
Global search on data, maps and indicators

The pan-European region - country groupings in the report

Some of the indicators show data for country groupings

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% change transport final energy consumption per person by period

The figure shows the %-change in transport final energy consumption per person (1990-2008)

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Variation of CO2 emissions from transport (EU-27)

The figure shows the variation of CO2 emission from transport, EU-27 level CO2 represent around 99% of the sector’s greenhouse gas emissions. Emissions from international air transport are not included in countries’ emissions (UNFCCC methodology).

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Variation of CO2 emissions in transport (EU-27)

The figure shows the variation of CO2 emissions in transport for EU-27. CO2 emissions for total transport can be split into 2 explanatory effects: an activity effet illustared by an increase in traffic of passengers and freight, CO2 savings due to the reduction in the specific emissions of vehicles per unit of traffic

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Breakdown of the energy consumption variation for transport in the EU-27 (1990-2008)

The energy consumption variation of passenger and goods transport is broken down into 2 explanatory effects: activity effect (increase in traffic) and global energy savings (change in specific energy consumption per unit of traffic). Air transport excluded; Activity: impact of increase in traffic; modal shift : decrease in the share of public transport in total traffic; energy savings: measured from the reduction in specific consumption per unit of traffic.

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% change in transport final energy consumption per person, 1990-2008

The figure shows the change in transport final energy consumption per person (1990-2008) in %

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% change in services final energy consumption per person, 1990-2008

Based on the ratio : energy consumption / population (%/year calculated on the period 1990-2008)

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Electricity intensity in the service sector

Unit consumption per employee is the ratio between the energy consumption (total or electricity) and the number of employees (salaries employed in full time). The energy (or electricity) intensity is the ratio between the energy (electricity) consumption and the value added expressed in constant Euros (M€2000)

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Energy consumption per employee and energy intensity in services

Unit consumption per employee is the ratio between the energy consumption (total or electricity) and the number of employees (salaries employed in full time). The energy (or electricity) intensity is the ratio between the energy (electricity) consumption and the value added expressed in constant Euros (M€2000)

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Electricity intensity and electricity consumption per employee in services

Unit consumption per employee is the ratio between the energy consumption (total or electricity) and the number of employees (salaries employed in full time). The energy (or electricity) intensity is the ratio between the energy (electricity) consumption and the value added expressed in constant Euros (M€2000)

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Changes in power of the European fishing fleet

The figure shows changes in the power of the European fishing fleet. Countries have been grouped into the following categories: EU15 - Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom; EFTA: Iceland, Norway; EU7 - Estonia, Cyprus, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland and Slovenia; and Bulgaria and Romania

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State of commercial fish stocks in Mediterranean Sea

The figure shows the state of commercial fish stocks in the Mediterranean Sea. Status of fish stocks was assessed from 2001-2009 in the GFCM regions, although data refers to 2005. Year in the cells refer to year of ICCAT or GFCM assessments.

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Changes in tonnage of the European fishing fleet

The figure shows changes in the tonnage of the European fishing fleet. Countries have been grouped into the following categories: EU15 - Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Spain, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom; EFTA - Iceland, Norway; EU7 - Estonia, Cyprus, Lithuania, Latvia, Malta, Poland and Slovenia; and Bulgaria and Romania.

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State of commercial fish stocks in North East Atlantic and Baltic Sea

The figure shows the state of commercial fish stocks in North East Atlantic and Baltic Sea. Status of fish stocks was assessed in 2009 in the ICES regions , although data refers to 2008. Elasmobranchs not included as they constitute only about 3% of the total catch in the NE Atlantic and consist of many species and stocks which would mask the general trend.

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