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Annual average fraction loss of GDP from natural hazards in EEA member countries (2005-2014) - in ‰ based on NatCatService.

For the period 2005-2014, based on the damage records from NatCatSERVICE of Munich Re and the EUROSTAT structural indicators.

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Total economic loss caused by weather - and climate - related extreme events in EEA member countries (1980-2020) - per capita based on CATDAT

For the period 1980-2020, in 2020 euros, based on the damage records from CATDAT of RiskLayer and the EUROSTAT structural indicators.

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Share of the insured losses caused by weather - and climate - related extreme events in EEA member countries (1980-2020) - in % based on CATDAT

For the period 1980-2020, in 2020 euros, based on the damage records from CATDAT of RiskLayer and the EUROSTAT structural indicators.

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Type and number of measures by pollutant

Presents aggregate information on the type and number of measures put in place to improve air quality across all reporting countries, categorised in terms of: Traffic, Awareness raising, Public procurement, Fuels, Industry, Other.

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Measures put in place under air quality plans by target sector and country

The number of measures put in place for each sector in each country are shown. These numbers are also expressed as percentages of the total number of measures put in place in each country.

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Emission sources driving exceedances of EU air quality standards across 20 Member States plus Norway and the United Kingdom, 2014-2020

The figure shows the emission sources that were respoinsible for the exceedences of air quality limit values.

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Water scarcity conditions as measured using the water exploitation index plus (WEI+), by country, 2017

WEI+ illustrates the percentage of water use against renewable freshwater resources in a given time and place

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Emissions, allowances, surplus and prices in the EU ETS, 2005-2020

Emissions, allowances, surplus and prices in the EU ETS, 2005-2020

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ETS emissions by activity type for all countries in the EU ETS

This figure shows a time series of carbon emissions under the EU ETS for the main activity codes.

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Change in electricity generation between 2019 and 2020

* Emissions from combustion installations (Activity Code 20) ** Thermal electricity generation from other sources (e.g. oil, renewables, waste) are not shown here. *** No data available on electricity generation for Iceland and Liechtenstein

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