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Environmental information systems
Absolute gaps (over-delivery or shortfall) between greenhouse gas projections and 2010 targets for EU-15 Member States
Chart (static)
In July 2007, Spain adopted a Plan of Urgent Measures against Climate Change
Data sources
- Austria
- Belgium
- Denmark
- Finland
- France
- Germany
- Greece
- Ireland
- Italy
- Luxembourg
- Netherlands
- Portugal
- Spain
- Sweden
- United Kingdom
More info
Spain plans to fulfil its commitment under the Kyoto Protocol through these measures, which will be implemented in 2007. The consideration of these measures in the report was not possible as this information was not submitted in time and the data were not detailed enough. According to Denmark´s NAP for the period 20082012 and additional information submitted to the Commission, Denmark plans to reach its target by initiating new national climate initiatives, although these have not been identified yet.