
Article 12 - 2015 dataset

Data Table
15 min read
Dataset contains a support version of tabular data as reported by Member States, targeted for the assessment process by the experts of the Article 12 birds population status at the European level for the 2008-2012 reporting period, along with the associated MAES table. The population status and trends at the EU level was assessed by the European Red List of Birds Consortium (under contract with the European Commission). The tabular dataset was updated in September 2021 to include the delayed report from Greece.
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   Title   Size   Modified   State 
Data File Troff document Article 12 - 2015 dataset (Microsoft Access format) 7.8 MB 07 Apr 2022, 09:56 AM Published
Data File Troff document Article 12 - 2015 data (CSV format) 4.0 MB 07 Apr 2022, 09:56 AM Published
Data File Troff document Article 12 - 2015 codelists (CSV format) 20.2 KB 07 Apr 2022, 09:56 AM Published