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Stockholm, 23 April 2001
European Consultative
Forum on the Environment and Sustainable Development:
From Cardiff to Gothenburg
Executive Director
European Environment Agency
1. Indicators as a support to policy making
The Swedish Presidency has already achieved a lot in promoting integrated policy making: the discussions at the Stockholm European Council and the large amount of preparatory workshops towards these and next Council meetings reflect a firm line towards integration of policies and transparency and accountability of policy making. One of the recurring themes is that policies and strategies should go with indicators for judging progress made. It is at this point that the European Environment Agency comes into the picture.
The European Environment Agency (EEA) is a European
Community body with the aim of serving the Community and the Member
States with information to support policy making for environmental
protection in the perspective of sustainable development. We do that by
collecting and assessing data on the current and foreseeable state of
the environment.
With the development in attention going from ‘environment', to ‘the
environmental pillar in sustainable development' to ‘environmentally
sustainable development' we are in a constant process of creating clear
lines for our clients focusing on the essentials in the overload of
environmental and sustainability information.
Our primary clients are policy-making agents and politicians at EU
level in the European Commission, in the European Parliament, in the
Council and in the Member states. Not only the Swedish Presidency but
also others are increasingly aware of the use of and usefulness of
indicators in their processes. Indicators can play an important role
within the policy preparation and the evaluation stages of the policy
cycle (figure 1).
Figure 1:
However, our primary clients are not the only
actors driving policies and able to bring along changes. Informed
citizens, NGOs, companies, lower levels of governments are our
secondary target groups.
Their indicator needs are partly similar to politicians and policy
makers as they are also participating in the decision-making process,
although in different ways. These groups will use the indicators
primarily to make the policy makers accountable for their actions to
face environmental challenges. As such they will use "conventional”
indicators such as energy efficiency, greenhouse gas emissions, or
vehicle kilometres driven. But apart from these, citizens groups ask
for indicators that have a more radical character. It is the NGOs that
have brought concepts like ecological footprint, foodmiles, green GDP
further in attempts to get tools that are able to raise attention not
for a single environmental problem, but for the basic processes behind
environmental degradation, viz. international trade, specialisation,
uncovered external costs.
But, regardless the way the indicators are defined, a few principles
seem needed to make them work:
2. Making the case: the environment in the EU, good and bad news
The European Environment Agency is preparing for the Gothenburg European Council the second edition of its Environmental signals indicator report. This report will confirm some of the findings of the first report and provide some new insights in the development of major environmental issues in the EU:
In several other areas improvements can be seen as a result of many years environmental policy, such as in the emissions of main air pollutants, in the concentration of phosphorus in rivers (but not for nitrogen), and in urban waste water treatment.
My perception on the general situation is that we are not yet where we would like to be and we can still repeat some old (1999) messages:
The responsibility of the sectors
But the prospects are better as many initiatives are focusing
on the development of societal sectors:
Environmental signals 2001 concludes:
"The challenge thus lies in the evolving patterns and scale of
consumption and production: transport is constantly
increasing, in particular those modes that are least sustainable (road
and air); transport is a core activity of the tourism
sector that is rapidly growing as the first service sector in the
European economy; a growing number of households makes
up new consumerism expenditures, shifting from basic to less basic
needs (transport, fuel, recreation); agriculture,
though no longer expanding, remains largely intensive in its changing
production processes."
Make sectoral policies more sustainable and we will get substantial improvements in environment quality and in progress towards more sustainable development. This is supported by a wealth of statistics highlighting the causing factors of these developments:
For facing the mentioned challenges and dealing with sectoral policies the prospects in the European Union are brighter than at any moment in the past. A more efficient framework for policy action and timely review of progress is emerging:
It is important to use these opportunities now and provide a clear way forward.
3. Towards a new way of policy making and the role of sustainability indicators
The development of the Cardiff initiative through the Helsinki European Council, to be continued in Gothenburg provides an example of integrated thinking in policy development. The so-called Lisbon process, starting with the March 2000 European summit on employment, economic reform and social cohesion was the start of a equally intensive process for integrating social and economic aspects of development. In the end, of course, both processes from Cardiff to Gothenburg and from Lisbon to Stockholm have to lead to some ‘joined up thinking' on all aspects of sustainable development at European Council level and repeated every year at the spring summit. Keywords in both processes are and will have to be transparency and accountability.
