
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Monitoring of CO2 emissions - Decision 1753/2000 (repealed) — 23 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Fuel Price and fuel consumption — 23 Nov 2012
External Data Spec HICP - annual average indices for transport prices — 23 Nov 2012
External Data Spec DG MOVE Data (Statistical pocketbook 2012) — 23 Nov 2012
External Data Spec x-conference/x-cooltalk Noise Observation and Information Service for Europe — 23 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, ftp archive — 22 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide — 22 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Carbon Dioxide, Methane Rise Sharply in 2007 — 22 Nov 2012
External Data Spec D source code News in Climate Science and Exploring Boundaries — 22 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Tipping elements in the Earth’s climate system — 22 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Impacts and consequences of climate change on forest growth and forest conditions — 22 Nov 2012
External Data Spec text/texmacs State of Europe's forests (dataset URL is not available) — 20 Nov 2012
Forest Europe, UNECE and FAO (2011) State of Europe's forests, 2011: status & trends in sustainable forest management in Europe. Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe, Forest Europe, Liaison Unit Oslo, Aas, Norway
External Data Spec Urban Audit — 20 Nov 2012
Regional statistics by NUTS classification
External Data Spec Change in annual mean number of days with heavy rainfall — 20 Nov 2012
External Data Spec D source code Historic maps promote recent flood risk research - the case of the upper Elbe river — 20 Nov 2012
External Data Spec VBORNET maps - Mosquitoes — 20 Nov 2012
External Data Spec D source code ECDC VBORNET vector distribution maps — 20 Nov 2012
VBORNET – European Network for Arthropod Vector Surveillance for Human Public Health. The objective of VBORNET is to establish a European Network of entomological and public health specialists in order to assist ECDC in its preparedness activities on vector borne diseases (VBD). VBORNET produces a series of output maps on a periodic basis.
External Data Spec Interannual variationand trends in air pollution over Europe due to Climate variability during 1958-2001 simulated with a regional CTM coupled to the ERA40 reanalysis — 20 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Heat Effects on Mortality in 15 European Cities — 20 Nov 2012
Epidemiologic studies show that high temperatures are related to mortality, but little is known about the exposure response function and the lagged effect of heat. We report the associations between daily maximum apparent temperature and daily deaths during the warm season in 15 European cities.
External Data Spec Health for all Database — 20 Nov 2012


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