal Government 2017 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Extension of the tendering model to support the diffusion of energy efficiency technologies to heating to induce fuel switch. Funding volumes will be increased. German 2017 projections report 581 713 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses No No information
Germany_49 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 Energy saving obligation extended to RES (Industry and services), savings of fuels Single 49 Single PaM Economic, Voluntary Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 1854 3767 Government Government: Federal Government 2017 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Extension of the energy saving obligation to set targets for energy saving including RES, savings of fuels. German 2017 projections report 2804 4363 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Germany_50 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 Reform of EU Emissions Trading Single 50 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy 7000 9000 Government Government: Federal Government 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Reform of the EU Emissions Trading scheme with increasing prices for EUAs according to the Guideline of the European Commission, effect in the electricity sector. Tonnes of CO2 abated from the electricity sector (Tonnes of CO2) German 2017 projections report 7000 2000 2000 9000 10000 10000 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Germany_51 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 Conviction of lignite plants into a security reserve Single 51 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels 10000 Government Government: Federal Government 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Several lignite plants are transferred into a reserve pool and do no longer generate electricity on the spot market Tonnes of CO2 abated from the electricity sector (Tonnes of CO2) German 2017 projections report 10000 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Germany_52 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 Funding of generated electricity from CHP-plants through the CHP Act Single 52 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Federal Government 2015 Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Bonus for CHP electricity generation on top of the electricity price electricity generated through co-generation (from micro CHP plants) German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Germany_53 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 Electricity Savings of PaMs in several end-use sectors Group 53 16,20,22,21,24,25,23,26,28,27,29,40,49,30 Economic, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory, Voluntary See individual PaMs ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 3000 8000 Government Government: Federal Government,Government: Federal Government,Government: Federal Government,Government: Federal Government,Government: Federal Government,Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy,Government: Federal Government,Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy,Government: Federal Government,Government: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety,Government: Federal Government,Government: Federal Government,Government: Federal Government,Government: Federal Government See individual PaMs Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Diverse measures for electricity savings in several end-use sectors See individual PaMs German 2017 projections report 5000 8000 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Germany_54 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 Reform of the Renewable Energy Act Single 54 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 5000 Government Government: Federal Government 2020 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Feed-in tariff for electricity from renewable sources Share of renewable energy of gross electricity consumption and attainment of the intended paths to expand the different renewable energy sources in terms of installed capacity German 2017 projections report 2000 2000 5000 12000 12000 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2020 With additional measuses Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Germany_55 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 Further development of the funding of generated electricity from CHP-plants through the CHP Act with a focus on more climate-friendly electricity generation Single 55 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 6000 19000 Government Government: Federal Government 2020 Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Further development of the CHP Act: Focus the bonus for CHP electricity generation on top of the electricity price more on natural gas plants electricity generated through co-generation (from micro CHP plants) German 2017 projections report 6000 16000 16000 19000 21000 21000 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2020 With additional measuses Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Germany_56 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 Revision of the Road Traffic Licensing Regulation to limit HFCs in passenger cars' air conditioning system Single 56 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 3200 6100 Government Government: Federal Government 2007 Yes MACs_Directive HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Limitation of HFC in passenger cars' air conditioning system through the implementation of the EU MAC-Directive 2006/40/EC, transposed into national law by means of a revision of Road Traffic Licensing Regulation (Straßenverkehrszulassungsordnung). not specified; results materialise in emissions inventory reporting German 2017 projections report 3200 4700 4700 6100 6500 6500 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes MACs_Directive
Germany_57 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 HFC-Phase-Down according to EU F-Gas-Regulation Single 57 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 600 5700 Government Government: Federal Government 2010 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml The HFC-Phase-Down includes effects of HFC leakage prevention due to Requirements concerning F-gas leakage beyond the levels of the F-gas Regulation (517/2014), as implemented in Chemicals Climate Protection Ordinance (Chemikalien-Klimaschutzverordnung) as well as Federal Support Scheme for commercial air conditioning and cooling Systems’ under the "National Climate Initiative’ (Investment subsidy for highly efficient & low-HFC air-conditioning & refrigerating devices in commercial applications) EU reporting under Art 19 of F-gas Regulation (517/2014); Monitoring and evaluation reports on the support scheme German 2017 projections report 600 2200 2200 5700 5800 5800 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC
Germany_58 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 Coverage of PFC emission from primary aluminium production in EU ETS Single 58 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy 300 200 Government Government: Federal Government 2013 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml PFCs from primary aluminium included in ETS since 2013 EU ETS monitoring German 2017 projections report 300 300 300 200 200 200 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Germany_60 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 Several measures accompanying the EU F-gas-Regulation's HFC Phase-Down targeted at non-fiscal barriers for non-fluorinated refrigerants Single 60 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information Planned ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 200 Government Government: Federal Government 2018 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Several measures as laid down in the German Action Programme Climate Protection 2020 targeted at non-fiscal barriers for non-fluorinated refrigerants like a service point to advice on natural non-fluorinated refrigerants, information material, support of SMEs to start working with non-fluorinated refrigerants and support of vehicles which use non-fluorinated refrigerants. not specified German 2017 projections report 200 2000 2000 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2018 With additional measuses Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Germany_61 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam61 Increase manure in biogas plants Single 61 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture; Energy supply Agriculture: Other agriculture; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Electricity produced from manure'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 0 531 Government Government: Federal Government 2014 No No information CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Farmers will receive payments for electricity produced from digestion of manure Amount of biogas produced from manure, Share of manure that is anerobic digested German 2017 projections report 531 531 531 531 531 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
Germany_62 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam62 Increase of organic farming Single 62 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils 34 102 Regional Regional: federal states (Länder) 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Farmers will be encouraged by financial payments to switch their agricultural system to organic farming. Area of organic farming German 2017 projections report 34 68 68 102 136 136 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Germany_63 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam63 Amendment of the fertilizer ordinance Single 63 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland 2192 2192 Government, Regional Government: Federal Government ; federal states (Länder),Regional: Länder 2017 Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Based on regulations on nitrogen surpluses, extension of retention periods for fertilizer application in autumn and winter, increase of the storage capacity for manure, improving application techniques for manure etc. the nitrogen fertilizer input shall be reduced. Amount of nitrogen fertilizers used in agriculture German 2017 projections report 2192 2192 2192 2192 2192 2192 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
Germany_64 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam64 Reduction of NH3-emissions through several technical measures under the NERC-directive Single 64 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Reduction of the amount of ammonia produced') 433 788 Government Government: Federal Government 2017 Yes Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Reduction of NH3-emissions by 29% until 2030 (versus 2005) through the implementation of the NERC-directive using technical measures to reduce the amount of ammonia produced. Amount of NH3 German 2017 projections report 433 546 546 788 705 705 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC
Germany_65 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam65 Reduced land use for urban development and transport Single 65 Single PaM Planning Adopted LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands -519 -1661 Local, Regional Regional: federal states (Länder); municipalities, local authorities,Local: Gemeinde 2017 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Improved land use planning and area management to reduce land use for urban development and transport. Reduction to below 30 hectares per day until 2030. Are of land use change German 2017 projections report -1073 -2283 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Adopted 2017 With existing measures No No information
Germany_66 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam66 Conservation of grassland Single 66 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('prevent the conversion of grassland into other cropland') -811 -2029 Regional Regional: federal states (Länder) 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Farmers are only allowed under special obligations to convert grassland into other cropland. German 2017 projections report -1427 -2618 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Germany_69 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam69 separate collection of biological waste (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz) Single 69 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Other waste Waste management/waste: Other waste ('improving the separate collection of biological waste') -7.7 -23.31 Government Government: Federal Government 2015 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml separate collection of biological waste (Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz) German 2017 projections report -7.7 -23.31 -23.31 -23.31 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Germany_70 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam70 continuation of funding of landfill aeration Single 70 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management 46 46 Government Government: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety 2019 No No information CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Reduction of CH4 emissions from landfills through aeration (continued financial grants through NKI after 2018) German 2017 projections report 46 46 46 46 46 46 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2019 With additional measuses No No information
Germany_71 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam71 Implementation of low-emission treatments in fermentation plants after the air monitoring regulation (TA-Luft) Single 71 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies 121 333 Government Government: Federal Government 2016 No No information CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Fermentation plants need to implement low-emission treatments like coverage of digested residues and waste gas purification. German 2017 projections report 121 333 333 333 333 333 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2016 With additional measuses No No information
Germany_11 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 KfW programmes to financially support ambitious energy standards for new buildings and renovations Single 11 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 2900 8700 Government Government: Federal Government 2016 Yes PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml The KfW (the German government-owned promotional bank) gives soft loans and grants for ambitious energy standards for new buildings and renovations. 2035 German 2017 projections report 2900 5800 5800 8700 11600 11600 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes PAM not related to Union policies
Germany_12 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Grants for efficient heat pumps and solar heating installations through the Market Incentive Programme for Renewable Energies (MAP) Single 12 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('increase the use of renewable energies in the building sector'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 3900 11600 Government Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml The target of the programme is to strengthen the sale of technologies for renewable energies through investment incentives and to improve their profitability. Funding takes the form of a grant provided by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA). Funding is available inter alia for efficient heat pumps and solar heating installations. The installation of a solar heating system and a heat pump at the same time is funded through a combination bonus. 2035 German 2017 projections report 3900 7700 7700 11600 15500 15500 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Germany_16 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Tightening of minimum energy requirements for new buildings through the Energy Saving Order (EnEV), savings of fuels Single 16 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 3100 8000 Government Government: Federal Government 2016 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Tightening of minimum energy requirements for new buildings from 2016 and limited obligation for renovations of buildings, savings of fuels. 2035 German 2017 projections report 3100 6100 6100 8000 9600 9600 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Germany_17 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Further development of the KfW programmes to financially support ambitous energy standards for new buildings and renovations Single 17 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 0 1100 Government Government: Federal Government 2020 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml The KfW (the German government-owned promotional bank) gives soft loans and grants for ambitious energy standards for new buildings and renovations. These programmes get further developed. Going together with that is the abolishment of subsidies for fossil fuel heating systems. 2035 German 2017 projections report 500 500 1100 1600 1600 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2020 With additional measuses No No information
Germany_18 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Prolongation and further development of grants for efficient heat pumps and solar heating installations through the Market Incentive Programme for Renewable Energies (MAP) Single 18 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('increase the use of renewable energies in the building sector'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 0 5200 Government Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy 2020 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml The target of the programme is to strengthen the sale of technologies for renewable energies through investment incentives and to improve their profitability. Funding takes the form of a grant provided by the Federal Office of Economics and Export Control (BAFA). Funding is available inter alia for efficient heat pumps and solar heating installations. The installation of a solar heating system and a heat pump at the same time is funded through a combination bonus. In the WAM scenario, the prolongation and further development is included. 2035 German 2017 projections report 2600 2600 5200 7700 7700 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2020 With additional measuses No No information
Germany_19 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Further development of the incentive programme for energy efficiency through the optimisation of heating systems while concurrently abolishing subsidies for fossil fuel heating systems Single 19 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('change from an inefficient heating system to an efficient one') 0 400 Government Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy 2020 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Further development of the support scheme (incentive programme for energy efficiency) through the optimisation of inefficient heating systems to better integrate renewable heat generators. Abolishment of subsidies for fossil fuel heating systems. 2035 German 2017 projections report 200 200 400 400 400 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2020 With additional measuses No No information
Germany_20 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Further development of standards of the Energy Saving Order (EnEV), savings of fuels Single 20 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 0 0 Government Government: Federal Government 2030 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Further development of standards of the Energy Saving Order (EnEV): Several legislative demands shall be combined to have consistent requirements for energy efficiency in buildings. Furthermore, more ambitious standards for new buildings shall be governed, savings of fuels. 2035 German 2017 projections report 0 100 100 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2030 With additional measuses Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Germany_21 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Energy efficiency obligation scheme (building sector part), savings of fuels Single 21 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 0 1200 Government Government: Federal Government 2021 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Introduction of energy efficiency obligation systems addressing the building sector, savings of fuels. 2035 German 2017 projections report 500 500 1200 1800 1800 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Planned 2021 With additional measuses No No information
Germany_67 Germany 2920 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam67 Incentive programme for energy efficiency Single 67 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('change from an inefficient heating system to an efficient one') Government Government: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaq1sa/DE-adjusted_vs2.xml Financial support for efficient fossil fuel and RES heating technologies in combination with optimisation / exchange of the whole heating systems including distribution 2035 German 2017 projections report http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/de/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/projections/envwqc4_g/170426_PB_2017_-_final.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Greece_1 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Improvements in the conventional power generation system Single 1 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels 11700 5500 Companies, Government Companies: Public Power Corporation S.A.,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 1996 Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml The main implemented / adopted measures for the improvement of the conventional power generation system are:  The gradual decommissioning of old inefficient and more pollutant thermal power units.  The commissioning of new power units that follows Best Available Technique (BAT) and the new Industrial Emissions Directive (IED).  The increase of Natural Gas (NG) share in electricity production.  The interconnection of certain islands with the mainland grid. Seven lignite-fired and five Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)-fired power units are expected to be decommissioned till 2020, while nine additional lignite-fired units till 2025. They will be substituted by NG-fired plants and Renewable Energy Sources (RES). The interconnection of islands to the mainland grid is being implemented according to the following phases:  Interconnection of Cyclades islands (2016)  Interconnection of Crete (2025) Fuel input TJ The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 3. The National Renewable Energy Action Plan (http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37) 11700 8200 8200 5500 5000 5000 http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37 The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 3. The National Renewable Energy Action Plan (http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37 2005,2010,2015 6017,11171,7400 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 3. The National Renewable Energy Action Plan (http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37 Implemented 1996 With existing measures Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Greece_2 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Promotion of natural gas in residential sector Single 2 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 304 366 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 1998 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml The introduction of natural gas in the national energy system is one of the largest investments ever carried out in Greece and it constitutes a major priority of the national energy policy. An important part of the infrastructure, mainly the high pressure transmission system and the medium pressure network, which is necessary for the transport of natural gas to the main regions of consumption, has been completed, while the networks’ development in the cities is ongoing. Expansion projects of Greek natural gas system are under way in order to link more cities and industries to the system (e.g Aliveri, Megalopolis, etc). The actions for the promotion of NG are summarized to the following bullets: a. Fiscal measures o Reduction of personal income taxation for converting the fuel installation from oil to natural gas, or installing a new natural gas fired one. o Reduced VAT rate b. Pricing (always lower price than the competitive liquid fuels, valid for all sectors) c. Discount on connection fees e. Heavy marketing through TV commercial, ads, etc, focusing on the increased efficiency, economy and environmental “friendliness” of natural gas f. Availability of natural gas through continuous development of networks (infrastructure) g. Liberalization of electricity and natural gas markets Fuel input TJ The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 304 330 330 366 400 400 http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php 2005,2010,2015 53,187,260 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php Implemented 1998 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Greece_3 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Promotion of natural gas in tertiary sector Single 3 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 250 430 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 1998 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml The introduction of natural gas in the national energy system is one of the largest investments ever carried out in Greece and it constitutes a major priority of the national energy policy. An important part of the infrastructure, mainly the high pressure transmission system and the medium pressure network, which is necessary for the transport of natural gas to the main regions of consumption, has been completed, while the networks’ development in the cities is ongoing. Expansion projects of Greek natural gas system are under way in order to link more cities and industries to the system (e.g Aliveri, Megalopolis, etc). The actions for the promotion of NG are summarized to the following bullets: a. Fiscal measures, e.g. reduction of personal income taxation for converting the fuel installation from oil to natural gas, or installing a new natural gas fired one; reduced VAT rate b. Pricing (always lower price than the competitive liquid fuels, valid for all sectors) c. Discount on connection fees d. Heavy marketing through TV commercial, ads, etc, focusing on the increased efficiency, economy and environmental “friendliness” of natural gas e. Availability of natural gas through continuous development of networks (infrastructure) f. Liberalization of electricity and natural gas markets Fuel input TJ The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 250 350 350 430 490 490 http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php 2005,2010,2015 54,102,120 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php Implemented 1998 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Greece_4 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Promotion of natural gas in industry Single 4 Single PaM Economic, Information, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 671 1094 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 1996 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml The introduction of natural gas in the national energy system is one of the largest investments ever carried out in Greece and it constitutes a major priority of the national energy policy. An important part of the infrastructure, mainly the high pressure transmission system and the medium pressure network, which is necessary for the transport of natural gas to the main regions of consumption, has been completed. Hundreds of industrial plants use natural gas covering efficiently their energy needs. Expansion projects of Greek natural gas system are under way in order to link more industries to the system. The actions for the promotion of NG are summarized to the following bullets: a. Pricing (always lower price than the competitive liquid fuels, valid for all sectors) b. Discount on connection fees c. Heavy marketing through TV commercial, ads, etc, focusing on the increased efficiency, economy and environmental “friendliness” of natural gas d. Availability of natural gas through continuous development of networks (infrastructure) e. Liberalization of electricity and natural gas markets f. Emission Trading System g. Restriction of environmental permits to industrial installations (e.g. prohibition of petcoke use by the ceramics production units) Fuel input TJ The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 353 318 388 473 861 500 594 694 681 1375 http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php 2005,2010,2015 378,388,638 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php Implemented 1996 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Greece_5 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Promotion of natural gas in transportation Single 5 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 17 12 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport 1999 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml A significant of public transportation buses and municipality garbage collection vehicles already use natural gas as fuel, followed by cars of dual-fuel or bi-fuel technology. Apart from the public vehicles (e.g. buses) there are incentives for the replacement of private vehicles and to promote the use of energy-efficient vehicles (vehicles fueled by natural gas and bio-fuels and hybrid vehicles). Fuel input TJ The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 17 14 14 12 12 12 http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php 2005,2010,2015 8,9,11 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php Implemented 1999 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Greece_6 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Promotion of RES for electricity generation Single 6 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 15000 25000 Government, Other Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Other: Regulatory Authority for Energy 1994 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml The start year for the policies aiming for the promotion of RES for electricity generation is 1994, when the OPE (Operational Programme Energy within the 2nd Community Support Framework, 1994-1999) and the provisions of the National Development Assistance Act providing investment cost subsidies in combination with Law 2244/94, which specifies favourable buy-back tariffs for electricity generated from renewable energies, were the main policy instruments for the promotion of RES until 2001. The implementation of Greek RES Roadmap is based on a sound legislative framework, the core of which is the law 3851/2010 (OG A/85/4th June 2010) on “Accelerating the development of Renewable Energy Sources to deal with climate change and other regulations in topics under the authority of the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change”, along with the recent Law 4254/2014. The legislative framework aims to accelerate the permitting procedure of the larger projects as much as possible, simplifies considerably the licensing of smaller projects, offers new attractive feed-in-tariffs for all RES technologies, introduces new clauses for offshore wind, deals with the NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) phenomenon at several levels and establishes an Autonomous RES Office to act as a One-Stop-Shop for RES-Electricity. Law 3833/2010 specifies which renewable energy sources (wind, solar, tidal power etc.) are exempted from excise duties, when they are used for the generation of electricity for private purposes only. According to Greek National Action Plan for Renewable Energy Sources (time frame 2010-2020) the country’s energy sector is planed to be reformed so that 20% of the primary energy use is coming from RES by 2020 (indicative penetration level: 40% electricity, 20% heat and 10% transport). GWh produced from RES GWh Installed capacity of RES per RES type MW The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 3. The National Renewable Energy Action Plan (http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37) 15000 19000 19000 25000 26000 26000 http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37 The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 3. The National Renewable Energy Action Plan (http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37 2005,2010,2015 1019,12221,14700 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 3. The National Renewable Energy Action Plan (http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37 Implemented 1994 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Greece_7 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Biofuel use in transportation Single 7 Single PaM Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 650 960 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure end Transport 2005 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml In 2005, Law L3054/2002 “Organization of the oil market and other provisions” was amended to include biofuels in the existing legal framework for oil products. The new Law, L3423/2005 “Introduction of biofuels and other renewable fuels in the Greek market” (O.G. Α’ 304/13.12.2005) transposed Directive 2003/30/EC in the Greek legal system and provided for the introduction of biofuels into the oil market. In order to increase the use of biofuels according to Law 3340/2005 the excise tax for these biofuels was null for the years 2005, 2006 and 2007. Since December 2005 pure biodiesel is blended (according to ΕΝ 590:2004) by the 4 Greek oil refineries in diesel used in transport up to 5% by volume. Recently, by decision 460/2009 (O.G. Β’ 67/28.01.2010) of the State Chemical Council (SCC) the ΕΝ 590:2009 standard was adopted formally and the maximum biodiesel percentage was increased to 7%. According to the directive 2003/30/EC, 5.75% of the total quantity of diesel and gasoline consumed in road transportation in Greece up to 2010, based on the energy content, has to be biofuel. The target for 2020 is 10% as in the rest European countries according to the directive 2009/28/EC. Greece has approved the target with the law L3851/2010. Consumption of biofuel TJ The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 3. The National Renewable Energy Action Plan (http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37) 650 810 810 960 1000 1000 http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37 The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 3. The National Renewable Energy Action Plan (http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37 2010,2015 392,490 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) 3. The National Renewable Energy Action Plan (http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://ypeka.gr/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=CEYdUkQ719k%3d&tabid=37 Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Greece_8 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Implementation of energy efficiency measures in Industry (National Energy Efficiency Action Plan) Single 8 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 300 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2008 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml Energy-efficiency improvements and CHP units in various areas of the industry sector have been promoted since the 1st National Climate Change Program through the provisions of the Development Assistance Acts, Law 2244/93 (for CHP plants). Apart from the further promotion of natural gas and RES (biomass, solar energy) in industry, further implementation of energy conservation programs in various industrial units is pursued due to public financial support schemes (as the Development Assistance Act). Incentives for the creation of “Green Business Parks" and enhancing investment projects in industrial and business areas & innovation zones with energy efficient and low carbon facilities are planned. Final energy consumption in industry TJ or GWh Please refer to the the most recent (3rd) Action Plan of Greece on energy efficiency. 300 https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency/energy-efficiency-directive/national-energy-efficiency-action-plans Please refer to the the most recent (3rd) Action Plan of Greece on energy efficiency https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency/energy-efficiency-directive/national-energy-efficiency-action-plans The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. Please refer to the the most recent (3rd) Action Plan of Greece on energy efficiency https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency/energy-efficiency-directive/national-energy-efficiency-action-plans Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Greece_9 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Implementation of energy efficiency measures in Residential and Tertiary Sector (National Energy Efficiency Action Plan) Single 9 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 2930 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2008 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml Several actions are included in the Energy Efficiency National Action Plans concerning the conservation and rational use of energy in the residential and tertiary sector. Apart from the introduction of natural gas and RES, the measures concern actions for the improvement of the thermal behavior of residential sector buildings and promotion of energy efficiency appliances and heating equipment. These actions are supported significantly by the incorporation in the Greek legislation of the Directive 2002/91/EC by Law 3661/08 “Measures to reduce the energy consumption of buildings”; the Law 4122/2013 “Energy performance of buildings” (transposition of Directive 2010/31/EE); the Law 3855/2010 “Measures to improve energy efficiency in end-use, energy services and other provisions” (transposition of Directive 2006/32/ΕC); and the adoption and application of the “Energy Performance of Buildings Regulation” (ΚΕΝΑΚ). The WEM scenario contains the mitigation effect of the following energy saving measures: a. Promotion of energy efficient appliances and application of minimum energy performance requirements. b. Promotion of CHP and district heating. c. Mandatory replacement of all lighting fixtures of low energy efficiency in the public and broader public sector with energy efficient lighting by 2020. d. Energy upgrade of buildings in the residential and tertiary sector. e. Upgrading of heating system boilers / burner units in existing (penetration of natural gas in the residential sector, doubling of the contribution of heat pumps by 2020 compared with 2011 in the tertiary sector). f. Installation of central solar thermal systems. g. Application of the regulation on the energy performance of buildings that will result in lower heating and cooling needs in new buildings in relation to the existing ones. Energy savings GWh (electricity and / or thermal) GWh 2930 Please refer to the the most recent (3rd) Action Plan of Greece on energy efficiency https://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency/energy-efficiency-directive/national-energy-efficiency-action-plans 2015 93 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Greece_10 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Road transport measures Single 10 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 340 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport 1983 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC;Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml The main axes of intervention and implemented policies and measures in the sector, beyond the introduction of biofuels for road transport and natural gas in the public system of transport that were already described previously, are shortly presented below: (Α) Interventions in the transport system Public works to enhance the existing infrastructure described in the previous National Communications (road-grid improvements in the large urban centres, reconstruction of major highways, improvements in the traffic-light system) are in progress. Programmes for the upgrading of the traffic lights system (road signaling), as well as the overall traffic management and control have been developed since 2002 in Athens. Therefore, half of the traffic lights in the region of Athens (roughly 1500) are in cooperation, while the Center of Traffic Management, which belongs to the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and collects traffic information from 842 traffic nodes in a daily base. According to collected information, processes for the improvement of the road signaling have been established. (Β) Interventions in public transport Important interventions have already been implemented or are under development aiming at the enforcement of public transport. In Athens, the two new metro lines, which were completed and started operation in 2000, are being expanded, while new metro lines are in the implementation phase. In Thessaloniki a new metro line is under construction. The operation of suburban railway in the wider area of Athens has already started, the connection to Corinthos and Chalkida was completed, while the connection with Livadia is expected to operate in the near future. Also in 2004, a new tram started operating in Athens with 2 lines reaching from the center of the city to the southern waterfront suburbs. Concerning rail transport, since 2000, more than 250 km of new rail lines have been constructed (including replacement of old single lines), while more than 220 km rail lines have been converted to electrical driven. Besides, more than 300 km of new rail lines are under construction phase. An extended network of bus lanes of approximately 50 km length has already been created, resulting in the increase of the average speed of buses in Athens from 16 km/h to 23 km/h. The fleet of buses has been renewed to a large extent, while approximately 600 buses approximately use natural gas as fuel and 100 buses operate with engines of Euro V technology. Moreover the renewal of the fleet of electrically driven buses (trolleys) began in 1998 with the supply of 224 vehicles and was extended with the supply of additional 142 vehicles by the end of 2004. In addition, by Law 2963/2001 (A 268), an age limit of 23 years has been instituted for all urban, semi-urban and long distance buses. Also the limit of 11 years was set as the higher permissible age for buses in public transport. Under the provisions of the same law, economic incentives were given in the owners for the replacement of vehicles with new or used vehicles of small age. Of the 5000 semi-urban and long distance buses licensed in Greece, 1846 buses have been replaced since 2004, of which 1746 with new and 100 with used of age lower than 5 years. Moreover, the replacement of tourist coaches was encouraged by subsidies provided for in Article 31 of Law 3229/2004. By Article 7 of Law 2446/96, an age limit of 23 years has been also instituted for them. The replacement program was supervised by the Ministry of Economy, Development and Tourism. Finally, the public transport system in Athens is being reorganized on the basis of the new metro and tram lines, with buses and trolleys also playing a complementary role of connecting the metro and tram stations with other areas of the city. (C) Interventions in vehicles The main regulation that aims at the restriction of GHG emissions from vehicles is the one requiring regular technical checks of vehicles, which has been mandatory since 1983 and takes place at the Centers for Technical Control of Vehicles (CTCV). The law provides for the establishment of private Centers for Technical Control, the improvement of public ones and the development of a special organization to supervise the operation of the above-mentioned Centers. Currently, according to data of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, 56 public and 37 private centers operate and other 40 have been licensed and start or expected to start operation in the coming period. With the increase of the CTCV number during the next period, the essential conditions and infrastructures for an important increase of the number of checked vehicles per year are created, in accordance with the objectives of the National Program. An equally important intervention for GHG emissions reduction from vehicles is the exhaust control card, which is required for all vehicles and should be renewed on an annual basis for private passenger cars and trucks up to 3.5 t. Certified auto-repair shops expressly certified to carry out this task and issue the control card. Moreover, under the framework of the implementation of policies for the replacement of old vehicles, a list of actions has been taken place. The buses fleet is being renewed, aiming to the improvement of energy efficiency of vehicles. According to the Law 3109/2003 the age limits for the public use cars (taxi) were revised and economic incentives were given to the taxi - owners for the replacement of their vehicles with new ones (9300 taxis have been replaced). The establishment of a renewal program for the fleet of motorcycles, with incentives for the final withdrawal of two-wheeled motorcycles over 50 c.c. and aged more than ten years (categorized until 1994 for motorcycles and 1996 for motorbikes) is another important intervention in the transport sector. The program was put in force with Law 3245/2004 – article 2 (A 110) and its force was extended by Law 3333/2005 (A 91). Incentives for the replacement of passenger cars and promotion of energy efficient vehicles (natural gas, biofuels, hybrid cars) are under implementation or under planning phase. The voluntary agreement between the European Commission and the European, Japanese and Korean car-manufacturers associations to improve the fuel efficiency of new cars is considered as an adopted measure aiming at the reduction of GHG emissions in conjunction with promotion of ecologic labeling – energy labeling of passenger cars. The agreement foresees the improvement of the fuel efficiency of new cars, so as the CO2 emission factor to reach down to 140gr/km in 2008. The measure is expected to have an important long-term output through the penetration of low emissions vehicles in the total fleet. The mandatory quota with energy efficient vehicles in public services or organizations and the linking of vehicle tax with energy efficiency and CO2 emissions were also adopted. Finally, the development of urban mobility plans and the promotion of eco-driving, interventions for the safe movement of bicycles in the cities and the construction of new bicycle paths are measures that is expected to contribute to GHG emissions reduction. (D) New planned measures for addressing air pollution from road traffic in urban centers. In July 2009, the former Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (present Ministry of Environment and Energy) introduced a package of measures for addressing air pollution from road traffic. These measures concerned the calculation of Environmental motor vehicle circulation fee (road tax), incentives for fleet renewal and removal of vehicles as well as a proposal for a “Green” traffic ring. These measures were applied only for a few months in 2009 and they were cancelled. In their place new measures were applied. More specifically, new circulation taxes were decided to be applied from November 2010 for all new vehicles according their CO2 emissions. This measure obviously aims at promoting new technology vehicles of low CO2 emissions. Additionally, a new withdrawal system for old passenger cars with financial incentives was set in early 2011 but with poor results because of the economic crisis. This measure was applicable until the mid of 2016. Finally, the green ring was adopted in 2012 concerning traffic restriction measures for the older technology cars in the center of Athens. Road transport fuels TJ 340 The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. Implemented 1983 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC; Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC
Greece_11 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Recovery of organic waste Single 11 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management 800 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2002 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml Reduction of the quantities of biodegradable wastes landfilled through the installation of solid waste treatment facilities. Promotion of measures for separate collection of biowaste, recycling, energy recovery and use of sludge in agriculture as fertilizer/compost. Municipal solid waste going to landfills kt Please refer to, the 6th National Communication and the National Report on Low-carbon devenopment strategy (MMR art. 4) 800 http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvl_lew/ The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php), 3. National Report on Low-carbon devenopment strategy (MMR art. 4) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvl_lew/ 2015 200 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Greece_12 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Recovery of biogas Single 12 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use 500 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2002 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml Collection and flaring / energy use systems of landfill gas are being installed in all managed sites for urban centres with population more than 100,000. Already, the managed disposal sites serving the population of the largest cities of Greece are equipped with systems for the collection or for the flaring of biogas. In the Psyttalia wastewater treatment plant that serves approximately 4 millions of Attica population, a part the sludge produced is treated under anaerobic conditions resulting in the production of biogas. The biogas produced covers the energy needs of the wastewater treatment facilities. CH4 emissions from landfills kt 500 The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php), 3. National Report on Low-carbon devenopment strategy (MMR art. 4) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvl_lew/ 2015 770 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Greece_13 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 2nd National Climate Change Program Group 13 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,10,11,12,17 Economic, Fiscal, Information, Planning, Regulatory See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes; Transport; Waste management/waste Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Companies, Government, Other Companies: Public Power Corporation S.A.,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Other: Regulatory Authority for Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure end Transport,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy See individual PaMs Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC;Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC;Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;F-gas Regulation 517/2014;F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Recovery of f-gases from airconditioning and refrigeration equipment (Directive 2002/96/EC and its modification 2003/108/EC) CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml The 2nd National Program has been presented in detail in the 3rd and 4th National Communication on Climate Change. The main actions foreseen include: -Further penetration of natural gas in all final demand energy sectors as well as in power generation, including co-generation. -Promotion of renewable energy sources (RES) for electricity and heat production. -Promotion of energy saving measures in industry and in the residential – tertiary sectors. -Promotion of energy efficient appliances and energy equipment in the residential – tertiary sectors. -Structural changes in agriculture and in chemical industry. -Emission reduction actions in transport and waste management sectors. See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC; Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC; Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; F-gas Regulation 517/2014; F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Greece_14 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy: Reduction of the rate of intensity of agricultural land use and improvement of management of animal waste Single 14 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Sustainable development of agricultural activities and rural areas, with a focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives.') 430 Government Government: Ministry of Rural Development and Food 2007 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml The reduction of the rate of intensity of agricultural land use and the adoption of rules for the obligatory observance of cross compliance system relating to manure management contribute to the reduction of GHGs. Moreover, the disengagement of subsidies from the agricultural production has already enhanced indirectly the reduction of agricultural production and livestock population. In fact, the disengagement of subsidies from the agricultural production along with the enhanced citified way of life consist the main reasons for the reduction of agricultural production. Action 3.6 of Rural Development Programme (RDP) with budget 12 € m, for the long-term pause in the cultivation of agricultural land, aims to increase carbon sequestration through permanent grassland and preventing the conversion of it to cropland, along with the simultaneously decrease of agricultural production. Agricultural production tons/year 430 The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php), 3. National Report on Low-carbon devenopment strategy (MMR art. 4) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvl_lew/ 2015 370 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Greece_15 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy: Increase of organic farming. Single 15 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils; Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils,Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland 350 Government Government: Ministry of Rural Development and Food 2007 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml Measures and incentives in order to increase the organic farming. Organic production and decrease of the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers result in a substantial decrease of Ν2Ο emissions. According to the Ministry of Rural Development and Food records, the total land with organic farming in Greece concerns about 300,000 ha while the total land concerning the decrease of the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers by 30% beyond the limit defined in cross compliance system concerns about 155,000 ha. The total area covering the actions of Rural Development Program in Greece is expected to extend to 813,000 hectares by the end of 2015. Specific N2O emissions of fertiliser and manure use, kg/kg 350 The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php), 3. National Report on Low-carbon devenopment strategy (MMR art. 4) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvl_lew/ 2015 330 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Greece_16 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Establishing common rules for direct support schemes under the common agricultural policy: Decrease of the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers by 30% beyond the limit defined in cross compliance system. Single 16 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland 100 Government Government: Ministry of Rural Development and Food 2007 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml Decrease of the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizer and protection of the groundwater. Organic production and decrease of the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers result in a substantial decrease of Ν2Ο emissions. According to the Ministry of Rural Development and Food records, the total land with organic farming in Greece concerns about 300,000 ha while the total land concerning the decrease of the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers by 30% beyond the limit defined in cross compliance system concerns about 155,000 ha. The total area covering the actions of Rural Development Program in Greece is expected to extend to 813,000 hectares by the end of 2015. Specific N2O emissions of fertiliser and manure use, kg/kg 100 The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php), 3. National Report on Low-carbon devenopment strategy (MMR art. 4) http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvl_lew/ 2015 100 The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Greece_17 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Single 17 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances 460 2300 Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2004 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014;F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Recovery of f-gases from airconditioning and refrigeration equipment (Directive 2002/96/EC and its modification 2003/108/EC) HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml The Regulation 842/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases and its implementing acts (supplementary regulations: 1516/2008, 1497/2008, 1494/2008, 1493/2008, 303/2008, 304/2008, 305/2008, 306/2008, 307/2008 and 308/2008), aimed to reduce emissions of certain fluorinated gases (HFCs, PFCs and sulphur hexafluorides), to improve containment and monitoring of these gases and restrict their marketing and use. The Joint Ministerial Decision 18694/658/Ε103 (O.G.G. 1232/Β/11-4-2012) reflects the above mentioned regulations, in order to improve the national legislation for the environment with necessary measures for the proper management and reduction of fluorinated greenhouse gases emissions. The new Regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 April 2014 (No 517/2014) on fluorinated greenhouse gases repealing Regulation (EC) 842/2006. The two strategies described in the abovementioned regulation to reduce emissions is to prevent leakage and emissions {Emission prevention and leak checks, Control of by-production, End of life treatment of products and equipment, Training and qualification, Information for users (labelling, product info)} and control of use of F-gases (Ban on new applications, Ban on uses, Phase-down of HFC supply). Directive 2006/40 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2006 relating to emissions from air-conditioning systems in motor vehicles amending Council 70/156/EEC is also anticipating reducing F-gases emissions from MACs. Several control mechanisms and penalties are implemented in Greece. Checks for compliance with the present JMD as well as the relevant Regulations of the European Union are carried out by the relevant bodies and agencies of the competent authorities, as appropriate, in the context of their remit. In cases of infringement of the provisions of the JMD and relevant EU Regulations by legal or natural entities of the public and private sector, sanctions are imposed by the relevant bodies and agencies of competent authorities. HFC consumption kg/year 460 1400 1400 2300 3000 3000 The available in english technical reports and assessments are the following: 1. The 2nd Biennial Report (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php) 2. The 6th National Communication (http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php), 3. National Report on Low-carbon devenopment strategy (MMR art. 4). The mitigation effect of this PaM was reported in BR2 / CTF Table 3. http://unfccc.int/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/items/7550.php, http://unfccc.int/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/items/7742.php, http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvl_lew/, http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/application/pdf/grc_ctf-2016_v1.0_formatted.pdf The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. The mitigation effect is estimated by comparing the WEM scenario with a hypothetical scenario that does not include the mitigation effect of the examined policy or measure. Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014; F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Greece_18 Greece 1903 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Measures in the LULUCF sector Single 18 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information, Planning, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Energy 2000 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gr/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwnokxq/GR_MMR_PAM_20170707_updated_ETC.xml The targets of the Greek policy regarding the “Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry” sector are the conservation and the protection of existing forest land, its gradual increase, as well as the improvement of the degraded forest lands. The sustainable management of the forest land was early legislated (Presidential Decree 19-11-1928) while the sustainability of the significant multi-functioning role of forests (e.g. erosion protection, regulation of the water budget, conservation of biodiversity) has been ensured through the directive 958/1953. The measures for the LULUCF sector are arisen from rural development actions and other financial mechanisms. In the overall Greek fiscal deficiency the policies already implemented and measures taken, and those that are expected to be adopted according to the Rural Development Program “Alexandros Mpaltatzis” (concerning the forth programming period 2007-2013) aim for the above mentioned targets achievement, contribute to the mitigation of the climate change, and could be divided into the following broad categories: 1. Forest protection a. A large number of activities take place every year in the context of the forest fires prevention policy. The fuel management and the vegetation treatment at the most vulnerable forest areas, the conservation of the existing mountainous road network and the development of new roads where necessary, the regular patrolling during the fire season, and the public awareness campaigns are the main preventative measures against forest fires. b. Furthermore, the Greek Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEEN) elaborates policy measures in the context of the acceleration and simplification of the national Forest Map project under the national Cadastre Survey. The development of Forest Maps involves the delineation and recording of forest lands that fall under the protective provisions of Greek forest legislation in an accurate, transparent and definitive way. With the completion of the current Forest Map project the 62.5% of the total estimated forest area is expected to be recorded, while the procurement for the rest area is due in 2013. 2. Forest management a. One of the main responsibilities of the Greek Forest Services is the forest management through the development and implementation of the Forest Management Plans. For that purposes, financial and human resources are allocated in order either to update the Forest Management Plans that have been expired or to develop new ones. The public forest wood production (timber, industrial and fuelwood) in 2010 was approximately 738,806.00 m3, while the wood production from private forests (approximately 36% of the total forest land) was approximately 309,156.00 m3. b. Additionally, in some regions the treatment of the forests for resin production purposes is being implemented with a significant economic, social and ecological (preventative) value. 3. Restoration – increase of forest lands The rehabilitation of burnt and degraded (flood and erosion protection) forest lands has always been a main part in the Forest Service’s agenda. During 2010 the public nurseries in operation numbered 33 in which 4,928,686.00 of plants of different forest species (evergreen, deciduous) were produced. The area reforested in 2008, 2009, and 2010, as well as the amount of money spent on those projects were 1,118.00 ha, 1,124.00 ha, 0.531 ha, and 2,195,000.00€, 1,879,200.00€, and 808,500.00€, respectively. 4. Adaptation of forest management to climate change In January 2010, the Life+ project entitled AdaptFor “Adaptation of Forest Management to climate change in Greece” was launched, which is implemented by the Goulandris Natural History Museum / Greek Biotope - Wetland Centre in cooperation with the General Directorate for the Development and Protection of Forests and Natural Environment (MEEN), and is expected to be completed in June 2013. The project’s objectives are: the demonstration of the approach of adapting forest management to climate change, the enhancement of the capacity of forest services to adapt forest management to climate change, and the dissemination of the need for adaptation of forest management to climate change to other stakeholders and to the general public. 5. Other projects A couple more projects that have already been launched under the Rural Development Program “Alexandros Mpaltatzis” (2007-2013) are “The improvement of the employment in the framework of forest fire prevention and the restoration of forest areas affected by forest fires”, and “The opening and conservation of the road network into the forests under forest management” Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Hungary_8 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 CNG Clean Fuel Box Project Single 8 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Companies Companies: 2016 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The Action is a wide-scale pilot market deployment of an innovative CNG refuelling network that will be implemented in Hungary along two transport Core Network Corridors (Mediterranean and Orient/East-Med). The objective of the Action is to develop CNG availability and use at country level. This will be achieved through the deployment of Clean Fuel Box (CFB) refuelling network solution that is a CNG self-service station network able to refill CNG vehicles independently of the gas distribution network based on a 24/7 service. The Action includes a market study based on CFB system and the market roll-out of the innovative technology through real-life trial including a network of 39 CFB stations, the delivery of five LNG truck feeders, and the introduction of 50 CNG vehicles to test the functioning of this network and to support the emerging demand. The CFB network will be monitored by a central operator service with smart information technology. Deployment of 39 Clean Fuel Box (CFB) refuelling stations; delivery of five LNG truck feeders 2018 No. of refuelling stations Piece No. of delivered LNG truck feeders Piece 4700000 2016-2018 2016 Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Hungary_15 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 PAN-LNG project Single 15 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Companies, Government Government: Ministry of National Development,Companies: Magyar Gázüzemű Közlekedés Klaszter Egyesület 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The aim of the project is to prepare the establishment of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) infrastructure, building the first fillig stations and establishing the supply system. To deliver on its objectives, the project includes studies, works and pilot deployment for: - five LNG/LCNG filling stations to deliver LNG as a replacement for diesel for heavy duty vehicles (HDV) and; - a Small Scale pilot liquefaction plant, to develop the most advanced long term solution for the LNG supply, based on fossil gas wells and on biogas sources. The PAN-LNG-4-DANUBE’s overall objective is to foster LNG use in inland navigation sector across the Danube, through two pilots: one pilot for the innovative LNG bunkering and refuelling station for vessels and trucks in the Freeport of Csepel, and one pilot to retrofit and operate a freight vessel with LNG propulsion. The Action, including a study and the real-life pilot deployment, is implemented in the Core Port of Csepel-Freeport, the biggest inland port in Hungary and a crossroad for flows and transhipment of freight between inland waterway, rail and road transport. All the indicators included in the indicators section with the listed values are also quatified objectives. 2019 No. of LNG/LCNG filling stations piece No. of liquefaction plants piece No. of pilot LNG bunkering and refuelling station for vessels and trucks piece No. of pilot retrofitted and operated freight vessel with LNG propulsion piece 4816288 2015-2019 2015 Estimated total cost of the action on filling stations and liquefaction plant is €16,983,290; for the PAN-LNG-4-DANUBE project is €7,097,150. Project documentation https://ec.europa.eu/inea/en/connecting-europe-facility/cef-transport/projects-by-country/hungary/2014-hu-tmc-0629-m Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Hungary_2 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Warmth of Home Programme Single 2 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2008 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The aim of the programme is to further reduce the households’ energy costs, from domestic budgetary resources, by replacing outdated household machines, boilers, doors and windows. The Warmth of Home Programme is financed by the Green Economy Financing Scheme. 25% of the revenues from EU ETS are used in the GEFS, which was launched at the end of 2013, as the successor of the Green Investment Scheme (GIS), however some GIS subprograms are still under implementation, but no new GIS program will start. The purpose of the GEFS is to increase energy efficiency and energy savings and reduce GHG emissions and energy dependency. Direct and accountable energy and emission reduction is also the governing idea behind the program, similarly to the GIS. The GEFS is focused on setting up a complex set of short and long-term tools that can contribute to the improvement of energy efficiency in the residential sector among the population. Currently the Warmth of Home is the sole programme financed by GEFS. The calls in the framework of the Warmth of Home Programme change from year to year in respect of the eligible project. The Programme has been supporting maily energy efficiency improvement, modernisation of heating systems and the establishment of renewable energy systems. Funding of the GEFS is realized from Hungary’s EU ETS sales. According to the rules of the GEFS, 50% of the revenues from the EU's new emission trading scheme launched in 2013 (EU ETS) will have to be spent on developing the green economy through green economy development programs of the Ministry of Economy (ME) and the Ministry of National Development (MND), which are responsible for 25-25% of the revenues, while the other 50% is to support the state budget Energy savings per year kWh/year GHG savings per year tonCO2/year 2016 28583 Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Hungary_3 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Mandatory energy audit Single 3 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml According to the Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU, it is obligatory for enterprises that are not SMEs since 2015 to have in each 4 years energy audit (or operate energy management system). Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Hungary_4 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Protection against soil erosion Single 4 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Prevention of land degredation') Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2008 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The Decree of Ministry of Agriculture 50/2008 has been modified in 2013 to implement regulations in Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The Decree of Ministry of Agriculture 50/2008 contains regulations on "Good agricultural and enviromental condition". It bans certain cultivating cultures with high erosion risk on steep slopes (more than 12%). It prescribes practices for maintaining cover on agricultural land after harvest. Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Hungary_5 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Control of manure storage Single 5 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2008 Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml Decree of Ministry of Agriculture 59/2008 contains regulation on "Good Agricultural Practices" for improving manuer storage facilities. Keep the quantity of nitrate under 50 mg/liter in surface and groundwater Guideline for farmers: https://www.nak.hu/kiadvanyok/kiadvanyok/135-nitrat-gazdalkodoi-kezikonyv-1?path=kiadvanyok Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Hungary_6 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Compulsory employment of an energy rapporteur Single 6 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: National Tax Office, Hungarian 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml Since 1st of January 2017 for those enterprises and other institutions whose energy consumption is high (annual energy consumption is higher then 400 000 kWh electricity or 100 000 m3 natural gas or 3 400 GJ heat) it is compulsory to employ independent energy rapporteur expert to have a continous inhouse adviser. Minimum 2,5 PJ energy saving/year for the energy rapporteur activity until 2020 energy saving PJ/year Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Hungary_7 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Ányos Jedlik Plan for promotion of e-mobility Single 7 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 65.4 566.3 Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml Ányos Jedlik Plan is the main policy document for promotion of e-mobility in Hungary. The Plan determines target values for the number of electric cars and charging points. Support for local municipalities to installation of public electric charging points; support for enterprises and private persons to buy electric cars; tax advatages for promotion of buying of electric cars (e-car exempt from registration tax and yearly ciculation tax); indirect promotion of e-cars (exempt form parking fee); regulations for promotion of installation of electric filling points, for electic energy sales at charging points Number of electric charging points: 2020 - 2 100, 2025 - 8 100, 2030 - 18 100; Number of elecric cars: 2020 - 21 000, 2025 - 81 500, 2030 - 182 000 Number of charging points Number of pieces Number of electric cars Number of pieces 65.4 253.6 253.6 566.3 Research Report on Evaluation of Transport Energy Efficiency Action Plan, Institute for Transport Sciences 2017. 1058 69193200 2016-2020 2016 -82 -5760000 976 63433200 The cost and benefit are calculated on difference between 4 years total cost of owning of electric and internal combustion engine (ICE) cars, and on external cost of emission form ICE cars. The CO2 values ara calculated through average run and average fuel consumption of ICE cars. All data are calculates on Tank-to Wheel basis. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Hungary_9 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Eco-driving education and broad application Single 9 Single PaM Education, Regulatory, Voluntary Planned ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour 68.2 Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2018 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The learning of eco-driving technic in framework of driver education, establishnemt of competent centre for carry out tha learning documents, for certification of learning equipments and facilities, for organisation and implementation of raising awareness campaign, for realisation of pilot projects with voluntary participants; implement of periodical mandatory driver training for improvement of transport safety and environmental performance Number of new drivers that learned eco-driving (2020) : 42250 ; Number of experienced drivers using eco-driving technic(2020): 525000 Number of new drivers that learned eco-driving capita Number of experienced drivers using eco-driving technic capita Calculation of Institute for Transport Sciences 68.2 19.8 1350000 2020 2016 -50 -3410000 -30.2 -2060000 An estimation was made on groups of driver (new licence, expirienced driver, daily use eco-dirivng, partial use eco-driving, right use eco-driving, incorrectly use eco-driving techniques etc). An average transport performence and fuel consumption and a fuel saving efficiency was assigned for each group. These made possible the calculation of yearly fuel saving and CO2 reduction reached by using eco-driving Planned 2018 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Hungary_10 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Financial support for enterprises and private persons to buy electric cars Single 10 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of National development 2016 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml This subprogram of the Ányos Jedlik Plan provides support to private persons and companies to buy electric cars and trucks under 3.5 tonnes. The maximum support is 21% of the price and maximum 1.5 milllion HUF/vehicle. 3225000 2016-2017 2016 Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Hungary_25 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Complementary financing to support the green agriculture by the European Agricultural Fund - Ministry decree of 10/2015 Single 25 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('improving cropland management') Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2013 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml From 1st January 2015 the greening in the frame of CAP reform promotes those agricultural practices wich are favourable for climate and environment. This regulation is necessary to maintain good agricultural status of croplans (LULUCF 5.B) and to fix CO2 emitted by grassland management (5.C). regulation of 1306/2013 EU 2020 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Hungary_17 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Application of usage-based road toll on heavy duty vehicles. Single 17 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Demand management/reduction 136.6 Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2013 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The road toll depends on vehicle mass (characterised by number of axes) and on environmental performance of vehicle (Euro norm) give incetives for better organisation of freight delivery and for better use of payload capacity. Improved use of payload capacity % 136.6 2015 79.4 The basis of calculation is the decrease of ton-km performed by trucks, lorries and tractors as a consequence of the better capacity utilisation The basis of calculation is the decrease of ton-km performed by trucks, lorries and tractors as a consequence of the better capacity utilisation 93.4 12758000 2020 2016 -3672 -501587300 -3578.6 488829300 The cost of measurement is the establishment and operation of road charge system, the benefit is the income from road charge system. 151 12063500 2015 2016 -5837 -463492000 -5686 -451428500 See above Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Hungary_18 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Supporting the establisment of electric charging stations Single 18 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government, Local Government: Ministry of National Development,Local: Local governments 2016 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml This subprogram of the Ányos Jedlik Plan supports the electric charging station establishment efforts of local governments 1600000 2016 2016 Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Hungary_19 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Tax allowances after environmentally friendly vehicles Single 19 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of National Economy 2016 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml Fully electric, partially electric plug-in cars and zero-emission cars are exempt from motor vehicle tax, company car tax and registration tax. Moreover for buses, lorries and trucks the rate of the motor vehicle tax is dependent on the environmental classification of the vehicle. Trucks also receive tax allowance for using combined transportation. The rate of company car tax and registration tax also depends on the environmental classification of the vehicle. Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Hungary_20 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 National Waste Law Single 20 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The Act on Waste (Act No. CLXXXV in 2012) and its implementing regulations implement the Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC) of the European Union and it entered into force on 1 January, 2013. It introduces a landfill tax, compulsory door to door separate household waste collection for household paper, plastics and metal wastes and also contains a prescription on the creation of a National Waste Prevention Plan, and declares principles of waste treatment. The landfilling tax is levied on almost all kind of waste landfilled. It has been increased to HUF 6000 per tonne in 2016 from HUF 3000. Revenues from this tax are earmarked for waste management purposes. Increase the share of recycling in the management of paper, glass, plastic and metal waste to at least 50% by 2020.Increase the share of recycling in the management of construction waste to at least 70% by 2020. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Hungary_22 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Environmental Product Fee Single 22 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2011 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml Hungary’s environmental product fee is perceived as an effective environmental management tool, which has favourable effects on domestic waste management processes. The regulatory advantage of this tool is its ability to stimulate the manufacture and marketing of environmentally favourable products and to restrict environmentally undesirable products. It is levied on batteries, package, other petroleum products, electric, electronic equipment, tires, papers containing advertisements, other plastic products, other chemical products and office paper. The generated revenue provides funding for the State in order to achieve EU targets related to recovery, and it supports the development of domestic waste recovery. Government Decree no. 343/2011 (XII. 29.) on the implementation of the Act LXXXV. of 2011 on environmental product fee. Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Hungary_24 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Limiting nitrogen surplus during fertilizer and manure application Single 24 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2008 Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml Decree of Ministry of Agriculture 59/2008 contaions regulations on "Good Agricultural Practices" on setting application limts for fertilizer and manure. Achieve 4-9 tons of CO2 equivalent GHG emission reduction per hectare using modern soil preparation and fertilization practices. https://net.jogtar.hu/jr/gen/hjegy_doc.cgi?docid=a0800059.fvm Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Hungary_36 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Energy saving program in public buildings Single 36 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Offices of National Energy Efficiency Advisory Network 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml All public institutions must register their energy consumption and report to the Offices of National Energy Efficiency Advisory Network. It is expected to prepare an energy saving plan - first in 2017. Each year will have to report about the implementation of the plan. An awareness raising campaign also needed to be held within the staff of the public institutions. 2,4 PJ consumption reduction till 2020 Energy saving/year kWh/m2 Objectives: Efficiency improvement of buildings, and awareness raising, improvement of appliances energy efficiency Further information is available on the folowing website in Hungarian: http://enhat.mekh.hu/index.php/kozintezmenyek/ http://enhat.mekh.hu/index.php/kozintezmenyek/ Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Hungary_37 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Establishment of the National Energy Efficiency Advisory Network Single 37 Single PaM Information Adopted No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: County Government Offices 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml National Energy Efficiency Advisory Network will consist of 76 office in the framework of County Government Offices Tasks:Collection and monitoring of energy consumption data of municipal and state owned public buildings. Assistance in awareness raising activity of energy efficiency for users of public buildings. Support for the development of action plans for energy savings of municipalities and public institutions. Contribution to the conclusion of energy supply contracts Free energy consulting to SMEs. 5 PJ until 2020 Documented energy saving as a result of energy advise. PJ/year Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Hungary_40 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 National Energy Efficiency Action Plan Group 40 39,35 Information, Planning See individual PaMs No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of National Development,Government: Ministry of National Development See individual PaMs Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) Directive 2010/31/EU CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan describes the planned energy efficiency measures for each economic sector and in detail the issues of implementation of practical applications and measures of the EU Directive on Energy Efficiency 2012/27/EU, as well as the supporting programs for better energy efficiency. Measures related to better energy efficiency of buildings, including new buildings with low energy consumption levels, as well as reconstruction of existing buildings, are having the most significant effects on fulfilling the energy efficiency targets. The major goal of 3rd NEEAP is to achieve an imposant reduction in primary energy consumption in all sectors of the economy, which means a significant reduction in building, residential and transport sector as well. The Action Plan also includes the National Building Energy Performance Strategy, the Energy and Climate Awareness Raising Action Plan, the planned Transportation Energy Efficiency and District heating Development Action Plans. Primary energy consumption 1009 PJ in 2020 Final energy use (FEU) 603 PJ in 2020 FEU of industry 114 PJ FEU of residential sector 207 PJFEU of tertiary sector 118 PJ FEU of agriculture and fishing 17 PJ See individual PaMs 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan of Hungary https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/hungaryActionPlan2014_en.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Hungary_43 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 New requirements on energy performance of buildings Single 43 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Prime Minister's Office 2018 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml New buildings: from 2018 buildings of authorities form 2021 for other buildings have to meet nearly zero requirements: maximum 100 kWh/m2a for residental, 90 kWh/m2a for commercial 80 kWh/m2a for educational buildings and 25% with renewable energy ratio. From 2018 buildings after renovation have to meet the following requirements: maximum 110-140 kWh/m2a for residental, 132-160 kWh/m2a commercial 90-150 kWh/m2a educational buildings. U-value for building envelope, technical buildings system, and energy preformance certificate recuirments. Energy preformance certificates for buildings issued in 2016. Year below the date of building kWh/m2 energy performance certificate data base Adopted 2018 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Hungary_44 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Tax allowance for industry Single 44 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: National Tax Office 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml A new tax allowance has been introduced since 1st of January 2017 after energy efficiency investments of industrial enterprises. 2,3-3 PJ energy saving/year resulted the new tax reduction until 2020 energy saving PJ/year Implemented 2017 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Hungary_46 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 National Implementation Programme on Waste Water Collection and Treatment Single 46 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Government Government: Ministry of Interior 2002 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment CH4 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The aim of the programme is to improve the treatment of waste water collected with public utility sewage systems, the sewerage of settlements and regions and to increase the recovery rate of wate water. The quantified objectives indentified by the programme are obselete and currently under review. Implemented 2002 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Hungary_52 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 Priority axis 5 of the Rural Development Programme Group 52 26,27,28 Economic See individual PaMs No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office,Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office,Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The priority axis 5 of the Rural Development Program supports projects related to increasing the energy efficiency in agriculture and removing carbon by afforestation. afforestation. Projects supported by the Programme: • The improvement of effectiveness of energy consumption in the horticulture sector • The construction of small sized silos and grain dryers, their energy efficiency development • The improvement of effectiveness of energy consumption in the lifestock sector • Promotion of resource efficiency in processing sector • Promotion of afforestation • The promotion of wood production potential mobilization • Invesments in forestry technologies, forestry processing and market sale See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Hungary_11 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Improvement of bicycle transportation Single 11 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 1550 Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2010 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml Development of Bicycle infrastructure; support to cycling facilites (e.g. bicycle racks, B+R parking); establisment of cyclist public trasport systems, awereness raising campaign Increase the lenght of bycicle routes and facilities 5000 km by 2020 (from 4000 km today ); Increase the share of daily bike users to 27 % (from 22 %); Increase the number of recreational bicycle users with 30 000 capita/year 2020 Lenght of bycicle facilities km Share of daily bicycle users % 1550 2012,2015 140,213 37 57403500 2020 2016 -13 -19525000 24 37878500 The costs included are: building of cyclist infrastructure, public cycling systems, B+R parking facilities, development of bicycle repair and maintenance services; education and promotion for cyclists; measurements for improve of transport safety of ciclyst 469 99897000 2015 2016 -50 10650000 419 89247000 Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Hungary_12 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Improvement of railway vehicle fleet Single 12 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 2.4 Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml Modern electric suburban train acquisition and entry into service . The purchases of trains are financed from the Integrated Transport Development Operative Program. Increased passenger rail transport(2020) performance 7000000 passanger kms; Number of purchased modern trains(2020): 45 pieces of suburban trains 2020 Number of purchased modern train number of items Increased passenger rail transport performance passenger km 2.4 169160 406000000 2016-2020 2016 -50 -120000 169110 405880000 The price of new electric trains and trams are included in the costs, the energy saving and the avoided extelnal costs are included in the benefits. 69636 86349200 2015 2016 -50 -62000 69586 86287200 See above at projectes costs and benefits. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Hungary_14 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 National Transport Infrastructure Development Strategy Single 14 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The National Transport Infrastructure Development Strategy is the main policy document in the transport sector. It depicts the current status of the transport sector in Hungary and determines targets while proposing measures to achive these targets. Among other targets the strategy aims to mitigate the environmental impacts of tranport in Hungary through modal shift to public transportation, energy efficiency improvement, demand management and use of renewables. All the indicators included in the indicators section with the listed values are also quatified objectives. 2020 Lenght of modernised railroads km Lenght of new railroads km Number of new bicycle storages and parking lots piece Lenght of new bicycle roads km Capacity of new railway vehicles Number of seats Capacity of new railway vehicles Only some major indicators related to actions that serve GHG mitigation are included. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Hungary_21 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 National Waste Management Plan Single 21 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The National Waste Management Plan (hereinafter referred to as NWMP) contains the main waste management objectives of the 2014-2020 period. The NWMP has been approved by Government Resolution No. 2055/2013 (XII. 31.). The NWMP defines the general and specific actions for each waste flow and, in addition to the objectives, also identifies the areas of intervention in waste management, the future tasks, measures and the funds required for their implementation. The targets of NWMP are set in accordance with the EU waste targets. Sustainable development is one of the basic elements of the NWMP and the main principle is to follow the waste hierarchy. Waste legislation and policy of the EU Member States shall apply the waste hierarchy as a priority: prevention, preparing for re-use, recycling, other recovery, disposal. The NWMP includes the National Prevention Programme (NPP). The NPP covers the sectors Agriculture, Construction and infrastructures, Manufacturing, Sale, retail, transport, Households and Public services. The waste types are covered Food/organic, C&D waste, Hazardous waste, Household/municipal waste, Packaging waste, WEEE/batteries and other. The NPP defines the intervention areas in five sets of measures (prevention of construction and demolition waste generation; reuse; green public procurement; environmentally friendly production and business operation; raising awareness) that need to be addressed as priorities in the 2014-2020 period. Increase the share of recycling in the management of paper, glass, plastic and metal waste to at least 50% by 2020.Increase the share of recycling in the management of construction waste to at least 70% by 2020. Reduce the share of landfilling in the treatment of municipal solid waste below 40% by 2020. 2020 The 40% target for the share of landfilling of municipal solid waste was not used in the WEM scenario as it is probable that it won't be met. Instead 45% share was used in the WEM scenario and 29% in the WAM scenario for 2030. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Hungary_23 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 National Waste Management Public Service Plan Single 23 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2016 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The National Waste Management Public Service Plan (NWMPSP)describes the current status of waste management in Hungary and the related regulations while listing the tasks of the different entities concerning waste management public service. It also lists the different EU requirement related to waste management and determines directons for development to reach those that are unmet. These directions are: Decreasing the amount of waste going to landfills; increasing the amount of useful materials recoveryed; prioritising energy recovery of waste; develoment and improving of the utilisationof the infrastucture, management(composting) of biodegredable waste; long-term solution of treating sewage sludge with composting or with energy recovery. Moreover the NWMPSP determines requirements on the waste management public service. By 2020, the preparing for re-use and the recycling of municipal paper, metal, plastic and glass waste fraction shall be increased to a minimum of overall 50 % by weight. 30% increase in the collection and recovery rate of glass packaging waste fraction and 5% additional increase in the recovery rate of the whole packaging waste fraction . 2020 Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Hungary_26 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Afforestation of agriculture land Single 26 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml To increase the carbon sequestration and storing capacity of forests through increasing the forest area and the growing stock. area of afforestation 2020 area of afforestation hectares Hungarian Rural Development Program 2014-2020 http://ivsz.hu/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Programme_Commisison-Decision_2014HU06RDNP001_1_1_hu.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Hungary_27 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Establishment of fast growing tree plantations on agriculture land Single 27 Single PaM Economic Adopted No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office 2017 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml To increase the carbon sequestration and storing capacity of forests through increasing the tree cover and the growing stock. To increase the carbon sequestration 2020 area of afforestation hectares Hungarian Rural Development Program 2014-2020 http://ivsz.hu/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Programme_Commisison-Decision_2014HU06RDNP001_1_1_hu.pdf Adopted 2017 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Hungary_28 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Establishment of agroforestry systems on agriculture land Single 28 Single PaM Economic Adopted No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office 2017 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml To increase the carbon sequestration and storing capacity of forests through increasing the forest area and the growing stock To increase the carbon sequestration of forests 2020 area of afforestation hectares Hungarian Rural Development Program 2014-2020 http://ivsz.hu/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Programme_Commisison-Decision_2014HU06RDNP001_1_1_hu.pdf Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Hungary_35 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Energy and Climate Awareness Raising Action Plan Single 35 Single PaM Information Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The Energy and Climate Awareness Raising Action Plan (adopted by 1602/2015 Government Decision in 2015) aims fostering awareness of energy and climate. Therefore, the Plan identifies governmental “soft” measures within a short time – the majority by 2020 – which are capable for contributing to change attitudes about both climate change and energy efficiency on the following five main areas: (1) energy efficiency and energy conservation; (2) renewable energy use; (3) transport energy saving and emission reduction; (4) a resource-efficient and low-carbon-intensity of economic and social structures; (5) accommodation. 2020 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Hungary_42 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 National Renewable Energy Action Plan Single 42 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Other energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Increase in Low-carbon fuels/electric cars') Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The Renewable Energy Action Plan(NREAP) (the official title is: Hungary’s Action Plan for the Utilisation of Renewable Energies 2010‐2020) reconfirms Hungary’s overall target for the share of renewable energies and identifies the key areas of intervention, stating individual quantitative targets. It sets more ambitious targets than originally set by the European Union in order to support the overall economic objectives (job creation, improving competitiveness, reducing energy import dependency) through boosting “green” economy. While the RED Directive (2009/28/EC) of the EU sets the renewable target for Hungary as minimum 13% of the total gross final energy consumption, the objective defined by the NREAP is 14.65%. Share of renewable energy in gross final energy consumption for 2020: 14,65 % 2020 National Renewable Energy Action Plan http://2010-2014.kormany.hu/download/6/b9/30000/RENEWABLE%20ENERGY_REPUBLIC%20OF%20HUNGARY%20NATIONAL%20RENEWABLE%20ENERGY%20ACTION%20PLAN%202010_2020.pdf Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Hungary_47 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 Sewage Sludge Treatment Strategy Single 47 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Government Government: Ministry of Interior 2014 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC 91/271/EEC concerning urban waste water treatment 86/278/EEC on the protection of the environment, and in particular of the soil, when sewage sludge is used in agriculture N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The Strategy includes the 10 year (2014-2023) development plan of Hungary's sewage sludge management. The Strategy includes two phases. The first phase (National Sewage Sludge Treatment and Recovery Programme 2014-2017) primarily deals with the preparations for the different developments tasks and management tools. The second phase(2018-2023) includes the implementation of these and the preparation and implementation of further developments. The strategy also gives a conceptual outlook until 2027. The main areas of action: Capacity building corresponding to sludge utilisation, application of more up-to date technologies first in demonstration projects and then more widely. 2.Creating managingthe efficient territorial organisation of sludge treatment 3. Incentivising agricultural use of sludge trough improving the tools of farmers and by management tools 4. Enforcing strategic level planning in using recultivation areas 5. Ensuring and gradual building of energy recovery capacities 6. Management tools New sewage sludge treatment capacity created until 2023: 170000 ; Settlements included in the sludge treatment area in 2023 (PE): 11000000 2023 New sewage sludge treatment capacity created ton dry weight Settlements included in the sludge treatment area PE Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
Hungary_48 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Priority axis 2, 3 and 5 of Environment and Energy Efficiency Operational Program (EEEOP) Single 48 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Waste management/waste Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) 1303/2013/EU CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The programme aims to support sustainable growth and contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It should improve flood protection, provide better waste and wastewater management services and good quality drinking water to more residents, help protect natural habitats and species, and it should improve energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources. Priority axis 2 includes supporting waste water treatment capacity building projects. Priority axis 3 includes supporting investment in seperate waste collection and muncipal waste treatment facilities. Priority axis 5 supports investments in renewabe energy supply, energy efficency, enhancing district heating and heat energy supply systems. New waste water treatment capacity by 2023: 1034000 PE Number of people who has access to seperate waste collection in 2023: 450000 Yearly GHG savings until 2023: 1 584 218 tonnes CO2 equivalent 2023 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Hungary_49 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 Priority axis 4 and 8 of Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (EDIOP) Single 49 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of National Economy 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) 1303/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml Prioirty axis 4 of EDIOP supports energy efficiency improvement of buildings and economic activities and also investments related to renwable energy. The beneficiaries are SMEs. The EDIOP priority 8 support investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy by companies. GHG emission saving until 2023: 789 844 tonnes 2023 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Hungary_50 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 Priority axis 3 and 6 of Territorial and Settlement Development Operative Programme (TSDOP) Single 50 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of National Economy 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The programme aims to support regional, decentralised economic development and an increase in employment based on local resources. Priority axis 3. and 6 of TSDOP supports the following investments: 1. Investments related to sustainable public mobility 2. Energy efficiency improvements of buildings and renewable energy use. The beneficieries are local governments. 233 678.33 tons CO2 equivalent GHG reduction/year Lenght of new bicycle facilities: 970 km 2023 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Hungary_51 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 Priority axis 5 of Competitive Central-Hungary Operational Programme (CCHOP) Single 51 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Energy consumption; Energy supply; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Prime Minister's Office 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The comprehensive objective of the programme is to ensure the development of the Central Hungary Region and to further improve its competitiveness, whilst simultaneously decreasing the socio economic disparities within the region.. Priority axis 5 of CCHOP supports the following investments in the Central Hungarian Region: 1. energy efficiency imporvements and renewable energy use of companies 2. modernisation of energy systems , district heating and other heat supply systems, increasing the share enewables in the residential sector 3. Sustainable mobility 30474.96 tons CO2 equivanlent GHG saving 108 698 428 billion Fts allocated grant 2023 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Hungary_53 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 Priority axis 1, 2, 3 of the Integrated Transport Operational Program (ITOP) Single 53 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml It serves the improvement of energy efficiency in the transport sector through the direct strenghtening of public transport and other means of transport which are less harmful to the environment. Transport on road, railway and rivers are included, both freight and passenger transport. However, this policy was not designed to serve climate purposes only but it plays an essetial part of the development of the Hungarian TEN-T infrastructure (both road and railway), shortening travel times and decreasing the emission of air pollutants (PM10, NOx). Total length of renovated or new metro and tram lines until 2023: 52 km 2023 Total length of renovated railways km Total length of renovated or new metro and tram lines km Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Hungary_1 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Operational aid for renewable electrictiy production Single 1 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of National Development,Government: Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority 2017 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) 2014/C 200/01 Guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy 2014-2020 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The legislation creating the basis of the new system of providing operational aid for renewable electrictiy (METÁR) production had been adopted in December 2016. The full METÁR will be launched when the notification process of the European Commission is completed. Parts of the METÁR system had been introduced and launched (without brown premium and demonstration projects) in January 2017. The support is market based and premium type. 45 bn HUF for 10 years (2017-2026) 2026 Implemented 2017 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Hungary_13 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 National Framework Plan for the Development of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Single 13 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of National Development,Government: Ministry of National Economy 2016 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The National Framework Plan for the Development of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (adopted by 1782/2016. Government Decision in 2016) identifies national targets on the deployment alternative fuel infrastructure (CNG/LNG, biofuels, electricity, hydrogen and in the transport sector) by 2020, 2025 and 2030 and summarizes the legal and fiscal/financial incentives allocated for the deployment and R&D concerning these type of fuels. Number of targeted alternative fuel vehicles and related refuelling infrastructure for years 2020, 2025, 2030 by three scenarios (low; base and high penetration rate of alternative fuel vehicles) 2030 National Framework Plan for the Development of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (in Hungarian) http://www.kormany.hu/download/a/0c/e0000/A%C3%9CINK_fin.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Hungary_16 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Replacement of vehicle of public transport service companies Single 16 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 13 35 Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2017 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml Replacement of vehicle of public transport service companies has decreased in recent years. The average age of Hungarian bus fleet was 14,46 years at the end 2015. Between 2016-2020 1813 buses should be replaced, and after 2020 additional 6000 bus replacement becomes necessary. The renewal of the fleets of public bus service companies, replacement of 7800 old busses 2030 Number of new buses pieces 13 27 27 35 12.2 130200000 2016-2019 2016 -47 -502000000 -34.8 -371800000 The estimated cost is the price of new buses, the fuel saving and avoided external cost are calculated as benefits. Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Hungary_39 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 National Building Energy Performance Strategy Single 39 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) Directive 2010/31/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The National Building Energy Performance Strategy is part of the Energy Afficiency Action Plan. pinpoints the targets and main directions for modernising the domestic building stock and achieving a significant decrease in the energy demand of buildings over the period until 2020, with projections until 2030, by defining a conceptual framework for the building energy action plans as well as the specific programmes and actions to be devised at a later date. Within the Strategy, the detailed examination of the domestic building stock had been performed. The list of governmental buildings, affected by the compulsory reconstruction regulated by Article 5 of the EU Directive 2012/27/EU and the related national regulation (Act LVII of 2015, 8 §), as well as the National Plan for the Construction of Zero Energy Buildings (Article 9 of EU Directive 2010/31/EU) are both the parts of the Strategy. see in comments 2030 Quantified objectives: 1. Primary energy savings target for 2020: Renovation of residential and public buildings (including commercial buildings) 40 PJ Renovation of the buildings of businesses 4 PJ Other savings in the energy consumption of buildings 5 PJ 2. 2020 primary energy savings targets: Family Houses 17.6 PJ Industrialised multi-apartment buildings (prefabricated panels) 12.8 PJ Traditional multi-apartment buildings 8 PJ Public buildings 1.6 PJ National Building Energy Performance Strategy https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/2014_article4_hungary_en%20translation.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Hungary_41 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 National Energy Strategy 2030 Single 41 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministry for National Economy 2011 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulation (EU) No 1303/2013 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The National Energy Strategy is the overarching policy document of the energy sector. The goal of the strategy is to increase security of energy supply, competitiveness, the sustainability of the sector, energy efficiency, energy conservation, the share of renewable energy and nuclear energy in the energy mix until 2030. 2030 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Hungary_45 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Jenő Kvassay Plan Single 45 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Government Government: Ministry of Interior 2017 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) 86/278/EEC CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml The aim of the Jenő Kvassay Plan is to improve water management including public utility sewage systems, the sewerage of settlements and regions and to increase the recovery rate of water in the settlement water management. New sewage sludge treatment capacity created until 2027: 6000 ton dry weight 2030 New sewage sludge treatment capacity created ton dry weight Jenő Kvassay Plan in Hungarianhttps: //www.vizugy.hu/vizstrategia/documents/CE3BFF09-6D1B-4C8F-88B3-CDF70D2AF133/KJT_151120.pdf Implemented 2017 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Hungary_54 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 Lowering the share of landfilling in municipal solid waste treatment Single 54 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of National Development 2016 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml 45% is considered as a realistically achiveable target for the share of landfilling in municipal solid waste management. Share of landfilling in municipal solid waste treatment in 2030: 45% 2030 Implemented 2016 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Hungary_29 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Afforestation of agriculture land Single 29 Single PaM Economic Adopted No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office 2021 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml To increase the carbon sequestration and storing capacity of forests through increasing the forest area and the growing stock To increase the carbon sequestration of forests 2035 area of afforestation hectares National Forest Strategy http://www.kormany.hu/download/a/1a/d0000/Nemzeti_Erd%C5%91strat%C3%A9gia.pdf Adopted 2021 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Hungary_30 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Establishment of fast growing tree plantations on agriculture land Single 30 Single PaM Economic Adopted No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office 2021 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml To increase the carbon sequestration and storing capacity of forests through increasing the tree cover and the growing stock 2035 area of afforestation hectares National Forest Strategy http://www.kormany.hu/download/a/1a/d0000/Nemzeti_Erd%C5%91strat%C3%A9gia.pdf Adopted 2021 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Hungary_31 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Establishment of agroforestry systems on agriculture land Single 31 Single PaM Economic Planned No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office 2021 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml To increase the carbon sequestration and storing capacity of forests through increasing the forest area and the growing stock To increase the carbon sequestration of forests 2035 area of afforestation hectares National Forest Strategy http://www.kormany.hu/download/a/1a/d0000/Nemzeti_Erd%C5%91strat%C3%A9gia.pdf Planned 2021 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Hungary_32 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Afforestation of agricultural land Single 32 Single PaM Economic Adopted No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office 2021 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml To increase the carbon sequestration and storing capacity of forests through increasing the forest area and the growing stock 2035 area of afforestation hectares National Forest Strategy http://www.kormany.hu/download/a/1a/d0000/Nemzeti_Erd%C5%91strat%C3%A9gia.pdf Adopted 2021 With additional measuses Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Hungary_33 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Establishment of fast growing tree plantations on agriculture land Single 33 Single PaM Economic Planned No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office 2021 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml To increase the carbon sequestration and storing capacity of forests through increasing the tree cover and the growing stock 2035 area of afforestation hectares National Forest Strategy http://www.kormany.hu/download/a/1a/d0000/Nemzeti_Erd%C5%91strat%C3%A9gia.pdf Planned 2021 With additional measuses Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Hungary_34 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Establishment of agroforestry systems on agriculture land Single 34 Single PaM Economic Planned No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Prime Minister's Office 2021 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml To increase the carbon sequestration and storing capacity of forests through increasing the forest area and the growing stock To increase the carbon sequestration of forests 2035 area of afforestation hectares National Forest Strategy http://www.kormany.hu/download/a/1a/d0000/Nemzeti_Erd%C5%91strat%C3%A9gia.pdf Planned 2021 With additional measuses Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Hungary_38 Hungary 1897 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Extension of Paks Nuclear Plant Single 38 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Energy supply Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Government Government: Ministry for National Economy 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/hu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmf7ga/MMR_PAM__1.xml In accordance with the National Energy Strategy, it is assumed that two new units of approximately 1,200 MW each will be put into operation by 2025 (1st) and 2026 (2nd), i.e. the 4 Paks units currently in operation (2,000 MW) and the two new units (2,400 MW) will be operating parallel between 2025/2026 and 2037 (the four current Paks units will be decommissioned by 2032, 2034, 2036 and 2037). 2400 MW new electricity generation capacity 2037 Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