What happened precisely in these processes, and how
far have we come?
From Cardiff to Gothenburg:
The Cardiff European Council formed the starting point of a
process stimulating sector councils (energy, transport, etc.) to come
up with strategies for integrating environmental concerns in their
policies and to propose mechanisms based on indicators to report on
progress. The Helsinki Summit reviewed for the first time progress and
From these conclusions we can see a process emerging (figure 2).
Figure 2:
In this model the EU sustainability strategy forms
the chapeau for two parallel lines of policy development: (1) The
environmental issues and environmental policies in a narrow sense are
covered by the development of the 6EAP and the envisaged thematic
plans. (2) The integration process is carried out in the development,
implementation and follow-up of sector environment integration
Transparency is achieved by developing in two interlinked "corridors”
sectoral strategies and the 6th Environmental Action
Programme, which should outline a clear long-term vision for policy
making. Accountability is enhanced because behind each of the
strategies indicators and reporting mechanisms are foreseen to
regularly report on progress or lack of progress in the reaching of the
aims and targets of the strategies.
Overall monitoring of progress made in both policy ‘corridors' using a
selected number of, so called, headline indicators, completes the
policy cycle.
From Lisbon to Stockholm
The Lisbon summit in March 2000 on employment, economic
reform and social cohesion (a Europe based on innovation and knowledge)
was the next step in making sustainable development more concrete. Some
spin offs:
From an operational point of view the merging of the economic and social dimensions with the environmental dimension brings us to a hypothetical "three corridors” model (fig. 3):
Figure 3:
If this model is implemented it may help not only to reduce the inconsistency between environment and economic and sectoral policy but also between those polices themselves (such as between energy, transport, agriculture and fiscality), and it could show that the environmental sustainability part is the area which is maybe the most advanced in terms of accountability.
From Stockholm to Gothenburg
The European Council in its meeting on 23-24 March in
Stockholm concluded: "Lisbon has successfully integrated economic
and social matters. The sustainable development strategy, including the
environmental dimension, to be adopted at the Göteborg European Council
in June will complete and build on the political commitment under the
Lisbon strategy. All dimensions of sustainable development should be
reviewed in the context of the annual Spring European Council.
The European Council will accordingly review at its Spring
meeting in 2002:
It is now up to the Gothenburg meeting to put flesh on the bones of the sustainability strategy. At Gothenburg objectives should be set out for sustainable development. Unsustainable trends like in transport and energy use and land use, that can endanger the long-term perspective of a competitive, knowledge-based and inclusive society, should be identified and tackled. Ageing populations will challenge social protection and healthcare systems and may reduce the room for manoeuvre in budgetary policy. Synergies in creating a safe and sustainable living environment should be identified. The same holds for food safety and agriculture. A potential widening of the income gap in knowledge economies might be counteracted by enhancing environmentally friendly jobs. The strategy may want to put forward typically environmental policy instruments like taxation - aimed at getting prices right to reflect better the costs of environmental degradation and offer incentives for change.
Also a "three corridors model” for policy making for sustainable development must be accompanied by interlinked indicators. As the main policy activities are happening within each of the corridors, the most logical approach would be to derive part of the overall EU sustainability (headline) indicators from the existing initiatives, and then accompany them with some crosscutting ones.
4. Clear structures are needed for making indicators work
Assuming that policy developers in the EU aim at a
rational and efficient set of policies we may expect that under the
sustainable development strategy a number of interlinked and mutually
supporting policies emerge.
Speaking from the side of those who provide information to support
policy making, I would like to sketch how we see progress reporting and
assessment of such an integrated set of policies developing.
Clear structures are needed to communicate to policy makers how the information that we provide is related to policy processes and to make clear what type of information serves which process.
Complementary to the ‘corridors' in strategic policy making, clusters of environmental indicators are being developed (fig. 4).
