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See all EU institutions and bodiesThe concept of High Nature Value (HNV) farmland ties together biodiversity to the continuation of farming on certain types of land and the maintenance of specific farming systems. The general goal of the data set is to enhance the European map of HNV farmland 2000 that shows the estimated distribution and presence likelihood of HNV farmland across the whole European
High Nature Value (HNV) farmland 2012 (100 m) accounting version, Nov. 2017GeoTIFFESRI:RESTOGC:WMS
Published: 17 Nov 2017
Temporal coverage: 2012
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High Resolution Snow and Ice
High-Resolution Vegetation Phenology and Productivity parameters at pan-European level provide data about snow properties on land and ice occurrences in the hydrographic network.
Available High Resolution Snow parameters:
Fractional Snow Cover. The Fractional Snow Cover product provides the snow fraction at the Top Of Canopy (FSCTOC) and On Ground (FSCOG).
Gap-filled Fractional Snow Cover. The daily cumulative Gap-filled Fractional Snow Cover (0- 100%) product provides a more complete fractional snow cover information by spatially and temporally aggregating the Fractional Snow Cover data.
Persistent Snow Area. Generated from the Fractional Snow Cover for each hydrological year, the Persistent Snow Area provides information about the yearly extent of persistent snow cover.
Wet/Dry Snow. The Wet/Dry Snow product is differentiating snow state conditions within the snow mask defined by the fractional snow cover at top of canopy.
SAR Wet Snow. This product provides information about the wet snow extent in high-mountain areas.
Available High Resolution Ice parameters:
River and Lake Ice Extent. Provides pixel-based NRT information about ice presence in European rivers and lakes as defined by the EU-Hydro database and is based on data from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2.
Aggregated River and Lake Ice Extent. Provides information about the presence of ice or snow, open water and other soil features like vegetation and bare soil on 10 km river segments and lakes. This spatially aggregated product is derived from the different River and Lake Ice Extent products.
The product suite is operational since September 2016 onwards.
The High-Resolution Snow and Ice product suite is part of the European Union’s Copernicus Land Monitoring Service.
High Resolution Vegetation Phenology and Productivity (LAEA)
High-Resolution Vegetation Phenology and Productivity parameters at pan-European level provide three product groups: daily vegetation indices, 10-daily seasonal trajectories and annual vegetation phenology and productivity parameters:
Vegetation indices. This group consists of daily products generated in near real-time (NRT) providing for every pixel the status of the vegetation vigor. The status is provided in four ways: Leaf Area Index (LAI), Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (FAPAR), Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Plant Phenology Index (PPI). The Vegetation Indices data bundle is accompanied with a quality flag (QFLAG2) indicting e.g. snow or cloud covers.
Seasonal trajectories. Products are provided on annual basis after the end of the vegetation growing season. They are derived as a regular time-series of every 10 days by fitting a smoothing and gap filling function to the raw Plant Phenology Index. The Seasonal Trajectories data bundle is accompanied with a quality flag (QFLAG2) layer indicating the quality of the smoothing process.
Vegetation Phenology and Productivity parameters. Parameters are derived from the seasonal trajectories of the PPI index, on a yearly basis, after the end of the growing season. The Vegetation Phenology and Productivity parameters are produced for up to 2 seasons. They provide vegetation and productivity metrics for each pixel per year, amounting to thirteen metrics per season, hence 26 metrics for two growing seasons. The metric describe the yearly vegetation development, e.g. the start of growing season day (SOSD), end of growing season day (EOSD), length of growing season (LENGTH) or annual productivity (TPROD). The parameters are accompanied with a quality flag layer. The product suite is operational since January 2017 onwards.
The datasets in this series are made available as raster files with 10 x 10m and 100 x 100m resolutions, in ETRS89-LAEA projection corresponding to the HRL grid.
The High-Resolution Vegetation Phenology and Productivity product suite is part of the European Union’s Copernicus Land Monitoring Service.
High Resolution River and Lake Ice Extent
This series contains River and Lake Ice Extent and Aggregated River and Lake Ice Extent providing data and information of snow and ice presence and surface conditions of rivers and lakes covering the entire EEA38 member countries and United Kingdom