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DK-Copenhagen: multiannual programme for scientific and technical assistance in the field of information on the environment
Call for expression of interest
1. Awarding authority: European Environment Agency (EEA), Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K. Tel.: +45 33 36 71 00. Fax: +45 33 36 72 93.
2. Type: Notice of calls for expressions of interest for collaborating in the implementation of the EEA
multiannual and annual work programmes in the fields described in point 3, Description. The mission statement
of the EEA work mentions: to support sustainable development and to help achieve significant and measurable
improvement in Europe's environment through the provision of timely, targeted, relevant and reliable information
to policy making agents and the public. The geographic area covered by European Environment Agency projects
includes all of western Europe, the candidate countries and the Balkans.
Legal or natural persons wishing to apply for inclusion on the list are invited to do so in accordance with
the provisions of this notice.
The awarding authority will include on this list applicants satisfying the administrative provisions and selection criteria in point 6, Administrative provisions and selection criteria.
For each specific contract relating to the fields described in point 3, the awarding authority will send the tender documents and the invitation to tender to restricted number of applicants in the list in question depending on the field of the tender and the technical and professional capacity of the applicants.
3. Description: This call for expression of interest covers the following types of collaboration:
This notice does not cover work to be carried by the European Topic Centres of the Agency, for which different arrangements and procedures apply.
This call for expression of interest concerns the following fields:
technical assistance, provision of services and expert work relating to integrated assessment and reporting:
I. handling of socio-economic data: to help with the collection, handling and storage within the EEA system of
socio-economic data required for the Agency's periodical and integrated reporting. In most cases, these data
will be collected from Eurostat and other bodies compiling relevant statistics and spatial data on the European
II. chemicals and the environment: to contribute to an integrated assessment of problems caused by chemicals
in the environment, paying attention to cross-links between environmental (including human health) issues,
between factors causing the problem and between policies to tackle the issue. Tasks may include prospective
analysis and indicator development;
III. human health and environment: to contribute to an integrated assessment of the relations between
environmental issues and human health, paying attention to multifactoral causes of disease,
additive/synergistic/antagonistic effects of different exposures, vulnerable groups and integrated
approaches to prevention;
IV. noise: to deliver technical reports on availability and suitability of information on noise and
noise nuisance for the development of European policies. Tasks may include development of indicators.
To contribute to assessment reports, for instance on transport, with information and texts on noise;
V. urban environment: to contribute to the analysis of the urban dimension of environmental problems,
and the integrated analysis of urban planning and policies with respect to the environment. To participate
for EEA in relevant initiatives, for example in the area of urban indicators;
VI. transport and environment: to contribute to the compilation of assessments (e.g. the making of sectoral
indicator-based reports) concerning progress towards the integration of environment into transport policies;
VII. agriculture and environment: to contribute to the compilation of assessments (e.g. the making of sectoral
indicator-based reports) concerning progress towards the integration of environment into agriculture policies;
VIII. energy and environment: to contribute to the compilation of assessments (e.g. the making of sectoral
indicator-based reports) concerning progress towards the integration of environment into energy policies;
IX. tourism and environment: to contribute to the compilation of assessments (e.g. the making of sectoral
indicator-based reports) concerning progress towards the integration of environment into tourism policies;
X. industry and environment: to contribute to the compilation of assessments (e.g. the making of sectoral
indicator-based reports) concerning progress towards the integration of environment into industry policies;
XI. households and environment: to contribute to the integrated assessment of the role of households in
environmental protection, which includes considerations regarding sustainable production and consumption;
XII. instruments for environmental policy: collection, handling, analysis and storage of information on
economic and other instruments for environmental policy as used by the EEA member countries. Analyses of
policy effectiveness of specific instruments;
XIII. support to the production of regular state of the environment and indicator reports: support to the
production of state of the environment and indicator reports; support to the development of outlines and
contents of periodical reports, including sets of indicators, the analysis of data and information required;
coordination of the compilation process; organization of reviews; editorial support: assistance to the editing
of reports, including consistency and presentation issues (English language);
XIV. data and information management: to contribute to the organizational aspects of 'data flows'
and 'data flow modelling', i.e. the analysis and management of the transfers of data and information
into, out of, and within the EEA system, and how data is processed and stored, in particular the rules
to ensure consistent data sets and tools for efficient transfer and exchange of information between
partners according to requirements for analysis and assessment.
The applicants shall clearly mention for which fields they are applying.
4. Validity: The compiled list will remain valid for three years from the date of dispatch of the notice in the Official Journal.
5. Submission: Responses must be sent in triplicate (1 original and 2 copies), indicating the exact reference of this call for expression of interest, to the following address: European Environment Agency, attn: S. Blagoev, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K.
6. Administrative provisions and selection criteria:
6.1 The selection criteria for being placed on the list of potential contractors are:
Responses must be in the following order and include:
sheet a) concerning status of the applicant:
sheet b) concerning the applicant's economic and financial capacity:
sheet c) concerning the technical and professional capacity: provide for each of the fields for which you are qualified to provide services one sheet numbered and with a heading as used in point 3, indicating:
Applicant(s) unable to supply the information required in this point will be excluded.
6.2 Responses may be submitted in any official European Union language; a summary of the proposal in English would be appreciated (not compulsory).
6.3 Applicants responding to this notice will be notified of the outcome of their dossiers.
7. Date of dispatch of the notice: 18.12.2002.
8. Date of receipt by the Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: 18.12.2002.
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