country major_ecosystem_type iucncat sites site_area order
Albania Marine ecosystem II 1 12428.0 1
Albania Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem II 1 9424.0 1
Albania Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 2 4800.0 0
Albania Terrestrial ecosystem II 13 188648.0 1
Albania Terrestrial ecosystem III 749 8193.0 1
Albania Terrestrial ecosystem IV 24 144685.0 1
Albania Terrestrial ecosystem V 5 95864.0 1
Albania Terrestrial ecosystem VI 4 18245.0 1
Austria Terrestrial ecosystem II 9 235609.0 1
Austria Terrestrial ecosystem III 145 1271.0 1
Austria Terrestrial ecosystem IV 657 506000.0 1
Austria Terrestrial ecosystem V 344 1764593.0 1
Austria Terrestrial ecosystem VI 3 124812.0 1
Austria Terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 1 78.0 2
Belgium Marine ecosystem IV 1 36.0 1
Belgium Marine ecosystem Not applicable 1 37.0 2
Belgium Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 5 588.0 1
Belgium Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 10 8709.0 2
Belgium Terrestrial ecosystem IV 1020 41080.0 1
Belgium Terrestrial ecosystem V 10 371558.0 1
Belgium Terrestrial ecosystem VI 303 323402.0 1
Belgium Terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 397 95482.0 2
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ecosystem type not available III 2 2034.0 1
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ecosystem type not available V 1 367.0 1
Bosnia and Herzegovina Ecosystem type not available Not reported 153 36730.0 2
Bulgaria Marine ecosystem VI 1 760.0 1
Bulgaria Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ia 1 714.0 0
Bulgaria Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem VI 2 177.0 1
Bulgaria Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 54 76408.0 0
Bulgaria Terrestrial ecosystem II 3 193423.0 1
Bulgaria Terrestrial ecosystem III 350 18295.0 1
Bulgaria Terrestrial ecosystem IV 35 4468.0 1
Bulgaria Terrestrial ecosystem V 11 275945.0 1
Bulgaria Terrestrial ecosystem VI 559 74699.0 1
Bulgaria Terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 28 871778.0 2
Croatia Marine ecosystem Not reported 2 855.0 2
Croatia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 20 96337.0 2
Croatia Terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 385 714833.0 2
Cyprus Marine ecosystem Ia 2 1535.0 0
Cyprus Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 9 8066.0 0
Cyprus Terrestrial ecosystem II 11 23300.0 1
Cyprus Terrestrial ecosystem III 6 495.0 1
Cyprus Terrestrial ecosystem IV 24 105931.0 1
Cyprus Terrestrial ecosystem V 2 87.0 1
Cyprus Terrestrial ecosystem VI 5 376230.0 1
Czech Republic Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 9 2556.0 0
Czech Republic Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 5 8318.0 0
Czech Republic Terrestrial ecosystem II 3 83189.0 1
Czech Republic Terrestrial ecosystem III 645 27165.0 1
Czech Republic Terrestrial ecosystem IV 1929 77753.0 1
Czech Republic Terrestrial ecosystem V 34 1171967.0 1
Denmark Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ib 2 1452400.0 0
Denmark Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem II 1 97200000.0 1
Denmark Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 1 279.0 1
Denmark Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 2 163586.0 2
Denmark Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 6 1731.0 0
Denmark Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 12 89024.0 0
Denmark Terrestrial ecosystem II 9 12264.0 1
Denmark Terrestrial ecosystem III 23 66415.0 1
Denmark Terrestrial ecosystem IV 311 514539.0 1
Denmark Terrestrial ecosystem V 1617 100309.0 1
Denmark Terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 295 44256.0 2
Estonia Marine ecosystem Ia 1 586.0 0
Estonia Marine ecosystem Ib 4 1660.0 0
Estonia Marine ecosystem III 2 0.0 1
Estonia Marine ecosystem IV 1 848.0 1
Estonia Marine ecosystem V 4 813.0 1
Estonia Marine ecosystem VI 12 33138.0 1
Estonia Marine ecosystem Not applicable 3 5247.0 2
Estonia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ia 11 377.0 0
