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The event brought together National Focal Points, experts from Eionet groups and Thematic groups, European Topic Centre managers and experts, and the European Environment Agency (EEA) staff.
The EEA-Eionet day was a highly interactive event in which attendees got an opportunity to play various roles from being a participant to organising your own exhibits and workshops. The event programme included:
Please refer to the agenda (updated on 23 February 2023) for further details. The morning part of the event – from 9.30 to 11.30 (CET) – was held in plenary and streamed for all Eionet members to tune in remotely if they could not attend the event in person.
The Eionet delivers fair provided an opportunity to showcase the successful work of Eionet groups, Thematic groups and European Topic Centres in delivering on the EEA-Eionet Strategy. This included presentations of new or completed projects, case studies, specific products, or any other examples of the work that attendees chose to share within the network for information-sharing, learning and co-creation purposes through dedicated stands.
The marketplace featured the following projects:
Organiser: Ninni Lundblad, National Focal Point, Sweden
Description: Achieving a sustainable Europe will require far-reaching societal change, engaging all areas of the economy and society. Faced with this complex governance challenge, Europe’s governments and societies are increasingly looking to foresight approaches to explore possible futures and what they mean for policy and action today. In this context, the EEA and its country network Eionet have developed a set of imaginaries offering engaging, plausible and contrasting images of what a sustainable Europe could look like in 2050. By helping open up thinking about how the future could develop, the imaginaries represent valuable tools for forward-looking analysis and assessments.
Also a report by Swedish EPA
Project owner: Hördur Haraldsson, Swedish EPA, and Ullrich Lorenz, UBA
Organiser: Miklós Marton, National Focal Point, Hungary
Description: Hungarian experts used futuresight methods to elaborate the vision chapter of the National Environmental Strategy (NKP 5). In the spring of 2020 four scenarios for Hungary were elaborated until 2050, focusing on environmental aspects. All Eionet experts as well as invited experts from environmental education, NGOs etc. were invited to participate in the process.
The result was the very basis used for the text for our National Environmental Strategy, Vision chapter.
Project owner: Miklós Marton, FLIS and Communication
Organiser: Ana Jesus, Andrea Hagyo, Dario Piselli, Tobias Lung and Mieke De Schoenmakere, EEA staff members
Description: The stand will focus on topics such as food policies and sustainability assessments to support sustainability transitions, horizon scanning and visions for a sustainable food system. It will explore how to strengthen the contribution of the EEA and Eionet network to accelerate the transition to sustainable food systems in Europe by covering relevant questions raised by the Eionet network in 2022 such as:
how to enhance communication between a wide range of relevant institutions in the countries with different expertise needed for the cross-cutting topic of food systems;
how to enhance participation in co-creation processes and overcome the challenge that countries are in different stages of applying the food system approach and food policy development (e.g. capacity building, knowledge sharing); and
possible cross-cutting opportunities with other Eionet Groups, dissemination and engaging other stakeholders.
Project owner: Sustainability Transitions Programme and Biodiversity, Health and Resources Programme, EEA
Karin Fink, Eionet group member, Switzerland
Nicolas Perritaz, National Focal Point, Switzerland
Description: Analysis of levers and approaches in food, mobility and housing systems in Swiss SoE.
The stand will present Switzerland’s on-going work on possible solution pathways towards more sustainability of the Swiss food, housing and mobility systems, which account for two thirds of Swiss consumption-related environmental impact.
In the context of the Swiss SOER process, the MLP framework (as a theory of change) was combined with inputs from foresight activities with the aim of identifying relevant leverage points within these 3 key driver systems and to collect actionable approaches illustrated by examples. These include good practice examples, niche innovations and research-based proposals for measures.
The presentation will show how the activities of the SOER and Foresight Eionet groups feed directly into national level activities using the example of how FOEN profited from the expertise and peer discussions within the Eionet groups and how these considerably enriched the Swiss SOER 22.
Both the process and the final product Swiss SOER 22 will be presented, highlighting the direct links with various Eionet projects (Green Shifts in Society, Drivers of Change, Horizons Scanning Activities, Footprints, Planetary Boundaries).
Project owners: Karin Fink and Klaus Kammer, Swiss experts Eionet Group Foresight
Organiser: Andreas Hauser, Eionet group member, Switzerland
Description: Is Europe living within the limits of our planet — European Environment Agency
Human-induced pressure on environmental systems is transgressing planetary boundaries. The vision of living within the limits of our planet is a precondition for a liveable future.