Figure 4:
The sectoral integration strategies (sectoral sustainability) need to be monitored using indicators for the integration of environment and sectoral policies. The Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism as developed by the EEA with support of Eurostat and the Commission is a good example for these (see box 1). The EEA is now, together with its partners, developing similar reports for Energy and Agriculture. Within the limited capacities of the EEA our focus for the coming years will be on these three sectors, whereby the analysis progressively will include more economic and social elements. However, attention is needed for a good co-ordination between all sectoral reporting mechanisms, developed either by others or by the EEA with additional support. The recently published proposal for indicators for enterprises, for example, is out of scope with the whole system. An EEA publication providing a common framework for reporting on the conventional sectors is in preparation[1].
Similar to the ‘environmental headline indicators (see below) a limited set of main indicators should be selected from the currently around 30 integration indicators per sector.
Box 1 : The TERM process and concept: a model to be followed by other sectors? The Amsterdam Treaty identifies integration of environmental and sectoral policies as the way forward to sustainable development. The European Council, at its Summit in Cardiff in 1998, requested the Commission and the transport ministers to focus their efforts on developing integrated transport and environment strategies. At the same time, and following initial work by the European Environment Agency on transport and environment indicators, the joint Transport and Environment Council invited the Commission and the EEA to set up a Transport and Environment Reporting Mechanism (TERM), which should enable policy-makers to gauge the progress of their integration policies. The main output of TERM is a regular indicator-based report through which the effectiveness of transport and environment integration strategies can be monitored. The first indicator report --was published in 2000. TERM-2001 is currently under preparation (publication expected in September 2001). The TERM indicators were selected and grouped to address the seven key questions:
The TERM indicator list was developed after consultation with various Commission services, national experts, other international organisations and researchers. The indicators cover all the most important aspects of the transport and environment system (Driving forces, Pressures, State of the environment, Impacts, and societal Responses -- the so-called DPSIR framework) and include eco-efficiency indicators. The current list is a long-term vision of an ‘ideal' list and some of the proposed indicators could not at this stage be quantified. Where data availability has prevented an EU 15 analysis, national examples or proxy indicators are used. The TERM process is steered jointly by the Commission (DG TREN, DGENV, Eurostat) and the European Environment Agency. The Member States and other international organisations are consulted regularly.Source: EEA, 2001, TERM 2001: indicators tracking transport and environment integration |
The 6th environmental action programme and envisaged specific action plans to achieve environmental sustainability need to be monitored using sets of selected issue indicators. The EC Communication (COM(2001)31) which includes the 6th Environmental Action Programme and a proposal for a Council decision, tries to establish not only the environmental sustainability pillar of an upcoming EU sustainable development strategy, but also pays attention to the necessary monitoring and reporting. The EEA is currently developing proposals for indicators on the environmental issues in the 6th EAP, which will find their way into our publications. EEA's Environmental signals report series will develop into the main indicator report on environmental sustainability.
While it is still open how the Decision will define finally the system to monitor progress and implementation of the 6th EAP, we can identify what can be the EEA contributions based on the EEA ongoing information and reporting system (see Box 2).
Box 2 : EEA contributions to the 6th Environmental Action Programme of the European Communities 1. Monitoring Progress (benchmarking and accountability) Yearly reporting (or periodical updating)
Pluri-annual reporting
2. Supporting Policy (specific thematic plans following 6th EAP) Framing (prior information/consultation)
Implementation (and reporting obligations)
3. Dissemination of information including best practices For ‘doers': Businesses and Municipalities
For experts (and NGOs), public at large
The European Commission together with the EEA,
Eurostat and the member states will soon publish the first report on
environmental headline indicators (see Box 3). This is
a very limited set of ten indicators for main EU environmental
Publication of the first report has been delayed due to political
discussions within the Commission, which makes me propose for next
editions a stricter division between the publication of ‘main'
indicators by the EEA (together with Eurostat, at a time when the data
and the assessment become available) followed by a publication by the
Commission of the ‘Headline indicators' in their political context of
developing strategies and implementation plans.