Estonia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ib 51 31793.0 0
Estonia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem III 1 9.0 1
Estonia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 66 30942.0 1
Estonia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 36 10606.0 1
Estonia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem VI 77 649010.0 1
Estonia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 69 226551.0 2
Estonia Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 17 7080.0 0
Estonia Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 1185 164066.0 0
Estonia Terrestrial ecosystem III 1153 302.0 1
Estonia Terrestrial ecosystem IV 931 196635.0 1
Estonia Terrestrial ecosystem V 857 141728.0 1
Estonia Terrestrial ecosystem VI 770 301131.0 1
Estonia Terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 6584 608180.0 2
Finland Marine ecosystem IV 2 7655.0 1
Finland Marine ecosystem Not reported 7 6302.0 2
Finland Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ib 1 14999.0 0
Finland Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem II 5 165277.0 1
Finland Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem III 1 24.0 1
Finland Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 28 31410.0 1
Finland Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem VI 13 46627.0 1
Finland Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 758 91583.0 2
Finland Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 20 153646.0 0
Finland Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 122 2254668.0 0
Finland Terrestrial ecosystem II 33 539043.0 1
Finland Terrestrial ecosystem III 1 53.0 1
Finland Terrestrial ecosystem IV 364 45094.0 1
Finland Terrestrial ecosystem V 3 338.0 1
Finland Terrestrial ecosystem VI 2 4337.0 1
Finland Terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 11343 208560.0 2
France Marine ecosystem IV 23 32891.0 1
France Marine ecosystem V 8 13540229.0 1
France Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem II 3 78681.0 1
France Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem III 2 145.0 1
France Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 27 2759254.0 1
France Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 3 324078.0 1
France Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 55 25385.0 0
France Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 1 110777.0 0
France Terrestrial ecosystem II 6 2388448.0 1
France Terrestrial ecosystem III 11 1264.0 1
France Terrestrial ecosystem IV 2853 826288.0 1
France Terrestrial ecosystem V 59 11007566.0 1
Germany Marine ecosystem II 1 441500.0 1
Germany Marine ecosystem IV 4 529746.0 1
Germany Marine ecosystem V 1 56522.0 1
Germany Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem II 4 440420.0 1
Germany Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 68 200217.0 1
Germany Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 9 125097.0 1
Germany Terrestrial ecosystem II 11 165939.0 1
Germany Terrestrial ecosystem IV 8177 1283010.0 1
Germany Terrestrial ecosystem V 8639 10227930.0 1
Germany Terrestrial ecosystem Not assigned 626 622755.0 2
Greece Marine ecosystem II 1 1077.0 1
Greece Marine ecosystem IV 1 133.0 1
Greece Marine ecosystem VI 1 130375.0 1
Greece Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ia 2 16456.0 0
Greece Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem II 3 9150.0 1
Greece Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 15 68447.0 1
Greece Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 2 137656.0 1
Greece Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem VI 17 593512.0 1
Greece Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 1 152270.0 2
Greece Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 8 7859.0 0
Greece Terrestrial ecosystem II 22 87815.0 1
Greece Terrestrial ecosystem III 71 48436.0 1
Greece Terrestrial ecosystem IV 607 1065369.0 1
Greece Terrestrial ecosystem V 3 5265.0 1
Greece Terrestrial ecosystem VI 55 1199341.0 1
Greece Terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 36 287116.0 2
