
Data and maps

Network of Marine Protected Area Managers in the Mediterranean

The MedPAN network brings together the managers of Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas and supports them in their management activities.The network aims to promote the establishment, the operation and the sustainability of a Mediterranean network of Marine Protected Areas.

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Annex 4

Annex 4

23 May 2017

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Annex 3

Annex 3

23 May 2017

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Annex 2

Annex 2

23 May 2017

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Annex 1

Annex 1

23 May 2017

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Example of EUNIS habitat suitability map

The maps show examples of a vegetation plot distribution map and a modelled EUNIS habitat suitability map.

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Underpinning European policy on nature conservation - Revision of the EUNIS habitat classification

The EUNIS habitat classification is a pan-European, comprehensive and widely accepted classification of all habitat types. The increasing need to support European policy on nature conservation with harmonised habitat descriptions, condition estimates and change assessments underpinned by field data led to the initiation of an extensive review of the classification. This briefing gives an overview of the EUNIS habitat classification and revision process of its terrestrial part through alignment with the European Vegetation units. The focus is on heathland, scrub and tundra habitat types.

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Celebrating and protecting biodiversity

Biodiversity plays a key role in the functioning of ecosystems and the provision of ecosystem services essential for human well-being. However, Europe's biodiversity continues to be eroded, and the main EU target of 'halting the loss of biodiversity and the degradation of ecosystem services' by 2020 remains a serious challenge.

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Underpinning European policy on nature conservation - Revision of the EUNIS habitat classification

The EUNIS habitat classification is a pan-European, comprehensive and widely accepted classification of all habitat types. The increasing need to support European policy on nature conservation with harmonised habitat descriptions, condition estimates and change assessments underpinned by field data led to the initiation of an extensive review of the classification. This briefing gives an overview of the EUNIS habitat classification and revision process of its terrestrial part through alignment with the European Vegetation units. The focus is on heathland, scrub and tundra habitat types.

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Flow chart

Flow chart

22 May 2017

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Key facts on Europe's forests

Statistics of key forest resource indicators

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Pressure from critical loads from nitrogen

Map of indicator on exceedance of critical loads developed here shows the excess in airborne nitrogen depositions per habitat type (EUNIS levels 2 and 3) on forest ecosystem

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