
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Change in PM2.5 emissions for each sector and pollutant 1990-2009 (EEA member countries)

Percentage change in primary PM2.5 particulate matter emissions for each sector and pollutant between 1990 and 2009.

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Percentage change in PM2.5 and PM10 emissions 1990-2009 (EEA member countries)

The reported change in primary PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter for each country, 1990-2009.

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Emissions of primary PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter (EEA member countries)

This chart shows past emission trends of primary PM2.5 and PM10 particulate matter, 1990-2009.

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Contributions by sector for emissions of acidifying pollutants (EEA member countries)

The contribution made by different sectors to emissions of acidifying pollutants

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Emission trends of acidifying pollutants (EEA member countries, EU-27)

This chart shows past emission trends of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulphur oxides (SOx) and ammonia (NH3) in the EEA-32 and EU-27 group of countries. In addition - for the EU-27 - the aggregated Member State 2010 emission ceilings for the respective pollutants are shown

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Corine land cover 1990 by country

The maps illustrate Corine Land Cover 1990 for each country for all 44 classes

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Corine land cover 2000 by country

The maps illustrate Corine Land Cover 2000 for each country for all 44 classes.

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Persons employed in recycling activities in the EU (*), Norway and Switzerland per million inhabitants, 2000–2007

(*) Data are missing for some countries in years between 2000 and 2007. The countries whose data are missing are listed in ETC/SCP, 2011.

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Total turnover of recycling of seven key recyclables in the EU, 2004 and 2006–2009

'Precious metals' include silver, gold and platinum. 'Other metals' include lead, zinc, tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, magnesium, cobalt, bismuth, cadmium, titanium, antimony, manganese, beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, niobium, rhenium, gallium, indium and cermets. * The 2009 calculation is based on the values for only the second half of 2009. Despite the huge decline in commodity prices at the beginning of 2009 due to the economic downturn, the total turnover of recyclables recovered markedly in the second half of 2009.

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Recycling's current and potential contribution (*) to meeting EU demand for various materials, 2006

(*) The current and potential contribution figures are both based on the infrastructure available in 2006. Future changes in collection rates, improved recycling structures and market conditions could significantly influence the potential contribution figures.

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Value of EU internal and overseas trade in recyclables, 2000–2010 (*)

(*) The 2010 values are based on amounts and values for only the first half of 2010 because figures for the second half of the year were not available at the time of writing. Precious metals include silver, gold and platinum. 'Other metals' includes lead, zinc, tungsten, molybdenum, tantalum, magnesium, cobalt, bismuth, cadmium, titanium, antimony, manganese, beryllium, chromium, germanium, vanadium, niobium, rhenium, gallium, indium and cermets.

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Areas of possible establishment of Aedes albopictus (the tiger mosquito) in Europe for 2010 and 2030

Developed by Francis Schaffner (BioSys Consultancy, Zurich), in partnership with Guy Hendrickx/Ernst-Jan Scholte (AviaGIS, Zoersel, Belgium) and Jolyon M Medlock (Health Protection Agency, United Kingdom) for the ECDC TigerMaps project

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Natura 2000 barometer statistics

The Natura 2000 Barometer gives an evaluation on the progress made in establishing the Natura 2000 network, both under the Birds and the Habitats Directives. The number and area is calculated using the spatial information provided by the Member States and is published in the Natura 2000 Newsletter.

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National Renewable Energy Action Plan (NREAP) data from Member States

A compiled dataset on renewable energy trajectories extracted from the submissions of the Member States to the European Commission, and an accompanying document which summarises the main points of the data.

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Evolution of capacity classes over the years (EU-27)

Graphs showing progression of the number of registrations and the capacity of the cars sold from 2000 to 2010.

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Estimated specific emissions of CO2 by mode of transport (EEA-30)

Bar chart shows estimated specific emissions of CO2 for passenger and freight transport modes in 1995 and 2010

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Trends in energy GHG emission factors and % renewable electricity (EU-27)

The figure displays the percentage of renewables in electricity generation for the total EU-27 countries, plus estimates of the carbon intensity of grid electricity and average transport energy in the EU-27.

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Market for carsharing: scenario Analysis for Carsharing Members (Europe), 2008–2016

Shows predicted growth in carshare members for three different compound annual growth rates: conservative; Frost & Sullivan scenario; optimistic

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Personal car use in Europe

Graph showing distance travelled per person per annum by car

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