Hungary Terrestrial ecosystem II 5 217825.0 1
Hungary Terrestrial ecosystem III 88 121.0 1
Hungary Terrestrial ecosystem IV 157 26346.0 1
Hungary Terrestrial ecosystem V 57 606129.0 1
Hungary Terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 64 569194.0 2
Iceland Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 2 6562.0 0
Iceland Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 2 94699.0 0
Iceland Terrestrial ecosystem II 5 1464122.0 1
Iceland Terrestrial ecosystem III 45 10483.0 1
Iceland Terrestrial ecosystem IV 1 10.0 1
Iceland Terrestrial ecosystem IV 18 73425.0 1
Iceland Terrestrial ecosystem V 29 413805.0 1
Iceland Terrestrial ecosystem VI 13 23893.0 1
Ireland Marine ecosystem Ia 1 24.0 0
Ireland Marine ecosystem IV 2 8.0 1
Ireland Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ia 12 6668.0 0
Ireland Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 33 19400.0 1
Ireland Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 60 14222.0 0
Ireland Terrestrial ecosystem II 6 61158.0 1
Ireland Terrestrial ecosystem IV 195 99101.0 1
Italy Marine ecosystem IV 32 2786029.0 1
Italy Marine ecosystem V 1 3.0 1
Italy Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem II 2 93768.0 1
Italy Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 3 4124.0 1
Italy Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 116 61323.0 0
Italy Terrestrial ecosystem II 22 1443725.0 1
Italy Terrestrial ecosystem III 55 5414.0 1
Italy Terrestrial ecosystem IV 456 1144147.0 1
Italy Terrestrial ecosystem V 184 484197.0 1
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 18 10655.0 0
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 1 228.0 0
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) Terrestrial ecosystem II 2 115957.0 1
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) Terrestrial ecosystem III 144 6043.0 1
Kosovo (UNSCR 1244/99) Terrestrial ecosystem V 6 8102.0 1
Latvia Marine ecosystem IV 7 436421.0 1
Latvia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 1 3008.0 1
Latvia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 1 475515.0 1
Latvia Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 4 25068.0 0
Latvia Terrestrial ecosystem II 45 344307.0 1
Latvia Terrestrial ecosystem III 357 5295.0 1
Latvia Terrestrial ecosystem IV 285 230113.0 1
Latvia Terrestrial ecosystem V 9 165387.0 1
Liechtenstein Ecosystem type not available Ib 9 1308.0 0
Liechtenstein Ecosystem type not available IV 31 621.0 1
Liechtenstein Ecosystem type not available V 1 6247.0 1
Luxembourg Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 49 6803.0 0
Luxembourg Terrestrial ecosystem II 2 46930.0 1
Luxembourg Terrestrial ecosystem IV 67 99107.0 1
Macedonia (FYR) Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 2 7787.0 0
Macedonia (FYR) Terrestrial ecosystem II 3 114870.0 1
Macedonia (FYR) Terrestrial ecosystem III 67 78607.0 1
Macedonia (FYR) Terrestrial ecosystem IV 12 3045.0 1
Macedonia (FYR) Terrestrial ecosystem V 1 108.0 1
Macedonia (FYR) Terrestrial ecosystem VI 1 25305.0 1
Malta Marine ecosystem IV 16 479705.0 1
Malta Marine ecosystem VI 1 1297.0 1
Malta Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 3 18.0 0
Malta Terrestrial ecosystem II 1 249.0 1
Malta Terrestrial ecosystem III 6 16.0 1
Malta Terrestrial ecosystem IV 166 12732.0 1
Malta Terrestrial ecosystem V 13 7308.0 1
Malta Terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 22 888.0 2
Montenegro Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 7 500.0 0
Montenegro Terrestrial ecosystem II 5 101733.0 1
Montenegro Terrestrial ecosystem III 54 11627.0 1
Montenegro Terrestrial ecosystem V 6 65654.0 1
Montenegro Terrestrial ecosystem Not assigned 1 0.0 2
Netherlands Marine ecosystem IV 7 1434190.0 1
Netherlands Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 3 80774.0 1
Netherlands Terrestrial ecosystem II 20 140998.0 1
Netherlands Terrestrial ecosystem IV 150 545334.0 1
Norway Marine ecosystem Ia 7 24266.0 0
Norway Marine ecosystem IV 1 204.0 1
Norway Marine ecosystem Not reported 2 8919.0 2