Ireland_12 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 2002 Building Regulations - Part L Conservation of Fuel and Energy in Dwellings Single 12 Single PaM Regulatory Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 443.05 443.06 Government Government: Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government 2003 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The measure imposes minimum efficiency standards for new dwellings from 2002 onwards. The 2002 Part L Building Regulations was the first in a series of incrementally improved efficiency standards which is now moving towards low to zero carbon housing. 2008 The 2002 Part L Building Regulations was the first in a series of incrementally improved efficiency standards which is now moving towards low to zero carbon housing. Final energy (GWh) The 2002 Part L Building Regulations imposed minimum standards in: Insulation levels in building fabric; Ventilation and air infiltration; Thermal bridging reduction; Heating and hot water system controls; Insulation of hot water storage vessels, pipes and ducts. The 2002 Part L Building Regulations was the first in a series of incrementally improved efficiency standards which is now moving towards low to zero carbon housing. Linkages exist with measures 13 & 14. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 443.05 443.06 443.06 443.06 443.06 443.06 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Expired 2003 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Ireland_9 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Public Sector Building Demonstration Programme Single 9 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information, Research Expired ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 27.64 27.68 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2001 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The Public Sector Building Demonstration Programme offered financial support to public and commercial sector organisations to stimulate the innovative application of sustainable energy design strategies, technologies and services in new and retrofit projects, acting as both an exemplar for good practice and as a demand leader for the services and technologies involved. 2009 Savings based on individual projected reductions in energy consumption for the range of projects funded. Calculated on the basis of, for example, number of lights to be replaced, demand reduction through building fabric improvements etc. Final energy (GWh) Funding under Public Sector Building Demonstration Programme was provided for new and retrofit public sector buildings via three main elements:  Design Support, Model Solutions Investment Support, Energy Management Bureau Services (support made available for outsourced energy management to monitor and report on energy control and management). Savings based on individual projected reductions in energy consumption for the range of projects funded. Calculated on the basis of, for example, number of lights to be replaced, demand reduction through building fabric improvements etc. A consequent multiplication effect is the development of the capacity for energy efficient retrofit of public sector buildings. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 7.86687 19.77 7.68813 19.77 27.46 7.90669 19.77 8.26356 19.77 28.04 http://www.dcenr.gov.ie/NR/rdonlyres/20F27340-A720-492C-8340-6E3E4B7DE85D/0/DCENRNEEAP2014publishedversion.pdf Expired 2001 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Ireland_8 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Supports for Exemplar Energy Efficiency Projects (SEEEP) and Energy Efficiency Retrofit Fund (EERF) - Public and Business sectors Single 8 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 52.2792 52.3556 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2009 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The Supports for Exemplar Energy Efficiency Projects (SEEEP) programme aimed to achieve significant energy efficiency gains through increasing the capability of the supply chain and stimulating direct employment focusing on energy efficiency projects. The Energy Efficiency Retrofit Fund (EERF) provided for funding towards the implementation of a limited number of qualifying energy efficiency projects. 2010 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), the body responsible for implementing the programme collected and vetted project detail and savings estimations at project outset. Savings are calculated based on primary energy savings from electricity and heat. Final energy (GWh) Projects installed across a range of technologies, including lighting and controls, building fabric upgrades, heating systems and controls, ventilation controls, Variable Speed Drives and others. The EERF programme closed in August 2010 and was funded and managed by SEAI. Funding under the SEEEP programme provided for c.35% for private projects and c.50% for public sector projects. Support under the EERF programme provided for typically 35% funding for private projects and 50% up to 80% funding for public projects. Projects funded provide demonstration and development of techniques for energy savings in commercial and public buildings. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 14.8794 37.3999 14.5413 37.4004 51.9417 14.9547 37.4009 15.6297 37.4009 53.0305 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Expired 2009 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Ireland_4 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 CHP Deployment - Public and Business sectors Single 4 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 150.344 150.347 Other Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2006 Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The CHP Deployment programme provided grants for selected renewable and alternative heat sources and was designed to prime the market and to establish a supply chain. The CHP Deployment programme provided grant aid towards the installation of small scale CHP, up to 1 MWe at sites with a suitable heat load. 2011 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), the body responsible for administering the grant scheme, collects and collates data on the funded installations. The energy saving is calculated based on the installed capacity of each technology, the aggregate efficiency and the aggregate efficiency of the displaced fossil fuel heat source. In the case of solar thermal the energy savings are calculated based on the installed capacity, the projected energy yield and the efficiency of the displaced gas or oil boiler Primary energy (GWh) The CHP programme acted as a demonstration and market priming programme which increased the capacity of the supply chain. The CHP deployment programme closed in May 2010. €4.8m was disseminated across the public and private sectors, representing around 25% of total installed costs for upgrades. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. http://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/NEEAP%203.pdf 150.344 150.346 150.346 150.347 150.347 150.347 http://www.seai.ie/Grants/CHP/ Expired 2006 With existing measures Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Ireland_5 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Renewable Heat (ReHeat) Deployment Programme - Public and Business sectors Single 5 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 101.3 101.3 Other Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2008 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The ReHeat programme provided grants for selected renewable and alternative heat sources and was designed to prime the market and to establish a supply chain. 2011 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), the body responsible for administering the grant scheme, collects and collates data on the funded installations. The energy saving is calculated based on the installed capacity of each technology, the aggregate efficiency and the aggregate efficiency of the displaced fossil fuel heat source. In the case of solar thermal the energy savings are calculated based on the installed capacity, the projected energy yield and the efficiency of the displaced gas or oil boiler. Final energy (GWh) The ReHeat programme acted as a demonstration and market priming programme which increased the capacity of the supply chain. The ReHeat programme provided grant aid towards the installation of renewable and alternative heating technologies in the tertiary sector. The eligible technologies were: Biomass boilers, Solar thermal, Heat pumps. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. http://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/NEEAP%203.pdf 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3 101.3 http://www.seai.ie/grants/renewable_heat_deployment_programme/ Expired 2008 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Ireland_13 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 2008 Building Regulations Part L Conservation of Fuel and Energy in Dwellings Single 13 Single PaM Regulatory Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 160.31 160.32 Government Government: Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government 2008 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The 2008 Part L Building Regulations for Dwellings were one of a series of incrementally improved efficiency standards which is now moving towards low to zero carbon housing. 2011 Energy savings are evaluated and predicted based on a bottom up model of the housing stock, specific energy consumption and new build activity. Final energy (GWh) The 2008 Building Regulations imposed minimum standards in: Renewables requirements; Insulation levels in building fabric; Ventilation and air infiltration; Thermal bridging reduction; Heating and hot water system controls; Insulation of hot water storage vessels, pipes and ducts; Overall Energy Performance Co-efficient (EPC) and Carbon Performance Co-efficient (CPC). The maximum EPC is set as a 40% improvement on an equivalent dwelling built to 2002 Regulations. Linkages exist with measures 12 & 14. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 160.31 160.32 160.32 160.32 160.32 160.32 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Expired 2008 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Ireland_17 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Greener Homes Scheme Single 17 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information, Voluntary Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 26.62 26.63 Other Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2006 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The measure provided grant aid for the installation of renewable domestic heating systems. 2011 As the grant scheme is administered by SEAI, full statistics on the systems installed under the scheme are recorded and are used to calculate the energy savings achieved. Final energy (GWh) The Greener Homes scheme was subsumed into the residential retrofit programme, launched as ‘Better Energy’ in May 2011. Linkages exist with measure 18 and measure 19. Grant assistance was provided towards the purchase of certain energy efficient and renewable energy heating appliances for the domestic sector. These were: Heat pumps (ground source, air source and water source); Biomass boilers (wood pellet boilers, wood pellet stoves, wood pellet stoves with integral boiler and gasification boilers); Solar thermal systems. A list of qualifying products that meet the requirements of relevant EN standards and defined performance characteristics was developed. Similarly a list of registered installers who had received appropriate training and demonstrated competency was developed. The greener homes scheme was limited to existing dwellings once new building regulations were enacted, and there is therefore no potential overlap with measures to promote renewables in new buildings. The Greener Homes Scheme was instrumental in developing the supply and installer base for energy efficient and renewable heating technologies and enabling the Building Regulations to be revised. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 1.67595 24.94 1.63787 24.94 26.58 1.68444 24.94 1.76046 24.94 26.7 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Expired 2006 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Ireland_3 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Better Energy Workplaces - Public and Business scetors Single 3 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 97.1568 97.3189 Other Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2011 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml Stimulating energy-saving actions in the business and public sectors. Support was available for sustainable energy upgrades to buildings, services, facilities and processes, involving investment actions comprising individual or packaged measures, aimed at achieving on-going and lasting energy savings. Projects entailing upgrades to thermal, electrical or transport energy performance are all considered eligible. In addition the wider programme helps businesses and the public sector to improve their energy efficiency and competitiveness through networking, training and advisory programmes and integration of energy management into workplaces 2012 All projects receiving grant aid must on completion of the works and following one year of operation in the case of buildings, or of 3 months operation in the case of facilities or processes, provide monitored results to SEAI for verification and dissemination purposes. Final energy (GWh) This measure is complimentary to the public sector programme (measure 8), however they are separately assessed eliminating any potential double counting in emission savings. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 31.5855 65.5713 30.8678 65.5728 96.4406 31.7454 65.5736 33.1782 65.5736 98.7518 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Expired 2011 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Ireland_11 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 2005 Building Regulations Part L Conservation of Fuel and Energy - Buildings other than dwellings Single 11 Single PaM Regulatory Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 313.5 313.51 Government Government: Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government 2005 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The measure imposes minimum efficiency standards for new Buildings other than Dwellings 2014 Energy savings are predicted and evaluated based on a top down model of energy use in the tertiary sector based on projections of key economic indicators. Increases in projected energy use are then ascribed to new buildings and the savings predicted based on a 30% reduction in the specific energy consumption Final energy (GWh) The 2005 Building Regulations revision for Buildings other than dwellings improved minimum standards set in previous regulations: Insulation levels in building fabric; Ventilation and air infiltration; Avoidance of excessive solar gain; Thermal bridging reduction; Heating plant efficiency and control; Air-conditioning plant efficiency; Insulation of hot water storage vessels, pipes and ducts. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 313.5 313.51 313.51 313.51 313.51 313.51 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Expired 2005 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Ireland_1 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Large Industry Programme Single 1 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 485.97 486.63 Other Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2000 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The Large Industry Energy Network (LIEN) is a voluntary network, facilitated by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, of companies working to maintain strong energy management and environmental protection practices. Each of the member companies (160+) submits an annual statement of energy accounts to SEAI. These accounts are then collated, analysed and the energy savings are reported on in the LIEN annual report each year. Final energy (GWh) The LIEN has continuously improved its energy performance since it was formed, member companies avoided energy costs of €60 million in 2008 alone. Some have improved their energy efficiency by over 30% over the last decade. Regular workshops, seminars and site visits provide a forum through which members keep up to date on best practice and new technologies. By learning from experts and sharing knowledge and experiences, members save valuable research time, invest wisely and maximise returns. There are no linkages/overlaps with other measures. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. LIEN annual reports. See also http://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/NEEAP%203.pdf 129.241 356.73 126.305 356.73 483.04 129.896 356.73 135.758 356.73 492.49 http://www.seai.ie/Your_Business/Large_Energy_Users/LIEN/LIEN_Reports/ Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Ireland_2 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Accelerated Capital Allowance for energy efficient equipment Single 2 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 141.895 142.554 Government, Other Government: Department Of Finance,Other: The Office of the Revenue Commissioners 2008 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Star Program;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The Accelerated Capital Allowance for Energy Efficiency Equipment (ACA), introduced in 2008, aims to improve the energy efficiency of Irish companies by encouraging them to purchase energy saving technologies. The ACA is a tax incentive for companies paying corporation tax and aims to encourage investment in energy efficient equipment. The ACA offers an attractive incentive whereby it allows companies to write off 100% of the purchase value of qualifying energy efficient equipment against their profit in the year of purchase. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI), the body responsible for creating and maintaining the ACA specified list of eligible products for which the incentive can be claimed, carried out a mid-term review of the scheme in October 2010 to determine the awareness of the Scheme, the influence that the Scheme has on purchasing decisions and the level of energy savings attributable to it. Final energy (GWh) The ACA, introduced by the Government in the Finance Act 2008, offers a tax incentive for companies to purchase highly energy efficient equipment. The ACA allows purchasers of eligible energy efficient equipment to write off the full cost of their purchase against their profit for that year instead of having to write it off as normal over a period of eight years. By encouraging companies to purchase energy efficient equipment, the ACA aims to improve the overall energy efficiency of Irish companies and assist Ireland in meeting EU targets for the reduction of carbon emissions. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. http://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/NEEAP%203.pdf 130.023 11.8721 127.069 11.8722 138.941 130.681 11.8723 136.58 11.8723 148.452 http://www.seai.ie/Your_Business/Accelerated_Capital_Allowance/ The ACA scheme results in reduced tax revenues in the year of purchase but is revenue neutral, on a non-discounted basis, over eight years. Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Star Program; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Ireland_6 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Carbon Tax Single 6 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Transport Cross-cutting: Other cross-cutting; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Demand management/reduction Cross-cutting: Other cross-cutting ('Cross sectoral tax on fuel used for heating and transport'),Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Demand management/reduction 325.564 325.414 Other Other: Revenue Commissioners 2008 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml Incorporate a price signal for carbon on the non-ETS sector, specifically fuels used for heating and transport. The tax applies to petrol, diesel, kerosene, marked gas oil (for agricultural use), Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG), fuel oil, natural gas, coal and commercial peat. An estimation is made on the basis of price elasticities for the various fuels impacted. These are applied to demand scenarios that take account of the impact of all other NEEAP measures Final energy (GWh) The Carbon Tax was introduced in Ireland in 2010 at a rate of €15/tonne CO2 which was applied to motor gasoline and diesel and to home heating oil. Electricity was exempted as electricity generation from fossil fuel power stations is covered under the EU ETS. Solid fuels including coal and turf were also exempted at the time. In 2011 the carbon tax was increased by 33% to €20/tonne. The tax was applied to solid fuels (coal and peat) in 2013. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 325.564 325.555 325.555 325.414 324.746 324.746 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Ireland_7 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Public Sector Retrofit (including Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland Public Sector Programme) Single 7 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 398.887 399.47 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2011 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The programme aims to increase energy efficiency by providing a range of funded services including advice, mentoring and training to participating Public Sector bodies. Implementation of measures to enable the public sector contribute to its requirements under the national target of increasing energy efficiency nationally by 20% by 2020. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) calculates savings based on on-going programme monitoring. In 2014, a new monitoring and reporting system was established, collecting electricity (and gas) meter data from 40,000 meters. Final energy (GWh) Public sector organisations who demonstrate commitment to energy efficiency can avail of energy management training and support for exemplary design and energy management practices. Types of supports range from visits to individual sites to advanced supports for whole organisations who commit to a 3% annual energy saving. Advanced supports include: Dedicated energy advisor; Strategic energy planning; Prioritisation of energy efficiency opportunities; Coordination of energy efficiency activities; Detailed & in-depth assessments; Advanced & targeted training; Working group facilitation; Energy Efficient Design; Monitoring of progress and savings. Energy Supplier Obligation: In accordance with Article 7, Ireland will implement an Energy Supplier Obligation with an annual target currently set at 550GWh per annum. A portion of these savings will be achieved in the public sector. Energy Efficiency Fund: The Irish Government has committed €35 million as seed capital for investment in an Energy Efficiency Fund. This has been matched with investment from the private sector and a fund of €70 million has been established. The fund will enhance the level of finance available in the market to support the clear opportunity that exists in the public and commercial sectors. National Energy Services Framework (NESF): SEAI will provide supports to develop the contractual arrangements and mechanisms to promote the use of the fund via innovative finance arrangements including energy performance contracts (via ESCOs) and via direct lending to client companies. Linkages exist with measure 3, however emission savings are separately assessed eliminating any potential double count. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Energy Use in the Public Sector. See also http://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/NEEAP%203.pdf 113.529 285.359 110.949 285.363 396.312 114.103 285.366 119.254 285.366 404.62 http://www.seai.ie/Publications/Your_Business_Publications/Public_Sector/Annual-Report-2014-on-Public-Sector-Energy-Efficiency-Performance-.pdf Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Ireland_10 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Programme Single 10 Single PaM Education, Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 62.55 62.63 Other Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2008 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The programme aims to increase energy efficiency in SMEs through providing advice, mentoring and training to participating SMEs Participating companies report on energy savings via their SEAI appointed energy advisor. These reports are collated and analysed to monitor savings. Final energy (GWh) SMEs that participate in the programme receive targeted supports to improve energy efficiency including: Advice and mentoring from a specialist including a site assessment for companies with a significant energy spend; Training in energy management for groups of SMEs; Online energy management tools. Participating companies are required to commit to engaging with an energy advisor, to providing information on energy use, implementing saving opportunities and reporting on savings. No linkages or overlaps exist with other measures. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 16.3046 46.24 15.9341 46.25 62.18 16.3871 46.25 17.1267 46.25 63.37 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Ireland_14 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 2011 Part L Conservation of Fuel and Energy in Dwellings Single 14 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 50.92 50.92 Government Government: Department of Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government 2012 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The 2011 Part L Building Regulations for dwellings are one of a series of incrementally improved efficiency standards which is moving towards low to zero carbon housing. The measure imposes minimum efficiency standards for new dwellings. Energy savings are evaluated and predicted based on a bottom up model of the housing stock, specific energy consumption and new build activity. Final energy (GWh) The 2011 Part L Building Regulations improve minimum standards set in previous regulations: Insulation levels in building fabric; Ventilation and air infiltration; Thermal bridging reduction; Heating and hot water system controls; Insulation of hot water storage vessels, pipes and ducts. In addition a minimum overall performance is set on the Specific Energy Consumption, defined in the regulations as the Energy Performance Co-efficient (EPC) and Carbon Performance Coefficient (CPC). The maximum EPC is set as a 60% improvement on equivalent dwelling built to 2002 Regulations. Linkages exist with measures 12 & 13. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 50.92 50.92 50.92 50.92 50.92 50.92 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Ireland_15 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Energy Efficient Boiler Regulation Single 15 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 142.6 142.6 Government Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment 2008 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The measure set a minimum seasonal efficiency of 86% for boilers installed in existing or new dwellings from 2008 and 90% from 2011. The 2008 Part L Building Regulations imposed a minimum boiler efficiency of 86% for all boilers installed in new or existing buildings. This was further improved to a minimum boiler efficiency of 90% in 2011 Building Regulations. Energy savings are predicted bottom up model of energy use domestic boilers and an assumed replacement rate (based on a 25 year lifetime) of existing boilers. Final energy (GWh) No linkages exist with other measures. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 142.6 142.6 142.6 142.6 142.6 142.6 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Ireland_16 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Domestic Lighting (Eco-Design Directive) Single 16 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 42.1439 42.3573 Government Government: Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation 2008 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The measure is a phasing out of incandescent lights through the Energy related Products Directive (2009/125/EC) and Commission Regulation (EC) No 244/2009. Commission Regulation (EC) No 244/2009 of 18 March 2009 implements Directive 2005/32/EC (superseded by Directive 2009/125/EC) with regard to eco-design requirements for non-directional household lamps. The regulation provides for the phased introduction of minimum efficiency standards for lamps and effectively phases out incandescent lamps. A bottom up model of the housing stock, lighting requirements by room and by lamp rating was developed. The aggregate savings are 45 kWh/yr per lamp replaced based on aggregate savings of 55W and 830 operating hours per annum. Final energy (GWh) Lighting affects the specific energy consumption (Energy Performance Coefficient) calculated for new dwellings under the 2008 and subsequent building regulations. No linkages exist with other measures. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 42.1439 41.1864 41.1864 42.3573 44.2691 44.2691 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Ireland_18 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Warmer Homes Scheme Single 18 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information, Voluntary Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 82.81 82.75 Other Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2000 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The measure targets vulnerable and fuel poor homes and provides funding for the installation of domestic energy efficiency upgrades via regional not-for-profit organisations and private contractors. As the scheme is administered by SEAI, statistics on the measures implemented and number of homes covered are collected and analysed. Final energy (GWh) The Warmer Homes scheme was incorporated in to the residential retrofit scheme, launched as ‘Better Energy’ in May 2011. Linkages exist with measure 17 and 19. Energy efficiency improvement measures include: attic insulation, draught proofing, lagging jackets, energy efficient lighting, cavity wall insulation, and energy advice. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. http://www.seai.ie/Grants/Warmer_Homes_Scheme/ and Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 2.35406 80.45 2.30057 80.44 82.74 2.36598 80.39 2.47277 80.11 82.58 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Ireland_19 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Better Energy Homes (Residential retrofit) Single 19 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 293.78 293.7 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2011 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml Stimulating energy-efficiency actions to reduce energy usage by homeowners and the general public. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland grant-aids householders who want to make their homes more energy-efficient by providing incentives towards the implementation of energy efficiency measures including attic and wall insulation and heating controls with efficient boilers and/or solar thermal. An official Building Energy Rating (BER) is completed on each home which receives an energy upgrade under BEH detailing all energy efficiency measures carried out on the house. Final Energy (GWh) The Home Energy Savings scheme was incorporated in to the residential retrofit scheme, launched as ‘Better Energy Homes’ in May 2011, together with the Greener Homes and Warmer Homes Schemes. Linkages exist with measure 17 and18. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan; Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 8.66 285.11 8.47 285.09 293.56 8.71 284.99 9.1 284.48 293.59 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Ireland_20 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Public Transport efficiency Single 20 Single PaM Education, Information, Voluntary Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 41.55 41.58 Other Other: Irish Rail, Bus Eireann, Dublin Bus,Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2009 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The aim of the measure is to promote efficiency in the public transport system including: Eco-driving in buses; Efficiency in suburban electric rail; Efficiency in national rail network Periodic surveys and ongoing monitoring Final energy (GWh) The semi-state CIE group of public transport companies generate around 230 million passenger journeys by bus each year, and over 40 million passenger journeys by rail. Since 2009 a range of programmes aimed at improving energy efficiency have taken place: Eco-driving within Dublin Bus and Bus Eireann; Diesel trains in the Irish Rail fleet have cut their fuel use by up to 6% through more efficient schedules and automatic train engine shutdowns; Electric trains in the Dublin area are saving over 20% as a result of a switch to lower voltage supply and regenerative breaking technologies. No linkages exist with other measures. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Action Plan; Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport 41.55 41.59 41.59 41.58 41.57 41.57 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2009 With existing measures No No information
Ireland_21 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Electric vehicle deployment Single 21 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars -0.89 -0.82 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2011 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml Grant support for new electric vehicles. Electric vehicles were identified as an important element in efforts to achieve both energy efficiency and renewable energy targets as part of the EU Climate Change-Energy Package. New electric vehicles purchased under the grant scheme will be recorded by SEAI as part of the grant administration process. Final energy (GWh) Specific measures include: information campaigns, installation of the charging infrastructure. SEAI is offering grants of up to €5,000 for a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) or a Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV). No linkages exist with other measures. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan. See also http://www.seai.ie/Grants/Electric_Vehicle_Grant_Scheme/ -6.29429 5.41 -5.96456 5.41 -0.55 -6.23492 5.41 -6.55357 5.41 -1.14 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2011 With additional measuses Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Ireland_22 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Vehicle Registration Tax and Annual Motor Tax Single 22 Single PaM Education, Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Demand management/reduction 172.15 172.24 Government Government: Department of Finance 2008 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The measure was a fundamental shift in the Vehicle Registration Tax and Annual Motor Tax regime whereby vehicles have been taxed on the basis of their CO2 emission levels since 1st July 2008. Energy savings are evaluated and predicted based on a bottom up model of the private vehicle stock, efficiency (specific energy consumption) and activity. Final energy (GWh) There is potential for double counting of savings attained through the various measures that target private car use. The trajectory for improvement in new car efficiency under this measure is taken to be an early and accelerated improvement in efficiency compared to the improvement trajectory on the basis of EU regulation. The energy savings from each measure in the transport sector are calculated sequentially so that the sum of savings attributable to all measures is the total energy saving target for the sector. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan; Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 172.15 172.28 172.28 172.24 172.2 172.2 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Ireland_23 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Improved fuel economy of the private car fleet (EU REgulation) Single 23 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 226.96 227.08 Other Other: European Commission,Other: National Standards Authority of Ireland 2012 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The EU, through Regulation 443/2009 has mandated an improvement in average new car efficiency to 130 g CO2/km by 2015 with a target of 95 g CO2/km for 2020 Energy savings are evaluated and predicted based on a bottom up model of the private vehicle stock, efficiency (specific energy consumption) and activity. Final energy (GWh) There is potential for double counting of savings attained through the various measures that target private car use. The trajectory for improvement in new car efficiency under measure 28 is taken to be an early and accelerated improvement in efficiency compared to the improvement trajectory on the basis of EU regulation. Double counting is eliminated as the energy savings from each measure in the transport sector are calculated sequentially so that the sum of savings attributable to all measures is the total energy saving target for the sector. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 226.96 227.13 227.13 227.08 227.03 227.03 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Ireland_24 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Aviation Efficiency Single 24 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction 66.49 66.53 Other Other: Irish Aviation Authority,Other: UK National Air Traffic Services 2008 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The aim is to increase operational efficiency in aviation through international co-operation in air space control. The Irish and UK National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs) created the UK-Ireland Functional Airspace Block in 2008 to create a seamless and cost efficient operation across joint airspace. This has included efficiency in savings of fuel and CO2 emissions. As per the annual report on the UK-Ireland FAB issued by the Irish Aviation Authority and UK National Air Traffic Services. No linkages exist with other measures. Irish Aviation Authority and UK National Air Traffic Services. See also http://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/NEEAP%203.pdf 66.49 66.54 66.54 66.53 66.51 66.51 http://www.ukirelandfab.eu/ Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Ireland_25 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Reduction in natural gas combusted at compressor stations for natural gas pipeline transport Single 25 Single PaM Other Planned EU ETS, ESD Transport Transport: Other transport Transport: Other transport ('Reduced natural gas demand under the with additional measures scenario') 7.59 9.33 Government, Other Other: Bord Gais Energy,Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment 2016 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml This reduction in emissions arise due to the reduced demand for natural gas in the with additional measures scenario when compared to the with measures scenario. 7.59 8.69 8.69 9.33 10.83 10.83 Planned 2016 With additional measuses No No information
Ireland_26 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Energy Efficiency in Power Generation Single 26 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 827.13 862.49 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Commission for Energy Regulation 2008 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml Investment in new, efficient power generation plant and renewable electricity generation. This PAM includes the promotion and prioritising energy efficiency in investment decisions for new generation plant, promoting competition in the All-Island Single Electricity Market and providing incentives to encourage large energy users to reduce peak energy use Primary energy use in electricity generation is forecast annually based on a model of future electricity demand and power station dispatch. Energy savings are calculated based on improvements in efficiency of the generation stock since 2008 (base year). Final energy (GWh) Measures to improve efficiency include: Promoting and prioritising energy efficiency in investment decisions for new generation plant; Promoting competition in the All-Island Single Electricity Market; Providing incentives to encourage large energy users to reduce peak energy use. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 827.13 862.59 862.59 862.49 862.4 862.4 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC
Ireland_27 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Energy Efficiency in Electricity Transmission and Distribution Single 27 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses Energy supply: Reduction of losses 39.19 39.39 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Commission for Energy Regulation 2008 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml Upgrades to the electricity transmission and distribution networks to improve efficiency. Measures to improve efficiency include placing targets for reduced losses on the Transmission System Operator. Losses reduction targets set by the CER. Forecasted electricity demand to 2020 used to calculate energy savings based on percentage reduction of losses. Final energy (GWh) Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. Ireland's 3rd National Energy Efficiency Action Plan 39.19 38.3 38.3 39.39 41.16 41.16 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Ireland_28 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Replacement of coal fired electricity generation with natural gas Single 28 Single PaM Planning, Research Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels 920.36 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Commission for Energy Regulation 2025 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml This measure, which is included in the with additional measures scenario is aimed at examining the effect of replacing coal fired electricity generation with natural gas fired electricity generation. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. 587.064 587.064 920.36 1512.73 1512.73 Planned 2025 With additional measuses No No information
Ireland_29 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Mobile Air Conditioning Directive (Directive 2006/40/EC) Single 29 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 65.87 206.614 Government Government: Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport 2011 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2006/40/EC relating to emissions from air-conditioning systems in motor vehicles and amending Council Directive 70/156/EEC HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The Directive lays down the requirements for the EC type-approval or national type-approval of vehicles as regards emissions from, and the safe functioning of, air conditioning systems fitted to vehicles. It also lays down provisions on retrofitting and refilling of such systems. Mobile Air Conditioning Directive (2006/40/EC) 65.87 123.113 123.113 206.614 229.344 229.344 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:32006L0040&from=EN Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Ireland_30 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC) Single 30 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use 80.53 420.832 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Environmental Protection Agency 1999 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml This Directive by way of strict operational and technical requirements aims as far as is possible to reduce the negative effects of landfills on the environment, in particular the pollution of surface water, groundwater, soil and air, and on the global environment. Annual National Waste Reports; Municipal Waste Pre-Treatment Guidance 80.53 313.456 313.456 420.832 491.958 491.958 http://www.epa.ie/waste/municipal/nwr/#.VRPO5qSvkdU Implemented 1999 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Ireland_31 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Nitrogen Fertilizer Use Efficiency in Agriculture Single 31 Single PaM Education, Voluntary Planned ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland 156.79 156.787 Government Government: Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine 2018 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O, CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml Nutrient Management Planning is an integral part of the of the Green, Low-Carbon, Agri-Environmental Scheme (GLAS) which was set up under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. In this measure it is envisaged that nitrification and urease inhibitors will be used in conjunction with nitrogen fertilizers, thereby reducing gaseous losses and reducing total fertilizer nitrogen use. Ireland's Rural Development Programme 156.79 156.787 156.787 156.787 156.787 156.787 https://www.agriculture.gov.ie/media/migration/ruralenvironment/ruraldevelopment/ruraldevelopmentprogramme2014-2020/SecondAmendmentApprovedJanuary2017070217.pdf Planned 2018 With additional measuses Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Ireland_32 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Renewables - With Measures scenario (Electricity Generation) Single 32 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 1381.79 1364.49 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Commission for Energy Regulation 2005 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml This measure encompasses the development of renewable energy in electricity generation under the With Measures scenario. Under this measure RES-E is 22.7% in 2020. This measure encompasses the penetration of renewable energy in electricity generation under the with existing measures scenario. Further progress based on current trajectory towards achievement of renewables targets under Directive 2009/28/EC are envisaged under with additional measures scenario. Ireland's National Renewable Energy Action Plan 1381.79 1370.12 1370.12 1364.49 1358.84 1358.84 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/The%20National%20Renewable%20Energy%20Action%20Plan%20(PDF).pdf Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Ireland_33 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Renewables - With Measures scenario (Transport) Single 33 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 430.59 484.5 Government Government: Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport 2005 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml This measure encompasses the development of renewable energy in transport under the With Measures scenario. Under this measure RES-T is 5.5% in 2020. This measure encompasses the penetration of renewable energy in transport under the with measures scenario. Further progress based on current trajectory towards achievement of renewables targets under Directive 2009/28/EC are envisaged under with additional measures scenario. Ireland's National Renewable Energy Action Plan 430.59 490.16 490.16 484.5 477.66 477.66 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/The%20National%20Renewable%20Energy%20Action%20Plan%20(PDF).pdf Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Ireland_34 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC- Heat component Single 34 Single PaM Regulatory Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 488.3 775.97 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2016 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The Irish Government has set a target of 12% renewable heat by 2020. This renewable heat target in conjunction with renewable fuel penetration in the transport sector (RES-T) and renewable electricity targets (RES-E) forms part of Ireland's overall renewable energy target of 16% by 2020 under Directive 2009/28/EC. The recent 2017 energy forecasts reflects current progress and the trajectory towards achieving 2020 targets. Based on the current trajectory, by 2020 this PaM under the With Additional Measures scenario assumes Ireland will have achieved 9% renewable heat (RES-H) share in 2020. Ireland's National Renewable Energy Action Plan 626.11 958.54 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/The%20National%20Renewable%20Energy%20Action%20Plan%20(PDF).pdf Planned 2016 With additional measuses Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Ireland_35 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC - Electricity component Single 35 Single PaM Regulatory Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 1535.91 1440.93 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Commission for Energy Regulation 2016 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The Irish Government has set a target of 40% electricity consumption from renewables sources by 2020. This renewable electricity target in conjunction with renewable fuel penetration in the transport sector (RES-T) and renewable fuels for heat (RES-H) forms part of Ireland's overall renewable energy target of 16% by 2020 under Directive 2009/28/EC. The recent 2017 energy forecasts reflects current progress and the trajectory towards achieving 2020 targets. Based on the current trajectory, by 2020 this PaM under the With Additional Measures scenario assumes Ireland will have achieved 37.3% renewable heat (RES-E) share in 2020. Ireland's National Renewable Energy Action Plan 1535.91 1440.93 1440.93 1440.93 1440.93 1440.93 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/The%20National%20Renewable%20Energy%20Action%20Plan%20(PDF).pdf Planned 2016 With additional measuses Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Ireland_36 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Directive 2009/28/EC - on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC- Transport component Single 36 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 193.82 216.7 Government Government: Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport 2016 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The Irish Government has set a target of 10% renewable fuels in transport by 2020. This renewable fuels in transport target in conjunction with renewable electricity targets (RES-E) and renewable fuels for heat (RES-H) forms part of Ireland's overall renewable energy target of 16% by 2020 under Directive 2009/28/EC. The recent 2017 energy forecasts reflects current progress and the trajectory towards achieving 2020 targets. Based on the current trajectory, by 2020 this PaM under the With Additional Measures scenario assumes Ireland will have achieved 8% renewable heat (RES-T) share in 2020. Ireland's National Renewable Energy Action Plan 193.82 218.7 218.7 216.7 214.17 214.17 http://www.dccae.gov.ie/documents/The%20National%20Renewable%20Energy%20Action%20Plan%20(PDF).pdf Planned 2016 With additional measuses Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Ireland_37 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Better Energy Communities Single 37 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 96.35 96.34 Other Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2012 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The Better Energy Communities scheme, introduced in 2012, supports sustainable energy upgrades to existing buildings, services, facilities and processes in the community sector. It promotes projects with an aggregation of upgrades across sectors within a single project and favours projects where deeper retrofit can be demonstrated. Project aggregators / applicants are required to deliver an M&V plan and to provide detailed savings estimates at the application stage. These a verified by national experts. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. 2.9 93.4 2.9 93.4 96.28 3 93.38 3.1 93.3 96.39 http://www.seai.ie/Grants/Better_Energy_Communities/ and http://www.dccae.gov.ie/energy/SiteCollectionDocuments/Energy-Efficiency/NEEAP%203.pdf Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Ireland_39 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Buildings remainder Single 39 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory Planned EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 83.6 83.45 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2016 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The savings associated with this measure are anticipated to come from a combination of extension to existing policies and measures in the buildings sector and roll out of (yet to be determined) programmes following various pilots currently being conducted. The policy mix could include economic, fiscal, regulatory, information and other measures. To be determined based on programme design. Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2.15 81.45 1.97 81.45 83.42 2.01 81.44 2.06 81.39 83.45 Planned 2016 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Ireland_38 Ireland 1900 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme Single 38 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 523.16 523.25 Government, Other Government: Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment,Other: Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ie/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwsgjzq/IE_MMR_PAM_20170526.xml The Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme (EEOS) is being implemented pursuant to the Energy Efficiency Directive 2012, Article 7. The Directive imposes a legal obligation on Member States to achieve new savings each year from 1 January 2014 to 31 December 2020 of 1.5% of the annual energy sales to final customers of all energy distributors and all retail energy sales companies by volume, averaged over the most recent three-year period prior to 1 January 2013. The target is cumulative, which means that it is based on incremental annual savings that deliver a total volume of savings at the end of the obligation period in 2020. Ireland has chosen to effect the provisions of Article 7(9) of the Directive, opting to combine alternative policy measures and an energy efficiency obligation scheme to meet the national target. Obligated parties under the EEOS are energy distributors and retail energy sales companies that have market sales in Ireland of greater than 600 GWh final sales in any relevant year, regardless of the sector they supply. Obligated parties’ targets are allocated according to their proportion of energy market sales volume in Ireland. Member States are obliged to put in place measurement, control and verification systems to verify savings by obligated parties. The positions against targets for each year are to be achieved, audited and finalised by 31 March of the following year. The target allocated to obligated parties is 550 GWh PPE for the period 2014 to 2016, 625GWh PPE for 2017 and 700GWh PPE from 2018 to 2020. This is sub-sectoralised as 75% non-residential, 20% residential and 5% energy poverty residential. The minimum achievement for the period 2014-2016 is Year 1 60%, Year 2 75% cumulative and Year 3 90% cumulative. From Year 4 onwards, the minimum cumulative achievement will be 95% cumulative. Obligated parties can choose to achieve energy savings independently or through partnerships with service providers in the market. The scheme permits the exchange of validated savings between obligated parties in certain circumstances. Obligated parties can buyout up to a maximum of 30% of their total cumulative target, whether or not they have achieved their minimum cumulative target. For any portion of the minimum annual target not achieved, exchanged or bought out, a penalty will be imposed. The price of buyout and penalty will be set and published by the Minister and reviewed as appropriate. In the Residential and Energy Poverty sectors energy savings from energy conservation measures are calculated using deemed credits per measure based on Building Ratings under EPBD In the Non-Residential sector scaled or measured savings based on ISO 50015, IPMVP or equivalent are used to calculate savings. Project data is uploaded to SEAI bespoke systems and is subject to Evaluation and Audit. 2020 Ireland has chosen to effect the provisions of Article 7(9) of the Directive, opting to combine alternative policy measures and an energy efficiency obligation scheme to meet the national target. Obligated parties under the EEOS are energy distributors and retail energy sales companies that have market sales in Ireland of greater than 600 GWh final sales in any relevant year, regardless of the sector they supply. Obligated parties’ targets are allocated according to their proportion of energy market sales volume in Ireland. Member States are obliged to put in place measurement, control and verification systems to verify savings by obligated parties. The positions against targets for each year are to be achieved, audited and finalised by 31 March of the following year. The target allocated to obligated parties is 550 GWh PPE for the period 2014 to 2016, 625GWh PPE for 2017 and 700GWh PPE from 2018 to 2020. This is sub-sectoralised as 75% non-residential, 20% residential and 5% energy poverty residential. The minimum achievement for the period 2014-2016 is Year 1 60%, Year 2 75% cumulative and Year 3 90% cumulative. From Year 4 onwards, the minimum cumulative achievement will be 95% cumulative. Obligated parties can choose to achieve energy savings independently or through partnerships with service providers in the market. The scheme permits the exchange of validated savings between obligated parties in certain circumstances. Obligated parties can buyout up to a maximum of 30% of their total cumulative target, whether or not they have achieved their minimum cumulative target. For any portion of the minimum annual target not achieved, exchanged or bought out, a penalty will be imposed. The price of buyout and penalty will be set and published by the Minister and reviewed as appropriate. In the Residential and Energy Poverty sectors energy savings from energy conservation measures are calculated using deemed credits per measure based on Building Ratings under EPBD. In the Non-Residential sector scaled or measured savings based on ISO 50015, IPMVP or equivalent are used to calculate savings. Project data is uploaded to SEAI bespoke systems and is subject to Evaluation and Audit. Calculation of ex-ante savings in Table 2 take into account reductions of CO2, CH4 and N2O. 102 421.16 99.68 421.09 520.77 102.51 420.73 107.14 419.02 526.16 http://www.seai.ie/eeos/ Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Italy_5 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 White certificates - decree december 2007 - CHP Single 5 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 970 Government Government: Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity Gas and Water 2008 Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Supporting CHP and district heating plants for 2008-2012 2012 970 Expired 2008 With existing measures Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Italy_7 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 White certificates - decree december 2007 - Industry Single 7 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 2020 Other Other: GSE- Manager for Energy Service 2008 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Supporting electric energy saving for the period 2008-2012 2012 2020 Expired 2008 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Italy_6 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 National Strategic Framework 2007-2013 - ERDF Single 6 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 240 Local Local: Regions 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Supporting CHP and energy savings with POR ( Operative Regional Programs) and POIN ( Operative Regional Programs) 2013 240 Expired 2007 With existing measures No No information
Italy_9 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 European regional development fund (ERDF), National Strategic Framework 2008-2013 - Electric energy saving in the energy industry sector Single 9 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 660 Local Local: Regions 2008 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Supporting electric energy saving to the electric energy saving in the energy industry sector with POR and POIN. POR are Operative Regional Programs. The regions involve in that programs are Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardegna , Sicilia and Molise. All the PORS support the socio-economic development of the regions and have a coherent approach and are divided into six chapters : analysis of the situation, development strategy , priorities for action, measures of the program , financial plan , implementing provisions . POIN are Operative INterregional Programs . The regions involve are Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicilia. All the POINs are the main instrument to promote strengthening and integration at interregional cultural heritage , nature and landscape. 2013 660 Expired 2008 With existing measures No No information
Italy_15 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 National Strategic Framework 2007-2013 - ERDF - Residential energy saving Single 15 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 420 Local Local: Regions 2007 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) End-use efficiency and energy services 2006/32/EC repealing SAVE Directive (Directive 93/76/EEC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Supporting electric energy saving in the building sector with POR and POIN. POR are Operative Regional Programs. The regions involve in that programs are Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Sardegna, Sicilia and Molise. All the PORS support the socio-economic development of the regions and have a coherent approach and are divided into six chapters: analysis of the situation, development strategy, priorities for action, measures of the program, financial plan, implementing provisions. POIN are Operative INterregional Programs. The regions involve are Calabria, Campania, Puglia and Sicilia. All the POINs are the main instrument to promote strengthening and integration at interregional cultural heritage, nature and landscape. 2013 420 Expired 2007 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Italy_1 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Third "Conto Energia" (art.3 paragraph 1, decree 6 august 2010) and Fourth "Conto Energia" (Decree 5 may 2011) Single 1 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 2300 Government Government: Ministry of economic development 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Supporting the expansion of photovoltaic plants through feed in tariffs until a maximum capacity of 8000 MW 2300 Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Italy_2 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Third "Conto Energia" : photovoltaic (art.3 paragraph 2, decree 6 august 2010) Single 2 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 900 Government Government: Ministry of economic development 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Supporting the expansion of photovoltaic plants through feed in tariffs until a maximum capacity of 3000 MW 900 Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Italy_3 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Green Certificate - budget law 2008 Single 3 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 4000 Government Government: Ministry of economic development 2009 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Green Certificate increased every year by 0,75% for 2007 - 2012 and establish "omnicomprensiva" rate for plants <1 Mwe 4000 Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Italy_4 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 European regional development fund (ERDF), National Strategic Framework 2008-2013 - increase of renwable energy in electricity production Single 4 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 1400 Local Local: Regions 2008 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Supporting system for RES with Regional operative program (POR) and Interregional operative program (POIN) 1400 Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Italy_8 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Ecodesign of energy-using products - Legislative decree 201/07 (transposition of directive 2005/32/EC- first regulations) Single 8 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 1920 Government Government: Italian Regulatory Authority for Electricity Gas and Water 2008 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Installation of highly efficient electric motors and inverters through minimum mandatory standards 1920 Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Italy_10 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Reduction of emissions of N2O from nitric acid production Single 10 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS Industrial processes Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies 740 Companies Companies: Plants 2010 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Integrated pollution prevention and control 2008/1/EC (amending 96/61/EC) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Significant reductions in process emissions from nitric acid production plants due to the application of BAT ( Best Avalaible Technology) 740 Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Italy_11 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Building Regulation (Legislative decree 192/05 as amended by legislative decree 311/06) Single 11 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 3610 Government, Local Local: Municipalities,Government: Ministry of economic development 2006 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) Energy consumption: Recast of the Energy performance of buildings (Directive 2010/31/EC) amending 2002/91/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Minimum mandatory standards on new and existing buildings (Energy Efficency) 3610 Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Italy_12 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Tax deduction for energy saving in buildings - Budget law 2007 , Budget law 2008 and Budget law 2009 Single 12 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 1050 Government Government: Ministry of Finance 2008 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Supporting of energy saving in existing buildings through tax deduction of 55% 1050 Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Italy_13 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 White certificates - decree december 2007 - Commercial Single 13 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 3120 Other Other: GSE- Manager for Energy Service 2008 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Energy consumption: End-use efficiency and energy services 2006/32/EC repealing SAVE Directive (Directive 93/76/EEC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Supporting of energy saving 2008-2012 (Energy Efficency) 3120 Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Italy_14 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Legislative decree 201/07 (transposition of directive 2005/32/EC ) - Increase efficiency of appliances in residential sector Single 14 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 2600 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2008 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Ecodesign requirements for energy-using products (Directive 2005/32/EC) and its implementing regulations CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml First regulation on mandatory energy efficiency standards for energy-using products 2600 Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Italy_16 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Infrastructural measures - Increase of high capacity and high speed rail networks Single 16 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 5700 Government Government: Ministry of transport 2008 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) The interoperability of the rail system within the Community (Directive 2008/57/EC) recast of Directive 2004/50/EC amending Council Directive 1996/48/EC (high-speed rail system) and Directive 2001/16/EC (conventional system) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml High Capacity and High Speed rail. Regional networks for passengers 5700 Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Italy_17 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 National Strategic Framework 2007-2013 - FESR - increase public transportation in urban area Single 17 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 1280 Government Government: Ministry of transport 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Intermodal infrastructure projects: expansion of metropolitan railways/ subway 1280 Implemented 2007 With existing measures No No information
Italy_18 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Emission standard for new car (Regulation (EC) No 443/2009) Single 18 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 10200 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2008 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Fleet update at 120 g CO2/km in 2015 and 95 g CO2/km in 2020 10200 Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Italy_19 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Legislative decree 128/05(transposition of directive 2003/30/EC) - mandatory use of biofuels Single 19 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 1490 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2008 Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Mandatory use biofuels (target 4.5% to 2012) Use of biofules with a target of 4.5% to 2012 for transport 1490 Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Italy_20 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Legislative Decree 28/2011 ( transposition of directive 2009/28/EC) - Mandatory use of biofuels Single 20 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 1580 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2014 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Mandatory use biofuels (target 10% to 2020). This measure include also the mandatory use of renewable electricity by railways Use of biofules with a target of 10% to 2020 for transport 1580 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Italy_21 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Emissions of nitrous oxide from agricultural soil - Nitrogen fertilizer Single 21 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland 790 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2007 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Rationalisation in the use of nitrogen fertilizer 790 Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Italy_22 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Emissions of methane from manure management - Animal storage Single 22 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems 400 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2007 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Recovery of biogas from animal storage system 400 Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Italy_23 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Increase separate collection of urban waste Single 23 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling 3700 Local Local: Regions 2008 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Compliance with separate collection targets and reduction of biodegradable waste disposed into landfills 3700 Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Italy_24 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Minimun requirement for building (Interministerial decree June 26th 2015) Single 24 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 4000 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2015 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Application of the minimum energy performance requirements for buildings. These requirements apply to public and private buildings, whether they are new buildings or existing buildings subject to restructuring 4000 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Italy_25 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 New measure of promoting and supporting renewable energy sources for electricity (RES-E) - photovoltaic Single 25 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 8568 Government Government: Ministry of economic development 2020 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Renewable energy - photovoltaic : supporting the expansion of photovoltaic and concentrated solar power plants (CSP) through feed in tariffs until a maximum capacity of 40 GW. (Current installed capacity in 2015 18 GW, total new capacity 2016-2030: 22+2 GW) Maximum capacity of 40GW 8568 Planned 2020 Not included in a projection scenario Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Italy_26 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 New measure of promoting and supporting renewable energy sources for electricity (RES-E) - wind Single 26 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 4229 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2018 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Renewable energy - Wind : promotion of new plants and repowering of existing ones up to a maximun of 16 GW of installed power ( current installed capacity in 2015 9.2 GW) Maximum capacity of 16GW 4229 Planned 2018 Not included in a projection scenario Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Italy_27 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 New measure of promoting and supporting renewable energy sources for electricity (RES-E) - biomass Single 27 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2018 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Renewable energy - Biomass : futher exstention of incentives so that existing plants run up to 2030. New bioenergy ( agricolture and urban waste and secondary product) with incentives only for small plants capacity < 70 kW Planned 2018 Not included in a projection scenario Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Italy_28 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 New measure of promoting and supporting renewable energy sources for electricity (RES-E) - Other renwables Single 28 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2018 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Renewable energy - Other : review of auction rules and mechanisms for hydro, geothermal energies and high efficiency cogeneration Planned 2018 Not included in a projection scenario Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Italy_29 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Coal phase out Single 29 Single PaM Regulatory Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels 7757.5 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2020 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Gradual phase-out of coal-fired installations subject to system adequacy (adequate replacement capacity) and measures to preserve employment (still available 3280MW in 2030) 7757.5 Planned 2020 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Italy_30 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 2017 National Grid Development Plan - Grid upgrade Single 30 Single PaM Planning Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses Energy supply: Reduction of losses Companies Companies: TERNA - Manager for the electricity transmission grids (Companies) 2020 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Development of the national electricity transmission and distribution network to allow the increase of the Distributed Generation (DG) - the effect of this measure is distributed in all PAMs regarding electricity consumption Planned 2020 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Italy_31 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 2017 National Grid Development Plan - Smart grid Single 31 Single PaM Planning Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses Energy supply: Reduction of losses Companies Companies: TERNA - Manager for the electricity transmission grids (Companies) 2020 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Increasing flexibility of electricity network for the management of production from RES - the effect of this measure is included in measures 25 and 26 Planned 2020 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Italy_32 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Development of district heating network Single 32 Single PaM Planning Planned EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Local Local: Municipalities 2018 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml 30% development of the district heating (renewable energy and high efficiency cogeneration) development of the district heating of the 30% Planned 2018 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Italy_33 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Installation of two news LNG terminals Single 33 Single PaM Planning Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2018 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml LNG terminals with a capacity of 4 bcm annual Planned 2018 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Italy_34 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Natural gas in Sardinia Single 34 Single PaM Planning Planned ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2017 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Development of terminals for gas vessels, small coastal storage area and a medium and high pressure distribution network Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Italy_35 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Reconversion of refinery industry Single 35 Single PaM Planning Planned EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2018 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Conversion at least another 1 or 2 refineries beyond Porto Marghera to biorefineries Planned 2018 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Italy_36 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Further extend of energy saving targets (White certificates 2020-2030 and heating account ) Single 36 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 3700 4400 Companies Companies: GSE- Manager forEnergy Service 2018 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Energy efficiency measures in industry ETS and non-ETS up to 2.2 Mtoe saved Saving of 2.2 Mtoe Planned 2018 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Italy_37 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Energy efficiency in residential building with tax deduction Single 37 Single PaM Fiscal Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 385 1569 Government Government: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Development 2018 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Restructuring for thermal insulation in residential buildings, 0.5% annual renovation rate, to be achieved through the remodeling of the tax deduction(65-55-36%) based on expected saving. 0.5% annual renovation rate 385 1569 Planned 2018 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Italy_38 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Energy efficiency in residential building - upgrade entire building - tax deduction Single 38 Single PaM Fiscal Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Development 2018 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Restructuring for thermal insulation in residential buildings, 0.5% annual renovation rate, focused on "deep renovation" to be achieved through the remodeling of the tax deduction (The assessment of the impact of this mesaure has not been finalized yet because the implementation involves pubblic and private resources. It has still to be decided the type of instrument and the extent of pubblic support) 0.5% annual renovation rate, focused on "deep renovation" Planned 2018 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Italy_39 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Energy efficiency in residential building - measure for supporting low income families Single 39 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Finance 2020 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Introduce title portability or structuring an incentive system integrated with energy redevelopment Planned 2020 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Italy_40 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 Energy efficiency in residential building - provision to rebuild housing including sismic upgrade Single 40 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2020 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Link the instrument with other incentive mechanisms by introducing measures for anti-sismic building Planned 2020 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Italy_41 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 Energy efficiency in tertiary building Single 41 Single PaM Fiscal Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 894 Government, Regional Regional: Regions,Government: Ministry of Finance (Government) 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Restructuring for thermal insulation in terziary buildings, including very low emission building for central administration (The assessment of the impact of this mesaure has not been finalized yet because the implementation involves pubblic and private resources. It has still to be decided the type of instrument and the extent of pubblic support) 894 Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Italy_42 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Promoting energy saving in building (public, domestic, tertiary): insulation, replacement windows and boilers, installation of heat pumps and solar thermal panels (Legislative decree 28/2011) Single 42 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 4080 Companies Companies: GSE- Manager forEnergy Service 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Investments of air conditioning systems (cooling and heating) in the residential sector, restructuring of the service sector’s buildings. Installation of gas and electric heating pums , high efficiency boilers and floor heating system. Replacement of appliances (The assessment of the impact of this mesaure has not been finalized for 2030 because the implementation involves pubblic and private resources. It has still to be decided the type of instrument and the extent of pubblic support) Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Italy_43 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Measure of promoting and supporting the development of charging infrastructure Single 43 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Companies Companies: Industries association and local autorities 2017 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) DIRECTIVE 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Transposition of DAFI 2014/94/EU directive : define and implement the plan for the development of alternative fuels infrastructure: electric car charging stations and natural gas filling stations. (The impact is included in the measures related in the alternatives fuels vehicles) Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Italy_44 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Modal shift from private cars to pubblic buses and walking Single 44 Single PaM Planning Planned ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 1310 4248 Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2017 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Modal shift of about 10% of car transportation demand in 2030 to public transport, car pooling, bikes and walking Modal shift of 10% cars fleet at 2030 13010 4248 Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Italy_45 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Promoting and supporting renewal of car fleet with low carbon fuels Single 45 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 1220 3180 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development 2017 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) DIRECTIVE 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Speed up the replacement of vehicle fleet with new vehicles, including CNG cars (up to 1.7millions), LPG cars (up to 2.7 millions), CNG vans (up to 1 million). CNG cars (up to 1.7millions), LPG cars (up to 2.7 millions), CNG vans (up to 1 million) 1220 3180 Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Italy_46 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 Promoting and supporting renewal of car fleet with electrical vehicles Single 46 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 460 2372 Government, Local Government: Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Finance,Local: Municipalities 2018 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) DIRECTIVE 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Speed up the replacement of car vehicle fleet with electric cars up to about 3 million vehicles. 3 million of electric vehicles 460 2372 Planned 2018 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Italy_47 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 Promoting and supporting renewal of car fleet : futher expansion of electrical vehicles Single 47 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Finance , Ministry of Enviroment 2025 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) DIRECTIVE 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Increase the electrical vehicles to more than 10% of fleet by 2030, including cars (0.8 million) and electric vans (0.5 millions) (The assessment of the impact of this mesaure has not been finalized yet because the implementation involves pubblic and private resources. It has still to be decided the type of instrument and the extent of pubblic support) 0.8 million of cars and 0.5 millions of electric vans Planned 2025 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Italy_48 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Expansion of use of biofuel over 10% of road fossil fuels consumption, including biomethane Single 48 Single PaM Economic Planned ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development , Ministry of Finance 2021 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Biofuels promotion: consumption in the transport sector of biomethane and about advanced biofuels through the conversion of refineries and / or traditional biodiesel plants (The assessment of the impact of this mesaure has not been finalized yet because the implementation involves pubblic and private resources. It has still to be decided the type of instrument and the extent of pubblic support) Planned 2021 Not included in a projection scenario Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Italy_49 Italy 2912 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 Promotion of LNG in transport Single 49 Single PaM Fiscal Planned ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 160 1800 Government, Local Government: Ministry of Economic Development , Ministry of Finance,Local: Municipalities 2018 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) DIRECTIVE 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/it/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwagrtg/MMR_PAMS_IT_rev1.xml Expansion of LNG heavy duty trucks up to 30% of the fleet and LNG ships up to 50% of total national fuel consumption 160 1800 Planned 2018 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Latvia_1 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Investment Support Programme for District Heating (DH) Systems: 2007-2013 EU Funds programming period Single 1 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 390 150 Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2010 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Increasing the efficiency of heat supply production, reducing the loss of heat energy in the DH transmission & distribution systems and fostering the replacement of imported fossil fuels with RES, including the increase of the CHP production utilising the RES, including the increase of both the heat boilers only and the CHP production utilising the RES. In financial programming period of 2007-2013 the support was provided by the Cohesion Fund in the frame of National operational programme "Infrastructure and services", part „Energy” (activities No 3521 & 3522). Within the framework of the open tenders it was provided financial support (up to 50% of project's total eligible costs) for Latvia district heating utilities and comersants which provide district heating service to implement the projects focused of noted above objectives. renovated kilometers of DH networks (km), installed capacity of RES units (MW) 2015 renovated kilometers of DH networks, installed capacity of RES units km; MW The Supplement of the National Operational Programme "Infrastructure and Services" (amendments up to 27 May 2015 including), page 131;EU Structural Funds Implementation Progress Report June 2015 270 120 200 100 300 100 50 http://www.esfondi.lv/page.php?id=548; https://www.em.gov.lv/lv/es_fondi/istenosanas_progress_/ Based on information regarding signed contracts, investments, installed capacities, and bottom-up evaluation http://www.esfondi.lv/page.php?id=548 41 2010 Investment cost; O&M cost, fuel cost. Cost estimation based on MARKAL-Latvia model results for calculation of marginal abatement cost curve. As mentioned, the net costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split abatement costs in this approach. Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in latvian) Expired 2010 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Latvia_2 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Energy Efficiency Requirements for District Heating Systems Single 2 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Reduction of losses Energy supply: Reduction of losses Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2018 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The Governmental Regulations No 1214 (2009) had defined the mandatory minimum energy efficiency for new and reconstructed DH networks put into operation after 01.01.2010. The minimum requirements were stated: 1) efficiency of heat production boilers - 92% (gaseous), 85% (liquid), 75% (solid), 2) efficiency of CHP units - 80% (gaseous & liquid), 75% (solid), 3) annual maximum heat loss in DH pipeline network - 22%. The Cabinet of Ministers Regulations define the minimum energy efficiency requirements for DH technologies: heat production boilers (respectively for gaseous fuel, liquid fuel, solid fuel), combined heat-power production units (respectively for gaseous and liquid fuels, and solid fuels), solar heat collectors , heat pumps, as well as maximum heat losses in DH pipeline network. 1) efficiency of heat production boilers - 92% (gaseous), 85% (liquid), 75% (solid), 2) efficiency of CHP units - 80% (gaseous & liquid), 75% (solid), 3) solid heat collectors (70% for vacuum tubes and 75% for flat plate colectors), 4) heat pumps (C class at least). 5) annual maximum heat loss in DH pipeline network - 19% (from 01.01.2018) and 17% (from 01.01.2019) % Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 243 (19.04.2016) “Regulations Regarding Requirements of Energy Efficiency to the District Heating Systems Existent in the Possession of a Licensed or Registered Energy Supply Merchant and the Procedures for the Inspection of the Conformity Thereof” http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=281914 Emission reduction included in the PAM 1 38 2010 Investment costs; Calculation performed taking into account lifetime of technology/measure, discount rate , investment cost and benefit(saving in costs) from measure Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in Latvian) Adopted 2018 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Latvia_3 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Investment Support in Industrial Buildings' and Technologies' Energy Efficiency to Reduce GHG emissions Single 3 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 38 38 Government Government: Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development 2010 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Receipts from the sale of GHG emissions (pursuant to Art.17 of UNFCC Kyoto protocol) were earmarked as national Climate Change Financial Instrument (CCFI). Part of them were allocated for CO2 emissions reduction in industrial/business sector entities. Eligible investments included energy efficiency investments of different kind both in buildings and technological equipment; installation of efficient lightning; heat supply switch from fossils to RES & installation of RES based heat supply system (up to 3 MW). Commercial sector entities, which corresponds to certain NACE codes, may apply as well. Number of industrial sites undergoing renovation; total anticipated CO2 savings (tons/annually) 2015 Number of industrial sites undergoing renovation; total anticipated CO2 savings t CO2 /annually Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. “Informative Report on the Results of the Climate Change Financial Instrument Operation in Year 2013” 38 http://varam.gov.lv/lat/darbibas_veidi/KPFI/likumd/ ; (2) http://kpfi.lv/ Based on information regarding planned CO2 savings of particular projects, lists of signed contracts provided by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development and Latvian Environmental Investment Fund http://www.lvif.gov.lv/uploaded_files/KPFI/6_razosanas/Istenotie_projekti_6.pdf 68 2010 Investment cost; O&M cost, fuel cost. Cost estimation based on MARKAL-Latvia model results for calculation of marginal abatement cost curve.The net costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split abatement costs in this approach. Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in Latvian) Expired 2010 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Latvia_4 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Investment Support Programme in Renewable Technologies for Heat and Electricity Production to Reduce GHG emissions Single 4 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 99 65 Government Government: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The support was available from the receipts of the sale of GHG emissions (national Climate Change Financial Instrument). The eligible beneficiaries were both business sector entities and public sector institutions. Within the framework of the two open tenders it was suppported the projects aimed to reduce CO2 emissions by installation of RES technologies of different kind for both heat, power and CHP production (the financial support rate constituted up to 35-65% of project's total eligible costs for business entities depending on the size of the entity and up to 75%- for public sector institutions). Total anticipated CO2 saving (tons/annually) 2013 Total anticipated CO2 saving t CO2/annually Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development “Informative Report on the Results of the Climate Change Financial Instrument Operation in Year 2013” (Informatīvais ziņojums “Par Klimata pārmaiņu finanšu instrumenta darbību 2013.gadā), 17 September 2014, in Latvian, page 10, 99 http://polsis.mk.gov.lv/view.do?id=4931 Based on information regarding contracted CO2 savings of implemented projects, lists of implemented projects provided by the Latvian Environmental Investment Fund. http://kpfi.lv/modules/Konkurs/projekti.php?id=7&lang=lv 71 2010 Investment cost; O&M cost, fuel cost. Cost estimation based on MARKAL-Latvia model results for calculation of marginal abatement cost curve. The net costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split abatement costs in this approach. Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in Latvian) Expired 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Latvia_5 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Investment Support to Produce Energy from Biomass of Agriculture and Forestry Origin: 2007-2013 EU Funds programming period Single 5 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Agriculture; Energy supply Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 69.3 69.3 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml In financial period of 2007-2013 the support was provided by national Rural Development Programme within the sub-measure 312/311(3) for the agriculture sector business entities & service cooperatives to develop the production of electricity and heat in CHP mode by utilising biogas fermented in anaerobic processes from biomass of an agricultural or forestry origin. Number of installed capacity (MW), Energy (TWh) produced with biogas 2015 Number of installed capacity MW Ministry of Economics. Information regarding annual amount of energy procured within the mandatory procurement (feed-in tariff), 69.3 69.3 69.3 69.3 https://www.zm.gov.lv/zemkopibas-ministrija/statiskas-lapas/latvijas-lauku-attistibas-programma-2014-2020-gadam-?id=6426#jump, pages 268, 289, 290 ; (2) http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020/country-files/lv/factsheet_en.pdf Ministry of Economics. Information regarding annual amount of energy procured within the mandatory procurement (feed-in tariff), https://em.gov.lv/lv/nozares_politika/atjaunojama_energija_un_kogeneracija/informacija_par_izdotajiem_lemumiem_par_elektroenergijas_obligato_iepirkumu/ Ministry of Economics. Information regarding annual amount of energy procured within the mandatory procurement (feed-in tariff) https://www.em.gov.lv/lv/nozares_politika/atjaunojama_energija_un_kogeneracija/informacija_par_izdotajiem_lemumiem_par_elektroenergijas_obligato_iepirkumu/ 355 2010 Investment costs, O & M cost; Calculation performed taking into account lifetime of technology/measure, discount rate , investment cost and benefit(saving in costs) from measure. The net costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split costs in this approach. Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in Latvian) Expired 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_6 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Investment Support to Produce Energy from Biomass of Agriculture Origin: 2014-2020 EU Funds programming period Single 6 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS, ESD Agriculture; Energy supply Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 12 21 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2018 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml In financial programming period of 2014-2020 the support is provided by national Rural Development Programme within the framework of the Measure 06 "Farm and business development by supporting the non-agriculture activity", Priority 5C, to develop the production of electricity and heat in CHP mode by utilising biogas fermented in anaerobic processes from biomass of an agricultural origin. Number of installed capacity (MW), Energy (TWh) produced with biogas 2023 Number of installed capacity MW Rural Developmnet Programme for Latvia 2014-2020 and Factsheet on 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme for Latvia 12 21 21 21 https://www.zm.gov.lv/zemkopibas-ministrija/statiskas-lapas/latvijas-lauku-attistibas-programma-2014-2020-gadam-?id=6426#jump, pages 268, 289, 290 ; (2) http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020/country-files/lv/factsheet_en.pdf-files/lv/factsheet_en.pdf Rural Development Programme for Latvia 2014-2020 (Latvijas Lauku Attīstības Programma 2014-2020.gadam https://www.zm.gov.lv/zemkopibas-ministrija/statiskas-lapas/latvijas-lauku-attistibas-programma-2014-2020-gadam-?id=6426#jump 312 2010 Investment costs, O&M costs and fuel cost. Calculation performed taking into account lifetime of technology/measure, discount rate and benefit(saving in costs) from measure. The net costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split abatement costs in this approach. Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in Latvian) Planned 2018 With additional measuses Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_7 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Investment Support Programmes to Increase Energy Efficiency in Apartment Buildings: 2007-2013 EU Funds Programming Period Single 7 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 43 43 Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2010 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml In financial period of 2007-2013 the investments in energy efficient building renovation were co-financed from the EU Regional Development Fund under the Latvia national operational programme "Infrastructure and Services", activity No.344 "Energy Efficiency in Housing". The measure had 2 target audiences: 1) apartments owners of multi-apartment residential buildings, and 2) tenants of municipal social residential buildings. The given PAM has impact on: district heat consumption especially in residential multi-flat buildings - a large number of Latvia district heating utilities participate in ETS sector. Thus given PAM has impact on both ETS and non-ETS (ESD) sectors. Investigation of the projects show that appr 3/4 of CO2 reduction belong to ETS system. Number of renovated multi-dwelling buildings; number of renovated floor area (m2) 2016 number of renovated floor area m2 The Supplement of the National Operational Programme "Infrastructure and Services" (amendments up to 27 May 015 including), page 114 27 16 27 16 43 27 16 http://www.esfondi.lv/upload/fmprogr_061115_3dpp_ar-grozijumiem.pdf ; (2) http://www.esfondi.lv/es-fondu-finansu-progress Implementation Progress Report June 2015, https://www.em.gov.lv/lv/es_fondi/istenosanas_progress_/ 21 2010 Investment cost; O&M cost, fuel cost. Cost estimation based on MARKAL-Latvia model results for calculation of marginal abatement cost curve. The net costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split costs in this approach. Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in Latvian) Expired 2010 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Latvia_8 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Energy Performance of Buildings Single 8 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The recasted Law on the Energy Performance of Buildings (adopted Dec 2012) recast the general legal framework of setting the mandatory minimum energy performance requirements for buildings, the general principles of mandatory energy efficiency certification for buildings, verification of buildings heating and ventilation systems. The energy efficiency classification system for buildings are introduced by Governmental Regulations. The given PAM in Latvia case has impact on: district heat consumption especially in residential multi-flat buildings - a large number of Latvia district heating utilities participate in ETS sector. Thus given PAM has impact on both ETS and non-ETS (ESD) sectors. Investigation of the projects show that appr 3/4 of CO2 reduction belong to ETS system. Energy consumed per floor space in dwellings (kWh/m2) Energy consumed per floor space in dwellings kwh/m2/year Emission reduction included in the PAM No.7 Law on the Energy Performance of Buildings http://m.likumi.lv/saistitie.php?id=253635&saistitie_id=7 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Latvia_9 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Agreements on Energy Efficiency, promoting energy audits and energy management systems in industrial sector and with other actors, e.g. muncipalities Single 9 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2011 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml To co-operate with industrial sector and other actors, e.g., municipalities, the Government has adopted in July 2011 the Regulations for signing the voluntary agreements. E..g., the State might specify subsidies for industrial sector actors for energy audits and individual energy efficiency improvement measures implemented in accordance with these agreements, or to provide for municipalities the methodological support in designing their sustainable energy action plans. As the Energy Efficiency Law has entered into force, in 11 October 2016 the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the new Regulations “Procedure for Entering into and Supervision of Energy Efficiency Improvement Agreements”. The agreement shall have the target – at least 10% of energy efficiency improvement. The achievement of the energy savings target shall be justified by the energy efficiency action plan. An agreement shall be entered into for a time period of not shorter five years. As the Energy Efficiency Law had entered into force, in 26 July 2016 the Cabinet of Ministers had also adopted re-casted Regulations No 487 “Regulations on Companies’ Energy Audits. number of agreements number of agreements number Emission reduction impact included in the PAM No. 3 Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No.669 (11.10.2016) „Procedure for Entering into and Supervision of Energy Efficiency Agreements". Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No.487 (26.07.2016) „Regulations Regarding Companies Energy Audits". Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No.138 „Regulations Regarding Industrial Energy Audit”; http://likumi.lv/ta/id/285879 ; http://likumi.lv/ta/id/283807 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Latvia_10 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Energy Audits of Residential Multi-apartment buildings Single 10 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government, Local Government: Ministry of Economics,Local: municipalities 2009 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The objective of the PAM is more efficient use of final energy, reducing energy loss and emissions by providing recommendations for increasing energy efficiency. In years 2009-2010 the Ministry of Economics had implemented the national support programme for the improvement of energy performance for multi-apartment residential buildings, this programme had supported (up to 80% of total costs) such activities as energy audits, updating energy efficiency evaluations in accordance with the requirements of actual legislative acts, preparations of the technical project and of other documentation necessary for renovation of multi-apartment building. Afterwards, at the moment the financial support for preparation of technical documentation related to residential buildings’ energy efficiency is provided by a number of municipalities; this support is defined by the municipal regulations issued pursuant to the Section 27.2 “Assistance in the Renovation and Restoration of Residential Housing” of the Law “On Assistance in Solving Apartment Matters”. In the 2007-2013 programming period of EU Structural Funds, the financial support for energy efficient renovation of multi-apartment buildings has been provided by the ERDF. Within the framework of the eligible costs provided for renovation works, the financing is provided also for energy audit and preparation of construction works’ technical documentation as the first stage of full renovation project. The given PAM has impact on: district heat consumption especially in residential buildings (multi-flat buildings) - a large number of Latvia district heating utilities participate in ETS sector. Thus given PAM has impact on both ETS and non-ETS (ESD) sectors. Number of audits performed 2022 number of performed audits for residential buildings number Emission reduction impact included in the PAM No 7 Website of the Ministry of Economics https://www.em.gov.lv/lv/nozares_politika/majokli/valsts_atbalsta_programma/ Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Latvia_11 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Informing Energy Consumers of Residential Sector (Multi-apartment buildings) Single 11 Single PaM Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2010 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The measure (i) motivates flats’ owners to renovate them in the frame of the ERDF supported activity of Increasing energy efficiency in multi-apartment buildings (the Policy 9 above), (ii) informs and consults buildings’ management companies and societies of the flats’ owners regarding conditions and benefits of the Policy 9, (iii) encourages building companies, building materials producers and traders to take initiatives regarding renovation of multi-apartment buildings, (iv) raises understanding on energy efficiency and thus promotes to reduce heat energy consumption. The measure will be continued in 2014-2020 EU Funds programming period as well. The given PAM has impact on: district heat consumption especially in residential buildings (multi-flat buildings) - a large number of Latvia district heating utilities participate in ETS sector. Thus given PAM has impact on both ETS and non-ETS (ESD) sectors. Number of informative events of different kind; Number of representatives of target groups involved 2023 Number of informative events;n number of representatives of target groups involved Emission reduction included in the PAM No 7 Website of the campaign (ministry of Economics) https://www.em.gov.lv/lv/es_fondi/dzivo_siltak/ Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Latvia_12 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Financial Support (Grants) for Renewable Energy Technologies deployment in Households Single 12 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 15 5 Government Government: Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development 2011 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The financial support (particular programme of national Climate Change Financial Instrument) was available from the revenues of the sale of GHG emissions (under procedures pursuant to Art. 17 of UNFCCC Kyoto protocol). Eligible micro-generation technologies were: solar heat collectors (up to 25 kW), solar electricity (up to 10 kW), wind (up to 10 kW), wood, wood chips, wood pellets and straw technologies (up to 50 kW), heat pumps (up to 50 kW) as well as combined use of above technologies. Both existing houses and new buildings registered under construction were eligible. The support for 1 project might be up to 9960 EUR. Number of implemented projects 2015 Number of implemented projects No Information, provided by the Latvian Environmental Investment Fund 15 15 15 5 http://www.lvif.gov.lv/?object_id=30643 ; (2) http://kpfi.lv/modules/Konkurs/projekti.php?id=1&lang=lv (3) http://kpfi.lv/modules/Konkurs/projekti.php?id=2&lang=lv Based on information regarding planned CO2 savings of particular projects, lists of signed contracts provided by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development and Latvian Environmental Investment Fund. http://www.lvif.gov.lv/?object_id=30643; http://kpfi.lv/index.php?mact=Konkurs,cntnt01,fe_konkurs_detail,0&cntnt01current_id=1&cntnt01returnid=25 118 2010 Investment costs; O&M cost, fuel cost. Calculation performed taking into account lifetime of technology/measure, discount rate , investment cost and benefit(saving in costs) from measure. The net costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split costs in this approach. Expired 2011 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Latvia_13 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Investment Support Programmes in Public Sector Energy Efficiency Single 13 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 54 54 Government Government: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development 2010 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The financial support (particular programmes of national Climate Change Financial Instrument) was available from the revenues of the sale of GHG emissions (under procedure pursuant to Art.17 of UNFCCC Kyoto protocol). The support was available to improve heating and lightning energy efficiency as well as to realize fuel switch to RES in the public buildings. The given PAM has impact on: district heat consumption especially in public buildings - a large number of Latvia district heating utilities participate in ETS sector. Thus given PAM has impact on both ETS and non-ETS (ESD) sectors. Number of renovated public sector buildings 2015 Total anticipated CO2 emissions savings t CO2/annually Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development. “Informative Report on the Results of the Climate Change Financial Instrument Operation in Year 2015” (June 2016). Latvian Environmental Investment Fund : lists of implemented projects, including contracted annual CO2 savings 54 http://varam.gov.lv/lat/darbibas_veidi/KPFI/likumd/ ; (2) http://kpfi.lv/ Based on information regarding planned CO2 savings of particular projects, lists of signed contracts provided by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development and Latvian Environmental Investment Fund http://kpfi.lv/modules/Konkurs/projekti.php?id=3&lang=lv 68 2010 Investment cost; O&M cost, fuel cost. Cost estimation based on MARKAL-Latvia model results for calculation of marginal abatement cost curve. The net costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split costs in this approach. Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in Latvian) Expired 2010 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Latvia_14 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Promotion Public Understanding on the Importance and Possibilities of GHG Emissions Reduction Single 14 Single PaM Education, Information Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development 2010 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Years 2010-2013. The financial support (particular programme of national Climate Change Financial Instrument) was provided from the revenues of the sale of GHG emissions (under procedures pursuant to Art.17 of UNFCCC Kyoto protocol). The support was available for publications in mass media for both general and targeted audiences, thematic broadcasts, organisation of thematic workshops and trainings for targeted audience groups, educational projects for pupils and students of Latvia primary, general and professional educational establishments. Years 2015-2016. The measure is supported by the programme "National Climate Policy" of the EEA Financial Mechanism for years 2009-2014. The following activities are supported: education/training programmes for professional audiences, municipal specialists and teachers; education modules for vocational secondary education programmes and professional education programmes of high schools, education activities and actions for pupils of primary, general secondary and vocational education schools, information campaigns and public actions in mass media, websites, radio, TV. The given PAM has impact on: (1) electricity consumption - electricity production relates to ETS sector, (2) district heat consumption especially in residential buildings (multi-flat buildings) - a large number of Latvia district heating utilities participate in ETS sector. Thus given PAM has impact on both ETS and non-ETS (ESD) sectors. Number of informative/educational/training materials and events of different kind; Number of representatives of target groups involved 2016 Number of informative/educational/training materials and events Number Emission reduction impact included in the PAMs No 7; 4 and 3 Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development “Informative Report on the Results of the Climate Change Financial Instrument Operation in Year 2013” ; Governmental Regulations No.257 “Regulations of the Small Grant Scheme Open Tender “Capacity Strengthening for Activities and Research to Improve Public Knowledge about Climate Change and Its Consequences” of the Programme “National Climate Policy” http://varam.gov.lv/lat/darbibas_veidi/KPFI/likumd/ ; http://kpfi.lv/modules/Konkurs/projekti.php?id=13&lang=lv; http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=266662 Expired 2010 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Latvia_15 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Energy Labeling on Household Appliances Single 15 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2002 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The Governmental Regulations on labeling for the first time in Latvia had been issued in 2001. The transposition of the requirements of the Directive 2009/125/EC had been done by the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No.941, in force 15 December 2011. The transposition of the requirements of the Revised Directive on Labelling and standard product information of Energy Related Products ( 2010/30/EU) had been done by the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No.480, in force 20 July 2011. Thus the legislative framework for the harmonised national measures on end-user information, particularly by means of labelling and standard product information, on the consumption of energy and where relevant of other essential resources during products’ use, and supplementary information concerning energy-related products, thereby allowing end-users to choose more efficient products is established in Latvia. Taking into account that the requirements stated by the EC Delegated Regulations shall be implemented directly, to avoid unnecessary overlapping of normative documents, a number of national legislative documents regarding labelling of household appliances had been stated as expired. Emissions from electricity consumption is calculated and reported under 1.A.1.a. Public electricity and heat productionin which is part of ETS. Share of household appliances with A and A plus categories label Share of household appliances with A and A plus categories label % Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Latvia_16 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Biofuel Mix Obligation Requirement Single 16 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Other transport; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Other transport ('increase in renewable energy'),Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 81 81 Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml To ensure efficient growth of the share of RES in the transport sector, in 01.10.2009 Latvia had introduced the Biofuel Mix Obligation Requirement (Governmental Regulations No.648, 25.06.2009, Art. 8.1&9.1). 4.5-5% (volume) bioethanol mix is mandatory for the gasoline of "95" trademark. 4.5-5% (volume) biodiesel mix is mandatory for the diesel fuel, including diesels of A-F categories, utilised in moderate climate conditions, exemption is made for diesels of 0-4 classes utilised in case of arctic/winter climate conditions. Share of biofuels (%) in the fuel sales for the transport sector Share of biofuels in the fuel consumption for the transport sector % Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No. 648 “Amendments on the Governmental Regulations No332, 26 September 2000, “Requirements for Conformity Assessment of Petrol and Diesel Fuel”, the articles 8.1 and 9.1 in force from 01 October 2009 81 81 81 81 http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=194227 Calculations based on the road transport emission calculation by COPERT model and evaluation of substituted amount of fossil fuel 335 2010 Investment cost; O&M cost, fuel cost. Cost estimation based on MARKAL-Latvia model results for calculation of marginal abatement cost curve. The net abatement costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split costs in this approach. Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in Latvian) Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Latvia_17 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Excise Tax – Transport sector Single 17 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Finance 1993 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The procedure is established by the Law "On Excise Duties". The Art.14 determines the rates of duty for mineral oils and their substitutes. Regarding transport sector the reduced tax rates currently are applied for produced in Latvia or imported from EU member states: (1) gasoline with 70-85% (volume) of ethanol produced from agriculture origin raw materials, and (2) pure biodiesel is exempted from taxation. The Amendments, adopted 17 December 2014, had cancelled the reduced tax rate for the diesel (gas oil) with at least 30% (volume) mix. To promote the competitiveness of agriculture sector the reduced tax rate is applied for certain amount of diesel which is used for agriculture sector land cultivation and production purposes. Starting from 2010, the amendments of the Law have introduced the excise tax also for natural gas used in transport sector. The PAM had started in 1993 as the national policy. After Latvia joining to EU, the rates of tax had been harmonised with the requirements of EU policy". No other EU policies selected as the Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC was the driving force for the PAM. Average energy consumption for road transport vehicle (toe/vehicle) Average energy consumption for road transport vehicle toe/vehicle Law on Excise Duties http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=81066 Implemented 1993 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Latvia_18 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Annual taxation of vehicles Single 18 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Demand management/reduction 41 47 Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2007 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The measure is aimed at structural changes of the car fleet, which will foster a reduction in fuel consumption and the number of kilometres driven. In addition, the measure will foster a reduction in the average age of vehicles. The actual legal system is established by the Law „On the Vehicle Operation Tax and Company Car Tax”. The law had established the annual taxation system for cars, which had been registered in Latvia after 01.01.2005 depending on engine size, maximal power of engine and full mass of vehicle. For cars, registered before 01.01.2005, tax rate continues to depend on the full mass of the car. The latest amendments of the Law, adopted 23 November 2016, are introducing the principal new approach - cars annual taxation based on the specific CO2 emissions of the car . For the cars registered up to 31.12.2016 the new approach will be applied starting from 2019 (thus, for the cars registered in the period 01.01.2009-31.12.2016 the “old approach” will be continued for years 2017 and 2018). For the cars undergoing registration in Latvia after 31.12.2016 – immediately. Average energy consumption per car (toe/car) Average energy consumption per car toe/car Law „On the Vehicle Operation Tax and Company Car Tax” 41 41 41 47 http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=223536 Calculations based on the implementation of top down indicators in road transport. ODYSSEE data base is used. Calculation performed by the IPE Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Latvia_19 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 New Passenger Cars Labelling on Fuel Economy Rating Single 19 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 56 135 Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2003 Yes Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The labelling of cars regarding fuel consumption (litres per 100 km or km per litre) and CO2 emissions (grams per km). The first Governmental Regulations Regarding Consumer Information to be Provided in Labelling and Promotional Publications on Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions of New Passenger Cars, issued 2002 and in force from 01.01.2003, had transposed the requirements of the Directive 1999/94/EC. Afterwards, in July 2004 new Governmental Regulations came into force transposing the requirements of the Directive 2003/73/EC Average specific fuel consumption (km/litre) and emissions (g/km) of new cars fleet Average specific emissions of new cars fleet g CO2/km Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 608 „Regulations Regarding Consumer Information to be Provided in Labelling and Promotional Publications on Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emissions of New Passenger Cars" 56 115 115 135 http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=91538 Calculations based on the road transport emission calculation by COPERT model and evaluation of new cars (EURO5 and EURO6) impact to reduce emissions. Calculation performed by the IPE Implemented 2003 With existing measures Yes Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC
