
Data providers and partners

University of Leeds

University of Leeds

02 Jan 2011

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Swedish university of agricultural sciences (SLU)

SLU’s knowledge is an important component in many things that people take for granted. Whether it is the food we eat, or the animals we either husband on our farms or love as pets, or the forests that we wander in - all are subjects of SLU’s attention.

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Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO)

The purpose of ASLO is to foster a diverse, international scientific community that creates, integrates and communicates knowledge across the full spectrum of aquatic sciences, advances public awareness and education about aquatic resources and research, and promotes scientific stewardship of aquatic resources for the public interest.

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Federal Office for Statistics (FSO)

The FSO is the national service and competence centre for statistical observation in key areas of the State and society, the economy and the environment. The FSO directs the national statistical system, coordinating the statistical production of Government offices as well as cantonal and municipal statistical units, ensuring comparability of the data and drawing up the multi-year statistical programme commissioned by the Swiss Government and Parliament.

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The World Energy Council (WEC)

The World Energy Council (WEC) is the foremost multi-energy organisation in the world today. WEC has Member Committees in nearly 100 countries, including most of the largest energy-producing and energy consuming countries. Established in 1923; the organisation covers all types of energy, including coal, oil, natural gas, nuclear, hydro, and renewables.

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Verbund AG

Verbund AG

14 Dec 2010

Austria's leading electricity company

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Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research Atmospheric Environmental Research (IMK-IFU)

Research at IMK-IFU focuses on biosphere-hydrosphere-atmosphere interactions in complex terrain and climate change impacts on the water cycle and the biosphere on local to regional scales.

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Forest Ecology Group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH)

The Forest Ecology Group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich was founded in October 2004. It evolved from the Mountain Forest Ecology Group

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Institute for Environmental Planning and Spatial Development (IFUPLAN)

Ifuplan, Institute for Environmental Planning, Landscape Management and Nature Conservation, was founded in Munich in 1993 by employees of the former “Alpeninstitut”. In mid-2006, Stefan Marzelli became the sole owner of the company. Over the last fifteen years, ifuplan has provided numerous services relating to environmental, land resource and conservation planning. In the course of this work we succeeded in steadily widening both our range of services and our customer base. In addition to the “classic” tasks we also engage in research projects, environmental reporting and data analyses. In spatial terms we focus on southern Germany but we also carry out projects on a national level and within the Alpine space.

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