len name dbpedia population dblabel
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_01 01 - Stockholm http://dbpedia.org/resource/Stockholm_County 2084526 Stockholm County (Stockholms län) is a county or län on the Baltic sea coast of Sweden. It borders Uppsala County and Södermanland County. It also borders Mälaren and the Baltic Sea. The city of Stockholm is the capital of Sweden. Stockholm County is divided by the historic provinces of Uppland and Södermanland. More than one fifth of the Swedish population lives in the county. Stockholm County is also one of the statistical riksområden (national areas) according to NUTS:SE, Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics within the EU. Stockholm County is, with its more than two million inhabitants, the most densely populated of the 21 administrative counties of Sweden.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_03 03 - Uppsala http://dbpedia.org/resource/Uppsala_County 336533 Uppsala County (Uppsala län) is a county or län on the eastern coast of Sweden. It borders the counties of Stockholm, Södermanland, Västmanland, Gävleborg, and the Baltic Sea.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_04 04 - Södermanland http://dbpedia.org/resource/S%C3%B6dermanland_County 270981 Södermanland County (Södermanlands län) is a county or län on the south east coast of Sweden. It borders the counties of Östergötland, Örebro, Västmanland, Uppsala, Stockholm and to the Baltic sea. It is an administrative unit, covering most of the province Södermanland. The eastern parts of the Södermanland province, largely corresponding to the Södertörn area, belong to Stockholm County. Södermanland is the wealthiest county in Sweden at the moment due to wealthy cities such as Trosa, which holds the position of 4th wealthiest community in Sweden, within its borders.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_05 05 - Östergötland http://dbpedia.org/resource/%C3%96sterg%C3%B6tland_County 429852 Östergötland County (Östergötlands län) is a county or län in southeastern Sweden. It borders the counties of Kalmar to the southeast, Jönköping to the southwest, Västra Götaland to the west, Örebro to the northwest, Södermanland to the northeast, and the Baltic Sea to the east. Östergötland County has a population of 429 852 (March 31, 2011) and the capital and biggest city is Linköping. Linköping and neighbouring twin city Norrköping together form one of Sweden's biggest metropolitan areas; The Linköping-Norrköping Corridor is therefore often referred to as The Fourth Metropolitan Region of Sweden, the other three being Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmö.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_06 06 - Jönköping http://dbpedia.org/resource/J%C3%B6nk%C3%B6ping_County 337013 Jönköping County (Jönköpings län) is a county or län in southern Sweden. It borders the counties of Halland, Västra Götaland, Östergötland, Kalmar and Kronoberg. The capital is Jönköping.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_07 07 - Kronoberg http://dbpedia.org/resource/Kronoberg_County 183988 Kronoberg County (Kronobergs län) is a County or län in southern Sweden. It borders the counties of Skåne, Halland, Jönköping, Kalmar and Blekinge. Its capital is the city Växjö.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_08 08 - Kalmar http://dbpedia.org/resource/Kalmar_County 233168 Kalmar County (Kalmar län) is a county or län in southern Sweden. It borders the counties of Kronoberg, Jönköping, Blekinge and Östergötland. To the east in the Baltic Sea is the island Gotland. The counties are mainly administrative units. Geographically Kalmar County covers the eastern part in the Småland province, and the entire island of Öland. For the areas history and culture, see those areas.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_09 09 - Gotland http://dbpedia.org/resource/Gotland_County 57203 Gotland County (Gotlands län) is a county or län of Sweden. Gotland is located in the Baltic Sea to the east of Öland, and is the largest of Sweden's islands. Counties are usually sub-divided into municipalities, but Gotland County only consists of one municipality: Gotland Municipality. Gotland County at present is unique in Sweden as there is no county council. The municipality handles the tasks that otherwise is handled by the county council, mainly health care and public transport. However, for Gotland County, there is a County Administrative Board which is a national authority. Both the County Administrative Board and the municipality have their seat in the largest city Visby, with 22,000 inhabitants.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_10 10 - Blekinge http://dbpedia.org/resource/Blekinge_County 153131 Blekinge County (Blekinge län) is a county or län in the south of Sweden. It borders the Counties of Skåne, Kronoberg, Kalmar and the Baltic Sea. The capital is Karlskrona. It is the smallest of the present administrative counties of Sweden, covering only 0,7 % of the total area