Latvia_20 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Taxation of Electricity Single 20 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of Finance 2007 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The procedure is prescribed by the Electricity Tax Law. Tax shall apply to entities who are engaged in the generation, distribution, supply, selling of electricity as well as purchasing electricity in electricity spot exchange. Up to 31.12.2016 the exemptions were made 1) for the electricity obtained (i) from renewable energy sources, (ii) in hydro power stations, (iii) in CHP stations complying with the efficiency criteria specified in the regulatory enactments; 2) for the electricity used for: (i) electricity generation, (ii) the generation of heat energy and electricity in CHP mode, (iii) the carriage of goods and public carriage of passengers, including rail transport and public transport in towns, (iv) household users, (v) street lighting services. From 01.01.2017 the exemption list is shortened and includes only: (i) the carriage of goods and public carriage of passenges, including on rail transport and in public carriage of passengers in townsm (ii) household users and (iii) street lightning services. The exemption is made also for autonomous producers if they correspond to certain criteria. tax rate EUR/MWh Electricity Tax Law http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=150692 Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Latvia_21 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Taxation of CO2 emissions Single 21 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Efficiency improvement in public energy production') Government Government: Ministry of Finance 2005 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The procedure is prescribed by the Natural Resources Tax Law.The implementation of the given PAM started in 2005 as the national policy to get environmental benefits and to start to internalise also external costs related to GHG emissions, afterwards this policy was linked with EU GHG policies. The subject of CO2 taxation is CO2 emitting activities (installations) requiring a GHG emission permit - if the amount of the activity (installation) is below the limit defined for inclusion in EU ETS. The tax shall not be paid (i) for the CO2 emissions which emerges from the installations participating in the EU ETS, and (ii) while using renewable energy sources and local peat. The tax rate per 1 ton of CO2 emission is gradually raised up from the starting rate 0.142 EUR up to 4.50 EUR (from 01.01.2017). tax rate EUR/t CO2 ; comparision of the current tax rate with the CO2 emission price in EU ETS auctions EUR/t CO2 Natural Resources Tax Law http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=124707 Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Latvia_22 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Taxation on Noxious Air Polluting Emissions Single 22 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Other energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Efficiency improvement in the industrial and services end-use sectors') Government Government: Ministry of Finance 1991 Yes Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The procedure is prescribed by the Natural Resources Tax Law. The emissions of PM10, CO, SO2, NOx, NH3, H2S and other non-organic compounds, CnHm, VOC, metals (Cd, Ni, Sn, Hg, Pb, Zn, Cr, As, Se, Cu) and their compounds, V2O5 are taxable. Improvement of combustion processes as the technical measure to control noxious emissions results in reducing fuel consumption as well thus creating synergy with GHG emissions emerging in both ETS and non-ETS sectors. The tax shall be paid by entities which should have pollution permits of A,B,C categories. The given PAM relates to the enterpises both of ETS and ESD (non-ETS) sectors, motivating the use of cleaner fuel, thus have impact in both sectors.The implementation of the given PAM started in 1991 as the national policy to get environmental benefits and to start to internalise external costs related to environmental pollution, afterwards this policy was linked with implementation of EU environmental legislation. annual emissions kt EUR /ton of particular pollutant EUR /ton Natural Resources Tax Law http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=124707 Implemented 1991 With existing measures Yes Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC
Latvia_24 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Development of public transport network Single 24 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2011 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The measure envisages the improvement of the system of public transport (PT) network; revision of the public transport subsidising system (to avoid simultaneous subsidising of parallel functioning regional and intercity buses and railway routes), harmonisation of traffic schedules; etc. Development of the infrastructure of PT are supported within the framework of the national Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”, Thematic Objective No4 “Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors”, the Specific Objective 4.5.1. “To develop the infrastructure of environmentally friendly public transport". The use of PT will be promoted by increase of number of environmentally friendly vehicles of PT (trams and buses) and length of tram lines; the flow of passengers will direct from private transport to PT, decreasing the flow of road transport in cities. Thus, more effective urban transport infrastructure will be developed and emissions will be reduced. Investments are made in accordance with city development plans. Actions supported: (1) in Rīga, Liepāja, Daugavpils cities – development of tram route network (extension of existing lines, construction of new lines and acquisition of related rolling stock; According 03 May 2016 the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No281 (Annotation) it is planned to built 5.85 km new tram lines and renovate 7 km of existing tram lines). the market share of public transport the market share of public transport % Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”. Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia, 2014; (2) Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No281 (03.05.2016) Regarding Development of Environmentally Friendly Public Transport (Trams) Infrastructure co-financed by the EU Cohesion Fund ; (3) Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No848 (20.12.2016) Regarding Development of Environmentally Friendly Public Transport (Buses) Infrastructure co-financed by the EU Cohesion Fund. http://www.esfondi.lv/upload/Planosana/FMProg_270115_OP_ENG_2.pdf ; (2) http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=282025 (3) http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=2876 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Latvia_25 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Performance of Heat Generators for Space Heating and the Production of Hot Water Single 25 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2004 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Commission Regulation (EU) No 813/2013 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Latvia has a significant number of heat generators at end-use sectors. In 26 September 2013 the Commission Regulation (EU) No 813/2013 of 2 August 2013, implementing Directive 2009/125/EC, had come into force. Latvia has used the transition period. Namely, up to 26 September 2015 the Latvia Governmental Regulations No 416 regarding Hot-Water Boilers (adopted 22.04.2004) were in force, which prescribed the essential energy efficiency requirements for water heating boilers, fuelled by gaseous or solid fuels with nominal heat capacity in the range of 4-400 kW and used for heat supply. The market share of heat boilers with appropriate efficiency the share of boilers having age of 10 years and newest (installed after 2004) the average age of boilers in operation Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 416 “Regulations regarding Hot-Water Boilers”,Regulation (EU) No 813/2013 http://ikumi.lv/doc.php?id=87952 Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Latvia_26 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Preferential Feed-in Tariffs for Renewables Single 26 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Economics 1996 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The implementation of the given PAM started in 1996 as the national policy to get both environmental benefits, socio-economic benefits by contributing in regional development and benefits in energy security; afterwards this policy was linked with EU RES policies. Currently only existing plants may receive the feed-in tariff, no submissions for new plants accepted. Application of RES feed-in tariffs is in dependence of RES type and unit capacity. The latest amendments to the Governmental Regulation (will be in force after agreeing with European Commision) propose that in case of receiving feed-in tariff payements, the internal return rate shall not increase 9% and shall be evaluated for each plant individually. installed capacity of RES technologies,share of RES in GFEC installed capacity of RES technologies MW Emission reduction impact included in the PAM No 1; 4 and 5 Ministry of Economics. Information regarding mandatory procurement of electricity: Feed-in payments 2015 http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=207458 Ministry of Economics. Information regarding mandatory procurement of electricity: Feed-in payments 2015 https://www.em.gov.lv/lv/nozares_politika/atjaunojama_energija_un_kogeneracija/informacija_par_izdotajiem_lemumiem_par_elektroenergijas_obligato_iepirkumu/ Implemented 1996 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Latvia_27 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Preferential Feed-in Tariffs for Combined Heat-Power Production Single 27 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of Economics 1996 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The implementation of the given PAM started in 1996 as the national policy to get both environmental benefits, socio-economic benefits by contributing in regional development and benefits in energy production efficiency and contribution in energy security. Afterwards this policy was linked with EU energy and environment policies. Currently only existing CHP plants may receive the feed-in tariff, no submissions for new plants accepted. Application of CHP feed-in tariffs is in dependence of fuel type and unit capacity. The latest amendments to the Governmental Regulation (will be in force after agreeing with European Commision) propose that in case of receiving feed-in tariff payments, the internal return rate shall not increase 9% and shall be evaluated for each plant individually. installed capacity of CHP technologies installed capacity of CHP technologies MW Emission reduction impact included in the PAM No 1; 4 and 5 Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 221 (10.03.2009) “Regulations regarding Electricity Production and Price Determination upon Production of Electricity in Cogeneration”, http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=189260 Ministry of Economics. Information regarding mandatory procurement of electricity: Feed-in payments 2015 https://www.em.gov.lv/lv/nozares_politika/atjaunojama_energija_un_kogeneracija/informacija_par_izdotajiem_lemumiem_par_elektroenergijas_obligato_iepirkumu/ Implemented 1996 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Latvia_28 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Energy Certification of Buildings Single 28 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2016 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The Governmental Regulations No.383 "On Energy Certification of Buildings" (adopted 09 July 2013) introduce energy efficiency classes for residential and non-residential buildings, the amendments adopted 10.11.2015 slightly change the numerical values. These Regulations require high energy efficiency for new buildings and reconstructed buildings, and renovation of existing buildings if they are lower defined minimum requirements. RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. The maximum specific annual energy consumption for heating: Class A - 40 kWh/m2 (requirements for the almost zero energy building - correspondance with the A class; 95kWh/1m2 total for heating, hot water, mechanical ventilation, cooling, lighting; at least 75% of heat losses due to ventilation have to be recuperated, the low efficiency fossil fuel based heating systems shall not be installed; energy supply shall be provided by renewables at least partially). The lowest limit for residential existing buildings , class E, is 150 kWh/1 m2 for heating. After 01.01.2021 all new residential buildings shall correspond to the almost zero buildings (up to 31.12.2016 - 70kWh/1m2 for new multiapartment and 80kWh/1m2 for new single and 2-apartment buildings, step-by-step transitional period requirements is stated). NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS. The maximum specific annual energy consumption for heating: Class A - 45 kWh/m2, the lowest limit for non-residential existing buildings , class E, is 150 kWh/1 m2 for heating. After 01.01.2019 all new public non-residential buildings shall correspond to the almost zero buildings (other non-residential buildings - from 01.01.2021). In buildings, both residential and non-residential, classified as the class F with energy consumption for heating above 150 kWh/1 m2 , energy efficiency improvement measures shall be implemented. Important specific condition of Latvia is the high relative share of buildings supplied by district heating systems. As large number of Latvia district heating utilities participate in EU ETS, the given PAM has impact in both ETS and non-ETS sectors. Number of certified buildings, share of classes within certified buildings Number of certified buildings, share of classes within certified buildings Number Emission reduction impact included in the PAM No 33; 34 and 35 Governmental Regulations No 383 „Regulations On Energy Certification of Buildings”, http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=258322 Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Latvia_29 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Increased minimum thermal insulation standards of buildings Single 29 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2014 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The Latvian Construction Standard LBN 002-01 “Thermotechnics of Building Envelopes” came into force 1st January 2003; the Amendments, adopted in April 2014, had introduced the requirements of the recast Directive 2010/31/EU on Energy Performance of Buildings. The new values are mandatory for the projects which have been developed starting from the 22th April 2014. In 30 June 2015 the Government adopted the new Latvian Construction Standard LBN002-15 “Thermotechnics of Building Envelopes”, however these regulations, compared to the previous version, had not been changed in point of fact, only minor changes were done. As large number of Latvia district heating utilities participate in EU ETS, the given PAM has impact in both ETS and non-ETS sectors. Total floor area renovated (m2/annually) Total floor area renovated m2/annually Emission reduction impact included in the PAM No 33; 34 and 35 Cabinet of Ministers Regulations „Regulations Regarding Latvian Construction Standard LBN 002-15 “Thermotechnics of Building Envelopes” http://m.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=275015 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Latvia_23 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Systematic inspection of the technical conditions of motor vehicles Single 23 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of Transport 1996 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Mandatory annual technical inspections of motor vehicles ensure that only those vehicles that comply with technical and environmental requirements are being allowed to take part in road transport share (%) of vehicles with permission to participate in traffic % Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 466 „On Technical Condition of Transport Vehicle and State Technical Inspection” http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=88101 Implemented 1996 With existing measures No No information
Latvia_30 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Investment Support Programme for District Heating (DH) Systems: 2014-2020 EU Funds programming period Single 30 Single PaM Economic Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 71.5 76 Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2017 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml DH supply is the most energy efficient method for heat supply. The increasing efficiency and RES share in DH supply systems is supported within the framework of the new National Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”, Thematic Objective No4 “Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors”, Specific Objective 4.3.1. “To promote energy efficiency and use of local RES in the district heating supply”. Indicative activities to be supported:(i) reconstruction for increase of energy efficiency of heat production sources and use of RES, (ii) reconstruction and construction of district heat transmission and distribution systems aimed at reducing heat losses. installed additional RES heat boilers capacity and renovated DH network, MW and km 2023 installed heat boilers capacity and renovated DH network MW and km National Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” 76 http://www.esfondi.lv/upload/Planosana/FMProg_270115_OP_ENG_2.pdf. National Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”, http://www.esfondi.lv/upload/Planosana/FMProg_270115_OP_ENG_2.pdf 21 Investment cost; O&M cost, fuel cost. Cost estimation based on MARKAL-Latvia model results for calculation of marginal abatement cost curve. The net abatement costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split costs in this approach. Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in Latvian) Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Latvia_31 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Investment Support in Manufacturing Industry sector to promote energy efficiency and RES use: 2014-2020 EU Funds programming period Single 31 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 8 21 Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2018 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Development of new, innovative energy-saving technology, measures increasing energy efficiency and share of RES is supported within the framework of the new national Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”, Thematic Objective No4 “Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors”, the Specific Objective 4.1.1. Activities supported: (i) improvement of energy efficiency of buildings outer constructions, (ii) improvement of energy efficiency in existing production equipment, (iii) renovation, reconstruction or installation of buildings' engineering system, (iv) installation of efficient lightning in inner premises, (v) acquisition of energy efficient production to replace existing ones, (vi) use of highly efficient RES (production of heat and electricity for own consumption), (vii) energy certification of buildings and preparation of technical documentation. (vii) energy management systems (SMEs). The project shall reach the following quantitative energy efficiency indicators: (i) energy efficiency improvement shall be at least 15% after implementation of energy efficiency improvement measures, (ii) heat energy consumption for heating of industrial building shall not be higher than 110 kWh/1m2/year (not applicable if only improvements of energy efficiency in production process are implemented). Number of industrial sites undergoing renovation; Energy savings among financial beneficiaries 2023 Energy savings MWh/annual National Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” ; Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 590 (06.09.2016) Regarding the 4.1.1. Specific Objective “To Promote Efficient Use of Energy Resources, Reduction in Energy Consumption and Transfer to Renewable Energy Sources in the Manufacturing industry” of the Operational Programme “Growth and Employment 2014-2020" 21 http://www.esfondi.lv/upload/Planosana/FMProg_270115_OP_ENG_2.pdf National Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” http://www.esfondi.lv/upload/Planosana/FMProg_270115_OP_ENG_2.pdf 81 2010 Investment cost; O&M cost, fuel cost. Cost estimation based on MARKAL-Latvia model results for calculation of marginal abatement cost curve. The net abatement costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split costs in this approach. Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in Latvian) Planned 2018 With additional measuses Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Latvia_32 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Investment Support to Improve Energy Efficiency in Food Processing Enterprises Single 32 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2015 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The support is provided within the framework of the Measure 04.2 “Investments” of the national Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. The total planned amount of investment support constitute ~ 80 MEUR, of which 11.388 MEUR public (total public + private envisaged 28.346 MEUR) is directly planned to improve energy efficiency of food processing enterprises and agriculture sector in general. Other investments may bring energy efficiency improvements indirectly as well. In case of energy efficiency investments the support rate is defined 30-40%, depending on annual turnover. The support might be used for implementation of both energy efficient building (both new buildings and reconstruction) and new energy efficient equipment (both heating & ventilation equipment and equipment for production processes). In case of the building: (i) at least 20% of energy savings (heating and cooling) shall be reached for existing building, (ii) for the new buildings the thresholds of heat penetrability shall be at least 20% lower compared to initial default values defined by the Governmental Regulations. Number of industrial sites undergoing renovation and saved energy 2023 saved energy MWh/annual https://www.zm.gov.lv/zemkopibas-ministrija/statiskas-lapas/latvijas-lauku-attistibas-programma-2014-2020-gadam-?id=6426#jump . (2) http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020/country-files/lv/factsheet_en.pdf Factsheet on 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme for Latvia http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020/country-files/lv/factsheet_en.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Latvia_33 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Investment Support Programme to Increase Energy Efficiency in Apartment Buildings: 2014-2020 EU Funds programming period Single 33 Single PaM Economic Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 26 40 Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Increasing of energy efficiency in multi-apartment buildings is supported within the framework of the national Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”: Thematic Objective No4 “Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors”, Specific Objective 4.2.1. “To increase energy efficiency in public and residential buildings”. The annual specific heat energy consumption for heating after renovation shall not exceed 90kWh/1m2. Indicative activities to be supported: (i) renovation of residential buildings for the increase of energy efficiency,(ii) construction works for the increase of energy efficiency – heat insulation of buildings’ delimiting (boundary) structures, reconstruction of heat supply and hot water supply systems of buildings, installation of recuperation, energy control and management equipment, including smart meters, (iii) energy certification of buildings, (iv) project’s management and supervision of construction works. The financial assistance will be provided in the following forms of subsidy (grant), repayable loan with low interest rate, guarantee for the loan. Subsidy will apply if the certain required energy efficiency level after renovation works will be reached. Important specific condition of Latvia is the high relative share of buildings supplied by district heating systems. As large number of Latvia district heating utilities participate in EU ETS, the given PAM has impact in both ETS and non-ETS sectors. Number of renovated multi-dwelling buildings; number of renovated floor area (m2) 2023 number of renovated floor area m2 National Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”; Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No160 (15.03.2016) Regarding the specific target “Energy Efficiency Measures in Residential Buildings” of the Specific Objective No4.2.1 “To increase energy 40 http://www.esfondi.lv/upload/Planosana/FMProg_270115_OP_ENG_2.pdf National Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”; Draft Governmental Regulations (text version 05 March 2015) http://www.esfondi.lv/upload/Planosana/FMProg_270115_OP_ENG_2.pdf Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Latvia_34 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Investment Support Programme to Increase Energy Efficiency in Public (State Central Government) Buildings: 2014-2020 EU Funds programming period Single 34 Single PaM Economic Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 14 21 Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Increasing of energy efficiency in state (central government) public buildings is supported within the framework of the national Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”: Thematic Objective No4 “Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors”, Specific Objective 4.2.1. “To increase energy efficiency in public and residential buildings”. Activities Supported: (i) renovation of buildings for the increase of energy efficiency: construction works (insulation) of buildings’ delimiting (boundary) structures, insulation of coverings of cellars and upper floors; (ii) reconstruction, renovation or establishment of engineering communications of buildings (iii), purchase and installation of RES using heat energy production equipment, (iv) purchase and installation of energy control and management equipment, (v) preparation of the projects’ technical documentation, energy certification of buildings, (vi) projects management and supervision, (vii) projects publicity activities. As large number of Latvia district heating utilities participate in EU ETS, the given PAM has impact in both ETS and non-ETS sectors. renovated floor area 2023 renovated floor area, saved energy m2; MWh National Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”; Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 534 (09.08.2016) Regarding the 4.2.1. Specific Objective “To Facilitate the Increase of Energy Efficiency in State and Residential Buildings” of the Operational Programme “Growth and Employment 2014-2020 21 http://www.esfondi.lv/upload/Planosana/FMProg_270115_OP_ENG_2.pdf National Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”. http://www.esfondi.lv/upload/Planosana/FMProg_270115_OP_ENG_2.pdf Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Latvia_35 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Investment Support Programme to Increase Energy Efficiency in Municipal Buildings: EU Funds Programming Period of 2014-2020 Single 35 Single PaM Economic Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Increasing of energy efficiency in public buildings of municipalities is supported within the framework of the national Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”, Thematic Objective No4 “Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors”, the Specific Objective 4.2.2. “To facilitate the increase of energy efficiency in municipal buildings, according to the integrated development programme of the municipality” . Indicative activities to be supported: (i) renovation of municipal buildings for the increase of energy efficiency, (ii) energy certification of buildings,(iii) construction works for the increase of energy efficiency – heat insulation of buildings’ delimiting (boundary) structures, reconstruction of engineering communications of buildings, installation of recuperation, energy control and management equipment, including smart meters, (iv) use of RES in buildings - installation of such RES-based local heating systems is acceptable if particularly high energy efficiency indicators are achieved and the installation is economically justifiable. Important specific condition of Latvia is the high relative share of buildings supplied by district heating systems. As large number of Latvia district heating utilities participate in EU ETS, the given PAM has impact in both ETS and non-ETS sectors. renovated floor area, saved energy 2023 renovated floor area, saved energy; installed RES capacity m2; MWh; MW Emission reduction impact included in the PAM No 34 National Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” ; Cabinet of Ministers Regulations No 152 (24.03.2016) Regarding the 4.2.2. Specific Objective “To Facilitate the Increase of Energy Efficiency and Utilisation of Renewable Sources in Municipal Buildings, According to the Integrated Development Programmes of Municipalities” of the Operational Programme “Growth and Employment” http://www.esfondi.lv/upload/Planosana/FMProg_270115_OP_ENG_2.pdf Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Latvia_36 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Support to introduction and promotion of integrated horticulture Single 36 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Establishment of new orchards on existing cropland and extracted peat quarries.') 4.45 4.45 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Establishment of new orchards on existing cropland and extracted peat quarries. Implementation of the measure will affect carbon stock in living biomass and soil. Area of established orchards, kha 2020 Area of new orchards (kha) kha 4.45 Ex-ante assessment is done during elaboration of the rural development programme (https://www.zm.gov.lv/public/files/CMS_Static_Page_Doc/00/00/00/39/80/Ex_ante_gala_2014.pdf) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_37 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Electromobility Development Single 37 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply; Transport Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development,Government: Ministry of Transport 2015 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive on Deployment of Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (2014/94/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Electromobility Development Plan for 2014-2016” set out specific support policy areas referring to the main elements: promotion of EV, construction of the charging station network, innovative products, as well as public education and information about electromobility. The national CCFI programme for CO2 emissions reduction in transport sector by supporting acquisition of new EV and installation of publicly available EV charging infrastructure had been implemented end 2014-March 2015. The support was provided only for “pure” EV (electric engine is the only one having zero GHG emissions). Within the programme, by summing the data of implemented projects, it was supported acquisition of 177 EV and installation of 11 charging stations. Electric Vehicles (EV) Charging Infrastructure Development: EU Funds Planning Period of 2014-2020. Development of EV charging infrastructure is supported within the framework of the national Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”, Thematic Objective No4 “Supporting the shift towards a low-carbon economy in all sectors”, Investment Priority 4.4. „To promote low-carbon strategies for all types of territories, in particular for urban areas, including the promotion of sustainable multimodal urban mobility and mitigation-relevant adaptation measures”, the Specific Objective 4.4.1. “To develop EV charging infrastructure in Latvia”. Investments are in line with priorities set up in “Electromobility Development Plan for 2014-2016”. Introduction of the network of EV charging points will promote energy efficient development of vehicle market, as a result of which the use of EVs in road transport will be promoted. 03 November 2015 the Cabinet of Ministers had adopted the Regulations No 637 on Development of Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure co-financed by the EU ERDF [57]. The responsible implementer of the measure – state stock company “Road Traffic Safety Directorate”. Activities supported: the creation of national EV charging infrastructure and the development of operator centre software for their management. It shall be reached the following ERDF specific result and output indicator, target value in year 2023 indicated: (1) registered number of electric vehicles in Latvia - 747 EVs, (2) number of installed EV charging points - 235 points. number of electrovehicles , number of fast charging stations 2023 number of electrovehicles number of fast charging stations Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development, Website of the CCFI programme; (2) Latvian Environmental Investment Fund - list of implemented projects; (3) National Operational Programme “Growth and Employment”; (4) Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No 637 (03.11.2015) Regarding the 4.4.1. Specific Objective “To Develop the Electric Vehicles’ Charging Infrastructure of in Latvia” of the Operational Programme “Growth and Employment http://www.varam.gov.lv/lat/darbibas_veidi/KPFI/projekti/?doc=17817; (2) http://kpfi.lv/modules/Konkurs/projekti.php?id=22&lang=lv (3) http://www.esfondi.lv/upload/Planosana/FMProg_270115_OP_ENG_2.pdf; (4) http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=277693.pdf 1650 2010 Investment cost; O&M cost, fuel cost. Cost estimation based on MARKAL-Latvia model results for calculation of marginal abatement cost curve. The net abatement costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split costs in this approach. Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in Latvian) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Latvia_38 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Implementation of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme Single 38 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Limitation of amount of emission quota allocated for ETS operators Total amount of GHG emissions emitted by EU ETS participants in Latvia (tons/annually) 2020 amount of ETS emissions kt share of ETS emissions in the total national emissions Cabinet of Ministers Ordinance No499 „List of ETS installations 2013-2020” („Par iekārtu sarakstu emisijas kvotu sadalei 2013-2020”), Ministry of Environment Protection and Regional Development Decisions on Allocation of Emission Quotas to ETS2013-2020 Operators http://likumi.lv/doc.php?id=236986 http://www.varam.gov.lv/lat/darbibas_veidi/emisiju_tirdznieciba/lemumi/?doc=17341 Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Latvia_39 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Increase of land area under organic farming relative to total agricultural land Single 39 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management 213 370 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Farming methods with environmentally friendly influence on nature, reduction of synthetic nitrate use and leaching, increased biodiversity. The state support for organic farmers through subsidies. National Development Plan of Latvia for 2014-2020 (NDP2020) set the plan to increase organic agriculture area to 15% by 2030 in relation to total agricultural area. The National Development Plan 2014–2020 is hierarchically the highest national-level medium-term planning document. share of land for organic farming 2020 share of land allocated for organic farming % Emission reduction impact including PAM No 40 and 41 National Development Plan of Latvia for 2014–2020 approved on December 2012; 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme 213 292 292 370 http://www.pkc.gov.lv/images/NAP2020%20dokumenti/NDP2020_English_Final__.pdf National development plan 2020. Action for "nature and cultural capital for sustainable management". [422] Objective 1 Saving nature`s capital as a base for sustainable economic growth and contribute to its sustainable use, reducing human impact on the nature and, the risks of environmental quality. http://www.pkc.gov.lv/lv/valsts-attistibas-planosana/nacionalais-attistibas-plans/nap2020-merki-un-istenosana. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_40 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 Support for evolving of precision agriculture technologies in crop growing farms to reduce nitrogen use Single 40 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O, CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Measure is associated with promoting of nitrogen fertilizer use reduction and consequently with reduction of nitrogen amount in the run-off. This will reduce N2O emissions from use of synthetic fertilizers and indirect N2O emissions from soils. Voluntary/negotiated agreements, because financial support for farmers is available, if a farmer develop precision agriculture technologies in the farm with the aim to reduce GHG emissions. 2020 The amount of mineral nitrogen fertilizer use Emission reduction impact included in the PAM No 39 Law On Agriculture and Rural Development (2004) and Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 600 (2014) Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_41 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 Support for evolving of precision livestock feeding approach in cattle breeding farms to develop feeding plans and promote high quality feed use to increase the digestibility Single 41 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved livestock management Agriculture: Improved livestock management Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml The main aim of measure is to promote high quality feed use for animals to increase the digestibility and reduce CH4 emissions. Voluntary/negotiated agreements, because financial support for farmers is available, if a farmer develop precision livestock feeding technologies in the farm with the aim to reduce GHG emissions. 2020 DE=digestible energy expressed of gross energy Emission reduction impact included in the PAM No 39 Law On Agriculture and Rural Development (2004) and Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 600 (2014) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_42 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Introduction of leguminous plants on arable land Single 42 Single PaM Economic, Voluntary Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Support to use of legumes as green manure and fodder in crop rotation. Financial support is defined in Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 126 (2015) , that establishing procedures for receiving payments for climate and environmentally friendly farming practices, including legumes in crop rotation. Measure is associated with promoting of nitrogen fertilizer use reduction. This will reduce N2O emissions from use of synthetic and organic fertilizers. % leguminous plants in arable land structure 2020 leguminous plants in arable land structure % Emission reduction impact included in the PAM No 39 Law On Agriculture and Rural Development (2004) and Cabinet Regulations Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_43 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Management of nitrate vulnerable territories Single 43 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Restriction for nitrogen usage, reduction of nitrogen leaching. Water protection against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. Rules for management of vulnerable zones. The limit of 170 kg nitrogen from manure and digesters per hectare, limits for other fertilizers use nitrogen from manure and digesters per hectare kg/ha No.834 of 23 December 2014 “Regulations on protections of water and soil from pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural activities” Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Latvia_44 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Requirements for the protection of soil and water from agricultural pollution caused by nitrates Single 44 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Restriction for nitrogen usage, reduction of nitrogen leaching. Reduction of non-direct N2O emissions The limit of 170 kg nitrogen from manure and digesters per hectare, limits for other fertilizers use nitrogen from manure and digesters per hectare kg/ha No.834 of 23 December 2014 “Regulations on protections of water and soil from pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural activities” Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Latvia_45 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Crop fertilization plans in vulnerable zones Single 45 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2012 Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml ccording to Republic of Latvia Cabinet Regulation No. 834 (2014) "Regarding to Protection of Water and Soil from Pollution with Nitrates Caused by Agricultural Activity" in highly vulnerable zones farmers who managing the agricultural land with an area of 20 hectares and more, and grows vegetables, potatoes, fruit trees or fruit bushes in an area of three hectares and more, are required to document the field history for each field and shall keep field history documentation for at least three years and, if using fertilisers; shall prepare a crop fertilisation plan for each field not later than until the sowing or planting of a crop, for perennial sowings and plants - until the start of vegetation. amount of fertilizer per ha of cultivated crop and per t of yield No.834 of 23 December 2014 “Regulations on protections of water and soil from pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural activities” Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Latvia_46 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 Requirements for manure storage and spreading Single 46 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Specify the requirements for storing of manure outside animal shed Requirements refer to farms with more than 10 AU (animal units), and 5 AU in vulnerable territories. According to requirements to prevent nitrate leaching all farms must have manure storages for appropriate storing time and manure amount. Amount of manure managed by diffrent manure management systems No.834 of 23 December 2014 “Regulations on protections of water and soil from pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural activities” Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Latvia_47 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 Agricultural land under integrated farming practice. Single 47 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Requirements are included in the Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 1056 (2009).The growing of agricultural products utilising environmentally friendly measures, preserving biological diversity and reducing risks to human health and the environment, at the same time ensuring plant protection, animal health and welfare measures. Before to start the integrated farming, farmers prepare plant rotation plan regarding to vegetable and potato areas for at least three years. If the field size exceeds more than 10 hectares, it is required to implement around the field left a two-meter-wide zone, were fertilizer and plant protection products use is not available. This leads to reduction of mineral fertilizer use. Voluntary agreement for farmers in horticulture branch stimulate to use complex of methods to avoid high rates of nitrogen. Integrated farming is not obligatory for all farmers but, as voluntary agreement, integrated farming is open for all farmers. There is support available for farmers who are interested to officially follow to integrated farming rules. The amount of mineral nitrogen fertilizer use Law On Agriculture and Rural Development (2004) and Regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers No. 600 (2014) Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_48 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Reducing of biodegradable waste landfilling Single 48 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Develepoment 2006 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Decreasing of the maximum amount of biologically degradable municipal wastes deposited on landfills according to the Landfill Directive 99/31/EC. Till 2020 reduce biodegradable waste disposing till 35% of 1995 biodegradable waste amount. Mechanical Biological treatment and sorting of municipal wastes will be establish before waste disposal. Already MTB and sorting facilities operated in Latvia. Disposed bidegradable waste amount from annually statistics 2020 Disposed wastes amounts and disposed waste content Reports about Latvia's Wast e management plan 2014-2020 implementation Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Latvia_49 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 Increase of Municipal waste recycling Single 49 Single PaM Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government Government: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Develepoment 2012 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml 50% recycling of wastes according to directive 2008/98/EC requirements. Increase of recycling is one of priorities in Latvia wastes management plans. Wastes recycling is done according the permits. All facilities which have permits on wastes management is obliged to provide data annually. Support for waste sorting, seperate collection and recycling. Increase taxes for waste disposal. share of recycled waste 2020 share of recycled wastes % Reports about Latvia's Wast e management plan 2014-2020 implementation Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Latvia_50 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 Regulation on special restrictions and prohibitions regarding activities with ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases. Single 50 Single PaM Regulatory Expired ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Regional Development 2006 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Regulations for the containment, use, recovery and destruction of certain fluorinated greenhouse gases. These rules accompany the provisions relating to the labelling of products and equipment containing these gases, to the notification of information, to prohibitions on commercialisation, certification of personnel and enterprises. These Regulations prescribe specific restrictions and prohibitions on the handling of ozone -depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases, as well as the responsible institutions for impementation of the European Parliament and of the Council Regulation (EC ) No . 1005/2009 and Regulation (EC ) No . 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases requirements. Consumption of fluorinated GHGs with a high GWP [tons] 2014 Consumption of fluorinated GHGs with a high GWP [tons] Regulation No.563 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia on special restrictions and prohibitions regarding activities with ozone-depleting substances and fluorinated greenhouse gases. Expired 2006 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC
Latvia_51 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 Reduce emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases. Single 51 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Regional Development 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Prevent and minimise emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases. Bans on the placing on the market, maintainance and service products and equipment containing HFCs with high GWPs. Consumption of fluorinated GHGs with a high GWP [tons] Consumption of fluorinated GHGs with a high GWP t Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Latvia_52 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 Improve control of fugitive emissions from F gases consumption and phase out particular F gas used in Mobile air conditioning Single 52 Single PaM Regulatory Expired ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes,Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: Ministry of Environment and Regional Development 2008 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Regulation lay down the requirements for the EC type approval or national type-approval of vehicles as regards emissions from, and the safe functioning of, air-conditioning systems fitted to vehicles. Regulation contains provisions on retrofitting and refilling of such systems. These requirements are set according to objective of EU policy to reduce emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases in the air-conditioning systems fitted to passenger cars and light commercial vehicles and prohibit from a certain date air-conditioning systems designed to contain F-gases with a global warming potential higher than 150. 2011 Consumption and leakage of HFC-134a in mobile air conditioning systems in passenger cars and light commercial vehicles Regulation No.1494 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Latvia on compliance assessment rules for mopeds, motor vehicles, trailers and their details. Expired 2008 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC
Latvia_53 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 Latvia National Renewable Action Plan Single 53 Single PaM Planning Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply; Transport Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 192 280 Government Government: Ministry of Economics 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Latvia’s Renewable Energy Action Plan sets the following sub-targets regarding the share of renewable energy in 2020, this share must reach (i) in the transport sector - at least 10% of GFEC, (ii) in the electricity sector – at least 59.8% of GFEC, (iii) in the heating and cooling sector – 53.4% of GFEC, (iv) in the building sector regarding heating and cool– 58% (in residential sector buildings – 72%, in commercial sector buildings – 44% of GFEC). share of RES in GFEC 2020 share of RES in GFEC % Emission reduction impact included PAM No 30 and 37 Renewable Energy Action Plan Latvia 240 http://ec.europa.eu/energy/renewables/action_plan_en.htm - Latvia Report "Assessment of GHG emission mitigation scenarios and costs in Latvia" (in Latvian) 86 2010 Average emission reduction cost for RES policy implementation based on modelling study with MARKAL-Latvia model (cost difference for WEM scenario and RES scenario) . The net abatement costs have been calculated by MARKAL-Latvia model (including benefits from primary energy cost reduction). There is not possibility to split costs in this approach. Report "Latvia energy startegy 2020 assessment" (in latvian language) Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Latvia_54 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 Development and adaptation of drainage systems in cropland Single 54 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Improved cropland or grassland management') 6.1 6.1 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Restoration of malfunctioning drainage systems in cropland. The measure will be implemented in extensively managed croplands on mineral soils, where high yields are not possible due to unfavorable conditions during spring time, which are caused by wearing of existing drainage systems. After reconstruction of drainage systems fields will be returned to a conventional production systems with considerable input of organic material in soil due to higher yields and crop rotations. Only CO2 is considered due to the fact that country specific methods for accounting of reduction of CH4 are not elaborated and use of the default IPCC values might lead to considerable overestimation of impact of the measure. Affected area, kha 2020 Affected area kha 6.1 Ex-ante assessment is done during elaboration of the rural development programme (https://www.zm.gov.lv/public/files/CMS_Static_Page_Doc/00/00/00/39/80/Ex_ante_gala_2014.pdf). Quantitative methods for more accurate estimates are under development. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_55 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 Growing of legumes Single 55 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('improved soil management') 66 66 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Support to use of legumes as green manure and fodder in crop rotation. Expanding of conventional crop cycling by growing of legumes consideraby increases input of carbon in soil in comparison to conventional crop rotations. Area of legumes, kha 2020 Area of legumes kha 66 Ex-ante assessment is done during elaboration of the rural development programme (https://www.zm.gov.lv/public/files/CMS_Static_Page_Doc/00/00/00/39/80/Ex_ante_gala_2014.pdf) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_56 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 Agro-environment related measures Single 56 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Support to use green manure in crop rotation') 33 33 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Support to use green manure in crop rotation. This policy is aimed on reduction of GHG emissions from organic soils by conversion of drained hydromorphic and semi-hydromorphic soils in cropland to grassland. Developed primarily as the measure for protection of biodiversity in grassland, this measure contributes also to climate change mitigation due to the fact that farmers are motivated financially to stop production of crops on low valued soils including organic soils. GHG reduction potential is calculated using tier 1 method described in IPCC 2014 Wetlands supplement. Area where extensified rotation is applied, kha 2020 Area where extensified rotation is applied kha 33 Ex-ante assessment is done during elaboration of the rural development programme (https://www.zm.gov.lv/public/files/CMS_Static_Page_Doc/00/00/00/39/80/Ex_ante_gala_2014.pdf) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_57 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 Development and adaptation of drainage systems in forest land Single 57 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management 15 15 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Restoration of malfunctioning forest drainage systems. Drainage system in forest needs regular maintenance (once per 30-40 years or before regenerative felling) to secure high growth rates of following generations of trees. Reconstructed drainage systems, km 2020 Reconstructed drainage systems km 15 Ex-ante assessment is done during elaboration of the rural development programme (https://www.zm.gov.lv/public/files/CMS_Static_Page_Doc/00/00/00/39/80/Ex_ante_gala_2014.pdf); assumptions are based on results of the research program “Impact of forest management on GHG emissions and CO2 removals” (http://www.lvm.lv/petijumi-un-publikacijas/mezsaimniecisko-darbibu-ietekmes-uz-siltumnicefekta-gazu-emisijam-un-co-piesaisti) Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_58 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 Afforestation and improvement of stand quality in naturally afforested areas Single 58 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation 48 48 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2016 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Support to afforestation of low grade abandoned farmlands. Afforestation will increase carbon stock in living and dead biomass. Soil carbon stock changes are not considered in the calculation due to lack of information on the impact of afforestation on this carbon pool. National forest inventory derived growth models are used to estimate increment and mortality rates. Linearized stock changes are used in calculations. Afforested area, kha 2020 Afforested area kha 48 Ex-ante assessment is done during elaboration of the rural development programme (https://www.zm.gov.lv/public/files/CMS_Static_Page_Doc/00/00/00/39/80/Ex_ante_gala_2014.pdf); assumptions are based on results of the research program “Impact of forest management on GHG emissions and CO2 removals” and ongoing research programme on mature forest regeneration (http://www.lvm.lv/petijumi-un-publikacijas/mezsaimniecisko-darbibu-ietekmes-uz-siltumnicefekta-gazu-emisijam-un-co-piesaisti; http://www.lvm.lv/petijumi-un-publikacijas/siltumnicefekta-gazu-emisiju-un-co2-piesaistes-novertejums-vecas-mezaudzes) Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_59 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 Improvement of ecological value and sustainability of forest ecosystems Single 59 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('improve forest management') 28 28 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2016 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Support to pre-commercial thinning of forest stands. According to the study results (the research programme on impact of forest management measures on GHG emissions and CO2 removals 2011-2015) early thinning in coniferous stands, as it is done now according to national regulations, contributes to additional increment during 20 years period; respectively, growing stock in 40-60 years old coniferous stands and research trials is by 15-25% higher than in non-thinned stands. Private forest owners are not motivated to implement early thinning due to the fact that is is not resulting in direct incomes, therefore, this measure is oftenly avoided to save money. Support to forest thinning will result in rapid and significant increase of carbon stock. Area of thinned forest stands, kha 2020 Area of thinned forest stands kha 28 Ex-ante assessment is done during elaboration of the rural development programme (https://www.zm.gov.lv/public/files/CMS_Static_Page_Doc/00/00/00/39/80/Ex_ante_gala_2014.pdf); assumptions are based on results of the research program “Impact of forest management on GHG emissions and CO2 removals” (http://www.lvm.lv/petijumi-un-publikacijas/mezsaimniecisko-darbibu-ietekmes-uz-siltumnicefekta-gazu-emisijam-un-co-piesaisti) Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Latvia_60 Latvia 2924 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 Regeneration of forest stands after natural disturbances Single 60 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('improving forest management') 18 18 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2016 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lv/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwa1t0g/LV_adjusted.xml Support to reconstruction and regeneration of low grade and damaged forest stands. There are several ways how the forest regeneration affects carbon stock changes. Breeding effect (support considers use of improved planting material) and reduced rotation (rapid regeneration) is considered in the calculation comparing purposeful forest regeneration with natural regrowth. Area of regenerated forests, kha 2020 Area of regenerated forests kha 18 Ex-ante assessment is done during elaboration of the rural development programme (https://www.zm.gov.lv/public/files/CMS_Static_Page_Doc/00/00/00/39/80/Ex_ante_gala_2014.pdf); assumptions are based on results of the research program “Impact of forest management on GHG emissions and CO2 removals” (http://www.lvm.lv/petijumi-un-publikacijas/mezsaimniecisko-darbibu-ietekmes-uz-siltumnicefekta-gazu-emisijam-un-co-piesaisti) Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Lithuania_18 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Joint implementation projects in industry Single 18 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD, EU ETS Industrial processes Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies 1467 Companies Companies: Fertilizers producing companies 2008 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml To reduce the pollution with N2O gas emissions in the nitrogen fertilizers producing company 2 JI projects of N2O emissions reduction in chemical industry were conducted. The estimated GHG reduction amounted to 7 643 017 tCO2eq. It was estimated that without the implementation of these projects in 2013 the ETS sector‘s verified emission could be 1.2 m t CO2eq higher (8.7 m instead current 7.5 m t CO2eq). 2012 Joint Implementation projects implemented in Lithuania http://ji.unfccc.int/JI_Parties/DB/U1TUO9IG05C2669GVJJECR9DQM8MZB/viewDFP Expired 2008 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Lithuania_15 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Reduce the GHG pollution released during the cement production process by changing manufacturing technologies Single 15 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS Industrial processes Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies 500 Companies Companies: Cement producing company 2013 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml In 2013 the only cement manufacturing company SC "Akmenės Cementas" ended modernization of technology process, when wet cement production methods was changed in to dry. This modernization allows saving the fuel consumption by half for a production unit and by quarter reducing GHG emissions. To compare, to produce 1 t of clinker using the wet method 1.2 t of CO2 is emitted and 0.85 t CO2 is emitted by dry method. This allows SC “Akmenės Cementas” to reduce GHG levels by 500 GgCO2 eq/year. The project value was about 1 million Euros. 2016 Reduce the GHG pollution released during the cement production process by changing manufacturing technologies. Official website of AB Akmenes cementas http://cementas.lt/index.php?id=210 Expired 2013 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Lithuania_1 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Increasing share of electricity generated from RES Single 1 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Energy 2013 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml The Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Renewable Energy Resources was adopted on 12 May 2011 by the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania (updated in 2014) to ensure the balanced development of the RES in Lithuania. This Law establishes the tasks for separate energy sectors; for electricity sector the target is to increase the share of energy produced from RES no less than by 20 % in comparison to the total country's electricity energy consumption. The key support instruments for RES production are feed-in tariffs, feed-in premium tariffs and discount for the connection to the grid. Lithuania in the last decade has rather successfully deployed renewable energy sources. According to the Lithuanian Statistics, in 2015 Lithuania has already generated 25.86% of its gross final energy from RES and nowadays it’s over reached this target set for 2020. It's planned to reach in electricity from 13.14% to 20% in 2020. Renewable energy in electricity generation is about 16 %. For the electricity sector the target is to increase the share of energy produced from RES with 20 % in comparison to the total country's electricity energy consumption. 2020 Share of electricity produced from RES compare with total electricity consumption % Lithuania’s renewable energy share, expressed in percentage of gross final energy consumption, was 25.8 % in 2015, above its 2020 target of 23 %. Renewable energy in electricity generation is about 16 %. Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Lithuania_2 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Increasing share of district heating from RES Single 2 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Ministry of Economy 2013 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml Law on Energy from Renewable sources establishes the tasks for separate energy sectors; for district heating sector the target is to increase the share of centralized provided heating energy, produced from RES, no less than by 60% by 2020 in the balance of heating energy. In Recommendations on the main Lithuania’s Republic energy strategic directions set no less than 70% by 2020. Heating from RES is promoted through several support schemes. These include the supplier's obligation to purchase all heat produced from RES, grants in the form of subsidies from the Lithuanian Environmental Investment Fund (LEIF), as well as the environmental pollution tax reliefs. This target is also planned to be reached by implementing measures such as: modernization and development of co-generation plants, improvement of biomass mobilization and logistics systems, modernization of biomass fuel boilers and further development. For district heating sector the target is to increase the share of centralized provided heating energy, produced from RES, no less than by 60% by 2020 in the balance of heating energy. In Recommendations on the main Lithuania’s Republic energy strategic directions set no less than 70% by 2020. 2020 Share of supplied district heating produced from RES % Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Lithuania_3 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Increasing share of renewable energy sources in the households Single 3 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Ministry of Economy 2013 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml Law on Energy from Renewable sources establishes the tasks for separate energy sectors; for the households sector it is defined to increase the share of RES used for heating in the households not less than by 80% in the balance of heating energy. The main measure applied to implement this target is the change of an old or ineffective heating equipment in households into equipment using RES, this measures is project based and is financed from the Special Programme for Climate Change and the EU structural funds. Increase the share of RES used for heating in the households not less than by 80% in the balance of heating energy. 2020 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Lithuania_4 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Promotion of the RES use in transport sector Single 4 Single PaM Economic, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Transport and Communication,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Interior,Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC;Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC;Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC;Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU;Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml The Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Renewable Energy Resources was adopted on 12 May 2011 by the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania (updated in 2014) to ensure the balanced development of the RES in Lithuania. This Law establishes the tasks for separate energy sectors; for transport sector the target is to increase the share of RES (biofuels and electricity) by 10 % in all modes of transport in comparison with the final consumption of the energy in the transport sector. The requirements for blending of biofuel into the mineral fuels are: in petrol fuel the content of biofuels has to be from 5 to 10 % and in diesel fuels not less than 7 %. The RES use in the transport sector is promoted through the reimbursement, by the National Paying Agency of the Ministry of Agriculture, of raw materials for biofuel production, an excise tax relief and an exemption from environmental pollution tax. The National Programme on the Development of Transport and Communications for 2014–2022 set the goal to promote the use of alternative fuels and technologies and set the target to reach that from sold new cars 6% will be electric vehicles in 2022. Increase the share of RES (biofuels and electricity) by 10 % in all modes of transport in comparison with the final consumption of the energy in the transport sector. 2020 Additionally, if the liquefied natural gas is used as a fuel in local public buses engines it is exempt from the excise tax (The amendment of Law on Excise duty, Art. 581 art. 1 part). Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC; Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC; Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC; Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU; Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Lithuania_5 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Voluntary agreements with energy companies Single 5 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Companies: Companies 2014 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml In the Energy Efficiency Action plan in 2014 and the Law on Energy efficiency in 2016 set agreements with energy producing companies for energy savings. Agreements are signed between energy companies and Ministry of Energy. In the agreements targets for energy savings and information of energy consumers are set. In the agreements energy producing plants are obligated to increase their energy efficiency for a particular years by implementing energy efficiency measures. In 2012 the energy saving in relation to these agreements reached 331.55 GWh, in 2020 it is planned that it will reach 357.58 GWh. 2020 Energy savings achieved by energy companies GWh Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Lithuania_6 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Promotion of energy efficiency in industry Single 6 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Ministry of Economy 2014 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml In the Programme for investment incentives and industry development for 2014-2020 which was approved in 17 of September 2014 by the Resolution No 986 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania it is planned to implement energy efficiency measures and to reduce energy use in manufacturing industry from 222.9 (in 2012) to 182.9 (in 2020) kg of oil equivalent (for creation of 1000 EUR value added). In 2017 it is planned to reduce 2016 144 000 kWh/year. The particular measures are being assessed. The programme is financed from the EU structural funds. 2020 Total reduction of energy consumption in the industry companies which recieved investments kWh/year Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Lithuania_7 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Renovation (modernization) of multi-apartment and public buildings Single 7 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 355 Government, Local Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Interior,Government: Ministry of Finance,Local: Municipalities 2014 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml It is planned to reduce heating consumption in multi-apartment and public buildings by 30-40% by 2020 and compared to 2011 to save heat from 2 to 3 TWh. The financing for renovation (modernization) of multi-apartment and public buildings is provided from different financial schemes supported from Special Programme for Climate Change, JESSICA Holding Fund, and Energy Efficiency Fund. 2020 Estimated heat energy savings in the multi - apartment buildings (built in 1993) GWh/year The number of renovated public buidings in the content of energy savings from 2008 acumulated units The target of Multi-apartment renovation (modernization) program is to reduce heat energy use in multi-apartment buildings, built before 1993, not less that by 20% by 2020 (it is estimated approximately 4000 buildings), i.e. estimated annual heat energy saving should be 1 000 GWh per year by 2020 and reduce CO2 emissions 230 Gg per year compared to 2005. In the end of 2014 the Program on increasing of energy efficiency of public buildings was approved and the target to renovated 700 thous. m2 of public building by 2020 was set. With this measure it is planned to save 60 GWh of annual initial energy amount and to reduce GHG emissions by 14 Gg. Case study: "The Residential Energy Efficiency Program Lithuania" https://www.energy-community.org/portal/page/portal/ENC_HOME/DOCS/3282026/0633975ADAF87B9CE053C92FA8C06338.PDF Case study: "The Residential Energy Efficiency Program Lithuania" https://www.energy-community.org/portal/page/portal/ENC_HOME/DOCS/3282026/0633975ADAF87B9CE053C92FA8C06338.PDF Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Lithuania_8 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Reduction of the final energy consumption in transport sector Single 8 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Communication,Government: Ministry of Environment 2014 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml National Programme on the Development of Transport and Communications for 2014–2022 sets the goal to reduce energy consumption by 7.2% by 2017. The energy consumption saving in transport sector is planned to be increased by the modernization of infrastructure and public transport park, by implementing a special negative impact reducing measures and by promoting the use of alternative energy sources. It is planned regarding this measure in 2017 and 2022 to install 11 and 22, respectively, road lighting equipment with wind turbines, solar panels and accumulators, to buy 6 by 2017 and 9 by 2022 new generation diesel and 4 in each year electric trains as well as to expand the web of electric cars recharging stations by 19 in 2017 and by 28 in 2020. 2020 Reduction of the final energy consumption in transport sector % Promote energy efficiency consumption in transport sector - mitigating the impact by setting (thousands tonnes) 1,633.1 in 2017 and 2,084.3 in 2022. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Lithuania_9 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Promotion of high efficiency cogeneration in Vilnius Single 9 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply; Waste management/waste Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Government Government: Ministry of Energy 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml In order to improve heat and energy efficiency, make more efficient use of local and renewable sources in heat energy production facilities and reduce CO2 emissions two higher efficiency cogeneration power plants using biomass and waste of 360.000 t/y (incinerating 30% of municipal waste) for energy production will be built in Vilnius in the period 2017-2020. In Vilnius power plant based on formula enshrined in Annex II of Energy efficiency Directive 2012/27/EC, energy savings per unit shall be 43.6% for the waste-to-energy unit (around 440 GWh per year) and 38.9% for the biomass unit (around 640 GWh per year). The waste-to-energy unit is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 93 166 tons per year and biomass unit is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by 343 328 tons per year2. 2020 Mitigating the impact by setting GHG t CO2 eq. Municipal waste quantities tonnes per year Investments from EU Funds Investment Action Programme for promotion of high efficiency cogeneration in Vilnius 94.5 million Eur. http://www.esinvesticijos.lt/lt/patvirtintos_priemones/didelio-efektyvumo-kogeneracijos-skatinimas-vilniaus-ir-kauno-miestuose Implemented 2017 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Lithuania_11 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Promotion the use of bicycles and development of bicycle track's infrastructure Single 11 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government, Local Government: Ministry of Transport and Communication,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Interior,Local: Municipalities 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml National Programme on the Development of Transport and Communications for 2014–2022 sets the goal to develop 564.3 km of bicycle tracks till 2022 in urban and suburban areas in Lithuania. The Programme sets the objective to encourage more efficient development of bicycle tracks in towns: by creating unbroken bicycle web system integrated into common transport system, reaching that pedestrians and web of bicycle tracks development would be engaging and safe for its users. 2020 The length of bicycle track paved at national level per year km Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Lithuania_14 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Taxation for vehicles in Lithuania Single 14 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Planned ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Finance 2018 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml Vehicle circulation tax in Lithuania is symbolic and only covers the administrative costs. In Lithuania, the tax on pollution of vehicles used for commercial purposes can be seen as environmental vehicle tax, but its tariff is low. Passenger car are currently not subject to any kind of environmental circulation tax. The Ministry of Environment has carried out a feasibility study to investigate the possibilities of introducing car taxation on private passenger cars . It recommends introduction of environmental car circulation tax with the calculation of the tariffs based on CO2 emissions and type of fuel, and estimates that such tax could bring up to 76.6 million EUR a year and would be reduced by 1.2 million tonnes CO2 emissions in a period of 15 years, The measure on Introducing vehicle circulation tax based on negative environmental impact, is planned in the Action plan for the implementation of the Government Program. 2020 Planned 2018 With additional measuses Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC
Lithuania_16 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Promotion of the RES use in industry sector Single 16 Single PaM Economic, Information, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Economy 2014 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml According to the Programme for investment incentives and industry development for 2014-2020 which was approved on 17 of September 2014 by the Resolution No 986 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania it is planned to stimulate the use of RES in industry companies. Currently the financing schemes are developed. 2020 Additional RES capacities (industry sector) MW Total reduction of energy consumption in the industry companies which recieved investments kWh/year Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Lithuania_19 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Promotion of planting of short rotation coppices Single 19 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Ministry of Energy 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml The support for planting of short rotation coppices with an aim to produce biomass as a source of energy which partially replaces imported raw materials (oil, gas, coal) and contributes to the reduction of CO2 emissions. In 2007-2013 period under National Rural Development Program 0.6 million EUR is paid out for short rotation coppices. The continuation of support for planting of short rotation coppices is foreseen under the sub measure “Investment to agricultural holdings” of the measure “Investments in physical assets” of the Rural Development Programme for Lithuania 2014–2020. 2020 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Lithuania_21 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Promotion of the production of biogas from livestock holdings Single 21 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Ministry of Enviroment 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);RES directive 2009/28/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml The support for biogas production from livestock holdings waste is foreseen under the sub measure “Investment to agricultural holdings” of the measure “Investments in physical assets” of the Rural Development Programme for Lithuania 2014–2020. The planned biogas capacities from livestock holdings are: in 2014 – 1.6 MW, in 2015 – 1 MW, in 2016-2017 – 3 MW, and in 2018-2020 – 4 MW. 2020 Annual limit of GHG emissions in agriculture sector mln. t CO2eq Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); RES directive 2009/28/EC
Lithuania_22 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Promotion growth of protein crops Single 22 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml To fulfill ecological focus area requirements farmers will be allowed to grow protein crops which are crucial in sustaining the nitrogen in the soil. Farmers will also be encouraged to grow protein crops by additional financial incentives available under the voluntary coupled support scheme. Under this scheme farmers will receive additional payments for the areas where selected protein crops are grown. The total coupled support for protein crops in Lithuania amounts from about 14 million Eur (about 213 Eur/ha) in 2015 to about 17 million Eur (about 254 Eur/ha) in 2019 due to external convergence of direct payments across the EU Member States. 2020 The total coupled support for protein crops in Lithuania amounts from about 14 million Eur (about 213 Eur/ha) in 2015 to about 17 million Eur (about 254 Eur/ha) in 2019 due to external convergence of direct payments across EU Member States. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Lithuania_23 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Afforestation and damaged forest restoration Single 23 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information, Regulatory, Research Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation 1680 Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2013 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Rural Development Programme 2014–2020;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml In order to reduce atmospheric pollution originated from agricultural activities and contribute to climate change mitigation as well as to reduce the area of the abandoned land, the afforestation of these lands and the restoration of damaged forests is supported. In the inter-institutional Action Plan on the implementation of the Goals and Objectives for 2013-2020 of the Strategy for the National Climate Change Management Policy the measure is set to plant new economically valuable and productive as well as biological resistant forests in abandoned lands in the state's possession. Planned that forest land in 2020 reach 34.2%. 2020 Newly afforested area (from 2011) Ha ha It's planned to increase forest area by 3% until 2020. Afforestation of the poorly fertile soils mitigating the impact by setting GHG CO2eq. kt -1680 (2020) Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Lithuania_24 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Restoration of forestry potential and introduction of prevention actions Single 24 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2007 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml Fires and natural disasters pose a significant threat to forest ecosystems. Each year in Lithuania between 100 and 750 hectares of forest is burned. Lithuania’s Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 provides investment support for restoration of forest damaged by fires and other natural disasters including pests and diseases, as well as support for implementation of forest fire prevention measures. To increase forest coverage of the country up to 34.2% by 2020 2020 Increasing the national forest area The National Forest Area Development Program 2012-2020 approved by Resolution No 569 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 23 May 2012 is sought to increase forest coverage of the country up to 34.2% by 2020. To increase forest area by 3% until 2020. LULUCF sector is not included into the implementation of the EU GHG emission reduction target until 2020. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Lithuania_25 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Sustainable forestry: Promoting the use of biomass for energy production Single 25 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Energy supply; Land use, land use change and forestry Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Agriculture 2012 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml In the National Forest Area Development Program 2012-2020, approved by Resolution No 569 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 23 May 2012, it is planned to use 300 thou. m3 per year of wood from state forests for biomass production by 2020. The implementing measure is the financial support from EU structural funds to obtain new equipment for preparation of biomass for energy production. 2020 The amount of the use of forest cutting waste and residual wood for biomass production thousand cubic metres Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Lithuania_26 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Promotion of municipal and industrial waste incineration Single 26 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy supply; Waste management/waste Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy,Companies: Private sector 2007 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml In the National Waste Management Plan for 2014-2020 it is planned to incinerate 180 000 t of waste in 2015 and in 2020 it is planned to incinerate 360 000 - 530 000 t; Potential reaches 150–210 ktne in 2020. In 2013 first waste incineration plant in Lithuania has started operation with energy recovery in Klaipeda. It is planned to build two more waste and biomass burning co-generation power plants. Based on evaluations, the thermal capacity of cogeneration power plants complex in Vilnius, fired by waste and biomass, could reach a total of 240 megawatts (MW) and the electrical capacity could reach a total of 145 MW. And the similar complex in Kaunas could reach a total of 130 megawatts (MW) and the electrical capacity could reach a total of 53 MW. 2020 Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Lithuania_27 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Promotion of municipal and other waste recycling or using otherwise Single 27 Single PaM Information, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government, Local, Regional Government: Ministry of Environment,Local: Municipalities,Regional: Regional waste management centres 2007 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml The National Waste Management Plan for 2014-2020 sets the goal that by 2020, the preparing for re-use and the recycling of waste materials at least paper, metal, plastic and glass from households, and possibly from other origins as far as these waste streams are similar to waste from households, shall be increased to a minimum of overall 50 % by weight. It is also defined that by 2020, the preparing for re-use, recycling and other material recovery, including backfilling operations using waste to substitute other materials, of non-hazardous construction and demolition waste, excluding naturally occurring material defined in category 17 05 04 in the list of waste, shall be increased to a minimum of 70 % by weight. The measures implementing these targets are funded from Product or packaging waste management program (fund is accumulated by collecting the tax on environmental pollution with products and/or packaging waste) from which are supported electronic waste recycling and public awareness raising projects; and from Lithuanian Environmental Investment Fund program (fund was accumulated by collecting tax on environment pollution from stationary and mobile sources) which subsidize measures reducing negative impact on the environment by implementing modern technologies for waste recycling and for other measures. Preparing for re-use and the recycling of waste materials at least paper, metal, plastic and glass from households, and possibly from other origins as far as these waste streams are similar to waste from households, shall be increased to a minimum of overall 50 % by weight in 2020 2020 Share of generated amount of municipal waste which is composed of already reused (recycled) municipal waste % Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Lithuania_28 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Promoting the extraction and use of biogas from landfills. Single 28 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems 1940 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Minsitry of Economy 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml The support for biogas production from livestock holdings waste is foreseen under the sub measure “Investment to agricultural holdings” of the measure “Investments in physical assets” of the Rural Development Programme for Lithuania 2014–2020. The planned biogas capacities from livestock holdings are: in 2014 – 1.6 MW, in 2015 – 1 MW, in 2016-2017 – 3 MW, and in 2018-2020 – 4 MW. According to the data of the Regional waste management centers and the National Waste Management Plan for 2014-2020 it is planned to extract approximately 13 mln. m3 of biogas from all landfills. 2020 Annual limit of GHG emissions in agriculture sector mln. t CO2eq Estimate of mitigation impact (collection and use of methane from all existing and new landfills), by gas in kt CO2eq: 1 440 in 2015 and 1 940 in 2020. Lithuania’s Second Biennial Report https://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/application/pdf/final_2nd_br_lt_v_2.pdf Lithuania’s Second Biennial Report https://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/biennial_reports_and_iar/submitted_biennial_reports/application/pdf/final_2nd_br_lt_v_2.pdf 2015 1440 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Lithuania_29 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Decreasing the amount of biodegradable waste in landfills Single 29 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management 538 Government, Local Government: Ministry of Environment,Local: Municipalities 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Circular Economy Package CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml The National Strategic Waste Management Plan 2007- 2013 was repealed in April 2014 with the National Waste Management Plan for 2014-2020 by Resolution No 519 of the Government Republic of Lithuania. This planned to lower amount of landfilled of biodegradable municipal waste ensuring that biodegradable municipal waste would make not more than not more than 35 % until 2020, if compared with the year 2000 quantities of the biodegradable municipal waste. Regarding this PaM 49 of green waste composting sites were installed and it is planned to install 4 more in Lithuania. In 2012 in these 49 waste composting sites 40 000 tonnes of green waste was composted. The National Waste Management Plan for 2014-2020 sets the goal by the 2030 that approximately 100 000 t of green waste will be composted. 2020 Lowered amounts of landfilled of biodegradable municipal waste ensuring that biodegradable municipal waste would make not more than 50% until 2013 and not more than 27% until 2020, if compared with the year 2000 quantities of the biodegradable municipal waste. Waste Management Plan for 2014-2020 http://www.am.lt/VI/index.php#a/15072 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Lithuania_20 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Recommendations on the main Lithuania’s Republic energy strategic directions for industry subsectors Single 20 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Planned ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Ministry of Energy 2016 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml Recommendations on the main Lithuania’s Republic energy strategic directions, approved by Order No 1-1314 of Minister of Energy on 24 November 2016. In the recommendations promotion of law energy intensive industry subsectors, application of eco-innovative technologies are foreseen in order savings of electricity will amount 620 GWh by 2025. Energy intensity shall be reduced 2.4 times to compare with current level in industry sector by 2050. Savings of electricity will amount GWh Planned 2016 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Lithuania_30 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Promotion the use of renewable energy sources (RES) (except transport sector) Group 30 1,2,3,16 Economic, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Economy See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml Lithuania has set its national target for increasing the share of RES in its total final energy consumption to 23 percent by 2020. Increase the share of RES in its total final energy consumption to 23 percent by 2020. See individual PaMs The projected amounts of RES are multiplied by the GHG intensity that was calculated as GHG emissions from Energy industries (1.A.1) ratio to aggregated activity data. Since the aggregated activity data is primary energy and projected consumption of RES in final energy, the final energy consumption was recalculated to primary energy consumption applying conversion factors (a default 2.5 ratio is applied for electricity and 1.0 for other energy consumption). The applied GHG intensity is 191.34 GgCO2eq/TWh (0.00532 GgCO2eq/TJ). The projected amounts of RES are multiplied by the GHG intensity that was calculated as GHG emissions from Energy industries (1.A.1) ratio to aggregated activity data. Since the aggregated activity data is primary energy and projected consumption of RES in final energy, the final energy consumption was recalculated to primary energy consumption applying conversion factors (a default 2.5 ratio is applied for electricity and 1.0 for other energy consumption). The applied GHG intensity is 191.34 GgCO2eq/TWh (0.00532 GgCO2eq/TJ). See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Lithuania_31 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Increasing the energy efficiency Group 31 5,6,7,8 Economic, Information, Regulatory, Voluntary See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 1496 Companies, Government, Local Government: Ministry of Energy,Companies: Companies,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Interior,Government: Ministry of Finance,Local: Municipalities,Government: Ministry of Transport and Communication,Government: Ministry of Environment See individual PaMs Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml The National Energy Independence Strategy determines the target to consume 1.5 % less energy annually (to consume 17 % less energy in 2020 compared to 2009 level). This target also involves modernization of buildings. Implementation of Energy Efficiency Action plan provides for final energy savings to amount to 1092 GWh/year in 2010 (726 GWh/year if early actions are excluded) and 4725 GWh/year in 2016. In order to fully transpose provisions of Directive 2012/27/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on energy efficiency in to national law, in 2014 the draft Law on Energy Efficiency was prepared. In the draft law is determined that the system of energy efficiency commitment must to ensure that by 31 December 2020 saved energy in the final consumption will reach 287 ktoe. Energy Efficiency Obligation Scheme is being created for this purpose, also energy will be saved by renovating multi-apartment and public buildings. To save 3336 GWh (287 ktoe) of energy from the period starting from 2014 till 2020. See individual PaMs Waste Management Plan for 2014-2020 http://www.am.lt/VI/index.php#a/15072 Waste Management Plan for 2014-2020 http://www.am.lt/VI/index.php#a/15072 See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Lithuania_32 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Implementation of Nitrates directive Group 32 21,22 Economic, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland 100 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Ministry of Enviroment,Government: Ministry of Agriculture See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);RES directive 2009/28/EC;Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC CH4, N2O See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml Implementation of the Council Directive of 12 December 1991 concerning the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources (91/676/EEC) with the latest amendment by the Regulation (EC) No 1137/2008 of the European Parliament and the Council of 22 October 2008 (further – Nitrates Directive) is primarily directed towards the minimization of the water pollution with nitrates. Activities are supported for the establishment of modern manure silos and other measures which enable the control against manure penetration into the surroundings. Sole replacement of manure handling systems from thick or dry silos to liquid silos may lead to a reduction in emission of nitrogen compounds to atmosphere by up to 20 times. See individual PaMs National Water Area Development Programme 2017-2023 100 https://www.e-tar.lt/portal/lt/legalAct/78e05820eea211e692c5977c7316c9b5 National Water Area Development Programme 2017-2023 https://www.e-tar.lt/portal/lt/legalAct/78e05820eea211e692c5977c7316c9b5 Nitrogen compounds into the Baltic Sea the central part of the change, compared with the inflow of reference (1997-2003) for the period 42 kt. Mitigating the impact by setting GHG kt CO2 eq. 8 in 2021. Nitrogen compounds into the Baltic Sea the central part of the change, compared with the inflow of reference (1997-2003) for the period 42 kt. Mitigating the impact by setting GHG kt CO2 eq. 8 in 2021. See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); RES directive 2009/28/EC; Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Lithuania_33 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Increasing the national forest area Group 33 23,24 Economic, Education, Information, Regulatory, Research See individual PaMs LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Agriculture,Government: Ministry of Environment See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Rural Development Programme 2014–2020 CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml The National Forest Area Development Program 2012-2020 approved by Resolution No 569 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania of 23 May 2012 is sought to increase forest coverage of the country up to 34.2 % by 2020. To increase forest area by 3% until 2020. See individual PaMs Inter-institutional Action Plan on the implementation of the Goals and Objectives for 2017-2020 of the Strategy for the National Climate Change Management Policy (2016) https://www.e-tar.lt/portal/lt/legalAct/e53bd4e06b5311e69d8fa40f56962063 See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Lithuania_12 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Promotion of the use of public transport and improvement of its infrastructure Single 12 Single PaM Education, Information, Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government, Local Government: Ministry of Transport and Communication,Government: Ministry of Interior,Local: Municipalities 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml National Programme on the Development of Transport and Communications for 2014–2022 sets the goal to increase number of passengers traveling by public transport from 234.9 mln in 2012 to 244.0 mln in 2022. In order to reach these parameters it is planned to increase the attractiveness of public transport vehicles, to improve public transport infrastructure by introducing universal design solutions that increase the availability etc. Since 2010, Lithuania has implemented support schemes (from the EU Cohesion Fund) for environmentally friendly public transport in the 5 biggest cities: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Panevėžys and Šiauliai. The measures encompass renewal of public transport fleet (buses and trolleybuses), park and ride lots, bicycles and ride facilities, deployment of bus lanes, cycle tracks, and bike-sharing schemes. Passenger coach renewal programme has been pursued by the SC “Lithuanian Railways”. 2022 Number of passengers traveling by public transport Millions Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Lithuania_13 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Improvement of road infrastructure Single 13 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Communication 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml National Programme on the Development of Transport and Communications for 2014–2022, adopted in 18 December 2013 by the Resolution No 1253 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, sets the goal to improve national roads infrastructure. One of the main measures in this case is to cover the gravels roads with an asphalt; the gravel roads consist 33% of the total road network in Lithuania. 2022 The length of national gravel roads that have been asphalted km Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Lithuania_10 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Electrification of railways Single 10 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Communication 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml Railway electrification improves the economic indicators of railway carriers (the costs of energy resources are being reduced, the capacity of means of traction is increased), ecological tasks are being substantially resolved. The needs to electrify railway network are directly related to the intensity of train traffic and the programmes of renovation of means of traction. Lithuania is going to invest approximately 300 m EUR by 2020. For a moment there is only 122 km electrified railway route Naujoji Vilnia-Kaunas (7% of railways network). Currently project to electrify railway section Naujoji Vilnia - Kena (Belarusian border) is undergoing and should be finished in July of 2017. The electrification of the section between Naujoji Vilnia and the Lithuanian border with Belarus is the first phase of the project to electrify the entire railway line between Kena and Klaipėda. By 2030 it is planned to have 459.3 km (26% of railways network) of electrified railways in Lithuania and more than 3/4 of all freight and passengers will be transported using electric traction. Furthermore, until 2020 it is planned to prepare technical design for electrification of “Rail Baltica” line from Polish/Lithuanian border till Kaunas and up to 2025 build electrified “Rail Baltica” line from Polish/Lithuanian border to Lithuanian/Latvian border. After completion of “Rail Baltica” project, Lithuania will have around 360 km of fully electrified railway line, allowing transportation of passengers and cargo on south–north axis. 2030 Electrified railway route km Upon electrification of the entire IX corridor, it is planned to have 459.3 km (26% of railways network) of electrified railways in the Republic of Lithuania and more than 3/4 of all freight and passengers will be transported in Lithuania using electric traction. Until 2020 it is planned to prepare technical design for electrification of “Rail Baltica” line from Polish/Lithuanian border till Kaunas and up to 2025 build electrified “Rail Baltica” line from Polish/Lithuanian border to Lithuanian/Latvian border. After completion of “Rail Baltica” project, Lithuania will have around 360 km of fully electrified railway line, allowing transportation of passengers and cargo on south–north axis. http://infrastructure.litrail.lt/2014-2020-m.-projektai Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Lithuania_17 Lithuania 2913 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Regulation of Fluorinated Greenhouse Gases Single 17 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances,Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC, NF3, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaenlw/LT_2017-08-30.xml On 1 st of January 2015 Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council on fluorinated greenhouse gases and repealing Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 was adopted. The main goals of the new Regulation is to ensure a more cost-efficient contribution to achieving the EU’s climate objectives by discouraging the use of F-gases with a high impact on the climate in favour of energy-efficient and safe alternatives, and further improving the containment and end-of-life treatment of products and equipment that contain F-gases; help to bring about a consensus on an international agreement to phase down hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), the most relevant group of F-gases, under the Montreal Protocol. The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania has updated the existing national legislation in the area of fluorinated greenhouse gases ensuring the implementation of the requirements of the Regulation (EU) No 517/2014 : 1. The Order No D1-897 of the Minister of Environment the Republic of Lithuania ensuring the implementation of the requirements of the containment, use, recovery and destruction of the fluorinated greenhouse gases was adopted on 12 December 2016; this order defines the functions of the national authorities ensuring the implementation of the requirements of the new Regulation(EU) No 517/2014; 2. The Order No D1-372 of the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania establishing the Rules on the issuance of Certificates for the companies handling fluorinated greenhouse gases was updated on 19 December 2014; 3. The Order No. D1-668 of the Minister of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania establishing the training and attestation system for the employees engaged in the activities with the fluorinated greenhouse gases was prepared with the view to amend and updated the existing national legislation in this area in order to comply with the requirements on the new Regulation (EU) No 517/2014, adopted on 20 October 2016. 4. The Order No D1-12 of the Minister of Environment establishing the procedures for reporting on fluorinated greenhouse gases and ozone depleting substances, data collection and management, accounting of equipment and systems which contain these gases or materials was adopted on 10 January 2010 and was amended in 2016. 5. The amendment to the Administrative Infringement Code establishing more stringent responsibilities for the breach of the requirements of handling fluorinated greenhouse gases was adopted in 2016. 2030 The Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania has updated the existing national legislation in the area of fluorinated greenhouse gases ensuring the implementation of the requirements of the EU Regulation. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Luxembourg_4 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 GO12 - Good governance - Housing Sector Plan Single 4 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Expired No information Energy consumption; Land use, land use change and forestry; Transport Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Government Government: MLOG 2013 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM calls for specifying and implementing a legal frame for the "Housing Sector Plan". This Plan aims at avoiding urban sprawling and, therefore, reduce travelling distances. The Plan also promote a more sustainable development and use of land. These two elements have co-benefits with regard to GHG mitigation. Not applicable. 2015 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction To be completed. Expired 2013 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_2 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 ES02 - Energy supply - renewable energy and cogeneration - biogas supply - feed-in tariffs Single 2 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 9.5 9.5 Government Government: MECO-DEN 2014 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aims aims at developing the production of biogas and its addition in distribution networks. This PAM is linked to a 2014 Regulation that outlines method of calculating feed-in tariff (FIT) levels for the supply of biogas in the natural gas grid. Biogas plants are eligible for the tariff provided that they were commissioned on or after 1st of January 2007 and that they were renewed or extended from then in order to increase their capacity. Additional bonus for commercialised heat generated by combined heat and power based on biogas is also introduced by the Regulation. Bonus is paid on top of the feed-in tariff. In order to benefit from this additional premium certain conditions must be met. Contributes to the overall 2020 and 2030 country objectives set by the EU for the share of renewable energy sources in the final energy consumption. Production of biogas TJ The 2014 Regulation has been modified in 2016. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction 2.85 6.65 2.85 6.65 9.5 2.85 6.65 2.85 6.65 9.5 a) https://www.iea.org/policiesandmeasures/pams/luxembourg/name-153014-en.php b) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2014/08/01/n1/jo c) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2016/07/23/n4/jo Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) 2015 9.5 Heat produced with biogas is assumed to replace heat produced with natural gas. Emission reductions allocated to the ETS sector are calculated based on sold heat. Non-traded heat is attributed to the agriculture sector in the energy statistics and balances. Heat produced with biogas is assumed to replace heat produced with natural gas. Emission reductions allocated to the ETS sector are calculated based on sold heat. Non-traded heat is attributed to the agriculture sector in the energy statistics and balances. Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) 6242702 2015 Based on feed-in tariff for biogas, data from Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructures, Department of the Environment Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Luxembourg_8 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 EC42 - Energy consumption - industries - increasing energy efficiency - FEDIL Voluntary Agreement Single 8 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Other Other: Myenergy 1996 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml A voluntary agreement between the Luxembourg Government and FEDIL (the Luxembourg Business Federation) came into force in 1996. The aim is to improve the overall energy efficiency of the participating companies by 1% every year. Since the first agreement that came into force in 1996, it has been extended and adjusted several times and myenergy has joined the scheme for providing advices.The latest agreement covers the period 2011-2016 and involves 56 large and middle industrial companies located on the territory. For this latest period, the aim of the voluntary agreement is to improve energy efficiency by 7 %. If the 56 company-specific improvement is below the 7 % target fixed for the 2011-2016 period, the relevant participating enterprises must pay a proportion of the tax on the purchasing of electricity and gas, from which they are otherwise exempt.In addition to improving their energy efficiency, the participating industrial companies undertake to introduce an energy management system, by identifying the potential for improvement and drawing up an action plan for implementing at least some of this potential. Improve energy efficiency of the participating companies by 7 % between 2011 and 2016. This percentage is based on the following assumptions: improvement in energy efficiency of 0.7% p. a. adjusted for autonomous progress (0.5% p.a.). In the calculation, it is assumed that the initial effect of the measure occurred in 2013. Anticipated final energy savings in 2020 = 152 GWh. 2016 Energy consumption of commercial and public buildings ktoe For the latest agreement covering the period 2011-2016, efficiency gains are calculated using the average energy efficiency for 2009 and 2010 as a reference. The development of energy efficiency is measured using a general efficiency characteristic value, which corresponds to the arithmetic mean of the company-specific efficiency characteristics. Corresponds to measure IND_1 in NEEAP3. Third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Luxembourg (NEEAP3) a) https://www.myenergy.lu/fr/entreprises/grandes-entreprises-et-industries/accord-volontaire-fedil b) http://www.gouvernement.lu/4462360/dritter-nationaler_energieeffizienzaktionsplan_luxemburg.pdf Implemented 1996 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_68 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam68 EC02 - Energy consumption - residential buildings - new constructions - promotion of low-energy and passive houses Single 68 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 12.08 11.77 Government Government: MDDI-DEV 2013 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Increase energy efficiency standards for new residential buildings wrt. heating and hot water. Suggest a timetable for accelerating the introduction of energy standards before their mandatory application (see EC01). Low-energy houses (B/B classes) were subsidised before end 2013 only, whereas passive houses (A/A classes) were subsidised from 2013 to end 2016. Support rate for low-energy houses: 30 % market share in 2013; support rate for passive houses: 5 % market share in 2013, 10 % in 2014, 20 % in 2015 and 30 % in 2016 (market share/support rate = proportion of subsidised dwellings in the total number of newly constructed dwellings in a year). Anticipated final energy savings in 2020: 58 GWh. 2016 Corresponds to measure HH_3 in NEEAP3. Part of the former PRIMe House scheme that ended on 31st December 2016. Third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Luxembourg (NEEAP3) 12.08 11.77 11.77 11.77 11.77 11.77 a) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/memorial/2012/264 b) http://www.gouvernement.lu/4462360/dritter-nationaler_energieeffizienzaktionsplan_luxemburg.pdf Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) Implemented 2013 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_69 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam69 EC04 - Energy consumption - residential buildings - existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - insulation and ventilation Single 69 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 9.63 9.05 Government Government: MDDI-DEV 2013 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Increase energy efficiency standards for existing residential buildings though a support mechanism consisting of financial incentives. Subsidies were granted up to end 2016 for improving the thermal insulation of the building envelope and for the use of a mechanical ventilation system. Prior to the renovation, the provision of energy advice is mandatory, which was also subsidised. The better the standard achieved, the higher the subsidy. Support rate: 0.2 % in 2013, 0.4 % in 2014, 0.6 % in 2015 and 0.8 % in 2016 in relation to the total number of dwellings built by 1995 (on average, this corresponds over the period to approximately 750 dwelling units p.a.). Anticipated final energy savings in 2020: 45 GWh. 2016 Corresponds to measure HH_4 in NEEAP3. Part of the former PRIMe House scheme that ended on 31st December 2016. Third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Luxembourg (NEEAP3) 9.63 9.05 9.05 9.05 9.05 9.05 a) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/memorial/2012/264 b) http://www.gouvernement.lu/4462360/dritter-nationaler_energieeffizienzaktionsplan_luxemburg.pdf Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) Implemented 2013 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_70 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam70 EC03 - Energy consumption - residential buildings - new and existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - heating and hot water Single 70 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: MDDI-DEV 2013 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Increase energy efficiency standards for new and existing residential buildings wrt. heating and hot water through the use of renewable energy sources based on a support mechanism consisting of financial incentives. Subsidies were granted up to end 2016 for the use of solar thermal systems and heat pumps. Subsidies for solar thermal energy: between 1 000 and 2 500 systems p.a. Subsidies for heat pumps: between 220 and 500 systems p.a. Anticipated final energy savings in 2020: 40 GWh. 2016 Corresponds to measure HH_5 in NEEAP3. Part of the former PRIMe House scheme that ended on 31st December 2016. Third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Luxembourg (NEEAP3) a) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/memorial/2012/264 b) http://www.gouvernement.lu/4462360/dritter-nationaler_energieeffizienzaktionsplan_luxemburg.pdf Implemented 2013 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_21 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 GO02 - Good governance - evaluation of the second national "Action Plan for reducing CO2 emissions" Single 21 Single PaM Other Expired No information Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Other cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Other cross-cutting Government Government: MDDI-DEV 2013 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aims at a regular follow-up of the Action Plan so to initiate, if applicable, corrective or revised measures. Not applicable. 2017 This monitoring has been realised on an ad-hoc basis only. A 3rd national Action Plan for GHG reduction will be established during the year 2017 so that this PAM is now expired. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction http://www.environnement.public.lu/actualites/2013/05/plan_action_climat/index.html Expired 2013 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_3 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 ES11 - Energy supply - renewable energy and cogeneration - electricity and heat supply - promotion for the use of biomass Single 3 Single PaM Information, Planning Planned No information Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: MAVPC-SER Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PaM aims at increasing the use of biomass as energy source through the elaboration of new concepts for an increased use of biomass (wood, green waste, agricultural waste and sewage sludge), as well as through a better adequacy between planning tools, decision and public information. Contribute to the overall 2020 and 2030 country objectives set by the EU for the share of renewable energy sources in the final energy consumption. Consumption of biomass as energy source TJ 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction Planned No information With additional measuses Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Luxembourg_26 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 TR24 - Transport - mobility - information - traffic telematics systems for public transport Single 26 Single PaM Information Implemented No information Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Other Other: Verkeiersverbond (Communaute des Transports) 2012 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aims at developing near-real time information on the situation on the roads, in the public transport, on the parking availabilities, etc. so that users can optimize their choices through an on-line service. Not applicable. 2018 See also PAM TR21 (MoDu strategy). 