
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Change (%) in emissions of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions by gas and sector in the EU-25 between 1990 and 2003, and share (%) of energy-related GHG emissions in 2003

Greenhouse gas emissions have been calculated in equivalent tonnes of carbon dioxide using the following Global Warming Potential (GWP): 1 t CH4 = 21 t CO2-equivalent, 1 t N2O = 310 t CO2-equivalent

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Oil production and discharges from offshore oil installations in the north-east Atlantic

Data only available from Denmark, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Norway, hence coverage is restricted to north-east Atlantic; Production data for 1990 is not available.

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Water temperatures in four selected European rivers and lakes in the 20th century

Annual average water temperature in River Rhine (1909-2006), River Danube (1901-1998), Lake Võrtsjärv (1947-2006), and average water temperature in August in Lake Saimaa, Finland (1924-2000).

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Hourly ozone concentrations

Averaged values for 2004

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Changes in EU-27 greenhouse gas emissions by sector, 1990-2006

The categories Total emissions, Energy and Transport do not include emissions and removals from LULUCF (carbon sink activities) and emissions from international bunkers (international aviation and maritime transport).

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Worst invasives — the iceplant

The map shows the distribution of Carpobrotus in Minorca at the end of 2001, just when the LIFE Nature project Conservation of areas with endangered flora in Minorca (LIFE2000NAT/E/7355) was in the initial steps

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Trends in nitrate and phosphate concentrations, and N/P ratio in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea

Trend analyses are based on a time series 1985-2000 with each monitoring location having at least 3 years data in the period 1995-2000 and at least 5 years data in all

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Dominant landscapes

Dominant landscapes

12 Nov 2009

Landscapes as groupings of landcover types

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Relative gaps (over-delivery or shortfall) between projections and targets for 2010

A negative figure means that the Kyoto target is projected to be reached ('over-delivery') by the country

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Trends in nominal end user energy prices and disposable income, EU15 (EU-25 for road transport fuels)

Industrial gas users are defined as follows: annual consumption of 41 860 GJ, and load factor of 200 days (1 600 hours)

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Total landings by region (tonnes), 1990 - 2000

All North East Atlantic Ocean (includes Baltic Sea), Mediterranean Sea & Black Sea (including the Azov Sea) and Arctic Ocean catches of all species

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