
External datasets catalogue

Catalogue of all external data references used by EEA products such as indicators, maps, graphs and publications. For "external data" we intend data that is not directly produced and managed by EEA, rather provided by other organisations. Note: Data providers shall retain the primary responsibility for the quality of the data they produce and distribute (Art 7 EEA Data Policy).
External Data Spec Octet Stream Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia: CLC 2000 — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Croatia: Entrepreneurial zones 2006 — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Croatia: CLC changes 90-00 — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Croatia: CLC 2000 — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Consumption of ODSs — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Albania: CLC 1995 — 05 Jul 2010
Land cover Unit: ha Time series: 1991-2005
External Data Spec Economic Database Inventory (National Statistical Institutes variables) — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec D source code Biomass stock in forest and other wooded land (Forest Resources Assessment 2005 - country tables) — 05 Jul 2010
Forestry statistics
External Data Spec Area under organic farming — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec D source code High nature value farmland — 05 Jul 2010
Farming is often seen as a threat to biodiversity in Europe, but in fact certain types of farming are major benefactors of biodiversity. Traditional or extensive farmed landscapes can even be real biodiversity hotspots. Such areas or pockets are called "high nature value farmland".
External Data Spec Aquaculture production - Assessment 2009 — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Ecological Footprint Atlas, 2008 — 05 Jul 2010
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External Data Spec Trends of common birds in Europe — 05 Jul 2010
List of population trends and indices of 136 common bird species in Europe which have been produced by the Pan-European Common Bird Monitoring Scheme (PECBMS) in 2009
External Data Spec Oxygen consuming substances in rivers - Assessment 2009 — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec D source code Nutrients in transitional, coastal and marine waters - Assessment 2009 — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Nutrients in freshwater - Assessment 2009 — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Natura 2000 barometer — 05 Jul 2010
The Natura 2000 Barometer gives an overview of where we are in establishing the Natura 2000 network, both under the Birds and the Habitats Directives. It is managed by DG Environment with the technical assistance of the European Environment Agency and is based on information officially transmitted by Member States
External Data Spec C source code header Marine Trophic Index pr High Seas Areas — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Land cover change from 1990 to 2000 expressed as % of the 1990 level, aggregated into EUNIS habitat level 1 categories — 05 Jul 2010
External Data Spec Exceedance of critical loads for the most sensitive ecosystems (dataset URL is not available) — 05 Jul 2010
Coordination Centre for Effects (CCE) Databases for use in the CCE Environmental Impact Assessment methodology are updated in collaboration with National Focal Centres. A "CCE background database" is used for Parties under the Convention or EC-member States that do not submit data.


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