

ISTAC: Instituto Canario de Estadística

Organisation Created 18 Aug 2017
1 min read
The Canary Islands Statistics Institute (ISTAC) is the central organ of the autonomous statistical system and official research center of the Government of the Canary Islands, created and regulated by Law 1/1991 of 28 January, Statistics of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands (CAC), and among others, assigns the following functions: Providing statistical information: The ISTAC has among its objectives to provide, with technical and professional independence, statistical information of interest to the CAC, taking into account the fragmentation of the territory and its singularities and complying with the principles established in the Code of Good Practices of the European Statistics . Coordinate public statistical activity: The ISTAC is the body responsible for promoting, managing and coordinating the public statistical activity of the CAC, assuming the exercise of the statutory competence provided for in Article 30, paragraph 23, of the Statute of Autonomy of the Canary Islands .
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