How does Europe perform towards this vision? To answer this question methodological challenges had to be addressed.
This joint EEA-FOEN report explores two key questions related to Europe’s long-term environmental and climate ambitions:
The report was authored by Frank Wugt Larsen and Tobias Lung from the EEA with contributions from Andreas Hauser from FOEN. It received strategic direction from a steering committee consisting of the authors and Jock Martin (EEA) and Nicolas Perritaz (FOEN).
Project owner: Andreas Hauser, Swiss expert Eionet Working Group on Planetary Boundaries and Tobias Lung, EEA
Organiser: Dragana Vidojevic, Eionet group member, Serbia
Description: The European Environment Agency (EEA) project "Incorporating Foresight into Environmental Reporting, a Subcomponent of the Western Balkans" (2020-2022) stemmed from the need for integrated, forward-looking assessments that respond to existing and new policy frameworks and enable transformative change across Europe. Incorporating these aspects into environmental reporting will improve information and enable sustainability in policy-making. Analysis of the role of drivers of change, including global megatrends, improves the understanding and characterisation of sustainable transformation pathways, as well as the challenges and opportunities arising from the complex interactions between society and natural systems. Such knowledge and information must be relevant to policy and adapted to existing policy frameworks.
Within the framework of the project, Serbia focused on three of the eleven GMTs identified by the EEA:
The analysis of these GMTs included defining and describing their implications; estimated likelihood; magnitude of effect; timescales over which they may occur; as well as identification of possible risks and opportunities that could arise from the implications. The project team used the 2017 EEA toolkit “Mapping Europe's environmental future: understanding the impacts of global megatrends at the national level ” as well as the “checklist document” developed under the project “Strengthening the participation of the Western Balkans in the work of the European Environment Agency 2020-2021 actions for Water and Foresight asessments”. By analysing the existing data and organising several participatory meetings, a chapter was prepared that includes foresight information related to selected global megatrends that will be included in the new National SoE report.
Project owner: Dragana Vidojevic
Organiser: Cristina Guerreiro, European Topic Centre manager or expert, Norway
Description: The work towards healthy air for European citizens builds on a long history of actions leading to recognition, understanding and managing quality of air. The many milestones include the Air Quality Framework Directive of 1996 and the Cleaner Air For Europe Directive of 2008 which laid the ground to acquiring consistent data on air quality, which in turn enabled the ability of EEA to provide comprehensive information about air quality and its effects on human health, wellbeing and ecosystems.
Consistent data comparable across time and geography are available, with some datasets already available since the early 1990s. The data forms the basis of a number of essential Eionet products which provide input and feedback to society. This information includes maps on air quality, indicators, the air quality index, assessments of trends and not least, an assessment of health impacts of air pollution in terms of a health impact assessment and lately, also as burden of disease due to reduced air quality. Recently, health signals were elaborated that indicate trends for emerging pollutants or stressors for which we do not yet have Europewide indicators or data, as well as their impact on human health. This work underpins the revision of the air quality directives and is a necessary pillar of the European Green Deal and the Zero Pollution Action Plan. The Eionet collaboration has contributed to establishing expert forums and networks, such as the FAIRMODE ( or the Aquila network (
The wealth of information, validated through a wide Eionet review and generated owing to a sustained effort of Eionet over the last three decades, is available online (for example, at, in numerous Eionet reports (at, e.g., ETC HE reports 2022/10 and 2022/11), with the Signals available at
Project owners:
EEA: Alberto Gonzales-Ortiz, Ian Marnane
ETC-HE consortium and the previous consortia ETC ATNI, ETC ACM
National experts previously nominated as National reference centres, and currently the Eionet Health and Environment group with its subgroups.
Organiser: Alena Bartonova, European Topic Centre manager or expert, Norway
Description: Data on noise pollution and on air quality have been provided by Member Countries for a number of years in separate data streams and have been used for individual assessments. In 2021, the ETC ATNI has for the first time suggested a methodology to visualise these two groups of stressors simultaneously (
In 2022 the first visualisations were provided by ETC HE for 150 cities in Europe (
Project owners:
EEA: Eulalia Peris
ETC ATNI and ETC HE: Nuria Blanes, Joana Soares
Organiser: Alena Bartonova, European Topic Centre manager or expert, Norway
Description: Industrial pollution is an important element of the European Green Deal and the EU’s zero-pollution targets. Thanks to data reported by countries and a methodology developed using the ‘impact pathway approach’, it is also possible to assess the monetary costs to society associated with this pollution.
