
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec C source code Resources in the Arctic — 16 May 2017
External Data Spec application/x-troff-me Gross Farm Income — 08 May 2017
Output - Intermediate consumption + Balance current subsidies & Taxes. *Accounting year 2014 was the first year when FADN data were collected with the new Farm Return structure and content provided in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/220, Member States could modify some 2014 FADN data as a result of consistency checks with other accounting years. *Netherlands 2000 data are estimates based on 1999 data.
External Data Spec Total Subsidies - excluding on investments (SE605) — 08 May 2017
Subsidies on current operations linked to production (not investments). Payments for cessation of farming activities are therefore not included. Entry in the accounts is generally on the basis of entitlement and not receipt of payment, with a view to obtain coherent results (production/costs/subsidies) for a given accounting year.
External Data Spec To be deleted — 08 May 2017
External Data Spec Octet Stream PIOMAS Ice volume time series — 05 May 2017
External Data Spec Eurostat statistics on Tourism — 03 May 2017
Nights spent at tourist accommodation establishments by NUTS 2 regions (Code: tgs00111)
External Data Spec RealAudio broadcast Climate Adapt Platform — 28 Apr 2017
Country information EEA Member countries are at different stages of preparing, developing and implementing national adaptation strategies and plans. See in the map below the information provided by each Member State of the European Union under the European mechanism for monitoring and reporting information relevant to climate change (Regulation (EU) No 525/2013). For other EEA Member countries, the information provided is based on voluntary submissions to EEA.
External Data Spec Water abstraction for agriculture - irrigation from desalinated water — 26 Apr 2017
Yearly data on water abstraction for irrigation from desalinated water
External Data Spec Water abstraction for agriculture - irrigation from desalinated water — 26 Apr 2017
Yearly data on water abstraction for irrigation from desalinated water
External Data Spec Arctic Human Development Report: Regional Processes and Global Linkages — 25 Apr 2017
The goals of the second volume of the AHDR – Arctic Human Development Report: Regional Processes and Global Linkages – are to provide an update to the first AHDR (2004) in terms of an assessment of the state of Arctic human development; to highlight the major trends and changes unfolding related to the various issues and thematic areas of human development in the Arctic over the past decade; and, based on this assessment, to identify policy relevant conclusions and key gaps in knowledge, new and emerging Arctic success stories.
External Data Spec Sustainable tourism certification systems in Germany — 20 Apr 2017
With the support of the Federal Ministry of the Environment, the Center for Sustainable Tourism of the University of Eberswalde developed an inventory and evaluation of sustainable and environmentally friendly tourism certification systems in Germany.
External Data Spec C source code Statistical Yearbook of the Republic of Croatia (2016) — 13 Apr 2017
External Data Spec Total waste generation excluding major mineral waste (TOT_X_MIN) — 05 Apr 2017
External Data Spec UWWTD implementation reports (dataset URL is not directly available) — 09 Mar 2017
The data is included in a series of reports which describes the progress in the implementation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. It provides information as regards the obligations which were due to be met by the end of the current year. In addition to the summary, the annex provides more details on the level of compliance in the Member States as well as information related to "big cities/big dischargers", and to the progress in infrastructure in place. Furthermore, a study report provides more detail and background information and data on which the summary is based on.
External Data Spec Havbase (data presented in GIS application - underpinning data is not available) — 09 Mar 2017
Havbase contains location data from a Automated Identification System (AIS) . The position indications enriched with numbers on emission coefficients and estimate the distance traveled . Emission figures are estimated on the basis of the ship's speed and information from the ship register IHS Fairplay statements . Motor strength / type, fuel type , the size, crew etc.
External Data Spec Consumption of controlled ozone-depleting substances (ODS) — 06 Mar 2017
Data access portal of the UNEP Montreal Protocol Ozone Secretariat.
External Data Spec Pascal source code IPA Permafrost Map — 24 Feb 2017
External Data Spec C source code Transports routes in the Arctic — 23 Feb 2017
Overall characteristics of transport in the Arctic (except for connections by air).. The map shows the existing major shipping routes by country, the existing ports and inland transport illustrated by means of the major roads and main railways as well as the rivers where transport is taking place. Also the distribution of all populated places is shown. What is obvious is on the one hand a relatively dense network of ports and sea routes, and on the other, the vast areas not connected by roads, or only road connections open for transport during winter time, just as railroads are only available in very few parts of the Arctic. And land-based transport lines mainly run North-South, providing limited connections across the regions. Connections, therefore, are rather unequally distributed and thus travel of any sort remains a challenge for many of the region's inhabitants. (Megatrends, p. 170) (No 10112)
External Data Spec Resident population connected to wastewater collection and treatment systems reported to the "OECD/Eurostat Joint Questionnaire - Inland Waters-2012" — 21 Feb 2017
Tables updated in March 2014. Publication year 2017.
External Data Spec Forest fires interface (3km) — 08 Feb 2017


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