
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
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   Title   Size   Modified   State 
External Data Spec Assessing agriculture vulnerabilities for the design of effective measures for adaption to climate change - AVEMAC project 0 KB 15 Mar 2017, 09:51 AM Published
External Data Spec Assessing Member States' programmes of measures under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (Dataset URL is not available) 0 KB 11 Dec 2019, 12:42 PM Published
External Data Spec D source code Assessing the risk of farmland abandonment in the EU 0 KB 19 Apr 2016, 05:48 PM Published
External Data Spec Assessment and summary of the Member States’ Implementation Reports for the IED, IPPCD, SED and WID - IPPC Directive Final Report 0 KB 11 Dec 2019, 10:48 AM Published
External Data Spec chemical/x-mdl-rdfile Assessment of Future Flood Hazard in Europe Using a Large Ensemble of Bias Corrected Regional Climate Simulations 0 KB 01 Feb 2016, 06:41 PM Published
External Data Spec Assessment of observed daily temperature and precipitation extremes 0 KB 20 Apr 2016, 02:01 PM Published
External Data Spec Troff document Assessment of status with respect to marine litter using the MALT Tool - Total area assessed by resulting status class for Europe's Seas overall and for four regions 0 KB 25 Nov 2022, 01:11 PM Published
External Data Spec Associations between temperature and mortality in four European cities 0 KB 15 Mar 2017, 09:51 AM Published
External Data Spec Atlas of Soil Biodiversity 0 KB 19 Apr 2016, 06:14 PM Published
External Data Spec Attitudes of Europeans towards air quality 0 KB 29 Jan 2016, 06:30 PM Published
External Data Spec Attractive places 0 KB 09 Jun 2017, 10:36 AM Published
External Data Spec TREMOVE model 0 KB 19 Apr 2016, 04:29 PM Published
External Data Spec Average crop yield (2000 - 2012 HSMU aggregated to 1000m) 0 KB 02 Feb 2016, 12:56 PM Published
External Data Spec D source code Populationon 1 January by five years age group and sex 0 KB 29 Jan 2016, 05:39 PM Published
External Data Spec Average specific consumption (l/100 km) of cars 0 KB 19 Apr 2016, 04:52 PM Published
External Data Spec Sybase Advantage Database Server Background data for critical loads of nitrogen exceedance maps 0 KB 29 Nov 2022, 04:27 PM Published
External Data Spec Baltic Sea - Sea Ice Concentration and Thickness Charts 0 KB 01 Dec 2022, 03:02 PM Published
External Data Spec Pascal source code BaP pop-weighted-conc map for 2012, GIS shape files 0 KB 09 Mar 2016, 08:42 AM Published
External Data Spec Octet Stream Baseline data 0 KB 19 Apr 2016, 06:33 PM Published
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