Box 3: Environmental headline indicators for the EU (status January 2001) |
6th Environmental Action Programme theme: Climate change |
1. Climate Change |
aggregated emissions of 3 main greenhouse gases |
aggregated emissions of 6 greenhouse gases of the Kyoto Protocol |
6th Environmental Action Programme theme: Nature & biodiversity |
2. Nature & Biodiversity |
designated "Special Protection Areas” (Birds Directive) |
biodiversity index, or conservation status of key species and habitats |
3. Air Quality: acidification |
aggregated emissions of acidifying substances |
same |
6th Environmental Action Programme theme: Environment & human health |
4. Air Quality: summersmog |
aggregated emissions of ozone precursor substances |
same, and: number of days of pollution exceeding standards |
5. Urban Air Quality |
number of days of exceedance (several pollutants) |
urban air quality indicators or index; urban transport indicators |
6. Water Quality |
phosphate and nitrate concentration in large rivers |
European index for the status of water bodies |
7. Chemicals |
indicator in development |
production of hazardous chemicals |
6th Environmental Action Programme theme: Waste & resources |
8. Waste |
municipal and hazardous waste generated & landfilled |
resource use in line with the waste strategy |
9. Resource Use |
gross Inland Energy Consumption |
material balance indicator |
10. Water Quant. |
total fresh water abstraction |
intensity of water use |
11. Land Use |
land use by selected categories |
land use change matrix |
As has been mentioned before the Commission has
made a proposal (COM(2000)594) for the structural indicators that have
been used in the synthesis report for the Stockholm Council
(COM(2001)97/2 Volume II).
It proposes 27 key indicators, which is considered small enough to
focus the policy debate and be manageable, but sufficiently large to
offer a balanced picture.
No decision has been taken yet on the details of the regular reporting
for future Spring councils incorporating all aspects of sustainability,
which was announced at the Stockholm summit. Regarding the social and
economic indicators a proposal for a short list is given in council
report 6999/01 (see box 4, for this list including a proposal for
adding the environmental dimension).
As there is no institution in the Communities that is able to cover
all three aspects of sustainable development, the creation of a
consortium will be necessary for the organisation of the Spring Council
reporting. In accordance with its current remit and tasks, the EEA can
cover the indicator assessment for the environmental dimension,
including sectoral integration. Eurostat, as main data-source is the
logical provider of the 12 economic and societal indicators, while the
JRC could provide assistance in the integral assessment (which is
currently lacking from the synthesis report).
Box 4: Proposed indicators
for Spring European Council reporting on sustainable
The list of 12 indicators for economy and society
is the following: And an EEA proposal for the environmental
dimension, including the Cardiff process: |
Consistency and discipline
In regular indicator based reporting for
whatever purpose or target group consistency and discipline should be
strived for. Consistency is needed in choosing indicators to report on
thematic action programs making sure that sectoral contributions can be
identified. Consistency is needed in the sector-environment reporting
mechanisms to allow for comparing progress between sectors and to be
able to analyse and compare progress in the use of ‘integration'
instruments. Consistency is also needed in the further development of
the ‘headline'-indicators and the development of a merger between the
structural indicators, the environmental headline indicators and the
eventual sectoral headline indicators.
However, there are still some open questions in the
implementation of the whole system:
Regarding the sector integration pillar:
Regarding the environmental issues/6EAP pillar?
Regarding the socio-economic pillar:
And in relation to this: will the EC proposal on a sustainability strategy set the model and the process for the three pillars of sustainable development (social -- economic -- environment)? And what will be the institutional setting for the development of (independent) reporting to the Spring Council?
An even more important question for the implementation is:
Implementing indicators -- an opportunity
or just another burden?
Countries are hesitant to implement monitoring systems based
on indicators for several reasons. Two of the most important are the
perceived additional costs involved with data collection and the
feeling that resulting indicators and assessments could be used as a
"stick” by the Commission against countries for non-compliance with
legislation. The latter is particularly relevant for indicators linked
to policy targets.
It is true that for many of the more "interesting” indicators, data collection systems do not yet exist in Member States. This is not because of lack of will in countries, rather the perceptions that the burden is ever-growing being added to and never reduced, that little use is made of the information already reported to EU institutions.
