

Overview of the availability of online case study collections in EEA Member and EEA Cooperating countries

Figure Created 17 Jun 2024 Published 26 Jun 2024 Last modified 01 Jul 2024
1 min read
The map shows all EEA Member countries that provide online catalogues of case studies on adaptation to climate change.

European data


Additional information

Assessment of information reported under National Adaptation Action in Governance Regulation ((EU) 2018/1999, Art. 19) in 2023 by EU Member states and by analogy on a voluntary basis by Iceland and Switzerland in 2023 and Türkiye in 2021 and additional information requested from the Eionet group on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation in October 2023

Qualitative data (yes, no, no data, not covered in the data collection ( =UK)) in relation to the availability of online case study catalogues for adaptation to climate change.


Geographic coverage

Temporal coverage