
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Eurostat statistics on population — 23 Apr 2013
External Data Spec D source code Annual national accounts — 19 Apr 2013
Gross value added (GVA) values broken down by industries according to NACE Rev. 1.1. (National Accounts by 38 branches - aggregates at current prices)
External Data Spec Roadmap to a Resource efficient Europe — 19 Apr 2013
The document present visions of Europe Resource efficient by 2050
External Data Spec D source code Gross value added of the agricultural industry - basic and producer prices — 19 Apr 2013
External Data Spec Eurostat statistics on Agriculture (aei_pr_gnb) — 19 Apr 2013
Gross Nutrient Balance (aei_pr_gnb)
External Data Spec Extract of the WISE-WFD database as of May 2012, chemical status, surface water — 23 Mar 2013
The extract of  WISE-WFD database of reporting under the Water Framework Directive
External Data Spec Extract of the WISE-WFD database as of May 2012, chemical status, groundwater — 23 Mar 2013
The extract of  WISE-WFD database of reporting under the Water Framework Directive
External Data Spec Extract of the WISE-WFD database as of May 2012, surface water — 22 Mar 2013
The figures have been made based on an extract of the  WISE-WFD database of reporting under the Water Framework Directive
External Data Spec Extract of the WISE-WFD database as of May 2012, groundwater — 22 Mar 2013
The figures have been made based on an extract of the WISE-WFD database of reporting under the Water Framework Directive. 
External Data Spec Extract of the WISE-WFD database as of May 2012, impacts — 21 Mar 2013
Extract of the WISE-WFD database of reporting under the Water Framework Directive
External Data Spec D source code Extract of the WISE-WFD database as of May 2012, pressures — 21 Mar 2013
Extract of the WISE-WFD database of reporting under the Water Framework Directive. 
External Data Spec Extract of the WISE-WFD database as of May 2012, with addition of Slovenian data as of June 2012 — 20 Mar 2013
The extract of  WISE-WFD database of reporting under the Water Framework Directive
External Data Spec Hungarian Aerobiological Data Base — 19 Mar 2013
External Data Spec text/texmacs Transuranium elements — 19 Mar 2013
Institute for Transuranium elements, REM action (JRC)
External Data Spec chemical/x-pdb Projections of Municipal Waste Management and Greenhouse Gases’ by Ioannis Bakas et al. ETC/SCP working paper 4/2011 — 20 Feb 2013
External Data Spec Charge for legal landfilling of non-hazardous municipal waste in EU Member States and regions — 20 Feb 2013
External Data Spec D source code Municipal waste management in United Kingdom — 20 Feb 2013
External Data Spec Municipal waste management in Ireland — 20 Feb 2013
External Data Spec Municipal waste by NUTS 2 regions - pilot project — 11 Feb 2013
External Data Spec Octet Stream Municipal waste management in Slovenia — 11 Feb 2013


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