Norway Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ia 664 9250450.0 0
Norway Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem II 14 3655376.0 1
Norway Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem III 19 1699.0 1
Norway Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 178 115452.0 1
Norway Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 22 216716.0 1
Norway Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 17 59167.0 2
Norway Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 1541 593198.0 0
Norway Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 1 1917.0 0
Norway Terrestrial ecosystem II 32 3058549.0 1
Norway Terrestrial ecosystem III 91 117.0 1
Norway Terrestrial ecosystem IV 92 461227.0 1
Norway Terrestrial ecosystem V 112 1121397.0 1
Norway Terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 170 14823.0 2
Poland Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem II 2 43125.0 1
Poland Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 7 1966.0 1
Poland Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 2 21947.0 1
Poland Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Not assigned 3 4917.0 2
Poland Terrestrial ecosystem II 14 171116.0 1
Poland Terrestrial ecosystem IV 1427 163160.0 1
Poland Terrestrial ecosystem V 118 2549956.0 1
Poland Terrestrial ecosystem Not assigned 461 7443587.0 2
Portugal Marine ecosystem Ia 2 385.0 0
Portugal Marine ecosystem Ib 6 524789.0 0
Portugal Marine ecosystem IV 6 10669034.0 1
Portugal Marine ecosystem VI 32 13614627.0 1
Portugal Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ia 2 20889.0 0
Portugal Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ib 5 4772.0 0
Portugal Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem III 1 118.0 1
Portugal Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 4 15830.0 1
Portugal Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 3 115988.0 1
Portugal Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem VI 1 1349.0 1
Portugal Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 9 4297.0 0
Portugal Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 14 10035.0 0
Portugal Terrestrial ecosystem II 1 69593.0 1
Portugal Terrestrial ecosystem III 20 3985.0 1
Portugal Terrestrial ecosystem IV 58 88455.0 1
Portugal Terrestrial ecosystem V 42 549511.0 1
Portugal Terrestrial ecosystem VI 19 51967.0 1
Romania Marine ecosystem Ia 1 5561.0 0
Romania Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 1 578848.0 1
Romania Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 44 19094.0 0
Romania Terrestrial ecosystem II 13 316874.0 1
Romania Terrestrial ecosystem III 206 15413.0 1
Romania Terrestrial ecosystem IV 671 324182.0 1
Romania Terrestrial ecosystem V 15 772804.0 1
Serbia Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 7 152.0 0
Serbia Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 1 37.0 0
Serbia Terrestrial ecosystem II 3 100747.0 1
Serbia Terrestrial ecosystem III 177 9146.0 1
Serbia Terrestrial ecosystem IV 34 136243.0 1
Serbia Terrestrial ecosystem V 22 196967.0 1
Serbia Terrestrial ecosystem VI 2 15695.0 1
Serbia Terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 123 97788.0 2
Slovakia Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 351 44449.0 0
Slovakia Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 23 44715.0 0
Slovakia Terrestrial ecosystem II 8 288085.0 1
Slovakia Terrestrial ecosystem III 326 1617.0 1
Slovakia Terrestrial ecosystem IV 406 19678.0 1
Slovakia Terrestrial ecosystem V 15 544806.0 1
Slovakia Terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 86 279207.0 2
Slovenia Marine ecosystem Not applicable 6 40552.0 2
Slovenia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ib 1 124.0 0
Slovenia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem III 1 24.0 1
Slovenia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 1 429.0 1
Slovenia Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 12 3085.0 2
Slovenia Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 6 208.0 0
Slovenia Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 49 7103.0 0
