

Industrial Reporting under the Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU and European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Regulation (EC) No 166/2006

Prod-ID: DAT-238-en
Created 02 Mar 2023 Published 07 Mar 2023 Last modified 09 Mar 2023
4 min read
This dataset contains the location and administrative data for the largest industrial complexes in Europe, releases and transfers of regulated substances to all media, waste transfers as well as more detailed data on energy input and emissions for large combustion plants. These data are reported to EEA under Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) 2010/75/EU Commission Implementing Decision 2018/1135 and the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) Regulation (EC) No 166/2006 Commission Implementing Decision 2019/1741. The dataset brings together data formerly reported separately under E-PRTR Regulation Art.7 and under IED Art.72. Additional reporting requirements under the IED are also included.
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   Title   Size   Modified   State 
Data Table Pascal source code Industrial Reporting database 1 KB 07 Mar 2023, 08:45 PM Published
Data Table Database structure and use information 1 KB 07 Mar 2023, 08:45 PM Published
Data Table Octet Stream Data and INSPIRE metadata 1 KB 07 Mar 2023, 08:45 PM Published