
Data table via SPARQL

Negotiated procedures

Data table via SPARQL Published 22 Jun 2016 Last modified 20 Feb 2023

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uri title created modified published language translation_of_uri mps_code serial_title description type_uri isbn prod_id callForId
<> "EEA/NSS/18/004 - Negotiated procedure for the provision of a report on urban waste water treatment \u2013 existing approaches, challenges and opportunities"@en "2018-04-17T12:54:47Z"^^<> "2018-04-17T15:01:35Z"^^<> "2018-04-17T13:40:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "The EEA is planning an assessment on urban waste water treatment, aimed at explaining existing approaches and more advanced techniques. Information provided should be quantitative wherever possible and needs to reflect variation across Europe, such as geographic and climatic influences. It should also look forward to the challenges and opportunities arising over the next 50 years. \u000d\nThe purpose of this contract is to identify and select a provider that has experience in:\u000d\n\u2022\tTreatment of urban waste water, including advanced techniques and associated activities such as energy generation and nutrient management;\u000d\n\u2022\tWorking with water reports from countries across Europe (not only EU-28); \u000d\n\u2022\tAnalysis and interpretation of European water datasets;\u000d\n\u2022\tEuropean policy related to water and chemicals."@en <> "" "YNX5UI3ZRD" "EEA/NSS/18/004"@en
<> "EEA/COM/19/004 Monitoring the use of EEA products"@en "2019-08-29T06:21:02Z"^^<> "2019-08-29T06:46:35Z"^^<> "2019-08-29T06:35:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "Monitoring the use of EEA products"@en <> "" "3ZKJ7I9F5V" "EEA/COM/19/004"@en
<> "EEA/BES/22/002 - Scoping study on Greening the blue bioeconomy and transition to sustainable fisheries and aquaculture"@en "2022-07-07T16:51:30Z"^^<> "2022-07-07T16:56:28Z"^^<> "2022-07-07T16:30:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "Estimated total value - 80,000 EUR; Deadline for expression of interest - 20 July 2022"@en <> "" "9TSWD8G53R" "EEA/BES/22/002"@en
<> "EEA/ADS/18/007 - Negotiated procedure for the provision of training services on first aid and fire-fighting to EEA staff members"@en "2018-10-26T13:22:11Z"^^<> "2018-10-29T14:25:06Z"^^<> "2018-10-26T13:30:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "The European Environment Agency (EEA) envisages awarding a contract to a service provider for the provision of training services on first aid, fire-fighting and evacuation of its staff members."@en <> "" "1GUATEZXS4" "EEA/ADS/18/007"@en
<> "Fitness and yoga classes to the staff of the European Environment Agency / Fitness- og yogaundervisning for ansatte i Det Europ\u00e6iske Milj\u00f8agentur"@en "2016-09-15T12:34:59Z"^^<> "2016-09-15T12:46:05Z"^^<> "2016-09-15T10:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "The European Environment Agency (EEA) seeks service provider(s) who will provide fitness/highimpact work out (Lot 1) and yoga classes/low-impact work out (Lot 2) to the staff of the EEA in order to promote physical and mental health. You may express your interest for one or both lots.\u000d\n\u000d\nDet Europ\u00e6iske Milj\u00f8agentur (EEA) s\u00f8ger en eller flere tjensteudbydere, der kan levere fitness/high impact-aerobic (delaftale 1) og yogaundervisning/low impact-aerobic (delaftale 2) for de ansatte i EEA med henblik p\u00e5 at fremme fysisk og mentalt velv\u00e6re. De kan tilkendegive Deres interesse for den ene eller for begge delaftaler."@en <> "" "BDJPF23G8Q" "EEA/ADS/16/012"@en
<> "Leadership transitions: consultancy, training and coaching services"@en "2016-10-18T08:52:12Z"^^<> "2016-10-18T09:01:38Z"^^<> "2016-10-14T08:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "The EEA has recently invested significant resources into developing its own managers and leadership capacity. It now envisages to deepen the implementation of this leadership approach into management / leadership practices and therefore seeking to engage specialized support to enhance this process."@en <> "" "F56CM0Z7EK" "EEA/ADS/16/017"@en
<> "Library supplies and services to the European Environment Agency"@en "2017-02-13T15:50:53Z"^^<> "2017-02-14T09:01:03Z"^^<> "2017-02-14T08:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "The EEA wishes to award one or two framework supply contracts for the supply of books and e-books and related services (Lot 1) and for the supply of newspapers and periodicals and related services (Lot 2)."@en <> "" "WHF0A9OYXE" "EEA/COM/17/001"@en
<> "EEA/PROC/2017/004 - Negotiated procedure for the provision of relocation services to the staff of the European Environment Agency"@en "2017-11-08T15:13:59Z"^^<> "2017-11-08T15:49:13Z"^^<> "2017-11-08T15:30:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "The purpose of this contract is to identify and select a relocation agency that can provide support and assistance to the future EEA staff members in settling and relocating smoothly to their new place of employment."@en <> "" "PI1SA37YON" "EEA/PROC/2017/004"@en
<> "EEA/IEA/14/001 - Mapping of available and scoping of new indicators"@en "2014-01-29T23:00:00Z"^^<> "2014-10-16T10:55:33Z"^^<> "2014-01-29T23:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "Mapping of available and scoping of new indicators to meet monitoring needs of the 7th Environmental Action Programme"@en <> "" "H8IOWP43QS" "EEA/IEA/14/001"@en
<> "EEA/IEA/14/002 - Support for EEA contributions to EU MAES process"@en "2014-01-29T23:00:00Z"^^<> "2014-10-16T10:55:36Z"^^<> "2014-01-29T23:00:00Z"^^<> "en" "" "" "" "Support for EEA contributions to EU MAES process, in particular the Natural Capital Accounting Pilot"@en <> "" "D0MS6HQCFV" "EEA/IEA/14/002"@en

Received 100 rows in 0.031 seconds.

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PREFIX eea: <>
PREFIX amp:<> 
PREFIX prod: <>
PREFIX dc: <>
PREFIX schema: <>

?subject as ?uri
lang(?title) as ?language
  ?subject a prod:NegotiatedProcedure .
  ?subject dc:title ?title .
  ?subject dc:created ?created .
  ?subject dc:modified ?modified .
  ?subject dc:issued ?published .
  ?subject prod:callForId ?callForId .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject eea:isTranslationOf ?translation_of_uri } .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject prod:management_plan ?mps_code } .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject prod:serial_title ?serial_title } .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject dc:description ?description } .
  ?subject a ?type_uri .
  FILTER (?type_uri = prod:NegotiatedProcedure)
  OPTIONAL { ?subject prod:isbn ?isbn } .
  OPTIONAL { ?subject schema:productID ?prod_id } .


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