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction To be completed. Implemented 2012 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_1 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 TR25 - Transport - mobility - enterprises mobility plans Single 1 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Other transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Other transport ('Launching an "ecological mobility" label for enterprises using low consumption and emissions vehicles.') Other Other: Verkeiersverbond (Communaute des Transports) 2009 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aims at modifying behaviours of employees and paid workers in administrations and private companies. It consists in a mobility management tool provided by the Verkeiersverbond: "mConcept". mConcept is offering solutions to promote the use of sustainable transport means and to reduce the use of individual cars. These mobility management solutions are mostly based on awareness raising through information and communication on alternative transport means. They also integrate "soft" measures which are essentially based on a reorganisation of the activities and on partnerships. As an example, enterprises and administrations could finance a "mPass" for their workers so that they can use the public transportation network free of charge. 25.000 employees that participated ? mPass sold Number of companies participating in "Mobiliteitspass" Number of companies See also PAM TR21 (MoDu strategy). 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction a) https://www.mobiliteit.lu/se-deplacer/mobilite-20/plan-mobilite-entreprises b) https://www.mobiliteit.lu/se-deplacer/titres-de-transport/mpass Implemented 2009 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_5 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 EC22 - Energy consumption - non-residential buildings - existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - heating and hot water Single 5 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 4.9 11.06 Government Government: MDDI-DEV 2011 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings. CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Increase energy efficiency standards for existing non-residential buildings wrt. heating and hot water. Since 1 January 2011, non-residential buildings have been obliged to meet minimum requirements for selected parameters such as U-values, thermal insulation of distribution pipes, control systems etc. Compared to the existing building stock, savings of around 20 % are expected. Based on an average renovation rate of 0.5 % p.a., the anticipated final energy savings in 2020 is 29 GWh. Corresponds to measure GHG_2 in NEEAP3. Third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Luxembourg (NEEAP3) 4.9 7.92 7.92 11.06 14.34 14.34 a) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2014/05/26/n2/jo b) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2015/01/28/n1/jo c) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2016/07/23/n8/jo d) https://www.myenergy.lu/fr/entreprises/informations-et-outils/les-obligations-legales e) http://www.gouvernement.lu/4462360/dritter-nationaler_energieeffizienzaktionsplan_luxemburg.pdf Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Luxembourg_9 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 EC41 - Energy consumption - industries - increasing energy efficiency - EU ETS Single 9 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Government Government: MDDI-DEV 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Application of the EU ETS Regulation. Overall EU emission reduction goal of minus 21% GHG emissions from ETS installations in 2020 compared to 2005. Reductions are obtained either through energy consumption or changes in processes. 2020 For the third EU ETS phase, 15 installations are eligible to free allowances (intially 17 but two installations have renounced to these). EU ETS legislation. a) https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets_en b) https://ec.europa.eu/clima/policies/ets_en#Main_legislation c) http://www.environnement.public.lu/air_bruit/dossiers/CC-systeme_d_echange_de_quotas_ETS/index.html Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Luxembourg_17 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 EC25 - Energy consumption - non-residential buildings - public buildings - new and existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - 'Pacte Climat' - support Single 17 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Other Other: Myenergy 2013 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Support of municipal capacities through higher financial framework and the secondment of climate experts for implementing the Climate Agreement ('Pacte Climat'). This PAM aims at ensuring that the municipalities have the human means and expertise to implement the Climate Agreement. Not applicable. 2020 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction a) http://www.pacteclimat.lu/fr b) https://www.myenergy.lu/fr/communes/nos-prestations-pour-vous/pacte-climat-ma-commune-s-engage-pour-le-climat Implemented 2013 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_20 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 EC26 - Energy consumption - non-residential buildings - public buildings - new and existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - 'Pacte Climat' - monitoring Single 20 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('EC: Making data collection compulsory with regard to energy consumption and related emissions covered by the Climate Agreement ('Pacte Climat').') Other Other: Myenergy 2013 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml The Climate Agreement ('Pacte Climat') requires municipalities to monitor the effects of energy efficiency and other energy related measures taken. For helping them, a software called 'EnerCoach' is provided to the municipalities. Mot applicable. 2020 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction a) http://www.pacteclimat.lu/enercoachhttp://www.pacteclimat.lu/fr b) https://www.myenergy.lu/fr/communes/nos-prestations-pour-vous/pacte-climat-ma-commune-s-engage-pour-le-climat Implemented 2013 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_25 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 TR23 - Transport - mobility - information - new communication tools Single 25 Single PaM Education, Information Implemented No information Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Other transport Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Other transport ('TR: Realising information and awareness campaigns for promoting an environment-friendly transport') Other Other: Verkeiersverbond (Communaute des Transports) 2012 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aims at promoting environment-friendly transportation related behaviours through information and awareness campaigns at national and regional level using new communication tools such as social networks, etc. Not applicable. 2020 See also PAM TR21 (MoDu strategy). 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction To be completed. Implemented 2012 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_28 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 EC24 - Energy consumption - non-residential buildings - public buildings - new and existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - 'Pacte Climat' Single 28 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: MFIN 2013 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml The Climate Agreement with the municipalities ('Pacte Climat') was presented in October 2012 and entered into force on the 1st January 2013. It reinforces, inter alia, the role of municipalities in the fight against climate change through a legislative, technical and financial framework set up in order to promote action against climate change. The 'Pacte Climat' means that municipalities commit to implement a quality management system relating to their energy and climate policy as well as an energy management tool for their infrastructures and their equipment. In return, and according to their 'certification level' under the European Energy Award scheme, they benefit from technical and financial support given by the Government. Might be further detailed in the 3rd National Action Plan for GHG reduction. 2020 End February 2017, all but one municipality of the country were engaged in the Agreement: 9 municipalities have reached the 'certification level' of 40%, 73 the level of 50% and 4 the highest level of 75%. 19 municipalities are solely engaged and not yet certified. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction a) http://www.pacteclimat.lu/fr b) https://www.myenergy.lu/fr/communes/nos-prestations-pour-vous/pacte-climat-ma-commune-s-engage-pour-le-climat c) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/2012/09/13/n1/jo Implemented 2013 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_29 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 AG09 - Agriculture - Rural Development Programme - development and application of a legal frame for the promotion of agro-forestry Single 29 Single PaM Regulatory Expired No information Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('LULUCF: Developing agro-forestry activities which consist in mixing agricultural activities (crops, livestock) and trees so to combine economic/agriculture) and ecological (environment protection, climate change mitigation) conditions.') Government Government: MDDI-ANF 2013 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aimed at developing a legal framework for agro-forestry activities and to consider it in the national "Rural Development Programme". Not applicable. 2015 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020/country-files/lu_en Expired 2013 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Luxembourg_31 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 TR21 - Transport - mobility - integrated strategy for a sustainable mobility (MoDu) Group 31 65,66,64,25,26,1 Education, Fiscal, Information, Planning, Regulatory, Voluntary See individual PaMs No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Other transport; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Other transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Other transport ('TR: Realising information and awareness campaigns for promoting an environment-friendly transport'),Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Other transport ('Launching an "ecological mobility" label for enterprises using low consumption and emissions vehicles.') Government, Local, Other Government: MDDI-TRA,Local: Municipalities,Government: MDDI-TRA,Other: Verkeiersverbond (Communaute des Transports),Other: Verkeiersverbond (Communaute des Transports),Other: Verkeiersverbond (Communaute des Transports) See individual PaMs Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);PAM not related to Union policies Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure. CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml The planning approach developed in the framework of the "MoDu" (Sustainable Mobility "Mobilite Durable") strategy aims at reducing potential conflicts between transport planning and the environment, and seeks for synergies between a sustainable land planning and the development of transport infrastructures and offer. Consequently, MoDu comprises measures aiming at changing the actual mobility patterns towards an increased use of public transportation and non-motorized traffic: land planning, infrastructures, reorganising the public train and busses transport networks to increase intermodal connection, increasing the capacities of public transport (places, frequencies, tramway in Luxembourg-City), car-pooling and sharing, favour cycling and walking, raising awareness, providing better and faster information, etc. Always with a trans-border aspect due to the high number of cross-border commuters working in Luxembourg. The 2020 target is a dual modal-split of 25% of daily trips by non-motorized traffic (walking and cycling) and 25% of motorized trips by public transport. See individual PaMs See also PAMs TR01, TR02, TR22 to TR25. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction http://www.mt.public.lu/planification_mobilite/1strategie_modu/index.html See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_32 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 AG01 - Agriculture - Rural Development Programme - livestock management Group 32 33,34,35 Economic, Education, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory, Research, Voluntary See individual PaMs No information Agriculture; Energy consumption Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Other agriculture; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Other agriculture; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Other agriculture; Agriculture: Improved livestock management Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Other agriculture ('AG: Further identification of needs at the practical agricultural sector'),Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Other agriculture ('AG: Coordinating activities at the research level with the needs of the field'),Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Other agriculture ('AG: Ensuring an effective transfer of research results to practice.'),Agriculture: Improved livestock management Government Government: MAVPC-SER,Government: MAVPC-SER,Government: MAVPC-SER See individual PaMs Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4, N2O See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM covers priority 5 of the Rural Development Programme, i.e. promoting resource efficiency and supporting the shift towards a low CO2 emission and climate resilient economy. In order to contribute to the reduction of greenhouse emissions from agriculture, the programme targets 30% of livestock units for investments in livestock management reducing GHG emissions. See individual PaMs GHG emissions (CO2e) from agriculture in total kt CO2e Agriculture GHG emissions as % of total national net GHG emissions % See also PAMs AG02, AG03 and AG04.This PAM represents a 4,000,000 euro investment. Rural Development Programme. http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020/country-files/lu_en See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Luxembourg_64 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam64 TR22 - Transport - mobility - promotion of car-pooling and car-sharing Single 64 Single PaM Education, Information, Planning Adopted No information Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: MDDI-TRA 2017 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Setting up of a national car-pooling portal in order to promote this alternative form of transportation and to increase the car occupancy rate, which is as of now at 1.2 passengers per car. Setting up of car-sharing facilities in order to reduce the number of cars per household. It is evaluated that one shared car through a car-sharing scheme and infrastructure could replace 7 to 10 private cars. Car-sharing would also allow to promote the use of public transport by offering flexibility when reaching a journey destination. Not applicable. 2020 See also PAM TR21 (MoDu strategy). 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction a) https://www.mobiliteit.lu/se-deplacer/mobilite-20/mobilite-alternative#covoiturageCar-sharing b) https://www.mobiliteit.lu/se-deplacer/mobilite-20/mobilite-alternative#carsharing-autopartage Adopted 2017 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_33 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 AG02 - Agriculture - Rural Development Programme - livestock management - climate-smart agriculture investments Single 33 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented No information Agriculture; Energy consumption Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government Government: MAVPC-SER 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM covers priority 5.D.1 of the Rural Development Programme, i.e. climate-friendly investment. Agricultural investments can contribute significantly to the reduction of GHG emissions. By taking into account the energy aspects during construction but also, in the case of heated stables, by adequate insulation. When storing and processing livestock waste, precautions may be taken to avoid ammonia losses (e.g. covering tanks). These considerations should be taken into account when developing new agriculture areas. 50 livestock waste storage projects by 2018, 200 by 2023. 2020 On-going discussions with agriculture experts on whether or not this PaM should be maintained in the list as it overlaps with PaMs AG21 and AG22. Rural Development Programme. http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020/country-files/lu_en Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Luxembourg_34 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 AG03 - Agriculture - Rural Development Programme - livestock management - promoting research and knowledge transfer for climate-smart agriculture Single 34 Single PaM Education, Information, Research Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Other agriculture; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Other agriculture; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Other agriculture ('AG: Further identification of needs at the practical agricultural sector'),Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Other agriculture ('AG: Coordinating activities at the research level with the needs of the field'),Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Other agriculture ('AG: Ensuring an effective transfer of research results to practice.') Government Government: MAVPC-SER 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM covers priority 5.D.2 of the Rural Development Programme (RDP), i.e. promoting research and knowledge transfer for climate-smart agriculture. The current transfer of knowledge between the research and practice is insufficient and too slow. The exchange of information at these levels needs to be improved. The achievement of these objectives requires a reorganization of agricultural research and advisory structures, as well as communication between the different actors. The RDP management authority will ensure the implementation of these objectives at national level. Not applicable. 2020 Rural Development Programme. http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020/country-files/lu_en Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Luxembourg_6 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 EC28 - Energy consumption - non-residential buildings - public buildings - new and existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - monitoring Single 6 Single PaM Other Adopted No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector No information ABP No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Reducing final energy consumption of public buildings through the monitoring of energy consumption of public buildings using a measuring concept and data analysis, notably based on smart meters. Not applicable. Energy consumption of commercial and public buildings ktoe 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction Adopted No information With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_7 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 EC08 - Energy consumption - residential buildings - existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - insulation and ventilation - VAT rate Single 7 Single PaM Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('EC: Support housing construction and renovation in Luxembourg (high population growth pushing housing prices upwards) through the application of a reduced VAT rate of 3%.'),Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: MFIN-ADA 2002 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml The reduced VAT rate of 3% instead of 17% applies to new constructions but also to existing buildings being renovated that will or are used as a primary residence. That would ensure a quicker depreciation of energy efficient investments when renovating residential buildings. Might be defined in the 3rd National Action Plan for GHG reduction. VAT rate for renovation projects in the residential sector % The first law was passed in 2002. It has been subsequently amended: increase of the maximum fiscal amount that can be "e-saved" compared to the normal 17% VAT rate, application of the reduced VAT rate to buildings that are used as a primary residence. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction. a) http://www.ml.public.lu/fr/aides-logement/fiscalite/tva_logement/index.html b) http://www.guichet.public.lu/citoyens/fr/logement/renovation-transformation/aides-indirectes/remboursement-tva-taux-reduit/index.html Implemented 2002 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_10 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 EC27 - Energy consumption - non-residential buildings - public buildings - new and existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - public procurement Single 10 Single PaM Education, Information, Planning Adopted No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('EC: Promoting sustainable and environment-friendly public purchases and procurements, as well as in public planning.') Government Government: MECO-DEN No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Application of sustainability criteria for public procurement and during the whole planning process through fixed guidelines and continuous monitoring. This should lead to the acquisition of less energy intensive appliances. Not applicable. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction Adopted No information With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_11 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 IR01 - R and D - promoting eco-technologies in the fields of invention and innovation - EcoInnovation Cluster Single 11 Single PaM Other, Research Implemented No information Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Industrial processes Cross-cutting: Other cross-cutting; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Cross-cutting: Other cross-cutting ('CC: Measure which is part of the general policy aiming at diversifying Luxembourg's economy though the development of several clusters: Luxembourg Cluster Initiative'),Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Industrial processes: Other industrial processes (' Measure which is part of the general policy aiming at diversifying Luxembourg's economy though the development of several clusters: Luxembourg Cluster Initiative.') Research Research: Luxinnovation 2012 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aims at a better use of public financial supports for the promotion and the use of eco-technologies, as well as supporting sectors and businesses operating in eco-technologies (fostering research projects and international developments) in the context of the development of an EcoInnovation Cluster in Luxembourg. Not applicable. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction http://en.luxinnovation.lu/Services/Luxembourg-Cluster-Initiative/Luxembourg-EcoInnovation-Cluster Implemented 2012 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_12 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 TR13 - Transport - taxation - vehicle tax reform - company cars Single 12 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: MFIN-ACD 2017 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Fiscal benefits in kind for company car is no longer a flat rate but is now determined according to CO2 emissions per km and propulsion means (gasoline, diesel, hybrid, natural gas, etc.). Might be further detailed in the 3rd National Action Plan for GHG reduction. To be completed. http://www.reforme-fiscale.public.lu/fr/links/documents/fir-nohaltegen-transport/steierreform2017-fir-nohaltegen-transport.pdf Implemented 2017 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_13 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 EC07 - Energy consumption - residential buildings - existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - heating and hot water - "climate bank" Single 13 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('EC: Making renovation more affordable for households in a lower socio-economic situation.') Government Government: MLOG 2017 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Increase energy efficiency standards for existing residential buildings wrt. heating and hot water through better insulation, ventilation and the use of renewable energy sources through zero rate or reduced "climatic-loan" for the renovation of more than 10 years old residential constructions - the "banque climatique" scheme (or "climate bank"). The reduced loan can be requested by households and legal entities, whereas the zero rate is addressing only certain households in a socio-economic situation which are eligible for housing support by the state. Might be defined in the 3rd National Action Plan for GHG reduction. This measure is known as the "KlimaBank" or "Banque Climatique". It is part of the new PRIMe House scheme that started on 1st January 2017. Will be developed in the 3rd National Action Plan for GHG reduction. a) http://www.myenergy.lu/fr/particuliers/lois-et-reglements/soutien-financier#prime-house-nouveau-regime b) http://www.myenergy.lu/fr/mediatheque/telechargements/telecharger/962 c) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/2016/12/23/n23/jo Implemented 2017 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_14 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 EC09 - Energy consumption - residential buildings - existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - insulation and ventilation - rented houses and apartments Single 14 Single PaM Economic Planned No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: MLOG No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Improve renovation opportunities for rented houses and apartments through different scales for subsidies offered to landlords and tenants, according to their revenues. Might be further detailed in the 3rd National Action Plan for GHG reduction. This PaM is linked with EC06 and EC07 and might be further detailed in the 3rd National Action Plan for GHG reduction. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction. Planned No information With additional measuses No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_15 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 GO11 - Good governance - environmentally harmful subsidies Single 15 Single PaM Regulatory Planned No information Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: MFIN No PAM not related to Union policies CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM suggests the analysis of the different subsidies in conjunction with their possible harmful impacts on the environment as well as the setting-up of a regulatory framework for those subsidies. Not applicable. This PAM is still planned as no concrete work has started so far. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction Planned No information With additional measuses No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_16 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 EC52 - Energy consumption - all sectors - increasing energy efficiency - training and education ; information and awareness Single 16 Single PaM Education, Information, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: MDDI-DEV No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aims at guaranteeing sufficient human and financial means to myenergy so that it can fulfil all its missions, notably with regard to the Climate Agreement with municipalities. Not applicable. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction https://www.myenergy.lu/ Implemented No information With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_18 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 GO01 - Good governance - Environment and Climate Partnership Single 18 Single PaM Regulatory Planned No information Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: MDDI-DEV No PAM not related to Union policies CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM should perpetuate the functioning and the synergies built up through the "Environment and Climate Partnership" by giving a future, clear perspectives and a legal framework to the work and functioning of this Partnership. It aims at extending the "Environment and Climate Partnership" to a "Sustainability Commission". Not applicable. This PAM remains planned since the actual Government that started its activities end 2013 has not made this project a priority. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction Planned No information With additional measuses No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_19 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 EC53 - Energy consumption - all sectors - increasing energy efficiency - monitoring Single 19 Single PaM Information, Other Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Government Government: STATEC 2015 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Improvement and systematisation of data collection on energy consumption and related emissions in various sectors: buildings, industries, transportation, etc. This PAM covers the development of statistical and econometric work on energy consumption and related emissions: projections, ex ante and ex post evaluations of PAMs (emissions, abatement costs), etc. This is a "good governance" action. Not applicable. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction Implemented 2015 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_22 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 EC51 - Energy consumption - residential and non-residential buildings - increasing energy efficiency - training and education Single 22 Single PaM Education Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector No information IFSB 2014 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Offering training schemes and certificates of competence to various actors potentially involved in energy efficiency, the use of renewable energy sources and ecological reconstruction in buildings (residential, commercial, institutions). One of the programmes is "build-up skills Luxembourg" that is initiated in the context of the EU project "Build up skills, energy training for builders" that is coordinated in Luxembourg by myenergy. Not applicable. 2nnd National Action Plan for GHG reduction http://www.myenergy.lu/fr/experts/luxbuild2020 Implemented 2014 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_23 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 EC11 - Energy consumption - residential buildings - new and existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - information and awareness Single 23 Single PaM Information Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Other Other: Myenergy No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Strengthening awareness campaigns at regional or local level aiming at promoting and diffusing information on energy efficient construction and renovation and their advantages. This is realised through the myenergy "infopoints" and other myenergy information activities such as participation at fairs, organising special events and publishing various documents on energy savings and the use of renewable energy sources. Not applicable. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction. http://www.myenergy.lu/fr/renseignements/infopoint Implemented No information With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_24 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 EC10 - Energy consumption - residential buildings - new and existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - training and education Single 24 Single PaM Education Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Other Other: Myenergy 2013 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Educating advisors for giving energy consumption advices primarily to families with low revenues so that they can reduce their expenses with regard to energy and water consumption. Not applicable. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction. http://www.myenergy.lu/fr/experts Implemented 2013 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_27 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 EC43 - Energy consumption - industries - increasing energy efficiency - training and education Single 27 Single PaM Education Adopted No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: MDDI-DEV No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM covers various projects aiming at a better deployment of energy efficiency and RES projects in industries and SMEs through training and education. It covers the "learning factory" initiative which is a national structure of lifelong training. Not applicable. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction a) http://www.learningfactory.lu/?lang=en b) http://www.enovos.lu/en/industrial/energy-efficiency/learning-factory Adopted No information With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_30 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 WM31 - Waste - recycling - SuperDrecksKescht Single 30 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Government Government: MDDI-AEV 1985 No PAM not related to Union policies CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml The 'SuperDrecksKescht' (SDK) is a programme for managing problematic waste from households and for implementing waste management in the business sector based on the principles of prevention, reduction and recovery of waste and promotes a new commercial model based on the 'consumption-reconsumption' philosophy. It covers: - the management of problematic waste from households; - the assistance and advice of companies and establishments in the public and private sectors with a view to the certification of an ecological management of waste by these enterprises and establishments; - promoting the ecological management of waste through publicity and awareness-raising activities; - organization of the collection of small quantities of waste from enterprises and establishments in the public and private sectors; - the proper storage, treatment and packaging of problem waste and the management of the warehouse in question. Different initiatives, such as "clever akafen" for residents and consulting for companies serve to prevent waste. Not applicable. To be completed. a) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/2005/03/25/n1/jo b) https://www.sdk.lu/index.php/en Implemented 1985 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_35 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 AG04 - Agriculture - Rural Development Programme - livestock management - practices to reduce GHG emissions and ammonia Single 35 Single PaM Economic, Education, Regulatory, Voluntary Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Improved livestock management Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Improved livestock management Government Government: MAVPC-SER 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM covers priority 5.D.3. of the Rural Development Programme, i.e. livestock management practices to reduce GHG emissions and ammonia. Reduced tillage reduces overall fuel consumption and thus reduces CO2 emissions. Modern slurry spreading techniques can significantly reduce ammonia losses. Reduction of nitrogen fertilization helps to reduce NO2 emissions. It is therefore a question of promoting methods that help to limit the emission of greenhouse gases. Not applicable. 2020 On-going discussions with agriculture experts on whether or not this iPaM should be mainained in the list as it overlaps with PaMs AG21 and AG22. Rural Development Programme. http://ec.europa.eu/agriculture/rural-development-2014-2020/country-files/lu_en Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Luxembourg_36 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 IP01 - Industrial processes - F-gas related emissions regulation Single 36 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: MDDI-AEV 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Maximum annual rate for F-gas emissions from refrigeration and air-conditioning equipment Depends on the gas, to be completed. F-gas emissions from refrigeration and air conditioning equipment kt CO2e To be completed. To be completed. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Luxembourg_37 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 ES01 - Energy supply - renewable energy and cogeneration - electricity and heat supply - feed-in tariffs Single 37 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 23.18 23.18 Government Government: MECO-DEN 2014 Yes CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aims at increasing the share of renewable energy sources (RES) in the electricity networks; electricity from RES produced by households or enterprises. It aims also at developing heat generation (cogeneration) alongside electricity production from RES. This PAM is linked to a 2014 Regulation that outlines method of calculating feed-in tariff (FIT) levels for renewable energy electricity. FIT levels vary depending on the renewable energy source and generation capacity of the plant. FITs are being guaranteed for a period of 15 years for all types of renewable plants (except geothermal installations) counting from the year when the plant was connected to the national grid. Additional bonus for commercialised heat generated by combined heat and power based on biomass and wood waste is also introduced by the Regulation. Bonus is paid on top of the feed-in tariff. In order to benefit from this additional premium certain conditions must be met. Contributes to the overall 2020 and 2030 country objectives set by the EU for the share of renewable energy sources in the final energy consumption. The 2014 Regulation has been modified in 2016. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction 23.18 23.18 23.18 23.18 23.18 23.18 a) https://www.iea.org/policiesandmeasures/pams/luxembourg/name-153014-en.php b) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2014/08/01/n1/jo c) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2016/07/23/n4/jo Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) 2015 24.51 Heat produced by sewage gas replaces heat produced by natural gas plants. Heat produced by sewage gas replaces heat produced by natural gas plants. Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) 1898848 2015 Based on feed-in tariff for waste wood and sewage gas, data from Ministry of Sustainable Development and Infrastructures, Department of the Environment Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes No information
Luxembourg_43 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 WM01 - Waste - overall management - National Waste Management Plan Group 43 56,46,48 Regulatory See individual PaMs No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: MDDI-AEV,Government: MDDI-AEV,Government: MDDI-AEV See individual PaMs Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;PAM not related to Union policies;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 1999/31/CE CH4, CO2, N2O See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml According to Article 36 of the law of 21 March 2012 concerning the management of waste, the next national waste management plan is currently being elaborated. Luxembourg's national waste plan is a fundamental instrument which drives the waste management policy. Except for radioactive waste and waste from extractive operations, it covers all waste types (municipal solid waste, food and organic waste, packaging waste, electrical and electronic equipment/batteries) and has the goal to promote measures related to prevention and management of waste. The national waste plan does not include any quantitative targets. Not applicable. See individual PaMs See also PAMs WM03, WM21 and WM25. http://www.environnement.public.lu/dechets/legislation/loi_cadre/index.html See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; PAM not related to Union policies; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Luxembourg_38 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 FO04 - Forestry - forest management - increase of the amount of dead wood in forests Single 38 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Government Government: MDDI-ANF 2005 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Harvest of wood in public forests is limited to tree trunks with a diameter greater than 10 cm. All other wood remains as dead wood in forests. This has already lead to an increase of carbon in the dead wood pool over the last years. To be completed. To be completed. To be completed. Implemented 2005 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_39 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 FO01 - Forestry - forest management - establishment of forest management plans in public forests Single 39 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: MDDI-ANF 2000 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Forest officials have to establish forest management plans for all public forest. Those plans have establish harvest rates for the next 10 years. The harvest strategy is predefined and aims to smooth out age class structure. Clear cut felling is prohibited and instead forests having reached their maturity are harvested over a period of 30 years for deciduous and 10 years for coniferous forests. Those long harvest times stabilise the existing carbon stocks in forests. The forest management plans also include the choice of tree species for future planting. Overall those measures also aim to make forests more resilient towards extreme weather events. Not applicable. To be completed. To be completed. Implemented 2000 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_40 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 FO02 - Forestry - forest management - protection of existing forests Single 40 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests Government Government: MDDI-ANF 2004 No PAM not related to Union policies Forest Europe - Helsinki Resolution H1 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aims to protect existing carbon stocks in forests. Current legislation (Article 13 of 19 January 2004 law on nature and natural resources protection) prohibits deforestation without previous authorisation and without compensation through afforestation of new forest areas. Not applicable. To be completed. To be completed. Implemented 2004 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_41 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 FO03 - Forestry - forest management - increase of the size of forest nature reserves Single 41 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests Government Government: MDDI-ANF No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aims at increasing forest areas which are left undisturbed with no harvesting taking place.In the short term this will lead to an increase in dead wood and hence an increase in carbon stock in the forest sector. On the other hand this measure lessens the total wood harvest potential and the potential for substitution effect for building materials or energy sources. In the medium to long term the Forest Agency aims to increase the amount of forest declared as nature reserve to 5% of the total forest area (4.500 ha). To be completed. To be completed. Implemented No information With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_42 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 FO11 - Forestry - logging - Wood Cluster Single 42 Single PaM Voluntary Adopted No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool Government Government: MDDI-ANF 2017 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml The aim of the Wood Cluster is to assemble all actors of the wood sector in order to improve the utilisation of wood from forests. The aim is to use wood in cascade from high value product to lower value product and finally as energy source This is in line with the objectives of the circular economy and will lead to maximise the use of this primary resource. It also means that new outlet markets have to be found for beech wood which, at the moment, is primarily used as energy source or exported. In the long term this should lead to an increase in the HWP pool and reduce the use of higher energy consuming cement-based building products. Not applicable. To be completed. https://www.luxinnovation.lu/cluster/luxembourg-wood-cluster/ Adopted 2017 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_45 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 WM11 - Waste - energy - incineration and burning - energy recovery from waste incineration Single 45 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy supply; Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Government Government: MDDI-AEV 1976 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2000/76/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml The aim of the Directive 2000/76/EC is to prevent or to reduce emissions caused by the incineration of waste. This is to be achieved through the application of operational conditions, technical requirements, and emission limit values for incineration plants within the EU.With regard to the incineration of mixed municipal waste, the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC defines the minimum energy efficiency to be met by an incineration plant so that this operation can be considered as a recovery operation.Luxembourg has a single waste incineration plant (SIDOR), in operation since 1976. It deals with municipal solid waste generated in the communes of the cantons of Luxembourg, Esch and Capellen. Not applicable. The effect of this PAM is the energy production related emissions avoided by incinerating waste. T be completed. http://sidor.lu Implemented 1976 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Luxembourg_44 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 WM13 - Waste - incineration and burning - prohibition of open air burning of waste Single 44 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Government Government: MDDI-AEV 1994 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Article 42 of the modified law of 21 March 2012 states that the abandonment, dumping or uncontrolled management of waste is prohibited. This statement includes the prohibition of open burning of waste, which is considered as an uncontrolled management of waste. This includes the ban on cremation of green waste, household and non-domestic waste in the open air. Waste fines imposed for non-compliance with this provision are fixed in the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 18 December 2015. Indeed, a fine of 145 euros is imposed for open burning of waste and even 250 euros for open burning of non-domestic waste. Many municipalities have also implemented this prohibition in their respective municipal regulations. Not applicable. To be completed. http://www.legilux.public.lu/leg/a/archives/2015/0256/a256.pdf Implemented 1994 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_47 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 WM22 - Waste - landfills - overall management - reduced landfilling of municipal solid waste Single 47 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: MDDI-AEV 1993 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml The modern requirements for disposal sites of the Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC aiming at preventing or reducing environmental damage by landfilling waste have been transposed into national legislation through the Grand-Ducal Regulation of February 24, 2003, subsequently amended and rectified by the Grand-Ducal Regulation of February 17, 2006.In order to reduce methane generation, Luxembourg has decided to minimise quantities of waste dumped into landfills as much as possible. Not applicable. Since 2014, no direct landfilling of waste has occurred in Luxembourg. Due to agreements between the syndicates, only one controlled landfill site in Muertendall, managed by SIGRE, is used since 1st January 2015. To further reduce CH4 emissions, pre-treatment of all residual waste prior to its disposal has been reinforced (since 1993 at SIGRE, since 2007 at SIDEC) so that only composted waste is landfilled. See also PAM WM23. To be completed. a) http://www.legilux.public.lu/leg/a/archives/2003/0034/2003A05461.html b) http://www.legilux.public.lu/leg/a/archives/2006/0036/2006A0696A.html c) http://www.legilux.public.lu/leg/a/archives/2006/0051/2006A1124B.html Implemented 1993 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Luxembourg_46 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 WM21 - Waste - landfills - overall management - advanced waste collection system Single 46 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: MDDI-AEV 1993 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml According to the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 1 December 1993 concerning the collective management of waste, it is mandatory to separately collect waste categories for which different treatment is required. Hence, an advanced waste collection system has been implemented, often with waste collection charges, allowing the evaluation of annual quantities of municipal waste. Not applicable. To be completed. http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/1993/12/01/n1/jo Implemented 1993 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_48 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 WM25 - Waste - landfills - verification of closed unmanaged landfills Single 48 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Government Government: MDDI-AEV 1994 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 1999/31/CE CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml When the national waste legislation came into force in 1994, all private and municipal unmanaged landfills had to be closed. These areas were cleaned, planted and designed to fit into the landscape. A cadaster was set up, with all landfill sites that could be contaminated. Since 1994, inspections were systematically performed by the Environment Agency at a total of 616 former landfills, according to the procedure under Art. 14 of the modified Grand-Ducal Regulation of 24 February 2003. The environmental management oversaw the work that lasted until 2005. No abnormal behavior of these closed sites has been detected and no corrective actions have been required. Not applicable. To be completed. http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2003/02/24/n2/jo Implemented 1994 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Luxembourg_50 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 WM23 - Waste - landfills - overall management - biological pre-treatment of solid waste Single 50 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Government Government: MDDI-AEV 1993 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 1999/31/EC CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml According to the national implementation of the Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC, large streams of waste undergo aerobic treatment procedures prior landfilling.Biological pre-treatment of solid waste prior landfilling, during which air is forcedly blown through the bulk waste to speed up its decomposition, has been systematically performed since SIGRE has first introduced aerobic treatment processes for the managed waste in 1993. At SIDEC, a mechanical-biological treatment plant has been installed treating mixed waste since 2007. According to Art. 7(a) of the modified Grand-Ducal Regulation of 24 February 2003 on landfilling waste, only pretreated waste is landfilled. Not applicable. See also PAM WM22. To be completed. http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2003/02/24/n2/jo Implemented 1993 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Luxembourg_49 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 WM24 - Waste - landfills - methane recovery systems Single 49 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy supply; Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use 6.66 6.66 Government Government: MDDI-AEV 2000 No PAM not related to Union policies CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Methane recovery systems have been installed at the individual landfills Muertendall (managed by SIGRE) and Fridhaff (managed by SIDEC) in the years 2000 and 2002, respectively. Not applicable. While the recovered CH4 is used for the production of electricity at the SIGRE landfill Muertendall, recovered gas is flared at the SIDEC landfill Fridhaff. To be completed. 0.15 6.51 0.15 6.51 6.66 0.15 6.51 0.15 6.51 6.66 To be completed. Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) 2015 8.8 Emission reductions related to methane recovery systems at landfills are allocated 100 % to ESD sector. Emission reductions due to heat production with landfill gas are allocated 100 % to ETS sector. The underlying assumption for quantifying PaM WM24 is that if methane recovery systems would not have been installed at landfills (Muertendall and Fridhaff) methane would escape directly to the atmosphere. Data of amounts of methane recovery have been collected from the CRF tables of Luxembourg as submitted to the European Commission in January 2017. It has been assumed that the amounts reported under "Amount of CH4 for energy recovery" includes both energy recovery and flaring (reported as "NO" in CRF). Emission reductions related to methane recovery systems at landfills are allocated 100 % to ESD sector. Emission reductions due to heat production with landfill gas are allocated 100 % to ETS sector. The underlying assumption for quantifying PaM WM24 is that if methane recovery systems would not have been installed at landfills (Muertendall and Fridhaff) methane would escape directly to the atmosphere. Data of amounts of methane recovery have been collected from the CRF tables of Luxembourg as submitted to the European Commission in January 2017. It has been assumed that the amounts reported under "Amount of CH4 for energy recovery" includes both energy recovery and flaring (reported as "NO" in CRF). Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) Implemented 2000 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_51 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 WM32 - Waste - recycling - packaging waste Single 51 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government Government: MDDI-AEV 2006 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2015/720/UE CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Pursuant to Directive 2015/720/UE, Art. 6. of the law of 21 March 2017 on packaging waste defines that, (1) Packaging managers are required to achieve, on an individual or collective basis, the following minimum targets for recovery and recycling: 1) 65% by weight of packaging waste shall be recovered or incinerated in incineration plants of waste with energy recovery; (2) 60% by weight of packaging waste shall be recycled with the following minimum recycling for the materials contained in the packaging waste: 60 per cent by weight for glass, 60 per cent by weight for paper and cardboard, 50 per cent by weight for metals, 22.5 per cent by weight for plastics, considering exclusively materials that are recycled as plastics and 15 percent by weight for wood. To be completed. http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/2017/03/21/a330/jo Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Luxembourg_52 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 WM33 - Waste - overall management - biowaste Single 52 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Planned No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Government Government: MDDI-AEV 2017 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml According to Art. 25 of the modified law of 21 March 2012, (1) Bio-waste must be separately collected in order to subject it to a composting operation or digestion or, if due to the nature of the material this is not possible, to any other recovery operation. (2) The treatment of bio-waste must be carried out in a manner compatible with a high level of environmental protection. The use of materials produced from bio-waste must be carried out without risk to the environment and human health. Not applicable. For the spring season 2017, the Environment Agency has worked in collaboration with stakeholders (municipalities, syndicates, operators of interim storage facilities, treatment plants, waste producers) to develop a national network for the collection and recovery of substantial quantities of green waste, including viticulture, forestry and agriculture as well as orchards. To be completed. http://www.environnement.public.lu/actualites/2017/02/02_gruenschnitt/index.html Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Luxembourg_55 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 WM05 - Waste - overall management - reduced consumption of plastic bags Single 55 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Government Government: MDDI-AEV 2017 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2015/720/UE CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml According to Art. 5 of the law of 21 March 2017 on the reduced consumption of plastic bags on a long-term basis, (1) the level of annual consumption shall not exceed ninety light plastic bags per person in December 31, 2019 and forty light plastic bags per person on December 31, 2025. To be completed. http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=celex%3A32015L0720 Implemented 2017 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Luxembourg_53 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 WM35 - Waste - recycling - valorisation of sewage sludge Single 53 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Other waste; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Waste management/waste: Other waste,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Government Government: MDDI-AEV 2014 No PAM not related to Union policies CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml The Grand-Ducal Regulation of 23 December 2014 on sewage sludge outlines: - long-term reduction of valorisation in agriculture; - definition of additional prohibition zones for agricultural valorisation; - reduction of the concentration limits for heavy metals;- widening of analytical parameters on certain organic pollutants (PAHs, PCBs, PCDDs / PCDFs). Valorisation of sewage sludge by energy recovery exists in Luxembourg at a clinker production facility in Rumelange. This facility has the necessary authorizations to accept maximum quantities of 15,000 Mg of dried sewage sludge. Not applicable. The effect of this PAM is the production related emissions avoided by using sewage sludge instead of other fuels. To be completed. http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2014/12/23/n12/jo Implemented 2014 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_54 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 WM12 - Waste - energy - anaerobic digestion at biogas facilities Single 54 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Government, Other Other: ILR,Government: MECO-DEN 2005 No PAM not related to Union policies CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml In the interest of maximizing the renewable energy source constituted by organic waste, organic waste is used for the production of biogas. CH4 generation is used to produce heat and/or electricity. The network of biogas plants has increased to 21 installations during the period 2010-2015. In addition, several facilities, including Minett-Kompost, have been connected to the natural gas distribution network according to the regulation of 15 December 2011. Further, the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 3 August 2005 introduces an environmental incentive payment for electricity production from wind, hydro, solar, biomass and biogas. Not applicable. Check if overlaps with FIT PaMs (biogas) that have been quantified. To be completed. a) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2011/12/15/n5/jo b) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2005/08/03/n2/jo Implemented 2005 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_56 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 WM03 - Waste - overall management - polluter pays principle Single 56 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Government Government: MDDI-AEV 2012 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml In application of Art. 17(3) of the law of 21 March 2012, municipal charges must cover all costs incurred by municipalities in relation with waste management. The taxes charged to the various households and, where applicable, of establishments, must take into account the quantities of waste actually produced. For these purposes, the taxes must include at least one variable component calculated as a function of the weight and / or the volume of the residual household waste in a mixture actually produced as well as a variable component calculated according to the weight and / or volume of bulky waste actually produced. Not applicable. http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/2012/03/21/n1/jo Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Luxembourg_58 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 AG22 - Agriculture - practices - conservation tillage or zero-tillage Single 58 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government Government: MAVPC-ASTA 2013 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM is believed to increase carbon stock in soils. In order to be eligible for a government grant for reduced tillage (or conservation tillage) farmers have to guarantee, over a 5 year period, that a certain amount of their fields will not undergo full tillage. Not applicable. To be completed. To be completed. Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Luxembourg_57 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 WM02 - Waste - overall management - Environmental Protection Fund Single 57 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Government Government: MDDI-DEV 1999 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2, CH4, N2O Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml The modified law of 31 May 1999 on the establishment of a fund for the protection of the environment defines the manner in which, through the funds of the Environmental Protection Fund, the State may contribute financially to certain projects, including (A) water protection and sanitation; (B) prevention and control of air pollution, noise and climate change: (C) waste prevention and management; (D) the protection of nature and natural resources; (E) the remediation and rehabilitation of waste disposal sites and contaminated sites. Not applicable. Financial support is given - up to a maximum of 66% of the cost of the investment for the composting and/or biomethanization of organic waste and sludge treatment on local basis; - up to a maximum of 40% of the investment cost for municipal and intercommunal recycling centers allowing the separate collection of household and similar waste and complying with the Grand-Ducal Regulation of 1 December 1993 relative to the development and management of recycling centers intended for the selective collection of different fractions of household, bulky or assimilated waste; - up to a maximum of 25% of the investment cost of intermunicipal waste and similar waste disposal facilities as well as the cost of adapting existing installations to new technologies and to stricter standards of protection of soil, water, air and waste management. http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/1999/05/31/n1/jo Implemented 1999 Not included in a projection scenario No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_60 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 AG11 - Agriculture - Common Agricultural Policy - greening - crop diversification Single 60 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government Government: MAVPC-ASTA 2013 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM pushes towards a more careful choice of crop rotation, which should lead to increase in soil carbon stock. It is based on green direct payments, which are linked to certain crop diversification conditions. Not applicable. Green direct payments are linked to the following conditions regarding crop diversification: up to 30 ha, farmers have to grow at least 2 crops and the main crop cannot cover more than 75% of the land; over 30 ha, farmers have to grow at least 3 crops, the main crop covering at most 75% of the land and the 2 main crops at most 95%. To be completed. To be completed. Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Luxembourg_59 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 AG21 - Agriculture - practices - organic farming Single 59 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government Government: MAVPC-ASTA 2009 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml The conversion of conventional agriculture to organic agriculture is supported financially by the government. This measure is believed to increase carbon stocks in soils due to reduced tillage and improved organic fertilisation techniques. The amount of agricultural land under organic agriculture can be measured and hence a quantified objective can be set: to be completed. Define/provide the quantified objective if one has been set. To be completed. http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2009/08/26/n4/jo Implemented 2009 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_61 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam61 AG12 - Agriculture - Common Agricultural Policy - greening - permanent grassland Single 61 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Government Government: MAVPC-ASTA 2013 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml The aim of this PAM is to conserve soil carbon and grassland habitats associated with permanent grassland. It is based on green direct payments linked to the conditions that permanent grasslands are protected. Hence they cannot be ploughed or converted. Not applicable. To be completed. To be completed. Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Luxembourg_62 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam62 AG13 - Agriculture - Common Agricultural Policy - greening - ecological focus area Single 62 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Government Government: MAVPC-ASTA 2013 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aims at protecting existing hedges and trees and at encouraging the plantation of new ones if they are not yet present. Farmers with arable areas exceeding 15 ha must ensure that at least 5% of such areas is an 'ecological focus area' dedicated to ecologically beneficial elements. Ecological focus areas cover a broad range of features, including ones that affect biodiversity: directly, such as fallow land, field margins, hedges and trees, buffer strips. Not applicable. To be completed. To be completed. Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Luxembourg_65 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam65 TR01 - Transport - alternative fuels - framework and infrastructure Single 65 Single PaM Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: MDDI-TRA 2016 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2014/94/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 October 2014 on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure. CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml This PAM aims at promoting and fostering the transition to alternative fuels: electro-mobility (BEV and PHEV) and natural gas mobility (CNG and LNG). All member states of the EU established a national policy frameworks outlining their national targets and objectives, and supporting actions for the development of the market as regards alternative fuels, including the deployment of the necessary infrastructure to be put into place, in close cooperation with regional and local authorities and with the industry concerned, while taking into account the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises. Besides infrastructure developments, tax cuts (on annual private persons tax declaration) are offered for the purchase of an electric vehicle (BEV). Reaching a share of 10% for electric vehicles in the total number of passenger cars by 2020, i.e. some 40 000 vehicles - battery electric vehicles (BEV) or plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV). The objective is also to install 800 public accessible charging stations (=1,600 charging points). Developing, by 2020, a network of petrol stations offering natural gas. 2030 Electro-mobility: given that 90% of the charging is done at home or work, the aim of 800 charging stations is to provide an public charging infrastructure for the remaining 10%. See also PAM TR21 (MoDu strategy). 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction https://www.mobiliteit.lu/se-deplacer/mobilite-20/mobilite-alternative Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Luxembourg_63 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam63 TR04 - Transport - alternative fuels - tax incentives Single 63 Single PaM Fiscal Adopted No information Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: MFIN 2017 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml New fiscal incentives for zero and low emission vehicle were introduced in 2017. A return of tax of 5,000 euro for zero-emissions vehicles; - battery electric vehicles (BEV) and fuel cell-electric vehicles (FCEV) - on the annual tax declaration for private car owners has been created. For company cars the deductibility from corporate income of expenses related to the use of company cars will be calculated on the basis of CO2 emissions. Zero emission vehicles benefit to the highest degree. Contributes to the overall 2020 and 2030 country objectives set by the EU for the share of renewable energy sources in the final energy consumption for the transport sector. 2nd National Action Plan for GHG reduction http://www.clever-fueren.lu Adopted 2017 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_66 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam66 TR02 - Transport - alternative fuels - public transportation Single 66 Single PaM Voluntary Adopted No information Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Local Local: Municipalities 2017 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Use of plugin hybrid and full electric buses which are being charged by opportunity charging stations. 2017 RGTR bus network: 6 plugin-hybrid buses and 1 opportunity charging station. 2017 Luxembourg-City: 5 plugin-hybrid buses and 1 opportunity charging station. 2017 Differdange: 4 electric buses and 2 opportunity charging station. See also PAM TR21 (MoDu strategy). To be completed. Adopted 2017 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_71 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam71 EC05 - Energy consumption - residential buildings - new constructions - increasing energy efficiency - heating and hot water Single 71 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('EC: Ensuring more sustainable housing through the delivery of a certificate: LENOZ - Letzebuerger Nohaltegkeets-Zertifikat fir Wunngebaier.') Government Government: MLOG 2017 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Increase energy efficiency standards for new residential buildings wrt. heating and hot water through better insulation, ventilation and the use of renewable energy sources. A durability demand is added that comes on top of energy efficiency and use of renewable energy sources requirements: LENOZ. This certificate combines 3 criteria for defining a sustainable construction: environment protection, economic efficiency and a fair social organisation. A new construction should at least reach 60% for the 3 LENOZ criteria to be eligible for subsidies. Might be defined in NEEAP4. Part of the new PRIMe House scheme that started on 1st January 2017. Will be developed in the 3rd National Action Plan for GHG reduction and probably in the 4th NEEAP as well. a) http://www.myenergy.lu/fr/particuliers/lois-et-reglements/soutien-financier#prime-house-nouveau-regime b) http://www.myenergy.lu/fr/mediatheque/telechargements/telecharger/962 c) http://www.ml.public.lu/fr/lenoz/Informations-generales/index.html d) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/2016/12/23/n20/jo e) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/2016/12/23/n21/jo Implemented 2017 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_72 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam72 EC06 - Energy consumption - residential buildings - existing constructions - increasing energy efficiency - heating and hot water Single 72 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('EC: Ensuring more sustainable housing through the use of sustainable materials during energy renovation.') Government Government: MFIN 2017 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Increase energy efficiency standards for existing residential buildings wrt. heating and hot water through better insulation, ventilation and the use of renewable energy sources. Subsidies are increased if sustainable materials are used. Might be defined in NEEAP4. Part of the new PRIMe House scheme that started on 1st January 2017. Will be developed in the 3rd National Action Plan for GHG reduction and probably in the 4th NEEAP as well. a) http://www.myenergy.lu/fr/particuliers/lois-et-reglements/soutien-financier#prime-house-nouveau-regime b) http://www.myenergy.lu/fr/mediatheque/telechargements/telecharger/962 c) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/2016/12/23/n20/jo Implemented 2017 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_67 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam67 EC01 - Energy consumption - residential buildings - new constructions - intensification of energy efficiency requirements - heating and hot water Single 67 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 68.93 133.89 Government Government: MECO-DEN 2012 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings. CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Increase energy efficiency standards for new residential buildings wrt. heating and hot water. Suggest a timetable for energy efficiency requirements for thermal insulation class as well as overall energy performance class moving from class D before 1st July 2012 to class A from 1st January 2017 onwards for both criteria (where classes A/A corresponds to a passive house). Average rate of new construction: approx. 3 % p.a. in relation to the annual housing stock. This corresponds to approximately 7 900 housing units p.a. in 2020 and is determined by an annual population increase of around 13 000 units at present and an estimated annual demolition rate of 0.85 %. Anticipated final energy savings in 2020: 331 GWh. 2017 Corresponds to measure HH_1 in NEEAP3. Third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Luxembourg (NEEAP3) 68.93 100.64 100.64 133.89 167.15 167.15 a) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/memorial/2012/96 b) http://www.gouvernement.lu/4462360/dritter-nationaler_energieeffizienzaktionsplan_luxemburg.pdf Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Luxembourg_73 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam73 EC21 - Energy consumption - non-residential buildings - new constructions - intensification of energy efficiency requirements - heating and hot water Single 73 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 28.43 64.16 Government Government: MDDI-DEV 2011 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings. CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Increase energy efficiency standards for new non-residential buildings wrt. heating and hot water. Since 1 January 2011 (date of building application), non-residential buildings have been obliged to meet efficiency class D. Compared to buildings before the introduction of this regulation, savings of around 30 % was expected. Then, with effect from 1 July 2015 (date of building application), non-residential buildings have to meet efficiency class C. Compared to the previous standards, this intensification corresponds to a extra savings of 15 %. Based on an average rate of new constructions of 2.0 % p.a., the anticipated final energy savings in 2020 are 168 GWh + 44 GWh. Corresponds to measures GHD_1 and GHD_3 in NEEAP3. Third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Luxembourg (NEEAP3) 28.43 45.93 45.93 64.16 83.16 83.16 a) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2014/05/26/n2/jo b) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2015/01/28/n1/jo c) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2016/07/23/n8/jo d) https://www.myenergy.lu/fr/entreprises/informations-et-outils/les-obligations-legales e) http://www.gouvernement.lu/4462360/dritter-nationaler_energieeffizienzaktionsplan_luxemburg.pdf Support to Luxembourg on the evaluation and reporting of policies and measures under the MMR (2017, unpublished) Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Luxembourg_74 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam74 EC23 - Energy consumption - non-residential buildings - new constructions - increasing energy efficiency - electricity consumption for lighting Single 74 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: MDDI-DEV 2011 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy performance of buildings. CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Increase energy efficiency standards for new non-residential buildings wrt. lightning related electricity consumption. Since 1 January 2011 (date of building application), non-residential buildings have been obliged to meet efficiency class D (see EC21). Compared to buildings before the introduction of this regulation, savings of around 40% in lighting electricity are expected. Based on an average rate of new constructions of 2.0 % p.a., the anticipated final energy savings in 2020 is 78 GWh. Corresponds to measure GHD_4 in NEEAP3. Third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Luxembourg (NEEAP3) a) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2014/05/26/n2/jo b) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2015/01/28/n1/jo c) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2016/07/23/n8/jo d) https://www.myenergy.lu/fr/entreprises/informations-et-outils/les-obligations-legales e) http://www.gouvernement.lu/4462360/dritter-nationaler_energieeffizienzaktionsplan_luxemburg.pdf Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Luxembourg_76 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam76 TR12 - Transport - taxation - vehicle tax reform - private cars Single 76 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: MFIN-ADA 2007 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml In December 2006, a Regulation introduced a vehicle tax reform based on CO2 emissions. It entered into force on the 1st of January 2007. On average, this change in approach led to an increase in tax. In the longer term, this will influence purchasing decisions in favour of more economical vehicles. Based on an improvement rate of 2% p.a. in the specific fuel consumption of new vehicles, the vehicle tax reform would trigger a total GHG saving of roughly 66 GWh in 2020. Corresponds to measure TRA_02 in NEEAP3. Third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Luxembourg (NEEAP3) http://www.gouvernement.lu/4462360/dritter-nationaler_energieeffizienzaktionsplan_luxemburg.pdf Implemented 2007 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_77 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam77 TR11 - Transport - taxation - excise duties on fuel for transport purposes Single 77 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: MDDI-DEV 2007 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Taxes on fuel (petrol and diesel) are raised on a regular basis. By the 1st of January 2007, the excise rate on gasoline was increased by 2 cents/litre. For diesel, the excise rate was increased in two stages: 1.25 cents/litre on the 1st of January 2007 and another 1.25 cents/litre on the 1st of January 2008. These increased were known as "Kyoto-cents". The last tax increase on diesel took place in 2012-2013. In the short term this will encourage driving behaviour that aims to achieve lower fuel consumption, and in the longer term will influence motorists to purchase more economical vehicles. Based on the third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Luxembourg (NEEAP3), anticipated final energy savings in 2020 would reach 86 GWh. This autonomous addition to the existing excise rates was introduced to finance the "Kyoto Fund" renamed "Climate and Energy Fund" since January 2011 - set up in Luxembourg to firstly deal with the Kyoto "flexible mechanisms" and later on, to also finance national climate and energy savings actions. This autonomous addition to the existing excise rates is labelled "climate change contribution" or "Kyoto-cent". Corresponds to measure TRA_01 in NEEAP3. Third National Energy Efficiency Action Plan for Luxembourg (NEEAP3) a) http://www.gouvernement.lu/4462360/dritter-nationaler_energieeffizienzaktionsplan_luxemburg.pdf b) http://www.do.etat.lu/acc/Taux_droits_accise/Luxembourg.htm Implemented 2007 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_78 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam78 FO12 - Forestry - forest management - private forest nature reserve subsidy Single 78 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Government Government: MDDI-ANF 2017 No PAM not related to Union policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Subsidies paid to private forest owners and forests owned by communes to leave forests in their natural state. Not applicable. To be completed. http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/rgd/2017/05/12/a492/jo Implemented 2017 With existing measures No PAM not related to Union policies
Luxembourg_75 Luxembourg 2929 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam75 TR03 - Transport - alternative fuels - biofuels Single 75 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: MFIN-ADA 2007 Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/lu/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvbug4w/envwn5wra/LU_MMR_PaMs_2017_0609-final.xml Obligation to blend biofuels in transport related fuels. The budget law 2007 sets the mandatory part of biofuel to be blended in diesel and gasoline in transport to 2%. The law of 17 December 2010 defining the excises taxes takes over this percentage and additionally sets sustainable criteria for the blended biofuels. The budget laws 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 set the level of incorporated biofuels to 3.75%, 4.75%, 5.40%, 5.15% (adjusted for avoiding a previous double counting) respectively to 5.50%. These percentages are calculated in relation to the energy content of the fuels. Contributes to the overall 2020 and 2030 country objectives set by the EU for the share of renewable energy sources in the final energy consumption for the transport sector. To be completed. a) https://www.iea.org/policiesandmeasures/pams/luxembourg/name-47707-en.php b) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/2016/12/23/n12/jo c) http://legilux.public.lu/eli/etat/leg/loi/2010/12/17/n2/jo Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Malta_2 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Rebates on energy efficient domestic appliances Single 2 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: MRA 2006 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Government subsidy scheme on energy efficient appliances to provide financial incentives 2008 Expired 2006 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Malta_3 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Distribution of energy saving lamps in the domestic sector Single 3 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: x 2009 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Distribution of energy saving lamps. The Government initiated a scheme whereby each household in Malta was given a voucher that could be redeemed from retailers for 6 free energy saving lamps (CFLs) (per household). 2010 Expired 2009 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Malta_13 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 The introduction of a biofuel ‘Substitution Obligation’ Single 13 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Other transport Transport: Other transport ('Renewables in transport') 24 30.01 Government Government: MRA 2011 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml The use of biofuels up to some years ago had not resulted in a significant decrease in national GHG emissions as its use decreased from 1.75% , by energy, of diesel used in road transport in 2007 to 0.68% in 2009. This triggered the MRA to introduce a substitution obligation on all importers and/or wholesalers of petroleum fuel used for transport. The annual mandatory substitution obligation in 2011 was 1.5% of the total energy content petroleum place on the market. The obligations rises in intervals of 1% to reach 9.5% by 2019 and then 10% by 2020. 2020 24 27.51 27.51 30.01 27.93 27.93 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC
Malta_1 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Submarine electrical connection to European network Single 1 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 65.33 248.5 Government Government: Enemalta Corporation 2015 Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml The implementation of an electrical interconnection to the European energy grid in conjunction with the retention of significant local electricity generation capacity offers greater flexibility in meeting local demand while providing a potential for considerable reduction in the national CO2 emissions through the reduction of local emissions from the main contributor of CO2 emissions. The Interconnector was energised on 24 March 2015, following completion of works and a period of testing and commissioning. Full implementation of the project is expected to be completed in April 2015 following satisfactory completion of further necessary testing. 65.33 170.51 170.51 248.5 259.79 259.79 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Malta_4 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Promotion of solar water heaters Single 4 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 8.32399 8.67316 Government Government: - 2006 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml The RES support scheme provides financial support to cover part of the investment costs of domestic SWH equipment. Available funds will be allocated according to the type of equipment purchased. 8.32399 8.57985 8.57985 8.67316 Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Malta_5 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Incentives for the uptake of PV systems Single 5 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 21.5577 22.462 Government Government: MRA 2006 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Government grant scheme on the purchase of PVs, and to encourage electricity generation through technologies other than conventional generating plants, the government has launched schemes to promote the installation of renewable the domestic sector and has introduced a feed in tariff. 21.5577 22.2203 22.2203 22.462 Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Malta_6 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Grant on Purchase of micro wind turbines Single 6 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 0.064 0.058 Government Government: - 2006 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml A scheme for the promotion of micro wind turbines installed on domestic premise was launched in 2006 and is still on going. 0.064 0.06 0.06 0.058 0.058 0.058 Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Malta_7 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Energy savings and RES measures in state schools Single 7 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Foundation for Tomorrow's Schools 2005 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Sun pipes, double glazing, efficient lighting systems, solar water heaters, photovoltaic systems, water conservation systems Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Malta_8 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Energy saving measures in social housing Single 8 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Housing Authority 2004 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Energy conservation and inclusion of renewable energy sources in the design and construction of social housing; double glazing, wall insulation, solar water heaters, photovoltaic panels, water runoff collection and use Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Malta_9 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Action in the public sector Single 9 Single PaM Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: - 2004 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Create environmental awareness within ministries, promote environmentally friendly practices including energy efficiency and renewable energy Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Malta_10 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Energy saving measures in government owned industry Single 10 Single PaM Planning Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: Water Services Corporation,Government: Malta Shipyards 1995 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Optimisation of reverse osmosis process, energy reduction in water transfer and distribution network, energy efficiency at Malta shipyards Implemented 1995 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Malta_11 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Support schemes for industry, SMEs and the commercial sector Single 11 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: - 2009 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Grant scheme to promote investments in energy efficient equipment Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Malta_12 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Intelligent metering Single 12 Single PaM Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Enemalta Corporation 2009 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Automated meter reading system to provide required information for the management of low voltage networks. Deployment of automated meter reading systems will increase tariff effectiveness, responsiveness and energy market trends. The eventual implementation of pre-payment and time-of-use tariffs are believed to contribute to reduction in energy demand. Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Malta_14 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Introduction of Autogas Single 14 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 0.683 1.612 Government Government: MRA 2011 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml The publishing of Legal Notice 393 of 2010, Autogas (Installation and Certification) Regulations under the Malta Resources Authority Act in a bid towards the introduction of autogas for vehicles on the Maltese market and to lay market regulation for retrofitting of engines. Accompanying the Legal Notice the MRA issued Codes OF Practice to guide installers on the installation of kits and engineers on the design of Autogas service stations. The first service station opened in the 2nd quarter of 2012 and by the end of the year four technicians were approved to serve as competent installers. Government is planning to subsidize the retrofitting of vehicles. 0.683 1.185 1.185 1.612 1.999 1.999 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Malta_15 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Uptake of Electrical Cars Single 15 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 2.123 1.884 Government Government: Transport Malta 2011 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml The use of electric vehicles is being promoted as an alternative means of transportation. The use and purchase of such vehicles is being encouraged through (i) a decrease in their registration tax and (ii) new owners of M1 electric vehicles may apply for a grant of 25% or €4000 of the purchase price. 2.123 2.015 2.015 1.884 1.782 1.782 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Malta_16 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Promotion of E-working and Tele-working Single 16 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction 0.656 1.55 Government Government: - 2010 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml In 2008 a teleworking policy was published by government which took into consideration feedback received from a research project carried out together with the National Commission for the Promotion of Equality (NCPE). The purpose of this policy was to set up a formal framework for the administration of telework in the public administration of Malta and the policy document outlines the general principles on which telework should be administered in the Public Administration of Malta. 0.656 1.139 1.139 1.55 1.923 1.923 Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Malta_17 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Promotion of Transport Modal Shift towards Public Transportation and Public Transport Reform Single 17 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 38.71 43.98 Government Government: Transport Malta 2012 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml The Modal shift in the transport sector is mainly driven by the public transport reform. A modal shift of 8% from the use of private cars to use of public transport is being targeted. Government is implementing measures to reform the public transport system as part of the new transport policy and contract has been awarded to a major international transport company to manage and upgrade the national bus system. 38.71 41.91 41.92 43.98 40.89 40.89 Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Malta_18 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Aerial Emissions Works at Maghtab and Qortin Landfills + Capping and Extraction of Gases from managed Landfills. Single 18 Single PaM Other Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use 45.14 47.68 Government Government: Wasteserv 2008 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Gas extraction from closed waste dumps to treat odour and noxious gas emissions. The works also involve the recontouring works of the landform to improve stability, control of emissions and aesthetics. Capping and extraction of gases from the engineered non-hazardous waste landfill. Extracted gases to be utilised for power. 45.14 46.25 46.25 47.68 56.1 56.1 Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Malta_19 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Sant'Antnin Mechanical Biological treatment Plant Single 19 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management 32.21 40.77 Government Government: Wasteserv 2011 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Treatment of organic waste to obtain energy and divert waste from Landfill 32.21 37.02 37.02 40.77 44.01 44.01 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Malta_20 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Operation of Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant (UWWTP) Single 20 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems 45.97 45.31 Government Government: Water Services Corporation 2011 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Treatment of wastewater to obtain energy and reduce untreated wastewater being pumped to sea 45.97 45.65 45.65 45.31 45.56 45.56 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Malta_21 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Wastewater Sludge Treatment Plant Single 21 Single PaM Other Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems 1.07 1.88 Government Government: Water Services Corporation 2012 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Treatment of wastewater sludge leading to a reduction of untreated sludge being placed in the landfill 1.07 1.55 1.55 1.88 1.88 1.88 Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Malta_22 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Establishment of new Mechanical Biological treatment Plant in the North of Malta Single 22 Single PaM Other Implemented ESD Agriculture; Waste management/waste Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use 1.79 1.79 Government Government: Wasteserv 2016 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Treatment of organic waste to obtain energy and divert waste from Landfill; treatment of manure from farms to obtain energy 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 1.79 Implemented 2016 With additional measuses Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Malta_23 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Supply of natural gas to fuel existing and future generating plants Single 23 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels 463.2 454.02 Government Government: Ministry for Energy and Health,Government: Enemalta 2016 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package);Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml The Government is committed to a plan to switch from heavy fuel to natural gas for the generation of electricity at the Delimara Power Station in the shortest possible term. This plan will involve investment by the private sector in a new 215MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine unit which will be gas-fired as well as an LNG storage and re-gasification terminal. The new diesel engines at Delimara will also be converted to gas. Part of the Delimara plant will be retained as reserve capacity fired by gasoil. It is envisaged that the older generating units at Delimara will be phased out. 463.2 452.99 452.99 454.02 473.62 473.62 Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package); Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC
Malta_24 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Implementation of F-gases Regulation Single 24 Single PaM Education, Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 10.37 34.29 Government Government: MCCAA 2012 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Control and limit F-gas emissions from sectors such as Refrigeration and Air-conditioning. Control through training and certification of technical personnel and reporting of usage, refilling and destruction. 10.37 18.93 18.93 34.29 62.17 62.17 Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC
Malta_25 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Energy Efficiency measures Group 25 2,3,7,8,9,10,11,12 Economic, Information, Planning See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 18.82 16.77 Government Government: MRA,Government: x,Government: Foundation for Tomorrow's Schools,Government: Housing Authority,Government: -,Government: Water Services Corporation,Government: Malta Shipyards,Government: -,Government: Enemalta Corporation See individual PaMs Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2, CH4, N2O See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml Combined effect of energy efficiency measures See individual PaMs 17.48 16.81 See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Malta_26 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 PV - Grant Scheme Single 26 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 32.48 29.92 Government Government: SEWCU 2014 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml PV- Grant scheme 32.48 31.18 31.18 29.92 30.01 30.01 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Malta_27 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 PV - FIT Scheme Single 27 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 30.63 26.75 Government Government: SEWCU 2014 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml PV - FIT Scheme 30.63 27.88 27.88 26.75 26.84 26.84 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Malta_28 Malta 2914 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 PV - Competitive Bidding Single 28 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 42.29 36.95 Government Government: SEWCU 2014 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/mt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colwkw8yg/envwz0nxw/MT_MMR_PAM_20170823.xml PV - Competitive Bidding 42.29 38.51 38.51 36.95 37.06 37.06 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Netherlands_9 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Subsidy scheme for renewable energy production (MEP and OV-MEP scheme, predecessor of the SDE+ scheme). Single 9 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) 2003 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Subsidy scheme for renewable energy production, a predecessor of the SDE+ scheme. Differences in technologies, subsidy levels and criteria with SDE. Included in early stages also a seperate scheme for certain CHP projects. Was discontinued in 2008 (after a short transition period scheme for digestor projects (called: OV-MEP scheme). This subsidy scheme stimulated the production of renewable energy by subsidizing the as yet not-profitable part of system exploitation. Producers receive financial compensation for the renewable energy they generate. Production of renewable energy is not always profitable because the cost price of renewable energy is higher than that of energy derived from fossil fuel. The difference in cost price is called the unprofitable component. 2008 This PAM is expired. The follow-up of the projects in integrated with the SDE+ Expired 2003 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_6 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 BLOW Covenant on on-shore windpower Single 6 Single PaM Voluntary Expired EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Regional Regional: Provincial governments 2001 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Covenant with decentral governments to realise 1500 MW of onshore windpower by 2010. 2010 Older measures. Lingering effects on renewable energy production are taken along in SDE+ estimates Expired 2001 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_5 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Coal Covenant Single 5 Single PaM Voluntary Expired EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Companies, Government Companies: Various Electricity productions companies,Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs 2002 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Voluntary/negotiated Agreement between the government and owners of coal fired power plants. The companies committed themselves to increase the use of biomass in order to reduce CO2 emissions 2012 Older measures. Lingering effects on renewable energy production are taken along in SDE+ estimates Expired 2002 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_12 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Reduction Programme for non-CO2 greenhouse gases (ROB) Single 12 Single PaM Economic, Information Expired ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 1770 2780 Government Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) 1999 No No information CH4, N2O, PFC, HFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Objective to reduce non-CO2 greenhouse gases in the Netherlands, through a mix of information and subsidy activities. This Programme (Dutch acronym: ROB) was set up in 1998 and has meanwhile endend. its effects however still are included in emission estimates. Ambition: reduction of 8-10 Mt CO2 eq. In 2020 on non CO2 GHG emissions (a level of 25-27 Mt in 2020 which is about half of the 1990 level) 2012 See National Communication 6, page 64 and 65 1770 2350 2350 2780 3100 3100 http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/application/pdf/the_netherlands_nc6[1].pdf http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/application/pdf/the_netherlands_nc6[1].pdf Expired 1999 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_14 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Efficient Driving Campaign, car pooling, tyre choice and pressure Single 14 Single PaM Information Expired ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour 810 1470 Companies, Government Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl),Companies: various companies 1999 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Increase energy efficieny from transport by training en awareness actions. The Dutch Eco Driving programme was started in 1999 and is based on a long-term strategy. From 2010 onwards, the implementation of the program was designated to the Institute for Sustainable Mobility (IVDM) for a period of four years in order to achieve a transfer of the program to the market. IVDM has set a target to achieve 1 Megaton of CO2 savings for the end of 2014. To this end, IVDM finances projects that have demonstrated the ability to save CO2 and provides information about saving CO2. In addition in 2015 and 2016 and partially as a consequence of actions under the Energy Agreements, communication campaigns have been implemented promoting car pooling (‘ik ben hopper’) and tyres choice/pressure (‘kies de beste band’. These campaigns are supported by website information, fact sheets and tips (see a.o. ‘www.ikbenhopper.nl’ and kiesdebesteband.nl ) 2014 810 1140 1140 1470 1810 1810 National Energy Outlook https://www.ecn.nl/nl/energieverkenning/ Expired 1999 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_15 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Trucks for the future Single 15 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml In the demonstration programme ‘truck of the future’, various measures are examined that allow companies from the transport sector to save fuel, thus reducing CO2 emissions. Through the program, for which the government has provided subsidies, an insight is obtained into fuel-saving measures and the extent to which these measures are commercially interesting. 2014 Expired 2010 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_1 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 CO2 Emission Trading System (ETS) Single 1 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa) 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, N2O, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Cap and trade system with the objective of cost-optimalisation of CO2 reduction efforts. Presently in its third phase 2013-2020. A major revision was laid down in Directive 2009/29/EC. Reduction of greenhouse gase emissions in ETS sectors by 21% in 2020 compared to 2005 level 2020 Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Netherlands_10 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Long-Term Agreements (MEE) on Energy Efficiency with industrial enterprises that have to participate in the EU ETS scheme Single 10 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 500 Companies, Government Government: RVO.nl,Companies: about 100 enterprises 2009 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Negotiated agreements to improve energy efficiency and enhance the use of renewable energy in the more energy intensive sectors of industry for companies under the emission trading system (ETS). Includes 4 year energy plans, realisation and reporting of measures and development of longer term roadmaps towards 2030. Under the Energy Agreement since 2013 some measures have been added/adapted to increase energy efficiency e.g. mandatory checks by RVO.nl on progress with sanctions on the use of LTA benefits in case of lack of progress and the development and implementation of periodical energy checks (EPK) 2020 500 0 http://www.rvo.nl/subsidies-regelingen/meerjarenafspraken-energie-effici%C3%ABntie/publicaties/resultatenbrochures http://www.rvo.nl/subsidies-regelingen/meerjarenafspraken-energie-effici%C3%ABntie/publicaties/resultatenbrochures Implemented 2009 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_11 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Long-Term Agreements on Energy Efficiency (LTA3/MJA3) (with industrial sectors and some sectors in built environment and transport) Single 11 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Companies, Government Government: RVO.nl,Companies: about 1000 enterprises 1992 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Negotiated agreements to improve energy efficiency and enhance the use of renewable energy in the more energy intensive sectors of industry (for companies not under the emission trading system ETS). Also some sectors in built environment en railtransport participate. Includes 4 year energy plans, realisation and reporting of measures and development of longer term roadmaps towards 2030. Under the Energy Agreement since 2013 some measures have been added/adapted to increase energy efficiency e.g. mandatory checks by RVO.nl on progress with sanctions on the use of LTA benefits in case of lack of progress and the development and implementation of periodical energy checks (EPK) 2020 http://www.rvo.nl/subsidies-regelingen/meerjarenafspraken-energie-effici%C3%ABntie/publicaties/resultatenbrochures http://www.rvo.nl/subsidies-regelingen/meerjarenafspraken-energie-effici%C3%ABntie/publicaties/resultatenbrochures Implemented 1992 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_19 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Covenant Clean & Efficient Agro-sectors Single 19 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented ESD, EU ETS Agriculture; Energy consumption Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Efficiency improvement in Agricultural sector') Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs 2008 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Negotatiated agreement to reduce greenhosue gas emissions and increase energy efficiency by a mix op innovation and implementation measures in agriculture, cattle breeding and horticulture.Based on the Clean and Efficient Working Programme a covenant was reached, known as the Covenant Clean and Efficient Agricultural Sectors (Schone en Zuinige Agrosectoren). The main aims of this Covenant are: • CO2 emissions: a reduction of 3.5 to 4.5 Mt in 2020 compared to 1990. • Other greenhouse gases: reduction of 4.0 to 6.0 Mt CO2 equivalents in 2020 compared to 1990. • Energy saving: an average annual energy efficiency improvement of 2% over the period 2011-2020. • Approximately 150 PJ of sustainable energy in 2020, including approximately 12 PJ of wind energy. The sector is expected to take cost-effective measures that contribute to emission reductions of greenhouse gases on a voluntary basis. There are three categories of measures that can contribute to reducing emissions: developing Best Management Practices for reducing N2O emissions (emissions are reduced by reducing nitrogen flows on farms), taking measures related to cattle feed to reduce CH4 emissions (the composition of feed can affect the production of methane via the cattle’s digestive systems. In general: the better the digestibility, the lower the methane emissions) and taking measures concerning manure storage to reduce emissions of CH4. Manure fermentation is the main option for reducing methane emissions from manure. An important legislation for restricting the amount of CH4 emissions is found in the (EU) milk quota, which limits the number of dairy herds held in the NL. The number of dairy herds in NL is still uncertain after 2015 when the milk quota system will have ended. From 2013 onwards, new environmental policies on manure use will apply. They will have a significant (positive) effect on the climate, as they promise to increase CH4 production for renewable energy. 2020 http://www.rvo.nl/onderwerpen/duurzaam-ondernemen/groene-economie/agrosectoren http://www.rvo.nl/onderwerpen/duurzaam-ondernemen/groene-economie/agrosectoren Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_28 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Energy label for housing and buildings (at sale or rent) Single 28 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations 2012 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml The energy label indicates the energy efficiency of a dwelling. All 5 million owners of dwellings have received a (preliminary) energy label through the government based on an assessment of the available information e.g. on type, surface, age etc. It is mandatory to change the preliminary label into a more definitive one before sale or rent of a dwelling. 2020 Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Netherlands_30 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Smart metering Single 30 Single PaM Other Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 270 330 Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs,Companies: E-companies 2012 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml The smart meter rollout will take place in two stages. A small-scale rollout was in place for pilot purposes from 2012. During the small-scale rollout some 600,000 smart meters for electricity and gas were installed during regular meter replacements (e.g. depreciation), in newly built houses, during large-scale renovations and by customer request. This phase and its effects were monitored. Based on these experiences, it was decided to continue with a larger scale rollout from 2015 onwards. The aim is to have smart meters fitted in at least 80% of households and small businesses by 2020, as mandated through the third Energy Package of the EU. 2020 270 0 300 0 300 330 0 360 0 360 National Energy Outlook https://www.ecn.nl/nl/energieverkenning/ Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Netherlands_32 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Covenant 'More with less' (private dwellings) Single 32 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 170 260 Companies, Government Government: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations,Companies: various companies 2008 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml A package of covenants stimulate energy savings in residential and other buildings (ambition is a.o. some 300 000 dwellings improved yearly) by improving energy performance with at least two 'levels' in the energy label system. The covenant was updated in 2012. Under the 2013 Energy Agreement addtional support measures were concluded (a.o. information and subsidy services by local governements). It also aims at improving economic activity in the installation sectors. 2020 0 170 0 210 210 0 260 0 300 300 National Energy Outlook https://www.ecn.nl/nl/energieverkenning/ Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_33 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Covenant 'More with less' with the social housing organisations Single 33 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 240 370 Government Government: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations 2008 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Covenant with the social housing organisations and private investrs organisation to improve energy efficiency of a specified share of their residential housing (rental) by 2020 upto at least specified levels of the energy label system (shares and levels differ per sector) 2020 0 240 0 310 310 0 370 0 430 430 National Energy Outlook https://www.ecn.nl/nl/energieverkenning/ Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_34 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Investment subsidies small renewable energy systems (ISDE) Single 34 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml To complement the SDE+ with a scheme for smaller renewable energu systems (solar heating, heat pumps, pellet stoves, etc.) , the investment subsidy scheme ISDE has started in2016. This scheme was based on one of the agreements under the Agreement on Energy for Sustainable Growth form 2013. The scheme is planned for the period 2016-2020. In 2016 the budget is € 70 million. 2020 Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_35 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Subsidy scheme for energy saving measures and renewable energy in sport accomodations (EDS) Single 35 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: "Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml A subsidy scheme for energy measures (energy saving and renwable energy) for accomodation of sportclubs. This scheme was based on one of the agreements under the Agreement on Energy for Sustainable Growth form 2013. The scheme is planned for the period 2016-2020. In 2016 the budget is € 6 million. 2020 Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_2 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Stimulation of sustainable energy production (SDE+). Subsidy scheme Single 2 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 14110 31850 Government Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) 2008 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml To stimulate the production of renewable energy by subsidizing the as yet not-profitabel part of system exploitation. Producers receive financial compensation for the renewable energy they generate. Production of renewable energy is not always profitable because the cost price of renewable energy is higher than that of energy derived from fossil fuel. The difference in cost price is called the unprofitable component. In 2001 changed from feed-in premium to floating feed-in premium, financed by a surcharge on the energy tax paid by end-consumers of gas and electricity. No quantitative ex-ante objectives. Contributing to the ambitions on renewable energy in 2020 under the Agreement on Energy for Sustainable growth Including effects of precessor schema (MEP) 12950 1160 19670 3310 22980 26390 5460 33120 7610 40730 National Energy Outlook https://www.ecn.nl/nl/energieverkenning/ Implemented 2008 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_3 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Environmental Investment Allowance schemes (MIA and Vamil) Single 3 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) 1997 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Two related deduction schemes from fiscal profits to promote investments in new environmental technologies. Yearly a list is publised with applicable technologies and criteria . It gives a direct financial advantage to companies in the Netherlands that invest in applicable equipment. Entrepreneurs may deduct part of the investment costs for such equipment from their company’s fiscal profits. No quantitative ex-ante objectives. http://english.rvo.nl/subsidies-programmes/mia-environmental-investment-rebate-and-vamil-arbitrary-depreciation-environmental-investments Implemented 1997 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_4 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Energy Investment Allowance scheme (EIA) Single 4 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl),Government: Investeringsregelingen en Willekeurige Afschrijving (IRWA) 1997 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Deduction scheme from fiscal profits to promote investments in new energy efficient technologies. Yearly a list is publised with applicable technologies and criteria. It gives a direct financial advantage to companies in the Netherlands that invest in applicable equipment. Entrepreneurs may deduct part of the investment costs for such equipment from their company’s fiscal profits. No quantitative ex-ante objectives. Contribution to energy savings Implemented 1997 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_7 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Green Funds Scheme Single 7 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Companies, Government Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl),Companies: Financial institutes 1995 No No information CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml "Green investments, a tax incentive scheme enabling individual investors to put money into green projects that benefit nature and the environment. Individuals who invest in a green fund or save money with financial institutions practicing ‘green banking’ receive a lower rate than the market interest rate, however this is compensated by a tax incentive. In return, the banks charge green projects a lower interest rate. Banks require a certificate for applicable green investement projects" No quantitative ex-ante objectives. Contribution to green growth This is a general measure with effects in various sectors. The effects have been taken into account in combination with other measures Implemented 1995 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_8 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Energy tax Single 8 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: Ministry of Finance 1996 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Taxation scheme with various changes over the considered period. The objective of this policy is to boost energy savings by putting an incentive on reducing the consumption of gas and electricity, which should direct consumers toward more energy efficient behaviour. The Regulatory Energy Tax (REB) was introduced in 1996, changing its name to Energy Tax in 2004. Taxing energy use makes energy saving (by changing behaviour or investing in energy-saving measures) more attractive. The energy tax is levied on electricity and natural gas, and the level of the Energy Tax depends on 1) the energy consumption of a customer – the higher the consumption, the lower the energy tax levied (degressive tariff structure) –, and 2) specific agreements between different sectors and the government. For small (residential) consumers the Energy Tax accounted for approximately ~40% of the natural gas and ~30% of electricity price in 2012. Industrial consumers pay a much lower tariff because of their larger consumption. In addition, there is a specific clause in the Environmental Taxes Act (Article 36q), which exempts companies that enter into a Long Term Agreement with the government from paying energy taxes on electricity consumption that goes over 10 million kWh per year and from taxes on fuel for non-energy use (feedstocks). The Energy Tax also has a separate lower gas tariff for the horticulture sector (fixed up to 2013). This means that these companies are taxed in the same way as the energy-intensive large-scale consumers. In return, the sector has entered into voluntary agreements on energy efficiency with the government. No quantitative ex-ante objectives This is a general measure with effects in various energy consumption related sectors. The effects have been taken into account in combination with other measures Implemented 1996 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_13 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Decision Biofuels as renewable energy for transport Single 13 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 1600 1600 Government Government: Dutch Emissions Authority (Nea) 2007 Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml To curb CO2 emissions from transport mandatory by setting obligation for a mandatory share of biofuels that need toe be blended with fossil sources of transport fuels 0 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 National Energy Outlook https://www.ecn.nl/nl/energieverkenning/ Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Netherlands_16 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 EU CO2 emission standards for cars (443/2009) Single 16 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 2009 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml EU legislation to curb emissions from transport for cars Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Netherlands_17 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 EU CO2 emission standards for light commercial vehicles (510/2011) Single 17 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 2011 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml EU legislation to curb emissions from transport for light commercial vehicles Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Netherlands_18 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Fiscal policy on car efficiency (BPM) Single 18 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of Finance 1994 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml BPM is a one-off tax that must be paid when a car, motorcycle or light goods vehicle is registered in the Netherlands for the first time. The BPM payable on a passenger car is determined by the car’s CO2 emissions. BPM is not charged for electric cars and very-low emission cars. CO2 emission figures for each type of vehicle are listed in the register kept by the vehicle registration authority RDW. Implemented 1994 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_20 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Sectoral emission trading system in horticulture Single 20 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Efficiency improvement in Agricultural sector') 120 140 Companies, Government Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl),Companies: various companies 2011 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Sectoral emission trading system in horticulture (in addition to the larger installations in the sector that have to participate under the EU ETS system) 40 80 40 80 120 50 90 50 90 140 https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/stb-2011-417.html https://zoek.officielebekendmakingen.nl/stb-2011-417.html Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_21 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Maximum allowed emission for medium size combustion installations (BEES/BEMS) Single 21 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture; Energy consumption Agriculture: Other agriculture; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Agriculture: Other agriculture,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Reduction of methane losses in gas engines') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 2010 No No information CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml This is a decree (BEES/BEMS) on maximum allowed emission for medium size combustion installations (e.g. those used fo CHP in horticulture) Implemented 2010 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_22 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Legislation on manure management Single 22 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems 100 100 Government Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) 1986 No No information N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Legislation on dealing with manure and its components. Adapted in time, most recently as per december 2014 Includes effects on cattle and manure 0 100 0 100 100 0 100 0 100 100 Implemented 1986 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_23 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Legislation on landfill and waste Single 23 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 2003 No No information CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Reduction of amount of landfill waste. The environmental protection act (Wet milieubeheer) in combination with international legislation commit the Netherlands to perdiodically elaborate and implement national waste management plans (LAP). The first LAP was for 2003-2009. The second LAP included also a reconnaissance towards 2021.The draft third LAP (2017-2029) is presently being prepared. Implemented 2003 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_25 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Green Deals Single 25 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Companies, Government, Local, Other, Regional Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment,Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs,Government: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations,Regional: various provinces,Local: various municipalities,Companies: various companies,Other: various NGOs 2011 No No information CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Green deals are voluntary agreements between parties in society and government to tackle specific obstacles in green growth projects. Citizens, companies, local councils and stakeholder organisations are continually finding their own ways of being more energy efficient and sustainable, but may encounter obstacles that may require governemental assistance. In specific cases therefore convenants are agreed upon between parties and government to try to deal with these issues. Green deals involve sustainability projects and actions and may relate to energy, water, biobased economy, food, mobility, scarce resources, biodiversity, building practice and/or (other) climate issues. [More information: http://www.greendeals.nl/english/green-deal-approach/] No quantitative ex-ante objectives. Contribution to green growth This is a general measure with effects in various sectors. The effects have been taken into account in combination with other measures Effect of Green Deals in the field of electric driving have been included in Group PAMS Mobility Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_26 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Ecodesign Directive Single 26 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 2570 4340 Government Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs 2005 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml The Ecodesign Directive [2009/125/EC ] [and earlier 2005 version] provides consistent EU-wide rules for improving the environmental performance of products, such as household appliances. The Directive sets out minimum mandatory requirements for energy efficiency of these products. The Energy Labelling Directive [2010/30/EU] complements those Ecodesign requirements with mandatory labelling requirements. 2710 -140 3840 -230 3620 4560 -220 5150 -220 4930 National Energy Outlook https://www.ecn.nl/nl/energieverkenning/ Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Netherlands_27 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 National Energy Saving Fund Single 27 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Local Local: Stimuleringsfonds Volkshuisvesting (SVn) 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Revolving fund for loans for energy saving measures in residential housing. Repayments are re-used in the funds. Banks and the government together provide the starting capital for the fund. The fund is also the result from actions in the Energy Agreement and Green Deals Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_29 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Environmental Protection Act (Wm) Single 29 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 1440 1900 Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 1993 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml The Environmental Protection Act (Wet milieubeheer, Wm) is a comprehensive set of legislation on environmental issues. It provides a legal base for environmental plans, environmental requirements and standards, the permits, enforcement measures, decrees, etc. It includes a.o. the legal base for permits on energy issues for companies. As a result of the Agreement on Energy for sustainable growth, enforcement procedures for companies participating in long term agreements on energy efficiency (MJA3 and MEE) have been changed to strenghten the implementation of both the long term agreements as well as implementation of energy saving measures in companies. 820 620 890 780 1670 960 940 1040 1100 2140 Implemented 1993 With existing measures No No information