Data reported to the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (E-PRTR) is available at the European Industrial Emissions Portal. This is annual environmental data (emissions, waste and pollution transfers) reported by some 30,000 industrial facilities covering 65 economic activities across Europe. The E-PRTR Regulation is from 2006 and the first reported year was 2007. The data can be accessed here:
A briefing "Counting the costs of industrial pollution" provides the latest available information. The methodologies were developed by the ETC ATNI and the EEA (ETC ATNI report 2019/18, reviewed by Eionet). The first estimates are provided in ETC ATNI report 2020/4. New estimates are being prepared for spring 2023.
Project owners:
EEA: Juan Calero
ETC ATNI and ETC HE: Simone Schucht
Organiser: Angelika Tamasova, EEA staff member
Description: The EEA’s Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation group will present Climate-ADAPT, the European Climate and Health Observatory and the activities planned under the Mission on Adaptation.
The stand will promote flagship EEA products which address adaptive capacity based on providing reliable and timely data, information and knowledge on climate change adaptation to the EEA's stakeholders, including EEA member countries. All of the products are to some extent co-created with Eionet (case studies, reported national information, consultations, webinars, exchange of good practice, country promotion) and used by Eionet.
The Eionet group on climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation will highlight its informal sub-group on adaptation knowledge platforms used to exchange experiences on setting up and maintaining such platforms with countries.
Project owners: Kati Mattern, Aleksandra Kazmierczak, Christiana Photiadou
Organisers: Giulia Galluccio, European Topic Centre manager or expert, Italy, and Hans-Martin Füssel, EEA
Description: The EU Strategy on Adaptation to Climate Change (adopted in February 2021) outlines a long-term vision for the EU to become a climate-resilient society, aiming to reinforce the adaptive capacity of the EU and the world and minimize vulnerability to the impacts of climate change. For this, the Strategy clearly states that “Building on its Overview of natural and man-made disaster risks the European Union may face, relevant research projects, its series of PESETA reports, and taking into account existing sector regulations, the Commission will draw up an EU-wide climate risk assessment.”
In addition, in its recommendations adopted on 15 September 2022, the European Parliament urged the Commission to draw up an EU-wide climate risk assessment, and to pay special attention to the risks of droughts, forest fires and health threats. They also highlighted the importance of carrying out an EU climate resilience “stress test” for key infrastructure.In addition, in its recommendations adopted on 15 September 2022, the European Parliament urged the Commission to draw up an EU-wide climate risk assessment, and to pay special attention to the risks of droughts, forest fires and health threats. They also highlighted the importance of carrying out an EU climate resilience “stress test” for key infrastructure.
In this context, the EUCRA project aims to carry out the European Climate Risk Assessment. This initiative will address climate risks in Europe and will establish a European baseline of climate risks which countries can build upon in their national assessments. The main policy purposes are:
As a main output, the EUCRA project will publish an EEA Report on the results of the European climate risk assessment, including the Executive Summary and policy briefs.
Project owners: ETC-CA & EEA
Organiser: Inke Schauser, Eionet expert, Germany
Description: Presentation of the recently published UBA paper:
A robust climate risk and vulnerability assessment is required for companies wishing to achieve taxonomy compliance under the EU Taxonomy Regulation with respect to significant contributions to climate adaptation for certain economic activities. These recommendations describe how companies can practically proceed in order to meet the legal requirements of the taxonomy in accordance with the FAQs of the KOM.
Project owners: Inke Schauser
Organisers: Cécile Roddier-Quefelec, EEA staff member
Description: As part of EEA efforts to enhance knowledge on the interface between biodiversity and sustainable financing, the EEA published a briefing and hosted, with the European Investment Bank, a virtual side event on Risk, return and the role of data in unlocking investments into nature at COP15 (recording of joint EEA/EIB webinar available here: Risk, return and the role of data in unlocking investments into nature - YouTube).
In addition, the EEA/GAIA is currently developing a report on biodiversity data for investors. The results from the report will be presented at the workshop for further discussion. Another issue is the future integration of new data streams generated from the EU Taxonomy Regulation and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) i.e., what information should be disclosed and how to report. These are some of the topics we would like to discuss with EIONET to explore what data or services the EEA could provide and/or enhance to fill in the biodiversity data gaps the investors/stakeholders may face.
