
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec EU energy trends to 2030 — Update 2009 — 12 Dec 2012
External Data Spec Saving the EU Emissions trading scheme and raising climate ambition — 11 Dec 2012
External Data Spec Daily closing prices for EUAs, 15 June 2012 — 11 Dec 2012
External Data Spec D source code Functioning of the ETS and the Flexible Mechanisms — 11 Dec 2012
External Data Spec EU ETS data viewer — 11 Dec 2012
External Data Spec Deliveries for projections and national programmes under Greenhouse gas monitoring mechanism — 11 Dec 2012
Deliveries are available in the Reportnet central data repository (CDR)
External Data Spec Commission Decision of 15 December 2010 amending Decision 2006/944/EC determining the respective emission levels allocated to the Community and each of its Member States under the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to Council Decision 2002/358/EC — 11 Dec 2012
External Data Spec C source code Commission Decision 2006/944/EC of 14 December 2006 determining the respective emission levels allocated to the Community and each of its Member States under the Kyoto Protocol pursuant to Council Decision 2002/358/EC — 11 Dec 2012
External Data Spec The European Community's initial report under the Kyoto Protocol — 11 Dec 2012
External Data Spec Troff document Gross inland energy consumption — 07 Dec 2012
External Data Spec Urban Audit database, Perceptions Surveys (Eurostat) — 07 Dec 2012
Parallel to the Urban Audit data collection, in December 2006 and again in November 2009, a perception survey was conducted in 75 cities in the EU-27 and 5 cities in Turkey and Croatia.
External Data Spec Worldwide Governance Indicators — 07 Dec 2012
External Data Spec Insurance penetration — 07 Dec 2012
External Data Spec Troff document ESPON DEMIFER project — 07 Dec 2012
External Data Spec ClimWatAdapt WEI 2050 and WEI baseline — 07 Dec 2012
External Data Spec Troff document Changes in precipitation deficit — 05 Dec 2012
External Data Spec Sea level rise (1m) — 05 Dec 2012
External Data Spec UCA map Arnhem — 05 Dec 2012
External Data Spec Troff document ESPON Climate project — 05 Dec 2012
External Data Spec The Iroise Marine Natural Park — 05 Dec 2012


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