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PINBORG U. (1994) - Catalogue of data sources for the environment - suggestion for a common EEA/CDS frame - specifications of concepts and contents - National Forest and Nature Agency, version 1.2, 1994.
Council of Europe (1985) - Catalogue of data banks in the field of nature conservation, CDSN-INF (85) 2, 1985
HARDING P.T. and CROFT J.M. (1995) - EC Habitats Directive : a review of the European distribution on UK terrestrial and freshwater species on Annexes II, IV and V - JNCC report n° 242, July 1995
CONNECT (1994) - CONNECT Institutes Questionnaire on biodiversity and pollutants data holdings - sept. 1994.
EEC - DG XI (1994) - Besoins dinformation et tâches à réaliser dans le cadre de la politique de conservation de la nature et du premier programme multiannuel de lAgence Européenne de lEnvironnement. - ULB EEC-DGXI, juin 1994
EEC - DG XI (1995) - Distribution of habitats and species by biogeographic region - Distribution des habitats et des espèces par région biogéographique, draft 27-09-1995
WCMC (1994) - The Biodiversity Information Clearing House - Concept and Challenges -WCMC Biodiversity n° 2, November 1994
VAN HELSDINGEN P.J., WILLEMSE L. (1995) - Background information on Invertebrates of the Habitats Directive - Draft final report, 30-06-1995
For the development of the questionnaire, analysis of several questionnaires has been made :
CCBR Programme for the establishment of a national system for the co-ordination of biological record - Questionnaire, Sept 1992.
ECNC Survey on species data availability with special emphasis of the EC directive 92/43/EEC and Bern Convention - questionnaire Jan. 1995
ICONA Encuesta sobre bancos de datos de conservacion , Hispanat marzo 1995.
CBD Questionnaire on existing databases of relevance to the Convention on Biological Diversity Jan 1994
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