
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Water Resource Management in Germany Part 1 and Part 2 — 07 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Pollution in watercourses — 07 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Emissies naar oppervlaktewater en riool, 1990–2009 — 07 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Octet Stream Packaging waste generation, Croatia — 07 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Future changes in European winter storm losses and extreme wind speeds — 06 Nov 2012
Donat, M. G., Leckebusch, G. C., Wild, S., and Ulbrich, U.: Future changes in European winter storm losses and extreme wind speeds inferred from GCM and RCM multi-model simulations, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 1351-1370, doi:10.5194/nhess-11-1351-2011, 2011.
External Data Spec chemical/x-mdl-rdfile Assessment of Future Flood Hazard in Europe Using a Large Ensemble of Bias Corrected Regional Climate Simulations — 06 Nov 2012
Key Points Future flood hazard using high-resolution bias-corrected climate simulations Large uncertainties bound to projected changes of future flood hazard Increasing trend in future flood hazard, shifting to rainfall-dominated floods
External Data Spec Climate Adaptation – modelling water scenarios and sectoral impacts — 06 Nov 2012
This project addresses a number of strategic issues and knowledge gaps identified in the EU’s White Paper on Adaptation.
External Data Spec Observed permafrost temperatures in Norway — 06 Nov 2012
Observed permafrost temperatures from  10 m and  20 m depth in Norway (Dovrefjell).
External Data Spec PRUDENCE — 06 Nov 2012
Prediction of Regional scenarios and Uncertainties for Defining EuropeaN Climage change risk and Effects. PRUDENCE is part of a co-operative cluster of projects exploring future changes in extreme events in response to global warming. The other members of the cluster are MICE (Modelling the Impact of Climate Extremes) and STARDEX (Statistical and Regional Dynamic downscaling of Extremes for European regions).
External Data Spec The State of Soil in Europe — 06 Nov 2012
Jones, A., P. Panagos, S. Barcelo, F. Bouraoui, C. Bosco, O. Dewitte, C. Gardi, et al. 2012. (JRC)
External Data Spec Modelling soil erosion at European scale: towards harmonization and reproducibility — 06 Nov 2012
Bosco, C., de Rigo, D., Dewitte, O., Poesen, J., Panagos, P., 2014.  Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Discussions 2 (4), 2639-2680. DOI: 10.5194/nhessd-2-2639-2014 ;
External Data Spec application/x-troff-ms Drought Footprint on European Ecosystems in the Period 1999-2010 (JRC) — 06 Nov 2012
Ivits, E., S. Horion, M. Cherlet, and R. Fensholt. 2012.
External Data Spec application/x-troff-me Projected changes in the volume of all mountain glaciers and ice caps in the European glaciated regions — 06 Nov 2012
Valentina Radi ć & Regine Hock. Nature Geoscience 4 , 91–94 (2011), doi:10.1038/ngeo1052
External Data Spec D source code Packaging waste generation, Switzerland — 05 Nov 2012
External Data Spec D source code Populationon 1 January by five years age group and sex — 31 Oct 2012
External Data Spec Deliveries for Projections and national programmes — 24 Oct 2012
External Data Spec Annual cumulated melt area of the Greenland ice sheet — 24 Oct 2012
Time evolution of the annual cumulated Greenland ice sheet melt area simulated by regional climate models and retrieved from the spaceborne passive microwave data set with different techniques. The cumulated melt area is defined as the annual total sum of every daily ice sheet melt area.
External Data Spec Recent mass balance estimates of the Greenland ice sheet — 24 Oct 2012
Estimates are based on the mass budget method, based on the output from regional climate models and satellite altimetry and satellite gravimetry data.
External Data Spec Assessing agriculture vulnerabilities for the design of effective measures for adaption to climate change - AVEMAC project — 22 Oct 2012
External Data Spec Octet Stream Energy statistics (Eurostat) — 18 Oct 2012
Heating degree-days by NUTS 2 regions - annual data


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