With stricter CO2 emission targets in force since 2020, average CO2 emissions measured during type-approval from new vans registered in Europe continue to fall. In 2022, the average CO2 emissions fell by 4.9% compared to 2021, triggered by a growth in the share of new fully electric vans. In 2022, all van manufacturers met their binding CO2 emissions targets.

Figure 1. Average CO₂ emissions from new vans and future targets

Emissions from transport account for one quarter of the EU’s greenhouse gas emissions. To achieve climate neutrality, the European Green Deal calls for a 90% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from transport by 2050.

Regulation (EU) 2019/631 sets an EU fleet-wide emission target of 147g CO2/km for newly registered vans in Europe for the years 2020-2024. This is based on the New European Driving Cycle (NEDC) emission test procedure. It is equivalent to 189.9g CO2/km when using the Worldwide Harmonised Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP). From 2021 onwards, the specific emission targets for manufacturers, either individually or organised in pools, are expressed on the basis of the WLTP, which results in higher CO2 emission values than the NEDC. This is illustrated in Figure 1.

To help achieve the overall climate targets, from 2025 onwards, stricter EU-wide fleet targets will apply: 153.9g/km until 2029 (15% reduction compared to the 2021 baseline), 90.6g/km from 2030 to 2034 (50% reduction) and 0g/km from 2035 (100% reduction).

Average CO2 emissions of new vans registered in Europe fell consistently in the past years: a 2% reduction in 2020, followed by a drop of 3.5% in 2021 and 4.9% in 2022, reaching an average of 183.8g CO2/km (WLTP).

The main reason for this downward trend is the growing share of electric vehicle (EV) registrations, which increased from 3.5% in 2021 to 6.2% in 2022. Of these, 6% were full electric vehicles, with Norway, Sweden and Iceland having the highest shares (24.9%; 15.3% and 13.2% of their new van fleets, respectively).

Figure 2. Average CO₂ emissions and targets of pools of van manufacturers

Specific emission targets are set annually for each manufacturer, or group of vehicle manufacturers acting together as a pool, and are calculated based on the average mass of its new vehicle fleet in a given year. This means that manufacturers of heavier vans have higher emissions targets than manufacturers of lighter vans. Pools and individual manufacturers responsible for fewer than 22,000 newly registered vans registered in the EU per calendar year may benefit from a derogation.

Among pools with more than 22,000 vans registered, the Stellantis pool had the lowest average CO2 emissions in 2022 (164g CO2/km), followed by the Renault-Nissan-Mitsubishi pool and the Volkswagen pool with average CO2 emissions of 183 and 189g CO2/km respectively.

Among individual van manufacturers with more than 22,000 registrations in 2022, Stellantis Auto SAS (former PSA Automobiles SA) achieved the lowest average CO2 emissions at 131g CO2/km, followed by Stellantis Europe SPA (former FCA Italy SPA) and Toyota Motor Europe NV SA, with average CO2 emissions of 160 and 179g CO2/km, respectively.

In 2022, no van manufacturers exceeded their CO2 emissions target and therefore none will be required to pay an excess emission premium.