Slovenia Terrestrial ecosystem II 1 83979.0 1
Slovenia Terrestrial ecosystem III 1163 18691.0 1
Slovenia Terrestrial ecosystem V 42 171374.0 1
Slovenia Terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 759 2484479.0 2
Spain Marine ecosystem II 1 26375.0 1
Spain Marine ecosystem III 1 109.0 1
Spain Marine ecosystem IV 3 7146.0 1
Spain Marine ecosystem V 4 34644.0 1
Spain Marine ecosystem VI 10 339457.0 1
Spain Marine ecosystem Not assigned 12 42088.0 2
Spain Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ib 2 11.0 0
Spain Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem II 8 74544.0 1
Spain Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem III 6 4573.0 1
Spain Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 5 7768.0 1
Spain Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 17 209795.0 1
Spain Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem VI 3 12303.0 1
Spain Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Not assigned 48 211612.0 2
Spain Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 13 32845.0 0
Spain Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 59 28652.0 0
Spain Terrestrial ecosystem II 88 1035388.0 1
Spain Terrestrial ecosystem III 263 98741.0 1
Spain Terrestrial ecosystem IV 172 209618.0 1
Spain Terrestrial ecosystem V 294 3828551.0 1
Spain Terrestrial ecosystem VI 35 181147.0 1
Spain Terrestrial ecosystem Not assigned 735 3871791.0 2
Sweden Marine ecosystem Ib 1 56031.0 0
Sweden Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ia 103 29824.0 0
Sweden Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Ib 24 78562.0 0
Sweden Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem II 4 53775.0 1
Sweden Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem III 34 11539.0 1
Sweden Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 172 46681.0 1
Sweden Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 170 478858.0 1
Sweden Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 33 3807.0 2
Sweden Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem Not assigned 240 29717.0 2
Sweden Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 3018 594838.0 0
Sweden Terrestrial ecosystem Ib 136 2988547.0 0
Sweden Terrestrial ecosystem II 19 684635.0 1
Sweden Terrestrial ecosystem III 278 22082.0 1
Sweden Terrestrial ecosystem IV 1120 106254.0 1
Sweden Terrestrial ecosystem V 137 275092.0 1
Sweden Terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 7171 89080.0 2
Sweden Terrestrial ecosystem Not assigned 2369 318258.0 2
Switzerland Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 547 18998.0 0
Switzerland Terrestrial ecosystem IV 5296 250963.0 1
Switzerland Terrestrial ecosystem Not assigned 48 78951.0 2
Turkey Ecosystem type not available Ia 1245 1697662.0 0
Turkey Ecosystem type not available Ib 6 12507.0 0
Turkey Ecosystem type not available VI 1153 1724159.0 1
Turkey Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem II 4 87330.0 1
Turkey Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem V 1 19638.0 1
Turkey Terrestrial ecosystem Ia 331 425627.0 0
Turkey Terrestrial ecosystem II 37 758426.0 1
Turkey Terrestrial ecosystem IV 80 1187831.0 1
Turkey Terrestrial ecosystem V 193 76614.0 1
Turkey Terrestrial ecosystem VI 497 44582.0 1
Turkey Terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 109 6836.0 2
United Kingdom Marine ecosystem IV 66 1509299.0 1
United Kingdom Marine ecosystem Not assigned 112 4121127.0 2
United Kingdom Marine ecosystem Not reported 40 10814036.0 2
United Kingdom Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem III 4 2796.0 1
United Kingdom Mixed marine and terrestrial ecosystem IV 530 946353.0 1
United Kingdom Terrestrial ecosystem II 38 194975.0 1
United Kingdom Terrestrial ecosystem III 682 115858.0 1
United Kingdom Terrestrial ecosystem IV 16670 5121827.0 1
United Kingdom Terrestrial ecosystem V 186 9991806.0 1
United Kingdom Terrestrial ecosystem Not applicable 86 2850171.0 2
United Kingdom Terrestrial ecosystem Not assigned 28 11590.0 2
United Kingdom Terrestrial ecosystem Not reported 332 33771.0 2