
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Overall change in energy related emissions of SO2, NOx and NH3 by country, 2005-2009

Emissions of NH3 have been omitted from the graph. Total emissions of NH3 have significantly increased but only contribute a very small amount to energy related emissions.

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Changes (%) in energy related emissions of pollutants contributing to acid deposition by source category, 2005-2009, EEA32

The figure shows the emissions of asulphur dioxide SO2, nitrogen oxides NOx and ammonia NH3. Energy combustion’ includes all energy-related emissions.

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Contribution of different sectors (energy and non-energy) to total emissions of SO2, NOx, NH3, 2009, EEA-32

The figue shows the contribution of different sectors (energy and non-energy) to total emissions of SO2, NOx and NH3

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Changes (%) in emissions of ozone precursors by sector, 1990-2009, EEA-32

The figure shows the emissions methane CH4; carbon monoxide CO; non-methane volatile organic compounds NMVOCs; and nitrogen oxides NOx.

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Water exploitation index — towards a regionalised approach

Water Exploitation Index in the smallest available data disaggregation

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Observations and projections of climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks

This map viewer provides access to climate related observations and projections of climate change impacts, vulnerability and risks from the following projects and organisations: ClimWatAdapt, ESPON Climate, JRC-IES and ENSEMBLES. Please note that there are differences in the climate change scenarios and models used across these projects and organisations. Provided by the the 'CLIMATE-ADAPT' portal.

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Coastal bathing water quality in the European Union, 1990-2010

1990, 7 EU Member States; 1991 to 1994, 12 EU Member States; 1995-96, 14 EU Member States; 1997 to 2003, 15 EU Member States; 2004, 21 EU Member States; 2005-06, 25 EU Member States; 2007 to 2010, 27 EU Member States

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Greenhouse gas emissions (Kyoto gases) per country (combustion and non-combustion emissions), 2009

Greenhouse gas emissions (Kyoto gases) per country split between combustion and non-combustion emissions, 2009

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Total greenhouse gas emissions by sector (%) in EU-27, 2009

Annual emissions of CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC and SF6 in the UNFCCC reporting format are converted to their global warming potential GWP (100 year time horizon) for addition and comparison with the Kyoto Protocol targets: 1 t CH4 = 21 t CO2-equivalent, 1 t N2O = 310 t CO2-equivalent, 1 t SF6 = 23 900 t CO2-equivalent. HFCs and PFCs have a wide range of GWPs depending on the gas and emissions are already reported in tonnes CO2-equivalent. International transport emissions (Memo items: international aviation and international maritime transport) are shown in the chart because they are the fastest growing source of emissions in the EU. They are however not included in the national totals reported as part of the national greenhouse gas inventories under the UNFCCC.

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Changes (%) in greenhouse gas emissions by source category in the EU, 1990-2009 (weighted by global warming potentials from IPCC's SAR)

International bunkers are international transport emissions (Memo items: international aviation and international maritime transport) and are shown in the chart because they are the fastest growing source of emissions in the EU. They are however not included in the national totals reported as part of the national greenhouse gas inventories under the UNFCCC. The sector LULUCF (Land use, land use change and forestry) is not included in the national totals under the UNFCCC either. LULUCF in the EU is a net carbon sink, resulting from higher removals by sinks than emissions from sources. A positive change in LULUCF means a reduction in emissions (i.e. a removal of emissions).

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Share of renewable electricity in gross electricity consumption (%) 1990-2009 and 2010 indicative targets

The renewable electricity share in Norway is above 100% in some years because a part of the (renewable) electricity generated domestically is exported to other countries. No data is available for Iceland or Liechtenstein.

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