Netherlands_31 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 EU F-gases regulation and various other measures Single 31 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 360 1490 Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment 2006 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml EU regulation and national legal measures to reduce F-gases in industry and cooling systems 0 360 0 950 950 0 1490 0 1700 1700 Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Netherlands_36 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Group PAMS industry Group 36 1,3,4,10,11 Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory, Voluntary See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting; Energy consumption Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 2090 4210 Companies, Government Government: Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa),Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl),Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl),Government: Investeringsregelingen en Willekeurige Afschrijving (IRWA),Government: RVO.nl,Companies: about 100 enterprises,Government: RVO.nl,Companies: about 1000 enterprises See individual PaMs Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, N2O, PFC, CH4 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Total effect of the mentioned policies and measures See individual PaMs 1930 160 2900 250 3150 3870 340 4840 430 5270 See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Netherlands_37 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Group PAMS Mobility Group 37 15,16,17,18 Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 1800 6300 Government Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl),Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment,Government: Ministry of Finance See individual PaMs Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Total effect of the mentioned policies and measures. This group also includes the effects of Green Deals (measure 25) but only Green Deals in the field of electric driving See individual PaMs 0 1800 0 4050 4050 0 6300 0 8550 8550 See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Netherlands_38 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Group PAMs agri/horticulture Group 38 1,3,4,19 Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory, Voluntary See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Agriculture; Cross-cutting; Energy consumption Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Efficiency improvement in Agricultural sector') 790 1610 Government Government: Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa),Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl),Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl),Government: Investeringsregelingen en Willekeurige Afschrijving (IRWA),Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs See individual PaMs Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, N2O, PFC, CH4 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Total effect of the mentioned policies and measures See individual PaMs 200 590 330 870 1200 460 1150 590 1430 2020 See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Netherlands_39 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Group PAMs built environment Group 39 1,3,4,27,28,34,35 Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 4210 9760 Government, Local Government: Dutch Emissions Authority (NEa),Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl),Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl),Government: Investeringsregelingen en Willekeurige Afschrijving (IRWA),Local: Stimuleringsfonds Volkshuisvesting (SVn),Government: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations,Government: Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl),Government: "Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO.nl) See individual PaMs Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2, N2O, PFC, CH4 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml Total effect of the mentioned policies and measures See individual PaMs 1400 2810 2420 4400 6820 3840 5920 5400 7420 12820 See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Netherlands_24 Netherlands 2919 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Agreement on Energy for Sustainable Growth Single 24 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Companies, Government, Local, Other, Regional Government: Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment,Government: Ministry of Economic Affairs,Government: Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations,Regional: IPO,Local: VNG,Companies: various companies,Other: various NGOs 2013 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/nl/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwau0kg/NL_adjusted.xml "Package of some 160 measures and actions to be implemented by the participating parties. An achoring committee with representatives of the group of parties is responsible for checking progress. Signatories to the Agreement share responsibility and commitment to achieve four overarching objectives: • An average energy efficiency saving of 1.5% per year (adding up to a reduction of 100 PJ by 2020). • 14% share renewable energy in total consumption by 2020 (16% by 2023) • Creating at least 15.000 additional jobs" 1) An average energy efficiency saving of 1.5% per year (adding up to a reduction of 100 PJ by 2020) 2) 14% share renewable energy in total consumption by 2020 (16% by 2023) 3) Creating at least 15.000 additional jobs 2023 This is a general measure with effects in various sectors. The effects have been taken into account in combination with other measures Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
Poland_18 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Restoring forestry production potential damaged by disasters and introducing appropriate prevention instruments Single 18 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD, LULUCF Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Strengthening protection against natural disturbances'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Government, Other Government: Agency for the Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture,Other: Farmers 2007 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 of 20 September 2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml The recovery and care of tree-stands damaged by disasters and the prevention of disasters in forest , particularly means of fire protection. 2013 Expired 2007 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Poland_1 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 The implementation of the greenhouse gas emission allowance trading scheme (EU ETS) Single 1 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Ministry of the environment 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, N2O, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Emission reductions in cost-effective and economically viable ways. Reduction of greenhouse gase emissions in EU ETS sectors by 21% in 2020 compared to 2005 level Emission reduction kt CO2-equivalent per year 2015 11744 Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Poland_2 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 The Effort Sharing Decision (ESD) Single 2 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Minister responsible for the environment 2013 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, N2O, CH4, HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml The Effort Sharing Decision. Not exceeding specific emission limits in sectors not included in EU ETS (transport – excluding international aviation and maritime shipping, agriculture, construction and the municipal and domestic sector) Emission reduction kt CO2-equivalent per year 2015 7337 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Poland_3 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 The National Green Investment Scheme (GIS) Single 3 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply; Transport Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Transport: Other transport Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Transport: Other transport ('Buses powered by fuels with low content of carbon dioxide /electric') Government, Other Government: Minister responsible for the environment,Other: National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management 2009 No No information CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Creation and strengthening of an environment-friendly effect as a result of the sales of Assigned Amount Units (AAUs). Proceeds from the sale are earmarked for undertakings linked to the avoidance or reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, e.g. energy management in public buildings, agricultural biogas plants, low carbon public transport. Emission reduction kt CO2-equivalent per year 2015 134 Implemented 2009 With existing measures No No information
Poland_4 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Enhanced use of renewable energy sources, including biofuels Single 4 Single PaM Other, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Minister responsible for energy 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Enhanced supply of energy from renewable energy sources. A 15% share of RES in gross final energy and a 10% share of renewable energy in transport in 2020 Share of renewable energy % 2015 455 task documentation/ energy balance/ energy audit on buildings task documentation/ energy balance/ energy audit on buildings Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Poland_5 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Polish nuclear energy programme Single 5 Single PaM Economic, Other, Regulatory Adopted EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Companies, Government Government: Minister responsible for energy,Companies: the Polish Energy Group (PGE),Companies: National Atomic Energy Agency 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Construction of two nuclear power plants of about 3,000 MW. Amount of energy generated TWh Adopted 2014 With existing measures No No information
Poland_6 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 The National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency for Poland 2014 Single 6 Single PaM Economic, Education, Other, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government, Other Government: Self-government administrations,Government: Minister responsible for infrastructure and construction,Government: Minister responsible for the environment,Other: National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management,Other: Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK),Other: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD),Other: Centre for EU Transport Projects 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Energy savings achieved by end users as a result of many measures already implemented and planned, for example white certificates (a system obliging to seek energy efficiency), a nationwide advice programme on energy efficiency, information and education campaigns aimed at energy efficiency, improvement of thermal efficiency of public and residential buildings. Reduction in final energy consumption by 4.59 Mtoe in 2020 due to improved energy efficiency, 20% savings in primary energy consumption by 2020 Reduction in final energy consumption Mtoe 2015 7732 Methodology by the Voivodeship Fund of Environmental Protection and Water Management (WFOŚiGW), energy audit Methodology by the Voivodeship Fund of Environmental Protection and Water Management (WFOŚiGW), energy audit Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Poland_7 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Support for the use of coalbed methane to produce electricity and heat Single 7 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory, Research Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Other energy supply; Energy supply: Other energy supply Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Other energy supply'),Energy supply: Other energy supply ('use of coalbed methane to produce electricity and heat') Government Government: Ministry of Energy 2007 No No information CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml The measures to enhance the use of coalbed methane from mines included, inter alia:s upport for electricity produced in high-efficiency cogeneration in plants firing gaseous fuels, in the form of methane released and captured in the course of underground mining operations in coal mines which are in operation, being liquidated and liquidated, in the form of violet certificates awarded to energy producers using cogeneration units fired by coalbed methane or biogas; the development of economically viable methods for methane recovery and its use as a source of clean energy from the hard coal mining sector, waste landfills, wastewater management, agriculture and the systems related to the use of oil and gas. 2015 405 Implemented 2007 With existing measures No No information
Poland_8 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Reductions in methane emissions from fuel production and distribution processes Single 8 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Other energy supply Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Other energy supply') Government Government: Minister responsible for energy 2005 Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Legal regulations on the air-tightening of fuel distribution, imposing the obligation to equip liquid fuel storage facilities with installations for air-tight storage, filling and emptying of Class I oil products. Savings in trade in liquid fuels (by 0.37% on average) Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Poland_9 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Reducing emissions of fluorinated greenhouse gases Single 9 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014;Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Introduction of a mechanism to control consumption of gases and the use of products, equipment and systems containing them to a substantial reduction in the air emissions of certain fluorinated greenhouse gases in the refrigeration, air-conditioning, fire protection and electricity sectors. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014; Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Poland_10 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 The package for road transport Single 10 Single PaM Economic, Education, Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government, Other Government: Minister responsible for transport,Government: Minister responsible for the environmen,Government: Minister responsible for regional development,Government: Minister responsible for the economy,Other: National Road Traffic Safety Board,Other: National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management 2011 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Commission Regulation (EC) No 692/2008 of 18 July 2008 implementing and amending Regulation (EC) No 715/2007 of the European Parliament and of the Council on type-approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6) and on access to vehicle repair and maintenance information Commission Regulation (EU) No 582/2011 of 25 May 2011 implementing and amending Regulation (EC) No 595/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council with respect to emissions from heavy duty vehicles (Euro VI) and amending Annexes I and III to Directive 2007/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council Text with EEA relevance CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml The package of instruments and measures includes the modernisation and construction of road infrastructure to make road traffic more fluid, energy efficiency improvements and the reduction of emission factors of road vehicles, the promotion of collective transport, optimum traffic management, the shaping of environmentally aware drivers’ behaviour, the dissemination of alternative fuels and support for the development of non-motorised transport. Slowdown of the growth rate of GHG emissions from road transport 2015 2241.39 Expert assessment Expert assessment Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Poland_11 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 The package for rail transport Single 11 Single PaM Economic, Education, Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Minister responsible for energy transport,Government: Minister responsible for regional development 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Greenhouse gases emission reductions as a result of the implementation of transport using the higher fuel and emission efficiency of means of rail transport, in particular railway transport. The package of instruments and measures includes: the modernisation of rail infrastructure and rolling stock for passenger and goods transport, the strengthening of the intermodal integration, the promotion of collective rail transport and the modernisation of the traffic management systems, as well as the use of research and development support. Implemented 2007 With existing measures No No information
Poland_12 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 The package for domestic air transport Single 12 Single PaM Other, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Other transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Other transport ('Traffic management, procedures') Government Government: Self-government administrations 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Slowdown of the growth rate of greenhouse gas emissions from domestic air transport The package of instruments and measures includes: improvements in operating efficiency, certificates for aircraft and the optimisation of the flights carried out. 2015 89 Implemented 2007 With existing measures No No information
Poland_13 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 The package for international air transport Single 13 Single PaM Economic, Other, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Transport Transport: Other transport; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Other transport; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Other transport ('Efficiency improvement of aircraft'),Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Other transport ('Traffic management, procedures'),Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Minister responsible for transport,Government: Minister responsible for the environment 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml The package of instruments and measures includes: improvements in operating efficiency, certificates for aircraft, the optimisation of the flights carried out, the modernisation of the fleet and the inclusion of this part of air transport into EU ETS. 2015 1425 Implemented 2007 With existing measures No No information
Poland_14 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 The package for inland navigation Single 14 Single PaM Economic, Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Minister responsible for transport,Government: Minister responsible for regional development 2011 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml GHG emission reductions as a result of the implementation of transport using the higher fuel and emission efficiency of inland navigation. The improved competitiveness of this mode of transport will contribute to the shift of part of transport volumes from road and air transport. The package of instruments and measures includes: the modernisation of waterways and inland navigation vessels, as well as the requirements for the emissions of pollutants. 2015 370 Expert assessment Expert assessment Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
Poland_15 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 The package for maritime shipping Single 15 Single PaM Economic, Other, Regulatory Implemented No information Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Other transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Other transport ('Efficiency improvement of watercraft') Government Government: Minister responsible for economy 2009 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions Integrating maritime transport emissions in the EU's greenhouse gas reduction policies CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml The improved competitiveness of this mode of transport will contribute to the shift of part of transport volumes from road and air transport. The package of instruments and measures includes: the requirements for fuels, the design rate of energy efficiency, the development and modernisation of port infrastructure, including intermodal infrastructure, and ensuring more efficient access to ports from the land and sea. 2015 680 Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Poland_16 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 The rationalisation of the use of fertilisers, including nitrogen fertilisers Single 16 Single PaM Education, Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Other, Regional, Research Regional: Institutes,Research: Chemical and agricultural stations,Other: Farmers 2007 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulation (EC) No 2003/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 relating to fertilisers N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml A system of measures to support the effective use of fertilisers: The limitation of the natural fertiliser dose to 170 kg N/ha/year; A ban on the use of natural fertilisers from the end of November to the beginning of March; mandatory training courses for persons who provide services in application of fertilisers; A ban on the use of fertilisers on water-saturated, snow-covered and frozen soils and (v) in fields with a slope of more than 10%. Apart from that, the mineral nitrogen content in the soils of arable land and grasslands is monitored on a regular basis. In addition, in 2014 the country-wide campaign called Rational Fertiliser Management was carried out to raise farmers’ awareness related to the management of nutrients and efficient use of these elements, while preserving the values of the soil and water environments. In 2014-2020, it is planned that investments will be made, inter alia, in the construction of urine and liquid manure tanks and manure plates. Reduction of the use of fertilisers (2008-2015) kt N per year 2007 92 2008-2015 2008-2015 Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Poland_17 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Afforestation and creation of woodland Single 17 Single PaM Economic, Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD, LULUCF Agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Other agriculture') Government, Other Government: Agency for the Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture,Other: Farmers 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Council Regulation (EC) No 1698/2005 of 20 September 2005 on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) European Parliament resolution of 28 April 2015 on ‘A new EU Forest Strategy: for forests and the forest-based sector’ (2014/2223(INI)) CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Investments in the development of forest areas and improvement of forest vitality, afforestation and creation of woodland as part of the Rural Development Programme (RDP [PROW]). 2015 262 Implemented 2014 Not included in a projection scenario Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Poland_19 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 The rational management of farmland Single 19 Single PaM Economic, Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Government, Other Government: Agency for the Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture,Other: Farmers, extension advisers,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 2005 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Support the dissemination of conservation methods for soil cultivation without tillage, limiting the emissions of gases originating from mineralisation of organic matter. The effectiveness of the use of mulching systems under differentiated habitat and production conditions of the field crop production continued to improve, through: (i) the limitation of the intensity of soil cultivation and, as a result, the limitation of the mineralisation of the organic matter in soil; (ii) an increase in the organic matter in soil which decays into nutrients and, as a result, a reduction in mineral fertilisation; and (iii) an increase in the organic matter in soil, improving its sorption properties and, as a result, e.g. the mineral fertiliser storage capacity. Apart from this, as part of the system of direct payments, support was continued for the cultivation of leguminous and small-seed papilionacoeus plants the cultivation of which makes it possible to limit the use of mineral nitrogen fertilisers. Greening practices covers crop diversification, the keeping of permanent grasslands and the maintenance of ecological focus areas (EFAs). Implemented 2005 Not included in a projection scenario Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Poland_20 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Support for adaptation and mitigation measures at farm holdings Single 20 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government, Other Government: Agency for the Restructuring and Modernisation of Agriculture,Other: Farmers 2007 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O, CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Support by RDP [PROW] of investments aimed at increasing the efficiency of farms, among others, by harmonizing the conditions for agricultural production with the requirements of environmental protection. As part of this, there were carried out operations connected with the construction or the purchase of e.g.: fertilizer equipment for the precise dosage of mineral fertilizers, machines for no-tillage soil cultivation, devices for the storage and use of natural fertilizers (tanks for liquid fertilizers, plates for solid fertilizers, vacuum trucks with soil applicators, units for fast covering manure in the field. Implemented 2007 Not included in a projection scenario Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Poland_21 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Improvements in the systems of keeping monogastric livestock, reductions in the methane emissions from animal excreta Single 21 Single PaM Research Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government, Other, Research Research: Institutes,Other: Farmers,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 1999 No No information CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Research and development work to develop new technological systems of buildings and new livestock keeping methods. 2015 125 Expert assessment Expert assessment Implemented 1999 With existing measures No No information
Poland_22 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 The elimination of gaseous pollutants emitted from livestock buildings Single 22 Single PaM Research Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture ('conversion of methane and nitrous oxide') Companies Companies: Institutes,Companies: Production enterprises 1999 No No information CH4, N2O Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Research and development work on the conversion of the energy of methane and nitrous oxide contained in the air vented from livestock buildings. Implemented 1999 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Poland_23 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 The enhanced recycling of municipal waste Single 23 Single PaM Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Regional Regional: Self-government administrations 2012 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Decision No 1386/2013/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 November 2013 on a General Union Environment Action Programme to 2020 ‘Living well, within the limits of our planet’ European Parliament and Council Directive 94/62/EC of 20 December 1994 on packaging and packaging waste CH4, CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml The enhanced recycling of selected fractions of municipal waste. The establish of uniform standards or waste collection. Development of repair networks, reuse, and the selective collection of (municipal) waste. The achievement of the 50% levels of recycling and preparing for reuse of paper, metals, plastics and glass by 2020 Levels of recycling and preparing for reuse of paper, metals, plastics and glass % Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Poland_24 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Waste as a source of energy Single 24 Single PaM Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Companies, Government, Regional Government: Self-government administrations,Regional: Inspection services (environmental inspection),Companies: Entrepreneurs,Government: Ministry of the Environment 2012 Yes Waste_incineration_Directive CH4, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Energy supply as a result of the application of waste incineration processes and the processing of landfill gas. The amount of waste incineration thousand tonnes Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Waste_incineration_Directive
Poland_25 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 The reduction of the quantity of waste, including biodegradable waste, going to landfills of non-hazardous and inert (municipal) waste Single 25 Single PaM Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Government, Regional Government: National government administration,Regional: Inspection services (environmental inspection),Government: Self-government administrations (Marshal’s Offices),Government: Ministry of the Environment 2006 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Promotion of non-waste/low-waste technologies, application of waste treatment methods more favorable in view of environmental protection (e.g. recycling), rise of fee rates for disposal of waste containing biodegradable fraction. By 2030, reduction of landfill waste to maximum 10%; a decrease of the amount of biodegradable municipal waste intended for landfills, to store in 2020 no more than 35% of the weight of waste generated in 1995 Share of waste going to landfills (4 808 thousand tonnes) % Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Poland_26 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 The prevention of land-use change Single 26 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Companies Companies: The State Forests National Forest Holding No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml Preventing land use change. Implemented No information Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Poland_27 Poland 2927 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 The rationalisation of forest management, incentives and measures supporting the afforestation and the protection of the ecological stability of forests Single 27 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Forest management improvement') Companies Companies: The State Forests National Forest Holding 1991 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ec/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/colvzkuna/envwdxy1a/PL_MMR_PaM_2017_ETCadjusted_v2.xml The afforestation of non-forest land, reforestation, the enhancement of standing timber resources and timber harvesting which cannot exceed 50–60% of the annual increment. The augmentation of the national forest cover to 30% in 2020 Implemented 1991 With existing measures No No information
Portugal_1 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Reduction of the carbon intensity of the passenger transport system for medium and long haul Single 1 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government, Local Government: National Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT),Local: Administration of Metropolitan Area of Lisboa (AML),Local: Administration of Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP) 2016 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Build a low carbon mobility pattern; reduce energy intensity (GJ / pkm) and increase the efficiency of passenger and freight transport through the following actions: effective incorporation and enhancement of environmental and low carbon performance criteria in the process of contracting public passenger transport concessions; promotion of Mobility Plans of companies and generating poles and attractors of displacements. 2020 The valorization of the environmental performance criteria by the operators could be the target of public disclosure for the valorization of the more sustainable careers. The Lisbon Metropolitan Area states that it is important to clarify the scope of medium and long-distance transport services. (T1.1.1) Mobility Package (IMT, IP) and National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE). Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Portugal_2 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Promotion of the use of public transport (modal shift) for passangers and freight for medium and long haul Single 2 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government, Local Government: National Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT),Local: Administration of Metropolitan Area of Lisboa (AML),Local: Administration of Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP) 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Build a low carbon mobility pattern, reduce energy intensity (GJ/pkm) and increase the efficiency of passenger and freight transport, including through: expansion and modernising the rail network; promoting multimodal interurban public transport (improvement of quality of service, tariff integration, intermodality, information to the public); promoting public transport on demand (flexible) in low density areas. 2020 Measurement of the increase in pkm transported in public passenger transport services. pkm National Road Plan (PNR); CCV; National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE); Strategic Plan for Transport and Infrastructure (PETi 3+); Decret of Law n.º 60/2016 of 8 of September; other Information provided by the Administration of Metropolitan Area of Porto.. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Portugal_3 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Modal shift for rail and maritime freight transport for medium and long haul Single 3 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Other transport Transport: Other transport ('Modal shift from road to rail or maritime') Government, Local Government: National Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT),Local: Administration of Metropolitan Area of Lisboa (AML),Local: Administration of Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP) 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Build a low carbon mobility pattern, reduce energy intensity (GJ/pkm) and increase the efficiency of passenger and freight transport by: promoting initiatives to promote rail and maritime transport and remove barriers to their use, Including articulation between operators and companies with high freight transport needs. 2020 Increase the number of passengers (% pkm) and freight (% tkm) transported by rail. % National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE); CCV; National Road Plan (PNR); Strategic Plan for Transport and Infrastructure (PETi 3+) Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Portugal_4 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Reducing of the carbon intensity of the freight transport system in medium and long haul Single 4 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government, Local Government: National Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT),Local: Administration of Metropolitan Area of Lisboa (AML),Local: Administration of Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP) 2016 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Build a low carbon mobility pattern; Reduce energy intensity (GJ/pkm) and increase the efficiency of passenger and freight transport through the following actions: efficient management of freight transport, including through logistics management, including reverse logistics, fleet management, route optimization, among others; optimisation of the operation of multimodal logistics chains. 2020 National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE) Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Portugal_5 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Reduction of the carbon intensity of the urban and suburban transport and logistics system Single 5 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government, Local Government: National Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT),Local: Administration of Metropolitan Area of Lisboa (AML),Local: Administration of Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP) 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Promote sustainable mobility by creating the conditions for a paradigm change in urban mobility, through the following actions: Development and implementation of Mobility and Transport Plans (PMT), Plans of Action for Sustainable Urban Mobility (PAMUS) or other Mobility Plans Sustainable Mobility by CIM/AM and municipalities with priority for those over 50,000 inhabitants or that are district capitals, or CIM/AM; Promotion of Mobility Plans of companies and poles generators and attractors of displacements and School mobility plans; Demand management (passengers and freight) and urban planning in order to reduce the volume of journeys (traffic) and distance of journeys; Creation of Zero Emission Zones (ZERs), where applicable; Encourage shared mobility initiatives such as car sharing, bike sharing and car pooling; Adoption of tools to support mobility management and information systems and technologies in support of mobility and communication - intelligent mobility - aimed at users (generalization of real-time information at stops, public information portals, mobile apps); Effective incorporation and enhancement of environmental and low carbon performance criteria in the process of contracting public passenger transport service concessions. 2020 Number of public passenger transport services with stops n.º National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE); Mobility Package (IMT, IP); National Road Plan (PNR); CCV; National Strategy for Air (ENAR); Information provided by the Metropolitan Area of Lisboa (AML) and Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP). Implemented 2012 With existing measures No No information
Portugal_6 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Promotion of the use of in urban and suburban public transport (modal shift) Single 6 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government, Local Government: National Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT),Local: Administration of Metropolitan Area of Lisboa (AML),Local: Administration of Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP) 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml To promote sustainable mobility by creating conditions for the paradigm shift in urban mobility, through the following actions: Expansion and modernization of medium and large capacity transportation networks and services: electric/light rail network; Transport corridors in own place; Direct services; Public transport promotion actions (improvement of territorial coverage / density of the network, frequencies, quality of service, tariff integration, intermodality conditions, with a view to increasing the use of public transport in the modal split; Transport solutions to demand (urban lines and services in minibus, flexible transport services in areas / periods of low demand - peripheral crowns and night time - and new solutions for the organization and Taxi) Restrictions on the use of Individual Transportation (worsening of car use costs, urban design, implementation of residential areas and coexistence) Measures of positive discrimination of the use of vehicles of high environmental performance in particular electric. 2020 National Road Plan (PNR); CCV; Information provided by the Metropolitan Area of Lisboa (AML) and Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP); PNAEE; ENAR Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
Portugal_7 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Adoption of low carbon technologies in road, rail and sea fleets Single 7 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Companies, Government Government: National Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT),Government: Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG),Companies: CARRIS,Companies: Metro de Lisboa,Companies: Metro do Porto,Companies: Sociedade de Transportes Coletivos do Porto, S.A. 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Reduce the carbon intensity of the vehicle fleet (light, mixed and heavy passenger and freight); Disseminate and build knowledge on low-carbon technologies, namely on the electric vehicle (VE) and adopt clean fuels, through the following actions: Reduction of the average age of the fleets of public transport vehicles of passengers and goods and establishment of age limit ; Establishment of age limit for taxis; Promotion of the acquisition of vehicles of high environmental performance, namely of low carbon by individuals and companies, in particular hybrids and electric; Encourage the use of ships and boats powered by cleaner fuels in transport and other maritime activities; Promote the reduction of emissions from ships in port. 2020 CCV; National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE); National Strategy for Air (ENAR); Information provided by Carris. Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
Portugal_8 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Promotion of electric mobility Single 8 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Companies, Government Government: National Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT),Government: Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG),Companies: CARRIS,Companies: Sociedade de Transportes Coletivos do Porto, S.A. 2010 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Reduce the carbon intensity of the vehicle fleet (light, mixed and heavy passenger and freight); Disseminate and build knowledge on low carbon technologies, namely on the electric vehicle (VE) and adopt clean fuels, through the following actions: Consecration of the new model for electric mobility; Measures to encourage electric mobility (incentives to slaughter VE); Promotion of VE in taxi fleets; Promotion of VE in urban micrologistics; Promotion of VE of two wheels; deployment of charging infrastructure Electric mobility management structure 2020 Administrative Order N.º 1612-B/2017 from Office of the Minister for the Environment in order to create an incentive for the introduction of low emission vehicles for consumption (introduction for consumption of a new 100% electric vehicle, without registration, as of 1 January 2017). Ordinance No. 40/2017, of February 17 (1st phase of the Support Program for Electric Mobility in Public Administration). (T2.2) CCV; National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE); National Strategy for Air (ENAR); National Road Plan (PNR); National action plan for renewable (PNAER) Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); RES directive 2009/28/EC
Portugal_9 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Promotion of the use of biofuels Single 9 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Companies, Government Government: National Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT),Government: Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG),Companies: CARRIS,Companies: Sociedade de Transportes Coletivos do Porto, S.A. 2014 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC Directive (EU) 2015/1513 Directive (EU) 2014/94 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Reduce the carbon intensity of the vehicle fleet (light, mixed and heavy passenger and freight); Disseminate and build knowledge on low-carbon technologies, namely on the electric vehicle (VE) and adopt clean fuels, through the following actions: Promotion of at least 10% of the incorporation of renewable energy into final energy consumption in transport ; Increase in the quantity (tep) of advanced biofuels incorporated in road transport. 2020 Directive (EU) 2015/1513 of 9 September amends Directive 98/70 / EC on the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and Directive 2009/28 / EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources . According to Directive 2015/1513 "It would be desirable to achieve a significantly higher level of consumption of advanced biofuels in the Union by 2020 compared to current trends. Member States should promote the consumption of advanced biofuels and Seek to achieve a minimum level of consumption of advanced biofuels within their territory by setting a non-mandatory national target which they will aim to achieve in view of the obligation to ensure that their share of energy from renewable sources in all modes of transport in 2020 represents At least 10% of final energy consumption in transport on their territory. If available, Member States' plans for achieving their national targets should be published in order to increase transparency and predictability for the market. " (D) In ​​the calculation of biofuels in the numerator, the share of energy from biofuels produced from cereals and other crops rich in starch, sugarcane and sugarcane, shall be added in accordance with paragraph 2 (iv). Oilseeds of crops grown as the main crops primarily for energy purposes on agricultural land may not exceed 7% of the final energy consumption of transport in the Member States in 2020. Biofuels produced from the raw materials listed in Annex IX do not count for the Limit laid down in the first subparagraph of this point. " (T2.3) CCV; National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE); National Strategy for Air (ENAR); version for public consultance of the National Action Framework for an Infrastructure of Alternative Fuels Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Portugal_10 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Promotion of the development of the network of alternative fuel stations Single 10 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Planned ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: National Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT),Government: Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) 2017 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Reduce the carbon intensity of the vehicle fleet (light, mixed and heavy passenger and freight); To disseminate and build knowledge about low-carbon technologies, namely on the electric vehicle (VE) and to adopt clean fuels, through the following actions: Support the expansion of the electric energy charging network and the natural gas supply network for Land and sea transport; Complete regulations for the supply of LNG in seaports. 2020 National Road Plan (PNR); version for public consultance of the National Action Framework for an Infrastructure of Alternative Fuels Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Portugal_11 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Eco-driving promotion Single 11 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Planned ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour Companies, Government Government: National Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT),Government: Portuguese National Councils Association (ANMP),Government: Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG),Companies: Comboios de Portugal, E.P.E. (CP) 2017 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Promote more efficient behaviors through the following actions: Promote eco-driving courses (ecological and efficient driving); Incorporate eco-driving in the training of drivers. 2020 National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE); National Strategy for Air (ENAR); Resolution of the Council of Ministers n.º 20/2013, of 10th of April; Report of Progress of the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (2008 to 2013); Contributions of Comboios de Portugal, E.P.E. (CP) Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Portugal_12 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Promotion of the use of new technologies to induce sustainable mobility behavior Single 12 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Planned ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: National Institute for Transport and Mobility (IMT),Government: Portuguese National Councils Association (ANMP) 2017 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml To promote more efficient behavior, through the following actions: Promotion of the use of information technologies to induce more sustainable behavior (of the users of the transport, systems of support to the driver and of information in travel); Support for eco-driving monitoring technologies; Reduction of the need to travel through the adoption of videoconferencing or other forms of distance communication and telework; Dissemination of information on urban mobility options. 2020 CCV; National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (PNAEE); National Strategy for Air (ENAR); Contributions from Comboios de Portugal, E.P.E. (CP) Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Portugal_13 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 System for the management of energy intensive - SGCIE Single 13 Single PaM Regulatory, Voluntary Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Industrial processes Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG),Government: Portuguese Agency for Energy (ADENE) 2008 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Promote energy efficiency and monitor the energy consumption of energy-intensive consumer installations. Monitoring and control; Effluent treatment; Integration of processes; Maintenance of energy-consuming equipment; Thermal insulation; Training and sensitization of human resources; Reduction of reactive energy. 2020 The "Directive 2006/32/EC on energy efficiency and energy services" and the "Cogeneration Directive (2004/8/EC)" mentioned in the Data Sheet are repealed by Directive 2012/27/EU of Parliament and of the Council of 25th October on Energy Efficiency. Decree-Law No. 71/2008 of 15th of April, which regulates the System of Management of Intensive Energy Consumption (SGCIE), established with the aim of promoting energy efficiency and monitoring the energy consumption of energy-intensive consumer installations. (I2.1) Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Portugal_15 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Prevention of waste production Single 15 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory, Voluntary Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Companies, Government, Local Government: Portuguese Environment Agency (APA),Government: Directorate-General for Economic Activities,Local: Councils,Companies: Waste management systems 2014 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Voluntary agreements and prevention measures with industry aiming clean production and sustainable manufactoring of products. 2020 Strategic plan for solid waste 2020 (PERSU2020); National Waste Management Plan (PNGR); Urban Waste Systems Action Plans; Water and Waste Services Regulatory Body (ERSAR) Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Portugal_16 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Increased of the preparation for recycling re-use and quality of recyclables Single 16 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Companies, Government Government: Portuguese Environment Agency (APA),Companies: Specific flow management entities,Companies: Waste management systems 2014 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Increasing the quantity and quality of materials taken up and recovered through the implementation of technical specifications and selectively collected biodegradable municipal waste. 2020 Strategic plan for solid waste 2020 (PERSU2020); National Waste Management Plan (PNGR); Urban Waste Systems Action Plans; Water and Waste Services Regulatory Body (ERSAR) Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Portugal_17 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Reduction of landfill Single 17 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Companies, Government, Local Government: Portuguese Environment Agency (APA),Companies: Waste management systems,Local: Councils 2014 Yes Waste Directive 2006/12/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Diversion of recyclables and biodegradable municipal waste from landfill. Landfill diversion of refuse and waste from urban waste treatment. 2020 Strategic plan for solid waste 2020 (PERSU2020); National Waste Management Plan (PNGR); Urban Waste Systems Action Plans; Water and Waste Services Regulatory Body (ERSAR) Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes Waste Directive 2006/12/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Portugal_18 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Economic recovery and disposal of recyclables and by-products Single 18 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy supply; Transport; Waste management/waste Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Companies, Government Government: Portuguese Environment Agency (APA),Government: Directorate-General for Economic Activities,Companies: Industry,Companies: Waste management systems 2014 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4, CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Streamline the market for recyclable materials and enhance classification as a by-product and end of waste status. Promote the use of biogas for energy production and the incorporation of waste into biofuels. 2020 Strategic plan for solid waste 2020 (PERSU2020); National Waste Management Plan (PNGR); Urban Waste Systems Action Plans; Water and Waste Services Regulatory Body (ERSAR) Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Portugal_19 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Consolidate and optimize the waste management network Single 19 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government Government: Portuguese Environment Agency (APA),Government: Water and Waste Services Regulatory Body (ERSAR) 2014 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Encourage the proximity of the collection network to the user and the selective separation and enhance the synergies of waste collection and treatment in a complementarity logic. Improving treatment efficiencies in the urban waste sector. 2020 Total recyclable waste Ton Number of ecopoints and ecocentres; N.º Indicators of quality of service (ERSAR) N.º Strategic plan for solid waste 2020 (PERSU2020); National Waste Management Plan (PNGR); Urban Waste Systems Action Plans; Water and Waste Services Regulatory Body (ERSAR) Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Portugal_20 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Promotion the transition to a circular economy Single 20 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Industrial processes; Waste management/waste Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies; Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies,Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Companies, Government Government: Portuguese Environment Agency (APA),Government: Directorate-General for Economic Activities,Companies: Industry,Companies: Waste management systems 2014 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Strengthening the specific flow management systems, with a view to creating synergies and evaluating the application of Producer Extended Responsibility (RAP) to emerging flows. Promote the establishment of new industrial areas developed in an industrial symbiosis perspective, with plans for rationalization of materials and energy and the rehabilitation of existing industrial areas. 2020 Strategic plan for solid waste 2020 (PERSU2020); National Waste Management Plan (PNGR); Urban Waste Systems Action Plans; Water and Waste Services Regulatory Body (ERSAR) Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Portugal_21 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Improvement of wastewater management Single 21 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Government Government: Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) 2014 No Directive 91/271/EEC CO2, CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Main Purposes: Improvements in the treatment of the solid phase of the WWTP in order to optimize the process from the environmental, economic and technical point of view and the recovery of sludge; Promoting the use of energy production capacity in wastewater treatment systems, including through the use of biogas; Reduction and control of infiltrations and rainwater in public wastewater drainage systems; Development of innovation projects in the area of the conversion of WWTP to factories of valorization of resources with zero emissions of CO2. 2020 The progress indicators correspond to the indicators of PENSA for this theme. As for the indicator " Undue influxes to the public SAR systems in EG with action plan implemented to control infiltrations and undue influxes (%)", the monitoring methodology of the same is not yet established by PENSAAR. PENSAAR 2020 - A new strategy for the Water Supply and Sewage Sector (Axis 3 and Axis 5) Implemented 2014 With additional measuses No No information
Portugal_22 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Promotion of more efficient livestock effluent management systems Single 22 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government, Regional Government: 2020 Rural Development Programme Management Authority(PDR2020),Regional: 2020 Madeira Rural Development Programme Management Authority(PRODERAM2020),Regional: 2020 Azores Rural Development Programme Management Authority(PRORURAL2020) 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Reduce the carbon intensity of livestock effluents, through better management (individual and collective). Reduce the carbon intensity of livestock effluents through its better control (guarantee of application of the rules of management of licensed livestock effluents). 2020 http://www.gpp.pt/index.php/programas-e-apoios/pdr-2020-2; http://www.dgadr.pt/reap Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Portugal_23 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Incentive to reduce the use of nitrogen fertilizers Single 23 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: Financing Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries 2005 Yes Regulation No 1306/2013; Regulation n.º 1307/2013; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Decrease of the consumption of nitrogen fertilizers by applying mandatory standards under cross-compliance. It applies to the 1st pillar and to the beneficiaries of the agro-environment and areas subject to natural conditioning of the 2nd pillar. Monitoring of GHG in the monitoring systems of policies and measures to incentivize the reduction of the use of nitrogen fertilizers (with reference to the Code of Good Agricultural Practices) and the National Emission Ceilings Directive, using methodologies compatible with the emissions inventory. 2020 Normative Order No. 6/2015, of February 20, amended by Regulatory Decree no. 16/2015, 1-B / 2016, 4/2016 and 15-B / 2016 Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Portugal_24 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Promotion of energy efficiency in the agricultural sector Single 24 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Energy efficiency in the agricultural sector') Government Government: Rural Development Program Management Authority (2014-2020) 2014 Yes Cohesion Policy - Operational Program for Sustainability and Efficiency in the Use of Resources (POSEUR); CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Establishment of incentives for energy efficiency measures in the sector, including irrigation, associated with improvements in water efficiency, aimed at reducing the energy intensity of the sector by 2030. Monitoring of GHG in systems for monitoring policies and measures to encourage energy efficiency, Using methodologies compatible with the emissions inventory. 2020 The reference to Community policy "Common Agricultural Directive (CAP) Reform (2006/144 / EC)" is outdated. It should be amended by Regulation (EU) No 1305/13, of 17 December 2013 (Rural Development). (A3.1) Rural Development Program 2020 (PDR2020): Methodology of the indicator of results R14 according to Complementary Result Indicator fiches fot Pillar II in the scope of the evaluation Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Portugal_25 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Promotion of renewables in the agricultural sector Single 25 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Rural Development Program Management Authority (2014-2020) 2014 Yes Cohesion Policy - Operational Program for Sustainability and Efficiency in the Use of Resources (POSEUR); CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Establishment of incentives for production by the agricultural sector of renewable energies (solar thermal, green heat, biomass, minicompanies, biomethane, others). Monitoring of GHG in the monitoring systems of policies and measures to encourage the use of renewable energy in the sector, using methodologies compatible with the inventory of emissions. 2020 The reference to Community policy "Common Agricultural Directive (CAP) Reform (2006/144 / EC)" is outdated. It should be amended by Regulation (EU) No 1305/13, of 17 December 2013 (Rural Development). (A3.2) Rural Development Program 2020 (PDR2020):Result Indicator Methodology R15 according to Complementary Result Indicator Pillar II Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Portugal_26 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Increase the resistance and resilience of the forest to the abiotic and biotic agents Single 26 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: ICNF, GPP 2014 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Reducing the number of fires, the burnt area and the emissions from fires through implementation of fire prevention actions 2020 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Portugal_27 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Support for afforestation and improving of the environmental value of forests Single 27 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government Government: ICNF, GPP 2014 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Increase forest area by planting agricultural land, non-agricultural land and areas prone to desertification. It also aims at improving the conservation and condition of forest habitats, riparian corridors and other NATURA 2000 areas and to improve the management standards of existing forests 2020 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Portugal_28 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Conserving, restoring and improving agricultural and forest soils and preventing their erosion Single 28 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: Rural Development Program Management Authority (2014-2020),Government: Financing Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries (IFAP) 2014 Yes Regulation (EU) n.º 1305/2013, Annex II of the Regulation (EU) n.º 1306/2013 and Implementing Order n.º 6/2015 of 20th of February; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Promote agricultural and forestry techniques that increase the carbon stock in the soil. Support the installation of improved permanent pasture. Support the conservation of traditional permanent crops. Support for investment in agricultural holdings, which may include operations to improve fertility and soil structure. Promote the use of crops / species appropriate to the soil characteristics, which are contrary to the processes of acidification and salinization. Ensure compliance with Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (BCAA) and Legal Requirements for Management (RLG) as a prerequisite for access to funding under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). 2020 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Portugal_29 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Promotion of the use of forest products as substitutes for fossil raw materials Single 29 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy supply; Land use, land use change and forestry Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Government Government: ICNF, GPP 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Promote the use of biomass for energy through the establishment of short rotation biomass production and to promote the substitution of fossil based raw materials with forest products 2020 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Portugal_30 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Plan for sustainable mobility in the public administration Single 30 Single PaM Information, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) 2015 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Set the example by creating a low carbon transport and mobility system; Reduce energy intensity (GJ / pkm) and increase transport efficiency, through the following instruments and actions: support program for the electric vehicle in the Public Administration, promotion of the decarbonization of the State fleet through technological changes in vehicles, promotion of management Including promoting the use of public transport and car pooling and car pooling initiatives and promoting behavior change, including the development of eco-driving training actions. Main purpose: achieve a 20% reduction in fleet emissions by 2030 2020 AP1.1 Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 54/2015, which approves the ECO.mob Program; Implemented 2015 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Portugal_31 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Decarbonization Public Administration buildings Single 31 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: DGEG 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Promoting energy efficiency measures targeting the Public Administration: - Energy certification of State buildings and energy efficiency management contracts - Action Plan for Energy Efficiency in Public Administration (ECO.AP) - More efficient public administration transport - Efficient public lighting 2020 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Portugal_32 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Promotion of production and self-consumption of renewables Single 32 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) 2015 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings Directive 2009/28/EC - promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources. CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Increase the introduction of renewable energies in final energy consumption, reducing the carbon intensity of the building stock (residential and commercial), through the following actions: promoting the integration of solar thermal collectors in the built-up park and building and renovation of the Park of existing equipment at end of life and promotion of the production of electricity for self consumption from renewable sources. 2020 Implemented 2015 With additional measuses Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Portugal_33 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Energy efficiency in buildings Single 33 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) 2013 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU Directive 2012/27/ U of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 on Energy Efficiency. CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml To increase the energy performance rating of residential buildings and services and reduce their carbon intensity by extending the system in line with the guidelines of the Energy Efficiency Directive; Toreduce the energy consumption and carbon intensity of the building stock (residential and commercial) by promoting the application of efficient insulating materials (roofing, flooring and walls) in the building stock with repair and Promotion of the use of double glazing, thermal cut-off frames and efficient (low-emissivity) glass in the park of buildings with repair needs. To use energy more efficiently in the building stock (residential and commercial), through the following actions: promotion of the replacement of fireplaces by heat recuperators in residential buildings and promotion of the acquisition of heat pumps for heating in replacement of active air conditioning. To use energy more efficiently in the park of buildings (residential and commercial), through the adoption of national programs leading to the promotion of efficient lighting, through the renovation of the park by the replacement of energy-efficient lamps and their respective phase-out. To use energy more efficiently in the building stock (residential and commercial), by promoting the replacement of household appliances and other electrical equipment for essentially domestic use, reducing the specific consumption of the domestic equipment fleet. 2020 1) Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 20/2013 of 10 April; 2) Follow-up report on the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency (2008-2013); 3) Energy Balance of the Directorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Portugal_35 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Phasing out fuel oil cogeneration Single 35 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government Government: Diretorate-General for Energy and Geology (DGEG) 2010 Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Reduction or phasing out of the tariff for cogeneration plants using fuel oil. 2020 Decret of Law n.º 23/2010 of 25th of March (Law n.º19/2010 of 23rd of August); Ordinance n.º 140/2012 of 14th of May (Ordinance n.º 325-A/2012 of 16th of October). Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services
Portugal_39 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Emissions Trading Scheme Single 39 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies; Transport: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Portuguese Environment Agency (APA),Government: National Authority for Civil Aviation (ANAC) 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Implementation of the EU ETS - Industrial installations and aviation. 2020 Decret of Law n.º 93/2010 of 27th of July; Decret of Law n.º 38/2013 of 15th of March. Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Portugal_41 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 Renewables: Heating and Cooling Single 41 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Diretorate-General for Energy and Geology 2013 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Measures promoting of renewables: Thermal solar energy; Green heat; Registration of installers of small renewables systems. 2020 Resolução do Conselho de Ministros n.º 20/2013 de 10 de Abril; National Action Plan for Renewables (PNAER) Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Portugal_42 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Renewables: Electricity Single 42 Single PaM Economic, Information, Planning, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Diretorate-General for Energy and Geology 2013 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml "Promoting renewables in the electricity sector: Introduction of a general remuneration regime; Operationalisation of the market facilitator role; Operationalisation of Origin Guarantees; Biomass power plants (decentralised network); One stop shop electricity; National Dam Plan including reinforcement of capacity and installation of pumping systems; Offshore energy pilot zone; Over-equipment for wind fams"; 2020 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Portugal_36 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Carbon Tax Single 36 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Transport Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Demand management/reduction Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Finance 2015 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Carbon tax on non-ETS sectors linked to ETS allowances average prive in the previous year. Law n.º 82-D/2014 of 31st of December. Implemented 2015 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Portugal_37 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 CO2 Component on Motor Vehicles Taxes Single 37 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Finance 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Positive discrimination on motor vehicles taxes: 1) CO2 component on registration tax; 2) CO2 component on the annual circulation tax; 3) Exemption of registration and annual circulation taxes for electric vehicles. Law n.º 22-A/2007 of 29th of June. Law n.º 82-D/2014 of 31st of December. Implemented 2007 With existing measures No No information
Portugal_38 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Tax Incentives for Efficiency and Low Carbon Options Single 38 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Cross-cutting; Energy supply; Transport Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government Government: Ministry of Finance 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Tax incentives for: 1) Plug-in hybrid and LPG/NGV vehicles; 2) Renewables in urban buildings; 3) Car-sharing/ Bike-sharing systems; 4) Velocipede fleets. Law n.º 82-D/2014 of 31st of December. Implemented 2015 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Portugal_40 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 Regulation on CO2 for Cars and Vans Single 40 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of Finance 2009 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Implementation of the Regulation 2009/443/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 23rd of April; Implementation of the Regulation 2011/510/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 11nd of May; Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Portugal_14 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Implementation of the fluorinated gas regulation Single 14 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances,Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 0.02 Government Government: Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC, PFC, SF6 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Implementation of the provisions of Regulation (eu) N.º 517/2014 and adaptation of national legislation to reflect the provisions of this Regulation, including the allocation of new fines and the operationalization of the communication of purchases and sales of these gases, as well as the communication on the form Of f-gases, as well as to reduce the imported quantity of these gases and to promote their substitution by other substances with lesser or no GWP. 2030 Ex-ante assessment comments: for fluorinated gases, it is estimated that, compared to 2005 emissions, there is an increase of 244% by the year 2020, with the estimated values in 2030 being between 3% and 104% of the reference value Of 2005. (I3.1) 0.02 Implemented 2015 With additional measuses Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Portugal_34 Portugal 2917 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Regenerate and revitalize urban centers and contain urban expansion Single 34 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Other cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Other cross-cutting ('Territorial Cohesion and Urban Policy') Government Government: Directorate-General for Territory (DGT) 2015 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/pt/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwawa6q/PT_adjusted.xml Promotion of the functional densification of urban fabrics, including the diversification and strengthening of the supply of services and proximity trade, promoting a sustainable mobility standards; Promotion of urban rehabilitation associated with the introduction of solutions for renewable energy use in buildings; Promotion of the extension, qualification and integration of urban green areas by enhancing their role as carbon sinks and urban microclimate regulators. 2030 Implemented 2015 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Romania_2 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 GD no. 780/2006 establishing the scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading, amended by GD no. 133/2010, GD no. 399/2010, GD no. 1300/2010, GEO no. 115/2011 and GD no. 204/2013 Single 2 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buisness Environment 2007 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, N2O, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions from ETS installation, within the period 2007-2020. 2020 Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Romania_5 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Commitments up to 2020 for non-ETS sectors Single 5 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Water and Forests,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 2013 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes the Romania's GHG emission limit in 2020, compared to 2005, and the annual emission allocations at national level for the period 2013-2020, in line with Decision 2013/162/EC, revised by Decision 2013/634/EU The GHG emission limits in 2020, compared to 2005 GHG emissions level, is + 19% 2020 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Romania_6 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 GD no. 1069/2007 approving the National Energy Strategy for 2007-2020 Single 6 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear); Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production; Energy supply: Carbon capture and storage Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear),Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production,Energy supply: Carbon capture and storage Government Government: Ministry of Energy 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml The strategy based on the demand set on the macroeconomic indicators, shows the production that will cover this consumption plus an electricity export. As for the values, the total production in 2020 (100 TWh), from which: Production from hydroelectric energy 32.5 TWh (32.5%), Production from nuclear plants 21.6 TWh (21.6%), Production from thermal power plants 45.9 TWh (45.9%) (on coal 34.9%, natural gas 9.5%, fuel oil 1.5%). The Strategy presents the structure of installed capacity during 2006-2020. 2020 Implemented 2007 With existing measures No No information
Romania_10 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 GD no. 122/2015 aproving the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency Single 10 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Transport 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml According to Directive 2012/27/EU, The National Energy Efficiency Action Plan contains: Horizontal measures, Energy efficiency measures in buildings, Energy efficiency measures in public bodies, Energy efficiency measures in industry, Energy efficiency measures in transport, Promotion of efficient heating and cooling, Energy transformation, transmission, distribution and demand response. The national target for reducing the primary energy consumption is 19% in 2020 as compared to the value envisaged under the PRIMES 2007 programme, in the realistic scenario 2020 The energy savings forseen for period 2014-2020 as a result of investments for increasing the energy efficiency National Energy Efficiency Action Plan http://ec.europa.eu/energy/en/topics/energy-efficiency/energy-efficiency-directive/national-energy-efficiency-action-plans Implemented 2014 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Romania_12 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 GD no. 462/2006 for the approval of the “Heating 2006-2015 heat and comfort” National Program Single 12 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds 2006 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml The aim of “Heating 2006 – 2020 heat and comfort” program is to streamline the centralized systems of thermal energy supply, the final purpose being to reduce the consumption of primary energetic resources for the production of thermal energy, with at least 1 million Gcal/year compared with the consumption of primary energetic resources used in year 2004. The program finances investments realized in: rehabilitation of heat carrier production units, the transportation network of primary heat carrier, thermal sub-stations, the distribution network of hot water and the heat carrier. 2020 Implemented 2006 With existing measures No No information
Romania_21 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 GD no. 90/2011 establishing measure for implementing Regulation (EC) no. 443/2009 setting emission performance standards for new passenger cars Single 21 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of Transport, through RAR (Romanian Vehicle Registration Authority) 2011 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes emission performance standards for new passenger cars; starting in 2020, the vehicle fleet shall have an emission average of 95 g CO₂/km, compared to the average emission from 2012-2013, i.e. 130 g CO₂/km. 2020 Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Romania_22 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 GD no. 238/2012 for establishing measures to apply Regulation (EU) no. 510/2011 setting emission performance standards for new light commercial vehicles Single 22 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of Transport, through RAR (Romanian Vehicle Registration Authority) 2012 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes emission performance standards for new light commercial vehicles; starting from 2020, the new light commercial vehicles fleet shall have an emission average of 147 g CO₂/km, compared to the average emission from 2014-2017, i.e. 175 g CO₂/km. 2020 Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Romania_46 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 National Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 (PNDR 2014-2020) Single 46 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 2015 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Decision 2006/144/EC CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml PNDR 2014-2020 adresses the following strategic priorities: - Restructuring and increasing the viability of agricultural holdings; - Sustainable management of natural resources and combating the climate change; - Diversification of economic activities, creating jobs, improving infrastructure and services for improving the quality of life in rural areas. 2020 Planned 2015 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_1 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Law no. 278/2013 on industrial emissions Single 1 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2014 Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Setting permit conditions for IPPC installations, in accordance with BAT conclusions. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Romania_3 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Law no. 220/2008 on establishing the promotion system for the production of energy from renewable energy sources, amended and completed by Law no. 139/2010 Single 3 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministry of Energy 2010 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes the promotion system for the production of energy from renewable energy sources (wind, solar, aerothermal, geothermal, hydrothermal and ocean energy, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas and biogases). The national target, in 2020, concerning the share of energy from renewable sources in gross final consumption of energy is 24%. Final electricity consumption from RES GWh Final enegy consumption from RES in heating and cooling ktoe "Final electricity consumption from RES, GWh Final enegy consumption from RES in heating and cooling, ktoFinal energy consumption from RES in transport sector ktoe Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Romania_7 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 GEO no. 64/2011 on the geological storage of carbon dioxide, approved by Law no. 114/2013 Single 7 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Carbon capture and storage Energy supply: Carbon capture and storage Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Economy 2011 Yes Directive on the geological storage of CO2 2009/31/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of CO2 emissions using CCS Technologies Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Directive on the geological storage of CO2 2009/31/EC
Romania_8 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 GD no. 1090/2013 for establishing measures to apply Commision Regulations (EU) no. 327/2011, no. 206/2012 and no. 547/2012, implementing Directive 2009/125/EC establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products Single 8 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministry of Economy 2014 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Commision Regulations (EU) no. 327/2011, Commision Regulations (EU) no. 206/2012 and Commision Regulations (EU) no. 547/2012 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Ecodesign requirements for ventilators, air conditioning appliances and ventilators, water pumps Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_9 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 GD no. 739/2016 approving the National Climate Change and Low Carbon Green Growth Strategy for period 2016 – 2020 and the National Action Plan for implementation of the National Climate Change and Low Carbon Green Growth Strategy for period 2016 – 2020 Single 9 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministry of the Environment 2016 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) EU Commission’s Climate and Energy Package CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml The National Climate Change and Low Carbon Green Growth Strategy for period 2016 – 2020 (National CC/LCGG Strategy) and the National Action Plan 2016 - 2020, as programmatic documents for the period 2016 - 2020 – 2030, including the roadmap for 2050, establish the Romania’s operational actions for GHG emissions mitigation and climate change adaptation. The main objective of the National CC/LCGG Strategy is to reduce the GHG emissions from economic activities in alignment with EU targets and to adapt to the effects of climate variability and change, both current and future. Details on strategic objectives, as well as actions forseen per each sector, are presented in PAMs Report (chapter Information on WEM projection scenario) Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_11 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 GD no. 219/2007 on the promotion of cogeneration based on useful heat demand, modified and completed by GD no. 846/2015 Single 11 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy 2007 Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Promoting and developing high-efficiency cogeneration, based on the useful thermal energy demand and on saving primary energy on the energy market, in order to increase energy efficiency and to improve the safety of energy supply; establishes the support schemes and guarantees of origin for electricity produced in high-efficiency cogeneration. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Romania_13 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Law no. 123/2012 on electricity and natural gas Single 13 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy 2012 Yes Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package);Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2009/73/EC CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Law no 123/2012 establishes the frame of the settlements for the unfolding of the activities in electricity and natural gas sectors. Law no. 123/2012 contains the working principle of electricity market and natural gas market, access to the electricity and natural gases network, the realization method of adapters contracts, the method of certifying the operators that function in transportation network, etc. Also, the law promotes the electricity produced from RES and high cogeneration through support schemes in accordance with EU legislation. Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package); Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_14 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 GD no. 57/2011 establishing measures to apply the Regulation (EC) no. 1221/2009 on the voluntary participation of organizations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS) Single 14 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2011 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulation (EC) no. 1221/2009 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Optimizing the production processes, reducing the impact on the environment and efficient resource use. Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_15 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Modernization of the industrial sector Single 15 Single PaM Voluntary Planned EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Companies Companies: Manufacturing and constructions industries 2016 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Optimizing the production processes, reducing the impact on the environment and efficient resource use. Planned 2016 With additional measuses No No information
Romania_16 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Development of the energy sector to cover the demand for electrical and thermal power from cogeneration Single 16 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy 2016 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml To encourage production of electricity in high efficiency cogeneration, in energy prices (paid by the consumer) is foreseen a share for high efficiency cogeneration. The resulting amounts are collected in a special account created by the transport operator (Transelectrica/Opcom), which is distributed to the producers of electricity and thermal power high efficiency. Planned 2016 With additional measuses No No information
Romania_17 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 National Action Plan for Energy from Renewable Energy Sources Single 17 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD, EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy 2016 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Promotion of energy from renewable sources, by types of technologies: hydro, photovoltaic, wind and biomass. The national objective regarding the energy weight, from regenerating sources in the gross final consumption of energy in year 2020, is 24%. The installed power in wind-power plants in year 2020 will be 4000 MW and the production - 8400 GWh. The installed power in hydroelectric power plants in year 2020 will be7729 MW, and the production – 19768 GWh. The installed power in solar energy plants in year 2020 will be 260 MW, and the production – 320 GW. The installed power in biomass in year 2020 will be 405 MW, and the production – 1950 GWh. Planned 2016 With additional measuses No No information
Romania_18 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 GEO no. 40/2011 on the promotion of non-polluting and energy-efficient road transport vehicles, amended by GEO no. 9/2013 Single 18 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Internal Affairs,Government: Ministry of Public Finance 2011 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Promotion of non-polluting and energy efficient road transport vehicles, and improving the contribution of the transport sector to the environment, climate and energy policies. For the purchase of road transport vehicles, contracting authorities (that are under an obligation to apply the procurement procedures provided by GEO 34/2006) and operators (who fulfill public service obligations) shall consider the energy and environment impact throughout their life, at least by setting technical specifications for energy and environmental performance or using of the impacts (energy consumption, CO2 emissions, emissions of NOx, NMHC and particulate matter) as rating factors in the award criterion. Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Romania_19 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 GD no. 928/2012 concerning the specification of petrol, diesel and gas-oil and introducing a mechanism to monitor and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, amended by GD no. 1308/2012 and GD no. 1121/2013 Single 19 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Economy 2012 Yes Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from use of diesel, petrol and gas-oil, in order to reduce the adverse impact on environment and human health Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC
Romania_20 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 GD no. 935/2011 promoting the use of biofuels and bio liquids, amended and supplemented by GD no. 1121/2013 Single 20 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Economy 2011 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2003/30/EC, repealed by Directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes the legal framework for the promotion of the use of biofuels and bioliquids in the transport sector. Starting with January 1st 2011, the biofuels share in the energy consumption in transport is at least 5%. In the following years, biofuels share shall increase gradually till 2018 for reaching the standard established by the directive Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_23 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 GD no. 53/2012 for establishing measures to apply Regulation (EC) no. 1222/2009 on the labelling of tyres with respect to fuel efficiency and other essential parameters Single 23 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of Economy 2012 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulation (EC) no. 1222/2009 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes the legal and institutional framework for direct implementation of Regulation (EC) no. 1222/2009 Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_24 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 GO No. 15/2002 concerning the application of use and passage toll for national road network in Romania, amended by GO no. 17/2010, GO no. 8/2010, GEO no. 157/2007 Single 24 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2002 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2006/38/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes the value of passage tolls and concession fees for recovering construction, operation and maintenance costs. Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_25 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Regulation (EC) no. 715/2007 on type approval of motor vehicles with respect to emissions from light passenger and commercial vehicles (Euro 5 and Euro 6), amended by Commission Regulation (EU) no. 459/2012 Single 25 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2012 Yes Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes the limit values for stages Euro 5 and Euro 6 in order to reach the EU objectives on air quality. Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC
Romania_26 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Order no. 457/2011 of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure approving the Strategy for intermodal transport units in Romania, amended by Order no. 1358/2012 Single 26 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2011 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Developing the national intermodal goods transport system (railway, inland waterways, maritime transport) to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The general target for 2020 - reaching a transport share of at least 40% intermodal transport units of the quantity of transported goods on Romanian territory. Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
Romania_27 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 GD no. 666/2016 for aproving the General Transport Master Plan (GTMP) Single 27 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml GTMP, that analysis the major objectives of national transport sector, is a planning strategic instrument for major investments (projects and actions) ; details related to strategic objectives per type of transport are presented in PAMs Report (chapter Information on WEM projection scenario, section Transport) Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Romania_28 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Law no. 155/2005 amending GEO no. 12/1998 regarding Romanian railway transport and the reorganization of the Romanian National Railway Company Single 28 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2005 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2004/51/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Foreign railway transport operators and international groups, holding a license in an EU member state, have the right to access, under reasonable terms, the Romanian railway infrastructure, for the purpose of using any type of goods railway transportation services. Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_29 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Modernization of the transport system Single 29 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2016 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml The modernization is in line with Energy Efficiency Directive (Directive 2012/27/UE - EED) and Directive on the Promotion of the use of biofuels and other renewable fuels for transport (Directive 2003/30/EC). So, the following measures are envisaged: renewal of cars, tracks; modernization of public transport: use the intermodal transport: alternative mobility, etc. Planned 2016 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Romania_30 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Law no. 372/2005 regarding the energy performance of buildings, amended by Law no. 159/2013 Single 30 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Promoting measures to increase the energy performance of buildings, considering the exterior climate conditions and the location, the interior comfort requirements, at optimal level related costs and energy performance requirements Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Romania_31 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 GD no. 55/2011 establishing ecodesign requirements for energy-related products, repealing GD no. 1043/2007 on ecodesign requirements for energy-consuming products Single 31 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Economy 2011 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Ecodesign requirements applicable to energy-related products Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Romania_32 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 GD no. 217/2012 establishing the requirements for the identication by labelling and standard product information of the consumption of energy and other resources by energy-related products, amending GD no. 1039/2003. Single 32 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministry of Economy 2012 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2010/30/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Requirements on the labeling and energy efficiency of household refrigerating appliances, with regard to their placement on the market Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_33 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 GD no. 917/2012  establishing measures to apply Regulations (EU) no. 1059/2010, no. 1060/2010, no. 1061/2010, no. 1062/2010 and no. 626/2011, supplementing Directive 2010/30/EU Single 33 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministry of Economy 2012 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulations (EU) no. 1059/2010, no. 1060/2010, no. 1061/2010, no. 1062/2010 and no. 626/2011, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Requirements on the labeling and energy efficiency of certain consumer goods (household dishwashers/washing machines, household refrigerating appliances, TV sets, air conditioning installations) Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_34 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 GD no. 1490/2009 establishing measures for the implementation of the Regulations (EU) no. 1275/2008, no. 107/2009, no. 244/2009, no. 245/2009 and no. 278/2009, implementing Directive 2005/32/EC. Single 34 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministry of Economy 2009 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulations (EU) no. 1059/2010, no. 1060/2010, no. 1061/2010, no. 1062/2010 and no. 626/2011 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Ecodesign requirements for: electrical and electronic household and office appliances, signal conversion units, lamps for household use, fluorescent lamps, external supply sources. Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_35 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 GD no. 910/2011 establishing measures for the implementation of Regulations (EU) no. 1015/2010 and no. 1016/2010, implementing Directive 2009/125/EC with regard to ecodesign requirements for energy-related products Single 35 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministry of Economy 2011 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulations (EU) no. 1015/2010 and no. 1016/2010 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Ecodesign requirements for household dishwashers/washing machines. Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_36 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 GD no. 580/2011 establishing measures for the implementation of the Regulations (EC) no. 640/2009, no. 641/2009, no. 642/2009 and no. 643/2009, implementing Directive 2009/125/EC with regard to ecodesign requirements for energy-related products, amending GD no. 1039/2003 regarding labelling and energy efficiency requirements for household refrigerating appliances Single 36 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministry of Economy 2011 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulation (EC) no. 640/2009, no. 641/2009, no. 642/2009 and no. 643/2009 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Ecodesign requirements for: electric engines, circulator pumps, TV sets, household refrigerating appliances Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_38 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Modernization of the residential sector Single 38 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Planned ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy 2016 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of the energy consumption by the following measures: rehabilitating the building heating systems, applying restrictions as regards the EU efficiency standards for new buildings, lighting systems efficiency, using low-energy consumption lamps, using new equipment with low energy consumption Planned 2016 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Romania_39 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Modernization of the services sector Single 39 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy 2016 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of the energy consumption by the following measures: rehabilitation of the building heating systems, applying restrictions as regards the EU efficiency standards for new buildings, lighting systems efficiency, using low-energy consumption lamps, using new equipment with low energy consumption. Planned 2016 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Romania_40 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 Modernization of the agricultural sector Single 40 Single PaM Planning Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Efficiency improvements in agricultural sector') Companies Companies: Farmers associations 2016 No Regulation EU 1305/2013 CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of energy consumption, as voluntary agreement, through implementation of energy efficiency measures (performant agricultural equipments, modern irrigation systems). Planned 2016 With additional measuses No No information
Romania_41 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 Improving coal handling techniques Single 41 Single PaM Voluntary Planned ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production Companies Companies: Mining companies 2016 No No information CO2, CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Optimizing the production processes, reducing the impact on the environment and efficient resource use Planned 2016 With additional measuses No No information
Romania_42 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Improvements in the oil and gas sector Single 42 Single PaM Voluntary Planned ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production Companies Companies: Oil and gas companies 2016 No No information CO2, CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Optimizing the production processes, reducing the impact on the environment and efficient resource use. Planned 2016 With additional measuses No No information
Romania_43 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Regulation (EU) no. 517/2014 related fluorinated greenhouse gases Single 43 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: National Agency for Environmental Protection 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Regulation lays down rules on the containment, use, recovery and destruction of F gases and prohibits the sale of certain products containing F-gases. Also, sets an annual limit on the overall climate impact of HFC which will be phased out between 2015 and 2030.Annual limit for HCF quantities placed on the market in 2030 represent 21% of 2009-2012 levels. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC
Romania_44 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Directive 40/2006/EC (MAC Directive) on emissions from air conditioning systems of the motor vehicles Single 44 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: National Agency for Environmental Protection 2008 Yes MACs_Directive HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml MAC Directive provides the gradual replacement of air-conditioning systems using HFC-134a. It also limit the possibility of retrofitting motor vehicles with air conditioning systems designed to contain fluorinated greenhouse gases with a global warming potential higher than 150 and prohibit the charging of the air conditioning systems with such gases. Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes MACs_Directive
Romania_45 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Water Law no. 107/1996, amended by Law no. 112/2006 Single 45 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: National Water Management Authority 2003 Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Preserving, developing and protecting water resources, defense against flooding, gradual reduction of underground water pollution and prevention of subsequent pollution, preserving and protecting aqueous ecosystems. The Water Law no. 107/1996 sets up the obligation and establishes the legal framework for the development of water branch management plans that are intended to: - prevent deterioration, improve and restore the surface of water bodies, achieve good chemical and ecological status and reduce pollution from discharges and emissions of hazardous substances; - protect, enhance and restore the state of underground water, prevent their pollution or damage and ensure the balance between consumption and recharge. Implemented 2003 With existing measures Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
Romania_47 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 GD no. 964/2000 on the approval of the Action Plan for water protection against pollution with nitrates of agricultural origin Single 47 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: Ministry of Water and Forest,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 2000 Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Approves the Action Plan for water protection against the pollution with nitrates from agricultural sources Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Romania_48 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Order no. 344/708/2004 approving the technical rules on environment protection, particularly soil protection, when using sludge in agriculture Single 48 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government Government: Ministry of Water and Forest 2004 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 86/278/CEE CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes the concentration of heavy metals in soil to which sludge is applied, concentration of the heavy metals in sludge, the maximum annual concentration of heavy metals which may be introduced into cultivated soils and the criteria for evaluation of soil suitability in sludge application. Promoting the use of sewage sludge on agricultural land reduce the level of applied synthetic fertilisers. Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_49 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 GD no. 1261/2007 establishing measure for implementation of the Regulation (EC) no. 2003/2003 relating to fertilisers Single 49 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 2007 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulation (EC) no. 2003/2003 CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Established the institutional framework for the direct implementation of Regulation (EC) no. 2003/2003 relating to fertilisers, and determines and sanctions misdemeanors against the fertilizers regulations Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_50 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 Government Emergency Ordinance no. 3/2015 approving payment schemes applicable in agriculture within the period 2015-2020, with subsequent amendments Single 50 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Approves payment schemes, as support and guarantee mechanisms for farmers and economic operators, namely direct payment schemes and national transitional aid, applicable in agriculture within the period 2015-2020. The direct payment schemes are: single area payment scheme; redistributive payment; payment for benefic agricultural practices for climate and environment; payment for young farmers; coupled support scheme; simplified scheme for small farmers. The transitional national aids are granted for vegetable and livestock areas within the annual budgets allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Romania_51 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 Enhace sustainable management of forests, restoration of degraded lands Single 51 Single PaM Planning Planned LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government, Other, Regional Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Regional: Regional Forest and Hunting Inspectorate,Other: Private owners 2016 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions through conservation and increase carbon stock in forests, expanding forested areas, restoring degraded lands Planned 2016 With additional measuses No No information
