
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec OSPAR Marine Protected Areas Network — 01 Dec 2022
Marine Protected Areas (MPA) Network. These data are presented as a live feed from the MPA Web Feature Service
External Data Spec Spatial distribution of floating macrolitter loading from europe to the ocean — 30 Nov 2022
External Data Spec Circular Plastics Alliance-State of Play on Collection and Sorting (dataset URL is not available) — 30 Nov 2022
External Data Spec Plastics – the Facts 2022 (dataset URL is not available)
External Data Spec object code Plastics demand for packaging (No direct URL to dataset) — 29 Nov 2022
External Data Spec ETC HE Report 2022/11: Estimating the morbidity related environmental burden of disease due to exposure to PM₂.₅, NO₂ and O₃ in outdoor ambient air (direct link to the datasets is not available) — 29 Nov 2022
External Data Spec Troff document Assessment of status with respect to marine litter using the MALT Tool - Total area assessed by resulting status class for Europe's Seas overall and for four regions — 25 Nov 2022
External Data Spec Simulated msPAFs (NOEC, P95) for European water bodies (dataset URL is not available) — 22 Nov 2022
External Data Spec Chemistry data - Data & products on marine water quality_059mrnlttr — 22 Nov 2022
External Data Spec ETC/ATNI Report 17/2021: Wheat yield loss in 2019 in Europe due to ozone exposure (dataset URL is not available) — 22 Nov 2022
External Data Spec Progress in the management of contaminated sites in the EU (direct link to the datasets is not available) — 21 Nov 2022
External Data Spec Sybase Advantage Database Server Background data for critical loads of nitrogen exceedance maps — 17 Nov 2022
This source data is protected by the provider. For further information please contact the data provider:
External Data Spec EMEP MSC-W modelled air concentrations and depositions — 17 Nov 2022
External Data Spec Volume and worth of Industrial Symbiosis activities by industry (No direct URL to dataset) — 15 Nov 2022
External Data Spec Progress in the Management of Contaminated Sites in Europe (dataset URL is not available) — 04 Nov 2022
Van Liedekerke M, Prokop G, Rabl-Berger S, Kibblewhite M, Louwagie G. Progress in the Management of Contaminated Sites in Europe. EUR 26376. Luxembourg (Luxembourg): Publications Office of the European Union; 2013. JRC85913
External Data Spec Chart of pesticide incidences by country in soil sample analysis (URL not available) — 03 Nov 2022
External Data Spec EU and Regional SOX Monthly total emissions (dataset URL is not available) — 27 Oct 2022
External Data Spec Octet Stream Deaths by week - special data collection (demomwk) — 27 Oct 2022
External Data Spec Asbestos-related occupational diseases in Germany (dataset URL is not available) — 26 Oct 2022
External Data Spec Percentage change in total heatwave exposure of people over 65 years old for the period 2010-2020 compared to 2000-2009 in EEA member and cooperating countries plus the United Kingdom (dataset URL is not available) — 26 Oct 2022
In the past few decades, major public health advances have happened in Europe, with drastic decreases in premature mortality and a life expectancy increase of almost 9 years since 1980. European countries have some of the best health-care systems in the world. However, Europe is challenged with unprecedented and overlapping crises that are detrimental to human health and livelihoods and threaten adaptive capacity, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the fastest-growing migrant crisis since World War 2, population displacement, environmental degradation, and deepening inequalities. Compared with pre-industrial times, the mean average European surface air temperature increase has been almost 1°C higher than the average global temperature increase, and 2022 was the hottest European summer on record. As the world's third largest economy and a major contributor to global cumulative greenhouse gas emissions, Europe is a key stakeholder in the world's response to climate change and has a global responsibility and opportunity to lead the transition to becoming a low-carbon economy and a healthier, more resilient society. The Lancet Countdown in Europe is a collaboration of 44 leading researchers, established to monitor the links between health and climate change in Europe and to support a robust, evidence-informed response to protect human health .  Mirroring the Global Lancet Countdown, this report monitors the health effects of climate change and the health co-benefits of climate action in Europe. Indicators will be updated on an annual basis and new indicators will be incorporated to provide a broad overview to help guide policies to create a more climate-resilient future.


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