Despite legislation addressing nutrient pollution, the average nitrate concentration in European Union groundwaters did not change significantly from 2000 to 2022. The number of groundwater monitoring stations with nitrate concentrations greater than 50mg/l also remains unchanged. Results from a high ambition model scenario show that potential nutrient load reductions are substantial, but still below the 2030 target. Currently, it remains unlikely that the trend is sufficient to achieve EU obligations or the 50% nutrient loss reduction target.

Figure 1. Groundwater nitrate 2000-2022

Groundwater nitrate 2000-2022

Nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, not absorbed by plants, are lost and become pollutants when present in excessive amounts. This includes high levels of nitrate (NO3) in groundwater, which poses a threat to the environment and human health.

Reducing high levels of nitrate in groundwater has been a target of EU policy since the adoption of the Nitrates Directive. Mineral fertilisers and livestock manure are the main sources of nitrate concentrations in EU groundwaters. An estimated 80% of the nitrogen discharge to the aquatic environment stems from agriculture and large amounts of nutrients lost to surface- and groundwaters extends to the sea. Around 30% of surface water and 80% of marine waters monitored under the Nitrates Directive have been assessed as eutrophic.

Several directives address nitrogen losses to the environment . The Groundwater Directive and the Drinking Water Directive set the maximum allowable concentration for nitrate at 50mgNO3/l in order to protect human health and water resources.

The Zero Pollution Action Plan, Biodiversity Strategy, and Farm to Fork Strategy are initiatives of the European Green Deal. The Deal aims for the EU to reduce nutrient losses to the environment by 50%, by 2030. The reduction could lower groundwater nitrate concentrations and decrease the number of monitoring stations with nitrate concentrations above 50mg/l, compared to the reference period 2012-2015.

Despite legislation addressing nutrient pollution, the average nitrate (NO3) concentration in EU groundwaters monitored did not change significantly from 2000 to 2022, oscillating around 21mgNO3/l. Additionally, the Nitrates Directive reporting data over the period 2016-2019 shows 14.1% of groundwater monitoring stations exceeded the maximum allowable concentration of 50mgNO3/l. This is slightly higher than the observed 13.2% from the reporting period of 2012-2015.

An analysis from the Joint Research Centre modelled impacts in a high ambition scenario of improvements in domestic wastewater treatment and reduction of nutrient emissions to air. It used measures under the CAP 2023-2027 needed to achieve the Biodiversity and Farm to Fork strategy targets. The measures, where CAP measures are relevant for groundwater, could in combination, reduce the nutrient load in European seas by 30% for nitrogen and 20% for phosphorus by 2030. While these potential reductions would be substantial, they are still below the target of 50% reduction overall in nutrient losses.

Figure 2. Nitrate in Groundwater - Nitrates Directive reporting period 7 (2016-2019)

Nitrate in Groundwater - Nitrates Directive reporting period 7 (2016-2019)

EU Member States report groundwater nitrate concentrations under the Nitrates Directive. At country level, nitrate concentrations in groundwater monitoring stations for the period 2016-2019 are distributed into four classes (Figure 2). Class 1 represents monitoring stations where concentrations are below 25mg/l. At the other end of the scale, class 4 shows the share of stations that exceed the 50mgNO3/l maximum allowable concentration.

All 27 EU member countries had some groundwaters with reported nitrate concentrations above the maximum allowable concentration of 50mgNO3/l (class 4). The seven countries with more than 15% of their groundwater monitoring stations exceeding this maximum level were Belgium, Cyprus, Germany, Luxemburg, Malta, Portugal, and Spain. In contrast, the seven countries with more than 80% of groundwater monitoring stations below 25mg/l  (class 1) were Croatia, Finland, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Poland and Sweden.