
Dashboard (Tableau)

EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) data viewer

Dashboard (Tableau) Published 10 May 2024
3 min read
The EU ETS data viewer provides an easy access to emission trading data contained in the European Union Transaction Log (EUTL). The EUTL is a central transaction log, run by the European Commission, which checks and records all transactions taking place within the trading system. The EU ETS data viewer provides aggregated data by country, by main activity type and by year on the verified emissions, allowances and surrendered units of the more than 15 000 stationary installations reporting under the EU emission trading system, as well as 1500 aircraft operators.

More information

Preliminary emissions for 2023:

The emission data for 2023 provided in the viewer is incomplete as it relies on the EUTL data extracted on May 1st. A further update to the dataviewer is scheduled for July to incorporate more comprehensive emission data. Initial estimates suggest a reduction of 15.5% in total ETS emissions for 2023 compared to the levels recorded in 2022.  

 To download data:

The user manual provides detailed instructions on how to use the data viewer.

Further information on the data can be found in the background note, the note on data quality, the technical report (scope estimate) and the translation of activity codes.


Data source:

European Union Transaction Log (EUTL), extracted 1st April 2024:

  • Allowances allocated free of charge (1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.1.3)
  • Verified emissions (2)
  • Surrendered units (4, 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3)

Data extracted at entity level, and aggregated at national level and by type of activity.

European Energy Exchange (EEX) and the Intercontinental Exchange (ICE):

  • Allowances auctioned or sold (EUAs and EUAAs) (1.3)

Data based on auction calendars and auction results published by the auctioning platforms for emission allowances in the EU ETS.

European Environment Agency:

Data based on information from Member States and the European Commission.

The EEA produces estimates of emissions and allowances for 2005–2012 in order to reflect the current scope of the EU ETS. This is because the scope of the EU ETS has evolved since it was created in 2005 (inclusion of new countries, activities and gases), therefore the trends in emissions and allocated allowances directly based on the EUTL are not fully consistent over time. Taking into account these estimates is relevant for trend analyses over several years, in particular across trading periods.


Additional information

The ETS information 1. Total allocated allowances, 1.2 Correction to freely allocated allowances (not reflected in EUTL), 1.3 Allowances auctioned or sold are only available at national level. The data can be split between aviation (activity type 10) and stationary installations (activity types 20-99). No further split by activity type is possible. These data are therefore only presented when the following parameters are selected:

  • EU ETS information: “10 Aviation” or “20-99 All stationary installations" (default selection)
  • Size: "All sizes" (default selection)
  • Active entity: "All entities" (default selection)

The list of countries includes NER 300 auctions. This is to reflect the auctioning, at EU level, of a certain number of allowances, as part of the "NER 300" funding programme for innovative low-carbon energy demonstration projects. These allowances are visible when selecting “NER 300 auctions” in the category “Country”.

The ETS information on surrendered units is available by type of units (4.1 (EUAs and EUAAs), 4.2 (CERs) and 4.3 (ERUs)) until 2012. From 2013 onwards, only the total of surrendered units (4) is available.

The information on the type of activity of the entities covered by the EU ETS is based on the EUTL classification (which differs from UNFCCC nomenclature for greenhouse gas emission source categories or NACE codes). It was further harmonised by the EEA, in order to merge activity type codes used in the first and second trading periods (and still used by a significant number of installations) with new activity type codes formally in use in the current trading period. This harmonisation was carried out on the basis of additional information available on the actual activity of installations.