
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec D source code TREMOVE model — 05 Jul 2010
Vehicle stock of light and heavy duty trucks, 1995-2008
External Data Spec UK transport trends — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec TERM questionnaire 2009 — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Road freight transport survey 2007 — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Population — 05 Jul 2010
Eurostat data contain detailed information on population and GDP evolution per country, as well as aggregated data on the EU27 level. These may be coupled with vehicle fleet data to calculate the various indicators.
External Data Spec TRENDS model — 05 Jul 2010
The TRENDS database contains information, amongst other, on transport demand and emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants for the EU15. NOx, VOC, PM and CO emissions, passenger-km and tonne-km from air and maritime transport
External Data Spec object code TREMOVE model — 05 Jul 2010
NOx, VOC, PM and CO emissions, passenger-km and tonne-km from road, rail and inland shipping
External Data Spec TREMOVE — 05 Jul 2010
Estimated share of various technology classes for road vehicles The TREMOVE model software contains detailed information on vehicle population, distributed in technology classes for all EU-28, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.
External Data Spec EEA-32 transport trends — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Czech transport trends — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec CO2 emissions, passenger-km and tonne-km from air and maritime transport — 05 Jul 2010
The TRENDS database contains information, amongst other, on transport demand and emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants for the EU15.
External Data Spec D source code CO2 emissions, passenger-km and tonne-km from road, rail and inland shipping — 05 Jul 2010
The TREMOVE model software contains information, amongst other, on transport demand and emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants for the EU27, Croatia, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey.
External Data Spec TREMOVE model — 05 Jul 2010
The TREMOVE model software contains detailed information on vehicle population, distributed in age classes - Average age of road vehicles
External Data Spec C source code Airlines traffic — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec UK Freight Prices — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Toll revenues — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Road, Rail and Air transport fatalities — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output from WTO model - number of tourist arrivals — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Output from UN popualtion model - total population projections — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec object code Output from GTAP-IMAGE-GLOBIO model - distribution of land-cover types — 05 Jul 2010
Cross-roads of Planet Earth’s Life Exploring means to meet the 2010 biodiversity target


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