
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Level of consumption footprint (points per capita) for EU countries in 2021 compared to 2010

The figure shows the consumption footprint of EU member states in 2010 and 2021 in points per capita.

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Percentage emission reductions of main air pollutants in 2021 compared with 2005 levels

The figure shows the difference in emissions of the main air pollutants in 2021 compared to 2005 levels.

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Emission reduction of the main air pollutants by Member State from 2005 to 2021

The figure shows the actual reduction of the main air polluants by Member States from 2005 to 2021 in percentage.

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Persistent organic pollutant emissions in the EU-27 Member States, by country, 2005-2021

The figure shows the difference in emissions of Persistent Organic air Pollutants (POPs) of individual Member States in 2021 compared to 2005 levels

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Emissions of persistent organic air pollutants in the 27 EU Member States, 2005-2021

The figure shows the difference in emissions of Persistent Organic air Pollutants (POPs) between 2005 and 2021.

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Percentage emission reductions in 2021 of primary heavy metals compared with 2005 levels

The figure shows the difference in emissions of the heavy metals between 2005 and 2021.

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Percentage emission reductions of primary heavy metals of EU Member States in 2021 compared with 2005 levels

The figure shows the difference in emissions of heavy metals of individual member States in 2021 compared to 2005 levels.

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Decadal average sea surface temperature anomaly in different European seas

Time series (1870-2022) of decadal average observed sea surface temperature anomalies (°C), with respect to the period 1991-2020, for each of the European basins, for the European seas as a whole, and for the global ocean. Data sources: HadSST4.0.1.0 (1850-2022), ERSSTTv5 (1880-2022), HadISST1 (1870-2022) and satellite-based ESA CCI/C3S SST Climate Data Record v2.1 (1991-2022).

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Projected sea surface temperature anomalies under different SSP scenarios for European seas and global ocean

European basins, Europe and Global 2071-2100 sea surface temperature warmings (ºC) of all the CMIP6 models ensemble presented in box plots (compared to 1991-2010 climatologies). Horizontal colored bars show the 25th, mean and 75th percentile. The results are considered under three different scenarios: SSP1-2.6, SSP2-4.5 and SSP5-8.5.

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Number of IHD cases attributable to road traffic noise per 100,000 population (2017)

The figure shows the incidence rate of cases of Ischaemic Heart Disease attributable to road traffic noise in 31 member countries of the EEA in 2017 (latest year with complete data coverage).

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Proportion of people in Europe who report being unable to keep home warm, by country

The figure shows the percentage of people who reported in the latest EU SILC survey that they were unable to keep their home warm, on account of deprivation, in the latest year for each country (2019)

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Prevalence of work-related cardiovascular diseases (DALYs)

The figure shows the rate of disability adjusted life years lost to cardiovascular diseases caused by work related risk factors in 2000 and 2016, by country of the EU-27

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Percentage of preventable cardiovascular disease deaths attributable to environmental risks in Europe

The figure shows the percentage of preventable cardiovascular deaths due to environmental risks, by country, for the latest year available (2019).

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Percentage of preventable cardiovascular disease deaths attributable to air pollution in Europe

The figure shows the percentage of preventable cardiovascular deaths due to indoor and outdoor air pollution, by country, for the latest year available (2019)

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Protected habitats in good, not good and unknown condition

This figure shows the condition of protected habitats in the EU-27 as reported by the Member States under Article 17 of the Habitats Directive (period 2013-2018). Restoration of protected habitats in not good condition is essential. It is also expected that a part of the protected habitats in unknow condition are in need of restoration.

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