Romania_52 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 Improving livestock and manure management Single 52 Single PaM Planning Planned ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Companies Companies: Farmers associations 2016 No No information CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions, as voluntary agreements, through investments for improving the feed quality for livestock, increase methane recovery from anaerobic fermentation of manure, modern methods of fertilizer application. Planned 2016 With additional measuses No No information
Romania_53 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 National Forestry Strategy 2013-2022 Single 53 Single PaM Planning Planned LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Regional Regional: Regional Forest and Hunting Inspectorate 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml National Forestry Strategy assumes wood harvest increase to 21 mil. mc/year by 2020, limits deforestation of 1 kha/year and increases afforestation rate to 10 kha/year. Planned 2016 With existing measures No No information
Romania_54 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 National Rural Development Plan (PNDR) 2014-2020 Single 54 Single PaM Planning Planned LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml PNDR measures consisted in: increasing orchards area by 2 % a year by 2020; agri-environment-climate (assuming 15% of arable land moves to conservative agro-techniques); forest-environmental and climate services and forest conservation, including afforestation, shelterbelts and CAP greening of 11kha/year. Planned 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Romania_55 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 Law no. 211/2011 regarding waste management Single 55 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use; Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use,Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2011 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes requirements for preventing and reducing the adverse impact of the generation and management of waste. Starting with 2012, the public local authorities shall assure the separate collection for at least paper, metal, plastic and glass. Also, till 2020, the produces and the local public authorities shall achieve a preparation level for reuse and recycling (at least 50% of the total waste mass - paper, metal, plastic, glass from municipal waste) and a preparation level for reuse, recycling and other recovery operation (at least 70 % of the non hazardous waste mass from construction and demolition activities). Preparation level for reuse and recycling (at least 50% of the total waste mass) and preparation level for reuse, recycling and other recovery operation (at least 70 % of the non hazardous waste mass from construction and demolition activities). Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Romania_56 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 GD no. 621/2005 on the management of packaging and packaging waste, amended and supplemented by GD no. 1872/2006 and GD no. 247/2011. Single 56 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2005 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 1994/62/EC, amended by Directive 2004/12/EC, Directive 2005/20/EC, Regulation (EC) no. 1883/2003 CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes rules for the packaging and packaging waste management and objectives concerning the recovery or incineration at waste incineration plants with energy recovery and, respectively, concerning the recycling of packaging waste, in line with transition period. Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_57 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 GD no. 1037/2010 regarding waste from electric and electronic equipment Single 57 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2010 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2002/96/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes requirements for preventing of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) and promote reuse, recycling and other forms of recover. The executive authorities of administrative-territorial units shall ensure the existence and operation at least one point for separate collection of WEEE from private households to 50,000 inhabitants, but no more than a collection point in each village. Till 31 December 2015, the EEE producers shall organize the collection of WEEE from private householders in order to ensure the average rate of separate collection at the national level at least 4 kg /capita/year. Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_58 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 GD no. 349/2005 on landfill of waste, amended and supplemented by GD no. 201/2007 and GD no. 1292/2010 Single 58 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2005 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes the national targets concerning the reduction of the quantities of biodegradable waste landfilled, comparing to the year 1995, in line with transition period. Also, establishes the compliance calendar for the existing landfills ( 41 non-compliant municipal landfills in operation between 2013-2017, shall stop operating by 2017). Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Romania_59 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 GD no. 188/2002 for the approval of certain norms concerning the conditions of discharging the waste water into aquatic environment, amended by GD no. 352/2005. Single 59 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Government Government: National Water Management Authority 2002 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 91/271/CEE, amended and supplemented by Directive 98/15/CE CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes the requirements concerning the collection systems, treatment and discharge of waste water, in line with the transition periods: - collection of urban waste water - compliance to be ensured by December 31st 2013 (agglomerations with more than 10,000 inhabitants), respectively by December 31st 2018 (agglomerations with less than 10,000 inhabitants); - treatment and discharge of urban waste waters - compliance to be ensured by December 31st 2015 (agglomerations with more than 10.000 inhabitants), respectively by December 31st 2018 (agglomerations with less than 10.000 inhabitants). Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_60 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 Improving solid waste management Single 60 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Environment 2016 No No information CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml The future provisions of the National Plan for Waste Management were considered that will include clear and consistent measures for achieving the reuse and recycle targets by 2020. Planned 2016 With additional measuses No No information
Romania_61 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam61 GD no. 817/2005 approving the Plan for long term strategy of the railway sector in order to restore the financial equilibrium of the infrastructure manager and the modernization of infrastructure Single 61 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport 2006 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2004/50/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml The long term Strategy for the railway sector defines the major directions to restore the financial equilibrium of the infrastructure manager and the modernization of rail system infrastructure by upgrading Pan-European corridors, rehabilitation and electrification of railways, moderniyation of railway stations and construction of high speed railways. Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_62 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam62 WEM Scenario for Combustion in Energy Industry and Manufacturing and Construction Industry sectors Group 62 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9,11,12,13,14,10 Economic, Planning, Regulatory See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Other Sectors Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear); Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production; Energy supply: Carbon capture and storage Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear),Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production,Energy supply: Carbon capture and storage 3400.88 4734.69 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buisness Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Water and Forests,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Transport See individual PaMs Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive on the geological storage of CO2 2009/31/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC;Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package) EU Commission’s Climate and Energy Package Directive 2009/73/EC Regulation (EC) no. 1221/2009 CO2, CH4, N2O, PFC, HFC, SF6 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG em7, 9, issions for Energy Industry and Manufacturing and Construction Industry sectors See individual PaMs 2866.21 534.67 2366.62 442.15 2808.77 4044.71 689.99 5408.92 876.44 6285.36 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive on the geological storage of CO2 2009/31/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC; Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package)
Romania_63 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam63 WEM Scenario for Transport sector Group 63 5,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,4,9,3,61 Economic, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Other Sectors; Transport Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour 425.08 748.36 Government Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Water and Forests,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Internal Affairs,Government: Ministry of Public Finance,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Transport, through RAR (Romanian Vehicle Registration Authority),Government: Ministry of Transport, through RAR (Romanian Vehicle Registration Authority),Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy,Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Transport See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC Directive 2003/30/EC, repealed by Directive 2009/28/EC Regulation (EC) no. 1222/2009 Directive 2006/38/EC Directive 2004/51/EC EU Commission’s Climate and Energy Package Directive 2004/50/EC CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in transport sector See individual PaMs 425.08 568.3 568.3 748.36 1307.82 1307.82 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Romania_64 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam64 WEM Scenario for Other sectors (services, residential, agriculture) Group 64 3,5,4,9,12,14,30,31,32,34,33,35,36,37,10,8 Economic, Planning, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Other Sectors Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 284.67 888.54 Government Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Water and Forests,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy,Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Economy See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures EU Commission’s Climate and Energy Package Regulation (EC) no. 1221/2009 Directive 2010/30/EU Regulations (EU) no. 1059/2010, no. 1060/2010, no. 1061/2010, no. 1062/2010 and no. 626/2011 Regulations (EU) no. 1059/2010, no. 1060/2010, no. 1061/2010, no. 1062/2010 and no. 626/2011, Regulations (EU) no. 1015/2010 and no. 1016/2010 Regulation (EC) no. 640/2009, no. 641/2009, no. 642/2009 and no. 643/2009 Directive 2012/27/EU Commision Regulations (EU) no. 327/2011, Commision Regulations (EU) no. 206/2012 and Commision Regulations (EU) no. 547/2012 CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in Other sectors See individual PaMs 284.67 666.01 666.01 888.54 1149.62 1149.62 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Romania_65 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam65 WEM Scenario for Fugitive emissions sector Group 65 1,5,14 Regulatory See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 1278.23 1243.61 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Water and Forests,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Government: Ministry of Environment See individual PaMs Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Regulation (EC) no. 1221/2009 CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in Fugitive emissions sector See individual PaMs 1278.23 1269.27 1269.27 1243.61 1257.75 1257.75 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Romania_66 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam66 WEM Scenario for Industrial Processes and Product Use sector Group 66 1,2,5,43,9,4,44 Economic, Regulatory See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes; Other Sectors Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances 1336.16 2243.13 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy, Small and Medium Enterprises and Buisness Environment,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Water and Forests,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: National Agency for Environmental Protection,Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: National Agency for Environmental Protection See individual PaMs Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;MACs_Directive EU Commission’s Climate and Energy Package CO2, CH4, N2O, PFC, HFC, SF6 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in Industrial Processes and Product Use sector See individual PaMs 1091.64 244.52 1237.12 601.13 1838.25 1348.12 895.01 1428.67 1014.01 2442.69 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; MACs_Directive
Romania_67 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam67 WEM Scenario for Agriculture sector Group 67 1,5,45,46,47,48,49,50,3,9 Economic, Regulatory See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Agriculture; Cross-cutting Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 145.53 2062.32 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Water and Forests,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Government: National Water Management Authority,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Government: Ministry of Water and Forest,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Government: Ministry of Water and Forest,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of the Environment See individual PaMs Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);RES directive 2009/28/EC Decision 2006/144/EC Directive 86/278/CEE Regulation (EC) no. 2003/2003 EU Commission’s Climate and Energy Package CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in Agriculture sector See individual PaMs 145.53 980.32 980.32 2062.32 3468.89 3468.89 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); RES directive 2009/28/EC
Romania_68 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam68 WEM Scenario for LULUCF sector Group 68 9,53,54 Planning, Regulatory See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD, LULUCF Cross-cutting; Land use, land use change and forestry Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government, Regional Government: Ministry of the Environment,Regional: Regional Forest and Hunting Inspectorate,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development See individual PaMs Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) EU Commission’s Climate and Energy Package CO2, CH4, N2O See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in LULUCF sector See individual PaMs Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Romania_69 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam69 WEM Scenario for Waste sector Group 69 1,5,55,56,57,58,59,9,3 Economic, Regulatory See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting; Waste management/waste Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use; Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use,Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling 19.92 245.95 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Water and Forests,Government: Ministry of Economy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Transport,Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: Ministry of Environment,Government: National Water Management Authority,Government: Ministry of the Environment,Government: Ministry of Energy See individual PaMs Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC Directive 1994/62/EC, amended by Directive 2004/12/EC, Directive 2005/20/EC, Regulation (EC) no. 1883/2003 Directive 2002/96/EC Directive 91/271/CEE, amended and supplemented by Directive 98/15/CE EU Commission’s Climate and Energy Package CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in Waste sector See individual PaMs 19.92 219.92 219.92 245.95 272.35 272.35 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Romania_70 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam70 WAM Scenario for Combustion in Energy Industry and Manufacturing and Construction Industry sectors Group 70 15,16,17 Economic, Regulatory, Voluntary See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 261.25 2.26 Companies, Government Companies: Manufacturing and constructions industries,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy See individual PaMs Yes No information CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in Combustion in Energy Industry and Manufacturing and Construction Industry sectors See individual PaMs 134.57 126.68 145.82 137.27 283.09 1.17 1.1 365.18 343.77 708.94 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes No information
Romania_71 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam71 WAM Scenario for Transport sector Group 71 Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 326.54 400.95 Government Government: Ministry of Transport See individual PaMs Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in Transport sector See individual PaMs 326.54 329.94 329.94 400.95 424.11 424.11 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Romania_72 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam72 WAM Scenario for Other sectors (services, residential, agriculture) Group 72 38,39,40 Planning, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Efficiency improvements in agricultural sector') 175.2 680.89 Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy,Government: Ministry of Energy,Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds,Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy,Companies: Farmers associations See individual PaMs Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) Regulation EU 1305/2013 CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in Other sectors (services, residential, agriculture) See individual PaMs 175.2 387.37 387.37 680.89 673.02 673.02 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Romania_73 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam73 WAM Scenario for Fugitive emissions sector Group 73 41,42 Voluntary See individual PaMs ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production Energy supply: Control of fugitive emissions from energy production 307.21 261.08 Companies Companies: Mining companies,Companies: Oil and gas companies See individual PaMs Yes No information CO2, CH4 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in Fugitive emissions sector See individual PaMs 307.21 281.91 281.91 261.08 227.67 227.67 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes No information
Romania_74 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam74 WAM Scenario for Agriculture sector Group 74 Planning See individual PaMs ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland 872.7 2087.43 Companies Companies: Farmers associations See individual PaMs Yes No information CH4, N2O See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in Agriculture sector See individual PaMs 872.7 1486.75 1486.75 2087.43 2737.44 2737.44 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes No information
Romania_75 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam75 WAM Scenario for LULUCF sector Group 75 Planning See individual PaMs LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government, Other, Regional Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development,Regional: Regional Forest and Hunting Inspectorate,Other: Private owners See individual PaMs Yes No information CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Changing soil management See individual PaMs Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes No information
Romania_76 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam76 WAM Scenario for Waste sector Group 76 Economic, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling 8.37 43.62 Government Government: Ministry of Environment See individual PaMs Yes No information CH4 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Reduction of GHG emissions in Waste sector See individual PaMs 8.37 46.47 46.47 43.62 40.12 40.12 Table_1_in_Annex_XII_in_Regulation_no._749-2014.xlsm http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/envvxlo3g/ See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes No information
Romania_4 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Law no. 121/2014 on energy efficiency Single 4 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply; Other Sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: National Regulatory Authority for Energy 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml Establishes the legal framework and policy measures for energy efficiency for the whole chain (primary resources, manufacturing, distribution, supply, transport and final consumption) for meeting the strategic objective of the national energy policy to improve energy efficiency. Also, establishes the obligation of updating the National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (approved by GD no. 122/2015), respectively, monitoring the implementation of this plan, by drawing up the Report on the progress registered in achieving the national targets for energy efficiency, requested by the European Commission. According to the first progress report of Romania, the primary energy savings achieved until 31.12.2014, due to the implementation of energy efficiency measures are: - Residential buildings: 82,340 Mtoe for period 2009 - 2014; - Rehabilitation of centralized heat supply service: 27,330 toe / year; - Audit and energy management: 891,728 thousand toe for 2010-2013. The national target for reducing the primary energy consumption is 19% in 2020, compared to the value envisaged under the PRIMES 2007 programme, in the realistic scenario 2030 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Romania_37 Romania 2908 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Strategy to stimulate investments in renovating residential and commercial buildings, both public and private, existing at national level (April 2014) Single 37 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Regional Development, Public Administration and European Funds 2014 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/ro/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwaaw7q/RO_adjusted__based_on_xls_.xml The draft strategy, in line with the requirements of Article 4 of Directive 2012/27/EU on energy efficiency, establises the key successive stages for renovating the national building patrimony 2050 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovakia_1 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 The Rural Development Programme for the period of 2014 - 2020 Single 1 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development') Government, Regional Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic,Regional: Regional offices 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml The Rural Development Programme for 2014 – 2020 was prepared, where this issues was incorporated to the measures (for example organic farming). The program of financial support scheme for selected thematic priorities in rural development comprises 56 frame targets for specific policies and measures in this sector with positive environmental impacts. Contribution of supported PaMs to the sustainable development will serve as horizontal criteria for support. 2020 CORINAIR methodology CORINAIR methodology Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Slovakia_2 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Manure management - Ordinance of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 488/2010 Coll. on Conditions for Granting Subsidies in Agriculture through Direct Payments Single 2 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic 2010 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (2603/1999, 1698/2005 and 1290/2005);CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Measures in manure manipulation and processing in enteric fermentation. Measures to implementing better technologies of manure manipulation and processing in enteric fermentation. 2020 CORINAIR methodology http://www.apa.sk/download.php?fID=4918 CORINAIR methodology Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Slovakia_3 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 New manure management - Ordinance of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 488/2010 Coll. on Conditions for Granting Subsidies in Agriculture through Direct Payments Single 3 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland 20.26 15.5 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml New measures in manure manipulation and processing and in addition new animal feeding policy implementation 2020 CORINAIR methodology 0 20.26 0 17.88 17.88 0 15.5 0 15.5 15.5 http://www.apa.sk/download.php?fID=4918 CORINAIR methodology Planned 2015 With additional measuses Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Slovakia_4 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Agricultural soils - Ordinance of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 488/2010 Coll. on conditions for granting subsidies in agriculture through direct payments Single 4 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic 2010 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (2603/1999, 1698/2005 and 1290/2005);CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Efficient use and appropriate timing of nitrogen inputs from mineral fertilizers 2020 CORINAIR methodology http://www.apa.sk/download.php?fID=4918 Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Slovakia_5 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Agricultural soils after the year 2015 - Ordinance of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 488/2010 Coll. on conditions for granting subsidies in agriculture through direct payments Single 5 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils 44.7 31.29 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic 2016 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (2603/1999, 1698/2005 and 1290/2005);CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Efficient use and appropriate timing of nitrogen inputs from mineral fertilizers after the year 2015 2020 http://www.apa.sk/download.php?fID=4918 0 44.7 0 37.25 37.25 0 31.29 0 31.29 31.29 Planned 2016 With additional measuses Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Slovakia_6 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Reduced number of dairy cattle - Ordinance of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 488/2010 Coll. on conditions for granting subsidies in agriculture through direct payments Single 6 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved livestock management Agriculture: Improved livestock management Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic 2010 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (2603/1999, 1698/2005 and 1290/2005);CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Decreasing the number of dairy cattle 2020 CORINAIR methodology http://www.apa.sk/download.php?fID=4918 Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Slovakia_7 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 New animal feeding policy implementation - Ordinance of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 488/2010 Coll. on conditions for granting subsidies in agriculture through direct payments Single 7 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved livestock management Agriculture: Improved livestock management 143.81 124.61 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic 2016 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) - on support for rural development by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (2603/1999, 1698/2005 and 1290/2005);CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Decreasing the number of dairy cattle, intensive feeding with active substances 2020 CORINAIR methodology 0 143.81 0 142.33 142.33 0 124.61 0 120.79 120.79 http://www.apa.sk/download.php?fID=4918 CORINAIR methodology CORINAIR methodology Planned 2016 With additional measuses Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Slovakia_8 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Nitric Acid Production - Act No. 414/2012 Coll. on Emission Trading in Amendments Single 8 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Industrial processes Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies 69 6.68 Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic,Companies: Industrial companies and associations 2013 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Integrated pollution prevention and control 2008/1/EC (amending 96/61/EC) N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Act gives provisions for implementation of secondary catalyst at nitric acid production. Nitric acid production is the major source of N2O emissions. Nitric acid is produced in two plants. In 2010, improved technology with secondary catalyst was used in one plant. This led to reduction of N2O emissions. After inclusion of this production within the scope of EU ETS it has stimulated further measures leading to reduction of emissions. 2020 model for IP, based on production data 69 0 33.79 0 33.79 6.68 0 6.89 0 6.89 https://www.slov-lex.sk/pravne-predpisy/SK/ZZ/2012/414/20160901 model for IP, based on production data Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovakia_9 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Aluminium Production - Act No. 414/2012 Coll. on Emission Trading in Amendments Single 9 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Industrial processes Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes 7.36 8.06 Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic,Companies: Industrial companies and associations 2005 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Its Implementation enables to control efficiency at aluminium production. 2020 model for IP, based on production data 7.36 0 7.9 0 7.9 8.06 0 8.24 0 8.24 https://www.slov-lex.sk/pravne-predpisy/SK/ZZ/2012/414/20160901 model for IP, based on production data Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Slovakia_10 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Nitric Acid Production - Act No. 414/2012 Coll. on Emission Trading as amended Single 10 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned EU ETS Industrial processes Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies 11.11 12.98 Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic,Companies: Industrial companies and associations 2016 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Integrated pollution prevention and control 2008/1/EC (amending 96/61/EC) N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Act gives provisions for implementation of secondary catalyst at nitric acid production. 2020 11.11 0 11.99 0 11.99 12.98 0 13.48 0 13.48 https://www.slov-lex.sk/pravne-predpisy/SK/ZZ/2012/414/20160901 Planned 2016 With additional measuses Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovakia_11 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Aluminium Production - Act No. 414/2012 Coll. on Emission Trading as amended Single 11 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned EU ETS Industrial processes Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes 37.8 41.4 Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic,Companies: Industrial companies and associations 2016 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) F-gas regulation (Regulation 842/2006) PFC With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Its implementation enables to control efficiency at aluminium production. 2020 37.8 0 40.64 0 40.64 41.4 0 42.31 0 42.31 model for IP, based on production data Planned 2016 With additional measuses Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovakia_14 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Forest Strategy/ Forest Action Plan Single 14 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic 2006 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml The Forest Action Plan includes several key actions referring to climate change mitigation: promotion of forest biomass for energy generation, EU compliance with UNFCCC and Kyoto obligations, protection of EU forests; 2020 http://www.forestportal.sk/lesne-hospodarstvo/politika-legislativa/narodna/Documents/nlp_sr.pdf Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Slovakia_15 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Forestry measure within the Rural Development Policy Single 15 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic 2013 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Forestry is an integral part of rural development; support for sustainable and climate-friendly land use should encompass forest area development and sustainable management of forests 2020 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Slovakia_16 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 LULUCF accounting Single 16 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Substitution of GHG-intensive feedstocks and materials with harvested wood products Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic 2002 Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Provides the basis for a formal inclusion of the LULUCF sector and ensures a harmonized legal framework allowing the collection of reliable data by robust accounting and reporting in a standardized way 2020 Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes LULUCF Decision No 529/2013/EU
Slovakia_17 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 National Renewable Energy Action Plan, Government Resolution of SR No. 677/2010 Single 17 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector 292.42 480.97 Government Government: Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic 2013 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Biomas Action Plan COM (2005) 628 Final CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Impact of RES in heat and electricity generation. Impact of renewable energy sources in heat and electricity generation. Increase the share of electricity production from RES in power system. Increase in consumption of biomass for the production of electricity and heat. 2020 http://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/dir_2009_0028_action_plan_slovakia.zip 367.85 514.9 http://www.economy.gov.sk/narodny-akcny-plan-pre-energiu-z-obnovitelnych-zdrojov/135436s Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovakia_18 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Improving the thermal performance of public sector buildings - Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the period 2014-2016 with the outlook for 2020 (adopted in July 2014). Single 18 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Other Sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 151.95 151.94 Companies, Government, Regional Government: Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic,Regional: Regional energy agencies,Companies: Commercial sector 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Improving the thermal performance of buildings - Office buildings; Hotels and restaurants; wholesale and retail trade; Schools, school facilities; Hospital. Renewal of the selected type buildings saving energy need at least 20%. Measures financed from own resources. 2020 achieved energy saving MW per year The input data from this Action Plan in period 2013-2020 was implemented in WEM scenario, while its estimated prolongation after this period was included in WAM scenario https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_EN_ENER-2014-01001-00-00-EN-TRA-00.pdf 0 151.94 0 0 167.49 http://www.rokovania.sk/Rokovanie.aspx/BodRokovaniaDetail?idMaterial=23721 model MESSAGE Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Slovakia_19 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Improving the thermal performance of public sector buildings - Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the period 2014-2016 with the outlook for 2020 (adopted in July 2014). Single 19 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 379.1 379.09 Companies, Government, Regional Government: Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic,Regional: Regional energy agencies,Companies: Commercial sector 2017 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Improving the thermal performance of buildings - Office buildings; Hotels and restaurants; wholesale and retail trade; Schools, school facilities; Hospital. Renewal of the selected type buildings saving energy need at least 20%. Measures financed from own resources. 2020 achieved energy saving MW per year https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_EN_ENER-2014-01001-00-00-EN-TRA-00.pdf 379.1 379.09 http://www.rokovania.sk/Rokovanie.aspx/BodRokovaniaDetail?idMaterial=23721 Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovakia_20 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Improving thermal performance of Family Houses buildings - Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the period 2014-2016 with the outlook for 2020 (adopted in July 2014). Single 20 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 10.24 10.24 Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic,Companies: Commercial sector 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Improving the thermal performance of buildings - Family Houses. Renovation family houses with saving energy need at least 20%. Measures financed from owner sources and through the banking sector. 2020 achieved energy saving MW per year https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_EN_ENER-2014-01001-00-00-EN-TRA-00.pdf 0 10.24 0 10.24 10.24 0 10.24 0 10.24 10.24 http://www.rokovania.sk/Rokovanie.aspx/BodRokovaniaDetail?idMaterial=23721 model MESSAGE Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Slovakia_21 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Improving thermal performance of Residential Buildings - Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the period 2014-2016 with the outlook for 2020 (adopted in July 2014). Single 21 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 171.63 135.47 Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic,Companies: Commercial sector 2014 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Improving the thermal performance of buildings - Residential buildings Renovation of residential buildings. State Housing Fund was established in 1997 under Law no. 124/1996 Coll. the State Housing Development Fund, providing support for the expansion and modernization of the housing stock, particularly in the form of favorable long-term loans. 2020 achieved energy saving MW per year https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_EN_ENER-2014-01001-00-00-EN-TRA-00.pdf 171.63 185.57 http://www.rokovania.sk/Rokovanie.aspx/BodRokovaniaDetail?idMaterial=23721 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovakia_22 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Energy efficiency improvement in Industry - Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the period 2017-2019 with the outlook for 2020 Single 22 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 86.1 86.1 Government, Local, Regional Government: Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic,Regional: Regional energy agencies,Local: Local government 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, CH4, N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Energy efficiency improvement and Reducing the energy consumption of Industry sector. 2020 achieved energy saving MW per year The input data from the planned Action Plan in period 2016-2020 was implemented in WAM scenario https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_EN_ENER-2014-01001-00-00-EN-TRA-00.pdf 86.1 86.1 http://www.rokovania.sk/Rokovanie.aspx/BodRokovaniaDetail?idMaterial=23721 http://www.rokovania.sk/Rokovanie.aspx/BodRokovaniaDetail?idMaterial=23721 Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovakia_23 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Waste Management Plan 2011-2015 Single 23 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic 2015 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml The Waste Management Plan 2011-2015 includes several key targets referring to climate change mitigation: increase of waste recycling to 35% by 2015, reduction of biodegradable waste disposal in line with the Landfilling Directive (reduction to 50% by 2013, reduction to 45% by 2015 and reduction to 35% by 2020, compared with 1995 level) requirement to introduce separate collection of biodegradable waste and increase of land application of stabilized waste water sludge; 2020 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Slovakia_25 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Water Plan 2009-2015 Single 25 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Government Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic 2009 Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Water Plan 2009-2015 identified the need for reduction of organic pollution of surface water and calls for reconstruction of 157 WWT plants, development of 54 new WWT plants and development of sewer systems in 277 municipalities; 2020 This plan was updated to cover period up to 2021, but lacks information which would allow quantification of waste water sector development on emissions Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
Slovakia_26 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Hybrid transports in cities - Action Plan For Energy Efficiency 2011-2013, Government Resolution of SR No. 301/2011 Coll. Single 26 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic 2011 Yes Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Buying low floor hybrid buses stop in selected cities (Zilina, Bratislava, Košice). 2020 Greenhouse gas emission saving Co2 (T) Energy savings Terajoule Savings estimates are based on energy savings and GHG emissions per unit of energy Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Slovakia_27 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Modal shift to public transport - Action Plan For Energy Efficiency 2011-2013, Government Resolution of SR No. 301/2011 Coll. Single 27 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic 2011 No No information CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml The measure consists of the implementation of these specific projects: "The support system of urban public transport operating segment Janíkov Dvor - Šafárikovo us., Part 1 Šafárikovo us .-- Bosákova street", "Tramway Dubravka in section Hanulova - At the Cross" "NS MHD Phase 1 Central Station - Janíkov Dvor operating segment Bosákova street - Janíkov Dvor, Part 2 Bosákova - Janíkov Dvor"„The modernization of tram tracks - Karloveská, Vajnorska and Racianska Radial "," railway station, terminals integrated passenger transport (TIOP) in Bratislava, Bratislava section of the main station - Podunajske Biskupice (implementation) " ZSR terminals integrated passenger transport (TIOP) in Bratislava, Bratislava section of the main station - Devinska Nova Ves (implementation) "," NS MHD Phase 1 Central Station - Janíkov Dvor,Operations Department Central Station - Šafarikovo us.' " ZSR terminals integrated passenger transport (TIOP) in Košice Region Phase I (PD implementation) "," Modernisation of tram tracks in Kosice - the second stage ". 2020 Greenhouse gas emission saving CO2 (t) Energy saving Terajoule Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
Slovakia_28 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Modal shift to public transport - Transport policy of the Slovak Republic into 2015 Single 28 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic 2005 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Free travel for students and citizens of retirement age. Discount fares for rail for working people. The modernization of the railway corridor Žilina - Košice - Čierna nad Tisou. 2020 Not quantified, currently underway feasibility study. TREMOVE model Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Slovakia_29 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Improved transport behaviour and the road infrastructure - Transport policy of the Slovak Republic into 2015 Single 29 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic 2005 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) WHITE PAPER - Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system (2011/144EC) CO2, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Energy savings are achieved by reducing fuel consumption by users of the road infrastructure in the new technically superior infrastructure in comparison with the original technically outdated road infrastructure. Ensure speedy completion of the motorway network included in the TEN-T routes Bratislava - Žilina - Košice - Vyšné Nemecke - state border SR / Ukraine (Va corridor; D1 motorway section) Priority of Bratislava - Košice as the main transport and urban move SR, Construction of new high-capacity road infrastructure segments troubleshooting of first-class roads and modernizing rail infrastructure. 2020 Greenhouse gas emission saving CO2 (T) Energy saving Terajoule TREMOVE model Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovakia_30 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Introduction of Euro 6 emission standards - Transport policy of the Slovak Republic into 2015 Single 30 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic,Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic,Government: Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic 2005 Yes Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml The introduction of more stringent Euro 6 emission standards for new vehicles significantly stricter emission limits of basic pollutants and particulates from traffic. It is anticipated reductions in fuel consumption due to improved efficiency of engines and the production is anticipated reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. 2020 measures have limited impact on emissions, the GHG emissions has an indirect impact TREMOVE model Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC
Slovakia_31 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Government Regulation No. 246/2006 Coll on the minimum quantity of fuels produced from renewable sources in the petrol and diesel fuels placed on the market in the Slovak Republic Single 31 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Demand management/reduction 145.29 299.51 Government Government: Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic 2010 Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Continuously increasing the share of bioethanol and biodiesel blended with gasoline and diesel. It is planned to increase the use of CNG - filling station infrastructure support. 2020 model TREMOVE 0 145.29 0 238.2 238.2 0 299.51 343.57 343.57 http://www.noveaspi.sk/products/lawText/1/62722/1/2 model TREMOVE Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Slovakia_32 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Emissions Trading, the new allocation - Act No. 414/2012 Coll. on Emission Trading in amendments. Single 32 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Cross-cutting; Energy supply; Other Sectors Energy supply: Other energy supply Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Decrease of CO2 emission') 226.03 211.15 Government Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic 2013 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml ETS stimulate use of BM in fuel mix of energy units. economic and regulatory measure primarily focused on air protection with high positive impact on reduction of GHG emissions. 2020 https://www.slov-lex.sk/pravne-predpisy/SK/ZZ/2012/414/20160901 226.03 0 226.03 0 226.03 211.15 0 179 0 179 model MESSAGE Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Slovakia_33 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Improving thermal performance of Family Houses buildings - Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the period 2017-2019 with the outlook for 2020 Single 33 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 129.44 129.43 Government, Local, Regional Government: Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic,Local: Local,Regional: Regional 2017 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2, N2O, CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Improving the thermal performance of buildings - Family Houses. Renovation family houses with saving energy need at least 20%. Measures financed from owner sources and through the banking sector. 2020 achieved energy saving MW per year The input data from the planned Action Plan in period 2016-2020 was implemented in WAM scenario https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_EN_ENER-2014-01001-00-00-EN-TRA-00.pdf 0 129.44 0 129.44 129.44 0 129.43 0 129.44 129.44 Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Slovakia_34 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Improving thermal performance of Residential Buildings - Energy Efficiency Action Plan for the period 2017-2019 with the outlook for 2020 Single 34 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 746.86 644.54 Companies, Government, Regional Government: Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic,Regional: Regional energy agencies,Companies: Commercial sector 2017 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2, N2O, CH4 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Improving the thermal performance of buildings - Residential buildings Renovation of residential buildings. State Housing Fund was established in 1997 under Law no. 124/1996 Coll. the State Housing Development Fund, providing support for the expansion and modernization of the housing stock, particularly in the form of favorable long-term loans. 2020 achieved energy saving MW per year The input data from the planned Action Plan in period 2016-2020 was implemented in WAM scenario https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_EN_ENER-2014-01001-00-00-EN-TRA-00.pdf 737.84 646.81 Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Slovakia_35 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Decree N. 362/2010 Coll. determining the requirements for quality of fuels and maintaining the operational evidence on fuels Single 35 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 87.17 179.71 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic,Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic 2010 Yes Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Defines rules for fuel suppliers, i.e. requirements for higher share of biofuel in gasoline and mineral oil, and the duty of providing information of the share of biofuels in transport petrol and diesel consumption. 2020 Defines reqirements for higher share of biofuel in gasoline and mineral oil, and the duty of providing information of the share of biofuels in transport petrol and diesel consumption. 0 87.17 0 142.92 142.92 0 179.71 0 206.14 206.14 https://www.slov-lex.sk/pravne-predpisy/SK/ZZ/2010/362/20100915 Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC
Slovakia_36 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Regulation N. 655/2007 Coll. on technical conditions to reduce emissions from air conditiong systems in motor vehicles Single 36 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 58.12 119.8 Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic,Government: Minstry of Interior of the Slovak Republic 2007 Yes Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Reduction of emissions from air conditioning. 2020 Stipulates technical requirements for the approval of vehicles of M1 and N1 categories model Tremove 0 58.12 0 95.28 95.28 0 119.8 0 137.43 137.43 https://www.slov-lex.sk/pravne-predpisy/SK/ZZ/2007/655/20080105 Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC
Slovakia_37 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans Single 37 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 163.41 751.24 Government Government: Ministry of Environment of the SLovak Republic,Government: Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic,Government: Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic 2010 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Increase cars efficiency and to decrease the GHG emissions production from cars and vans. Effect of European legislative - regulation 2009/443/EC and regulation 2011/510/EC which sets limits for CO2 emissions from car and vans. 2020 0 163.41 0 483.22 483.22 0 751.24 0 861.76 861.76 Implemented 2010 With additional measuses Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Slovakia_38 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 ICAO agreement Single 38 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Transport Transport: Other transport Transport: Other transport ('air transport') 2.22 2.28 Government Government: Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republlic,Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic 2010 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Decrease of the GHG emissions from air transport back on the level of 2004 - 2006 emissions. ICAO agreement which sets the departure taxe apply for air transport under the ETS scheme. 2020 A departure tax is to apply for all departures. The amount depends on aircraft weight and the destination country 2.25 2.29 Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Slovakia_39 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Act No. 414/2012 Coll. on Emission Trading in amendments - Iron and steel Production Single 39 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Industrial processes Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies 213.74 223.32 Government Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic 2013 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Its implementation enables to increase efficiency at Iron and steel production. 2020 https://www.slov-lex.sk/pravne-predpisy/SK/ZZ/2012/414/20160901 213.74 0 223.32 0 223.32 223.32 0 223.32 0 223.32 Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Slovakia_40 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 HFCs gases with lower GWP Single 40 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('replacement of recycling HCFC coolants'),Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances 24.83 177.97 Companies Companies: Commercial sector 2015 No No information HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml HFCs gases with lower GWP after 2020 and continual replacement of recycling HCFC coolants with “natural coolants” 2020 Expert Estimation 0 24.83 0 102.7 102.7 0 177.97 0 250.24 250.24 Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
Slovakia_41 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 New mandatory parameters of F-Gases Single 41 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('replacement of recycling HCFC coolants'),Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances 0 58.04 Companies Companies: Commercial sector 2017 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml New mandatory parameters of F-Gases after 2025 2020 Expert Estimation 0 0 0 24.83 24.83 0 58.04 0 96.67 96.67 model for IP, based on production data Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Slovakia_42 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Lower content of N2O in aerosol cans Single 42 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('Decrease content of N2O in aerosol cans after 2020') 1.02 11.3 Companies Companies: Commercial sector 2010 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) 75/324/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Lower content of N2O in aerosol cans after 2020 2020 Expert Estimation 0 1.02 0 6.15 6.15 0 11.3 0 16.48 16.48 model for IP, based on production data Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovakia_43 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Additional decrease content of N2O in aerosol cans Single 43 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('Decrease content of N2O in aerosol cans after 2025') 0 5.14 Companies Companies: Commercial sector 2017 No No information N2O With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Lower content of N2O in aerosol cans after 2025 2020 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.14 0 10.3 10.3 model for IP, based on production data Planned 2017 With additional measuses No No information
Slovakia_44 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 BAT at servicing of the electrical equipment Single 44 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('Using BAT') 8.87309 9.46573 Companies Companies: Commercial sector 2015 Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml BAT at servicing of the electrical equipment 2020 Expert Estimation 0 8.87309 0 9.16941 9.16941 0 9.46573 0 9.76205 9.76205 model for IP, based on production data Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Slovakia_45 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Service of electric equipment only on BAT level technology Single 45 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('Using BAT') 0 5.33644 Companies Companies: Commercial sector 2017 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on industrial emissions SF6 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Service of electric equipment only on BAT level technology 2020 Expert Estimation 0 0 0 0.889407 0.889407 0 5.33644 0 9.78348 9.78348 Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovakia_24 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Strategy on Reduction of Biodegradable MSW Disposal 2010 Single 24 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management Government Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic 2015 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml The Strategy was prepared to enable implementation of the Landfilling Directive. Measures are aimed on increasing separation of recyclables, composting and preparation of RDF. included in the WAM scenarios Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Slovakia_12 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Cement production - Act No. 414/2012 Coll. on Emission Trading as amended Single 12 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned EU ETS Industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('The utilisation of non-carbonates raw materials for cement production will start after 2020 (such as ground granulated blast-furnace slag). It is assumed 5% input into kiln load') 0 76.74 Government Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic 2020 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Its implementation may cause the partial change in used raw materials. The utilisation of non-carbon raw materials for cement production will start after 2020 (such as ground granulated blast-furnace slag). It is assumed 5% input into kiln load. 2030 https://www.slov-lex.sk/pravne-predpisy/SK/ZZ/2012/414/20160901 0 0 71.09 0 71.09 76.74 0 78.96 0 78.96 Planned 2020 With additional measuses Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Slovakia_13 Slovakia 2906 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Lime production - Act No. 414/2012 Coll. on Emission Trading as amended Single 13 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Planned EU ETS Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('The reduction or close of dolomite lime after 2020 can be occurred.') 40.75 46.4 Companies, Government Government: Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic,Companies: Industrial companies and associations 2020 Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/sk/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwz6ija/MMR_PAMs_Anex_XI_SK_2017_adjusted.xml Its implementation may cause the reduction of dolomite lime production and its replacing with quicklime production 2030 https://www.slov-lex.sk/pravne-predpisy/SK/ZZ/2012/414/20160901 40.75 0 44.92 0 44.92 46.4 0 46.4 0 46.4 Planned 2020 With additional measuses Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Slovenia_3 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Environmental tax for the pollution of air with F gases Single 3 Single PaM Fiscal Expired ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances; Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances,Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('Reduction of leakage of F-gases') Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2008 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Tax is paid for the utilisation of F-gases, charged proportionally to the units of equivalent CO2 emissions. Tax is regulated under the Decree on environmental tax on carbon dioxide emissions. Tax applies to gasses listed in Annex II to the Regulation (EU) No 517/2014. Tax is paid for f-gases used for maintenance of equipment containing F-gases. The tax on F-gases is not in force any more from 1.4.2016. 2016 Expired 2008 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Slovenia_1 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Implementation of the EU emissions trading scheme (EU-ETS) in Slovenia Single 1 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Reduction of losses; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Reduction of losses,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('Reduction of CO2 and PFC emissions from industrial processes') Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Implementation of the European Emission trading scheme based on "cap and trade" principle in Slovenia. Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Slovenia_2 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Environmental tax for the pollution of air with CO2 emissions Single 2 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Transport Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 1997 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml CO2 tax is paid for consumption of fossil fuels and the incineration of combustible organic substances and charged proportionally to the units of CO2 emissions caused by fuel use or combustible organic substances burnt. The following fuels and uses are exempted from tax payment: biomass use; gaseous fuels, liquid petrol gas and kerosene used as a propellant. Measure is in force from year 1997, and was changed several times in order to complement the other policy measures in the best way. The tax was revised as a response to introduction of auctioning system in the EU-ETS, to avoid double payment for carbon dioxide emissions, for installations in EU-ETS –from 2010 energy intensive industry is exempt from the tax payments (under certain conditions related to monitoring of energy use). The tax level is changed over time in order to support fulfilment of national emission reduction targets. Implemented 1997 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovenia_4 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Implementation of the Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions in Slovenia Single 4 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Industrial processes: Other industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Industrial processes: Other industrial processes ('Reduce environmental impact of industry') Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2007 Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC);Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC CO2, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The Directive 2010/75/EU on industrial emissions is implemented in Slovenia by Decree on activities and installations causing large-scale environmental pollution (Off. G. RS. N. 57/15), Decree on limit values for emissions from large combustion plants into the atmosphere, Off. G. RS, N. 103/15 and the other acts providing benefits to the environment and human health by reducing polluting emissions as well as waste. Main effects are in sectors energy supply (closure of old plants that do not satisfy limit values), energy consumption in industry and industrial processes (production of aluminium). Through environmental permits companies are stipulated to use Best Available Technologies (BART). For the existing installations, non-compliant with new regulation, emission caps are set for a transition period 2016-2020 in a Transitional National Plan. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC); Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC
Slovenia_5 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Energy taxes (on fuels and electricity used for heating and transport purpouses) Single 5 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministry of Finance 1986 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Excise tax on energy is paid for fuel and electricity used for heating and for transport. Certain exemptions and (partial or full) reimbursement of excise duty for certain uses of energy products are enforced. These are exemptions mandatory in all EU Member States (Directive 2003/96/EC), specifically, for energy products used for electricity generation and for fuel use in diplomatic vehicles. And other exemptions, which are optional at the EU level: for gas oil used in commercial vehicles, for the use of energy products in industrial commercial applications (static working machinery, construction machinery, motor vehicles on rails, cable ways and ski lifts) and in the use of energy products by agricultural and forestry machinery. According to GHG policy these exemptions will be gradually reduced. The main goal of the tax system is providing a stable source of fiscal revenue, but it takes into account also other goals of government policies (social, economic, energy and environmental). Implicit tax rate EUR/toe Subsidies not in line with GHG reduction objectives mio EUR/year Value for »Implicit tax rate on energy« is a preliminary estimate. Prvo letno poročilo o izvajanju ukrepov Operativnega programa ukrepov zmanjšanja emisij toplogrednih plinov do leta 2020, Priloga 1; Eurostat: tsdcc360, »Implicit tax rate on energy« http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/1porocilo_optgp_2020_priloga1.pdf Implemented 1986 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovenia_6 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Education, training, awarness raising, information and promotion Single 6 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information Implemented ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport 1993 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Energy Star Program;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Planning, development and financial incentives for trainings for the transition to a low-carbon society, actions for integration of climate change related contents in curriculum at all levels of education process, provision of training programmes and information, awareness and promotion campaigns for different target groups and areas (energy efficiency, use of renewables, waste prevention and collection, etc.) Implemented 1993 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Energy Star Program; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Slovenia_8 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Green public procurement, including public procurement of innovative products and services Single 8 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increase of use of renewable energy sources in services/tertiary sector'),Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of Finance,Government: Ministry of Public Administration 2011 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Energy Star Program;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Green Public Procurement CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The Decree on Green Public Procurement was adopted in 2011 and contains the requirements and criteria, which promote the purchase of environmentally friendly goods, services and works. The following subjects of green public procurement are most relevant for GHG reduction: electricity; electronic office equipment, buildings, electrical appliances, air-conditioning appliances, passenger cars, light and heavy goods vehicles, buses, tyres, and electricity lights and bulbs. A new decree proposal adds the following subjects to the list: water heaters, public lighting and traffic lighting. The new public procurement act from 2015 introduces promotion of public procurement of innovative products and services. Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Energy Star Program; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovenia_9 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Promotion of transition to low-carbon society in the framework of spatial planning Single 9 Single PaM Planning Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Land use, land use change and forestry; Transport Cross-cutting: Framework policy; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation; Transport: Demand management/reduction Cross-cutting: Framework policy,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2004 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml A national spatial planning strategy, the key strategic document for governance of national spatial planning development, is in preparation. Integration of low carbon development objectives into the new strategy, is in focus of policy making process. For this purpose, a focus group on thematic area "Spatial planning potentials for low-carbon society" was established. The existing national spatial planning strategy, adopted in 2004, already includes several measures promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy in energy supply, and demand reduction measures. Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovenia_10 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Energy labelling and minimal standards Single 10 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2002 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Energy labelling and minimal standards Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Slovenia_11 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Energy savings achieved at end-users through the national energy efficiency obligation by energy distributors Single 11 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increase in RES consumption in all energy end-use sectors') Government, Other Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Other: Energy Agency (power market regulator) 2011 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Energy savings achieved at end-users through the national energy efficiency obligation by energy distributors. Implementation of Article 6 of Directive 2006/32/ES and Article 7 od Directive 2012/27/EU in Slovenia. Energy savings achieved through energy efficiency obligation by energy distributors and retail energy sales companies ktoe Annual report 2016 (Article 24 and Annex XIV of EED) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/an_ure/an_ure_2020_annual_report_eed_2016.pdf Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovenia_12 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Soft loans for promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency Single 12 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Transport Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government, Other Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Other: Ekosklad (Slovenian Environmental Public Fund) 1993 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2008/50/EC - ambient air quality CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Soft loans for promotion of renewable energy and energy efficiency Implemented 1993 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovenia_13 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Technological modernisation of thermal power stations Single 13 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Other energy supply Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Decrease of electricity production in thermal power plants') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2008 Yes Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package);Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC;Directive on the geological storage of CO2 2009/31/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Due to the expiry of the lifetime and environmental requirements, a majority of the existing power plants' units was or will be replaced. There is a mix of instruments, used to speed up modernisation. Besides already listed cross-sectorial instruments (implementation of the EU ETS and industrial emissions directive in Slovenia), the most important instrument limiting GHG emissions from thermal power plants is "The Contract on the Arrangement of Mutual Relations between the Government of Republic of Slovenia and Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant (TEŠ)" which sets annual emission cap for CO2 emissions from TEŠ power plant (all units) and the annual limit is gradually decreasing in the period 2016−2054. The cap was a condition for approval of a state guarantee for a loan for construction of a new unit TEŠ 6.Modernisation of the combined heat and power units in Ljubljana started with an investment in the wood biomass co-firing of block 3 and by support of cogeneration support scheme, and will continue with a gradual transition to natural gas in other units. Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Completion of the internal energy market (including provisions of the 3d package); Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC; Directive on the geological storage of CO2 2009/31/EC
Slovenia_14 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Feed-in tariffs' support scheme for electricity generated from renewable energy sources (RES-E) and from high-efficiency cogeneration (CHP) Single 14 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government, Other Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Other: Energy Agency (power market regulator),Other: Borzen (power market operator) 2001 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Feed-in tariff scheme promoting RES-E and CHP in all sectors. Support is available for production of electricity from renewable sources (wind, solar, hydro, geothermal, solid biofuels, biogases and other) and in CHP (gas and solid biomass fired). The support for high efficiency CHP is limited to installations not exceeding 20 MW of nominal capacity and for RES to 10 MW, with the exception of wind power capacities where the limit is set on 50 MW. To enter the scheme, an installation must be selected on the basis of an open public call. The scheme was significantly modified in 2009 and in 2014. RES electricity generated in the support scheme GWh/year Electricity generated in high efficient CHP in the support scheme GWh/year Poročilo o doseganju nacionalnih ciljev na področju OVE in SPTE za obdobje 2012–2014 https://www.agen-rs.si/.../ove.../porocilo-o-doseganju-nacionalnih-ciljev-na-podrocju-ove-in-spte; https://www.borzen.si/sl/Domov/menu2/Center-za-podporo-proizvodnji-zelene-energije/Porocila-podatki-Centra/Porocila; Implemented 2001 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Slovenia_16 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Promotion of self-supply of electricity from the renewable energy sources Single 16 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increase in renewable energy (Energy end-use sectors)'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2015 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Self-supply of electricity from renewable energy sources for all or a part of own electricity consumption is a new measure regulated by a Decree (Off. G. RS, 97/15). Installations not exceeding 11kW are eligible for self-supply at present. A cap of 10 MW of new capacities per year is set, and it is foreseen to increase the cape in the future to the levels proposed in draft Revision of National action plan for renewable energy sources for a period 2010-2020. Investment in self-supply installations is also encouraged by the Eco Fund providing loans for investments with favourable interest rates. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_17 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Promotion of construction of new large hydro power plants Single 17 Single PaM Planning Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2000 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml In Slovenia, the construction of hydroelectric power plants (HPP) is being continued on the lower branch of the Sava River. The procedure for the preparation of the spatial plan of national importance for three hydroelectric power plants on the middle branch of the Sava River is under way. Draft National Plan for Renewable Energy Sources in period 2010-2020 (revision 2017) includes a development plan for large scale hydro power plants for a period until 2030. Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_18 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Obligatory share of heat from renewable energy sources, high-efficiency cogeneration and waste heat in district heating system Single 18 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Other energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Increase of use of waste heat') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2020 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Energy Act (EZ-1) sets the following obligation for the district heating systems. At least 50% of the yearly amount of the heat distribution shall be produced from renewable energy sources or 50% shall come from waste heat or 75% from high-efficiency cogeneration or 75% from a mix of before listed sources. The obligation will be in force from 2020 onwards. Adopted 2020 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Slovenia_22 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Subsidies for public transport for specific categories of passengers Single 22 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 1991 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Co-financing public transport costs for university students and secondary-school students. From 2013 the subvention rate is independent from the social status of the beneficiary. This change resulted in a substantial increase of use of public transport. Implemented 1991 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Slovenia_23 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Concessions for public transport as a service of general economic interest Single 23 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 1991 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Concessions are awarded for provision of public transport as a public service of general economic interest. Prices of service are regulated, and part of costs is reimbursed from the state budget. Implemented 1991 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Slovenia_24 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Integrated public passenger transport system Single 24 Single PaM Information, Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2007 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml For introduction of integrated public transport system in Slovenia, a project, co-financed from the European Cohesion Fund was carried out. In 2016, for students and secondary-school students integrated (multimodality multi operator’s) electronic tickets were introduced. It is planned to introduce the system for all passengers. Passenger kilometres travelled by public transport mio pkm Prvo letno poročilo o izvajanju ukrepov Operativnega programa ukrepov zmanjšanja emisij toplogrednih plinov do leta 2020, Priloga 1 http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/1porocilo_optgp_2020_priloga1.pdf Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Slovenia_25 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Transport management measures for promotion of public passengers transport Single 25 Single PaM Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Measures for the improvement of public transport services: introduction of yellow lanes, increase of frequency of public transport trips, introduction of new services (e.g. on-call public transport) and other, in the frame of incentives for implementation of comprehensive local transport strategies. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Slovenia_27 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Promoting use of public transport Group 27 22,23,24,25,26 Economic, Information, Other, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 143 129 Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Measures promoting use of public transport are adopted in the framework of the following policies: the Transport Development Strategy in the Republic of Slovenia, the Operational programme for Implementation of European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014−2020, Operational programme for Reducing GHG Emissions by 2020 and Action Plan for Energy Efficiency for the period 2014−2020 or are enforced by acts: the Road Transport Act and Railway Transport Act. Main measures are: concessions for public transport, subsidies for specific categories of passengers, integrated public transport system, incentives for public transport infrastructure and transport management measures. See individual PaMs 143 144 144 129 Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 (recalculated to 2015 base year) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Slovenia_29 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Other measures promoting co-modality Single 29 Single PaM Other Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Other transport Transport: Other transport ('Modal shift to less carbon-intensive transport mode') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) TEN-T package CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The following measures for shifting the transit cargo from roads to railway were accepted by the Transport Development Strategy in Slovenia: the inclusion of external costs into tolls and other taxes for freight transport, the promotion of the use of intermodal transport units, the modernisation of intermodal terminals. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovenia_30 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Efficiency improvements of road freight transport Single 30 Single PaM Economic, Other, Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Other transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Other transport Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Other transport ('Transport management/efficiency improvement'),Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Other transport ('Modal shift to less carbon-intensive transport mode') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2009 Yes Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The following measures for the improvement of road transport efficiency are planned in Action plan for energy efficiency for a period 2014-2020: the introduction of electronic tolling for cargo vehicles, the introduction of intelligent transport systems for better use of existing roads and the development of traffic telematics and dynamic traffic signal control system. Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU
Slovenia_31 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Promoting sustainble freight transport Group 31 28,29,30 Economic, Other, Planning See individual PaMs ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Other transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Other transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Other transport; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Other transport ('Modal shift to less carbon-intensive transport modes'),Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Other transport ('Modal shift to less carbon-intensive transport mode'),Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Other transport ('Transport management/efficiency improvement'),Transport: Demand management/reduction 47 203 Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC;Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU TEN-T package Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 TEN-T package CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Measures promoting sustainable freight transport are adopted in the framework policies: the Transport Development Strategy in the Republic of Slovenia, the Operational programme for Implementation of European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014−2020 and Action Plan for Energy Efficiency for the period 2014−2020 or are inforced by acts: the Road Transport Act and Railway Transport Act. Main measures are: improvement of railway infrastructure, promotion of co-modality and efficiency improvements of road freight transport. See individual PaMs Freight share transported by rail % Prvo letno poročilo o izvajanju ukrepov Operativnega programa ukrepov zmanjšanja emisij toplogrednih plinov do leta 2020, Priloga 1 47 124 124 203 http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/1porocilo_optgp_2020_priloga1.pdf Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 (recalculated to 2015 base year) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC; Eurovignette Directive on road infrastructure charging 2011/76/EU
Slovenia_32 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Promoting low emission vehicles by Motor Vehicles Tax Single 32 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Ministry of Finance,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2010 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Since 2010, a progressive tax rates for motor vehicles with regard to CO2 emissions have been enforced. Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Slovenia_33 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Information on car consumption and tyres labelling Single 33 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2004 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures Directive 1999/94/EC relating to the availability of consumer information on fuel economy and CO2 emissions in respect of the marketing of new passenger cars CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The EU car labelling directive (1999/94/ES) and the regulation on labelling tyres (Regulation EC/1222/2009) are influencing energy demand by raising consumer awareness on fuel use and CO2 emissions of new passenger cars and tyres and they are implemented in Slovenia. The directive is implemented in Slovenia with Decree on consumer information on fuel economy, carbon dioxide emissions and ambient air pollutants as regards new passenger cars (Of. J. 24/14). Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Slovenia_34 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 The EU regulation on CO2 from cars and vans Single 34 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2009 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Manufacturers selling vehicles in the EU are subject to EU Regulation limiting CO2 emissions from new passenger cars and vans as part of the Community’s integrated approach to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles. Under these regulations, new passenger cars fleet should not emit in average more than 130 g CO2/km by 2015 and not more than 95 g CO2/km by 2021, and vans not more than 175 g/km by 2017 and 147 g/km by 2020. Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Slovenia_35 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Promotion of eco-driving Single 35 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2010 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The Operational programme of measures for GHG reduction until 2020 includes a measure for fuel efficient driving; a programme for the promotion and encouragement of fuel efficient driving is planned, primarily through safe driving instructors, exam centres and other measure multipliers. The training of drivers and goods vehicles fleet managers is implemented and includes the aspect of fuel efficient driving and logistics. It is carried out through authorized contractors in accordance with the Directive 2003/59/EC (drivers training) and Regulation 1071/2009/EC (education of transport managers). Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovenia_36 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Minimal share of renewable energy in transport Single 36 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 183 152 Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2005 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2015/1513/EU amending Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The share of renewable energy shall amount to 10 % of fuels consumed in the transport sector in 2020 according to the EU directives 2009/28/EC and 2015/1315/EU. The requirement is implemented in Slovenia by Decree on renewable energy sources in transport (Off.G.RS 64/16): distributors of fuels for transport should ensure that share of renewable energy of fuels sold for transport is greater than 6,2% in the year 2017, 7,4% in 2018, 8,4% in 2019 and 10% in 2020 on average in a year. Renewable energy share in transport fuel consumption % "Poročilo Slovenije o napredku v skladu z Direktivo 2009/28/ES, 2015; National Renewable Energy Action Plan 2010-2020 (NREAP); EUROSTAT: Shares 183 172 172 152 http://www.energetika-portal.si/dokumenti/strateski-razvojni-dokumenti/akcijski-nacrt-za-obnovljivo-energijo/;http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/energy/data/shares; Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 (recalculated to 2015 base year) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovenia_38 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Financial incentives for low emission vehicles Single 38 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government, Other Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Other: Eko sklad (public enivronmental fund),Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2011 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);RES directive 2009/28/EC;Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC;Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC Directive 2008/50/EC - ambient air quality CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The purchase of personal vehicles, motorcycles, mopeds and bicycles with electric or hybrid propulsion is promoted by the Eco Fund through financial incentives. The purchase of battery-powered electric vehicles by citizens and companies is co-financed by the Eco fund for vehicles with the maximum of 50 g/km of CO2 emissions in the combined driving cycle according to manufacturer’s data. In 2015, allocated funds increased significantly, to EUR 2 million per year, although the funds were not fully used in previous years. The Eco Fund gives financial incentives also for the purchase of buses running on compressed natural gas or biogas. Incentive for new electric car is 7500 EUR and for plug-in hybrid or electric car with range extender is 4500 EUR. Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); RES directive 2009/28/EC; Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC; Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC
Slovenia_39 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Promoting of vehicles efficiency, driving efficiency and vehicles occupancy, and use of fuels with low CO2 emissions Group 39 32,33,34,35,36,37,38 Economic, Education, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved behaviour 554 1493 Government, Other Government: Ministry of Finance,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Other: Eko sklad (public environmental fund),Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Other: Eko sklad (public enivronmental fund),Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning See individual PaMs Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures;Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);RES directive 2009/28/EC;Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC;Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC;Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC Directive 1999/94/EC relating to the availability of consumer information on fuel economy and CO2 emissions in respect of the marketing of new passenger cars Directive 2015/1513/EU amending Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources Directive 2008/50/EC - ambient air quality Directive 2008/50/EC - ambient air quality CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Measures promoting efficiency of vechicles and driving and use of fuels with low CO2 emissions are adopted in the framework of the following policies: the Transport Development Strategy in the Republic of Slovenia, the Operational programme for Implementation of European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014−2020, Operational programme for Reducing GHG Emissions by 2020, Action Plan for renewable energy and Action Plan for Energy Efficiency for the period 2014−2020 or are enforced by EU and national legislation. Main measures are: Motor Vehicles Tax, labeling, EU regulataion on emissions from cars and vans, promotion of eco-driving, minimal share of RES in transport, financial incentives for low emission vehicles and for charging infrastructure. See individual PaMs Specific CO2 emissions from cars gCO2/km Specific CO2 emissions from new cars gCO2/km Prvo letno poročilo o izvajanju ukrepov Operativnega programa ukrepov zmanjšanja emisij toplogrednih plinov do leta 2020, Priloga 1 554 974 974 1493 http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/1porocilo_optgp_2020_priloga1.pdf Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 (recalculated to 2015 base year) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures; Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); RES directive 2009/28/EC; Fuel Quality Directive 2009/30/EC; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC; Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC; Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC
Slovenia_42 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Regulations on the energy efficiency and renewable energy use in buildings Single 42 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings') Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 1970 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The main aim of this measure is to supplement the existing regulations (Rules on efficient use of energy in buildings - PURES buildings codes) with requirements for the introduction of nearly zero-energy buildings, to update regulations and tighten up requirements in relation to energy renovation of buildings and use of RES in buildings and to update regulations in relation to reducing greenhouse gas emissions within the lifecycle. Implemented 1970 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_43 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Support scheme for the renovation of the built cultural heritage Single 43 Single PaM Economic, Other Adopted ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Culture 2017 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml This instrument for the renovation of built cultural heritage and other special building groups includes development of renovation criteria, demonstration projects, development and introduction of suitable technologies, financial support scheme and provision of funds for the 2014–2020 period. Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_44 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Energy performance contracting Single 44 Single PaM Economic, Other Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Finance 2002 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml This instrument aims at the establishment of a support environment for the introduction of energy performance contracting measures and promotion of the implementation of energy performance contracting projects, particularly as a part of the energy renovation of the public sector buildings and, within this, those of the central government or the core public sector. The implementation of the pilot projects and trainings are planned as well. Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_45 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Preparation of the sustainable criteria for buildings Single 45 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Minimal GHG emissions in life cycle of building') Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2020 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Preparation of sustainable criteria as instruments for making decisions on whether the renovation of the public buildings is appropriate from the economic, environmental and social points of view. Planned 2020 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Slovenia_46 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 Information and awareness-raising activities for GHG emissions reduction in buildings Single 46 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy sources in buildings') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 1993 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The emphasis of this measure is on information and awareness-raising on importance and possible measures for GHG emissions reduction in buildings for different target groups (households, SMEs, public sector), including preparation and implementation of information and awareness-raising programmes on energy efficiency measures and the use of renewable energy sources in buildings. Implemented 1993 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_47 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy use in buildings in general Group 47 42,43,44,45,46 Economic, Information, Other, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings'),Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Minimal GHG emissions in life cycle of building'),Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy sources in buildings'),Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 439 568 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Culture,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Finance,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning See individual PaMs Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The aim of the group of measures is to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy use in buildings in general including: changes and amendments of the regulations on the energy efficiency and renewable energy use in buildings, support scheme for the renovation of the built cultural heritage, energy performance contracting, preparation of the sustainable criteria for buildings and information and awareness-raising activities for GHG emissions reduction in buildings. See individual PaMs 439 518 518 568 Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Slovenia_48 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Compulsory division and billing of heating costs in multi-apartment buildings according to actual consumption Single 48 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2011 Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The obligatory division and billing of heating costs according to actual consumption in multi-apartment buildings and other buildings, which are supplied with heat from a common heating system, became compulsory on 1 October 2011. It was introduced in 2008 in the Energy Act; Rules on the Method of Dividing and Billing the Costs of Heating in Residential and Other Buildings with Several Individual Parts were adopted in 2010. Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovenia_49 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 Energy advice network for citizens - ENSVET Single 49 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings') Government, Other Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Other: Eko sklad (public environmental fund) 1993 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Energy Consulting Network for Citizens - ENSVET which has been active since 1993 - continues with provision of information, advice and assistance to citizens regarding investments in EE measures and RES use and the preparation of applications for tenders for the acquisition of financial incentives for investments. In 2015, ENSVET extended its operations to consulting services within the scope of providing assistance to energy renovation of buildings for vulnerable groups of population. There are 52 offices all over Slovenia. The network is from 2014 organised by Eko sklad, which is a public environmental fund. Implemented 1993 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_50 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 Financial incentives for energy efficiency and RES investments in residential buildings Single 50 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings') Government, Other Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Other: Eko sklad (public environmental fund) 1993 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The main measure for promoting energy efficiency and use of renewable sources of energy in households continue to remain financial grants allocated by the Eco Fund, the Slovenian Public Environmental Fund, for such investments in one-apartment and two-apartment buildings since 2008, and since 2009 for multi-apartment buildings. Before 2008 grants for EE and RES in the residential sector were available from the ministry, responsible for energy. Implemented 1993 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_51 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 Energy efficiency aid scheme for low income households Single 51 Single PaM Economic, Other Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings') Government, Other Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Other: Eko sklad (public environmental fund) 2010 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Financial incentives for increasing energy efficiency in households have been planned in the period 2014-2020 to be co-financed from the EU Cohesion Fund. Funds are intended for energy-saving restoration of multi-apartment buildings for low-income households. Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_52 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy use in households Group 52 48,49,50,51 Economic, Information, Other, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings') Government, Other Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Other: Eko sklad (public environmental fund),Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Other: Eko sklad (public environmental fund),Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Other: Eko sklad (public environmental fund) See individual PaMs Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The aim of the group of measures is to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy use in households including: compulsory division and billing of heating costs in multi-apartment buildings according to actual consumption, establishment of a guarantee scheme for secured loans, energy advice network for citizens – ENSVET, financial incentives for energy efficiency and RES investments in residential buildings, energy efficiency aid scheme for low income households. See individual PaMs GHG emissions reduction achieved in the residential sector through financial incentives (cumulative values) ktCO2eq energy savings achieved in the residential sector through financial incentives GWh Specific GHG emissions in the residential sector kg CO2eq/m2 Indicator "Specific GHG emissions in the residential sector" is not normalised as regards weather conditions Prvo letno poročilo o izvajanju ukrepov Operativnega programa ukrepov zmanjšanja emisij toplogrednih plinov do leta 2020, Priloga 1 http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/1porocilo_optgp_2020_priloga1.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Directive 2006/32/EC on end-use energy efficiency and energy services; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_53 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 Energy management in public sector Single 53 Single PaM Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings'),Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2012 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The energy management system is mandatory in public buildings by the Energy Act. According to the Decree on Energy Management in the Public Sector form 2016, energy management consists of: energy bookkeeping, implementation of measures, and reporting on energy use and costs. It is obligatory for all buildings with a useful area 250 m2 or more used by the central government, local communities or public bodies, established by the central or local government. The decree sets minimal energy efficiency requirements for buildings owned or rented by public bodies. Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_54 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 Financial incentives for energy renovation of buildings in public sector Single 54 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2007 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml In the 2007–2013 period, energy efficiency and renewable energy use in the public sector was promoted mostly by grants for energy renovation of buildings from the Cohesion Fund . Financial incentives with the same objective are foreseen to be financed from the same sources in the period 2014-2020. Funds are intended for energy-saving renovation of public buildings owned and used by direct and indirect budget users and local communities. In the new period, grants are also combined with financial instrument: energy performance contracting. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_55 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 Quality assurance for energy renovation projects in public sector Single 55 Single PaM Education, Other, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2007 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Introduction of quality management (QM) model is a measure of Long-Term Strategy for Mobilising Investments in the Energy Renovation of Buildings. The measure is envisaged for all sectors, but the public sector will lead by example. QM is planned to be introduced at all levels of the design and implementation of energy renovation projects by: provision of public procurement quality criteria, training programmes, enforcement of national or international quality standards for equipment installed, development of quality standards for services (e.g. energy performance contracting) and introduction of certification for providers and processes. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovenia_56 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 Office of Energy Renovation of Public Buildings Single 56 Single PaM Other Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Office of Energy Renovation of Public Buildings was established in 2015 as a coordinating body with main tasks: projects preparation, support to other organisations involved in energy renovation, monitoring and control of projects' implementation, and transfer of knowledge and practice. Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_57 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 Demonstration projects for energy efficiency in public sector Single 57 Single PaM Research Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2016 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Financial incentives for 5 demonstration projects are available in the period 2014-2020 and are co-financed from the EU Cohesion Fund. Implementation of comprehensive energy renovation for different categories of the public sector building stock according to the nearly-zero renovation criteria, where appropriate (central government buildings, cultural heritage buildings) by using most advanced technologies with a demonstration effect is foreseen. Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_58 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy use in public sector Group 58 53,54,55,56,57 Economic, Education, Other, Regulatory, Research See individual PaMs ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in buildings'),Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure See individual PaMs Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Measures promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy use in the public sector are adopted in the framework of the following policies: Action Plan for Energy Efficiency for the period 2014−2020, Long-Term Strategy for Mobilising Investments in the Energy Renovation of Buildings, the Operational programme for Implementation of European Cohesion Policy in the period 2014−2020, and Operational programme for Reducing GHG Emissions by 2020 and Action Plan for Renewable Energy Sources for the period 2010−2020 are enforced by the legislation. Cross-sectorial instruments listed elsewhere are also used in the public sector. See individual PaMs GHG emissions reduction achieved in the public sector through financial incentives ktCO2eq Energy savings achieved in the public sector through financial incentives GWh total building floor area of renovated public buildings through incentives 1000 m2 total building floor area of renovated public buildings owned and occupied by the central government to meet at least the minimum energy performance requirements 1000 m2 Prvo letno poročilo o izvajanju ukrepov Operativnega programa ukrepov zmanjšanja emisij toplogrednih plinov do leta 2020, Priloga 1; Annual report 2016 (Article 24 and Annex XIV of EED) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/1porocilo_optgp_2020_priloga1.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Slovenia_59 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 Financial incentives for energy efficiency and RES in SMEs Single 59 Single PaM Economic Adopted ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in energy end-use sectors') Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development and Technology 2017 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Financial incentives co-financed from European Fund for Regional Development for improving energy and material efficiency are available to small and medium enterprises (SME) in the financing period 2014-2020. Support is foreseen for investment, demonstration and support projects increasing energy efficiency and use of local renewable energy sources such as biomass, solar energy, and geothermal energy. Primary aim of this incentive is to increase the added value of SMEs. Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovenia_60 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 Financial incentives for energy efficiency and RES in industry Single 60 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in industry') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2007 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml In order to increase the efficient energy use and use of biomass, industrial enterprises could also receive grants from the Cohesion Fund in the financing period 2007-2013. In the financing period 2014-2020, incentives to industry are limited to the use of biomass in industry. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_61 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam61 Promoting energy audits in industry Single 61 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 1993 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Energy audits are mandatory in large companies every 4 years in accordance with the Article 354 of EZ-1, implementing provisions of the Directive 2012/28/ES. Financial incentives for energy audits for industry were available in the period 1993-2008. Implemented 1993 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovenia_62 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam62 Promoting of energy management systems in industry Single 62 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2011 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Incentives to introduce energy management systems in industry were adopted as a measure in the framework of Action Plan for Energy Efficiency for the period 2014−2020. The following activities are planned, inter alia: training of staff, introduction of intelligent metering, IT support, introduction of the ISO 50001 standard for all enterprises. Incentives for introduction of energy management in SMEs are available in the frame of cross-sectorial instrument under PAM number 11 - Energy savings achieved at end-users through the national energy efficiency obligation by energy distributors. Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovenia_63 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam63 Promoting energy efficiency and renewable energy use in industry Group 63 59,60,61,62 Economic, Information, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in energy end-use sectors'),Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increased use of renewable energy in industry') Government Government: Ministry of Economic Development and Technology,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of Infrastructure See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml The aim of the group of measures is to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy use in industry including: financial incentives for energy efficiency and RES in SMEs, financial incentives for energy efficiency and RES in industry and promotion of energy audits in industry. See individual PaMs Share of renewable energy in fuel consumption in industry in nonETS sector % Prvo letno poročilo o izvajanju ukrepov Operativnega programa ukrepov zmanjšanja emisij toplogrednih plinov do leta 2020, Priloga 1 http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/1porocilo_optgp_2020_priloga1.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Slovenia_64 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam64 Increasing efficiency in animal production Single 64 Single PaM Education, Other Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved livestock management Agriculture: Improved livestock management 9 54 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food 1950 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009 CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Breeding programmes towards better utilization of energy and protein in cattle, optimization of production process by the means of optimal feeding strategies, reproduction and welfare. The agricultural policy contributes to the reduction of emissions in by increasing efficiency of animal production through measures provided for by the Rural Development Programme (mostly through investments in physical assets), by financing breeding programmes for breeds of cattle and small ruminants, by financing public advisory services for farmers in regard to forage production, animal nutrition and general cattle production. The maintenance of the existing “Govedo” (Cattle) Information System is ensured within the scope of breeding programmes; the said system provides support to dairy cow breeders in making decisions that lead to a reduction in GHG emissions, and it provides information on emissions status at their farms. Specific GHG emissions at dairying kg CO2 eq/kg milk Prvo letno poročilo o izvajanju ukrepov Operativnega programa ukrepov zmanjšanja emisij toplogrednih plinov do leta 2020, Priloga 1 9 31 31 54 54 54 http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/1porocilo_optgp_2020_priloga1.pdf Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 (recalculated to 2015 base year) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf Implemented 1950 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009
Slovenia_65 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam65 Increase of the proportion of grazed animals Single 65 Single PaM Economic, Research Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems 3 2 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food 2004 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009 CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Methane emissions from manure management will be reduced by increasing the proportion of grazed animals. The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food has contributed to an increase in the grazing management by financing the public agricultural advisory service. Grazing is also supported by a measure "Animal welfare", which promotes the implementation of professionally managed grazing systems. The "Planinska paša" (Mountain Grazing) operation has been implemented within the scope of Agri-Environment-Climate Payments (AECP) which directly promotes the highest standards in forms of summer grazing in mountain pastures. From the aspect of reducing GHG emissions, the suitable tackling of the issue in regard to large carnivores spreading to areas suitable for grazing is also important. This is why, the measure entitled the Livestock rearing in area of the occurrence of large carnivores is implemented within the framework of the AECP. 3 2 2 2 2 2 Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 (recalculated to 2015 base year) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009
Slovenia_66 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam66 Rational use of N fertilizers Single 66 Single PaM Information, Research Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Improved efficiency of N use') 32 32 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food 2004 Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC;Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Measures to reduce use of N fertilizers are provided by the Rural Development Programme (Investments in Physical Assets, Agri-Environment-Climate Payments (AECP), Organic Farming etc.) and through financing public advisory services for farmers. All farms entering the AECP must have a programme of activities, which includes record-keeping on the use of mineral and animal fertilizers. If mineral fertilisers are used they must make fertilization plans based on soil analyses. Crop rotation is also required. Use of nitrogen from mineral fertilisers kt/year Gross nitrogen balance kg N/ha Area of land under agri-environment payment 1000 ha Prvo letno poročilo o izvajanju ukrepov Operativnega programa ukrepov zmanjšanja emisij toplogrednih plinov do leta 2020, Priloga 1 32 32 32 32 32 32 http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/1porocilo_optgp_2020_priloga1.pdf Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 (recalculated to 2015 base year) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC; Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Slovenia_67 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam67 Reduction of F-gases emissions in stationary equipment Single 67 Single PaM Education, Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances 61 258 Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food 2003 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;F-gas Regulation 517/2014 Regulation No 517/2014 on fluorinated greenhouse gases HFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Limiting the total amount of the most important F-gases that can be sold in the EU from 2015 onwards and phasing them down in steps to one-fifth of 2014 sales in 2030; Banning the use of F-gases in many new types of equipment where less harmful alternatives are widely available, such as fridges in homes or supermarkets, air conditioning and foams and aerosols; Preventing emissions of F-gases from existing equipment by requiring checks, proper servicing and recovery of the gases at the end of the equipment's life. 61 149 149 258 308 308 GHG projections for MMR 2017, Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 (recalculated to 2015 base year) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf Implemented 2003 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Slovenia_68 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam68 Reduction of F-gases emissions from mobile A/C Single 68 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances 37 94 Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2008 Yes MACs_Directive HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml From 1.1.2017 complete ban for new vehicles that are fitted with MACs designed to contain F-gases with a GWP higher than 150. 37 75 75 94 95 95 GHG projections for MMR 2017, Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 (recalculated to 2015 base year) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes MACs_Directive
