
EEA-Eionet day

Page Last modified 07 Mar 2023
27 min read
The network event aimed to contribute to positioning EEA-Eionet as the key knowledge network in supporting the European Green Deal and 8th EAP and to accelerate the implementation of the EEA-Eionet Strategy 2021-2030.
Wednesday 1 March 2023, DGI Byen-CPH Conference (Tietgensgade 65, Copenhagen) | Online streaming from 9.30 to 11.30 AM CET

The event brought together National Focal Points, experts from Eionet groups and Thematic groups, European Topic Centre managers and experts, and the European Environment Agency (EEA) staff.


The EEA-Eionet day was a highly interactive event in which attendees got an opportunity to play various roles from being a participant to organising your own exhibits and workshops. The event programme included:

  • Two keynote speeches
  • An ‘Eionet in the knowledge-policy game’ panel debate
  • Launch/ preview of new EEA-Eionet projects
  • Eionet delivers – a fair showcasing Eionet success stories
  • Cut across workshops – two rounds of parallel sessions focusing on cross-cutting topics
  • National corner – a fair highlighting the work done in the countries.

Please refer to the agenda (updated on 23 February 2023) for further details. The morning part of the event – from 9.30 to 11.30 (CET) – was held in plenary and streamed for all Eionet members to tune in remotely if they could not attend the event in person.

Eionet delivers

The Eionet delivers fair provided an opportunity to showcase the successful work of Eionet groups, Thematic groups and European Topic Centres in delivering on the EEA-Eionet Strategy. This included presentations of new or completed projects, case studies, specific products, or any other examples of the work that attendees chose to share within the network for information-sharing, learning and co-creation purposes through dedicated stands.

List of Eionet delivers projects

The marketplace featured the following projects:

Imagining sustainable futures for Europe 2050

Scenario Project

Co-creating sustainable food systems and food policies in Europe

Towards understanding solution-spaces: Future literacy for food, mobility and housing systems in Switzerland

Is Europe living within the limits of our planet?

Incorporating Foresight into Environmental Reporting, a Subcomponent of the Western Balkans

How did air quality data change knowledge about air quality and its effects on health?

Seeing Noise and Air

Industrial pollution: counting the costs

Adaptation knowledge platforms

European Climate Risk Assessment

How to perform a robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment for EU taxonomy reporting? Recommendations for companies

Investment into Nature - the role of data in unlocking investments into nature

The Mediterranean a key area for Europe - pathways to sustainability transition; the Euro-Mediterranean case

Eionet Portugal Newsletter

The EEA Datahub

Creating the Family of -ISE information systems

Copernicus at the EEA

How to share knowledge across country borders - experiences from the webinar "Mapping habitats by combining satellite and other data"

Project ARAMIS




Cut across workshops

The EEA-Eionet day brought together participants with a collective expertise on a wide range of topics across Eionet countries and the workshops allowed the organisers to tap into it by taking advantage of the diversity in the room and hosting a breakout session around a cross-cutting issue linked to the current EEA-Eionet Strategy.

List of workshops

Round 1 (14.00 – 14.55)

1.1 Conservation and restoration of biodiversity and human benefits of nature and ecosystems

1.2 Climate in the Irish mind

1.3 Where Circular Economy and Climate meet – how further uptake of circular approaches can foster the fight against climate change

1.4 Public participation and sustainability transitions


Round 2 (15.05 – 16.00)

2.1 Development of cross-sectoral, measurable targets for climate change adaptation

2.2 Integrated water management – sustainably managing biodiversity, pollution, and water resources in a climate change context

2.3 Digitalisation as enabler for innovation in data management

2.4 Social media & impact: a myth or an untapped potential?


National corner

The National corner provided an opportunity to take stock of how the countries implement the EEA-Eionet Strategy by looking at their new and modernised national Eionet structures as well as their Eionet National Action Plans and priorities. The European Topic Centres had the opportunity to present their consortia, too.

List of exhibitors

The following countries and European Topic Centres participated in the marketplace: 

European Topic Centres on:

  • Biodiversity and ecosystems (ETC-BE)
  • Climate change adaptation and LULUCF (ETC-CA)
  • Resource use and circular economy (ETC-CE)
  • Climate change mitigation (ETC-CM)
  • Data integration and digitalization (ETC-DI)
  • Human health and the environment (ETC-HE)
  • Sustainability transitions (ETC-ST)

EEA-Eionet day online

Virtual participation - open to all Eionet

The morning part of the event – from 9.30 to 11.30 (CET) –  was held in plenary and streamed so all Eionet members coukd tune in remotely if they could not attend the event in person.


Agenda of the streamed session

TimingAgenda item
09.30 - 09.45 Official welcome by Laura Burke (EEA Management Board Chair) and Hans Bruyninckx (Executive Director, EEA)
09.45 - 10.15 Inspirational keynote by Hans Bruyninckx
10.15 - 11.00 Eionet in the knowledge-policy game - Panel debate
11.00 - 11.15 3, 2, 1, Go! Flash presentations of new EEA website and Eionet Tools 2.0 preview
11.15 - 11.30 Closing - Final remarks to close the streamed session by Laura Burke and Hans Bruyninckx 






If you have any questions about the event, please 



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Filed under: eionet
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