
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec text/texmacs Climate Change and Territorial Effects on Regions and Local Economies — 14 Nov 2012
EPSON Climate, 2011 (IRPUD)
External Data Spec European Soil Portal — 12 Nov 2012
The Soil Portal makes available the Maps of Organic carbon content (%) in the surface horizon of soils in Europe. The data are in ESRI GRID format and are available as an ASCII raster file or in native ESRI GRID format. In addition, an interactive application allows the user to navigate in the Organic Carbon data with OCTOP Map Server and print his own customized map.
External Data Spec D source code No stable data source identified — 09 Nov 2012
Adhoc data sources are cited in the assessments
External Data Spec IPCC Fourth Assessment Report 2007 — 09 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Burnt area in five southern European countries — 09 Nov 2012
The European Forest Fire Information System (EFFIS) supports the services in charge of the protection of forests against fires in the EU countries and provides the European Commission services and the European Parliament with updated and reliable information on wildland fires in Europe
External Data Spec Seasonal severity rating index — 09 Nov 2012
Data on forest fire danger
External Data Spec Member states reporting to the EEA and the ETC/SCP — 09 Nov 2012
External Data Spec chemical/x-mopac-input EM-DAT: The International Disaster Database — 09 Nov 2012
Since 1988 the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED) of the Université catholique de Louvain has been maintaining an Emergency Events Database EM-DAT. EM-DAT was created with the initial support of the WHO and the Belgian Government. The main objective of the database is to serve the purposes of humanitarian action at national and international levels. It is an initiative aimed to rationalise decision making for disaster preparedness, as well as providing an objective base for vulnerability assessment and priority setting. EM-DAT contains essential core data on the occurrence and effects of over 18 000 mass disasters in the world from 1900 to present. The database is compiled from various sources, including UN agencies, non-governmental organisations, insurance companies, research institutes and press agencies.
External Data Spec Member states reporting to the EU commision — 09 Nov 2012
Shipments of waste
External Data Spec European distribution of Borrelia burgdorferi in questing I. ricinus ticks — 08 Nov 2012
Estrada-Pena, A., Ortega, C., Sanchez, N., DeSimone, L., Sudre, B., Suk, J. E. and Semenza, J. C. (2011) Correlation of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato prevalence in questing Ixodes ricinus ticks with specific abiotic traits in the Western Palearctic. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77(11), 3838–3845. doi:10.1128/AEM.00067-11
External Data Spec The climatic suitability for dengue transmission in continental Europe — 08 Nov 2012
ECDC (2012) The climatic suitability for dengue transmission in continental Europe. (ECDC Technical Report). European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, Stockholm, Sweden.
External Data Spec Data on Ice-breakup Dates and Freezing Dates of Lake Kallavesi, Finland, 1833-2011 — 08 Nov 2012
External Data Spec First Ice Appearance and Final Disappearance on Danube River, at Budapest, 1876–2011 — 08 Nov 2012
External Data Spec Projected changes in annual snowfall days — 08 Nov 2012
Vajda, A., Tuomenvirta, H., Jokinen, P., Luomaranta, A., Makkonen, L., Tikanmäki, M., Groenemeijer, P., Saarikivi, P., Michaelides, S., Papadakis, M., Tymvios, F. and Athanasatos, S. (2011) Probabilities of adverse weather affecting transport in  Europe: climatology and scenarios up to the 2050s. Reports 2011(9).
External Data Spec Modelled change in tropospheric ozone concentrations over Europe — 07 Nov 2012
Camilla Andersson, Joakim Langner, Robert Bergström: Interannual variation and trends in air pollution over Europe due to climate variability during 1958–2001 simulated with a regional CTM coupled to the ERA40 reanalysis, Tellus B, Vol 59, No 1 (2007)
External Data Spec text/texmacs Mean Sea Level Trend from satellite altimetry (T/P-Jason-1-Jason-2 merged datasets) — 07 Nov 2012
Horizontal spatial distribution of mean sea level trend in European Seas (starting October 1992). Produced at CLS/CNES/LEGOS group - AVISO (previously available at: ); now delivered as "Global Observed Ocean Physics Temperature Salinity Heights and Currents Reprocessing (1993-2014)" through Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service.
External Data Spec Octet Stream Sea-Level Rise from the Late 19th to the Early 21st Century — 07 Nov 2012
Church and White, Surveys in Geophysics, September 2011 , Volume 32 , Issue 4-5 , pp 585-602
External Data Spec Octet Stream Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) — 07 Nov 2012
Established in 1933, the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL) has been responsible for the collection, publication, analysis and interpretation of sea level data from the global network of tide gauges. It is based in Liverpool at the National Oceanography Centre (NOC), which is a component of the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The PSMSL is a member of the Federation of Astronomical and Geophysical Data Analysis Services (FAGS), which is currently restructuring under the World Data System . Funding for the PSMSL comes from FAGS, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) and NERC.
External Data Spec Octet Stream Population statistics, Croatia — 07 Nov 2012
The operation of the Bureau is based on The Official Statistics Act . Its regular statistical surveys are based on the Programme of Statistical Surveys of the Republic of Croatia 2008 - 20012, which also gathered other institutions and ministries that make, together with the Bureau, the system of the official statistics.
External Data Spec Long term nutrient loads entering European seas, EC JRC (report EUR 24726 EN) — 07 Nov 2012
EUR - Scientific and Technical Research Reports


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