
Data table via SPARQL

Indicator specifications and data/externaldata

Data table via SPARQL Published 24 Feb 2017 Last modified 29 Aug 2020

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indicatorCode specification specificationUrl data dataUrl dataType dataProvider reportingObligation reportingObligationUrl
"Outlook014" "Use of freshwater resources - outlook from EEA"@en <> "Output data from WaterGAP - Water availability and water withdrawals, water exploitation index"@en <> "externalData" "None"@en "" ""
"CSI011" "Progress to greenhouse gas emission targets"@en <> "Deliveries for Projections and national programmes"@en <> "externalData" ""@en "" ""
"CLIM051" "Progress to greenhouse gas emission targets"@en <> "Deliveries for Projections and national programmes"@en <> "externalData" ""@en "" ""
"ENER018" "Final electricity consumption by sector"@en <> "Electricity Consumption (dataset URL is not available)"@en <> "externalData" ""@en "" ""
"Outlook051" "Total electricity consumption - outlook from EEA"@en <> "Output data from PRIMES -Total primary energy production - output from PRIMES model"@en <> "externalData" ""@en "" ""
"Outlook024" "Emissions of primary particulates - outlook from WBCSD"@en <> "Output from IEA/SMP model - emissions of primary particulates"@en <> "externalData" "None"@en "" ""
"CLIM036" "Extreme temperatures and health"@en <> "Associations between temperature and mortality in four European cities"@en <> "externalData" ""@en "" ""
"CSI005" "Exposure of Europe's ecosystems to acidification, eutrophication and ozone"@en <> "Exceedance of critical loads for the most sensitive ecosystems (dataset URL is not available)"@en <> "externalData" ""@en "" ""
"AIR004" "Exposure of Europe's ecosystems to acidification, eutrophication and ozone"@en <> "Exceedance of critical loads for the most sensitive ecosystems (dataset URL is not available)"@en <> "externalData" ""@en "" ""
"CSI005" "Exposure of Europe's ecosystems to acidification, eutrophication and ozone"@en <> "Global Digital Elevation Model (GTOPO30)"@en <> "externalData" ""@en "" ""

Received 899 rows in 0.140 seconds.

For system integrators

The following info can be used by a system developer / database administrator in order to retrieve this dataset programmatically over the web using a SPARQL client.

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PREFIX dcterms: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf-syntax: <>
PREFIX Specification: <>
PREFIX Assessment: <>
PREFIX AssessmentPart: <>
PREFIX EEAFigure: <>
PREFIX Data: <>
PREFIX ExternalDataSpec: <>
PREFIX DavizVisualization: <>

?code as ?indicatorCode
IF (?dataType = Data:Data, 'data', 'externalData') as ?dataType

IF (bif:isnull(?data_owner), ?exdata_provider_url, ?data_owner) as ?dataProvider 

?reportingObligations as ?reportingObligation

bif:either (bif:isnull(?reportingObligations),'',iri(fn:concat('', ?reportingObligations)))  AS ?reportingObligationUrl

#fn:concat('', ?reportingObligations) AS ?reportingObligations 

  ?specificationUrl dcterms:title ?specification .
  ?specificationUrl Specification:codes ?code .
  ?specificationUrl rdf-syntax:type ?type . 
  FILTER (?type = Specification:Specification)
  OPTIONAL { ?specificationUrl dcterms:isReplacedBy ?isReplacedBy . }
  OPTIONAL { ?specificationUrl Specification:manager_user_id ?s_manager_user_id . }
  FILTER (!bound(?isReplacedBy))

  ?specificationUrl Specification:relatedItems ?dataUrl .
  OPTIONAL { ?dataUrl dcterms:title ?data } 
  OPTIONAL { ?dataUrl rdf-syntax:type ?dataType } 
  FILTER (?dataType in (ExternalDataSpec:ExternalDataSpec, Data:Data))
  OPTIONAL { ?dataUrl  ExternalDataSpec:provider_url ?exdata_provider_url }
  OPTIONAL { ?dataUrl  Data:dataOwner ?data_owner } .
  OPTIONAL { ?dataUrl  Data:reportingObligations ?reportingObligations } .

ORDER BY ?ind_code


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Filed under: indicators
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