Project owners: BHR - Biodiversity, Health and Resources Programme & STR - Sustainability Transitions Programme
Organiser: Cécile Roddier-Quefelec, EEA staff member
Description: The Mediterranean basin is a mosaic of biodiversity-rich ecosystems long affected by human influence, whose resilience is now challenged by climate change. The region has undergone profound changes that make it an increasingly complex and fragmented area. Its stability and ability to mitigate biodiversity and climate crisis, to ensure a green and sustainable development for the region is affecting the European Union. The renewed EU agenda for the Mediterranean stresses that a strengthened Mediterranean partnership remains a strategic imperative for the European Union. The new EU Agenda for the Mediterranean aims for a green, digital, resilient and just recovery, guided by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement and the European Green Deal. This session aims to exchange and reflect upon the Euro Mediterranean dimension of EEA-Eionet activities. The session will include a short setting of the scene, highlighting the current state of play in the region and key initiatives of interest for EEA-Eionet (MED-2050 foresight, EU ocean lighthouse, systemic analysis) followed by 2-3 member countries’ perspectives.
Project owners: BHR - Biodiversity, Health and Resources Programme
Organiser: Águeda Silva, National Focal Point, Portugal
Description: Eionet Portugal produces a newsletter with 3 editions in 2022 with the aim of informing, sharing and broadcasting the work/activities/news/meetings/projects and Eionet members of the national network. It is seen as a co-creation product (and process) because it´s prepared with EG Communications members and includes contributions from all members of the network. The NFP and EG COM received very positive feedback and will continue producing the newsletter through 2023 and beyond.
The network also adopted a first ever simple Action Plan (2022-2023). The engagement from the network was limited and therefore may not be continued in 2024.
Project owners: NFP and EG Communications are responsible for Eionet Portugal Newsletter content and edition, however other members contribute to the content also. The Action Plan was a NFP project.
Organiser: Herdis Gudbrandsdottir, EEA
Description: The EEA datahub is the new centralised platform to access data published at EEA.
With the launch of the EEA website, we also launch the first module of the EEA datahub.
Metadata at EEA has been centralised in a metadata catalogue, datasets have been grouped for simplified overview of results, and a new subsite to the EEA website has been developed, based on the newly created components and a new search engine.
The new datahub and a taste of what to expect from the second phase of development will be showcased at the fair. The second phase will explore a completely new way of storing and accessing published data with huge performance benefits and new possibilities for querying, filtering, and analysing data.
Project owners: Herdis Gudbrandsdottir
Organiser: Silvia Dalla Costa, EEA
Description: This workshop/interactive exhibition will present and give the audience the opportunity to explore the new Integrated Environmental Information System. The Information system consists of BISE (for biodiversity), FISE (for forests), WISE Marine and WISE Freshwater, co-owned and managed by the EEA and the European Commission.
This information hub is the place where all Europeans can get their full fix of environmental information, be it for policy, data or country by country information. This new product supports the “EEA-Eionet Strategy 2021-2030” by moving from a linear to a systematic approach for the development of thematic information systems. Each information system maintains its own identity and mission but is combined into one big family with a comprehensive narrative. The environmental information system aims to 1) contribute to build a knowledge base consistent with the inherent complexity of nature and 2) support the (re)definition and implementation of environmental policies and solutions.
The integration process includes several aspects such as IT architecture, web design components, reference dataset, linkages across content, as well as type of contributions.
Project owners: Silvia Dalla Costa
Organiser: Frida Hansson & Usue Donezar, EEA
Description: The ‘EEA Copernicus stall’ will highlight EEA activities related to the European Commission’s Earth Observation programme ‘Copernicus’ (Copernicus Contribution Agreement for the implementation of European land monitoring services and cross-coordination of access to in situ data). Within this programme, the EEA has been entrusted with the coordination of Copernicus access to in situ data, and the implementation of the pan European and local components of the Copernicus Land Monitoring Service (CLMS). The EEA is increasingly making use of data from all Copernicus services. CLMS provides information on the land cover, land use, and characterisation of biophysical parameters, including crucial input for environmental policies such as the European Green Deal. Besides this, the Service supports stakeholders working in a variety of domains including nature conservation and restoration, agriculture and food security, and spatial and urban planning. All CLMS data are freely and openly accessible, enabling high-quality decision making and innovation in the fields of land monitoring and environmental change.
