
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec text/texmacs EMODnet Human Activities, Desalination, Plants — 27 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Monitoring of CO2 emissions from vans, 2022 - Final data — 26 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Internet purchases - goods or services (2020 onwards) (isoc_ec_ibgs) — 26 Feb 2024
External Data Spec text/texmacs Brief communication: Critical infrastructure impacts of the 2021 mid-July western European flood event — 23 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Woody landscape features on agricultural land 2018 (raster 100 m) — 21 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Monitoring of CO2 emissions from passenger cars, 2022 - Final data
External Data Spec Troff document Share of green bonds (copyright-protected and direct link to the dataset is not available) — 16 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Agricultural area 2018 based on Copernicus data - version 1, Sept. 2022 — 12 Feb 2024
External Data Spec application/vnd.symbian.install EEA Marine waters for analysis - INTERNAL VERSION, Oct. 2022 — 09 Feb 2024
External Data Spec EMODnet Chemistry — 08 Feb 2024
External Data Spec chemical/x-pdb ICES DOME (Marine Environment) — 08 Feb 2024
External Data Spec EEA marine assessment areas - version 3.0, Oct. 2022 — 08 Feb 2024
External Data Spec EDO Combined Drought Indicator (CDI) — 06 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Troff document Gridded monthly climate projection dataset underpinning the IPCC AR6 Interactive Atlas — 05 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Troff document Current figures and facts about car sharing in Germany — 01 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Yearly report on car sharing (2022) — 01 Feb 2024
External Data Spec Number of car pool members/users (Antal bilpoolsmedlemmar/användare) — 01 Feb 2024
External Data Spec E-OBS daily gridded meteorological data for Europe from 1950 to present derived from in-situ observations — 31 Jan 2024
External Data Spec ERA5 hourly data on single levels from 1940 to present — 31 Jan 2024
External Data Spec WISE Water Framework Directive Database — 31 Jan 2024


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