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Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Ozone AOT40 for forest, 2010

The map shows the exposure of European forest areas to ozone (AOT40), reference year 2010

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Exposure of European agricultural areas to ozone (AOT40)

The map shows the Ozone AOT40 for crops, reference year 2010

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Direct material input induced by household consumption, per Euro spent of expenditure in 12 household consumption categories, 2000-2007

Trends in Direct material input (DMI) induced by household consumption, per Euro of expenditure in 12 household consumption (COICOP) categories, shown for 3 years 2000, 2004 and 2007. Emissions are based on the footprint perspective and include both emissions directly emitted by households (for example by burning fuels for heating) and emissions associated with the production of goods and services purchased by households.

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Tropospheric ozone precursor emissions induced by household consumption, per Euro spent of expenditure in 12 household consumption categories, 2000-2007

Trends in emissions of tropospheric ozone precursors induced by household consumption, per Euro of expenditure in 12 household consumption (COICOP) categories, shown for 3 years 2000, 2004 and 2007. Emissions are based on the footprint perspective and include both emissions directly emitted by households (for example by burning fuels for heating) and emissions associated with the production of goods and services purchased by households.

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Acidifying emissions induced by household consumption, per Euro spent of expenditure in 12 household consumption categories, 2000-2007

Trends in acidifying emissions induced by household consumption, per Euro of expenditure in 12 household consumption (COICOP) categories, shown for 3 years 2000, 2004 and 2007. Emissions are based on the footprint perspective and include both emissions directly emitted by households (for example by burning fuels for heating) and emissions associated with the production of goods and services purchased by households.

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Number of organisations with registered environmental management system according to EMAS within EU member countries

Time series of organisations and sites in EU27 which are registered to EMAS

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Greenhouse gas emissions induced by household consumption, per Euro spent of expenditure in 12 household consumption categories, 2000-2007

Trends in greenhouse gas emissions induced by household consumption, per Euro of expenditure in 12 household consumption (COICOP) categories, shown for 3 years 2000, 2004 and 2007. Emissions are based on the footprint perspective and include both emissions directly emitted by households (for example by burning fuels for heating) and emissions associated with the production of goods and services purchased by households.

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Trend in summer chlorophyll-a concentrations in coastal and open waters of the Baltic, Celtic and Mediterranean Seas and NE Atlantic, 1985-2010

This figure shows stationwise trends in chlorophyll-a concentrations in coastal and open waters of the Baltic, North East Atlantic (Greater North Sea, Celtic Seas, Bay of Biscay), and Mediterranean Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea, Adriatic Sea) (% of stations showing statistically significant change, within the years 1985–2010). Numbers in parentheses indicates number of stations included in the analysis for each country. "Open sea" is the total of all off-shore stations (>20km) within a (sub)region.

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Observed changes in winter orthophosphate (PO4) concentrations, 1985–2010

The map shows stations with a statistically significant decrease (green), increase (red) or no trend (yellow) in winter ortophosphate concentrationswithin the period 1985-2010. Selected stations must have at least data in the period from 2007 to present and at least 5 years data in all.

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Trend in winter oxidized nitrogen concentrations in coastal and open waters of the Baltic, North East Atlantic (Greater North Sea, Celtic Seas) and Mediterranean Sea (Adriatic Sea), 1985 - 2010

The figure shows trend in winter oxidized nitrogen (nitrate + nitrite) concentrations in coastal and open waters of the Baltic, North East Atlantic (Greater North Sea, Celtic Seas) and Mediterranean Sea (Adriatic Sea) (% of stations showing a statistically significant change within the period 1985-2010). Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of stations included in the analysis for each country. "Open sea" is the total of all off-shore stations (>20km) within a (sub)region.

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Trend in winter orthophosphate concentrations in coastal and open waters of the Baltic, North East Atlantic (Greater North Sea, Celtic Seas, Bay of Biscay), and Mediterranean Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea, Adriatic Sea), 1985 - 2010

The figure shows trend in winter orthophosphate concentrations in coastal and open waters of the Baltic, North East Atlantic (Greater North Sea, Celtic Seas, Bay of Biscay), and Mediterranean Sea (Western Mediterranean Sea, Adriatic Sea) (% of stations showing a statistically significant change within the period 1985-2010). Numbers in parentheses indicate the number of stations included in the analysis for each country. "Open sea" is the total of all off-shore stations (>20km) within a (sub)region.

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Observed changes in winter oxidised nitrogen (NO2 and NO3) concentrations, 1985–2010

The map shows stations with a statistically significant decrease (green), increase (red) or no trend (yellow) in winter oxidised nitrogen concentrations within the period 1985-2010. Selected stations must have at least data in the period from 2007 to present and at least 5 years data in all.

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EU27 net imports of gas, oil, solid fuels and the sum of these, as a % of fuel-specific gross inland energy consumption

All products is the sum of net import of solid fuels, gas and total petroleum products as a % of total gross inland consumption of all products.

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Household energy consumption for cooling per m2 (2010)

The figure shows the energy consumption for cooling per m2 for selected countries

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Trends in household energy consumption for space heating per m2 (climate corrected)

The figure shows the annual energy consumption per m² for space heating

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