
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec The World Factbook - Coastline — 07 Jun 2012
This entry gives the total length of the boundary between the land area (including islands) and the sea.
External Data Spec FAOSTAT - Food Supply - Livestock and Fish Primary Equivalent — 06 Jun 2012
Food Balance Sheets (FBS) are compiled every year by FAO, mainly with country-level data on the production and trade of food commodities. Using these data and the available information on seed rates, waste coefficients, stock changes and types of utilization (feed, food, processing and other utilization), a supply/utilization account is prepared for each commodity in weight terms. The food component of the commodity account, which is usually derived as a balancing item, refers to the total amount of the commodity available for human consumption during the year. Besides commodity-by-commodity information, the FAO FBS also provide total food availability estimates by aggregating the food component of all commodities including fishery products. From these values and the available population estimates, the per person dietary energy and protein and fat supplies are derived and expressed on a daily basis. In the FBS production data refer only to primary products while data for all other elements also include processed products derived there from, expressed in primary commodity equivalent.
External Data Spec Demographic balance and crude rates — 24 May 2012
External Data Spec Fishing fleet, number of vessels — 24 May 2012
External Data Spec Fishing fleet, total engine power — 24 May 2012
External Data Spec Commodity Balance Sheets database — 24 May 2012
Livestock and Fish Primary Equivalent dataset (FAO)
External Data Spec Fishing fleet, total tonnage — 24 May 2012
External Data Spec C source code header Coast length — 24 May 2012
The Environmental Information Portal
External Data Spec Treatment of waste by waste category, hazardousness and waste management operations (env_wastrt) — 24 May 2012
Treatment of waste (in tonnes)  by waste category, hazardousness and waste management operations
External Data Spec D source code Switzerland 2008 — 16 May 2012
BAFU-Abfallstatistik. Abfallwirtschaftsbericht 2008
External Data Spec vCalendar interchange file Waste generation and treatment (env_wasgen) — 16 May 2012
Waste generation and treatment - Generation of waste by waste category, hazardousness and NACE Rev. 2 activity The information on waste treatment is broken down to five treatment types (recovery, incineration with energy recovery, other incineration, disposal on land and land treatment) and in waste categories. All values are measured in tonnes of waste and in kg per capita, based on the annual average of the population
External Data Spec Energy data, IEA (dataset URL is not available) — 16 May 2012
For EU15 (1970-1989) International Energy Agency (IEA)
External Data Spec Labour hours — 16 May 2012
Total hours worked (The Conference Board)
External Data Spec Material flow accounts 1970-1999, EU-15 — 16 May 2012
Domestic Material Consumption (Eurostat)
External Data Spec GDP in millions of 2011 US$ — 16 May 2012
Converted to 2011 price level with updated 2005 EKS PPPs
External Data Spec Total Economy Database — 10 May 2012
Population data not covered by Eurostat: Total Economy Database (The Conference Board)
External Data Spec Energy statistics - supply, transformation and consumption (nrg_10) — 10 May 2012
Supply, transformation, consumption - solid fuels, oil, gas, electricity - annual data. 
External Data Spec text/texmacs Material flow accounts — 10 May 2012
External Data Spec EU27 trade since 1988 by SITC balance and crude rates (Eurostat) — 10 May 2012
External Trade – Detailed Data (Eurostat)
External Data Spec EU Energy and Transport in Figures — 10 May 2012
EU Energy and Transport in Figures


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