
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Output from EIA/SMP model - car ownership rates — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output data from PRIMES -Total primary energy production - output from PRIMES model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output data from PRIMES - Passenger transport activity - output from PRIMES model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output data from PRIMES - Gross inland energy consumption - output from PRIMES model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output data from PRIMES - Gross inland energy consumption (renewable energy forms module) - output from PRIMES model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Troff document Output data from PRIMES - Freight transport activity - output from PRIMES model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output data from PRIMES - Final energy demand by fuel and sector - output from PRIMES model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output data from PRIMES - Energy intensity indicators for industry, residential, tertiary and transport sectors - output from PRIMES model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output data from PRIMES - Electricity generation - output from PRIMES model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Oil bulletin prices history — 05 Jul 2010
The Directorate-General for Energy is one of 33 policy-specific departments in the European Commission. It focuses on developing and implementing the EU's energy policy – secure, sustainable, and competitive energy for Europe. DG Energy is organised into five Directorates consisting of 17 individual units. DG Energy publishes the weekly Oil Bulletin, describing the price trends of the main petroleum products and the evolution of the taxation of these products
External Data Spec National Communications on Climate Change — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec National Communications on Climate Change — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Methodologies for external cost estimates and internalisationscenarios — 05 Jul 2010
Discussion paper for the workshop on internalisation
External Data Spec Marine traffic fatalities — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec ITF DataBase — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input for GTAP-IMAGE-GLOBIO model - map of protected areas - output from UNEP-WCMC — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input for GTAP-IMAGE-GLOBIO model - yield trends - output from FAO model, 2003 — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec object code Input for GTAP-IMAGE-GLOBIO model - sectoral production growth rates; land use; adjusted management factor describing the degree of land intensification - intermediate output from GTAP model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input for EIA/SMP model - vehicle stocks - output from EIA/SMP model — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Input for EIA/SMP model - total population projections - output from UN population model — 05 Jul 2010


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