Project owners: Usue Donezar
Organiser: Ditte Galsgård, Eionet group member, Denmark
Co-organisers: This is a joint session with EEA following the webinar: "Mapping habitats by combining satellite and other data" which took place on January 20.
Description: We all know how busy everyday life with piles of tasks sometimes limits us from looking up and learning from others. Such as who is working on the same development topics in other countries? In Denmark, we reached out to the Eionet network to discuss their experiences concerning the use of digital data and AI for monitoring and together with EEA, arranged a webinar on the topic. The project and the experiences from the webinar will be presented at the fair. We will also explore ways of sharing knowledge in the network in the future.
Project owners: Ditte Galsgård, The Danish Environmental Protection Agency Jan-Erik Petersen, EEA Ana Tejedor, EEA
Organiser: Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic
Description: Project ARAMIS (Air Quality Research Assessment and Monitoring Integrated System ARAMIS (Air quality Research, Assessment and Monitoring Integrated System) is a unique research center administered by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic as part of the Applied research, experimental development and innovation in the field of environment program. This center unites key experts from various state-owned organizations from the Ministry of the Environment dealing with environmental issues, universities and the Czech Academy for Sciences, taking advantage of state-of-the-art technologies and infrastructure. The project primarily concentrates on development, update and creation of tools, methodologies and processes for the assessment of air quality. It also deals with emissions of standard pollutants, as well as greenhouse gases including their projections and quantification of impacts on health of the public and ecosystems, energy consumption, economy and other aspects of living. The aim of the project is to contribute towards improvement of the environment, especially air quality in the Czech Republic, by implementation of the project results.
Project owners: End user of the results is the Ministry of the Environment
The EEA-Eionet day brought together participants with a collective expertise on a wide range of topics across Eionet countries and the workshops allowed the organisers to tap into it by taking advantage of the diversity in the room and hosting a breakout session around a cross-cutting issue linked to the current EEA-Eionet Strategy.
Round 1 (14.00 – 14.55)
Organiser: Celine Ndong, National Focal Point, Italy
Speakers: Federico Silvestri, Department for Environmental Monitoring and Protection and Biodiversity Conservation, ISPRA, and Carlos Albuquerque, Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests, Director of the Department of Nature Conservation and Biodiversity
Description: During the last part of the COP15 of the Convention on Biodiversity (Ecological Civilisation: Building a Shared Future for All Life on Earth), one of the issues, discussed and approved was the Global Biodiversity Framework. The agreement contains 23 specific targets aimed at reversing and halting biodiversity loss, including a commitment to protect 30 per cent of terrestrial wilderness areas and oceans by 2030. Other ambitious targets relate to reducing global food waste and nutrient overuse as well as the overall risk from the use of pesticides and other highly hazardous chemicals.
This session will use as a starting point the document: "Long-term strategic approach to mainstreaming biodiversity within and across sectors" to involve not only groups primarily concerned with biodiversity (both monitoring status and pressures and policies) but all groups contributing to the integration of biodiversity conservation objectives into their sectoral policies and monitoring.
Organiser: Brian Donlon, National Focal Point, Ireland
Speaker: Desmond O’Mahony, Scientific Officer, Climate Change & Circular Economy, Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Description: The Climate Change in the Irish Mind project is a baseline study of the Irish population's beliefs, attitudes, policy preferences and behaviours regarding climate change. It was conducted by the EPA and the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication in support of the National Dialogue on Climate Action.
This workshop will present the background and key findings of the study which shows that the Irish population can be categorised into four distinct audiences based on attitudes about climate change: Alarmed, Concerned, Cautious and Doubtful. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session and discussion among participants of their respective country perspectives.
Organisers: Daniel Montalvo, Tobias Nielsen & William Keeling, EEA
Speakers: Ana Teresa Macas Lima, The Technical University of Denmark, Niklas Nierhoff, FOEN, Switzerland
Description: Eionet members and the European institutions are conscious of the potential of further integration of circular approaches in climate policy to attain the objectives in this area. Identifying best practices of policy integration across the two themes, and redefining climate modelling to better reflect how circular approaches contribute to climate mitigation are key. EEA will explain how we are partnering with the European Commission on this, bringing the experience from Eionet members and portraying a good example from countries.
