
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
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   Title   Size   Modified   State 
External Data Spec EUA Primary Market Auction Report 2019 0 KB 27 Nov 2020, 07:35 AM Published
External Data Spec EUA UK Auctions 0 KB 26 Nov 2020, 09:57 AM Published
External Data Spec EUR LEX 0 KB 20 Apr 2016, 01:59 PM Published
External Data Spec Troff document Euratom Supply Agency - Annual report 0 KB 19 Apr 2016, 04:29 PM Published
External Data Spec EURO-CORDEX Data 0 KB 21 May 2019, 12:46 PM Published
External Data Spec Regional climate model (EURO-CORDEX) 0 KB 19 Jun 2019, 11:41 AM Published
External Data Spec Troff document Euro Stoxx 50 index SX5T 0 KB 19 Apr 2016, 05:03 PM Published
External Data Spec EuroBoundaryMap 2020 (EBM 2020), Jan. 2020 (copyrights protected) 0 KB 26 Mar 2024, 12:12 PM Published
External Data Spec text/texmacs Europe-wide inventory of hydropower plants (copyright-protected) 0 KB 31 Aug 2021, 04:33 PM Published
External Data Spec European air quality maps European air quality maps of ozone and PM10 for 2009 and their uncertainty analysis ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2011/11 0 KB 19 Apr 2016, 04:19 PM Published
External Data Spec European air quality maps European air quality maps of ozone and PM10 for 2010 and their uncertainty analysis ETC/ACM Technical Paper 2012/12 0 KB 29 Jan 2016, 05:45 PM Published
External Data Spec European air quality maps European air quality maps of ozone and PM10 for 2011 and their uncertainty analysis ETC/A Technical Paper 2013/13 0 KB 12 Nov 2020, 03:44 PM Published
External Data Spec European air quality maps of ozone and PM10 for 2008 and their uncertainty analysis ETC/ACC Technical Paper 2010/10 0 KB 19 Apr 2016, 04:29 PM Published
External Data Spec European air quality maps of PM and ozone for 2012 and their uncertainty 0 KB 08 Aug 2016, 11:16 AM Published
External Data Spec European air quality maps of PM and ozone for 2013 and their uncertainty ETC/ACM 0 KB 28 Jun 2019, 01:52 PM Published
External Data Spec European air quality maps for 2015, ETC/ACM 0 KB 24 Jun 2020, 09:34 PM Published
External Data Spec European Atlas of Secondary Raw Materials - 2006 Status Quo and Potential 0 KB 19 Apr 2016, 05:45 PM Published
External Data Spec Octet Stream European atmosphere in 2050, a regional air quality and climate perspective under CMIP5 scenarios 0 KB 01 Feb 2016, 07:02 PM Published
External Data Spec C source code European motor vehicle parc 2014 (Dataset URL is not available) 0 KB 18 Oct 2019, 11:22 AM Published
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