Slovenia_69 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam69 Reduction of amount of generated waste and promotion of reuse and recycling Single 69 Single PaM Fiscal, Information, Regulatory Adopted ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Companies, Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Government: Ministry of Education, Science and Sport,Companies: Companies,Government: Ministry of Economic Development and Technology 2017 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Waste prevention programme which was accepted by the government in 2016 and contains more than 30 measures targeted to decrease generation of waste in different sectors (construction, companies, public sector, households, etc.). Main measure is awareness raising, information campaigns and educational activities. Other measures are: green public procurement, record of generated waste in public sector, increase the number of companies included in environmental performance schemes, etc. Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Slovenia_70 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam70 Changes in environmental taxation of waste management Single 70 Single PaM Fiscal Adopted ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2017 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Waste_incineration_Directive CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Increase in taxation for deposition of waste on landfills and other changes in environmental taxation for waste management to enforce new waste management hierarchy (prevention, preparing for re-use, recycling, recovery, disposal) Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Waste_incineration_Directive
Slovenia_71 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam71 Improving the system of packaging waste collection Single 71 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Adopted ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2017 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Packaging and packaging waste (94/62/EC, 2004/12/EC, 2005/20/EC) CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Packaging waste collection system has not been working optimally. The system will be redefined to prevent any environmental impact by packaging waste. Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovenia_72 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam72 Implementation of pay as you throw concept Single 72 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2017 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Implementation of Pay as you throw concept will stimulate people to reduce amount of mixed municipal waste Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Slovenia_73 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam73 Change of rules for use of compost on agricultural land Single 73 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Adopted ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food 2017 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Rules for use of compost from treatment of waste will be changed so that higher level of recycling of biodegradable waste can be achieved. Adopted 2017 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Slovenia_74 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam74 Collection of landfilled gas and its energy use Single 74 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use 125 89 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2004 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Landfills in operation in 2005 and after are obliged to collect and utilize CH4 that is formed. 125 104 104 89 80 80 GHG projections for MMR 2017, Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 (recalculated to 2015 base year) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Slovenia_75 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam75 Reduction of landfilled biodegradable waste Group 75 70,71,72,73 Fiscal, Information, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies 88 200 Government Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food See individual PaMs Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Waste_incineration_Directive;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Packaging and packaging waste (94/62/EC, 2004/12/EC, 2005/20/EC) CH4 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Reduction of landfilled biodegradable waste will be achieved through decrease of landfilled waste and decrease in share of biodegradable waste in landfilled waste. Decrease in landfilled waste will be achieved by: implementation of pay as you throw concept, improving the system for collection of packaging waste and change in taxes for waste landfilling to promote other types of waste management. To increase interest in collection and treatment of biodegradable waste changes in criteria for use of compost or digestate are foreseen. By 2016 on all operating landfills technology for enhanced treatment of municipal waste has been operational, including biodegradable waste stabilisation. See individual PaMs 88 154 154 200 230 230 GHG projections for MMR 2017, Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 (recalculated to 2015 base year) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Waste_incineration_Directive; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovenia_76 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam76 Forest Management Plans for Forest Management Areas Single 76 Single PaM Planning Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food 1971 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Slovenia has been conducting an active policy in the field of sustainable forest management and increase of carbon dioxide removals. In 2007, the Resolution on the National Forest Programme (ReNFP) was adopted, where a special section is entitled "The forest and climate change" and one of the three objectives under this title is increase of carbon sink in forests. In line with ReNFP ten Detailed Forest Management Plans for Forest Management Areas are prepared including, among others: upper limits for allowed annual felling and a plan of silvicultural, protective and other works in the area. Implemented 1971 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Slovenia_77 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam77 State grants for forest owners for silvicultural and protective works Single 77 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food 1971 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml State grants for forest owners are available to carry out silvicultural and protective works in forests in line with Detailed Forest Management Plans for Forest Management Areas, which are based on Resolution on the National Forest Programme (ReNFP) adopted in 2007. Implemented 1971 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Slovenia_78 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam78 Education and training programmes on sustainable forest management for forest owners Single 78 Single PaM Education, Information Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Government, Other Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food,Other: Slovenian Forest Service (public forest service provider) 1950 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Slovenian Forest Service is responsible for education and training of forest owners and providing advice to them in the frame of providing public forest service. Several activities are on-going, among others: individual advices are available via several communication channels, training courses for groups (including workshops on forest protection). The legal basis for implementation of measures are in Forest Act (ZG) and the background policy is the national policy: Resolution on National Forest Programme, (Off. J. RS, N.111/07). Implemented 1950 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Slovenia_7 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Financial incentives for research, innovation and market take-off for low-carbon products and services Single 7 Single PaM Economic, Research Implemented EU ETS, ESD, LULUCF Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Framework policy Cross-cutting: Framework policy Government Government: Government office for development and European Cohesion policy,Government: Ministry of Economic Development and Technologyof Economic Development and Technology,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning 2016 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Resource efficiency Cohesion Policy CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Financial incentives in the frame of Operation programme for implementation of the EU Cohesion policy in Slovenia 2014-2020, are foreseen with the aim to contribute to low-carbon economy, inter alia, for the following measures: Research and innovation infrastructure, processes, transfer of technologies and cooperation of enterprises with emphasis on low carbon economy (065), Research and promotion of enterprises specialised for services contributing to low carbon economy and resilience to climate change (071). Financial incentives are also available for other measures, where projects contributing to low-carbon economy compete with projects under other thematic objectives, e.g. support for Research and innovation in large enterprises (002). 2023 Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovenia_15 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Investment grants for electricity generation from renewable energy sources and from high-efficiency cogeneration Single 15 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increase in renewable energy (all end-use sectors)'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2007 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC TEN-T package CO2 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Investment incentives from the Cohesion fund in the period 2014-2020 are foreseen for construction of small installations for the RES-E (wind power, solar power, biomass and small hydro-power plants of up to 10MW of power) and for RES-E and CHP within the scope of grants for improving energy efficiency of SMEs and for energy renovation of public and multi-apartment buildings. In the 2007−2013 financial period, the investment incentives were also available from the Cohesion fund for CHP and RES-E in the framework of building renovation. 2023 New capacities for RES electricity production installed trough financial incentives MW Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in Slovenia in the Period 2014-2020 (OP EKP) http://www.eu-skladi.si/kohezija-do-2013/ostalo/op-final-en Implemented 2007 No information Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Cogeneration Directive 2004/8/EC
Slovenia_19 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Financial incentives for district heat production using renewable energy sources in the frame of the implementation of the European Cohesion policy in Slovenia 2014-2020 Single 19 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Government Office for Development and European Cohesion Policy 2014 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Implementation of the EU Cohesion policy in Slovenia CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml In the frame of Operation programme for implementation of the EU Cohesion policy in Slovenia 2014-2020 financial incentives are available for the following measures: for investments in the construction of new district heating systems and reconstruction of existing district heating systems, as well as for connection of new users to already existing capacities (geothermal heating systems, solar panels, biomass boilers in the public sector, service sector and industry, biomass district heating systems over 1 MW, local biomass district heating systems up to 1 MW, heat pumps). 2023 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovenia_20 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Financial incentives for district heat production using renewable energy sources in the frame of Rural development programme of the Republic of Slovenia 2014-2020 Single 20 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Other energy consumption; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('energy efficiency improvement in increase of renewable energy use in agriculture'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food 2015 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Within the scope of this sub-measure "Investments in the establishment and development of non-agricultural activities (M06.4)" in the frame of Rural development programme of the Republic of Slovenia 2014-2020 investments in renewable energy sources for the sale of electrical and thermal energy from renewable sources of energy is supported. Public support will be granted in the form of financial instruments. The measure is devoted to micro-enterprises in rural areas in settlements with less than 5,000 inhabitants. 2023 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_21 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Financial incentives for wood fuels production in the frame of Rural development programme of the Republic of Slovenia 2014-2020 Single 21 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food 2015 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml In the frame of Rural development programme of the Republic of Slovenia 2014-2020 support is provided for investments in forestry technologies and in processing, mobilisation and marketing of wood chips, wood pellets, briquettes or firewood, and is limited to a small scale production. 2023 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Slovenia_26 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Financial incentives for public passengers' transport infrastructure Single 26 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Financial incentives, co-financed from the EU Cohesion Fund for arrangement of safe access to public passenger transport stations and stops, the provision of bicycle racks and roof overhangs for bicycle parking, park and ride systems, public passenger transport stations etc. 2023 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Slovenia_28 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Improvement of railway infrastructure Single 28 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Other transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Other transport ('Modal shift to less carbon-intensive transport modes') Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC TEN-T package Regulation (EU) No 1315/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Projects for railway infrastructure improvement are implemented within the framework of the budgetary funds allocated by the Republic of Slovenia to the Slovenian Agency for Infrastructure. Under specific objective, removing bottlenecks, enhancing line capacity infrastructure and shortening travel time, two projects for reconstruction and electrification of railway infrastructure are planned to be co-financed from the EU Cohesion Fund and three projects for enhancing the capacity of the lines and hubs are planned to receive support under the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). 2023 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC
Slovenia_37 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Financial incentives for charging infrastructure Single 37 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government, Other Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning,Other: Eko sklad (public environmental fund) 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy);RES directive 2009/28/EC;Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC Directive 2008/50/EC - ambient air quality CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Financial incentives for charging stations to promote and facilitate the roll-out of electro mobility is planned to be co-financed by the EU Cohesion Fund. Incentives for 630 public and 3.150 private electric vehicle charging stations with remote control of the charging process are foreseen by 2023. 2023 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy); RES directive 2009/28/EC; Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC
Slovenia_40 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 Promoting non-motorised forms of transport Single 40 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 6 6 Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure,Government: Government office for development and European Cohesion policy 2008 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2008/50/EC - ambient air quality CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Projects for implementing the national bicycle connections have been implemented within the framework of the budgetary funds allocated by the Republic of Slovenia to the Slovenian Agency for Infrastructure. Six projects concerning the construction of the national cycle network were co-financed from the EU Cohesion fund (CF) in the 2007−2013 financial perspective. Co-financing of bicycle infrastructure from CF are also foreseen in the 2014–2023 period, specifically, for urban settlements in total value of EUR 11 million, after comprehensive transport strategies are prepared by municipalities. 2023 6 6 6 6 Operational Programme of measures for Reducing GHG Emissions until 2020 (recalculated to 2015 base year) http://www.energetika-portal.si/fileadmin/dokumenti/publikacije/op_tgp/op_tgp_2020.pdf Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Slovenia_41 Slovenia 2904 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 Comprehensive Transport Strategies of local communities Single 41 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministry of Infrastructure 2015 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2008/50/EC - ambient air quality CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/si/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwzwxia/2017-08-22_SI_adjusted.xml Financial incentives were available for preparation of Comprehensive Transport Strategies (CTS) by local communities to promote planning of sustainable transport at the local level. Operation is financed in the frame of the Operation programme for implementation of the EU cohesion policy in Slovenia 2014-2020 2023 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_1 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Ley 22/2011 de Residuos y Suelos contaminados Group 1 2,3,5 Information, Planning See individual PaMs No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Government, Local, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas,Local: Entidades Locales,Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas,Local: Entidades Locales,Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas,Local: Entidades Locales See individual PaMs Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4, N2O See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Legislación básica que emana de la Directiva marco de residuos. En ella se enmarcan los diferentes planes en materia de prevención y gestión de residuos. Se complementa con normativa nacional y regional. a) Reducir en 2020 el 10 % la generación de 2010. b) En 2020 preparar para reutilización o reciclado el 50% de los residuos generados. See individual PaMs Reducción de generación de residuos municipales respecto 2010 % Preparación de residuos municipales para reutilización o reciclado % La ley también incluye objetivos de reciclado para otros flujos de residuos como construcción y demolición o envases, que también inciden en las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, aunque en menor grado que los residuos domésticos, y que pueden incidir mas en sectores industriales que en el de gestión de residuos. Ley 22/2011 de Residuos y Suelos contaminados http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2011/07/29/pdfs/BOE-A-2011-13046.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Spain_2 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Plan Estatal de Prevención de Residuos 2014-2020 Single 2 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Government, Local, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas,Local: Entidades Locales 2014 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Reducir la generación de residuos en todos sus ámbitos, a través de 4 líneas estratégicas: reducir la cantidad, reducir la peligrosidad, reutilización, y reducción de impactos ambientales, con todos los agentes implicados. Reducir en 2020 la generación de residuos municipales al 10% respecto de la de 2010 2020 Residuos generados respecto a los generados en 2010 % Emana de la Ley 22/2011 y de la Directiva marco de residuos. Programa Estatal de Prevención de Residuos 2014-2020 http://www.mapama.gob.es/imagenes/es/Programa%20de%20prevencion%20aprobado%20actualizado%20ANFABRA%2011%2002%202014_tcm7-310254.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Spain_3 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Estrategia "Más alimento, menos desperdicio" Single 3 Single PaM Information, Planning Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction Government, Local, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas,Local: Entidades Locales 2013 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Esta estrategia busca la prevención y reducción del desperdicio alimentario a través de un cambio de actitudes, sistemas de trabajo y sistemas de gestión, implicando a todos los agentes de la cadena. Se integra en el Plan Estatal de Prevención de Residuos (medida 2) Inversión en campañas de concienciación € Contemplada en el anexo iv de la ley 22/2011 y en el Plan estatal de prevención 2014-2020. Página web de la Estrategia mas alimento menos desperdicio http://www.magrama.gob.es/es/alimentacion/temas/estrategia-mas-alimento-menos-desperdicio/ Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Spain_4 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Plan de impulso al Medio Ambiente - PIMA Residuos Single 4 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use Government, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas 2015 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Impulsar la gestión de residuos hacia los objetivos de la Directiva Marco de Residuos. Contempla varias líneas de actuación en las que se da apoyo económico a distintas actuaciones: recogida separada y tratamiento biológico de materia orgánica, cambios de conducta, y la gestión de biogas en vertederos. 2015 Materia orgánica desviada del depósito en vertedero t Metano captado en vertedero t Puesto en marcha por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, se implementa a través de las Comunidades Autónomas. 2015 es el año en el que se conceden las ayudas, ejecutándose los proyectos en los años siguientes, por lo que no se dispone todavía de los datos de seguimiento de detalle. Este Plan se agrupa con el conjunto de los Planes de impulso al medio ambiente (PIMAs), aunque se encuadre en el sector de los residuos. Página web con información sobre el PIMA Residuos http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/calidad-y-evaluacion-ambiental/temas/prevencion-y-gestion-residuos/actuaciones/gobierno-aprueba-ayudas-gestion-residuos-comunidades-autonomas.aspx Expired 2015 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Spain_5 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Plan estatal marco de residuos 2016-2022 Single 5 Single PaM Planning Adopted No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Government, Local, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas,Local: Entidades Locales 2016 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Este Plan es continuación del Plan nacional integrado ya expirado. Sus medidas se ajustan a la jerarquía de gestión de residuos. Marca objetivos de reducción de vertido y de incremento de la recogida separada y del reciclado. Es de aplicación a todos los residuos en el ámbito de la ley 22/2011 de Residuos y Suelos contaminados. Los objetivos cuantificados a 2016 y 2020 se indican en el apartado de indicadores 2022 Residuos biodegradables vertidos respecto a los residuos biodegradables generados % Residuos domesticos y comerciales destinados a preparación para la reutilización o reciclado % Valorización energética limitada a rechazos % Residuos municipales destinados a vertedero (respecto de los generados) % Plan estatal marco de residuos 2016-2022 http://www.mapama.gob.es/imagenes/es/pemaraprobado6noviembrecondae_tcm7-401704.pdf Adopted 2016 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC
Spain_6 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Plan Estatal de Vivienda y Rehabilitación y Plan estatal de fomento del alquiler, la rehabilitación edificatoria, la regeneración y renovación urbanas (2013-2016) Single 6 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 33 33 Government, Local, Regional Government: Ministerio de Fomento,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas,Local: Entidades locales 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Establece las subvenciones para mejora de la envolvente térmica, los sistemas de calefacción, refrigeración y agua caliente sanitaria, instalación de energías renovables y de eficiencia energética de los edificios destinados a vivienda. 2017 Nº viviendas viviendas Página web con información sobre el Plan Estatal 9 24 9 24 33 9 24 http://www.fomento.gob.es/MFOM/LANG_CASTELLANO/DIRECCIONES_GENERALES/ARQ_VIVIENDA/APOYO_EMANCIPACION/PLAN_ESTATAL.htm Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_7 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Ley 8/2013, de Rehabilitación, regeneración y renovación urbanas Single 7 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government, Local, Regional Government: Ministerio de Fomento,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas,Local: Entidades Locales 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Modifica la Ley de propiedad horizontal, la Ley del Suelo y la Ley de Ordenación de la edificación, para facilitar la aprobación de proyectos de rehabilitación energética de edificios y regeneración urbana. Se exige la certificación energética de los edificios. Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_8 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Código Técnico de la Edificación (CTE) Single 8 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 312 312 Government Government: Ministerio de Fomento 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml El CTE es el marco normativo que establece y desarrolla las exigencias básicas de calidad de los edificios y sus instalaciones, y que permiten demostrar que se satisfacen los requisitos básicos de la edificación. En el año 2013 se actualizó el CTE, y se introdujeron mayores exigencias en eficiencia energética e incorporación de energías renovables. Número de viviendas nuevas construidas Vivendas Página web del Código técnico de la edificación del Ministerio de Fomento 72 240 72 240 312 72 240 http://www.codigotecnico.org/ Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_9 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Impuesto nacional a los gases fluorados de efecto invernadero: Ley 16/2013, de 29 de octubre, por la que se establecen determinadas medidas en materia de fiscalidad medioambiental y se adoptan otras medidas tributarias y financieras (art 5) Single 9 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances; Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances,Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 6000 11000 Government Government: Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública 2014 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 PFC, SF6, HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml El artículo 5 de la Ley 16/2013, de 29 de octubre, (BOE de 30 de octubre) crea el Impuesto sobre los gases fluorados de efecto invernadero. El tipo impositivo se basa en el Potencial de Calentamiento Atmosférico de estos gases y grava las recargas de los equipos que los utilizan, permitiendo su recuperación parcial si se acredita la correcta gestión de estos gases al final de la vida útil de los equipos. Durante el ejercicio 2014, el tipo impositivo (20 €/Tonelada CO2) resultante se multiplicaba por el coeficiente 0,33 y para los ejercicios 2015 y 2016 por el coeficiente 0,66. A partir del 01/01/2017 se aplica el tipo impositivo en su totalidad. HFC comercializados en España para recargas de fugas tCO2eq Evolución en la recaudación del impuesto miles de euros Ley 16/2013, de 29 de octubre, por la que se establecen determinadas medidas en materia de fiscalidad medioambiental y se adoptan otras medidas tributarias y financieras 6000 9000 9000 11000 http://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-2013-11331 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Spain_28 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Renovación de flotas de vehículos pesados para el transporte de mercancías y viajeros, y de tractores agrícolas Single 28 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Companies Companies: Banco Europeo de Inversiones y entidades bancarias colaboradoras,Companies: Empresas de transporte de mercancías y viajeros, y empresas agrarias 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Sistema de crédito, articulado por el Banco Europeo de Inversiones y gestionado a través de bancos comerciales copartícipes, para financiar la sustitución de los vehículos pesados que las Pequeñas y Medianas Empresas y las Empresas de Media Capitalización Autónomas (aquellas con menos de 3.000 empleados) utilicen en el desarrollo normal de su actividad. 2017 Uso del crédito disponible M€ Al contrario de la anterior edición, esta iniciativa no está apoyada por un sistema de ayudas para el achatarramiento de vehículos de cierta antigüedad. El sistema pone a disposición de los posibles beneficiarios 1200 M€ para préstamos a un interés más favorable al del mercado. El Banco Europeo de Inversiones aporta la mitad de la inversión (600 M€), mientras que el resto corre por cuenta de las entidades financieras que participan también en la iniciativa: Instituto de Crédito Oficial, BBVA y Banco Santander, que aportan 150 M€ cada uno; Banco Popular con 100 M€ y Banco Sabadell con 50 M€. EIB project 'SME & MIDCAP PIMA FLEET RENEWAL II' http://www.eib.org/infocentre/press/releases/all/2016/2016-246-el-bei-financia-con-600-millones-de-euros-la-renovacion-de-flotas-de-transporte-terrestre-y-de-vehiculos-del-sector-agrario Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Spain_10 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Real Decreto 115/2017, de 17 de febrero, por el que se regula la comercialización y manipulación de gases fluorados y equipos basados en los mismos, así como la certificación de los profesionales que los utilizan y por el que se establecen los requisitos técnicos para las instalaciones que desarrollen actividades que emitan gases fluorados Single 10 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Government, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas 2017 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 PFC, SF6, HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Deroga al anterior RD 795/2010 y establece los requisitos para la certificación de empresas y profesionales que manipulan gases fluorados de efecto invernadero conforme a los nuevos requerimientos del Rg 517/2014, sobre gases fluorados de efecto invernadero. Asimismo, fija requisitos para instalación de equipos domésticos de refrigeración, aire acondicionado y bombas de calor por instalador certificado y requisitos técnicos a instalaciones industriales que utilizan gases fluorados con objeto de disminuir sus fugas. Real Decreto 115/2017, de 17 de febrero, por el que se regula la comercialización y manipulación de gases fluorados y equipos basados en los mismos, así como la certificación de los profesionales que los utilizan y por el que se establecen los requisitos técnicos para las instalaciones que desarrollen actividades que emitan gases fluorados https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2017/02/18/pdfs/BOE-A-2017-1679.pdf Implemented 2017 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Spain_39 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Catalogación del parque de vehículos en función del nivel de emisiones Single 39 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government, Local Government: Ministerio de Interior (Dirección General de Tráfico),Local: Ayuntamientos 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Se trata de catalogar el parque de vehículos de España en función de su nivel de emisiones (normativa EURO). Se ha remitido un distintivo a cada vehículo para que sea colocado en el mismo de manera que se pueda identificar fácilmente la categoría de los vehículos. El objetivo es que a nivel municipal, los ayuntamientos puedan desarrollar políticas medioambientales en base a esta catalogación del parque de vehículos. 2017 Página web de la Dirección General de Tráfico - Distintivo ambiental http://www.dgt.es/es/seguridad-vial/distintivo-ambiental/ Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
Spain_11 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Acuerdo voluntario SF6 - sector eléctrico Single 11 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 3.5 15 Companies, Government Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Companies: Compañías / empresas / asociaciones industriales 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Acuerdo voluntario para la reducción de emisiones de SF6 en el sector de la generación y suministro de energía eléctrica. Los compromisos voluntarios abarcan la fabricación de estos equipos, su uso en distribución de energía eléctrica y en la gestión posterior de estos equipos una vez alcanzado su fin de vida útil. 2020 Página web con información sobre el acuerdo voluntario 3.5 14 14 15 http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/Gases-fluorados-Acuerdo-gestion-integral.aspx Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Spain_12 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Plan de impulso al medio ambiente - PIMA Transporte Single 12 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml El Plan fomenta mediante una ayuda económica el achatarramiento de vehículos de transporte de mercancías y pasajeros matriculados con anterioridad al 1 de enero de 2007. 2015 Vehículos acogidos al Plan Vehículos Además de la reducción de gases de efecto invernadero este Plan promueve otros beneficios adicionales como la reducción de las emisiones de contaminantes atmosféricos y la mejora de la seguridad vial. Página web PIMA Transporte http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/planes-y-estrategias/PIMA-Transporte.aspx Expired 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Spain_13 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Real Decreto 1085/2015, de 4 de diciembre, de fomento de los Biocarburantes Single 13 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 4000 Government Government: Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital 2017 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Este Real Decreto establece la senda de introducción de biocombustibles en el transporte a 2020 y fija otros requisitos como la necesidad de fijar un objetivo en biocombustibles avanzados conforme a lo que establece la Directiva (UE) 2015/1513 8.5% en bios en contenido energético respecto del total de consumo energético en transporte en 2020 2020 % de bios en contenido energético respecto del total del consumo de energía en transporte % Real Decreto 1085/2015, de 4 de diciembre, de fomento de los Biocarburantes 4000 https://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2015/12/05/pdfs/BOE-A-2015-13208.pdf Implemented 2017 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Spain_14 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Marco de Acción Nacional de Energías Alternativas en el Transporte Single 14 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 250 Government Government: Ministerio de Industria, Economía y Competitividad 2017 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directiva 2014/94/CE sobre fomento de infraestructuras de combustibles alternativos en el transporte CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Establece el marco a nivel nacional para el fomento de los combustibles alternativos en el transporte: gas natural y electricidad para distintos modos de transporte, como la carretera y el modo marítimo. En el caso del coche eléctrico marca un objetivo de 150.000 coches eléctricos a 2020. Número de vehículos eléctricos miles de vehículos eléctricos Marco de Acción Nacional de Energías Alternativas en el Transporte 250 http://www.minetad.gob.es/industria/es-ES/Servicios/Documents/Marco-Accion-Nacional-energias-alternativas-transporte.aspx.pdf Implemented 2017 With additional measuses Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_15 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Plan de Infraestructuras, Transporte y Vivienda (PITVI) Group 15 18,19,20 Economic, Planning, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD, EU ETS Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure 1100 1800 Government Government: Ministerio de Fomento,Government: Ministerio de Fomento,Government: Ministerio de Fomento See individual PaMs Yes No information CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Establece el marco de planificación de las infraestructuras y transportes del país, con los siguientes objetivos: (i) mejorar la eficiencia y competitividad del sistema global del transporte, optimizando la utilización de las capacidades existentes; (ii) contribuir a un desarrollo económico equilibrado, como herramienta al servicio de la superación de la crisis; (iii) promover una movilidad sostenible, compatibilizando sus efectos económicos y sociales con el respeto al medio ambiente; (iv) reforzar la cohesión territorial y la accesibilidad de todos los territorios del Estado a través del sistema de transporte; y (v) favorecer la integración funcional del sistema de transporte en su conjunto mediante un enfoque intermodal. Para el periodo 2012-2024, los análisis realizados en base a las actuaciones recogidas en los programas del PITVI y las equivalentes del resto de las Administraciones públicas indican los siguientes efectos: (i) aumento del 1,6% en la cuota del transporte público en ámbitos urbanos y metropolitanos; (ii) aumento del 3,1% en la cuota de los modos más sostenibles —ferrocarril, barco y autobús— en el transporte interurbano de pasajeros; y (iii) aumento del 4,0% en la cuota de los modos más sostenibles —ferrocarril y barco— en el transporte interurbano de mercancías. See individual PaMs Plan de infraestructuras, transporte y vivienda PITVI (2012-2024) 420 680 700 1100 1800 700 1100 http://www.fomento.es/NR/rdonlyres/E35B8D33-F3B6-4695-9012-C22229966FA0/130944/PITVI20122024.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes No information
Spain_21 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Autopistas del Mar Single 21 Single PaM Planning Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Other transport Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Other transport ('Cambio modal en mercancías de carretera al barco') 25 25 Government Government: Puertos del Estado (Ministerio de Fomento) 2010 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Libro Blanco de la Comisión Europea de 2011 'Hoja de ruta hacia un espacio único europeo de transporte: por una política de transportes competitiva y sostenible' CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Favorecer el trasvase modal del transporte de mercancías internacional de la carretera hacia el transporte marítimo Captar un tráfico nuevo de 30.000 unidades rodadas/año equivalentes a 500.000 toneladas/año 2020 25 25 25 25 Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_22 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Medidas de eficiencia en gestión de los puertos Single 22 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented No information Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Puertos del Estado (Ministerio de Fomento) 2016 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Definir medidas para uso eficiente de los recursos en los puertos (optimizar el servicio general de alumbrado público en el dominio público portuario) Reducir un 10% el consumo unitario de energía eléctrica en los próximos 5 años 2020 Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_23 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Suministro de gas natural licuado (GNL) en puertos Single 23 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory, Research Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Companies, Government Government: Puertos del Estado (Ministerio de Fomento),Companies: Empresas de los sectores gasista y del transporte 2016 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2014/94/EU, on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Impulso del uso del GNL en el transporte marítimo, mediante la implantación de infraestructura de suministro de dicho combustibles en los puertos, Las medidas incluyen, además de la infraestructura de suministro: (i) bonificación de las tasas portuarias; (ii) programas de formación; (iii) normalización de procedimientos; (iv) avales, ayudas de I+D+i y facilidades crediticias para la construcción y transformación de buques; y (v) revisión de los peajes de recarga de GNL desde el sistema gasista. En 2025, 12 puertos marítimos de la Red TEN-T básica. Y en 2030 un puerto interior de la Red TEN-T básica. 2030 Marco de Acción Nacional de energías alternativas en el transporte http://www.minetad.gob.es/industria/es-ES/Servicios/Documents/Marco-Accion-Nacional-energias-alternativas-transporte.aspx.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_24 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Suministro de electricidad a buques en atraque en puertos Single 24 Single PaM Economic, Other, Research Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Companies, Government Government: Puertos del Estado (Ministerio de Fomento),Companies: Operadores de transporte 2016 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2014/94/EU, on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Impulso del uso de la electricidad mediante la instalación de una conexión a la red eléctrica terrestre para su uso por los buques atracados en los puertos, Las medidas incluyen, además de la infraestructura de suministro: (i) bonificación de las tasas portuarias; (ii) normalización de procedimientos; y (iii) avales, ayudas de I+D+i y facilidades crediticias para la adaptación de los buques. En 2020, 3 puertos de la Puertos de la red TEN-T básica y 2 puertos de la red TEN-T general. 2020 Número de puertos con suministro eléctrico N/A La ejecución del proyecto 2015-EU-TM-0417-S OPS 'Master Plan for Spanish Ports', cofinanciado por el programa CEF de la UE , permitirá disponer en 2020, además de la conexión eléctrica ya existente en el Puerto de Melilla, sendas instalaciones piloto en los puertos de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Las Palmas, Palma de Mallorca y Pasaia. Además, en dicha fecha España contará con una evaluación de la necesidad de suministro de electricidad a buques en todos los puertos de interés general en forma de Master Plan. Marco de Acción Nacional de energías alternativas en el transporte http://www.minetad.gob.es/industria/es-ES/Servicios/Documents/Marco-Accion-Nacional-energias-alternativas-transporte.aspx.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_25 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Plan de Sostenibilidad Energética 2011-2020 de RENFE Single 25 Single PaM Information, Other, Planning, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 100 100 Government Government: RENFE (Ministerio de Fomento) 2011 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Measures to reduce energy efficiency and productivity in a cost driver rising up to 10% of the total operative cost at RENFE-Operadora. These costs might represent more than 20% depending on the business activity. Second goal is to answer legal requirements and voluntary commitments signed and followed by the company, in addition, inside a liberalised operational frame, energy efficiency will serve to increase competitiveness in terms of sustainability (including economic balance) compared to competitive rail companies and alternative transport modes. To reduce energy consumptions by 13.8% by 2020 (2011 as baseline) saving 8,670 TJ during the 2011-2020 period. 2020 80 20 80 20 100 80 20 80 20 100 -500 -50000000 Costs included are electricity and diesel procurement (230,51 M€ in 2009). Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Spain_26 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Plan de Eficiencia Energética 2015-2025 RENFE Viajeros Single 26 Single PaM Other, Planning, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Improved behaviour Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Improved behaviour 85 Government Government: RENFE Viajeros (Ministerio de Fomento) 2015 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Plan de eficiencia energética para la división de pasajeros de la Operadora RENFE que incluye una batería de medidas para reducir el consumo de energía y los costes, alineados con el "Plan de Sostenibilidad Energética de RENFE 2011-2020" apoyado por la dirección de RENFE. Programa de reducción del consumo energético en la División de Pasajeros de RENFE al menos un 10% (con un promedio de 200 GWh por año). 2025 Medidas de mejora de la eficiencia energética de los trenes operados por RENFE como regeneración de energía de frenado y subestaciones reversibles (7% de ahorro), la medición de energía y la conducción eficiente de los trenes , incluidos el DAS y ATO (9% de ahorro) y otras medidas para el consumo eficiente de servicios auxiliares como edificios de las estaciones de tren. Además, se espera que las tecnologías de iluminación inteligente para reducir el consumo de energía hasta un 48% en instalaciones como las estaciones. 70 15 85 70 15 70 15 85 -412 -35000000 Costs included are electricity and diesel procurement (150 M€ in 2013). Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_27 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Licitación de concesiones de transporte regular de viajeros por carretera competencia del Estado Single 27 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Dirección General de Transporte Terrestre (Ministerio de Fomento) 2014 Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Los pliegos para las concesiones que otorgue el Ministerio de Fomento establecen requisitos mínimos de eficiencia energética y emisión de contaminantes para los vehículos de la flota de las empresas de transporte de viajeros. 2030 Se exige como mínimo Euro IV. Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Directive on the Promotion of Clean and Energy Efficient Road Transport Vehicles 2009/33/EC
Spain_29 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Incorporación progresiva de energías renovables en aeropuertos Single 29 Single PaM Other Implemented No information Energy consumption; Energy supply; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Transport: Other transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Transport: Other transport ('Utilizar fuentes de energía alternativa más respetuosas con el medio ambiente y diversificar la producción energética en los aeropuertos.') Government Government: AENA (Ministerio de Fomento) 2000 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Implantación progresiva de tecnologías basadas en energías renovables (eólica, solar y geotérmica) en infraestructuras aeroportuarias de AENA (entidad pública empresarial Aeropuertos Españoles y Navegación Aérea). 2020 Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_30 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Acuerdo Marco para el proyecto, suministro y/o instalación de sistemas de iluminación eficientes energéticamente Single 30 Single PaM Other Implemented No information Energy consumption; Other Sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: AENA (Ministerio de Fomento) 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Mejoras en la eficiencia de los sistemas de iluminación de los aeropuertos. 2020 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_31 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Incorporación de criterios que fomenten el uso de equipos de asistencia en tierra menos contaminantes Single 31 Single PaM Other Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Companies Companies: Ground handling agents 2015 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC;Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC;Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) European Non-road Emissions Standards Package of measures on Climate and Energy of the EC (2020) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Inclusión de cláusulas relativas al empleo de vehículos y maquinaria menos contaminante en la renovación de los pliegos de concursos de agentes de 'handling'. Reducir un 30% las emisiones de GEI de vehículos y maquinaria de asistencia en tierra del aeropuerto Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas y un 20% en el resto de aeropuertos. 2022 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Directive on national emissions' ceilings for certain pollutants 2001/81/EC; Regulation EURO 5 and 6 2007/715/EC; Regulation Euro VI for heavy duty vehicles 2009/595/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_32 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Optimización de los movimientos de rodaje de las aeronaves Single 32 Single PaM Other, Voluntary Implemented No information Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Other transport Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Other transport ('Bajo el concepto de 'cielo único europeo' se están promoviendo acuerdos A-CDM (Airport Collaborative Decision Making) entre los aeropuertos, control aéreo y compañías aéreas para compartir información en tiempo real, que permita disminuir los tiempos de rodaje.') Companies, Government Government: AENA y Enaire (Ministerio de Fomento),Companies: Airlines & ground handling agents 2014 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Single European Sky (SES) regulations. CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Minimización de los tiempos y recorridos de una aeronave desde el puesto de estacionamiento hasta la pista de despegue, implicando reducción del consumo de combustible y emisiones. 2017 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_33 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Suministro de electricidad a 400 Hz a las aeronaves en los aeropuertos Single 33 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: AENA (Ministerio de Fomento) 2016 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2014/94/EU on the deployment of alternative fuels infrastructure CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Impulso del uso de la electricidad mediante instalaciones de suministro eléctrico a 400 Hz en tierra para aeronaves estacionadas, como alternativa al uso de las unidades de energía auxiliar. En 2030 ampliar en 205 puntos de suministro en 11 aeropuertos (4 de la red TEN-T básica y 7 de la red TEN-T general) que ya disponen del suministro. 2030 Actualmente existen 410 puntos de suministro: 343 en 9 aeropuertos de la red TEN-T básica (Adolfo Suárez Madrid-Barajas, Alicante-Elche, Barcelona-El Prat, Bilbao, Gran Canaria, Málaga-Costa del Sol, Palma de Mallorca, Tenerife Sur y Valencia); y 67 en 11 aeropuertos de la red TEN-T general (A Coruña, Asturias, Fuerteventura, Ibiza, La Palma, Lanzarote, Menorca, Santiago, Seve Ballesteros-Santander, Tenerife Norte y Vigo). Marco de Acción Nacional de energías alternativas en el transporte http://www.minetad.gob.es/industria/es-ES/Servicios/Documents/Marco-Accion-Nacional-energias-alternativas-transporte.aspx.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_35 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Plan Director de Ahorro y Eficiencia Energética 2014-2020 del Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF) Single 35 Single PaM Other, Planning, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF) (Ministerio de Fomento) 2014 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Medidas de ahorro energético y mejora de la eficiencia energética mediante: (i) tecnologías más eficientes; (ii) mecanismos de control de los consumos energéticos; (iii) modificación de los usos de la energía, eliminando los no productivos; (iv) introducción de soluciones y elementos constructivos que contribuyan a reducir las pérdidas energéticas; (v) uso de soluciones y principios bioclimáticos al para obtener energía y/o como fuente de iluminación y calor; y (vi) obtención de energía de fuentes renovables. 56,88 GWh eq./año en 2020 2020 Las medidas de carácter técnico y de implantación de renovables se pueden clasificar en diversas tipologías de consumo: aislamientos, climatización, combustible, electricidad, envolvente edificatoria, equipos, iluminación y tracción. Plan Director de Eficiencia Energética 2014-2020 http://www.adif.es/es_ES/compromisos/doc/p_d_eficiencia_energetica_2014-20.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_36 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Plan Director de Ahorro y Eficiencia Energética 2014-2020 del Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (ADIF) Alta velocidad Single 36 Single PaM Other, Planning, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Improved behaviour Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: ADIF Alta velocidad (Ministerio de Fomento) 2014 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Medidas de ahorro energético y mejora de la eficiencia energética mediante: (i) tecnologías más eficientes; (ii) mecanismos de control de los consumos energéticos; (iii) modificación de los usos de la energía, eliminando los no productivos; (iv) introducción de soluciones y elementos constructivos que contribuyan a reducir las pérdidas energéticas; y (v) uso de soluciones y principios bioclimáticos al para obtener energía y/o como fuente de iluminación y calor. 106,81 GWh eq./año en 2020 2020 Las medidas de carácter técnico y de implantación de renovables se pueden clasificar en diversas tipologías de consumo: aislamientos, climatización, combustible, electricidad, envolvente edificatoria, equipos, iluminación y tracción. Plan Director de Eficiencia Energética 2014-2020 http://www.adifaltavelocidad.es/es_ES/compromisos/doc/p_d_eficiencia_energetica_AV_2014-20.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_37 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Modficiación del Reglamento General de Circulación (en tramitación) Single 37 Single PaM Regulatory Planned No information Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: Ministerio del Interior 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Modifica los límites generales de velocidad establecidos a los vehículos en los distinos tipos de carreteras. Así en carreteras convencionales y ciudad disminuyen y en autopistas y autovías se pueden incrementar bajo determinadas circunstancias. Asimimo, define directrices para regular el uso de la bicicleta. Esta medida no tiene aún un año de comienzo ya que se está trabajando todavía en la modificación del Reglamento. Se incluye un año de comienzo ya que el formulario da error si no se rellena este campo. Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_38 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Conducción eficiente: Orden INT/2229/2013, de 25 de noviembre por la que se regula el acceso a los permisos de circulación Single 38 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour 105 250 Government Government: Ministerio del Interior 2014 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directiva 2006/126/CE CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Se modifica la Orden de manera que se establece la obligación de que los cursos para la obtención de permisos de conducción incluyan una parte de conducción eficiente. Conductores que obtiene permiso de circulación Número de conductores Se estima una reducción del 1% anual en el consumo de combustibles en los conductores matriculados anualmente. Orden INT/2229/2013, de 25 de noviembre, por la que se modifican los anexos I, V, VI y VII del Reglamento General de Conductores, aprobado por el Real Decreto 818/2009, de 8 de mayo y la Orden INT/2323/2011, de 29 de julio, por la que se regula la formación para el acceso progresivo al permiso de conducción de la clase A 105 180 180 250 http://www.boe.es/diario_boe/txt.php?id=BOE-A-2013-12566 Se estima una reducción del 1% anual en el consumo de combustibles en los conductores matriculados anualmente. Más información sobre las estimaciones en los Anexos de la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Se estima una reducción del 1% anual en el consumo de combustibles en los conductores matriculados anualmente. Más información sobre las estimaciones en los Anexos de la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_40 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 Reglamento de las Instalaciones Térmicas de los Edificios (RITE) Single 40 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 25 25 Companies, Government Government: Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital,Companies: Compañías, empresas y asociaciones industriales 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml En el año 2013 se actualiza el RITE a través del RD 238/2013 aumentando las exigencias mínimas en eficiencia energética de las instalaciones térmicas y de climatización en los edificios. Entre otras actuaciones, el titular de la instalación será responsable de que se realice el mantenimiento de la instalación térmica por una empresa mantenedora habilitada. Nº viviendas con calefacción colectiva viviendas Página web del Miniserio de Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital con información sobre el Reglamento Instalaciones Térmicas en los Edificios 6 19 6 19 25 6 19 http://www.minetad.gob.es/energia/desarrollo/EficienciaEnergetica/RITE/Paginas/InstalacionesTermicas.aspx Información sobre las estimaciones en los Anexos de la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Información sobre las estimaciones en los Anexos de la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_41 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 Certificación Energética de Edificios Nuevos y Existentes: Real Decreto 235/2013, de 5 de abril, por el que se aprueba el procedimiento básico para la certificación de la eficiencia energética de los edificios Single 41 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government, Regional Government: Ministerio de Fomento,Government: Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Este instrumento permite cuantificar la situación energética de los edificios y viviendas y su mejora. El promotor o propietario del edificio o de parte del mismo, ya sea de nueva construcción o existente, será el responsable de encargar la realización de la certificación de eficiencia energética del edificio Página web del Miniserio de Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital con información sobre la Certificación de eficiencia energética de los edificios http://www.minetad.gob.es/energia/desarrollo/EficienciaEnergetica/CertificacionEnergetica/Paginas/certificacion.aspx Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_42 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Programa de ayudas para la rehabilitación energética de edificios existentes (Programa PAREER-CRECE) Single 42 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy 111 111 Government Government: Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital. Instituto para la Diversificación y el ahorro de la energía y Instituto para la Diversificación y el ahorro de la energía 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Establece las subvenciones para mejora de la envolvente térmica, instalaciones térmicas y de iluminación, utilización de biomasa y geotermia, mejorando la certificación energética de los edificios 2020 Nº viviendas intervenidas Viviendas Página web del Programa PAREER-CRECE 26 85 26 85 111 26 85 http://www.idae.es/index.php/id.858/relmenu.409/mod.pags/mem.detalle Se parte de la información sobre presupuesto dedicado en las convocatorias del PAREER-CRECE. Posteriormente se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Se parte de la información sobre presupuesto dedicado en las convocatorias del PAREER-CRECE. Posteriormente se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_17 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Plan de Inversiones de Accesibilidad Portuaria Single 17 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented No information Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Puertos del Estado (Ministerio de Fomento),Government: Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias (Ministerio de Fomento) 2017 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Plan de inversiones en infraestructuras del transporte, básicamente dedicadas al sector ferroviario, para favorecer la conectividad de los puertos y la intermodalidad marítimo-ferroviaria en el sistema de transporte español. Una tercera parte de las inversiones se ejecutarán dentro de las zonas de servicio de los puertos y las restantes fuera de ellas. 2021 Se han programado 47 actuaciones inversoras: 18 en la 'última milla' (conexión puerto-red general de transporte) y 29 en la red general de transporte; que también se desglosan como 34 en el modo ferroviario y 13 para la carretera. Entre estas actuaciones destacan los proyectos del nuevo acceso ferroviario al Puerto Exterior de Ferrol, el nuevo acceso ferroviario Sur al Puerto de Barcelona, la mejora de la línea Sagunto-Teruel-Zaragoza, el acceso ferroviario al puerto de Sagunto, el acceso directo al puerto de Sevilla (enlace de la Salud) y la mejora en la línea Algeciras-Bobadilla. Implemented 2017 With existing measures No No information
Spain_43 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Planes de Renovación de Instalaciones Turísticas Single 43 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital 2009 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Este Plan busca la renovación y mejora de los establecimientos turísticos bajo criterios de sostenibilidad y eficiencia energética, mejorando la competitividad de los destinos turísticos españoles y ofrecer así un modelo más atractivo y rentable a medio y largo plazo. Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_44 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Fondo Financiero del Estado para la Modernización de las Infraestructuras Turísticas Single 44 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital 2005 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Este fondo tiene como finalidad apoyar financieramente los planes de renovación, modernización y reconversión integral de destinos turísticos maduros que se desarrollen por las administraciones locales y por las empresas turísticas privadas. Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_45 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Rehabilitación de edificios de la Administración General del Estado (AGE) Single 45 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Government Government: Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital 2015 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Rehabilitación energética del parque de edificios incluidos en el Inventario Energético de los Edificios de la Administración, contribuyendo a alcanzar el objetivo ejemplarizante establecido en el art 5 la Directiva de Eficiencia Energética Superficie rehabilitada m2 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_46 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 Fondo de Inversión en Diversificación y Ahorro de Energía – F.I.D.A.E Single 46 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital 2011 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Financiación para Fomento de la Eficiencia energética y renovables. El fondo de Cartera JESSICA, siglas correspondientes al programa Joint European Support for Sustainable Investment in City Areas (Apoyo Europeo Conjunto a la Inversión Sostenible en Zonas Urbanas) desarrollado por la Comisión Europea y el BEI en colaboración con el Banco de Desarrollo del Consejo de Europa. El Fondo F.I.D.A.E. es un fondo puesto en marcha por IDAE como Organismo Intermedio delegado por la Autoridad de Gestión del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional – FEDER - (Dirección General de Fondos Comunitarios – Ministerio de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas) que tiene como propósito financiar proyectos de desarrollo urbano sostenible que mejoren la eficiencia energética y/o utilicen las energías renovables. Solar energy - Number of projects (number): 256; Solar energy - Power installed (kW): 3.628; Biomass energy - Number of projects (number): 622; Biomass energy - Power installed (kW): 71.045; Energy efficiency - Final energy savings (equivalent of petroleum tons) (number of tons): 18.556; ; Energy efficiency - Number of projects (EE) (number): 1.305; Urban transport - Fossil fuel replacement (equivalent of petroleum tons) (number of tons): 538; Urban transport - Green vehicles purchased for public transport (bus, trains, etc)(number): 17; 2016 Solar energy - Number of projects number Solar energy -Power installed kW Biomass energy - Number of projects number Biomass energy - Power installed kW Energy efficiency - Final energy savings (equivalent of petroleum tons) (number of tons) Energy efficiency - Number of projects (EE) number Urban transport - Fossil fuel replacement (equivalent of petroleum tons) (number of tons) Urban transport - Green vehicles purchased for public transport (bus, trains, etc) number Actualmente se están evaluando los indicadores definidos para el seguimiento de la medida, por lo que aún no se dispone de resultados. Página web sobre el Fondo JESSICA-F.I.D.A.E. http://www.idae.es/index.php/relcategoria.3957/id.833/relmenu.408/mod.pags/mem.detalle Expired 2011 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_47 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 Cursos de conducción eficiente en el transporte por carretera Single 47 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour 175 175 Government Government: Instituto para la Diversificación y el ahorro de la energía 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Impartición de cursos entre conductores (profesionales de vehículos industriales) sobre conducción eficiente en el transporte por carretera . Se van a financiar a través del Fondo de Eficiencia energética El fondo de eficiencia energética prevé una dotación de 60 Millones de euros para financiar actuaciones de conducción de eficiente, gestión de flotas y planes de movilidad empresarial. En la convocatoria del 2015 se han aprobado 8 millones de € y en la del 2017, 3.720.000 €. Se estima una mejora de efiencia del 5% con los Planes de Transporte al Trabajo y Gestión de flotas y del 10% con las actuaciones de conducción eficiente 2020 Conductores profesionales formados número de conductores Resolución de 28 de abril de 2015, del Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía, por la que se publica la Resolución de 24 de marzo de 2015, del Consejo de Administración, por la que se establecen las bases reguladoras y convocatoria del programa de ayudas para actuaciones de cambio modal y uso más eficiente de los modos de transporte 175 175 175 175 http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2015/05/05/pdfs/BOE-A-2015-4990.pdf Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_48 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Ayudas para la implantación de sistemas de gestión de flotas de vehículos Single 48 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Other transport Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Other transport ('Support to techonology implementation') 17.5 17.5 Government Government: Instituto para la Diversificación y el ahorro de la energía 2015 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Ayudas a empresas de logística para implantación de sistemas eficientes de gestión de flotas de vehículos. Se van a financiar a través del Fondo de Eficiencia energética El fondo de eficiencia energética prevé una dotación de 60 Millones de euros para financiar actuaciones de conducción de eficiente, gestión de flotas y planes de movilidad empresarial. En la convocatoria del 2015 se han aprobado 8 Millones de € en la del 2017, 3.720.000 €. (se estima una mejora de efiencia del 5%) 2020 Flotas de vehículos (tamaño medio de la flota de vehículos industriales de 10 vehículos) Número de flotas Resolución de 28 de abril de 2015, del Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía, por la que se publica la Resolución de 24 de marzo de 2015, del Consejo de Administración, por la que se establecen las bases reguladoras y convocatoria del programa de ayudas para actuaciones de cambio modal y uso más eficiente de los modos de transporte 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2015/05/05/pdfs/BOE-A-2015-4990.pdf Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_49 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 Ayudas para la financiación de planes de movilidad urbana y planes de movilidad empresarial Single 49 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 30 30 Government Government: Instituto para la Diversificación y el ahorro de la energía 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Ayudas a municipios para el desarrollo de planes de movilidad urbana. El programa operativo de los fondos comunitarios de la AGE prevé una ayuda de 49,65 Millones de euros para promocionar la movilidad urbana sostenible. El fondo de Eficiencia Energética también incluya una partida para financiar planes de movilidad Según el programa operativo se puede conseguir cerca de 50 Millones para actuaciones de mejora de movilidad urbana en ciudades que conseguiran una mejora en eficiencia de 663 ktep que equivale a un trasvase modal de 7000 pasaj-km del vehículo privado a transporte colectivo y bicilcleta 2020 mill Pasajeros-km transvados a transporte público colectivo o bicicleta. Millones de pasajeros/km No se dispone de información adicional relativa a los indicadores. bases reguladoras y convocatoria del programa de ayudas para actuaciones de cambio modal y uso más eficiente de los modos de transporte 30 30 30 30 http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2015/05/05/pdfs/BOE-A-2015-4990.pdf Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_50 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 Plan de Acción de Ahorro y Eficiencia 2014-2020 Single 50 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml El plan presenta un conjunto de medidas y actuaciones con el objetivo de lograr ahorro de energía final para el periodo comprendido entre 1 de enero de 2014 y 31 de diciembre de 2020, en cumplimiento del artículo 7.1 de la Directiva de Eficiencia Energética Objetivo de ahorro de energía final en el año 2020 de 15979 ktep para el perido comprendido entre 1 de enero de 2014 y 31 de diciembre de 2020 (571 ktep/año) 2020 ahorro de energía final ktep Plan Nacional de Acción de Eficiencia Energética 2014-2020 https://ec.europa.eu/energy/sites/ener/files/documents/NEEAP_2014_ES-es.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_51 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 Plan de Energías Renovables (PER) 2011-2020 Single 51 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government, Regional Government: Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital,Regional: Comunidades autónomas 2011 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive (EU) 2015/1513 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 September 2015 amending Directive 98/70/EC relating to the quality of petrol and diesel fuels and amending Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources (Text with EEA relevance) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml El PER 2011-2020 incluye un paquete de más de 80 medidas, medidas horizontales y el resto sectoriales, con el objetivo un consumo de energías renovables del 20,8% sobre el consumo de energía final bruto, así como un consumo final de las mismas del 11,3% sobre el consumo de energía en el transporte Consumo de energías renovables del 20,8% sobre el consumo de energía final bruto; consumo final energías renovables del 11,3% sobre el consumo de energía en el transporte 2020 % Consumo final bruto de energías renovables % Página web con la recopilación de información del Plan http://www.minetad.gob.es/energia/es-ES/Novedades/Paginas/PER2011-2020VolI.aspx Implemented 2011 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_52 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 Planificación de los Sectores de Electricidad y Gas 2014-2020 Single 52 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Energy consumption; Energy supply Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government Government: Ministerio de Energía, Turismo y Agenda Digital 2014 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Transformación del sistema energético español de cara al cumplimiento de los objetivos a 2020 en materia de eficiencia energética, energías renovables y medio ambiente. La planificación es actualmente en su mayor parte indicativa. 2020 http://www.minetur.gob.es/energia/planificacion/Paginas/Index.aspx Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_16 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Estrategia Logística de España Single 16 Single PaM Other, Planning, Regulatory Implemented No information Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministerio de Fomento 2013 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Plan para potenciar el papel de España como puerta de entrada, centro de tratamiento y distribución de mercancías intercontinentales para Europa, con los objetivos de: (i) impulsar el sector logístico español; (ii) mejorar la eficiencia y sostenibilidad del sistema de transporte; (iii) desarrollar una red intermodal; y (iv) potenciar el papel de España como 'hub' de mercancías. Para ello define un plan de acción con 18 acciones prioritarias, agrupadas en 3 líneas de actuación: (i) regulación, control y supervisión (2013-2016); (ii) gestión y prestación de servicios (2013-2020); y (iii) actuación inversora (2013-2024). 2024 Las 18 medidas son: 1. Fortalecimiento de la Unidad Logística. 2. Desarrollo de normativa específica de la logística. 3. Impulso a la liberalización del transporte ferroviario de mercancías. 4. Mejora de la formación del sector. 5. Elaboración de un código de buenas prácticas en el sector. 6. Ventanilla única para la tramitación administrativa. 7. Observatorio del Transporte y la Logística. 8. Análisis de las capacidades de carga en el transporte por carretera. 9. Coordinación de calendarios de restricciones al transporte de mercancías por carretera. 10. Puesta en servicio de Autopistas Ferroviarias. 11. Optimización de los modelos de gestión de terminales intermodales. 12. Acuerdos con los sectores logístico e industrial para potenciar el uso del ferrocarril. 13. Mejora de la competitividad de los puertos. 14. Puesta en servicio de nuevas Autopistas del Mar. 15. Impulso a las nuevas terminales logísticas estratégicas y prioritarias. 16. Adaptación de los principales corredores ferroviarios para transporte de mercancías. 17. Mejora de los accesos terrestres a los puertos. 18. Mejora de la conectividad de los puertos con su ‘hinterland’. Estrategia Logística de España http://www.fomento.es/NR/rdonlyres/9F137531-A314-433C-B377-E8A3F59572F5/121814/20131125EstrategiaLogistica.pdf Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
Spain_18 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Programa de regulación, control y supervisión Single 18 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Transport Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: Ministerio de Fomento 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Este programa recoge el desarrollo de la función reguladora que, de acuerdo a la normativa nacional e internacional vigente, permita desarrollar y aplicar las políticas establecidas en cada uno de los modos de transporte y establecer un marco normativo técnico-operativo de la prestación de servicios. Así mismo, recoge las líneas estratégicas en supervisión y control, que, cumpliendo con el marco regulador definido, garanticen la validez y la correcta aplicación del mismo, y protejan y refuercen los derechos de los usuarios. 2024 Las actuaciones estratégicas de este Programa se clasifican según las siguientes categorías: 1. Regulación del transporte terrestre, particularmente en relación al transporte por carretera 2. Nuevo modelo de Red de Interés General de Carreteras (Ley de Carreteras) 3. Ordenación de la regulación del sector ferroviario: liberalización efectiva del transporte de viajeros 4. Ordenación de la regulación del sector ferroviario (liberalización efectiva del transporte de viajeros): nuevo sistema de cánones de ADIF 5. Ordenación de la regulación del sector ferroviario (liberalización efectiva del transporte de viajeros): adecuación de RENFE Operadora a la liberalización 6. Marco legal del nuevo modelo aeroportuario (Ley de Aeropuertos) 7. Intensificación de la seguridad aérea (operacional + seguridad física) 8. Potenciar la competencia e incrementar la competitividad de los costes del puerto 9. Desarrollo y actualización de normativa del transporte marítimo 10. Refuerzo de la presencia de España en organismos internacionales del sector transporte 11. Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Ferroviaria Implemented 2012 With existing measures No No information
Spain_19 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Programa de gestión y prestación de servicios Single 19 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministerio de Fomento 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Este programa se centra en la mejora de la calidad en la prestación de los servicios y en la eficiencia en la utilización de los recursos y su racionalización (entendido como un mejor aprovechamiento de la red existente y una potenciación de la cadena intermodal o de la opción modal que proporcione mayor beneficio y rendimiento), basándose en los principios de liberalización de mercados y apertura a la competencia, con el fin de estimular la innovación empresarial, el desarrollo de los mercados y la competitividad de las empresas, elementos que revierten en la calidad y sostenibilidad económica de la actividad del transporte. 2024 Las actuaciones estratégicas de este Programa se clasifican según las siguientes categorías: 1. Nuevas condiciones para las concesiones de los servicios de transporte por carretera 2. Nuevo modelo de gestión de servicios ferroviarios de mercancías (integración de mercancías en la cadena logística europea) 3. Nuevo modelo de gestión de las terminales de mercancías 4. Racionalización de la oferta de servicios ferroviarios 5. Racionalización de líneas deficitarias 6. Nuevo modelo de gestión aeroportuaria y de navegación aérea 7. Impulsar el posicionamiento internacional de los puertos reforzando la acción comercial y de los servicios 8. Integrar la sostenibilidad, la seguridad y la I+D+i en la gestión de los puertos 9. Mejorar la conectividad de los puertos como parte de una red integral 10. Calidad de los servicios de la Administración Marítima 11. Apoyo a la internacionalización de las empresas españolas del sector transporte 12. Observatorio del Transporte de España 13. Portal del Transporte 14. Carta de los derechos de los usuarios Implemented 2012 With existing measures No No information
Spain_20 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Programa de actuación inversora Single 20 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented No information Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure Government Government: Ministerio de Fomento 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Este programa recoge el esfuerzo inversor de la Administración General del Estado con el objetivo de avanzar en el reequilibrio y optimización del conjunto del sistema de transporte, manteniendo los estándares de calidad y seguridad de los servicios prestados. Esta planificación de infraestructuras tendrá presente un enfoque intermodal mediante la planificación de corredores de transporte multimodales, que potencien el modo más eficaz en cada corredor generando un trasvase de demanda hacia el mismo. Además, la inversión en nuevos desarrollos y capacidades se centra en completar los grandes ejes estructurantes y los itinerarios de la red, así como el refuerzo de las conexiones intermodales y la dotación de determinadas infraestructuras estratégicas, como las conexiones transfronterizas. También se incluye una evaluación sistemática de las actuaciones para una eficaz priorización y racionalización de las inversiones, incorporando mecanismos de análisis coste-beneficio y previsiones de rentabilidad económica, financiera y social. 2024 Las actuaciones estratégicas de este Programa se clasifican según las siguientes categorías: 1. Conservación y mantenimiento viario 2. Mejora de la seguridad vial 3. Acondicionamientos 4. Variantes de población 5. Nueva infraestructura viaria 6. Red convencional ferroviaria 7. Potenciación del transporte ferroviario de mercancías 8. Red de Alta Velocidad 9. Plan Global de Cercanías 10. Integración urbana del ferrocarril 11. Plataformas reservadas para el transporte público 12. Optimización de la gestión de las infraestructuras marítimas 13. Seguridad operacional, lucha contra la contaminación y eficiencia en la gestión de servicios de salvamento 14. Innovación, I+D e ITS Implemented 2012 With existing measures No No information
Spain_53 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 Estrategia Integral para el Impulso del Vehículo Eléctrico en España y PLANES MOVELE, y PLANES MOVEA (desde 2016) dirigidos a promover tecnologías alternativas. Single 53 Single PaM Economic, Planning, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 333 210 Government Government: Instituto para la Diversificación y el ahorro de la energía. A partir del año 2016, los planes MOVEA son gestionados por la Secretaría General de Industria. 2010 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directiva 2014/94/UE, sobre fomento de insfraestructuras para combustibles renovables CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Medidas para favorecer la penetración del vehículo eléctrico e incentivos a la compra de vehículos eléctricos y creación de infraestructuras de recarga. En el marco de esta estrategia se ha desarrollado diversas normas legislativas en España. Por su parte los planes MOVELE conceden ayudas a la compra de vehículos eléctricos (de hasta 6000 euros en el caso de vehículos turismos). Al Plan MOVELE le ha dado continuidad el Plan MOVEA dirigido a promocionar la penetración de vehículos alternativos (GLP, GN, eléctrico y pila de combustible). Las planes aprobados hasta la fecha prevén una financiación de la compra de cerca de 4.000 vehículos propulsados por energías alternativas. 2020 Coches encufables vendidos coches Estrategia Integral para el Impulso del Vehículo Eléctrico en España / Página web del Plan MOVEA 333 333 333 210 http://www.minetad.gob.es/industria/es-ES/Servicios/estrategia-impulso-vehiculo-energias-alternativas/Documents/Estrategia-Impulso-Vehiculo-Energ%C3%ADas%20Alternativas-VEA-Espa%C3%B1a-2014-2020.pdf / http://www.minetad.gob.es/industria/es-ES/Servicios/plan-movea/Paginas/ayudas-movea.aspx Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_54 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 Programa de Incentivos al Vehículo Eficiente PLANES PIVE (PIVE I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII y VIII) Single 54 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 250 Government Government: Instituto para la Diversificación y el ahorro de la energía 2012 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Ayudas para la adquisición de vehículos ligeros nuevos y eficientes y achatarramiento de vehículos viejos. Se han puesto en marcha ocho Planes. 2016 Coches acogidos a Plan PIVE Coches El conjunto de los 8 planes PIVE ha financiado la renovación de 1.173.035 vehículos. En 2016, se han beneficiado del Programa PIVE 300.000 vehículos adicionales. Informes sobre las distintas convocatorias del Plan PIVE 250 http://www.idae.es/index.php/relcategoria.4045/id.918/mod.pags/mem.detalle Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Expired 2012 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Spain_55 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 Programa Nacional para el Fomento de Rotaciones de Cultivo en Tierras de Secano Single 55 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Mejora de la biodiversidad, de la fertilidad y estructura del suelo.') Government, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades autónomas 2010 Yes CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009 N2O, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Este programa tenía, como ámbito de aplicación, aquellas superficies de secano con mayor riesgo de abandono de la actividad (con índices de rendimiento comarcales iguales o inferiores a 2 toneladas por hectárea) y, como objetivo, invertir la fuerte tendencia de los últimos años hacia el monocultivo de cereal, implantando de nuevo las tradicionales rotaciones de cultivo, mediante la introducción de oleaginosas, proteaginosas y leguminosas en las alternativas. Se regulaba mediante el Real Decreto 202/2012, de 23 de enero, sobre la aplicación a partir de 2012 de los pagos directos a la agricultura y a la ganadería. Esta medida tiene efectos beneficiosos desde la perspectiva de la mitigación, al reducir las emisiones por una mayor optimización en el uso de los recursos por una mejor estructura del suelo (mejor retención de nutrientes y agua), como en adaptación al cambio climático al incrementar la fertilidad del suelo, la biodiversidad, un mejor control de plagas, etc. 2014 Superficie base determinada hectárea Superficie base determinada hectárea El Programa duró 5 años. Al no permitir la aplicación introducir más de 4 años por indicador, se refleja el dato de Superficie base determinada de 2014 en un segundo indicador, pero se trata del mismo. Información sobre el Programa https://www.fega.es/es/search/site/programa%20nacional%20rotaciones Expired 2010 With existing measures Yes CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009
Spain_56 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 Greening o Pago Verde Single 56 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented No information Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Other agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Mejora de la biodiversidad, captura de carbono.'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Mejora de la biodiversidad.') Government, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Se trata de un pago para prácticas agrícolas beneficiosas para el clima y el medio ambiente, cuyo objetivo es la mejora del comportamiento medioambiental de la Política Agraria Común (PAC), a través de un componente de ecologización obligatorio de los pagos directos que apoye dichas prácticas. Se encuentra regulado por el Reglamento 1307/2013 por el que se establecen normas aplicables a los pagos directos a los agricultores en virtud de los regímenes de ayuda incluidos en el marco de la PAC. A nivel nacional está regulado en el Real Decreto 1075/2014, de 19 de diciembre de 2014, sobre la aplicación a partir de 2015 de los pagos directos a la agricultura y a la ganadería y otros regímenes de ayuda, así como sobre la gestión y control de los pagos directos y de los pagos al desarrollo rural. 2020 Superficie de tierra arable de agricultores sujetos a diversificación con dos cultivos (excluidos los del régimen de pequeños) hectárea Superficie de tierra arable de agricultores sujetos a diversificación con tres cultivos (excluidos los del régimen de pequeños) hectárea Superficie de pastos permanentes (de agricultores con pastos permanentes que contabilizan para el ratio nacional -excluidos ecológicos y pequeños agricultores-) hectárea Nº total de Ha declaradas (antes de la aplicación del factor de ponderación) de agricultores sujetos a Superficies de Interés Ecológico -SIE- hectárea En el indicador 4, la superficie incluye: barbecho SIE, superficies forestadas y superficies con cultivos fijadores de nitrógeno. En cuanto a las cifras de 2016, se trata de datos comunicados a la Comisión, aunque no esté publicado su informe correspondiente, por lo que no se recoge URL de referencia para dicho año. INFORME SOBRE EL PRIMER AÑO DE APLICACIÓN DEL PAGO PARA PRÁCTICAS BENEFICIOSAS PARA EL CLIMA Y EL MEDIO AMBIENTE (GREENING) https://www.fega.es/es/node/43324 Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Spain_57 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 Plan de Reducción del Uso de Fertilizantes Nitrogenados Single 57 Single PaM Education, Planning Implemented EU ETS, ESD Agriculture; Energy consumption Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 6 6 Government, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas 2007 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013);Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml El Plan de Reducción del Uso de Fertilizantes Nitrogenados tiene como objetivo la racionalización de la fertilización en España que supondría la reducción del uso de los fertilizantes nitrogenados y, por tanto, la reducción de las emisiones, ya sea durante su fabricación (abonos de síntesis) o tras su aplicación a suelos agrícolas. Las medidas diseñadas dentro de este Plan consisten en el fomento de nuevos tipos de abonos aplicables en la fertirrigación, formación e información para la racionalización de la fertilización, la caracterización de nuevos equipos y seguimiento de abonadoras en uso y apoyo a la introducción de equipos de aplicación de fertilizantes. Nº de alumnos formados alumnos Guía práctica de la fertilización racional de los cultivos de España 2 4 2 4 6 2 4 http://www.magrama.gob.es/es/agricultura/publicaciones/publicaciones-fertilizantes.aspx Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013); Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC
Spain_58 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 Plan de impulso al medio ambiente - PIMA Tierra (renovación flota tractores) Single 58 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Energy consumption; Transport Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 2014 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml El PIMA Tierra se encuentra regulado mediante el Real Decreto 147/2014 que establece la normativa para la concesión de las ayudas directas para el achatarramiento de tractores con más de 15 años y su sustitución por otros nuevos que cumplan los requisitos exigidos, en materia de emisiones contaminantes, por la Directiva 2000/25/CE, del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 22 de mayo de 2000, relativa a las medidas que deben adoptarse contra las emisiones de gases contaminantes y de partículas contaminantes procedentes de motores destinados a propulsar tractores agrícolas o forestales. El importe inicial para el Plan PIMA TIERRA 2014 fue de 5.000.000 de euros. Se podrá achatarrar más de un tractor y se deberá adquirir un único tractor que cumpla con las exigencias anteriormente descritas 2014 Nº de tractores nuevos Número de tractores Nº de tractores clase A Número de tractores Nº de tractores clase B Número de tractores Página web del PIMA Tierra http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/agricultura/temas/medios-de-produccion/maquinaria-agricola/ayudas/plan-pima-tierra/ Expired 2014 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_59 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 Conducción eficiente de tractores Single 59 Single PaM Education Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Transport Transport: Improved behaviour; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Improved behaviour,Transport: Demand management/reduction 0.45 Government Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Cursos de formación para fomentar la reducción de emisiones derivadas de la conducción de tractores 2020 Nº de alumnos alumnos Página web del Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente con información sobre los cursos 0.04 0.41 http://www.magrama.gob.es/es/agricultura/formacion/cursos-uso-eficiente.aspx Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Se realizan los cálculos sobre CO2 evitado en línea con lo establecido en la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_60 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Rural (PNDR) 2014-2020 Single 60 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas 2015 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Se trata de la puesta en marcha por la Administración General de Estado de una serie de medidas en el ámbito de sus competencias, de carácter suprautonómico o de las que se declaren de interés general, como aplicación del Reglamento 1305/2013 FEADER. No se consideran, por tanto, las medidas de mitigación que incluyan los Programas de Desarrollo Rural elaborados por las Comunidades Autónomas. En el caso del PNDR se refiere a la medida 8 (M8.3 prevención y M8.4 restauración tras grandes incendios) y a la submedida M15.2 (conservación de recursos genéticos forestales) Por el momento se ha logrado cuantificar un objetivo para la prevención de incendios forestales y su restauración de 4000 has. Dicho objetivo se pretende alcanzar en 2023 (regla n+3) 2020 Número de hectáreas en las que se intervendrá con el objetivo principal de prevenir los incendios forestales y su restauración hectáreas En el PNDR no se incluyen medidas del ámbito puramente agrícola, que se incluyen en los Programas de Desarrollo Rural de las Comunidades Autónomas. Se han considerado sólo las medidas forestales (de prevención y restauración de incendios, y conservación de recursos genéticos forestales) Programa Nacional de Desarrollo Rural http://www.magrama.gob.es/es/desarrollo-rural/participacion-publica/PNDR__versi%C3%B3n_inicial_tcm7-339145.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Spain_61 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam61 Programas de Desarrollo Rural por Comunidades Autónomas 2014-2020 Single 61 Single PaM Economic, Planning Implemented No information Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils; Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances; Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils,Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Increasing the harvested wood products pool,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances,Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, N2O, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Las regiones (CCCAA) seleccionan, en función de sus características intrínsecas, aquellas medidas de mitigación en los sectores agrícola y forestal que más se ajustan a sus necesidades. Dichos programas de desarrollo rural se aprobaron por parte de la Comisión Europea en 2015, y están actualmente en fase de ejecución. Los objetivos de los PDR son variados y diversos en función de sus estrategias. Se deben consultar por separado. 2020 Los PDR siguen el sistema común de seguimiento y evaluación definido por la Comisión Europea con bastante complejidad. Consultar por separado. Información sobre los Programas autonómicos 2014-2020 http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/desarrollo-rural/temas/programas-ue/periodo-2014-2020/programas-de-desarrollo-rural/programas-autonomicos/ Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Spain_62 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam62 Restauración de la cubierta forestal y ampliación de la superficie arbolada Single 62 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Regional Regional: Comunidades Autónomas 1990 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Realización de forestaciones y reforestaciones bajo diversos programas Superficie repoblada Ha Implemented 1990 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Spain_63 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam63 Gestión forestal sostenible Single 63 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management; Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management,Land use, land use change and forestry: Strengthening protection against natural disturbances Regional Regional: Comunidades Autónomas 1990 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Gestión forestal sostenible en sentido amplio, incluyendo ordenaciones, tratamientos selvícolas, prevención y extinción de incendios, defensa del monte, ordenación cinegética etc. Esta gestión permite la conservación de carbono en los bosques existentes y la mejora de su producción junto con el incremento de las reservas de carbono por productos de madera Implemented 1990 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Spain_64 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam64 Plan de Impulso al Medio Ambiente para el fomento de la rehabilitación energética de instalaciones hoteleras- PIMA Sol Single 64 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml El Plan PIMA SOL establece el procedimiento de adquisición, por parte del fondo español de carbono (FES-CO2), de las reducciones de emisiones de CO2 directas, que logren las instalaciones hoteleras por inversiones en rehabilitación energética. Los hoteles que se adscriban al Plan deben alcanzar la letra B o subir dos letras la certificación energética de sus instalaciones. 2014 t CO2 reducidas t CO2 Página web con información sobre el Plan PIMA Sol http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/planes-y-estrategias/pima-sol.aspx Expired 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Spain_65 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam65 Registro de huella de carbono, compensación y proyectos de absorción de CO2 (Real Decreto 163/2014) Single 65 Single PaM Information, Voluntary Implemented LULUCF Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 2.05 Government Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 2014 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC CO2, CH4, N2O, PFC, HFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Mediante la creación de un Registro a nivel nacional, se busca fomentar el cálculo de huella de carbono por las organizaciones españolas, incidiendo en su reducción. De igual manera se fomenta el incremento de la capacidad sumidero de España mediante la posibilidad de que las organizaciones compensen su huella con absorciones que han tenido lugar en España y que a su vez están inscritas en el Registro. Emisiones inscritas (alcance 1+2) MtCO2e Absorciones de proyectos de absorción inscritos ese año durante todo su periodo de permanencia tCO2e Únicamente se incluye una estimación de las absorciones que generarán los proyectos de absorción, ya que se considera que las reducciones de las huellas de carbono pueden estar incluidas también en otras medidas analizadas. 1.Informe anual registro 2015 / 2.Página web Registro http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/informeanual2015_tcm7-417731.pdf/ http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/registro.aspx Únicamente se incluye una estimación de las absorciones que generarán los proyectos de absorción, ya que se considera que las reducciones de las huellas de carbono pueden estar incluidas también en otras medidas analizadas. Las estimaciones se basan en cálculos ex ante de las absorciones de las distintas especies forestales españolas. Para ello es necesario contar con la especie, el número de ejemplares al final del periodo y el periodo de permanencia. Más información de detalle en la guía y calculadora del enlace. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/proyectos-absorcion-co2.aspx#para2 Únicamente se incluye una estimación de las absorciones que generarán los proyectos de absorción, ya que se considera que las reducciones de las huellas de carbono pueden estar incluidas también en otras medidas analizadas. Las estimaciones se basan en cálculos ex ante de las absorciones de las distintas especies forestales españolas. Para ello es necesario contar con la especie, el número de ejemplares al final del periodo y el periodo de permanencia. Más información de detalle en la guía y calculadora del enlace. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/proyectos-absorcion-co2.aspx#para2 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC
Spain_66 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam66 Proyectos clima: compra de reducciones verificadas de emisiones Single 66 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 1995 2070 Government Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 2012 Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Mediante convocatorias anuales se busca fomentar las reducciones de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en los sectores difusos, a través de la compra de reducciones verificadas de proyectos puestos en marcha en territorio nacional. Estas reducciones son adquiridas por el Fondo Español para una Economía Sostenible FES-CO2. Reducciones contratadas (tCO2) t CO2 El indicador detalla las reducciones que el Fondo de carbono para una economía sostenible (FES-CO2) ha contratado con distintos promotores de proyectos y que comprará cuando se verifiquen dichas reducciones. La estimación de reducciones de la tabla 2, presupone una convocatoria anual hasta el 2020 con igual éxito que la media de las convocatorias anteriores excluyendo la convocatoria piloto de 2012. Página web de los proyectos clima 1995 2070 2070 2070 http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/proyectos-clima/default.aspx Las reducciones esperadas son estimadas por los promotores de los proyectos en base a las metodologías aprobadas por el Consejo Rector del Fondo de Carbono para una Economía Sostenible y publicadas en la página web. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/fondo-carbono/metodologias.aspx La estimación de reducciones, presupone una convocatoria anual hasta el 2020 con igual éxito que la media de las convocatorias anteriores excluyendo la convocatoria piloto de 2012. Las reducciones esperadas son estimadas por los promotores de los proyectos en base a las metodologías aprobadas por el Consejo Rector del Fondo de Carbono para una Economía Sostenible y publicadas en la página web. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/fondo-carbono/metodologias.aspx La estimación de reducciones, presupone una convocatoria anual hasta el 2020 con igual éxito que la media de las convocatorias anteriores excluyendo la convocatoria piloto de 2012. Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_67 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam67 Implementación del régimen europeo de comercio de derechos de emisión Single 67 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented No information Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Efficiency improvement in the energy and transformation sector,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Government Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, N2O, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml El Régimen Europeo de Comercio de derechos de emisión es un instrumento de mercado de escala europea que tiene por objetivo lograr la reducción de las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de los sectores energético e industrial. El objetivo medioambiental del régimen viene determinado a través del techo de asignación, que constituye el número máximo de derechos de emisión que se ponen en circulación y, por tanto, limita la cantidad máxima de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero de los sectores regulados a la atmósfera. En la 3ª Fase del régimen se ha definido el techo de asignación para el año 2013 contemplándose una reducción lineal del 1,74% anual que permite alcanzar el objetivo de reducción del 21% respecto a los niveles de 2005 en 2020. Objetivo a nivel europeo de reducción de las emisiones de los sectores regulados por este régimen en un 21% a 2020 y en un 43% en 2030 respecto a los niveles de 2005 Emisiones verificadas totales de los sectores sujetos al régimen europeo de comercio de derechos de emisión (tCO2) t CO2 Informes de aplicación de la Ley 1/2005 - Por sectores de actividad http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/comercio-de-derechos-de-emision/el-comercio-de-derechos-de-emision-en-espana/evaluacion-y-cumplimiento/ Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Spain_68 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam68 Fomento de los planes de movilidad urbana: Ley de Presupuestos 2014. Single 68 Single PaM Economic Implemented No information Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Government Government: Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Se introduce la obligación, para las entidades locales de más de 50000 habitantes, de que tengan aprobado un plan de movilidad, de cara a recibir subvenciones de los Presupuestos Generales del Estado para financiación del transporte colectivo de viajeros (Ayuda a la implementación de otras medidas de trasvase modal) Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_69 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam69 Fomento transporte colectivo de los empleados: Real Decreto-ley 6/2010, de 9 de abril, de medidas para el impulso de la recuperación económica y el empleo. - Vale transporte Single 69 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport 9 20 Government Government: Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública 2010 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml El Real Decreto Ley establece una desgravación del Impuesto de la Renta de Personas Físicas por pagos a trabajadores para uso de medios de transporte colectivo. Se denomina Vale transporte Trabajadores acogidos a la desgravación Numero de trabajadores No existe objetivos cuantificados (manteniendo el ritmo actual es probable que en 2020 pudiera haber 100000 trabajadores). Se estima que el 10% se trasvase del coche privado al transporte público Real Decreto-ley 6/2010, de 9 de abril, de medidas para el impulso de la recuperación económica y el empleo. 9 14 14 20 http://www.boe.es/boe/dias/2010/04/13/pdfs/BOE-A-2010-5879.pdf Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Spain_70 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam70 Impuesto de matriculación: Ley 34/2007, de 15 de noviembre, de calidad del aire y protección de la atmósfera Single 70 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented No information Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública 2008 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Establece que el impuesto se grave en función del nivel de emisiones de CO2 de los vehículos. Se trabaja actualmente para actualizarlo conforme a los niveles actuales de emisiones de CO2 de los vehículos nuevos. Vehículos matriculados vehículos Implemented 2008 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Spain_71 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam71 Programas operativos de las Comunidades Autónomas Single 71 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 461 461 Regional Regional: Comunidades Autónomas 2014 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Fondos Europeo de Desarrollo Regional 2014-2020 (FEDER) CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Los trabajos de programación de la Política de Cohesión 2014-2020 contemplan la elaboración de distintos documentos estratégicos entre los que se encuentran los Programas operativos regionales. En estos se incluyen medidas de mitigación del cambio climático, especialmente en el Objetivo temático 4 "Favorecer el paso a una economía baja en carbono en todos los sectores" Programas operativos regionales 206 255 206 255 461 206 255 http://www.dgfc.sepg.minhafp.gob.es/sitios/dgfc/es-ES/ipr/fcp1420/p/PORegionales/Paginas/inicio.aspx Para estimar la mitigación se analizan los distintos programas operativos, identificando las medidas que reducen emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y las aportaciones económicas con las que finalmente contarán. En función de la medida se aplican distintos coeficientes de mitigación. Estos se pueden encontrar en los Anexos de la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Para estimar la mitigación se analizan los distintos programas operativos, identificando las medidas que reducen emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y las aportaciones económicas con las que finalmente contarán. En función de la medida se aplican distintos coeficientes de mitigación. Estos se pueden encontrar en los Anexos de la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_72 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam72 Programa operativo de crecimiento sostenible 2014-2020 Single 72 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 1020 1020 Government Government: Ministerio de Hacienda y Función Pública 2015 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional 2014 -2020 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml El Programa operativo de crecimiento sostenible fue aprobado en julio de 2015 y se enmarca dentro de los Programas operativos pluriregionales del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). De los cuatro ejes prioritarios que lo integran, destacan las medidas a desarrollar en Economía baja en Carbono, Desarrollo urbano integrado y sostenible y Transporte sostenible. Programa operativo de crecimiento sostenible 2014-2020 385 635 385 635 1020 385 635 http://www.dgfc.sepg.minhafp.gob.es/sitios/dgfc/es-ES/ipr/fcp1420/p/Prog_Op_Plurirregionales/Documents/PO_CrecimientoSostenible_FEDER_2014-2020.pdf Para estimar la mitigación se analizan los distintos programas operativos, identificando las medidas que reducen emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y las aportaciones económicas con las que finalmente contarán. En función de la medida se aplican distintos coeficientes de mitigación. Estos se pueden encontrar en los Anexos de la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Para estimar la mitigación se analizan los distintos programas operativos, identificando las medidas que reducen emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y las aportaciones económicas con las que finalmente contarán. En función de la medida se aplican distintos coeficientes de mitigación. Estos se pueden encontrar en los Anexos de la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_73 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam73 Programa operativo marítimo y de la pesca Single 73 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 129 129 Government Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 2014 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Fondo Europeo Marítimo y de Pesca (FEMP); (Reglamento (UE) nº 508/2014 del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo de 15 de mayo de 2014 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml El programa español cofinanciado por el Fondo Europeo Marítimo y de la Pesca (FEMP) para el período 2014-2020 incorpora 6 prioridades y 17 objetivos específicos. Algunas de las medidas contempladas en él tienen un impacto en la reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero. Página web del Programa operativo marítimo y de la pesca 58 71 58 71 129 58 71 http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/pesca/temas/fondos-europeos/femp/ Para estimar la mitigación se analizan los distintos programas operativos, identificando las medidas que reducen emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y las aportaciones económicas con las que finalmente contarán. En función de la medida se aplican distintos coeficientes de mitigación. Estos se pueden encontrar en los Anexos de la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Para estimar la mitigación se analizan los distintos programas operativos, identificando las medidas que reducen emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y las aportaciones económicas con las que finalmente contarán. En función de la medida se aplican distintos coeficientes de mitigación. Estos se pueden encontrar en los Anexos de la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Spain_74 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam74 Ley 15/2013, Prevención y Control Integrados de la Contaminación Single 74 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Industrial processes Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Government, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas 2003 Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC) CO2, N2O, CH4, PFC, HFC, NF3, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Define la autorización ambiental integrada que fija condiciones para todos los aspectos ambientales de una actividad industrial Implemented 2003 With existing measures Yes Industrial emissions Directive 2010/75/EU (Recast of IPPC Directive 2008/1/EC and Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC)
Spain_78 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam78 Iniciativa 4 por mil para el aumento del carbono orgánico del suelo y la seguridad alimentaria Single 78 Single PaM Planning Planned No information Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Incremento del carbono orgánico del suelo') Government Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 2017 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Se trata de una iniciativa lanzada en la COP21, en el marco de la “Agenda de Acción Lima-París”, a la que España se adhirió el 1 de diciembre de 2015. El objetivo de la iniciativa es aumentar el contenido de carbono orgánico de los suelos de manera que éstos se conviertan en sumideros de carbono, mitiguen el cambio climático, mejoren su resiliencia y por tanto la adaptación a los escenarios futuros de cambio climático. Nota “Iniciativas internacionales en relación con cambio climático y agricultura en las que España participa, GRA, GACSA y 4por1000” http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/gra_gacsa_4por1000_tcm7-444571.pdf Planned 2017 With additional measuses No No information
