
Global search on data, maps and indicators

Projected drought stress

Note: Higher numbers indicate lower drought stress.

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Gaps between EU Kyoto and burden-sharing targets and projections for 2010 for the EU-15

Get us to Kyoto on time Emissions from the EU-15 were 3 % below 'base year' levels in 2006, according to the latest EEA data

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Comparison of international greenhouse gas emission standards for new passenger cars

The figure shows the emission standards or agreements for different regions

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Concentration of cadmium and mercury at river stations

Average of country annual average concentrations

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Natural disasters in Europe 1980-2007

The figure shows the natural disasters in Europe 1980 - 2007

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Observed change in spring snow-cover duration 1970-2004

The map shows the observed change in spring snow-cover duration 1970 to 2004 covering the Northern Hemisphere

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Public investments in WWTP (excl. sewer networks)

Prices in PPP-adjusted 1995-Euros

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Marginal external costs of freight transport, minimum and maximum values per transport mode (Euro/10 vehicle km for road freight; Euro/vehicle km for other modes)

MC = Motorcycle; HDV = Heavy duty vehicle (3.5-40 tonnes); LDV = Low duty vehicle (< 3.5tonnes)

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Decomposition analysis of the main factors influencing the development of EU-15 CO2 emissions from households (1990-2006)

The red bars show the factors that have the effect of increasing emissions; the green bars show the factors that have a reducing effect

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