
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec WIPO IP statistics data center (Indicator 1) — 30 Oct 2014
External Data Spec Global health estimates - projection of deaths — 30 Oct 2014
Global health estimates summary tables: projection of deaths by cause, age and sex, by World Bank income group
External Data Spec Global health estimates - deaths — 30 Oct 2014
Global health estimates summary tables: deaths by cause, age and sex, by World Bank income group
External Data Spec Global health data exchange database — 30 Oct 2014
Global health data exchange database (GHDx)
External Data Spec OECD environmental outlook to 2050 - Premature deaths (ground level ozone) — 30 Oct 2014
OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 (Figure 6.6 "Premature deaths linked to ground-level ozone worldwide: Baseline")  
External Data Spec OECD environmental outlook to 2050 - Premature deaths (worldwide from exposure to PM) — 30 Oct 2014
OECD Environmental Outlook to 2050 (Figure 6.5 "Premature deaths worldwide from exposure to Particulate Matter (PM): Baseline")
External Data Spec UN world population prospects: The 2012 revision - aging least developed countries — 30 Oct 2014
World Population Aging: 1950-2050 - Least developed countries
External Data Spec UN world population prospects: The 2012 revision - aging less developed regions — 30 Oct 2014
World Population Aging 1950-2050 - Less developed regions
External Data Spec UN world population prospects: The 2012 revision - aging more developed regions — 30 Oct 2014
World Population Aging 1950-2050 more developed regions
External Data Spec UN world population prospects: The 2012 revision - world population aging — 30 Oct 2014
World Population Aging: 1950-2050
External Data Spec World DataBank - World Development Indicators: Life expectancy at birth, total (years) — 30 Oct 2014
External Data Spec Development, Aid and Governance Indicators (DAGI) — 30 Oct 2014
External Data Spec UN world urbanization prospects: The 2014 revision — 30 Oct 2014
External Data Spec Common Birds in Europe, population index — 30 Oct 2014
European wild bird indicators, 2013 update  
External Data Spec World Population Prospects: The 2012 Revision - Population by Age Groups - Both Sexes — 24 Mar 2015
External Data Spec UN world population prospects: The 2012 revision - urban and rural populations — 30 Oct 2014
External Data Spec UN world population prospects: The 2012 revision - urban population by major area — 30 Oct 2014
External Data Spec European Grassland Butterfly Indicator — 30 Oct 2014
External Data Spec Projection of populations by level of educational attainment, age, and sex for 120 countries, 2005-2050 — 30 Oct 2014
External Data Spec UN world population prospects: The 2012 revision — 29 Oct 2014


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