Spain_75 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam75 Plan de Impulso al Medio Ambiente Planes PIMA - Aire (I, II, III y IV) Single 75 Single PaM Economic Expired No information Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente 2013 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Ayudas destinadas a la renovación del parque de vehículos comerciales por modelos más eficientes. Se han convocado varias ediciones, incorporando progresivamente al parque de motos y bicicletas de pedaleo asistido y vehículos propulsados por combustibles gaseosos (GNL, GNC y GLP). 2015 Vehículos totales acogidos a este Plan vehículos El conjunto de los planes PIMA han financiado aproximadamente la renovación de unos 35000 vehículos, 2000 bicicletas eléctricas y 100 camiones de gas. Real Decreto 989/2014, de 28 de noviembre, por el que se regula la concesión directa de ayudas del Plan de Impulso al Medio Ambiente "PIMA Aire 4" para la adquisición de vehículos comerciales, vehículos de gas y bicicletas de pedaleo asistido por motor eléctrico https://www.boe.es/buscar/doc.php?id=BOE-A-2014-12413 Expired 2013 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Spain_76 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam76 Estrategia para el apoyo a la producción ecológica Single 76 Single PaM Planning Implemented No information Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas 2014 Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Da continuidad al anterior Plan Estratégico para la producción ecológica (2007-2010). Actualmente la producción ecológica puede considerarse un sector prioritario dentro de las políticas agrarias por lo que toma en consideración especial la puesta en práctica de cualquier medida de fomento que pueda contribuir a su desarrollo. Corresponde al Ministerio la coordinación de autoridades competentes y autoridades de control, la representación internacional, y la autorización de importaciones de países terceros que no puedan acogerse al régimen de equivalencia. De las comunidades autónomas dependen las autoridades competentes y las entidades encargadas de control. 2020 Superficie producción de agricultura ecológica Ha Página web de agricultura ecológica del Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente; Estrategia para el apoyo a la agricultura ecológica http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/alimentacion/temas/la-agricultura-ecologica/ http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/alimentacion/temas/la-agricultura-ecologica/Estrategia_Apoyo_Producci%C3%B3n_Ecol%C3%B3gica_tcm7-319074.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Spain_77 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam77 Planes de impulso al medio ambiente (PIMA) Group 77 4,12,58,64,75 Economic See individual PaMs ESD Energy consumption; Transport; Waste management/waste Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 500 Government, Regional Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Regional: Comunidades Autónomas,Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente,Government: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente See individual PaMs Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC;Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU;Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CH4, N2O, CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Los planes desarrollados bajo este marco buscan incentivar la reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero en distintos sectores, a través de ayudas económicas o a la compra de las reducciones verificadas por el Fondo de carbono para una economía sostenible (FES-CO2). Ha habido 5 Planes en el ámbito de la mitigación y uno en adaptación. Los sectores objetivo han sido la gestión de residuos, el sector transporte y el sector hotelero. Se está trabajando en la puesta en marcha de nuevos planes o en la continuidad de los existentes. See individual PaMs Página web de los Planes de Impulso al Medio Abiente 500 http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/planes-y-estrategias/PIMAS.aspx Se agrega la información de emisiones evitadas. En el caso de las reducciones compradas por el Fondo de Carbono para una Economía Sostenible, la estimación se realiza a través de las metodologías aprobadas por el Consejo Rector del Fondo y publicadas en la página web. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/fondo-carbono/metodologias.aspx En el resto de casos se utiliza la información contenida en los Anexos de la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf Se agrega la información de emisiones evitadas. En el caso de las reducciones compradas por el Fondo de Carbono para una Economía Sostenible, la estimación se realiza a través de las metodologías aprobadas por el Consejo Rector del Fondo y publicadas en la página web. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/fondo-carbono/metodologias.aspx En el resto de casos se utiliza la información contenida en los Anexos de la Hoja de ruta de los sectores difusos a 2020. http://www.mapama.gob.es/es/cambio-climatico/temas/mitigacion-politicas-y-medidas/HojaRuta2020_Fichas_tcm7-358623.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Effort Sharing Decision 406/2009/EC; Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU; Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Spain_34 Spain 2910 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Acreditación de huella de carbono en los aeropuertos Single 34 Single PaM Other Implemented No information Transport Transport: Other transport Transport: Other transport ('Demostrar evidencias de la implantación de acciones dirigidas y definición de objetivos específicos para la reducción del consumo energético y emisiones de GEI (huella de carbono).') Government Government: AENA (Ministerio de Fomento) 2011 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/es/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwakraq/MMR_PAMs_ES_2017-v4.xml Obtención y renovación de la acreditación de carbono en varios aeropuertos (Airport Carbon Accreditation). 2030 Verificación externa de las actuaciones por una tercera parte independiente, según los requisitos del programa ACA. Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_11 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 Programme for increased supply of electricity from renewables, 1990-2002 Single 11 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 1998 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in Sweden's 3rd National Communication (web link http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/swenc3.pdf) 2002 Expired 1998 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_19 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Programme for reduced electricity use Single 19 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 1998 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in Sweden's 3rd National Communication (web link http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/swenc3.pdf) 2002 Expired 1998 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_6 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Climate Information Campaign Single 6 Single PaM Information Expired EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Swedish EPA 2002 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2011 In accordance with article 3.2 under Council Decision No 280/2004/EC on a Mechanism for Monitoring Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions and for Implementing the Kyoto Protocol 2003 Expired 2002 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_1 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Local Investment Programme (LIP) Single 1 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 1000 Government Government: Swedish EPA 1998 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2011 In accordance with article 3.2 under Council Decision No 280/2004/EC on a Mechanism for Monitoring Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions and for Implementing the Kyoto Protocol and in Sweden's 5th National Communication (web link http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/swe_nc5.pdf). 2008 Please refer to Sweden's 5th National Communication. Please note that the assessment of emissions reductions was made in 2008 with other assumptions in the projections than the reported projections in 2013. http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/swe_nc5.pdf Expired 1998 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_2 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Climate Investment Programme (KLIMP) Single 2 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 1000 Government Government: Swedish EPA 2003 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2011 In accordance with article 3.2 under and in Sweden's 5th National Communication (web link http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/swe_nc5.pdf). 2008 1000 Please refer to Sweden's 5th National Communication. Please note that the assessment of emissions reductions was made in 2008 with other assumptions in the projections than the reported projections in 2013. http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/swe_nc5.pdf Expired 2003 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_17 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 Investment support for conversion from oilheating Single 17 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: National Board of Housing, Building and Planning 2005 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2011 In accordance with article 3.2 under Council Decision No 280/2004/EC on a Mechanism for Monitoring Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions and for Implementing the Kyoto Protocol 2008 Expired 2005 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_39 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Implementation of the automotive industry's commitment on lower carbon dioxide emissions from new cars Single 39 Single PaM Voluntary Expired ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: National Road Administration 1998 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM included in Sweden's 4th National Communication (web link http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/swenc4.pdf) 2008 Expired 1998 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_8 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Energy tax Single 8 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: National Tax board 1957 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 1957 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Sweden_35 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Green car rebate Single 35 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Swedish Transport Agency 2007 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2013 In accordance with article 3.2 under Council Decision No 280/2004/EC on a Mechanism for Monitoring Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions and for Implementing the Kyoto Protocol 2009 Expired 2007 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_4 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Delegation for sustainable cities Single 4 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: National Board of Housing, Building and Planning 2009 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2013 In accordance with article 3.2 under Council Decision No 280/2004/EC on a Mechanism for Monitoring Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions and for Implementing the Kyoto Protocol and in Sweden's 6th National Communication (web link http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/application/pdf/swe_nc6_resubmission.pdf). 2010 Expired 2009 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_18 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Investment support for conversion from direct-acting electric heating Single 18 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: National Board of Housing, Building and Planning 2006 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2011 In accordance with article 3.2 under Council Decision No 280/2004/EC on a Mechanism for Monitoring Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions and for Implementing the Kyoto Protocol 2010 Expired 2006 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_10 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 EU Emissions trading scheme Single 10 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Government Government: Swedish EPA,Government: Swedish Energy Agency 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2, N2O, PFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
Sweden_12 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Electricity certificate system Single 12 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 2003 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2003 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Sweden_25 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Support to small and medium-sized enterprises for energy surveys Single 25 Single PaM Information Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf 2014 Expired 2010 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_47 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 Advice and training Forest Kingdom Initiative Single 47 Single PaM Education, Information Expired LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: Swedish Forest Agency 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2015 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2015.pdf 2015 Expired 2012 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_26 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Programme for Energy efficiency in energy-intensive industry (PFE) Single 26 Single PaM Economic, Voluntary Expired EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2015 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2015.pdf 2017 Expired 2004 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_58 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 Urban Environment Agreements Single 58 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Improved behaviour Government Government: Swedish Transport Agency 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf 2018 Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_57 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 Coaches for energy and climate for small and medium sized enterprises Single 57 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf 2019 Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_13 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Grants for wind power Single 13 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 2003 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Electricity production from renewable energy sources (Directive 2001/77/EC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2011 In accordance with article 3.2 under Council Decision No 280/2004/EC on a Mechanism for Monitoring Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions and for Implementing the Kyoto Protocol 2012 Expired 2003 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Sweden_52 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 Local climate investment program Single 52 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy 1400 1400 Government Government: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency 2015 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf 2020 1400 1400 1400 1400 Please refer to The Swedish EPA website describing the results of the Local Climate Investment Program and the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC http://www.naturvardsverket.se/Stod-i-miljoarbetet/Bidrag/Klimatklivet/Resultat-for-Klimatklivet/; http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_14 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Initiatives for wind power Single 14 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC Electricity production from renewable energy sources (Directive 2001/77/EC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Sweden_3 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 The Environmental Code Single 3 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Swedish EPA 1999 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 1999 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_5 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Research and Development Single 5 Single PaM Research Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: Swedish Enery Agency 1990 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 1990 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_7 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Climate change communication Single 7 Single PaM Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government, Local, Regional Government: Swedish EPA,Government: Swedish Meterological and Hydorological Institute,Government: Swedish Energy Agency,Regional: Regional energy offices,Local: Municipalities 2002 No No information CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, SF6, NF3 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdfy Implemented 2002 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_15 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Support for solar power Single 15 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 2009 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC Electricity production from renewable energy sources (Directive 2001/77/EC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Sweden_9 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Carbon dioxide tax Single 9 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Cross-cutting Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy Government Government: National tax board 1991 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 1991 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_16 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Building regulations Single 16 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: National Board of Housing, Building and Planning 1960 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 1960 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Sweden_21 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Mandatory energy labelling Single 21 Single PaM Information Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 1995 Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures Energy-efficiency labelling for office equipment (Reg No. 2422/2001) and recast (Regulation No. 106/2008) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2015 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2015.pdf Implemented 1995 With existing measures Yes Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
Sweden_22 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 Energy declarations Single 22 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: National Board of Housing, Building and Planning 2009 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
Sweden_23 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 F-gas regulation including mobile air conditioners directive Single 23 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 700 Government Government: Swedish EPA 2007 Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC;Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC;F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf 700 Please refer to Sweden's 6th National Communication. Please note that the assessment of emissions reductions was made in 2013 with other assumptions in the projections than the reported projections in 2015. http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/application/pdf/swe_nc6_resubmission.pdf Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC; Motor Vehicles Directive 2006/40/EC; F-gas Regulation 517/2014
Sweden_27 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 EU Requriements on new vehicles CO2 emissions Single 27 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 1300 Government Government: Swedish Transport administration 2009 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf 1300 Please refer to Sweden's 5th National Communication. Please note that the assessment of emissions reductions was made in 2008 with other assumptions in the projections than the reported projections in 2013. http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/swe_nc5.pdf Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Sweden_20 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Support for market introduction and technology procurement Single 20 Single PaM Economic, Other Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 1998 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 1998 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_28 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Vehicle fuel taxes Single 28 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Demand management/reduction,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 2000 Government Government: Swedish tax Agency 1957 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Policy implemented in 1957 and in 1991 2000 Please refer to Sweden's 6th National Communication. Please note that the assessment of emissions reductions was made in 2013 with other assumptions in the projections than the reported projections in 2015. http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/application/pdf/swe_nc6_resubmission.pdf Implemented 1957 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
Sweden_31 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Tax reduction for biofuels Single 31 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Swedish tax Agency 2004 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2004 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Sweden_32 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Requirements of renewable fuels at filling stations Single 32 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Swedish Transport Agency 2006 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Sweden_24 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Increased CO2 tax for industry outside the EU ETS and introduction of energy tax on fossil fuels for heating in industry Single 24 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 400 Government Government: Swedish Tax Agency 2011 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf 400 Please refer to Sweden's 6th National Communication. Please note that the assessment of emissions reductions was made in 2013 with other assumptions in the projections than the reported projections in 2015. http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/application/pdf/swe_nc6_resubmission.pdf Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_33 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Support for renewable fuels supply Single 33 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Government Government: Swedish EPA 2006 Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2013 In accordance with article 3.2 under Council Decision No 280/2004/EC on a Mechanism for Monitoring Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions and for Implementing the Kyoto Protocol 2009 Expired 2006 With existing measures Yes Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Sweden_34 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Differentiated vehicle tax Single 34 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Government Government: Swedish Tax Agency 2006 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2006 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
Sweden_29 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Raised energy tax on diesel and petrol Single 29 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Swedish tax Agency 2011 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Policy implemented in 2011 and in 2013 and in 2016 Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_30 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Taxation of fuel use received as benefit (1997 amendment) Single 30 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Swedish tax Agency 1997 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 1997 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_40 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 Targeted environmental grants under rural development programme Single 40 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government Government: Swedish Board of Agriculture 2007 Yes CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009 N2O, CH4, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2013 In accordance with article 3.2 under Council Decision No 280/2004/EC on a Mechanism for Monitoring Community Greenhouse Gas Emissions and for Implementing the Kyoto Protocol 2013 Expired 2007 With existing measures Yes CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009
Sweden_41 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 The Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 Single 41 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture; Energy consumption; Energy supply Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Swedish Board of Agriculture 2014 Yes CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) N2O, CH4, CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf 2020 Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Sweden_42 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Programme of measures to reduce losses of crop nutrients Single 42 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Agriculture Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management Government Government: Swedish Board of Agriculture 1988 Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM which is included in Sweden's 4th National Communication (web link http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/swenc4.pdf) Implemented 1988 With existing measures Yes Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
Sweden_36 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Super-green car rebate Single 36 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Swedish Transport Agency 2012 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2012 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_37 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Tax exemption for environmental friendly vehicles Single 37 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Swedish Tax Agency 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2010 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_38 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Lower benefit value on cars with advanced environmental technology Single 38 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Swedish Tax Agency 1990 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf The start for implementation is not certain. Implemented 1990 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_49 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 Carbon dioxide tax and others Group 49 9,8,10,12 Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD, EU ETS Cross-cutting; Energy consumption; Energy supply; Industrial processes Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies Cross-cutting: Multi-sectoral policy,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies 16000 15000 Government Government: National tax board,Government: National Tax board,Government: Swedish EPA,Government: Swedish Energy Agency,Government: Swedish Energy Agency See individual PaMs Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC;EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2, N2O, PFC See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml These PAMs have been evaluated as a group of PAMs See individual PaMs Please refer to Sweden's 6th National Communication. Please note that the assessment of emissions reductions was made in 2013 with other assumptions in the projections than the reported projections in 2015. http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/application/pdf/swe_nc6_resubmission.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC; EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU; RES directive 2009/28/EC
Sweden_43 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Changes in energy and CO2 taxation for fuels used in the land based industries Single 43 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 200 Government Government: National Tax Agency 2011 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf 200 Please refer to Sweden's 5th National Communication. Please note that the assessment of emissions reductions was made in 2008 with other assumptions in the projections than the reported projections in 2013. http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/swe_nc5.pdf Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_44 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Forestry Act and the Environmental Code - Provisions on forestry methods Single 44 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests Government Government: Swedish Forest Agency 1993 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 1993 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_45 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Provisions on drainage in the Environmental code Single 45 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of drainage or rewetting of wetlands Government Government: Swedish Forestry Agency 1998 No No information CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 1998 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_46 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 Provisions on nature reserves and habitat protection in the Environmental Code and nature conservation agreements Single 46 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Conservation of carbon in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Government Government: Swedish Forest Agency 1998 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 1998 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_48 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Single 48 Single PaM Regulatory Expired ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling 1900 Other Other: - 1991 No No information CH4 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml 1900 Please refer to Sweden's 6th National Communication. Please note that the assessment of emissions reductions was made in 2013 with other assumptions in the projections than the reported projections in 2015. http://unfccc.int/files/national_reports/annex_i_natcom/submitted_natcom/application/pdf/swe_nc6_resubmission.pdf Expired 1991 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
Sweden_50 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 Tax reduction for biofuels and others Group 50 31,32,33 Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory See individual PaMs ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 1800 Government Government: Swedish tax Agency,Government: Swedish Transport Agency,Government: Swedish EPA See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml These PAMs have been evaluated as a group See individual PaMs 1800 Please refer to Sweden's 5th National Communication and Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2011 http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/swe_nc5.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Biofuels directive 2003/30/EC
Sweden_51 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 EU requirements on light duty vehicles CO2 emissions and others Group 51 27,35,37,39 Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory, Voluntary See individual PaMs ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Demand management/reduction Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Demand management/reduction Government Government: Swedish Transport administration,Government: Swedish Transport Agency,Government: Swedish Tax Agency,Government: National Road Administration See individual PaMs Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml These PAMs have evaluated as a group See individual PaMs 1300 Please refer to Sweden's 5th National Communication. http://unfccc.int/resource/docs/natc/swe_nc5.pdf See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
Sweden_53 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 Tax relief for micro production of renewable energy Single 53 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Swedish Tax Agency 2015 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Electricity production from renewable energy sources Directive 2001/77/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
Sweden_54 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 Support for renovation and energy efficiency of rental apartments Single 54 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: National Board of Housing, Building and Planning,Government: County Administrative Boards 2016 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf 2020 Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Sweden_55 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 Training programs in building for low energy consumption Single 55 Single PaM Education Implemented ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 2016 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Sweden_56 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 Energy surveys for large enterprises Single 56 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
Sweden_59 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 Electrical bus premium Single 59 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Other transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Other transport ('Reduced climate impact, clean air, good built environment') Government Government: Swedish Energy Agency 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_60 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 Support for biogas production Single 60 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture; Energy supply Agriculture: Other agriculture; Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Reduce methane emissions from manure'),Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government Government: Swedish Board of Agriculture 2015 No No information CO2, CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_61 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam61 Rural Network Single 61 Single PaM Information Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture Agriculture: Other agriculture ('Reinforce implementation of the Rural Development Program, the Ocean and Fishery Program, and the Program for local leadership development in the Social fund and Regional fund.') Government Government: Swedish Board of Agriculture 2007 Yes CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009;CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes CAP “Health Check” 2008 and the “Set aside” regulation 73/2009; CAP Reform 2013 regulations: Rural Development (1305/2013), 'Horizontal' issues (1306/2013), Direct payments (1307/2013) and Market measures (1308/2013)
Sweden_62 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam62 Advice and training to forest owners Single 62 Single PaM Information Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhancing production in existing forests,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: Swedish Forest Agency 1950 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the report Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017 In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC Web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/report-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Advice and training to forest owners has been carried out since 1905, but the web tool requiers a year between 1950 and 2040, therefore we have reported 1950. Implemented 1950 With existing measures No No information
Sweden_63 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam63 Landfill tax Single 63 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: National Tax board 2000 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the "Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017" In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC. The report has been submitted to the EU Commission in the Eionet Central Data Repository on March 15 2017. The report can also be viewed at the web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslappreport-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 2000 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Sweden_64 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam64 Ban on landfilling combustible and organic materials and methane collection Single 64 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved wastewater management systems Government Government: Swedish EPA 2002 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the "Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017" In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC. The report has been submitted to the EU Commission in the Eionet Central Data Repository on March 15 2017. The report can also be viewed at the web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslappreport-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf The ban on landfilling and collection of methane gas is regulated in the Swedish Ordinance on the landfill of waste. The ban on combustible materials was introduced in 2002 the ban on organic material was introduced in 2005. Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Sweden_65 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam65 Extended producer responsibility Single 65 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling Government Government: Swedish EPA 1994 Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the "Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017" In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC. The report has been submitted to the EU Commission in the Eionet Central Data Repository on March 15 2017. The report can also be viewed at the web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslappreport-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 1994 With existing measures Yes Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC
Sweden_66 Sweden 1877 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam66 Municipal waste planning requirement Single 66 Single PaM Planning, Regulatory Implemented No information Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies Government Government: Swedish EPA 1991 No No information CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/se/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwmmncw/SE_MMR_PAM_20170315.xml Please refer to the description of this PAM in the "Report for Sweden on assessment of projected progress, March 2017" In accordance with articles 13 and 14 under Regulation (EU) No 525/2013 of the European parliament and of the Council Decision a mechanism for monitoring and reporting green-house gas emissions and for reporting other information at national and Union level relevant to climate change and re-pealing Decision No 280/2004/EC. The report has been submitted to the EU Commission in the Eionet Central Data Repository on March 15 2017. The report can also be viewed at the web link: http://www.naturvardsverket.se/upload/miljoarbete-i-samhallet/uppdelat-efter-omrade/klimat/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslapp/prognoser-for-Sveriges-utslappreport-sweden-assessment-projected-progress-2017.pdf Implemented 1991 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_11 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam11 EEC1 (energy efficiency commitment), EEC2 (2002-2008) & Baseline Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) (2008-2010) Single 11 Single PaM Regulatory Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 2968 2301 Companies, Government Companies: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem). Large domestic energy suppliers.,Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2002 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml EEC I: GB wide regulation that required all electricity and gas suppliers with 15,000 or more domestic customers to achieve a combined energy saving of 62 TWh by 2005 by incentivising their customers to install energy-efficiency measures in homes. EEC II - energy suppliers with more than 50,000 domestic customers required to deliver a total of 130 TWh lifetime energy use reductions in GB households, primarily through the promotion of energy efficiency measures. Carbon Emission Reduction Target (CERT) – GB regulation that required all domestic energy suppliers with a customer base in excess of 50,000 domestic customers to make savings in the amount of CO2 emitted by householders. 2009 Carbon Emissions Reduction Target – appliances and consumer electronics - impact assessment 2010 874 2094 415 2128 2543 70 2230 25 2230 2255 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/42587/899-ia-cert-role-appliances-consumer-electroni.pdf NA NA Expired 2002 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_7 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam7 Carbon Trust measures Single 7 Single PaM Information Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 350 0 Companies Companies: Companies acting on advice from Carbon Trust 2002 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Energy performance of buildings (Directive 2002/91/EC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The Carbon Trust provided a range of measures from general advice to in-depth consultancy and accreditation, to reduce emissions and save energy and money to businesses and public sector oganisations of all sizes. 2012 191 158 36 35 71 0 0 0 0 0 N/A N/A Expired 2002 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_8 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam8 Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Loans Single 8 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 44 0 Companies, Government Companies: Administered by the Carbon Trust.,Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The Carbon Trust provided interest free loans of £3,000 - £400,000 for small and medium sized businesses to invest in energy efficiency equipment and renewable technologies. These loans were designed so that in most cases the forecast reduction in energy costs would be similar to the total repayment amount. 2012 19 25 2 2 4 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA Expired 2004 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_13 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam13 Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) Single 13 Single PaM Regulatory Expired ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 101 64 Companies, Government Companies: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem). Larger Energy Suppliers.,Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2009 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Community Energy Saving Programme (CESP) - area based regulation that targeted households across Great Britain, in areas of low income, to improve energy efficiency standards, and reduce fuel bills. CESP was funded by an obligation on larger energy suppliers and also the larger, electricity generators. 2012 41 60 27 50 77 15 50 5 49 54 NA NA Expired 2009 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_10 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam10 Warm front Single 10 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 248 263 Companies, Government, Regional Companies: Carillion Energy Services.,Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),Regional: Devolved administrations 2000 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Warm Front installed heating and insulation measures to make homes warmer and more energy efficient for private sector households in England vulnerable to fuel poverty. The scheme offered a package of heating and insulation measures of up to £3,500 (or £6,000 where oil central heating or other alternative technologies are recommended). 2013 Amendments to the eligibility criteria for the Warm Front scheme - impact assessment 2011 -22 270 -5 255 250 8 255 4 255 259 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/42606/1442-ia-warm-front-eligibility.pdf Impact assessment https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/42606/1442-ia-warm-front-eligibility.pdf NA NA Expired 2000 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_12 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam12 Carbon Emissions Reduction Target (CERT) Uplift and Extension (2010-12) Single 12 Single PaM Regulatory Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 1673 1325 Companies, Government Companies: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem). Larger Energy Suppliers.,Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml CERT extension - increased the targets originally set under CERT by 20% and required domestic energy suppliers with a customer base in excess of 50,000 (later increased to 250,000) to make savings in the amount of CO2 emitted by householders. The extension also refocused subsidy towards insulation measures and away from electricity saving measures such as low energy lighting - and introduced a super priority group (households in receipt of certain means-tested benefits) to make energy reductions in low income and vulnerable households. 2013 315 1357 191 1260 1451 71 1254 12 1233 1245 NA NA Expired 2010 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_49 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam49 Soils For Profit Single 49 Single PaM Education Expired ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Government Government: Natural England (NE) 2009 No No information N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Provides on farm reviews and training on soils manures and nutrients. The programme closed in 2013. 2013 Not disclosed. Not disclosed. Expired 2009 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_58 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam58 Public Sector Energy Efficiency Loans Scheme – 2004-2013 Single 58 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 106 7 Companies, Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).,Companies: Administered by the Carbon Trust. 2004 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Salix provides interest free loans in England to public sector organisations for energy efficiency schemes. These loans are intended to provide the capital cost of energy efficiency retrofit work and other measures to be installed. These loans then have a payback period of five years (eight for schools) during which the repayments are met with the energy bill savings from the energy efficiency measures. Thus, once the loan has been paid off, the organisations continue to benefit from energy savings for the lifetime of these measures. This funding is then recycled once it has been returned to Salix and once again loaned out. UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy provides the most amount of funding to Salix but there is also some funding from Wales, Scotland, and Department for Education. 2013 70 36 34 26 59 3 4 0 0 0 Expired 2004 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_46 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam46 Woodfuel Implementation Plan Single 46 Single PaM Economic, Education, Information Expired LULUCF Energy supply; Land use, land use change and forestry Energy supply: Other energy supply Energy supply: Other energy supply ('Increasing biomass supply, primarily for small to medium scale heat applications.') Government Government: Forestry Comission 2011 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml An initiative to develop supply chains, including through: advocacy; provision of guidance; funding of apprenticeships; and support for harvesting/processing (machinery grants) and woodland access (infrastructure grants). The objective is to sustainably increase wood-fuel supply from existing undermanaged woodlands to enhance their productive capacity and resilience to climate change in the longer term and contribute to renewable energy production in the near-term. 2014 Expired 2011 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_9 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam9 Public Sector Energy Efficiency Loans Scheme – 2014-2015 Single 9 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector; Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector,Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 113 130 Government, Local Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),Local: Local government (Local) 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Salix provides interest free loans in England to public sector organisations for energy efficiency schemes. These loans are intended to provide the capital cost of energy efficiency retrofit work and other measures to be installed. These loans then have a payback period of five years (eight for schools) during which the repayments are met with the energy bill savings from the energy efficiency measures. Thus, once the loan has been paid off, the organisations continue to benefit from energy savings for the lifetime of these measures. This funding is then recycled once it has been returned to Salix and once again loaned out. UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy provides the most amount of funding to Salix but there is also some funding from Wales, Scotland, and Department for Education. 2015 75 38 89 68 156 54 75 14 50 64 NA NA Expired 2014 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_16 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam16 Renewable heat incentive (RHI) - Implemented Single 16 Single PaM Economic Expired EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increase in renewable energy; switch to less carbon-intensive fuels') 1960 1995 Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2011 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The RHI is designed to bridge the gap between the cost of fossil fuel heat sources and renewable heat alternatives. It offers a quarterly payment set based on the technology installed and level of heat use, for 7 years for domestic installations, and 20 years for non-domestic installations. The implemented portion of the RHI covers new deployment up to 2016, for which heat generation is anticipated to continue for 20 years. 2016 This policy leads to a slight increase in ETS emissions due to an estimated increased uptake of electric heat pumps for space heating, which use electricity generated in power stations. Note that savings under RHI are no longer split between the domestic and non-domestic sectors. Impact assessment - December 2016 312 1649 295 1729 2024 265 1730 63 520 583 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/577026/RHI_Reform_Govt_Response_Impact_Assessment_FINAL.pdf NA NA Latest scheme Statistics on deployment and heat https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/renewable-heat-incentive-statistics Expired 2011 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
United Kingdom_33 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam33 Local Sustainable Transport Fund Single 33 Single PaM Economic Expired ESD Transport Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport; Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars; Transport: Improved behaviour Transport: Modal shift to public transport or non-motorized transport,Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars,Transport: Improved behaviour 948 337 Government, Local Local: Bids submitted to Department for Transport,Government: Department for Transport 2011 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The Local Sustainable Transport Fund ran from 2011 to 2016, allocating £678.5m of capital and revenue funding (including Bikeability training) to support sustainable travel projects run by local councils including promoting public transport, encouraging uptake of cycling and walking, and raising awareness of the alternative transport modes available to commuters and residents. The LSTF funded 96 projects. All projects were required to report on 37 headline indicators. Reported outputs included: • 33,600 new or improved cycle parking spaces installed • 780km of new routes and 340 new crossings created • 88,600 people took part in led walks and cycle rides • 69,400 children had pedestrian training • 230 rail stations upgraded to improve access to the station, including for those arriving by foot, cycle and public transport • 6,600 workplaces and 3,600 schools received new services, facilities, or activities in order to encourage walking, cycling, car sharing or travel by the public • 73,000 job seekers given travel advice and support • about 409,400 people given personalised travel planning support to encourage sustainable transport use 2016 No impact assessment (as investment not regulation) but appraisal results published at following URL 2 946 2 532 534 2 336 1 107 108 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/347894/vfm-assessment-of-lstf.pdf NA NA Expired 2011 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_35 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam35 Renewables Obligation Single 35 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Companies, Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),Companies: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) 2002 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Sets an annual obligation on electricity suppliers to produce a proportion of their generation from renewable sources. Targets can be met by renewable generation that accrue Renewable Energy Certificate (ROCs) or by paying a ‘fine’ into the RO Buy Out Fund, which is then redistributed to other energy suppliers who have met their obligation. 2017 In the corresponding projections note we refer to this policy as "PAM 38: 2010 and later RO" Implemented 2002 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_30 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam30 Public service vehicles Fuel Efficiency Policies Single 30 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 91 257 Government Government: Department for Transport 2006 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The Green Bus Fund (GBF) allowed bus companies and local authorities in England to compete for funds to help them buy new low carbon emission buses. The four rounds of the fund, which ran from 2009- 2014, added around 1250 Low Carbon Emission Buses onto England's roads. The GBF has now been replaced by the Low Emission Bus Fund (LEBS) which offered £30m for bus operators and local authorities across England and Wales to bid for low emission buses and supporting infrastructure. This scheme funding is open from 2016-2019 and the successful bidders were announced in July 2016, adding more than 300 extra low emission buses to fleets. 2019 -7 98 -8 153 144 -8 264 -7 320 314 NA NA Implemented 2006 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_34 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam34 Rail Electrification Single 34 Single PaM Other Implemented EU ETS, ESD Transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure; Transport: Other transport Transport: Improved transport infrastructure,Transport: Other transport ('Reduce travel times and costs') 222 286 Companies, Government Government: Department for Transport,Companies: Network Rail 2013 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Major programme of rail electrification underway to replace older diesel trains with modern, low-emission electric trains.This means that operators are contractually obliged to meet emissions levels based on running modern electric rather than diesel traction. Trans Pennine Express (TPE) and Northern are examples where 11% and 17% reductions in CO2e emissions per vehicle km respectively where contracted based on electrification schemes. Reducing costs: electric trains tend to be cheaper to buy, operate and maintain than diesels. They are also lighter so do less damage to the track. So whilst there is clearly a large capital cost associated with installing new electrification infrastructure, this can be compensated over time by the lower operational costs of electric trains. Increasing capacity and reliability and reducing journey times: electric trains tend to outperform equivalent diesels in terms of reliability, acceleration and carrying capacity. Reducing environmental impacts: electric trains are quieter and more carbon efficient than diesels and zero emission at point of use which helps with local air quality. 2019 -81 302 -47 307 259 -21 307 -14 311 296 NA NA Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_36 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam36 Feed-In Tariffs (FITs) Single 36 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Feed-in Tariffs (FITs) support organisations, businesses, communities and individuals to generate low-carbon electricity using small-scale (5 MW or less total installed capacity) systems. Electricity suppliers are obliged to pay the regulated tariffs to eligible generators. 2019 In the corresponding projections note we refer to this policy as "PAM 39: Feed-in tariffs (FITS)" Implemented 2010 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_15 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam15 Smart Metering Single 15 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD, EU ETS Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 2119 1856 Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2014 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) As part of Third Package of Energy Liberalisation Measures adopted in July 2009 EU Member States are obliged, subject to economic assessment, to ensure the implementation of intelligent metering systems that shall assist the active participation of consumers in the gas and electricity markets (2009/72/EC; 2009/73/EC; 2012/27/EC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The smart metering programme will replace 53 million meters with smart electricity and gas meters in all domestic properties, and smart or advanced meters in smaller non domestic sites in Great Britain by the end of 2020. Smart meters collect a variety of more detailed information about energy consumption of individual consumers and across the country as a whole. They will provide consumers with near-real time information on their energy consumption to help them control energy use, and avoid wasting energy and money; will provide energy networks with better information upon which to manage and plan current activities; and assist the move towards smart grids which support sustainable energy supply and will help reduce the total energy needed in the system. The programme is implemented via regulation on energy suppliers’ licence conditions, requiring them to take all reasonable steps to roll-out smart meters to their customers by 2020. 2020 Energy suppliers are required to roll out smart meters to their domestic and smaller non-domestic customers by the end of 2020. Smart meter rollout Cost Benefit Analysis 2016 (Note that the GHG emission projections in columns AB to AM are based on the EEP 2016; this is consistent but updated from the published Cost Benefit Analysis, as it uses updated data on pre-Smart Metering consumption) 699 1420 542 1512 2054 314 1542 120 1607 1727 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/smart-meter-roll-out-gb-cost-benefit-analysis NA NA Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_23 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam23 Public Sector Energy Efficiency Loans Scheme – 2016-2020 Single 23 Single PaM Economic Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 63 197 Government, Local Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),Local: Local government 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Salix provides interest free loans in England to public sector organisations for energy efficiency schemes. These loans are intended to provide the capital cost of energy efficiency retrofit work and other measures to be installed. These loans then have a payback period of five years (eight for schools) during which the repayments are met with the energy bill savings from the energy efficiency measures. Thus, once the loan has been paid off, the organisations continue to benefit from energy savings for the lifetime of these measures. This funding is then recycled once it has been returned to Salix and once again loaned out. UK Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy provides the most amount of funding to Salix but there is also some funding from Wales, Scotland, and Department for Education. 2020 42 21 117 90 207 82 115 30 110 140 NA NA Adopted 2016 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_37 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam37 Contract for Difference (2014-2020) Single 37 Single PaM Economic Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Offers Contracts for Difference (CfDs) in the electricity generation market for low carbon and renewable sources, CfDs will replace ROCs (which are due to be phased out to new capacity from 2017). Current policy offers CfD for new capacity through auctions should Government’s choose to hold them. There is also a bilateral negotiation underway for Hinkley point C Nuclear plant. 2020 In the corresponding projections note we refer to this policy as "PAM 40: Contract for Difference (2014-2020)" Implemented 2014 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_45 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam45 Rural Development Programme (2015) Single 45 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Sustainable forest management') Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2015 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) EU Rural Development Programmes CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The RDP is intended to help farming, forestry and horticultural businesses to become more efficient at using resources and deliver environmental objectives. The Northern Ireland RDP was approved by the European Commission in August 2015. The Scottish RDP was approved by the European Commission in May 2015, with a budget of over £1.3 billion to deliver on its priorities. The Northern Ireland Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affair’s new Forestry Grant Schemes opened in November 2015 and the new agri-environment scheme called the Environmental Farming Scheme (EFS) opened for applications in February 2017. The Forestry Grant Schemes includes a Forest Expansion Scheme to support creation of woodland of 5 hectares or greater while the EFS includes a stand-alone option for establishment of native woodland less than 5 hectares. Both schemes require claimants to fulfil the requirements of UKFS including the climate change guidelines. The Forest Expansion Scheme is competitive and it favours bids from applicants providing woodland plans which increase potential carbon sequestration amongst other ecosystem services. In England, the RDP-funded Countryside Stewardship scheme supports first afforestation of agricultural and non-agricultural land, woodland management planning, woodland improvement grants and woodland access (infrastructure) grants. These measures are intended to enhance carbon removals in new woodland (through increasing LULUCF removals) and enhance the resilience, quality and productive capacity of exiting woodland through sustainable forest management, guided by the requirements of the UK Forestry Standard. In Scotland the Forestry Grant Scheme offers financial support for the creation of new woodland and the sustainable management of existing woodland. It offers contribution towards both capital and maintenance costs. The available measures aim to help to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions through carbon sequestration. This supports the delivery, of the Scottish Government annual target to create of 10,000 hectares of new woodlands increasing to 15,000 hectares per year from 2024-25 stated in the draft Climate Change Plan. All applications are assessed against the UK Forestry Standard and associated guidelines. 2020 In the corresponding projections note we refer to this policy as "PAM 528: Rural Development Programme" Implemented 2015 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_70 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam70 Rural Development Programme (2007) Single 70 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2007 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) EU Rural Development Programmes CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Woodland creation grants provided through EU co-financed Rural Development Programmes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. 2020 In the corresponding projections note we refer to this policy as "PAM 528: Rural Development Programme" Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_24 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam24 Renewable heat incentive (RHI) - Planned Single 24 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption Energy consumption: Other energy consumption ('Increase in renewable energy; switch to less carbon-intensive fuels') 2595 3052 Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2017 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The RHI is designed to bridge the gap between the cost of fossil fuel heat sources and renewable heat alternatives. It offers a quarterly payment set based on the technology installed and level of heat use, for 7 years for domestic installations, and 20 years for non-domestic installations. The implemented portion of the RHI covers new deployment from 2017 to 2021, for which heat generation is anticipated to continue for 20 years. 2021 This policy leads to a slight increase in ETS emissions due to an estimated increased uptake of electric heat pumps for space heating, which use electricity generated in power stations. Note that savings under RHI are no longer split between the domestic and non-domestic sectors. Impact assessment - December 2016 365 2230 432 2610 3042 440 2611 464 2595 3059 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/577026/RHI_Reform_Govt_Response_Impact_Assessment_FINAL.pdf NA NA Latest scheme Statistics on deployment and heat https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/renewable-heat-incentive-statistics Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
United Kingdom_61 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam61 Heat Networks Investment Project Single 61 Single PaM Economic Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2017 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The Heat Networks Investment Project will provide capital contributions for heat networks starting construction before 2021. It has a budget of £320m which will be used to provide capital expenditure support to the developers of heat networks. Heat networks deliver heat from a central source through insulated pipes to a variety of buildings. The project aims to increase deployment rates of this long term infrastructure, by drawing in new investors and delivering heat price savings to customers whilst delivering cost effective long term carbon abatement. 2021 UK Government Consultation on the Heat Networks Investment Project https://www.gov.uk/government/consultations/consultation-on-the-heat-networks-investment-project-hnip Adopted 2017 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_22 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam22 ECO Transition/ Help to Heat/Future Supplier Obligation Single 22 Single PaM Regulatory Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 459 482 Companies, Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),,Companies: Large Energy Suppliers 2017 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml This policy was the planned extension of the Energy Company Obligation (ECO). The 2015 Spending Review announced that ECO will be replaced with a new, lower cost scheme that will run for 5 years (to March 2022) and will tackle the root causes of fuel poverty. The 5 year extension will take place in the two phases, with the ECO transition (April 2017 - Sept 2018) acting as a bridge between the existing ECO scheme and the new fuel poverty focussed scheme, Help to Heat, which will run from Oct 2018 to March 2022. 2022 This policy leads to a small increase in ESD emissions in 2025 due to the replacement of broken boilers that are installed under the measure. These gas-fuelled replacement boilers are assumed to replace electric room heaters that households would have used (in the absence of the measure) when their boiler breaks. In other words, gas consumption is higher (and electricity savings lower) than it would have been in the absence of the measure. This increase in gas consumption outweighs the non-traded carbon savings from other measures installed under the measure. However, boilers have an assumed 12 year lifetime, meaning that as the boilers start to expire (from 2025) they no longer offset the non-traded carbon savings from other areas of the measure. 169 290 120 378 498 43 439 7 510 516 NA NA Planned 2017 With additional measuses No No information
United Kingdom_25 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam25 Agricultural Action Plan Single 25 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland; Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management; Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems; Agriculture: Improved livestock management; Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland,Agriculture: Other activities improving cropland management,Agriculture: Improved animal waste management systems,Agriculture: Improved livestock management,Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils 2972 3607 Companies, Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA),Companies: Industry Associations. 2010 No No information CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Range of resource-efficient and land management measures to reduce emissions to meet UK carbon budgets. The Greenhouse Gas Action Plan is an industry voluntary initiative. The Action Plan co-ordinates a range of industry initiatives and on farm activities aimed at reducing emissions through: increasing uptake of mitigation methods such as animal husbandry and nutrient management. 2022 There are no specific progress indicators but impact of the action plan is assessed. The data sources used in calculating the impact of the action plan are national statistics. https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/agricultural-statistics-and-climate-change Review report 2012 0 2972 0 3607 3607 0 3607 0 3607 3607 https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/2012-review-of-progress-in-reducing-greenhouse-gas-emissions-from-english-agriculture A small quantity of this abatement (~0.6Mt) is expected to come from devolved administrations A small quantity of this abatement (~0.6Mt) is expected to come from devolved administrations Action Plan Review https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/greenhouse-gas-action-plan-ghgap-2016-review Implemented 2010 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_18 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam18 Climate Change Agreements (CCA) Single 18 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors 0 0 Companies, Government Companies: Industry Assocations.,Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2013 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Climate Change Agreements offer participating energy-intensive industries a discount from the Climate Change Levy in return for meeting targets for emission reductions. From 2013 these are a 90% discount for electricity and a 65% discount for other fuels. From 2019 this will increase to a 93% discount for electricity and 78% discount for other fuels. Target levels represent a cap on emissions if we assume compliance. 2023 Current estimates show that there are no savings attributable to this policy that are incremental to the savings of other policies. Proposals on the future of Climate Change Agreements - impact assessment 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/42824/4176-ia-proposals-future-cca.pdf NA NA Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_1 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam1 Building Regulations Part L (2002+2005/6) Single 1 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 10139 5124 Government Government: Department for Communities and Local Government 2002 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Energy consumption: Energy performance of buildings (Directive 2002/91/EC) Energy consumption: Boiler Efficiency Directive (Directive 92/42/EEC) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Building Regulations set minimum energy performance standards for new buildings and when people carry out controlled ‘building work’ to existing properties including extensions, conversions and certain categories of renovation and replacement windows and boilers. The Building Regulations 2002 were focussed on strengthening insulation and windows standards. The 2005 regulations introduced requirements for high efficiency condensing boilers (to B rated) The 2006 regulations introduced a 20% uplift in overall energy performance for new homes, 25% for new non domestic buildings, strengthened insulation and window standards (to E rated) 980 9159 644 7107 7751 361 4763 166 2567 2733 N/A N/A Implemented 2002 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_2 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam2 Building Regulations 2010 Part L Single 2 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 5353 4898 Government Government: Department for Communities and Local Government 2010 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Energy consumption: Recast of the Energy performance of buildings (Directive 2010/31/EC) amending 2002/91/EC Energy consumption: Ecodesign requirements for energy-using products (Directive 2005/32/EC) and its implementing regulations CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Building Regulations set minimum energy performance standards for new buildings and when people carry out controlled ‘building work’ to existing properties including extensions, conversions and certain categories of renovation and replacement windows and boilers. The 2010 regulations built on (2002+2005/6) by introducting a 25% uplift in overall energy performance for new homes and non domestic buildings, strengthened standards for boilers (B to A rated) and windows (E to C rated) 1661 3692 1584 5005 6589 795 4103 340 3410 3749 N/A N/A Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_3 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam3 Building Regulations 2013 Part L Single 3 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings; Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings,Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 86 99 Government Government: Department for Communities and Local Government 2013 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU);Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Building Regulations set minimum energy performance standards for new buildings and when people carry out controlled ‘building work’ to existing properties including extensions, conversions and certain categories of renovation and replacement windows and boilers. The 2013 regulations built on PAMs 1 and 2 by introducing a 6% uplift in overall energy performance for new homes; 9% for new non domestic buildings Changes to Part L of the Building Regulations 2013 - impact assessment 57 29 60 49 110 37 62 13 68 82 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/226965/Part_L_2013_IA.pdf Impact assessment https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/changes-to-part-l-of-the-building-regulations N/A N/A Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU); Eco-design framework directive 2005/32/EC and its implementing regulations, combined with Labelling Directive 2003/66/EC and 2010/30/EC, including implementing measures
United Kingdom_4 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam4 Sustainable Energy-Using Products – Post-Low Carbon Transition Plan Single 4 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 3098 1046 Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2010 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products, recast of Directive 2005/32/EC amending Council Directive 92/42/EEC and Directives 96/57/EC and 2000/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml UK legislation to set minimum energy efficiency standards for products on sale. Mandating energy efficiency labelling of appliances. Most recently implemented by the Eco-Design for Energy Related Products Regulations (SI 2010 No 2617). Implements EU Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC (amending 2005/32/EC). This policy leads to an increase in ESD emissions. This is because many household appliances emit heat as well as providing their main function. For example, a light bulb emits heat as well as providing light. Some of this heat is useful, as it provides heat for houses during cold winter months. Products policy measures improve the energy efficiency of appliances. While this leads to a reduction in electricity consumption it also reduces the amount of heat that is emitted by appliances. Given some of this heat is useful heat, we assume that some of this heat needs to be replaced by another source. We assume that the heat is replaced by a gas boiler. Therefore, we assume an increase in gas consumption. Given that gas consumption is in the non-traded sector this leads to an increase in non-traded emissions. Not available. There are individual impact assessments and/or briefing notes from our contractors (ICF) for individual measures but not for the overall policy (our CBA model collates all of the costs and benefits for individual measures). 3042 56 2382 73 2455 1043 4 370 4 374 N/A N/A Implemented 2010 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_5 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam5 Sustainable Energy-Using Products – Adopted but not yet implemented Single 5 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 419 1059 Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2016 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products, recast of Directive 2005/32/EC amending Council Directive 92/42/EEC and Directives 96/57/EC and 2000/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml UK legislation to set minimum energy efficiency standards for products on sale. Mandating energy efficiency labelling of appliances. Most recently implemented by the Eco-Design for Energy Related Products Regulations (SI 2010 No 2617). Implements EU Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC (amending 2005/32/EC). Unlike the implemented part of this policy, this "adopted" PAM does not lead to an increase in ESD emissions overall. There is the assumption of additional gas consumption for space heating. However, the adopted part of the policy introduces minimum standards on products which consume energy in the non-traded sector - in particular gas boilers. Therefore the overall effect is a saving in gas consumption for space heating. Not available. There are individual impact assessments and/or briefing notes from our contractors (ICF) for individual measures but not for the overall policy (our CBA model collates all of the costs and benefits for individual measures). 251 168 404 423 827 369 690 149 690 839 N/A N/A Adopted 2016 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_6 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam6 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD; UK transposition) Single 6 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 559 390 Government Government: Department for Communities and Local Government 2007 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) are required when any building is sold, rented out or constructed, and sometimes after refurbishment work. EPCs give information on a building's energy efficiency in a sliding scale from 'A' (very efficient) to 'G' (least efficient). 275 284 186 284 470 106 284 45 284 329 NA NA Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
United Kingdom_14 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam14 Energy company obligation (ECO) Single 14 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 662 600 Companies, Government Companies: Large Energy Suppliers,Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2013 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The Energy Company Obligation (ECO) is a statutory obligation on energy suppliers with over 250,000 domestic customers and delivering over a certain amount of electricity or gas to make reductions in carbon emissions or achieve heating cost savings in domestic households. ECO focuses on insulation measures, and also heating improvements to low income and vulnerable households. It runs until March 2017. The Future of the Energy Company Obligation: Final Impact - Oct 2014 99 563 69 564 633 37 563 13 562 575 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/373650/ECO_IA_with_SoS_e-sigf_v2.pdf NA NA Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_17 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam17 CRC (carbon reduction committment) Energy Efficiency Scheme Single 17 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 997 0 Government, Regional Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),Regional: Environment Agency (EA), Devolved administrations. 2010 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The CRC is a mandatory UK-wide emissions trading scheme (launched in 2010). It encourages the uptake of energy efficiency measures in large non-energy intensive private and public sector organisations that use energy not covered by the EU ETS or Climate Change Agreements. It covers 1800-1900 large users of energy across the business and public sector. Finalising CRC simplification: treatment of renewable energy & the metallurgical and mineralogical sectors - impact assessment Feb 2014 173 824 121 824 945 0 0 0 0 0 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachme NA NA Implemented 2010 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_19 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam19 Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Single 19 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction Energy consumption: Demand management/reduction 713 518 Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS). Environment Agency. 2014 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml A mandatory energy assessment scheme for all large undertakings (non-SMEs) in response to requirements contained Article 8 of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (2012/27/EU). Organisations which employ 250 or more people, or employ fewer than 250 people but have both an annual turnover exceeding £38.9m and an annual balance sheet total exceeding £33.4m, must measure their total energy consumption and carry out audits of the energy used by their buildings, industrial processes and transport to identify cost-effective energy saving measures, by 5 December 2015 and every four years thereafter. It is estimated that around 10,000 organisations will participate in the scheme. Impact Assessment June 2014 663 49 554 46 600 473 45 400 44 444 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/323116/ESOS_Impact_Assessment_FINAL.pdf NA NA Implemented 2014 With existing measures Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU
United Kingdom_60 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam60 Capacity Mechanism Single 60 Single PaM Economic Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2014 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Part of the Government’s Electricity Market Reform package, the Capacity Mechanism ensures security of electricity supply by encouraging investments in electricity generation capacity. Adopted 2014 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_21 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam21 Private Rented Sector (PRS) Energy Efficiency Regulations Single 21 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in services/ tertiary sector 445 302 Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml From the 1 April 2018 there will be a requirement for any properties rented out in the private rented sector to have a minimum energy performance rating of E on an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC). The regulations will come into force for new lets and renewals of tenancies with effect from 1 April 2018 and for all existing tenancies on 1 April 2020 (1 April 2023 for non-domestic properties). It will be unlawful to rent a property which breaches the requirement for a minimum E rating, unless there is an applicable exemption. The PRS domestic regulations as they currently stand state that landlords can apply for an exemption (which lasts for five years) from the regulations if they are unable to conduct work to improve their properties energy efficiency performance whilst incurring no upfront costs. Due to the removal of Green Deal finance landlords will face an upfront cost of financing any improvement work, so we believe that all landlords will apply for an exemption and hence the regulations would have little or no impact. The government is due to consult from March/April 2017 on a new policy proposal which removes the no upfront cost requirement from the regulations. This will then be replaced with a requirement for landlords to improve their properties to an E Energy Performance Certificate Standard or if they are unable to achieve this maximise the improvement of their properties Standard Assessment Procedure score, subject to landlords spending up to a cost cap of £3,500 (nominal prices) on improvement work. Final Stage Impact Assessment for the Private Rented Sector Regulations - 2015 337 109 352 132 484 185 117 59 111 170 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/401379/150202_PRS_Final_Stage_Revised_For_Publication.pdf NA NA Adopted 2016 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_26 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam26 Car Fuel Efficiency Policies Single 26 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 3564 12584 Government Government: Department for Transport 2012 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011);Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Environmental performance requirements for motor vehicles and tyres Regulation (EC) 661/2009 CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Sets fuel efficiency targets for new cars to be achieved by 2015 and 2020. Complementary measures are a collection of technologies that could improve 'real world' fuel efficiency of cars which wouldn't be fully captured in new car CO2 target and could improve fuel efficiency within the existing fleet. These include gear shift indicators, tyre pressure monitoring systems more efficient mobile air-conditioning and low rolling resistance tyres. EC Regulation 661/2009 sets minimum requirements and introduce labelling for the rolling resistance, wet grip and external rolling noise of tyres. Incentives for lower emitting vehicles include the Plug-in Car Grants towards ultra-low emission vehicles (ULEVs), as well as various tax incentives including lower rates for Vehicle Excise Duty and Company Car Tax. Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure is directly supported through the Workplace Charging Scheme grants for EV chargepoints for employees and fleets, the Electric Vehicle Homecharge Scheme grants towards home EV chargepoints and the On-street Residential Charging Scheme. Highways England have committed £15m to ensure EV chargepoints are available every 20 miles on the Strategic Road Network. -76 3640 -216 8426 8210 -216 12801 -220 15745 15525 NA NA Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011); Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_27 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam27 Forestry policies Group 27 42,45,70 Economic, Voluntary See individual PaMs LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other; Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Sustainable forest management'),Land use, land use change and forestry: Enhanced forest management 62 270 Government Government: Forestry Comission,Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA),Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) See individual PaMs Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) EU Rural Development Programmes EU Rural Development Programmes CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Range of policies aimed at driving afforestation and reforestation See individual PaMs In the corresponding projections note we refer to this group as "PAM 28: 2010 and later afforestation Policies" 0 0 0 0 266 0 0 0 0 126 NA NA See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_28 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam28 Van Fuel Efficiency Policies Single 28 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles 564 3641 Government Government: Department for Transport 2012 Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Sets fuel efficiency targets for new Light Goods Vehicles (LGV) to be achieved by 2017 and 2020. EC Regulation 661/2009 sets minimum requirements and introduce labelling for the rolling resistance, wet grip and external rolling noise of tyres. The regulation translates a fleet average CO2 tailpipe emissions target for new vehicles sold into the EU market into specific targets for individual manufacturers according to the mass of their fleet. Heavy fines are imposed for non-compliance. The 2020 target is for a fleet average of 147g CO2 /km and represents a reduction of 19% from the 2012 average. Incentives for lower emitting vehicles include the Plug-in Van Grants towards low emission vans. Electric Vehicle (EV) infrastructure is directly supported through the Workplace Charging Scheme grants for EV chargepoints for employees and fleets. Highways England have committed £15m to ensure EV chargepoints are available every 20 miles on the Strategic Road Network. -12 576 -52 2022 1970 -84 3725 -115 5385 5270 NA NA Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Regulation on CO2 from cars and vans (2009/443/EC and no. 510/2011)
United Kingdom_29 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam29 Heavy goods vehicles Fuel Efficiency Policies Single 29 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory, Research Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles; Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Efficiency improvements of vehicles,Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 534 1067 Companies, Government Government: Department for Transport,Companies: Transport Association. 2012 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Environmental performance requirements for motor vehicles and tyres (EC regulation 661/2009) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml EC Regulation 661/2009 sets minimum requirements and introduces labelling for the rolling resistance, wet grip and external rolling noise of tyres. Industry and Government are taking a range of actions to reduce freight emissions, including the Freight Transport Association's Logistics Carbon Reduction Scheme, which encourages members to record, report and reduce emissions from freight. The Mode Shift Revenue Support scheme encourages modal shift from road to rail or inland waterway where the costs are higher than road, and where there are environmental benefits to be gained. It currently helps to remove around 800,000 lorry journeys a year from Britain's roads. A similar scheme, Waterborne Freight Grant, can provide assistance with the operating costs associated with coastal or short sea shipping. The Government has implemented measures to encourage cleaner and more fuel efficient Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs) including through reduced fuel duty rates for road fuel gases, and increasing rewards for renewable gaseous fuels under the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation. We have recently consulted on proposed legislative amendments which would further increase support for renewable transport fuels suitable for heavy goods vehicles. The Government has helped operators establish and run fleets of alternatively fuelled HGVs through the Low Carbon Truck Trial. £11.3m funding has been provided, via competition, to part fund and test around 370 commercial vehicles, with most using a gas or dual fuel system (diesel and gas), and to develop refuelling infrastructure. A new Low Emission Freight Trial is providing £20m funding to demonstrate new technologies and to encourage the widespread introduction of low and zero emission vehicles to UK fleets. 0 534 0 1084 1084 0 1067 0 1047 1047 NA NA Implemented 2012 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_31 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam31 Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation, (RTFO) - current 5% by volume Single 31 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 2662 2518 Government Government: Department for Transport 2007 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The RTFO set a phased 5% target for biofuel use by diesel and petrol suppliers to be achieved by 2014. Targets are by volume rather than by energy. Implements the EU Renewables Directive (2009/28/EC). The RTFO sets an on-going 5% target for biofuel use by diesel and petrol suppliers. Targets are by volume rather than by energy. Partially implements the EU Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC). Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation: Post Implementation Review - April 2014 0 2662 0 2567 2567 0 2518 0 2514 2514 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/307437/impact-assessment-pir.pdf NA NA Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
United Kingdom_32 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam32 Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation, (RTFO) - Increase target to meet RED Single 32 Single PaM Regulatory Planned ESD Transport Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars Transport: Low carbon fuels/electric cars 6076 5611 Government Government: Department for Transport 2017 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml To set enhanced targets for biofuel use by diesel and petrol suppliers to be achieved by 2020. Implements the EU Renewables Directive (2009/28/EC) as amended by Directive (2015/1513). Increase RTFO targets from current 5% to 10% by volume to complete implementation of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (2009/28/EC) as amended by Directive (2015/1513). Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation: Post Implementation Review - April 2014 0 6076 0 5854 5854 0 5611 0 5444 5444 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/307437/impact-assessment-pir.pdf NA NA Planned 2017 With additional measuses Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
United Kingdom_39 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam39 Carbon Price Floor Single 39 Single PaM Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2013 Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The Carbon Price Floor (CPF) is designed to further reduce the use of emission-intensive fossil fuels and increase the proportion of electricity generation and supply from low carbon sources In the corresponding projections note we refer to this policy as "PAM 42: Carbon Price Support" Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC
United Kingdom_40 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam40 EU Emissions Trading System Single 40 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Government Government: European Commission. Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2005 Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml It sets an emissions target (cap) for installations covered by the system (across the EU), with the carbon market determining the carbon price, and therefore where emissions can be reduced most cheaply. It guarantees that total emissions in the sectors covered will not exceed the cap set, and in doing so drives investments in low-carbon technologies, leading to cutting emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) and other greenhouse gases at least cost. No reductions disclosed No reductions disclosed Implemented 2005 With existing measures Yes EU ETS directive 2003/87/EC as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC and Directive 2009/29/EC and implementing legislation, in particular 2010/2/EU, 2011/278/EU and 2011/638/EU
United Kingdom_41 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam41 New Energy Supply policies Group 41 35,36,37,39,59,38 Economic, Fiscal, Regulatory See individual PaMs EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) 31018 53494 Companies, Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),Companies: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem),Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),Companies: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem),Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) See individual PaMs Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC;RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 See individual PaMs http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Combined inpact of electrcity supply and decarbonisation policies See individual PaMs In the corresponding projections note we refer to this group as "PAM 138: 2010 and later RO, FITS, Contracts for Difference, 2030 100g/KWh target, Carbon Price Support Floor Levy" 31018 0 32529 0 32529 53494 0 81917 0 81917 NA NA See individual PaMs See individual PaMs See individual PaMs Yes Energy Taxation Directive 2003/96/EC; RES directive 2009/28/EC
United Kingdom_42 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam42 Woodland Carbon Code Single 42 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Forestry Comission 2011 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Voluntary Code and associated carbon registry (2013) for UK domestic woodland carbon schemes to encourage private sector funding for woodland creation projects. Recognised as component of net GHG emissions reporting for businesses in Government’s Environmental Reporting Guidelines. In the corresponding projections note we refer to this policy as "PAM 228: Woodland Carbon Code" Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_43 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam43 Revised UK Forestry Standard Single 43 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('sustainable forest management') Government Government: Forestry Comission 2011 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The fourth edition of the national standard for sustainable forest management, supported by Governments, will be published later this year and includes an updated guideline on climate change, covering both adaptation and mitigation. The UKFS sets basic requirements which Rural Development Programme grant claimants require to fulfil before receiving grant-aid and forms the basis for third party certification in the UK. The Climate Change Guideline, itself, covers principles of carbon sensitive management of forest ecosystems, including the production of harvested wood products, carbon in forest soils and carbon emissions associated with operational activity. Climate change adaptation is addressed through best practice guidelines on forest planning, adaptive management, tree and shrub species selection, landscape ecology and environmental protection. It is acknowledged within the UK LULUCF Action progress Report that adaptation of forests is an important abatement measure. Implemented 2011 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_44 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam44 Grown in Britain Single 44 Single PaM Education, Information, Voluntary Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation; Land use, land use change and forestry: Other Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation,Land use, land use change and forestry: Other ('Sustainable forest management') Government Government: Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) 2013 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Is a voluntary industry-led action plan announced in Government’s Forestry and Woodlands Policy Statement (2013) which aspires to encourage businesses to invest in woodland creation and sustainable forest management practice, to enhance the role of productive forestry and appropriate use of harvested wood products in reducing the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions. Examples of actions include setting out a framework for reporting the wider social, economic and environmental benefits of woodland creation to enhance investment in woodland creation, establishing a nursery standard for improving biosecurity in the UK’s tree nurseries, introducing a firewood licensing system to encourage sustainable use of forest biomass and bringing into practice a licencing system for timber to demonstrate chain of custody. Implemented 2013 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_47 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam47 Nitrates Action Plan Single 47 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Agriculture: Reduction of fertilizer/manure use on cropland Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Environment Agency (EA). 2013 Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC;Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Improved compliance with the Nitrate Directive (91/676/EEC). Designated revised "Nitrate Vulnerable Zones" (NVC); established a range of mandatory measures to reduce nitrate pollution to water in NVC. Also Code of Good Practice outside NVZs. Analysis paper 2012 https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/69615/greenhouse-gas-agriculture-analysis-20121122.pdf Not disclosed. Not disclosed. Implemented 2013 With existing measures Yes Nitrate Directive 1991/676/EEC; Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC
United Kingdom_48 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam48 Catchment Sensitive Farming Single 48 Single PaM Economic, Information Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE), Environment Agency (EA), Natural England (NE). 2006 No No information N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Delivers practical solutions and targeted support to enable farmers and land managers to take voluntary action to reduce diffuse water pollution from agriculture to protect water bodies and the environment. Not disclosed. Not disclosed. Implemented 2006 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_50 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam50 Countryside Stewardship Single 50 Single PaM Economic Implemented ESD Agriculture Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management; Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management,Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Rural Development Programme for England (RDPE) 2015 No No information N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Agri-environment scheme to provide funding to farmers and other land managers in England to deliver effective environmental management on their land, potentially including options for the maintenance and restoration of moorland habitats. Not disclosed. Not disclosed. Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_51 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam51 Waste measures Single 51 Single PaM Fiscal, Regulatory Implemented ESD Waste management/waste Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling; Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling; Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction; Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use; Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies; Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management; Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Waste management/waste: Enhanced recycling,Waste management/waste: Reduced landfilling,Waste management/waste: Demand management / reduction,Waste management/waste: Enhanced CH4 collection and use,Waste management/waste: Improved treatment technologies,Waste management/waste: Improved landfill management,Waste management/waste: Waste incineration with energy use Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 1996 Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC;Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC;Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC) "EU policies targeting waste streams" CH4 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml There are a number of waste measures with the aim of increasing recycling/reuse and reduce harmful disposal. The Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC): is the general framework of waste management requirements and sets rules governing the separate collection of waste. The Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC) and the UK Landfill Tax: set rules governing the disposal of waste to landfill, an escalating tax on biodegradable waste. There are other waste measures targeting other waste streams, such as the Waste Incineration Directive (2000/76/EC). The overall effect is reducing landfill of biodegradable waste and associated CH4 emissions. We are not currently able to separately estimate the emissions savings due to waste measures, although they *are* included in our historic data and in our projections. However, we are developing our methodology to be able to state them explicitly for future publication of our emissions projections. N/A N/A Implemented 1996 With existing measures Yes Waste Management Framework Directive 2008/98/EC; Landfill Directive 1999/31/EC; Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_52 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam52 Ozone depleting substances regulation Single 52 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented ESD Industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases; Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies; Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances; Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases,Industrial processes: Installation of abatement technologies,Industrial processes: Replacement of fluorinated gases by other substances,Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Government Government: Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2009 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014;F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC HFC With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml This regulation implements obligations under the Montreal Protocol and EU Regulation 1005/2009/EC on ozone depleting substances. With the exemption of some critical use exemptions, CFCs, HCFCs and halon use is banned. Most ozone depleting substances are potent greenhouse gases, so reductions in their use protects both the ozone layer and climate. Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014; F-gas Regulation 2006/842/EC
United Kingdom_20 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam20 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) Recast 2010 Single 20 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 0 0 Government, Regional Government: Department for Communities and Logal Government (DCLG),Regional: Devolved administrations 2015 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Extension of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) requirement for public buildings to display Energy Performance Certificates to include buildings over 250m2 from 9 July 2015. Estimate of emissions reductions has not been made to-date. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 NA NA Adopted 2015 With existing measures Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
United Kingdom_54 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam54 Climate Change Levy (CCL) Budget 2016 Changes Single 54 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings 532 804 Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2019 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The UK Budget 2016 announced that the main rates of the CCL will increase from April 2019, moving to an electricity-to-gas ratio of 2.5:1 compared to the current 2.9:1. In the longer term, the government intends to rebalance the rates further, reaching a ratio of 1:1 by 2025. The actual rate increases in 2019 are from 0.58 p/kWh to 0.85 p/kWh for electricity, and 0.20 p/kWh to 0.34 p/kWh for gas (nominal values). The p/kWh rate changes have not been announced for after 2019/20. 227 305 139 736 875 81 723 32 726 758 Adopted 2019 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_55 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam55 Climate Change Levy (CCL) Single 55 Single PaM Economic, Fiscal Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2001 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The Climate Change Levy (CCL) was introduced in 2001. It is levied on the supply of energy to business and public sector consumers. Each of the four main groups of taxable commodities (electricity, gas, solid fuels, and liquefied petroleum gas [LPG]) has its own main rate per unit of energy. The main rates of the CCL are intended to incentivise businesses to reduce their energy consumption. Eligible energy-intensive industries may pay reduced main rates of CCL through CCAs, or be exempt from the CCL for mineralogical/metallurgical processes. Implemented 2001 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_56 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam56 Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) 2017 Cost Optimal Review and Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) (2018 and 2020) Single 56 Single PaM Information, Regulatory Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government, Regional Government: Department for Communities and Logal Government (DCLG),Regional: Devolved administrations 2017 Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU) CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The Government is required to report to the European Commission by June 2017 to demonstrate that UK building standards for energy performance remain ‘cost optimal’. Cost-optimal energy performance means that the lifetime cost-benefit analysis is positive. Minimum energy performance requirements must be compared against calculated cost-optimal levels using the Comparative Methodology Framework. Estimate of emissions reductions has not been made to-date. Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (Directive 2010/31/EU)
United Kingdom_57 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam57 Sustainable Energy-Using Products – Pre-Low Carbon Transition Plan Single 57 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement of appliances 3311 -178 Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2009 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) Directive 2009/125/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 October 2009 establishing a framework for the setting of ecodesign requirements for energy-related products, recast of Directive 2005/32/EC amending Council Directive 92/42/EEC and Directives 96/57/EC and 2000/55/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml UK legislation to set minimum energy efficiency standards for products on sale. Mandating energy efficiency labelling of appliances. Most recently implemented by the Eco-Design for Energy Related Products Regulations (SI 2010 No 2617). Implements EU Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC (amending 2005/32/EC). Not available. There are individual impact assessments and/or briefing notes from our contractors (ICF) for individual measures but not for the overall policy (our CBA model collates all of the costs and benefits for individual measures). 5493 -2182 3157 -1900 1256 1441 -1619 504 -1619 -1115 Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_38 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam38 Contract for Difference (2021-2035) Single 38 Single PaM Economic Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy; Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels; Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy,Energy supply: Switch to less carbon-intensive fuels,Energy supply: Enhanced non-renewable low carbon generation (nuclear) Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2021 No No information CO2 With additional measuses http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Planned continuation of Contracts for Difference (CfDs) for new low carbon capacity after 2020. 2035 In the corresponding projections note we refer to this policy as "PAM 41: Contract for Difference (2021-2035)" Planned 2021 With additional measuses No No information
United Kingdom_59 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam59 Additional Renewables in Generation (Renewable Energy Strategy) Single 59 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy supply Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Energy supply: Increase in renewable energy Companies, Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS),Companies: Office of Gas and Electricity Markets (Ofgem) 2009 Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Increases Renewable Obligation (RO) targets in electricity supply so as meet the UK’s overall renewables target for 2020 as set out in the Renewables Directive (RED, 2009/28/EC). In the corresponding projections note we refer to this policy as "PAM 38: 2010 and later RO" Implemented 2009 With existing measures Yes RES directive 2009/28/EC
United Kingdom_53 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam53 F-gas regulation (2015) Single 53 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted ESD Industrial processes; Other Sectors Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases Industrial processes: Reduction of emissions of fluorinated gases 4717 12653 Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2015 Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014 HFC, PFC, SF6 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Introduced an 80% phase down in the quantities of F gases that can be placed on the EU market delivered via a gradually reducing quota system; a number of bans on the use of certain F gases in some new equipment; a ban on the use of very high GWP HFCs for the servicing of certain types of refrigeration equipment; some strengthening of obligations in 2006 Regulation related to leak checking, repairs, F gas recovery and technician training. 4717 8777 8777 12653 14744 14744 Adopted 2015 With existing measures Yes F-gas Regulation 517/2014
United Kingdom_62 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam62 Forestry Act Felling Licence Regulations and Environmental Impact (Forestry) regulations Single 62 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Prevention of deforestation Government Government: Forestry Commission (FC) 1999 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml A UK regulatory framework that controls the felling of trees for the purposes of sustainable forest management to deliver economic, social and ecological benefits. The legislation was updated in GB in 1999. Felling licences incorporating forest regeneration plans were re-introduced into Northern Ireland in 2013 under the Forestry Act (Northern Ireland) 2010. The Scottish Government has recently introduced the Forestry and Land Management (Scotland) Bill to replace the 1967 Forestry Act in Scotland. The Bill includes duties on Ministers to promote sustainable forest management and to publish a forestry strategy which will set out the Government’s priorities in relation to the economic, environmental and social benefits of forestry. Implemented 1999 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_63 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam63 National Peatland Plan Scotland Single 63 Single PaM Information Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government, Regional Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA),Regional: Devolved Administrations 2015 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Scottish Government and Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH), working with a range of stakeholders, have published a National Peatland Plan to highlight the importance of Scotland's peatlands. It draws attention to the poor state of large areas, and proposes building on existing initiatives to secure their sustainable use, management and restoration. Implemented 2015 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
United Kingdom_64 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam64 Natural England’s Strategic Approach to the Restoration of Blanket Bog Single 64 Single PaM Information Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2015 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Natural England published the Strategy for the Restoration of Blanket Bog in England in 2015. The approach sets out the extent, nature and importance of the blanket bog resource across England and what is currently being done to conserve it, as well as setting out the required management and timeframe for delivery to achieve an improvement in site condition across the resource at a strategic level. Implemented 2015 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
United Kingdom_65 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam65 Natural Environment White Paper (NEWP) targets on horticultural peat Single 65 Single PaM Information, Other Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2011 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The Sustainable Growing Media Taskforce was set up to look at ways in which the barriers to the use of peat alternatives could be overcome. The Government published its response to the Task Force’s report and draft roadmap in 2013 which set out where our resources will be focussed. A policy review will be published in 2017 assessing the delivery of the roadmap and identifying further actions necessary to achieve a transition to sustainable growing media and reduced peat use. Implemented 2011 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
United Kingdom_66 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam66 Peat Restoration Northern Ireland Single 66 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government, Regional Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA),Regional: Devolved Administrations 2018 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Northern Ireland (NI) will include peatland restoration measures within the new agri-environment scheme, the Environmental Farming Scheme (EFS), as part of its NI Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. Implemented 2018 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
United Kingdom_67 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam67 Peat Restoration Wales Single 67 Single PaM Voluntary Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government, Regional Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA),Regional: Devolved Administrations 2015 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Wales has undertaken a comprehensive programme to understand the status of all peatlands in Wales. Each area will be assessed for the potential multiple benefits of restoration to develop a project prioritisation map. A key delivery method is the co-ordination of the multiple funding mechanisms. Implemented 2015 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
United Kingdom_68 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam68 Peatland Area Designations Single 68 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2004 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml 3 out of 12 Nature Improvement Areas (NIA, 2012) are focussed on peatland restoration. 47% England’s wetlands are protected by (Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs). Implemented 2004 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
United Kingdom_69 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam69 Peatland Code Single 69 Single PaM Economic, Information, Voluntary Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Land use, land use change and forestry: Restoration of degraded lands Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2011 No No information CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml A UK Voluntary Code to encourage and support private sector funding for peatland restoration projects. Provides standards and robust science to give business supporters confidence that their financial contribution is making a measurable and verifiable difference. Implemented 2011 Not included in a projection scenario No No information
United Kingdom_71 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam71 CAP Cross Compliance Single 71 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Agriculture: Improved management of organic soils Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml • Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions in place to ensure minimum soil cover, to maintain soil organic matter and to minimise erosion. • Implementation of the Nitrates Directive • Retention of permanent pasture (up to 2014 – now under Greening measures) Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_72 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam72 Woodland Carbon Fund Single 72 Single PaM Economic Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Forestry Commission (FC) 2016 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Grant support in the form of capital payments for the planting of woodlands larger than 30 ha, with a significant productive element, to accelerate planting rates (increasing LULUCF removals) and, in the longer term, provide a sustainable supply of harvested wood products to contribute to future emissions reduction targets. Implemented 2016 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_73 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam73 Woodland Creation Planning Grant Single 73 Single PaM Economic, Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Land use, land use change and forestry Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Land use, land use change and forestry: Afforestation and reforestation Government Government: Forestry Commission (FC) 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml Grant support for the planning of woodlands larger than 30 ha to help break-down the perceived barrier that the UK’s regulatory framework presents in England. WCPG will act as a pipeline for RDP and WCF afforestation grants and non-grant aided planting to increase LULUCF removals and emissions reduction through the use of harvested wood products in the longer term. Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_74 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam74 Industrial Emissions Directive (as it applies to Large Combustion Plant Directive) Single 74 Single PaM Regulatory Adopted EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors; Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors,Industrial processes: Improved control of fugitive emissions from industrial processes Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2016 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) The Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD, 2001/80/EC) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD) will be replaced from 1 January 2016 by similar although more stringent provisions set out in chapter III of the Industrial Emissions Directive (2010/75/EU) (IED). Those provisions already apply in respect to any plant newly permitted since 7 January 2013. This transposes the IED. It sets lifetime operating hours limits on coal fired power plants that do not meet specified emission levels. Adopted 2016 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_75 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam75 Large Combustion Plant Directive Single 75 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption; Industrial processes Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Energy consumption: Efficiency improvement in industrial end-use sectors Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2007 Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy) The Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD, 2001/80/EC) CO2, CH4, N2O With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml The Large Combustion Plant Directive (LCPD, 2001/80/EC) sets limits on emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and dust from combustion plants with a thermal capacity of 50 MW or greater. Implemented 2007 With existing measures Yes Other (Union policy not listed above or additional Union policy)
United Kingdom_76 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam76 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Greening Single 76 Single PaM Regulatory Implemented LULUCF Agriculture; Land use, land use change and forestry Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Agriculture: Activities improving grazing land or grassland management Government Government: Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) 2015 No No information CO2 With existing measures http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml • Obtain consent before improving grassland that has not been cultivated for 15 years or more (Environmental Impact Assessment/EIA). • Select a range of Ecological Focus Area (EFA) measures to meet new standards: relevant actions include enhanced buffer strips, cover crops and growing N-fixing crops • In Wales consent must be obtained to improve grassland that has less than 25% rye grass. • In Wales under Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Greening, farmers can select a number of relevant EFA measures including, fallow land, short rotation coppice and nitrogen fixing crops. • In Northern Ireland, under CAP Greening, farmers can select a number of relevant EFA measures including, landscape features, fallow land, agro-forestry, short rotational coppice and nitrogen fixing crops. Implemented 2015 With existing measures No No information
United Kingdom_77 United Kingdom 2911 http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/Converters/run_conversion?file=/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml&conv=524&source=remote#pam77 Amendments to Heat Networks Metering & Billing Regulations (2014) Single 77 Single PaM Regulatory Planned EU ETS, ESD Energy consumption Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Energy consumption: Efficiency improvements of buildings Government Government: Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) 2017 Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU CO2 Not included in a projection scenario http://cdr.eionet.europa.eu/gb/eu/mmr/art04-13-14_lcds_pams_projections/pams/envwqcriq/GB_MMR_PAM_amended_20170502.xml UK legislation requiring heat network operators to submit data on networks and to install heat meters/heat cost allocators in buildings on networks unless it is not cost-effective to do so. The amendments will revise the cost-effectiveness methodology and address ambiguities in the existing legislation Planned 2017 Not included in a projection scenario Yes Energy Efficiency Directive 2012/27/EU