Organisers: Lorenzo Benini & Ana Jesus, EEA
Speakers and moderators: Ralph Wollmann, International Academy Transformation for Environment and Sustainability at UBA Germany (TES Academy), Ana Jesus, Sustainability transitions, EEA, and Lorenzo Benini, Sustainability transitions, EEA
Description: Since the establishment of the Aarhus Convention two decades ago, public participation in environmental decision-making is a legal right in Europe. Its role and application across countries and EU institutions has been evolving over time. Participation is now increasingly recognised not only as a matter of justice and democracy but also a practical necessity for transitioning to sustainability and deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals. In the words of the European Green Deal ‘citizens are and should remain a driving force of the transition’.
Achieving sustainability goals arguably requires profound transformations at the personal, interpersonal, institutional and societal levels. This points to the need for engaging and experimenting with heterogeneous actors with a variety of perspectives, interests and competencies, representing all action levels.
The session is designed to facilitate interactions among Eionet countries for sharing, discussing and making sense of experiences with public participation and broader societal engagement. It will benefit from the presentation of the International Academy Transformation for Environment and Sustainability (TES Academy) of the German Environment Agency, which aims at creating transformative spaces for mutual learning, joint reflection and collaboration for fostering collective action towards sustainability.
Round 2 (15.05 – 16.00)
Organisers: Christina Pykonen, National Focal Point, Germany, Inke Schauser and Clemens Hasse, UBA, Germany
Description: A cross-sectoral approach to define cross-sectoral targets is needed to prevent maladaptation. This workshop will explore the challenges connected with this approach based on experiences with the process towards developing a new German Adaptation Strategy. The German federal government is preparing a new climate adaptation law and a new adaptation strategy (DAS 2.0) with measurable targets together with the federal states. It will provide for a consistent governance of climate adaptation in Germany through concrete, measurable targets in various fields of action, including the measures required to achieve the targets, which are to be developed through a broad societal discussion process.
Organisers: Caroline Whalley, Trine Christiansen, Nihat Zal, Francesco Mundo, Celine Bout, EEA
Description: This session will focus on a reflection on outlooks for water management as a consequence of a changing climate. The discussion will support the development of the outlooks section of the Integrated Water Assessment and will focus on four elements: A brief presentation setting the scene around State of Water & Integrated Water Assessment; a pitch on outlooks for water management in the context of climate change; a mentimeter (or equivalent) survey with the audience on their thoughts and experiences and finally, an exchange of reflections from the audience following the survey.
Organisers: Stefan Jensen & Sune Djurhuus, EEA, and Christine Brendle, ETC DI
Description: The ETC DI is supporting the implementation of the EEA-Eionet digitalisation framework with a set of activities around data and information processing, applying innovate analytical methods. This workshop will briefly introduce these methods and explore Eionet members’ needs and interest in cooperating around these activities. The Eionet group on data and digitalisation will use the outcome of the workshop to further shape its workplan.
Organiser: Gülçin Karadeniz, EEA
Description: Social media presence has increasingly been seen as an indicator of impact. But can a public body achieve impact through social media, and how?
This workshop will focus on the EEA's expertise and experience to reflect on the evolving nature of social media channels, changes in audiences and ask and answer some key questions, to help us and Eionet define what role social media can play in external communications.
The session will consist of several focus areas, including a basic presentation and reflection:
The National corner provided an opportunity to take stock of how the countries implement the EEA-Eionet Strategy by looking at their new and modernised national Eionet structures as well as their Eionet National Action Plans and priorities. The European Topic Centres had the opportunity to present their consortia, too.
List of exhibitors
The following countries and European Topic Centres participated in the marketplace:
Albania |
Ireland |
Portugal |
Czechia |
Italy |
Serbia |
Finland |
Lithuania |
Slovakia |
France |
Malta |
Sweden |
Germany |
Netherlands |
Switzerland |
Hungary |
European Topic Centres on:
The morning part of the event – from 9.30 to 11.30 (CET) – was held in plenary and streamed so all Eionet members coukd tune in remotely if they could not attend the event in person.
Timing | Agenda item |
09.30 - 09.45 | Official welcome by Laura Burke (EEA Management Board Chair) and Hans Bruyninckx (Executive Director, EEA) |
09.45 - 10.15 | Inspirational keynote by Hans Bruyninckx |
10.15 - 11.00 | Eionet in the knowledge-policy game - Panel debate |
11.00 - 11.15 | 3, 2, 1, Go! Flash presentations of new EEA website and Eionet Tools 2.0 preview |
11.15 - 11.30 | Closing - Final remarks to close the streamed session by Laura Burke and Hans Bruyninckx |
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