Note: new versions of the publication are available!

Material resources and waste — SOER 2010 thematic assessment

Global search on data, maps and indicators

Percentage change in forest area from 2000 to 2005

International comparisons

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EU-15 greenhouse gas emissions from energy supply and use (excluding transport) compared with energy demand

Since sectoral emission projections for Germany were not available, greenhouse gas projections for the EU-15 are calculated on the basis of projections reported by 14 Member States

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Changes in greenhouse gas emissions for eight new Member States by gas and by sector base year-2004

This figure covers the following new Member States: Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia

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Estimated organic carbon content (%) in the surface horizon (0-30 cm) of soils in Europe

The map shows the estimated organic carbon content (%) in the surface horizon (0-30 cm) of soils in Europe

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Total phosphorus concentrations in different sized European rivers

Median of measured annual average concentrations.

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Contribution to total change in acidifying pollutant emissions for each sector and pollutant (EU-27 - EU-15).

Contribution to change plots show the contribution to the total emission change between 1990-2005 made by a specified sector/ pollutant

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Economy grows slightly faster than passenger transport volumes

Road, rail, bus/coach and air are included

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Emission trends of acidifying pollutants (EU-27 - EU-15)

NEC Directive targets are applied on LRTAP Convention data.

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Renewable energy sources contribution to total energy consumption in 2003

Large hydropower plants have a declared net capacity of more than 10 MW.

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