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_12 12 - Skåne http://dbpedia.org/resource/Sk%C3%A5ne_County 1251213 Skåne County (Skåne län), also known as Scania County in English, is the southernmost administrative county or län, of Sweden, basically corresponding to the traditional province Scania (which in Swedish is called Skåne). It borders the counties of Halland, Kronoberg and Blekinge. The seat of residence for the Skåne Governor is the town of Malmö. The headquarters of Region Skåne is the town of Kristianstad. The present county was created in 1997 when Kristianstad County and Malmöhus County were merged, and it covers around 3% of Sweden's total area, but its population of 1,250,000 comprises 13% of Sweden's total population.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_13 13 - Halland http://dbpedia.org/resource/Halland_County 301122 Halland County (Hallands län) is a county on the western coast of Sweden. It corresponds roughly to the cultural and historical province of Halland. The capital is Halmstad. It borders the counties of Västra Götaland, Jönköping, Kronoberg, Skåne and the sea of the Kattegat.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_14 14 - Västra Götaland http://dbpedia.org/resource/V%C3%A4stra_G%C3%B6taland_County 1589016 Västra Götaland County (Swedish: Västra Götalands län) is a county or län on the western coast of Sweden. The county is the second largest (in terms of population) of Sweden's counties and it is subdivided into 49 municipalities (kommuner). Its population of 1,590,000 amounts to 17% of Sweden's population. The capital and governmental seat of Västra Götaland County is Gothenburg. The county was established as recently as 1998, when Älvsborg County, Gothenburg and Bohus County and Skaraborg County were merged.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_17 17 - Värmland http://dbpedia.org/resource/V%C3%A4rmland_County 272773 Värmland County (Värmlands län) is a county or län in west central Sweden. It borders the Swedish counties of Dalarna, Örebro and Västra Götaland, as well as the Norwegian counties of Østfold, Akershus and Hedmark to the west.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_18 18 - Örebro http://dbpedia.org/resource/%C3%96rebro_County 280305 Örebro County is a county or län in central Sweden. It borders the counties of Västra Götaland, Värmland, Dalarna, Västmanland, Södermanland and Östergötland.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_19 19 - Västmanland http://dbpedia.org/resource/V%C3%A4stmanland_County 252819 Västmanland County (Västmanlands län) is a county or län in central Sweden. It borders to the counties of Södermanland, Örebro, Gävleborg, Dalarna and Uppsala. The county also has a stretch of shoreline towards Mälaren (Sweden's third largest lake).
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_20 20 - Dalarna http://dbpedia.org/resource/Dalarna_County 276770 Dalarna County (Dalarnas län) is a county or län in middle Sweden. It borders the counties of Jämtland, Gävleborg, Västmanland, Örebro and Värmland. It is also bordered by the Norwegian counties of Hedmark and Sør-Trøndelag in the west. The capital is Falun. The term Dalarna County is mainly used for administrative purposes, being further subdivided into municipalities (kommuner). Dalarna County virtually encompasses the historical province Dalarna (literally, "the valleys"), that deals with history and culture of the area.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_21 21 - Gävleborg http://dbpedia.org/resource/G%C3%A4vleborg_County 276323 Gävleborg County (Gävleborgs län) is a county or län on the Baltic Sea coast of Sweden. It borders to the counties of Uppsala, Västmanland, Dalarna, Jämtland and Västernorrland. The capital is Gävle.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_22 22 - Västernorrland http://dbpedia.org/resource/V%C3%A4sternorrland_County 242347 Västernorrland County (Västernorrlands län) is a county or län in the north of Sweden. It is bordered by the counties of Gävleborg, Jämtland, Västerbotten and the Gulf of Bothnia.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_23 23 - Jämtland http://dbpedia.org/resource/J%C3%A4mtland_County 126573 Jämtland County (Jämtlands län) is a county or län in the middle of Sweden consisting of the provinces of Jämtland and Härjedalen, along with minor parts of Hälsingland and Ångermanland, plus two tiny uninhabited strips of Lapland and Dalarna. Jämtland County constitutes 12 percent of Sweden's total area, 49,443 km (19,090 sq mi) and is the third largest county in the country. The county capital is Östersund and the county governor, appointed by the Swedish government, is Britt Bohlin Ohlsson, who leads the administrative board. Jämtland County borders the counties of Dalarna, Gävleborg, Västernorrland, and Västerbotten. It also shares a border with the Norwegian counties of Nord-Trøndelag and Sør-Trøndelag. The county was established in 1810 and its foundation has both domestic and foreign causes. Upon formation it only consisted of the provinces of Jämtland and Härjedalen, which is why the coat of arms is a shield parted per fess with their provincial arms.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_24 24 - Västerbotten http://dbpedia.org/resource/V%C3%A4sterbotten_County 259239 Västerbotten County (Västerbottens län) is a county or län in the north of Sweden. It borders the counties of Västernorrland, Jämtland, and Norrbotten, as well as the Norwegian county of Nordland and the Gulf of Bothnia.
http://www.viss.lansstyrelsen.se/rdf/counties.rdf#_25 25 - Norrbotten http://dbpedia.org/resource/Norrbotten_County 248421 Norrbotten County (Norrbottens län) is the northernmost county or län of Sweden. It borders Västerbotten County to the southwest, the Gulf of Bothnia to the southeast. It also borders the counties of Nordland and Troms in Norway to the northwest, and Lapland Province in Finland to the northeast. The name "Norrbotten" is also used for a province of the same name. Norrbotten province covers only the eastern part of Norrbotten County – the inland mostly belongs to the Swedish Lapland province (Lappland).