
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
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   Title   Size   Modified   State 
External Data Spec All Statistics - OECD iLibrary 0 KB 29 Jan 2016, 05:01 PM Published
External Data Spec Alternative fuel fleet percentage of total fleet M1 electricity (2020) 0 KB 25 Mar 2022, 08:26 AM Published
External Data Spec Alternative fuel market share new registrations M1 (2020) 0 KB 25 Mar 2022, 07:42 AM Published
External Data Spec Alternative fuels fleet M1 electricity (2020) 0 KB 25 Mar 2022, 08:28 AM Published
External Data Spec Alternative fuels new registrations M1 (2020) 0 KB 25 Mar 2022, 07:44 AM Published
External Data Spec An ensemble approach to quantify global mean sea-level rise over the 20th century from tide gauge reconstructions (direct link to the datasets is not available) 0 KB 09 Dec 2022, 11:25 AM Published
External Data Spec Troff document An Indicator of the Impact of Climatic Change on European Bird Populations 0 KB 15 Mar 2017, 09:43 AM Published
External Data Spec Octet Stream Analysing Seasonal Differences between a Soil Water Balance Model and in Situ Soil Moisture Measurements at Nine Locations Across Europe 0 KB 15 Dec 2016, 10:12 AM Published
External Data Spec D source code Analysis of Air Pollution and Noise and Social Deprivation 0 KB 23 Jan 2020, 03:36 PM Published
External Data Spec Analysis of Air Pollution and Noise and Social Deprivation 0 KB 23 Jan 2020, 03:36 PM Published
External Data Spec text/texmacs Analysis of the annual reports 2019 under the Energy Efficiency Directive (direct URL to the dataset is not available) 0 KB 31 Aug 2021, 04:07 PM Published
External Data Spec Annexes of Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats (Bern Convention, 1979) 0 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:01 PM Published
External Data Spec Annexes of the EC 79/709 and 92/43 Directives 0 KB 28 Jun 2016, 06:01 PM Published
External Data Spec Annual above ground vegetation productivity time-series, version 1, Aug. 2018 0 KB 30 Mar 2023, 02:03 PM Published
External Data Spec Annual cumulated melt area of the Greenland ice sheet 0 KB 19 Apr 2016, 06:27 PM Published
External Data Spec Annual detailed enterprise statistics for services (NACE Rev. 2 H-N and S95) 0 KB 23 Mar 2023, 02:02 PM Published
External Data Spec Annual detailed enterprise statistics for services (NACE Rev. 2 H-N and S95) 0 KB 11 Apr 2023, 04:34 PM Published
External Data Spec Annual detailed enterprise statistics for services (NACE Rev. 2 H-N and S95); Online code: sbs_na_1a_se_r2__custom_7988343 0 KB 22 Jan 2024, 08:28 AM Published
External Data Spec Annual distance travelled by cars 0 KB 19 Apr 2016, 04:20 PM Published
External Data Spec Reviewed greenhouse gas emissions covered by Decision 406/2009/EC (the ESD) 0 KB 08 Nov 2016, 10:37 AM Published
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