These perceptions, whether correct or incorrect, present a challenge to all of us involved with using environmental information in the EU. To overcome these negative, though justified perceptions, I believe we should consider doing the following positive steps:
5. Putting indicators to work
The main envisaged roles for the indicators build on the experience of the use of GDP and also of the EMU convergence parameters, that you can only:
Critics may say that indicators and targets are a far too simplistic response to complex issues, but in reality they are the top of an iceberg of information and more important: they seem to work!
5.1 Using scorecards, peer pressure,
benchmarking and best experiences
Score cards are overviews of the progress of
countries, cities, companies or other entities based on a number of
well-selected variables. Sometimes scorecards are based on an index
aggregating many different indicators. Their use for comparing the
progress made by countries allows for "naming and faming” for those who
achieved a lot, with the potential for the others to learn from the
experiences, and for "naming and shaming” of those that failed to
achieve progress.
In a still basic form the EEA developed such a scorecard based on its
indicator report Environmental signals 2000 (figure 5)
Figure 5:
Apart from encouraging countries (or the other entities compared) to do better, this information provides the entry point for a benchmarking exercise. In this example (figure 5) the situation and policies in the countries at the right side should be explored in detail to see which factors and which levers were responsible for the good performance. Policy effectiveness indicators are useful tools for this. Successful measures and policies (the success stories) should be considered for adaptation and use by others. Ultimately any collection of indicators should go together with a system for sharing ‘best experiences'. The EEA is developing the ‘Envirowindows' tool[2] as a mechanism for decentralised collection and sharing of this information by and for environmental managers.
5.2 Using convergence criteria
Identifying indicators is a first step towards
agreeing on targets.
As the EMU convergence criteria were able to move EU member states
quickly in the direction of Euroland, sustainability targets should be
able to move societies towards a general improvement of sustainability.
What we need now are sustainability convergence criteria!
The first principle for developing such
sustainability convergence criteria is summarised in the statement:
"For every complex problem there is a simple answer and it is always
Sometimes scientists consider with horror the easy with which policy
makers push a solution for a complex issue. However, when policy makers
are able to agree on simple approximations, then they often work and
lead to faster progress compared to more balanced approaches. Apart
from the EMU convergence criteria, we have seen examples in the use of
the Kyoto target for emissions of a basket of six greenhouse gas, the
negotiations in the framework of the Convention on Long Range
Transboundary Air Pollution using no exceedance of critical deposition
loads as starting point. We should not be afraid to develop some bold
measures and accompanying bold targets.
Secondly use of the sustainable convergence criteria ask for simplicity, in other words the answer to the question "what is really important and at stake”. The indicators mentioned in box 4 (the Spring reporting set) provide a first answer to this question and invite policy makers to be as specific as possible on the objectives and targets in each of the areas.
Of course, while this core of indicators and related targets serves to monitor and benchmark overall progress, nothing stops us to develop some specific thematic monitoring systems, if required, when some priority issues are identified politically. This seems to be the case for the emerging EU Sustainable Development Strategy and for the 6th Environmental Action Programme (climate change and clean energy -- management of natural resources -- mobility -- land use and territorial management -- public health -- poverty and social exclusion -- demography and ageing).
The business sector has been especially keen on
answering the question ‘What is really important', to be able to use
environment like other criteria in business management. As many of the
"new” approaches such as benchmarking, steering by indicators, etc.
stem from business management and financial accounting, it is no wonder
that the business sector has applied these tools also for environmental
and sustainability issues. Few people are aware of this progress and
government administrations certainly can learn from the companies. This
interaction between companies and government could even lead to a
re-inforced co-operation in the field of the environment and
Companies at the forefront of sustainability thinking have joined
together in the World Business Council for Sustainable Development,
wouldn't it be an idea for national states to join in a similar club of
Member States for sustainability?
Progressive parts of the business sector are now formulating sustainability convergence criteria to have a clear target for their companies, to be able to benchmark and the monitor progress (Figure 6). It is now up to national governments and the EU to develop their sustainability strategies in a similar clear and transparent process, to achieve the progress needed with the involvement of all stakeholders.
Figure 6: WBCSD sustainability
convergence criteria
Common framework for indicator based reporting on sector-environment
integration. Technical report EEA.
[2] via the EEA homepage under
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